How Employers Can Help New Parents

How Employers Can Help New Parents

Few events that your employees experience are as life-changing as becoming parents. That’s why new parents often begin to look at their employee benefits in a new light. Now, after all, they’re relying on their employers for new kinds of important support as well as continued financial well-being.

As an HR professional, you may also want to take a fresh look at your company’s total rewards strategy to make sure you don’t silo parent-oriented benefits. This could happen if you single out important offerings such as parental leave and college savings programs, but don’t always integrate parenthood into the overall financial well-being program.

Why Parental Benefits Are Now More Key Than Ever

The importance of parental benefits may be even more pronounced than it used to be as a growing number of companies strive to reestablish in-person workforces.

Even with hybrid schedules, many new parents find it difficult to stay in the workforce. Motherly’s recent State of Motherhood report , which surveyed nearly 10,000 mothers, found that the number of stay-at-home mothers nearly doubled from 2022 to 2023, jumping by 10 percentage points from 15% to 25%. These numbers suggest that the Great Resignation is continuing for American mothers.

The more flexibility and support employers provide, the more willing parents may be to return to work. What’s more, employers who understand what employees at any stage of parenting need to maintain and elevate their financial well-being stand to gain enormous loyalty from their staff.

Today’s diverse workforces require customized programs that can help them achieve their individual and family financial wellness goals. This applies to parents of all ages of children as well as to parents of newborns.

Here’s how you can make sure your total rewards strategy is doing the best job possible to attract, retain, and support your parent employees.

Evaluate Your Existing Parental Benefits

Are your parent-oriented benefits offering the best help you can give to the widest variety of your parent employees?

Some of the most common benefits include parental leaves, paid time off, and college savings programs. Let’s look closely at each to help determine if your offerings are up to date and effective.

Paid Parental Leave

The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows eligible employees at large employers to take up to 12 weeks off after the birth or adoption of a child. But the Act does not require that an employee be paid for this time. And state laws on family medical leave can vary significantly.

Under the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act (FEPLA) of 2020, many federal employers offer 12 weeks of paid parental leave as a substitution for FMLA to civilian government employees who have been on the job for at least a year and then become parents through birth, adoption, or foster care.

Although this Act applies only to government employees, it sets a strong example for private and nonprofit organizations. Ask yourself whether your firm is keeping up with the most recent paid-leave policies? Are your leave policies inclusive — available to fathers and non-birth mothers, adoptive parents, foster parents, and parents who use surrogates?

Flexible Return to Work Schedules

Just in case it wasn’t already obvious, the pandemic has demonstrated how important flexible work hours are for parents. A flexible return-to-work policy for new parents can help ensure that new moms and dads continue to stay in the workforce. Some employers, such as PwC, for example, are finding that a gradual return can help with the transition. The firm allows parent employees to work a 60% reduced schedule at full pay for up to four weeks as they return to work.

For parents of slightly older kids, Mastercard has taken a different tack by creating a virtual Kids Club that offers educational games to keep children between the ages of five and 12 occupied while their parents are working at home.

Other companies have had success with increased remote schedules for reentering parents and more flexible PTO benefits that accommodate children’s illnesses and childcare gaps.

Whatever ways you decide to support the transition from parental leave to a return to work, be sure they’re clearly communicated to your workforce. Ideally, you want to have a sit-down with a new parent employee before the baby arrives to review all relevant benefits, including what’s expected during a return to work.

Inclusive Parental Benefits

Be sure your leaves, time-off, and return-to-work policies apply to all types of families. Parental benefits are a wonderful opportunity for building your inclusive benefits strategy. Same-sex couples with surrogates, adoptive parents, and foster parents need the same parental leave and flexible return-to-work policies as traditional birth mothers. And any type of new parent may need spousal or partner time off for bonding and caretaking. If your health plan covers fertility treatments, you may want to ensure that same-sex couples and other non-traditional families are covered by those as well.

Early College Savings Opportunities

The idea of saving for college starting as soon as a child is born is nothing new. But is your company doing everything it can to make that possible? Automatic payroll contribution to a 529 savings plan can be one of the most effective ways for all parents to save for their children’s education.

In addition, assistance with determining what 529 savings plan is best for your employees may also help. Employer-provided guidance can help parents navigate state tax laws, fees, maximums, minimums, and investment options among the different 529 Savings Plans available.

