How Safe Is a Checking Account?

How Safe Is a Checking Account?

In light of recent events, some bank customers may wonder how safe a checking account is in terms of stashing their cash.

Banks are far better for protecting your hard-earned cash than you keeping a wad of bills hidden somewhere in your home — mainly because the money you deposit in a bank is insured up to $250,000 or possibly more1.

But there’s more to the story. So read on, and we’ll tell you in detail how banks make sure your money is well defended — and what you can do to help keep those dollars safe.

Is My Money Safer at a Bank?

It’s only natural to wonder where your money is safest, and keeping your cash on deposit at a bank is one of the safest things you can do. For one thing, carrying cash with you — or, worse, hiding it in your house — leaves you vulnerable to theft or loss (or some other unforeseen event).

In addition, banks are highly regulated and, as mentioned, deposits are insured. And as many people now know, the government is fully invested in protecting the cash of its citizens.

Why Your Money Is Safer in the Bank

Here are some of the protections your checking account may have:

•   FDIC insurance

•   NCUA insurance

•   Capital requirements

•   Protection from fires, floods, and thefts

Read on for a brief description of these protections.

FDIC Insurance

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) protects people who deposit money into FDIC-insured financial institutions against loss. This kind of insurance is backed by the federal government and depositors are automatically insured, generally up to $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured institution, per ownership category. (Some banks participate in programs that extend the FDIC insurance to cover millions.) If your bank were to go out of business, you’re covered up to the cap.

NCUA Insurance

Maybe you’re the kind of person who prefers to keep your cash at a credit union. Don’t worry; it’s still safe. Congress created the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) in 1970 to insure deposits of up to $250,000 at federally insured credit unions. The $250,000 is for each member, per insured credit union, per ownership category. Basically, NCUA is an agency that provides coverage for credit union members that’s comparable to what FDIC does for bank customers.

Capital Requirements

Banks and other financial institutions that accept deposits must have enough liquid assets to cover their expenses while still being able to provide cash when depositors request withdrawals. Formulas to calculate capital requirements can be complicated, but know that they are in place and are protecting you.

A financial institution is required to have a risk-to-asset ratio of at least 4% to safeguard people who deposit funds into their institution.

Protections From Fires, Floods, and Thefts

Banks purchase banker blanket bonds, which protect the institution in case of fire, flood, robbery, embezzlement, earthquakes, and other causes of lost funds. As a result, even if the bank loses money, customers won’t lose their funds.

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Advantages of Keeping Money in a Checking Account

Now, let’s pull back and take a big-picture look at why a checking account is such a sweet spot for protecting your money. Some of the pluses:

•   Your money is covered from loss when deposited in an FDIC-insured bank or an NCUA-insured credit union.

•   If your funds exceed the amount of these significant coverages ($250,000), then you can simply open accounts at an institution that offers an insurance program with a higher amount. Or you might open additional accounts at other insured banks and be covered through those institutions.

•   Interest-bearing checking accounts (though not all checking accounts do pay interest) allow you to earn money simply by keeping it in the account.

•   You can easily use your deposited funds by writing a check, withdrawing money from the bank or by an ATM, or transferring it.

•   Checking accounts that come with debit cards make it simple to make purchases through a card reader in person or by entering data online. (Note: There are cons of using a debit card online, like less fraud and purchase protection.)

•   Mobile banking makes it easy to conduct financial transactions wherever you go. You may be wondering, Is mobile banking safe? The answer is yes, most of the time, but you do need to take some precautions to avoid potential hacking activity (more on that below).

•   You can have your paycheck automatically/directly deposited into your checking account. This eliminates a paper check that could get lost or stolen; plus, you don’t have to physically deposit it yourself on payday.

•   A checking account can provide a record of what you spent — and when and where — which is helpful with budgeting, at tax time, and more.

•   Some banks allow you to get paid up to two days early — meaning that your direct deposit is available 48 hours before it’s actually deposited.

Your Role in Protecting Your Money in the Bank

You’ve learned about how banks safeguard your deposits…but what about your role in protecting your money? Yes, even when your dinero is locked up tight at a bank, your actions can impact its security. Consider the following points:

•   If you have any reason to believe that fraudulent activity is occurring or has occurred with your checking account, contact your bank immediately as well as local law enforcement.

•   Create a unique password for your checking account; consider storing it in a secure password management system. Then regularly change your password.

•   Regularly check your balance and balance your statements. This way, you can spot suspicious-looking activity early and address any discrepancies. Identity theft is not unusual and a proactive approach is the best way to protect yourself.

•   Be especially careful when using public Wi-Fi at libraries, coffee shops, and the like. While they’re convenient for information gathering, when you’re conducting financial transactions on them, the open connection makes it easier for hackers to do bad things.

•   Keep your own computer up to date, installing appropriate software updates, malware blockers, and so forth.

•   Sign up for fraud alerts with your bank. Receiving real-time transaction info through texts, emails, or mobile apps allows you to quickly respond to any attempts at fraud.

•   Also, don’t share your banking information with anyone by phone or email. For example, if someone claims to be a representative from your financial institute, hang up. Then use the contact information you have for your bank and share what happened.

The Takeaway

So, how safe are checking accounts? At insured institutions, depositors enjoy deep levels of protection. Besides being safe, there are numerous advantages to having a checking account. Definitely a win-win versus hiding your bucks somewhere at home. But depositing your funds is just part of the bargain: Then you have to do your share and keep vigilant and make sure that fraudsters don’t get their fingers on your dough.

