Pretending Your Student Debt Doesn’t Exist Could Be More Stressful
Ignoring a problem in the hopes that it’ll go away can feel very appealing on the surface. But while engrossing one’s self in the latest TV drama might be a good distraction, it isn’t actually going to resolve anything. This is especially true when it comes to student loan debt. If you pretend it doesn’t actually exist, you’re not going to make it disappear, and you may even make it worse.
If student loan stress is causing you to lose sleep, you’re not alone. Stress from debt can have an impact on some people’s mental health. A 2017 report found that 80% of working professionals with student loans claimed that their debt was a ‘significant’ or ‘very significant’ stressor in their lives.
A great way to potentially counter stress from debt is to craft an action plan to get ahead of your debt. Help take charge of your student debt with these five tips.
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