Choosing a Career
Whether you’re about to graduate from college or you’ve been in the workforce for a while, chances are you’ve wondered how to choose a career. Most millennials think constantly changing jobs leads to career advancement, so it might help to be thoughtful about when and why you’re making choices and changes.
Bigger picture: We spend over 13 years of our lives at work, and more than 80% of U.S. workers say they’re unhappy with their jobs. When you put it that way, choosing a career takes on a lot more meaning than just the place where you get a paycheck—it’s an integral part of your entire life.
Why is planning your career important? If you’re the type of person who likes to take control of your situation, then you can view this as a way to take the reins and be more likely to get what you want. If your dream job exists, chances are it won’t just fall into your lap—you’ll have to make it happen.
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