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Customize Financial Well-Being Benefits to Help Parents

At this juncture, new parents likely need access to any financial planning and counseling services your financial wellness benefits offer to help navigate the money challenges parenting brings. In addition, overall wellness benefits can help reduce stress and increase productivity. Some examples:

•   Access to legal services to help write wills, designate guardians, and change beneficiaries.

•   Opportunities to sign up for any supplemental life insurance or disability income insurance your organization offers and guidance on why protection can be more of a priority for parents.

•   House hunting and mortgage services. An expansion of the family often requires a move to a larger space, making home-buying benefits more relevant than ever.

•   Help building an emergency fund while keeping track of other financial priorities.

•   Financial planning services can help parents reset priorities and budgeting in light of a new addition to the family. Parents may also benefit from a retirement planning deep dive. Although planning for long-term goals may seem impossible in the midst of such a huge life event, it’s important for parent employees to remember that planning well for their own futures helps ensure the financial future of their children as well. No parents want to have to rely on their children financially in old age. Making sure that doesn’t happen begins now, and employers can help.

•   Student loan pay-down programs can help parents handle their obligations from the past while still being able to plan for the future.

•   Renew new parents’ engagement in overall wellness benefits such as weight loss, exercise, and stress reduction programs. If you don’t already, consider offering such programs to parents with children of all ages, since all parents (not just new parents) have stress to deal with.

The Takeaway

Becoming a parent is a life-changing occurrence for anyone. But employers can use this happy event to solidify financial well-being, loyalty, and productivity among their workers who are parents.

For more on how to customize a suite of parent-oriented benefits, visit SoFi at Work.

Photo credit: iStock/Tempura

Products available from SoFi on the Dashboard may vary depending on your employer preferences.

Advisory tools and services are offered through SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. 234 1st Street San Francisco, CA 94105.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans, Personal Loans, Private Student Loans, and Mortgage Loans are originated through SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), ( ). The 529 Savings and Selection Tool is provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see 2750 E. Cottonwood Parkway #300 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121. ©2025 Social Finance, LLC. All rights reserved. Information as of November 2025 and is subject to change.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

This article is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult an attorney for advice.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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Measuring the Financial Well-Being of Your Workforce

Measuring the Financial Well-Being of Your Workforce

When employees feel financially secure, they can be more engaged, focused, productive, and loyal workers.

But simply offering a variety of financial benefits may not be enough to let all members of your workforce actually achieve financial wellness. And that’s especially true today, as employees navigate higher prices, elevated interest rates, and uneven wage growth.

So what are you doing right? And what can you improve?

Measuring financial well-being can help you answer those important questions.

Why Measure Financial Wellness and Why Now?

“A person’s financial well-being comes from their sense of financial security and freedom of choice – both in the present and when considering the future,” according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau .

In SoFi at Work’s Future of Workplace Financial Well-Being 2022 study, four out of 10 workers rated their financial well-being as average, poor, or very poor, and 75% currently have at least one source of financial stress. This was the case across all ages and incomes, and from varying industries. In fact, even higher earners were not immune. More than half (57%) of those making more than $150,000 cited at least one source of major financial stress, including worrying about inadequate retirement savings (40%), credit card debt (33%), and not having enough money for basics like food and rent or mortgage payments (29%).

How are your employees faring? Now may be a good time to measure the financial well-being in your workforce. Doing so can let you see firsthand the financial struggles your employees may be going through, how those struggles connect to business outcomes, and how your total rewards strategy can help.

How to Better Understand Your Unique Workforce

Measuring financial well-being will allow you to determine what segments of your workforce are struggling the most. It can also help you figure out what you can provide to help all your employees move forward. For many employers, that’s a two-part process.

1. Wage Assessment

Many employers start this process by assessing wages. No doubt you’ve compared your wage and salary decisions against competitors’ offerings, the local labor market, and industry averages. Indeed, you may be paying above the industry standard. But it’s important to remember that even above-standard wages don’t ensure financial wellness. Your workers may still be struggling.

With that in mind, you may want to compare your company’s wages against what constitutes a local living wage in the areas where your employees work. MIT’s Living Wage Calculator may be able to assist you with this. This tool helps determine how much money a person in a specific area needs to earn to cover basic expenses and how much that person has leftover for disposable income, including saving for the future. This may be a more realistic gauge for all levels of your workforce when assessing wages and determining financial well-being.

Recommended: Are Inflation and Financial Stress Affecting Your Employees’ Work Productivity?