If you’re looking for a bank that protects your money with 24/7 account monitoring, apply for an online bank account with SoFi. SoFi recently announced that deposits may be insured up to $2 million through participation in the SoFi Insured Deposit Program. But here’s what else: If you sign up for direct deposit with us, you’ll earn a competitive APY. Plus, you’ll pay no account fees, and you’ll be able to access your paycheck up to two days early.

Better banking is here with  up to 3.80% APY on SoFi Checking and Savings.


Is your money safe in a checking account?

Yes, your money is safe in a checking account. Federally insured banks and credit unions automatically protect depositors like you for up to $250,000 per person, per insured institution, per ownership category (or possibly more). These financial institutions are even covered in case of fire, flood, and earthquakes, as well as when crimes, such as robbery and embezzlement, occur.

What are the risks of a checking account?

Checking accounts come with plenty of benefits and, at federally insured financial institutions, with solid protection against risk. That said, there are a couple of potential disadvantages to checking accounts. For example, not all of them pay interest (although some do). Some come with monthly fees (which can get pricey). And some financial institutions will require a minimum balance in your account.

There’s also some risk of criminal activity: If you ever suspect that someone has hacked into or otherwise fraudulently used your checking account, contact your bank and local law enforcement.

Can someone steal your checking account?

Physical checks and debit cards can be stolen, and your account could be hacked. So keep all personal data in a secure place and, if any items are lost, contact your financial institution immediately. If you believe your checks or debit card to be stolen, also inform your local law enforcement.

Photo credit: iStock/akinbostanci

1SoFi Bank is a member FDIC and does not provide more than $250,000 of FDIC insurance per depositor per legal category of account ownership, as described in the FDIC’s regulations. Any additional FDIC insurance is provided by banks in the SoFi Insured Deposit Program. Deposits may be insured up to $2M through participation in the program. See full terms at See list of participating banks at

SoFi® Checking and Savings is offered through SoFi Bank, N.A. ©2025 SoFi Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
The SoFi Bank Debit Mastercard® is issued by SoFi Bank, N.A., pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated and can be used everywhere Mastercard is accepted. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

SoFi members with direct deposit activity can earn 3.80% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Direct Deposit means a recurring deposit of regular income to an account holder’s SoFi Checking or Savings account, including payroll, pension, or government benefit payments (e.g., Social Security), made by the account holder’s employer, payroll or benefits provider or government agency (“Direct Deposit”) via the Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) Network during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Deposits that are not from an employer or government agency, including but not limited to check deposits, peer-to-peer transfers (e.g., transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc.), merchant transactions (e.g., transactions from PayPal, Stripe, Square, etc.), and bank ACH funds transfers and wire transfers from external accounts, or are non-recurring in nature (e.g., IRS tax refunds), do not constitute Direct Deposit activity. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate. SoFi members with direct deposit are eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits.

As an alternative to direct deposit, SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits can earn 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Qualifying Deposits means one or more deposits that, in the aggregate, are equal to or greater than $5,000 to an account holder’s SoFi Checking and Savings account (“Qualifying Deposits”) during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Qualifying Deposits only include those deposits from the following eligible sources: (i) ACH transfers, (ii) inbound wire transfers, (iii) peer-to-peer transfers (i.e., external transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc. and internal peer-to-peer transfers from a SoFi account belonging to another account holder), (iv) check deposits, (v) instant funding to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, (vi) push payments to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, and (vii) cash deposits. Qualifying Deposits do not include: (i) transfers between an account holder’s Checking account, Savings account, and/or Vaults; (ii) interest payments; (iii) bonuses issued by SoFi Bank or its affiliates; or (iv) credits, reversals, and refunds from SoFi Bank, N.A. (“SoFi Bank”) or from a merchant. SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits are not eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits.

SoFi Bank shall, in its sole discretion, assess each account holder’s Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits throughout each 30-Day Evaluation Period to determine the applicability of rates and may request additional documentation for verification of eligibility. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the “Start Date” and “End Date” set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the “30-Day Evaluation Period”). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Upon receiving a Direct Deposit or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits to your account, you will begin earning 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% on checking balances on or before the following calendar day. You will continue to earn these APYs for (i) the remainder of the current 30-Day Evaluation Period and through the end of the subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period and (ii) any following 30-day Evaluation Periods during which SoFi Bank determines you to have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits without interruption.

SoFi Bank reserves the right to grant a grace period to account holders following a change in Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits activity before adjusting rates. If SoFi Bank grants you a grace period, the dates for such grace period will be reflected on the APY Details page of your account. If SoFi Bank determines that you did not have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits during the current 30-day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, then you will begin earning the rates earned by account holders without either Direct Deposit or Qualifying Deposits until you have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits in a subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period. For the avoidance of doubt, an account holder with both Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits will earn the rates earned by account holders with Direct Deposit.

Separately, SoFi members who enroll in SoFi Plus by paying the SoFi Plus Subscription Fee every 30 days can also earn 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. For additional details, see the SoFi Plus Terms and Conditions at

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Typical Retirement Expenses to Prepare For

Many people dream about how their retirement years will play out. Some want to spend their golden years spoiling the grandkids, while others envision traveling the world. As long as retirees have saved enough during their working years to fund the expenses, these goals are attainable.

