SoFi Blog

Tips and news—
for your financial moves.

sofi credit card

Pay Down Debt with the New SoFi Credit Card

We’re thrilled to announce the limited release of our first-ever credit card, which incentivizes healthy financial habits and delivers on our mission to help people get their money right.

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Thank God it’s Friday

Hard to believe, but it’s already been over a year since we launched our first exchange-traded funds (ETFs), starting with the zero-fee* SoFi Select 500 (SFY) and SoFi Next 500 (SFYX) funds and growing to include the Gig Economy (GIGE) and SoFi 50 (SFYF) ETFs.

Well, we’re extremely proud to announce today the latest addition to our ETF family: the SoFi Weekly Income ETF (TGIF) — the industry’s first-ever weekly dividend-paying fund**. It was overwhelmingly the most popular choice in a recent survey of SoFi members, so we made it happen.

TGIF is an actively managed fund that seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in U.S. dollar-denominated investment grade and non-investment-grade securities and instruments, and it plans to distribute income from its investments to shareholders on Friday (hence the ticker!).

We designed TGIF to seek consistent income at attractive interest rates, at a lower level of risk than the stock market, and we would love to hear what you think of the new fund. Please visit for more information on the SoFi Weekly Income ETF, as well as the other ETFs in our fund family.

Before investing you should carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other information is in the prospectus. A prospectus may be obtained by visiting Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest.

*The Fund’s investment adviser has agreed to waive its Management Fees for SoFi Select 500 ETF and SoFi Next 500 ETF until at least June 30, 2021. Investors buy and sell ETF shares through a brokerage account or an investment adviser like ordinary stocks, brokerage commissions and/or transaction costs or service fees may apply. Please consult your broker or financial advisor for their fee schedule.

** The Fund intends to pay out dividends and interest income, if any, weekly. There is no guarantee these payouts will be made.

There is no guarantee that the Fund’s investment strategy will be successful. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. These variations may be greater when markets are volatile or subject to unusual conditions. A high portfolio turnover rate increases transaction costs, which may increase the Fund’s expenses. The Fund is new and has a limited operating history. You can lose money on your investment in the Fund. Diversification does not ensure profit or protect against loss in declining markets.

Since the Fund is actively managed it does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. The Fund may frequently trade all or a significant portion of its portfolio; and have higher portfolio turnover than funds that do seek to replicate the performance of an index.

High-yield securities (also known as “junk” bonds) carry a greater degree of risk and are more volatile than investment grade securities and are considered speculative. The Fund’s investments in high-yield securities expose it to a substantial degree of credit risk.

The value of the Fund’s investments in fixed income securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates. Typically, a rise in interest rates causes a decline in the value of fixed income securities owned indirectly by the Fund. On the other hand, if rates fall, the value of the fixed income securities generally increases. Investments in foreign securities may involve risks such as social and political instability, market illiquidity, exchange-rate fluctuations, a high level of volatility and limited regulation. Investing in emerging markets involves different and greater risks, as these countries are substantially smaller, less liquid and more volatile than securities markets in more developed markets. Privately placed securities generally are less liquid than publicly traded securities and the Fund may not always be able to sell such securities without experiencing delays in finding buyers or reducing the sale price for such securities.

SoFi ETFs are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC.

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