2. Self-Assessment Survey

The next step is to gather input from your employees. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to design an online financial wellness assessment survey and encourage all employees to participate.

An effective self-assessment survey analyzes four pillars of financial security.

Spending: With these questions, you’ll find out how many employees are spending beyond their incomes either because they have expenses that are higher than their income or because of bad spending habits. By asking how long employees think their money would last if they suddenly lost their income, you’ll also collect data on how many of your employees are prepared for an emergency.

Saving: Retirement savings will likely dominate this section. How many employees are participating in your organization’s 401(k) or other retirement savings programs? How much of their annual income are they saving? Are they taking advantage of any match? Do they have an idea of how much they’ll need to save for retirement?

You’ll also want to find out how much your employees are saving for other goals such as emergency savings funds, college tuition, or a home down payment. This may be especially important if your benefits package includes other types of savings programs in addition to retirement.

Debt/Borrowing: Here’s where you want employees to fess up to credit card debt, mortgages, student debt (their own or their children’s), and personal loans. Assessing debt is a vital element for financial wellness. Some leverage, such as a mortgage or tuition loans, can be useful financial wellness tools. But credit card and other debt can be among the biggest obstacles to financial well-being.

Planning: Questions concerning employees’ purchase of life insurance and disability income insurance can paint a picture of how well-protected they are — an important element of financial wellness. This is a good place to ask if employees have set financial goals for the future and if they’ve worked with a financial counselor to do so. You’ll get a sense of what percentage of your employees are looking forward while still taking care of short-term needs/desires. Importantly, this will also let you know how much of your workforce is engaging with the financial planning tools you may be offering.

Depending on your workforce and your goals for the assessment, you may also want to include more subjective elements in your research, such as employee diaries or interviews. This can add human stories to the data collected and help inform new benefits going forward.

Sofi at Work offers a comprehensive benefits assessment tool that can be customized to your workforce.

Measuring Financial Wellness Empowers Employees

When employees take a smart, well-written, and well-designed assessment survey, they’re not just providing information to their bosses, they’re also thinking through their own financial wellness strategy.

Incorporating an interactive tool that gives immediate feedback can help employees identify their current status and balance their short- and long-term financial goals.

Providing a one-on-one meeting with a financial planner or other expert for each employee to have after completing the survey encourages your workers to take action with their newfound knowledge and further enhance their overall financial wellness. (It can also prompt more willingness to take the assessment among employees.)

Recommended: Supporting the Financial Well-Being of Newly Hired Recent Graduates

Measuring Provides a Compass for Your Financial Wellness Benefits

You’ll also want to analyze your own data on the benefits you’re currently providing to determine how well they’re contributing to employee financial wellness. A comprehensive look at who is using what benefits — including everything from health insurance to 401(k)s to paid parental leave and student loan assistance — and what employees are paying for or contributing to those benefits, can unlock details about access and participation among all levels of your workforce.

A benefit analysis combined with a wage assessment and employee financial wellness survey helps provide a deeper understanding of gaps in your total benefits strategy, areas where employee engagement and education are needed, and what new tools and programs might enhance financial well-being among your workers.

The Takeaway

Measuring your employees’ financial well-being now can lead to the design and implementation of benefits that will enhance financial wellness for all of your employees in the future.

SoFi at Work can help provide the wellness measuring tools you need to achieve that goal.

Photo credit: iStock/SDI Productions

Products available from SoFi on the Dashboard may vary depending on your employer preferences.

Advisory tools and services are offered through SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. 234 1st Street San Francisco, CA 94105.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans, Personal Loans, Private Student Loans, and Mortgage Loans are originated through SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), ( ). The 529 Savings and Selection Tool is provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see 2750 E. Cottonwood Parkway #300 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121. ©2025 Social Finance, LLC. All rights reserved. Information as of November 2025 and is subject to change.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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Steps for Building an Emergency Savings Program for Your Employees

6 Steps for Building an Emergency Savings Program for Your Employees

From the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic to record-high inflation to interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve, the last several years have been plagued with financial unrest.

That may explain why only 48% of U.S. adults say they have enough emergency savings to cover at least three months’ worth of expenses, according to a new Bankrate survey. That’s nearly unchanged from 2022, when inflation reached a 40-year high.

For many Americans, this lack of reserves is a source of stress. The Bankrate survey found that a full 57% of U.S. adults are uncomfortable with the amount of emergency savings they currently have.