Unfortunately, not all Americans know what to expect regarding living expenses during their retirement years. They may not know how to budget for ordinary costs in retirement, like housing and transportation, or make the most out of retirement income. Here’s a look at typical retirement expenses so individuals can get a handle on how much they’re likely to spend and how much they need to budget for retirement.

This article is part of SoFi’s Retirement Planning Guide, our coverage of all the steps you need to create a successful retirement plan.

money management guide for beginners

Average Monthly Cost of Retirement Expenses

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an American household headed by someone aged 65 and older spent an average of $48,791 per year, or $4,065.95 per month, between 2016 and 2020. More specifically, households headed by someone between the ages of 65 and 74 spent $53,916 annually during these five years, while spending dropped to $41,637 annually for people aged 75 and older.

Retirees usually spent less than the American average, which was $60,593 per year, or $5,049.42 per month. Retirees also less than people nearing retirement, those aged 55 to 64, who spent $65,392 annually between 2016 and 2020.

💡 Recommended: Average Retirement Savings by Age

5 Common Retirement Expenses by Category

The typical budget for retirees needs to cover expenses for a retirement that could stretch over two or three decades. Drilling down to specific categories can help retirement savers determine benchmarks for their own budget.

1. Housing

Housing expenses, such as mortgage payments, insurance, and maintenance costs, are among the highest costs retirees face.

average housing expenses during retirement

From 2016 through 2020, Americans aged 65 and older spent an average of $16,880 annually, or $1,406.68 per month, on housing-related costs.

These expenses can vary dramatically by location and housing type. For example, housing costs are typically much higher in a coastal California community than in a real estate market in a state with relatively low property taxes, such as Wyoming, South Carolina, or Colorado. This might be a factor to consider when weighing the best states to retire in.

2. Transportation

Many retirees want an action-packed retirement full of entertainment, socializing, visiting family, and traveling the country. That means that transportation costs can be a significant factor in retirement expenses, especially early in retirement.

average transportation expenses during retirement

Americans spent an average of $11,910 per year getting from point A to point B between 2016 and 2020, but retirees spent a little less. Those over age 65 spent an average of $7,062 annually on transportation, or $588.50 per month. People aged 65 to 74 spent $8,497 per year, and people 75 and older spent $5,073 per year. These numbers cover everything from buying a car to filling up the gas tank and could be significantly higher for those who spend a lot of time traveling.

Retirees who don’t own a car may still need to factor the cost of public transportation into their annual retirement costs. Buses, subways, and other public transportation sources cost older generations $526.80 per year.

3. Healthcare

Americans’ healthcare costs — including health insurance, medical services, medical supplies, and prescription drugs — increase as they grow older. With age comes aching joints, injuries from falling, and sometimes chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes, or Alzheimer’s. Americans spent an average of $4,976 on healthcare annually between 2016 and 2020, but this is one area where retirees spend more than their younger peers.

average healthcare expenses during retirement

People over age 65 spent an average of $6,583 per year, or $548.62 per month, on healthcare from 2016 through 2020. Costs vary from person to person depending on their genetics, injuries, and lifestyle choices. For example, if heart disease runs in the family or you are a smoker, you may want to save extra for retirement healthcare costs.

If you have a high deductible health insurance plan, consider saving with a health savings account (HSA), which offers tax-advantaged savings to cover healthcare costs.

4. Food

Households run by someone age 65 or older spent $6,207 annually, or $517.23 monthly, buying food from 2016 through 2020. Those aged 65 to 74 spent $6,864 per year, and those over 75 spent $5,274. These food expenses include groceries, alcohol expenditures, and meals eaten at restaurants.

average food expenses during retirement

An individual’s food costs will vary depending on their diet and habits. For example, people who buy organic vegetables will likely spend more on produce than people who don’t. There’s also a good chance that eating at home more frequently will cost less than eating out five times per week.

5. Entertainment

Having fun isn’t just for the young. From 2016 through 2020, people over 65 spent an average of $2,527 annually on entertainment, or $210.55 monthly, on fees and admissions to places like museums, theater performances, and movies. Entertainment expenses also include hobbies and pet costs.

average entertainment expenses during retirement

People aged 65 to 74 spent $3,080 per year on entertainment during the past five years. However, once they hit age 75, spending on entertainment dropped to $1,749 annually, perhaps as mobility decreased.

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What Is the Most Costly Retirement Expense?

Of all of the expenses in retirement, the most expensive is generally housing. While of course exact retirement costs will vary from individual to individual depending on their situation, the average cost of housing even far exceeds costs like health care. As mentioned previously, Americans who are 65 and up spend an average of $16,880 per year on housing-related costs.

There are steps retirees can take to potentially reduce this expense though. For instance, they may aim to pay off their mortgage before they retire. Or, they could consider moving to a less costly state with lower taxes.

What Are Some Unexpected Retirement Expenses?

Even a well-laid retirement plan can leave someone open to surprise. Some unexpected retirement expenses that retirees might want to factor into their retirement planning include:

•   Uncovered health care costs: Health care might not cover anything, and to get total coverage, it might be necessary to get multiple plans under Medicare. However, it’s important to weigh the cost of that over any out-of-pocket costs. Of course, it’s hard to predict the future and because of that, it can be challenging to get the math just right.

•   Long-term care: This retirement expense can be steep, and the costs involved continue to rise. Especially for retirees who don’t have family to turn to for assistance, this can constitute a significant portion of a retirement budget. It’s estimated in Genworth’s Cost of Care Survey that the average cost for an in-home health aid is $61,776, while a private room in a nursing home facility runs $108,405 on average.

