SoFi Entrepreneurs Program Application
We appreciate your interest in the SoFi Entrepreneurs Program! Expected time to complete: 15 minutes

Next round of applications due by: December 1, 2017
Top 10 Finalists Announced by: December 15, 2017
Next program start date: February 5, 2018
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Before we get started, there are 2 simple requirements for applying to our Entrepreneurs Program, please check that you meet both before moving on in the application, thanks! *
Company Name and Website URL *
Your LinkedIn URL? *
Where is your company HQ'd? *
Please provide a link to your data room if available (can be a Dropbox folder, Google Drive, whatever you use - deck, financials, portfolio analytics, etc.) *
What space are you addressing with your company? *
Please describe your product/service, the TAM you're addressing, your unfair advantage(s), and why your team is uniquely qualified to execute it at this exact moment in time. *
# of FTEs today? *
What stage is your company at? *
Monthly burn rate? (Monthly net cash burn = cash balance at the beginning of the year minus cash balance end of the year / 12. Net burn = revenues – gross burn (monthly expenses + any other cash outlays). *
Forecasted current year and next year # of customers/accounts and revenue $? *
What's your biggest challenge currently and how do you think SoFi can help? *
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