HR leaders have taken note. In fact, a growing number of employers now offer ways to help employees bolster their backup savings as part of their overall financial wellness benefits. If you’re interested in being one of them, read on. What follows are six moves that can help your organization build an emergency auto savings program that works best for your employees and your company.

1. Evaluate Employee Needs

The pandemic demonstrated that a huge percentage of employees in all salary ranges weren’t financially prepared for what was to become one of the most unprecedented periods of history.

This lack of preparedness added to an already stressful situation (working remotely, worries about health, child and elderly care needs, et cetera). Even as we move beyond the pandemic, however, employees are still on edge. SoFi at Work’s Future of Workplace Financial Well-Being 2022 study found that 75% of U.S. workers are facing at least one source of major financial stress. What’s more, employees are spending over nine hours per week while at work dealing with issues related to their financial situation (that adds up to a full 12 weeks of work each year).

Adding an emergency savings plan can help employees alleviate a significant amount of financial stress and provide a solution to the lack of short-term savings. This might be especially appealing for younger members of your workforce who may have fewer resources to rely on than older employees.

To determine how effective an auto savings program will be for each segment of your staff, you might think about creating a preliminary survey of employees to see what they feel they need most from a short-term savings plan.

Consider the following questions:

•   Will you participate or do you feel there are already too many demands on your paycheck?

•   Are you more likely to join if the company offers a match or initial contribution?

•   Will you gravitate to emergency savings in lieu of long-term retirement savings?

•   Do more accessible after-tax savings in a 401(k) account that can be used for emergencies appeal to you?

•   Do you think a separate emergency auto account will help you think about saving for specific needs?

2. Check Out the Competition

A good next step is to determine what competitors are offering their existing talent and new recruits in the short-term financial wellness arena. For example, is an emergency auto savings program common among companies competing for your talent? Do most competitors offer a match or contribution to get employees, especially new hires, started?

Use the results of this data and the survey of employees to devise the most effective program for your employees (see below) and, importantly, to help convince team members and management why an emergency auto savings program is right for your company’s total rewards strategy.

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3. Determine the Impact of an Emergency Savings Program on Your Total Rewards Strategy

In recent years, you’ve likely had to shift or alter some of the components of your total rewards strategy, including compensation, benefits, flexibility, performance recognition, and career development. In light of those changes, where does an emergency auto savings benefit fit into the new reality? How does it fit with your HR financial wellness goals and business strategy?

The answer is likely very positive. It’s hard to imagine a total rewards strategy that doesn’t have a place for emergency auto savings, especially in light of recent times.

That said, it’s important that you structure and implement this benefit in a way that not only fills a need but enhances your overall strategy to retain, attract, and maximize talent. Be aware that when you add an important benefit such as emergency savings, you may shift the balance in your employees’ financial well-being focus from long-term to short-term goals.

As you implement the plan, you may need to realign your employee value proposition and total rewards strategy to encompass current and immediate needs while redoubling your efforts to educate and motivate employees on long-term financial wellness goals such as saving for retirement and healthcare costs.

4. Select the Solution and Roll Out Best for Your Goals

At SoFi at Work, we’ve found that selecting the right solution is critical to the utilization and effectiveness of every benefit in your total rewards strategy. Following the McKinsey framework can work well for all types of benefit rollouts, including emergency auto savings programs. These four principles can also help ensure benefit rollouts are integrated into your business strategy.

Choose Partners Wisely

Almost every benefit entails an outside partner to help administer and execute. Automatic emergency savings is no exception. Look for credible partners that can provide expert support and advice to a wide variety of employees with varying financial needs. For emergency savings, you’ll want to find a bank, credit union, or other financial institution that offers a low-cost, easy-to-use platform, like SoFi At Work’s Emergency Vault or open a Checking and Savings account with SoFi.

Focus on What’s Feasible

Make the program feasible to launch, which will help you make meaningful progress for employees in the short term as you lay down the foundation for long-term initiatives. This is key with emergency savings rollouts because by helping to relieve some short-term financial stress, you allow employees to focus on long-term goals sooner rather than later.

Make It Sustainable

Sustainable programs are able to flex with your business over time and during uncertain business conditions. Can your emergency auto-save program survive through the next period of uncertain business conditions? To answer this, your company may need to weigh questions such as whether the engagement benefits of a match outweigh the cost of sustaining the program? Is the plan flexible enough to undergo changes in the economy, your workforce, and your business strategy over time?