•   Unanticipated housing costs: Retirees’ budgets might also get thrown off by housing costs they didn’t factor into their calculations. For instance, while a retiree may have noted the cost of their monthly mortgage payments, they may not have taken into account potential home repairs and maintenance, or needed additions, like a wheelchair-accessible ramp.

What Will You Spend Less on in Retirement?

We’ve talked a lot about the costs of retirement, but there are some areas where you’ll spend less in this stage of life. One place you’ll shell out less is on insurance — Kiplinger estimates that the average retiree spends almost 65% less on insurance, at an average of $2,840 a year, compared to $8,100 a year on average for those under the age of 65. You’ll also likely spend less on taxes, thanks to tax breaks for those over the age of 65.

Other areas where costs might be lower in retirement include on pets and pet supplies; alcohol and tobacco; clothing; and, if you’re giving up your rush-hour commute, transportation.

5 Steps to Set Up a Retirement Budget

Once you have an idea of potential retirement expenses, you can start to save and comprehensively budget for them. Since every retirement looks different, there’s no average retirement budget — a good monthly retirement income for a couple will be different than for a single person. Nonetheless, these are the steps to create a budget that may work for you.

5 steps to retire

Step 1. Contribute to a Retirement Account

You may already have retirement savings in your company-sponsored 401(k) or a similar retirement plan. But those who don’t have access to a 401(k) or want to increase their savings can also save in an individual retirement account like a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA. These accounts can provide tax-advantaged ways to start retirement with adequate savings to build a budget.

💡 Recommended: 5 Steps to Investing in Your 401(k) Savings Account

Step 2: Make a List of Expected Monthly Expenses

Most expenses can fit into one of three categories: fixed, variable, and one-time. Fixed expenses are payments that occur regularly and stay the same from month to month, like mortgage/rent payments, property taxes, and car payments.

Variable expenses change from month to month, depending on personal usage and price fluctuations. Standard variable costs include utility bills and groceries. Likewise, any entertainment expenses, medical expenses, pet care, and personal care expenses may be variable.

One-time or non-recurring expenses are costs that don’t occur regularly. These might include a new roof, a vacation, or a wedding. You may want to set aside money in an emergency fund for unexpected expenses (like that new roof) and have other funds earmarked for non-essential, one-time expenses (like a wedding or vacation).

To get an idea of your various expenses, gather payment information from bank statements, credit card statements, receipts, and bills. Take a look at what you spend now, then deduct expenses you won’t have at retirement (perhaps you’ll eliminate a car payment or pay off your mortgage). Then you can tally what’s left to get an estimate of your projected expenses and build a line-item budget.

Step 3: Estimate Retirement Income

To get a sense of your potential retirement income, look at projected monthly withdrawals from Social Security, retirement accounts, pensions, real estate investments (like a rental property), and any savings or part-time income. Total them up to figure out what your monthly income will be.

Step 4: Compare Expected Expenses to Expected Income

Ideally, your expected income will be larger than your projected expenses. If this is not the case, you can remedy this issue by reducing costs or increasing income.

To reduce expenses, you may consider downsizing your home or going from owning two cars to one. You may also consider streamlining entertainment expenses as a better way to cut costs.

To increase income, you may consider taking on a part-time job when you retire or look to passive income sources to boost the money that you have to spend during retirement.

Step 5: Figure Out When You Can Retire

Once you know how much money you may need in retirement and how long you’ll need to save to get there, you can plan a realistic timeline for when you can retire.

Keep in mind that the plan will likely change over time as you get closer to retirement, depending on how much you’re able to save and how your retirement goals change. Along the way, it could be necessary to boost your retirement savings if you decide you want to retire sooner than later, or you find you’re not quite on-track for your planned age.

The Takeaway

Budgeting for retirement can feel overwhelming, but taking it step by step allows you to create a plan for a retirement you’ll enjoy. It’s helpful to know the average monthly costs and to know in which major categories retirees regularly spend. You might be surprised by where you need to budget more, or where costs might be lower than expected.

Ready to start saving to cover your retirement expenses? Consider an investment account with SoFi Invest®. Investors can trade stocks, exchange-traded funds, and even fractional shares. SoFi members also have access to SoFi Financial Planners, who can provide personalized insights and financial advice so members can make the most of their retirement savings.

Learn more about how SoFi Invest can help you save for retirement.


What are common expenses in retirement?

Common expenses in retirement include housing, health care, transportation, food, and entertainment. Of course, where you spend — and how much you spend in each category — will vary from retiree to retiree.

What is a reasonable retirement budget?

This depends on a person’s anticipated expenses and the lifestyle they’d like to lead in retirement. That said, the average retiree in America spends $60,593 per year, or $5,049.42 per month.

Which is the biggest expense for most retirees?

The largest cost in retirement is generally housing. Americans who are age 65 and up spend an average of $16,880 per year on housing-related costs.

SoFi Invest®


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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Advisory services are offered through SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. Information about SoFi Wealth’s advisory operations, services, and fees is set forth in SoFi Wealth’s current Form ADV Part 2 (Brochure), a copy of which is available upon request and at .


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When Is the Best Time to Book Summer Travel?

When Is the Best Time to Book Summer Travel?

The summer months are one of the most popular times to travel. Families with young children are often locked into summer travel due to school schedules. Even some adults have work schedules that make summer the most convenient time to travel. The upshot: Without proper planning, summer travel can be crowded, chaotic, and expensive.

