With a seemingly endless supply of new budget-tracking apps, advice about always making coffee at home instead of buying out, and other finance tips, it can be hard to find the best creative ways to save money.
But saving anything, even just a small amount, is a good place to start. Whether you want to build up your emergency savings, or fund an investment account, it’s definitely time to prioritize saving money as a family or as an individual.
Savings are subjective, and while some people find it simple to put away money every month, for others, it can feel daunting to part with that money, especially if you’re in debt or spending a large portion of your paycheck on necessities. What works for someone else might not work for you, and that’s okay. Here are just a few financial upgrades that can help grow your savings.
Read moreHouses are adorned with festive decorations, busy shoppers are filling the stores, crossing items off of their shopping list—the holidays are here. It’s a time full of family, friends, traditions, and new memories.
Unfortunately for the millions of Americans facing the hefty burden of student loan debt, the joy of the holiday season can be overshadowed by the stress and anxiety that can come with making student loan payments during the holidays.
The average student in the class of 2017 graduated from college with $32,731 in student loan debt. If you’re a parent or family member looking for good gifts for millennials this holiday season, you may want to consider making a student loan payment on his or her behalf.
Read moreYou may have missed Small Business Saturday, but you really don’t need an excuse to shop at locally owned businesses. The fact is, supporting small businesses is a great thing to do. It stimulates your local economy. If you’re spending money at your local coffee shop, your money is benefitting someone in your community. What’s more, your money is going to a business that might need to make a sale more than the department store down the street.
In the age of Amazon, it can be easier to click and purchase things online, but it’s also important to support your local community. Who wants their downtown to be tumbleweeds? Supporting your local businesses can help reinvigorate your city or keep your town thriving. Well, here’s a list of great products to pick up at your favorite small business, as well as a few ways to finance those purchases.
Read moreDonating to a good cause can be one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences when it comes to personal finances. But, how do you know your money is actually going to help? While the goal of charitable giving is to do good, choosing a charity can be daunting.
As is always the case when money is involved, you want to apply some strategic thinking, in this case, to ensure that your donation is going to a cause and organization that feel right for you.
There are so many worthy charities in need of funding that chwoosing just one can be a difficult task. We’ve compiled some tips to make the charity evaluation process a little easier and help you feel confident about your decision. And don’t forget to talk to a tax professional about how to deduct charitable contributions.
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