Get Personal

Enable personalization where you can. This way, employees are likely to feel emergency auto savings can help meet their unique needs. Offering a range of amounts that employees can automatically withdraw is the first step toward personalization. Providing calculators and other educational tools that help employees determine how much they need to save and how much they can afford to save is another personalization tactic.

Recommended: How Much Should Your Employees Have in Emergency Savings?

5. Use Communication Effectively

Top-notch communication techniques can help you drive participation and, importantly, change savings behavior in your workforce.

When asking for participation and engagement, lead with empathy. If there’s one thing the pandemic should have taught us, it’s that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to supporting employees, who have had many different experiences and have many different needs.

Coordinating communications about the importance of emergency savings with other financial well-being education programs can help get the word out in an immediate and holistic way.

Clarity is Key

Accompany your rollout with extremely clear communications telling employees exactly what they can expect, including:

•   How payroll deduction works

•   How much — or how little — employees can save in the account

•   Calculators, tools, and education efforts designed to help employees determine what they should/can save

•   Thorough explanation of any company match offered — how much, how often, and portability

•   Which bank, credit union, or other financial institution will run the account?

•   How much, if any, interest will be earned

•   How withdrawals can be made

•   The fact that withdrawals can be made for any reason, no questions asked, with no penalties or tax consequences

•   A reminder that if employees leave the company, they may easily transfer the account to their own savings

Meet Employees Where They Are

Make sure effective and thorough communications are available across platforms so you can keep up with your far-flung workforce. Simply posting on the company website and hoping people sign up won’t work, especially in these times when your remote workforce may be feeling more disconnected from corporate communications than ever.

In all communications, make sure you take a multi-platform, consumer-grade, mobile-native technology approach.

6. Take Ongoing Pulse Checks

To determine engagement and any ongoing tweaks that need to be made, you’ll want to establish metrics to measure success at least quarterly. Then you’ll want to benchmark those results against your competitors and national averages to add an “outside-in” perspective.

Solicit employee input on the success of the program in three ways — employee surveys, focus groups with critical talent segments, and analysis of recent departing employees and job candidates who declined an offer.

Metrics can also help you track how well the benefit is supporting business goals. For instance, a customer-service-oriented company may find a higher focus among phone reps and fewer errors when staff is less burdened with financial worries.

The Takeaway

These six concepts are designed to help you build a successful, engaging, and effective emergency auto savings plan. By reducing employee stress and increasing productivity and loyalty, you’ll help promote financial well-being in your workforce as well as enhance your company’s total rewards strategy and overall business objectives.

For more information on platforms that can help you set up an Emergency Savings Program, contact SoFi at Work.

Photo credit: iStock/alvarez

Products available from SoFi on the Dashboard may vary depending on your employer preferences.

Advisory tools and services are offered through SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. 234 1st Street San Francisco, CA 94105.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans, Personal Loans, Private Student Loans, and Mortgage Loans are originated through SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), ( ). The 529 Savings and Selection Tool is provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see 2750 E. Cottonwood Parkway #300 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121. ©2025 Social Finance, LLC. All rights reserved. Information as of November 2025 and is subject to change.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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How Much Should Your Employees Have in Emergency Savings?

How Much Should Your Employees Have in Emergency Savings?

Providing an emergency savings account (ESA) is fast becoming a way to help provide a foundation for financial well-being. With only 48% of U.S. adults saying they have enough emergency savings to cover at least three months’ worth of expenses, according to a new Bankrate survey, providing an emergency savings program that’s easy and accessible helps tell your workforce that you know what they’re going through and you’re there to help.

That said, HR professionals who are already managing an ESA, in the process of introducing one, or considering a rollout all face a basic yet important question: How much should their employees stash away in these accounts?

Clearly, employees themselves have the final say. But an efficient plan structure with appropriate minimums, maximums, and matches; solid guidance; and accessible educational efforts can go a long way toward spurring engagement and helping workers make the most of this important benefit. Let’s take a closer look.

Finding the ESA Sweet Spot

When offering guidance on how much to save for emergencies, employers may want to aim for the “sweet spot.” That’s somewhere between essential short-term savings and a continued focus on long-term financial goals.

Finding this can be tricky. Take ESAs and 401(k) savings, which often have a direct effect on each other and present HR professionals with a bit of a conundrum.

On the one hand, ESA savings can improve overall financial health and help employees avoid withdrawing funds from their 401(k) savings early, preventing any potential tax penalties and lost income in those accounts.

