Should You Cut Up Your Credit Cards?
Credit cards and credit card debt are popular, real popular—and not in an enviable sort of way. You might even be dealing with some credit card debt of your own. Maybe you signed up for a credit card in college and it still has a balance hanging around. Maybe you had an emergency repair on the car and had to put it on a card. Or maybe you couldn’t resist that one really, really good sale. You’re not alone.
The typical American household carries nearly $7,000 in credit card debt and nearly half of all Americans have credit card debt.
With so many of us carrying those cards, and that debt, it’s not surprising that folks have tried extreme tactics to stop using them as a way to deal with the balances and interest rates that can make credit card debt so hard to pay off.
But before you begin slicing up those plastic playthings, read on for a few other ideas.
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