While there isn’t a magic “best” time to book summer travel, there are a few things that can help ensure smooth sailing.

Things to Keep in Mind When Booking Summer Travel

For many top destinations, summertime is considered the peak season, when availability is at its lowest and prices are at their highest. If your timing is flexible, traveling during “shoulder” season (between peak and off-peak) can be easier.

You’ll also want to consider whether you’re willing to travel during special events or holidays like the 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc. Although it’s tempting to take advantage of a long holiday weekend, that’s what millions of other travelers will also be doing. You’ll find that it’s cheaper and less stressful traveling on a non-holiday weekend. And if you are traveling with pets, make sure your destination is pet-friendly and explore if there are any pet fees for where you are staying.

When to Book Flights for Summer

When to book flights depends on whether you’re looking to book domestic or international flights.

(One way families can afford to travel more is by choosing a closer destination where you can drive instead of fly.)

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Domestic Flights

For domestic summer travel, keep an eye on flights for several months before your planned trip. Many travel booking sites allow you to see historical prices for certain dates and routes. That can help you determine if the current price is higher or lower than average.

Before you book any flights, make sure you understand the change or cancellation policy for your ticket, and whether it’ll cost you to rebook.

International Flights

Booking international flights for summer travel can be tricky. Usually, you’ll want to book an international flight sooner than a similar domestic flight. If you wait until the last minute, you could see the price rise dramatically. Not having booked a flight may also cause problems with your visa, should one be required for the country you’re visiting.

Booking Hotels for Summer: Advance vs Last-Minute

Deciding whether to book your hotel for summer travel in advance or at the last minute depends on your personal preference. If you’re a planner, you may want to lock down your itinerary by booking your hotel early. However, you may be able to save money on hotels by waiting until closer to your travel dates.

You can try to capture the best of both worlds by booking early and then regularly monitoring your reservation. Many hotels allow free cancellations on reservations until only a few days before check-in. So you can reserve in advance, and then if the price goes down, just cancel your booking and book again at the lower price. Using credit card miles or cash back can be another way to save money on your hotel booking.

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How Far in Advance to Book Rental Cars for Summer

If you are renting a car for your summer travel, you can often use the same trick. It is common for many car rental places to offer the ability to book your rental car and pay at the counter. This form of book now pay later travel allows you to lock in a low rate for your rental car and then cancel and rebook if the price goes down afterward.

When to Book a Summer Cruise

Prices for cruises vary drastically based on a number of factors. The time of year, the cruise’s duration, your cabin choice, and how soon the cruise departs can all play a role in determining how much you’ll pay.

Prices for cruises may be low several months before departure and gradually rise, but it’s also common for cruise lines to offer “last-minute” specials to fill rooms that might otherwise go empty. If your life situation is such that you can decide to cruise at the drop of a hat, you may be able to pick up a cheap summer cruise.

Best Time to Book Tours, Sites, and Activities for Summer

It can be hard to book various activities for your trips until you have firm flights and hotels booked. But once you know for sure where you’ll be and when, you can start booking tours, events, and activities. It’s generally a good idea to book these sooner rather than later, since preferred dates and times can fill up fast. Keep your travel fund stocked, so you have enough money in your budget to do everything on your bucket list.

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The Takeaway

The summer months are some of the most popular times for travel, due to work and school schedules. But traveling to places everyone else wants to go when everyone else wants to go there will often lead to high prices and less availability. Being as flexible as you can with both your destination and travel dates can help.

Another good summer travel tip is to book cancellable reservations. Then you can regularly monitor prices and rebook if your plans change.


When is the best time to book a trip?

Prices and availability vary based on the destination and season. Your best bet is likely to book as early as you can to ensure you get the flight, hotel, and activities you want. If prices come down, you can always cancel and rebook. Just make sure you understand the change/cancellation policies.

What is the cheapest month to travel in the summer?

If your heart is set on a summer vacation but your budget is tight, you’ll get more for your money by traveling during the “shoulder season” — in early or late summer. Travel in September can be especially nice, because the crowds have dispersed and the weather is still summery (but no longer sweltering). If you’re heading to a summer resort town, just make sure that your favorite haunts — restaurants, activities, etc — don’t shut down after Labor Day weekend.

When is the best time to buy airline tickets to Europe 2023?

If you’re flying from North America, book your European airline tickets as early as possible. More people are expected to travel in 2023 than in previous years. That means flights may book up more quickly, and prices rise. Unlike with domestic travel, you likely won’t find many last minute deals to Europe.

Photo credit: iStock/gradyreese

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Child to 18?

How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Child to 18?

Have you ever wondered how much it costs to raise a child from birth to 18?

Are you sitting down?

Based on consumer surveys and other data, most estimates these days put the price of parenting just one child at $300,000 or more.

Your costs may vary significantly, of course, depending on where you live, your income, your marital status, and other factors. But it’s probably safe to say that raising a child to college age — and beyond — can deal a real wallop to the budget.

Read on for a breakdown of some of the costs prospective parents can expect.

How Much is the Cost of Raising a Child?

It’s hard to find an “official” calculation for the cost of raising a child.

For many years, parents and prospective parents could get an idea of the costs they faced from the Expenditures on Children by Families report published annually by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. But the USDA stopped updating the report in 2017, so the most recent information is for a child born in 2015.

Back then, the USDA estimated the cost of raising the younger of two children in a middle-income home with married parents would be approximately $233,610 in 2015 dollars.

