SoFi Blog

Tips and news—
for your financial moves.

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Changing Careers So Soon After Graduation

Do you find yourself dreading the commute to work in the mornings? Do you feel like the work you’re doing isn’t fulfilling or interesting, even though you majored in this very subject? While the prospect of a career change so early in your life can be scary, it may be worth it for your future success.

A job change requires an investment of time and possibly money. But if you’re unsatisfied and are looking for a new career, making the decision now is the first step toward the rest of your life.

Here are some things to consider as you think about changing jobs to a new field or industry.

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disabled veteran

President Trump Signs Executive Order Cancelling Student Loan Debt for Disabled Veterans

IMPORTANT: Refinancing federal student loans with a private lender, including SoFi, would mean forfeiting access to federal programs like the FREED Veterans Act, income-driven repayment plans, and other federal loan forgiveness or loan cancellation options.

In our efforts to bring you the latest updates on things that might impact your financial life, we may occasionally enter the political fray, covering candidates, bills, laws and more. Please note: SoFi does not endorse or take official positions on any candidates and the bills they may be sponsoring or proposing. We may occasionally support legislation that we believe would be beneficial to our members, and will make sure to call it out when we do. Our reporting otherwise is for informational purposes only, and shouldn’t be construed as an endorsement.

Veterans learn a lot when they volunteer to serve in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. They can learn teamwork, loyalty, and discipline. Veterans might learn skills from how to run a nuclear submarine to cooking chow in a theater of war to dressing a wound in the field. And they probably learn how to make a plan and stick to it.

But what happens if they become disabled during their service? What happens if their best laid plans are thrown to the wind and they’re unable to fulfill student loan obligations as the result of an injury in the line of duty?

As of Wednesday, August 21, 2019, these vets, those with student loan debt struggling with disabilities as a result of their service, might be able to breathe a little easier.

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10 Ways to Celebrate International Day of Charity

On September 5th, people around the globe will be celebrating the International Day of Charity. The United
established the annual event in 2012 to encourage nonprofits and individuals around the world to volunteer and contribute to philanthropic causes.

The date was chosen to honor the death of Mother Teresa, the nun and Nobel Peace Prize winner known for her work with the poor and ill in India and other countries. She died in 1997 at the age of 87.

You don’t necessarily have to dedicate your entire life to good works, as Mother Teresa did, to make a difference. The International Day of Charity 2019 can be the perfect time to give back in whatever way works for you.

Research shows that volunteering is good for you, improving mental and physical health, self-esteem, and happiness. Studies even suggest that it can alleviate depression and help you live longer.

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Tips for Finding Your Dream Home

There’s no place like home. It’s a haven from the hectic outside world, a place to relax, spend time with your loved ones, and truly enjoy yourself.

But finding a house that offers all the creature comforts your heart desires is easier said than done. It’s easy to get distracted, wistfully imagining relaxed Sunday mornings in the breakfast nook or making your home-grown produce dreams a reality. But, to get to that reality, you might have to put in some legwork.

The process required to find your dream home can be intimidating. It’s not just deciding what you want in a home—there’s a whole journey involved. Navigating the ins and outs of real estate and mortgages can be tricky, but with a little planning it’s possible.

Read on for a few ideas on how to find the house of your dreams.

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Crypto 101 Hosted by SoFi

Last night, we hosted 250 members and guests at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco to get the inside scoop on what the heck crypto is, why people should pay attention to it, and if people should consider investing. Three industry insiders, Arianna Simpson, Jill Carlson, and Casey Caruso, helped us break down the basics in a conversation moderated by our very own Product Lead, Albert Cheng. You can catch the live stream here , or hear more about what our panelists had to say about this cryptic space by reading more below.

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