Having the cash stashed away to weather financial upheavals can also add to employees’ long-term financial well-being.

But by the same token, too much emphasis on short-term savings may dampen employees’ willingness to save in traditional retirement accounts. This is especially true in today’s economic climate, when workers are navigating a high cost of living, elevated interest rates, uneven wage growth, and concerns about an economic slowdown.

Employers can help employees balance this short-term/long-term financial tension by helping them understand their individual savings needs, goals, and risks of encountering unexpected expenses.

Recommended: Supporting the Financial Well-Being of Newly Hired Recent Graduates

Rethinking Conventional Wisdom about Emergency Savings

One way to do that may be to look beyond the traditional advice concerning emergency savings. Financial institutions, such as Vanguard and Fidelity, often recommend that clients save three to six months’ worth of expenses (or more) in a cash or cash equivalent account in case of a job loss, medical issues, or other income disruptions.

But some experts believe that lower-, moderate-, and even some high-income workers may be discouraged by that goal and give up on emergency savings altogether. Setting more achievable dollar figures, such as $500 or $1,000, may be more realistic and more motivating than the traditional advice.

To get employees started, encouraging them to save realistic amounts for common unexpected expenses may offer them a more accessible goal than the three-to-six months’ worth of expenses formula. Once they reach that initial goal, they may be motivated to keep going and build up a more substantial financial safety net.

Keep in mind, the “goal” for emergency savings is fluid. The idea is for your employees to build a cushion, use it as needed, and then replace those funds and build the account some more. That’s why a hard-and-fast number doesn’t always work. Focusing on regular contributions that keep the fund functional can be more important.

Recommended: 4 Ways HR Pros Can Better Support Financial Wellness

Get up to $300 when you bank with SoFi.

No account or overdraft fees. No minimum balance.

Up to 3.80% APY on savings balances.

Up to 2-day-early paycheck.

Up to $2M of additional
FDIC insurance.

Calculating Minimums, Maximums, and Matches

Benefit design can go a long way toward motivating employees to engage in emergency savings. Flexibility is key.

Minimums and Maximums. When you’re setting up a savings benefit of this kind, there are usually minimums and maximums involved. In many cases, employers work with an outside bank/vendor that may have its own restrictions. You may also want to impose some structure to run the program efficiently and engage your employees.

Keep in mind, minimums need to be low enough to engage, not overwhelm, workers. Amounts as low as $25 to $50 a week are not uncommon. Once the momentum starts and employees see balances increasing, they may want to increase the amount they’re depositing. Make sure this process is easy for them to do. And remember that flexibility is key. If an employee must miss a month, consider not imposing any penalties. Otherwise, you may discourage an employee who happens to be temporarily strapped that month but who does want to save.

Maximums can be an important tool in ensuring that employees aren’t overly focusing on short-term savings or disregarding their 401(k) and other long-term savings goals. You’ll want to use the tools and information outlined above to set a thoughtful maximum that will help employees successfully cover unexpected expenses and, at the same time, increase their confidence for long-term goals.

When determining maximum amounts, you’ll also want to consider whether excess contributions can spill over into other types of saving programs, such as after-tax retirement contributions. This requires more administration but can be a useful tool to help employees balance short and long-term savings goals.

Auto-Enrollment. HR professionals have seen how automatic enrollment in 401(k) plans has significantly increased participation. The same may hold true for auto-enrollment payroll deduction ESAs, in which a small portion of each employee’s paychecks is automatically deposited into an employer-sponsored account. Recent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau guidance easing government restrictions has made it easier for employers to implement automatic enrollment for emergency savings.

Using the information outlined above to determine the percentage deducted for each level of your workforce can help make these automatic payments accessible and sustainable.

Employer Match. Kicking in an initial amount to help employees get their emergency fund started or offering a match tied to employee contributions can provide a strong incentive for employees to start saving.

One company might match employee contributions up to $40 a month. Other employers may provide a contribution once the employee has hit a certain savings threshold like, say, $250. For a relatively low cost, your company can provide a match that can help employees hit their emergency savings targets faster, improve their engagement, and enhance their overall financial wellness.

The Takeaway

SoFi at Work can help you and your team implement a successful emergency savings program, including guidance on how much your employees should save for unexpected expenses.

Photo credit: iStock/katleho Seisa

Products available from SoFi on the Dashboard may vary depending on your employer preferences.