Today, that number is a bit higher. A 2022 analysis conducted by the Brookings Institution found that parents can expect to spend at least $310,000 raising a child who was born in 2015. That’s for food, shelter, and other necessities, but not college, which for most students starts at age 18 or older.

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What Are Some Average Costs for Raising a Child to 18?

In 2015, the USDA divided the major infant-through-high-school expenses into the following categories:

•   Housing 29% of income

•   Food 18% of income

•   Child care and education 16% of income

•   Transportation 15% of income

•   Health care 9% of income

•   Miscellaneous 7% of income

•   Clothing 6% of income

But remember, those are the USDA’s numbers for one child in an average household with two kids, and those percentages have likely shifted in the past few years. You might end up with a similar allocation, or, based on your own circumstances and priorities, one that’s far different.

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Factors That Can Influence the Cost of Raising a Child in 2023

How much you pay to raise your family may be largely influenced by where you decide to live. In 2022, a mortgage payment was 31% of the typical American household’s income, based on data gathered by Black Knight. But that percentage may look different if you reside in a city or town where housing costs are much cheaper or far more expensive than average.

Child-care costs may vary widely as well, depending on the age of your child and the type of care you choose. Unless you can get Nana and Grandpa involved, be prepared for a hefty bill: 51% of parents who responded to’s 2022 Cost of Care Survey said they spent more than 20% of their household income on child care every year.

And those costs may not go down when a child reaches school age if he or she attends private school. According to the Education Data Initiative, the average annual tuition among the nation’s 22,440 private K-12 schools was $12,350 in 2021.

Your miscellaneous costs may also be different if your child is involved in sports or other activities that require expensive equipment, camps, or lessons.

Add to that potential healthcare costs, which could depend on the type of insurance you have and your child’s individual needs.

How to Budget for Baby

Considering all the costs involved, it may make sense to start transitioning your budget long before a baby actually arrives. Here are some things to consider if you decide to adjust your household budget categories to fit your growing family:

Stick to Your Savings Goals

You’ve probably heard it a thousand times: A baby will change your life — and your priorities. Still, your own financial security can help determine your child’s future, so it can help to stick with your savings goals, like building an emergency fund (you may need that money more than ever once you have a child), putting money away for a mortgage down payment, and investing for retirement. Then, if you still have room in your budget, you might consider including a 529 education savings account or some other type of investment plan for your child.

Pay Down Debt

The last thing you’ll want to worry about when you have a new baby is old debt. Paying interest on credit cards and other debt can eat away at any extra money you’re hoping to save for or spend on your child. A debt reduction plan like the popular snowball and avalanche strategies can help you focus on methodically dumping your debt and getting it done ASAP.

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Be Ready for First-Born Expenses

Just having a baby can be expensive. In 2022, the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker estimated that the health costs associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care for women enrolled in large group insurance plans came to almost $19,000 on average, and average out-of-pocket payments were almost $3,000. Then there’s the crib, car seat, clothes, formula, diapers, and other things you’ll need when you bring your baby home.

If you can adjust your budget to get ready for those upfront and monthly costs, you may have a better shot at keeping up with expected and unexpected bills later on.

Preparing for Changing Costs

Your budget is bound to evolve as your child gets older. The money you spend on diapers and formula in the first years will go toward buying new shoes, clothes, toys, team uniforms, and other expenses later on. (Maybe buying a car? Putting multiple kids through college? Paying for a wedding? Who knows?)

The good news is, these days, you can use a spending app to track exactly where your money is going and decide where you want it to go. So if your kiddo comes home from school one day and wants to switch from playing soccer to playing the piano, you can quickly rework your budget categories and see where you stand.

Can You Afford to Be a Parent?

Of course your beautiful baby will be worth every penny of the $300,000 (give or take) you’ll be spending over the next 18 years. Still, you may want to keep your financial readiness in mind as you think about when to have a baby.

Besides the basic costs, raising a child also can affect your finances if you decide to do in vitro fertilization (IVF), take an unpaid maternity leave, buy a more “reliable” car or a bigger home, or go part-time at work so you can be home after school.

Any planning you can do in advance and as you go to minimize the financial blow can benefit you and your child. (Not to mention the example it will set down the road, when you’re teaching your child about money management.)

Potential Opportunities to Save

Figuring out how to save money while raising kids isn’t easy. But there are some spending categories over which you can have some control, including:

Purchase Goods Secondhand

Kids grow out of everything so quickly. Borrowing some items from friends and family, or buying things secondhand, could be a big money-saver. If your sister wants to lend you her perfectly good (and safe) crib or car seat, let her! And don’t underestimate the quality and cuteness of the clothes you can find for little ones at yard sales, consignment shops, or online. There also may be bargains to be had when shopping for secondhand sports equipment and musical instruments.

Get Help with Child Care

There may be several ways you can save on child-care costs, including forming a co-op with other parents and taking turns watching each other’s children, or asking nearby family members to help out on a full- or part-time basis.

Embrace Meal Planning

When your kids get older, it may be tempting to stop for fast food on busy nights, especially if you don’t have any idea what you’re going to serve for dinner. By planning ahead, you may be able to reduce your grocery costs, the number of trips to the grocery store, and unplanned visits to the closest hamburger joint.

Cut Household Expenses

While you’re adjusting your budget for baby, think about little things you can do to cut down on spending and expenses. Could you adjust your thermostat to save a few bucks every winter and summer? Will you have time to watch all those cable channels and streaming services with a child in the house? Or can you clean the pool yourself, cut the grass, or wash your own car?

