SoFi Blog

Tips and news—
for your financial moves.

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Launching a Side Hustle: Things to Keep in Mind

Between student loans, rent, utilities, groceries, and food—expenses can add up quickly. If your regular paycheck seems to disappear in a hurry every month, it may be time to find a side hustle to boost your income. According to a 2017 report , more than 44 million Americans have found a side hustle to boost their bottom line.

With most side hustles, you’re able to customize your schedule which can give you the flexibility you need when you’re already working a full-time gig. And with a bit of leg work, you can find a side hustle that falls in line with your passions and gives you a sense of pride and fulfillment that you may not be getting at your full-time job.

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watches and car keys

Should You Make Big Purchases While in School?

When your grad school roommate gets a new TV, it can be tempting to make a similar purchase for yourself. After all, it might be the first time you’re really on your own and starting your life as an independent adult.

Perhaps you have more money at yourb disposal than you ever have by working part-time jobs or summer gigs. Or maybe you’re combining your life with a partner or starting to have kids, and you need to accommodate your growing family.

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colorful peaks

March Monthly Market Commentary

Denim, jets, weed…and witches? That’s just the start.

The first quarter of 2019 is behind us, and last month was particularly interesting. Don’t have time to read financial papers end-to-end every day? Have a life and other responsibilities and stuff? We got you—here are six things to note as you make your next market move.

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arm throwing up graduation cap

Community College vs. 4 Year University: What’s Right for You?

Community college used to get a bad rap. But with the skyrocketing costs of post-secondary education and the improvement of community college programs across the country, it’s now recognized as a meaningful—and even prestigious—step in your education and career. So community college vs university: Which do you choose?

Whether you’re planning to continue your education immediately after graduating from high school, or your goal is to go back to school as an adult, the type of education you choose can shape your future.

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desk with computer

Refreshing Your Dorm Room for Spring

Dorm life is exciting—as a college student it’s likely the first time you’ve lived on your own. But, there can certainly be pitfalls such as cramped space, noisy neighbors and those oh, so fun fluorescent lights.

Your dorm room is your home, but also your workspace, so you want to make sure it is equal parts comfort and productive. Thankfully there are all sorts of interior design inspiration, inexpensive decorations, and small dorm room ideas to help you create a homey space that you’ll love living in. Here are our best dorm room decorating ideas that can help you reinvent your dorm room this spring, all while sticking to a budget.

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