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Dogecoin (DOGE)

About Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin is a meme cryptocurrency with the internet-famous Shiba Inu canine breed as a mascot. The project was introduced on Twitter by Jackson Palmer on November 27, 2013 when he tweeted about "investing" on “Dogecoin”, a made-up name. Some of Palmer's friends encouraged him to create a real Dogecoin project, so he registered and started working. Billy Markus saw the website and reached out to Palmer. Markus and Palmer thought Dogecoin would make the cryptocurrency space more palletable to newcomers since, as they built the protocol, Bitcoin was beleaguered by associations with Silk Road and dark web. Palmer exited the Dogecoin project and community in June 2014 by tweeting, "Unsubshibing. Peace."


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