Find Free and Cheap Family Activities

Every activity you plan for your child doesn’t have to come with a big price tag. Going around the block with your kid in a stroller, wagon, or on the back of a bike can be the best kind of free fun. Want to see a movie? Check out the price of a matinee or other discounted screenings. Or buy a bottle of bubbles or a small swimming pool for a good time in the backyard.

The Takeaway

At $310,000, the estimated cost of raising a child from birth to 18 may be daunting. But if you plan in advance for those first major costs — and adjust your budget for changing priorities as your child grows — it may be easier to manage your finances during this exciting, expensive time in your life.

Using a money tracker app can be a good place to start. SoFi lets you know right where you stand, including what you spend and how to reach your financial goals.

Get the information and tools you need to make the most of your money.


How much does it cost to raise a child in 2023?

Parents could expect to spend around $310,000 or more raising a child who was born in 2015, according to a 2022 analysis conducted by the Brookings Institution. Note that the cost of raising a child can vary significantly depending on where you live, your household income, your child’s health, and other factors — including if you’ll be paying for college, a wedding, or other big-ticket items.

How much do you spend on a child before they turn 18?

The cost of raising a child can vary from one household to the next, based on many factors. But it’s been estimated that the bill for an average U.S. family raising a child to 18 (without college) could be $310,000 or more.

How much money should you save for a baby?

The more you can put away before you have a baby, the better prepared you can be. Some things to focus on might include setting up or adding to your emergency fund, continuing to make contributions to your retirement plan, and, if you hope to move to a bigger home, coming up with the necessary down payment.

Photo credit: iStock/JohnnyGreig

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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FDIC Insurance: What It Is And How It Works

With the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) recently in the news, many people are wondering what the FDIC is, exactly, and what it does.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, is an independent agency of the U.S. government. In the unlikely event of a bank failure, it protects you and reimburses your deposits, typically up to $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, per account ownership category.

People often take the FDIC guarantee for granted now, but it was created from a very real need and has kept many people and their money safe.

Here, you’ll learn more about this important aspect of banking, including:

•   What the FDIC is

•   What the FDIC does

•   How does the FDIC work

•   Which accounts are and are not eligible for FDIC protection

What Is the FDIC?

The FDIC is the shorthand way of referring to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. It is an independent agency created by Congress in 1933, after the Great Depression, when thousands of banks failed. The goal was to shore up confidence in the U.S. financial system and protect Americans from losing their cash if their bank failed.

In January 1934, the FDIC began insuring deposits, covering them up to $2,500. That number has increased through the years, of course, most recently with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. President George W. Bush signed the act to temporarily raise FDIC insurance coverage from $100,000 to $250,000 per depositor during the financial crisis. President Barack Obama made the coverage hike permanent in 2010 with the signing of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

It’s important to note how this insurance works: The standard coverage is $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category. Joint accounts may be covered up to $500,000.

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What Does the FDIC Do?

Since its creation, no depositor has lost any money from an FDIC-insured deposit. This means that, unlike your great-grandparents, you can put your money into an eligible financial institution, whether a savings vs. checking account or other qualifying account, and know it’s more secure than stuffing it under your mattress. (Yes, that used to be a thing for many savers.)

Also of note: Though it’s the customers’ money that’s covered by the FDIC, the agency is funded by premiums paid by the banks and from earnings on investments in U.S. Treasury securities. Customers do not pay for this insurance; they are automatically covered when they open an FDIC-insured account.

There are rules and limits you should know about, however, if you want to make the most of the FDIC’s coverage.

Types of Accounts Insured by the FDIC

The FDIC insures all deposit accounts at insured banks and savings associations up to the FDIC’s limits, including:

•   Checking accounts

•   Savings accounts

•   Money market accounts

•   Certificates of deposit (CDs)

•   Prepaid cards when the underlying funds are deposited in an insured bank (these funds are only insured in the instance of bank failure, not loss or theft)

•   Certain retirement savings accounts, but only when placed in certain types of investments and in accordance with all FDIC requirements.

   Deposit accounts, such as checking and savings accounts, money market deposit accounts, and certificates of deposit, can all be held in traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs and are eligible for FDIC insurance.

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How to Tell if Your Money Is FDIC-Insured

How can you tell for sure if your account is covered? While the FDIC insures deposits in most banks and savings associations, not all of them are protected. Every FDIC-insured depository institution must display an official sign at each teller window or teller station, so that’s an easy way to check if you bank at a brick-and-mortar location.

If you’re using an online bank or a mobile-first financial product, the company’s website should contain information about its coverage.

Or you can find out if your deposits are insured by using the FDIC BankFind tool .

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Types of Accounts Not Insured by the FDIC

Now, here are the kinds of funds not covered by FDIC insurance. Money held in these ways, even if purchased from an insured financial institution, is not protected:

•   Stocks

•   Bonds

•   Annuities

•   Mutual funds

•   Municipal securities

•   Life insurance policies

•   The contents of a safety deposit box

This is an important point to note as you think about your financial security.

Also, you may wonder about the FDIC vs. NCUA in terms of protecting your finances. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), created by Congress in 1970, covers federally insured credit unions in much the same way as the FDIC covers banks, including deposits up to $250,000. If your funds are held at a credit union, you may want to make sure it has NCUA coverage. The FDIC will not be protecting you, but it’s likely the NCUA is.