Advisory tools and services are offered through SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. 234 1st Street San Francisco, CA 94105.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans, Personal Loans, Private Student Loans, and Mortgage Loans are originated through SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), ( ). The 529 Savings and Selection Tool is provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see 2750 E. Cottonwood Parkway #300 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121. ©2025 Social Finance, LLC. All rights reserved. Information as of November 2025 and is subject to change.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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3 ways to support your employees during times of uncertainty

3 Ways to Support Your Employees During Times of Uncertainty

Human resources and benefits managers have perhaps never been more put to the test than during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pandemic forced employers to quickly learn how to manage a remote workforce while trying to fill immediate needs for short-term benefits, such as emergency savings and child and elderly care support. At the same time, economic instability and the racial justice crisis added to employees’ concerns and stresses.

Now, you may still be in the sorting-out stage, trying to figure out how best to take what you learned in the crisis and apply it to long-term policies and tactics that will continue to support employees moving forward.

Here’s a look at three key strategies HR pros may want to consider, as workers continue to face uncertainties in the economy and the world, and in the event of any future crises.

1. Make Sure Communications Are Honest and Accurate — and That They Reach Everyone

You’ve likely hit some obstacles as you tried to communicate Covid-oriented policies and protocols among your far-flung workers. In the process, you may have found strategies that work for you and others that don’t. Add to those lessons the following tips to help you move forward.

Be Honest

Research shows employees engage more if they think company communications are honest. That means it’s OK to tell employees management is still looking into a change or isn’t sure exactly when a new policy will be implemented. In uncertain times, it’s better to keep in touch. Employees are looking to you for leadership, but they also want to be in on the process when changes are taking place. What’s more, giving employees honest updates can avoid the need for damage control later.

Be the Voice of Reason and Compassion

Your employees are likely overloaded with news and information, some of which may be contradictory and confusing. It’s important that your communications stay on top of breaking news and add a clear, helpful, and understanding voice to the discussion when events impact the company, the employees, and benefits.

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Take a Multi-Channel Approach

While email is generally still the most common way to communicate with employees, you also want to use mobile and social media to help ensure that all employees see vital communications no matter where they are or what their work situation may be. This will be, literally, reaching out to your employees where they are.

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2. Review Your Voluntary Benefits

In times of uncertainty, employees may look to their employer for a shoulder to lean on. Many HR professionals have recognized this through the Covid-19 crisis by offering a variety of flexible benefits that can help employees solve their short-term financial challenges today and assist them in building a stronger future.

Research shows that more employers are offering voluntary benefits across a wide spectrum of needs. According to a 2022 survey by the professional services firm Aon, the number of employers offering new or additional voluntary benefits increased 41% from 2021 through 2022.

The fastest-growing benefits employees are offering include supplemental health insurance policies (e.g., critical illness, accident, and hospital indemnity), life insurance, student loan assistance programs, identity theft protection, legal benefits, pet care, and auto/home protections.

Whatever combination of flexible or voluntary benefits you may be considering, you’ll want to be sure it fits your workers’ demographics and pressing needs. A variety of well-chosen benefits can help your employees face their specific challenges while also reducing stress and calming nerves during any period of uncertainty.

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3. Help Employees Balance Short-Term and Long-Term Financial Well-Being

In uncertain times a flexible financial well-being approach that includes the short-term benefits employees need to make it through is more important than ever. That’s why so many employers have introduced the types of benefits that employees feel are most relevant to their current financial concerns. Those may include emergency savings programs, homeownership benefits, and student loan repayment programs, to name just a few.

But this doesn’t mean that the importance of retirement savings and other long-term benefits should be diminished. Far from it. The security of knowing long-term retirement savings is in place can help add to employees’ overall financial well-being, especially during tumultuous times. Through effective communication and education programs, HR professionals can help employees balance short-term and long-term financial needs and goals.

It’s essential in times like these to try to help employees feel — and be — secure. These strategies may help you and your company continue to improve financial well-being during both calm and more tumultuous times.

Products available from SoFi on the Dashboard may vary depending on your employer preferences.

Advisory tools and services are offered through SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. 234 1st Street San Francisco, CA 94105.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans, Personal Loans, Private Student Loans, and Mortgage Loans are originated through SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), ( ). The 529 Savings and Selection Tool is provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see 2750 E. Cottonwood Parkway #300 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121. ©2025 Social Finance, LLC. All rights reserved. Information as of November 2025 and is subject to change.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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