How FDIC Insurance Works

Here’s more important intel if you’re wondering, How does the FDIC work?

The FDIC covers your holdings in certain accounts, as listed above. What amount of money is insured in a bank account? Usually, the limit is $250,000. It is calculated to cover both principal and interest earned by the depositor. If you have an account that has $200,000 in it and has accrued $20,000 in interest, you will be covered in the amount of $220,000.

As mentioned above, there is a standard $250,000 cap on FDIC insurance. If you have high net worth, this coverage may not be enough. As a result, you may want to keep in mind that by having money in excess of that amount in one bank or one account, you may be putting yourself at risk.

Because the $250,000 applies to each bank where you have an account, one way you may be able to increase the FDIC insurance coverage available to you is by using multiple banks.

Another option is to structure your accounts properly within a single bank. If you have any concerns about your coverage, it can be a good idea to discuss them with a representative at your bank.

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What Happens if a Bank Fails?

If a bank were to fail, the FDIC would intervene in two ways:

•   The FDIC would pay depositors up to the insurance limit to cover their losses. So, if you had $10,500 in an insured account and the bank failed, you would be reimbursed for that amount. Typically, this happens within a few days after a bank closes.

•   The FDIC also takes responsibility for collecting the assets of the failed bank and settling its debts. As assets are sold, depositors who had more than the $250,000 limit in an insured account may receive payments on their claim.

How to Recover Your Money if a Bank Fails

Because of the FDIC safety net, you won’t likely see fearful customers lining up to get their money the way they did before deposit insurance was established.

Still, when a bank closes, it can cause depositors to worry and wonder how to get their money. Typically, there are one of two scenarios when a bank fails:

•   Most commonly, you would become a depositor at a healthy, FDIC-insured bank. You would have access to your insured funds at this new bank and could likely choose to keep your accounts there if you like.

•   If there is not a healthy, FDIC-insured bank that can step in quickly, the FDIC will likely pay the insured depositor by check within as little as a few days after the bank closes.

As for immediate next steps if you learn your bank is closing, the FDIC aims to post information as promptly as possible, or you can contact the agency at 877-ASK-FDIC or visit the FDIC Support Center website .

The Takeaway

Though it’s quite a rare occurrence, a bank can fail when it takes on too much risk or, as was the case recently, was exposed to interest rate risk. If your bank is covered by FDIC insurance you can receive reimbursement up to $250,000, meaning your funds aren’t lost for good. FDIC insurance covers checking, savings, money market accounts, CDs, and other deposit accounts.

The FDIC does not cover some of the other financial products or services offered by banks, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, and securities.

Putting your money in a brick-and-mortar financial institution isn’t the only way to make sure it’s protected. SoFi Checking and Savings is a mobile-first online bank account that keeps your hard-earned dollars safe; all accounts receive FDIC insurance of up to $250,000 per member.

What’s more, we offer an array of great features that can make managing your money easier, such as spending and saving in one convenient place and using savings tools such as Vaults and Roundups. Plus, you’ll earn a competitive annual percentage yield (APY) and pay no account fees, both of which can help your money grow faster.

Want security, convenience, and no account fees? Bank smarter with SoFi.


How often does a bank fail?

Currently, banks fail very rarely. In the past two years, no banks failed in the United States. However, the FDIC was created in response to thousands of bank failures around the time of the Great Depression.

How does the FDIC differ from the NCUA?

FDIC insurance applies to qualifying accounts at banks. NCUA insurance covers qualifying accounts at credit unions.

How many banks are FDIC insured?

As of September 2022, the FDIC insured a total of 4,746 institutions. Of these, 4,157 were commercial banks, and 589 were savings institutions.

Are credit unions FDIC-insured?

Credit unions don’t qualify for FDIC insurance. Instead, they may be covered by the National Credit Union Administration, or NCUA, insurance.

SoFi members with direct deposit activity can earn 3.80% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Direct Deposit means a recurring deposit of regular income to an account holder’s SoFi Checking or Savings account, including payroll, pension, or government benefit payments (e.g., Social Security), made by the account holder’s employer, payroll or benefits provider or government agency (“Direct Deposit”) via the Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) Network during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Deposits that are not from an employer or government agency, including but not limited to check deposits, peer-to-peer transfers (e.g., transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc.), merchant transactions (e.g., transactions from PayPal, Stripe, Square, etc.), and bank ACH funds transfers and wire transfers from external accounts, or are non-recurring in nature (e.g., IRS tax refunds), do not constitute Direct Deposit activity. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate. SoFi members with direct deposit are eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits.

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SoFi Bank shall, in its sole discretion, assess each account holder’s Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits throughout each 30-Day Evaluation Period to determine the applicability of rates and may request additional documentation for verification of eligibility. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the “Start Date” and “End Date” set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the “30-Day Evaluation Period”). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Upon receiving a Direct Deposit or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits to your account, you will begin earning 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% on checking balances on or before the following calendar day. You will continue to earn these APYs for (i) the remainder of the current 30-Day Evaluation Period and through the end of the subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period and (ii) any following 30-day Evaluation Periods during which SoFi Bank determines you to have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits without interruption.

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Separately, SoFi members who enroll in SoFi Plus by paying the SoFi Plus Subscription Fee every 30 days can also earn 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. For additional details, see the SoFi Plus Terms and Conditions at

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The SoFi Bank Debit Mastercard® is issued by SoFi Bank, N.A., pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated and can be used everywhere Mastercard is accepted. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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