What Is FICO Score 8 vs. FICO Score 9?
FICO® Scores, issued by the Fair Isaac Corporation, are one of the most popular types of credit scores. FICO Scores were first introduced in 1989, and there are currently 16 distinct FICO versions in use today. FICO Score 8 and FICO Score 9 are two of the more popular versions (or models).
Keep reading to learn more on FICO Score 8 and FICO Score 9, including how each works, how they differ, and which score lenders use the most.
Key Points
• FICO Score 8 remains more widely used by lenders, while FICO Score 9 adoption is increasing but not yet universal.
• FICO Score 9 provides a more comprehensive evaluation of a borrower’s creditworthiness due to its updated scoring model.
• FICO Score 9 reduces the impact of medical debt on credit scores, unlike FICO Score 8, which treats all collection accounts similarly.
• FICO Score 9 disregards paid collection accounts, whereas FICO Score 8 still considers them.
• Your scores on both models should be relatively similar, as all FICO Scores take into account payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, credit mix, and new credit.
What Are FICO Scores?
A FICO Score is a type of credit score produced by the Fair Isaac Corporation. They list five factors that can affect your FICO score:
• Payment history (35%)
• Amounts owed (30%)
• Length of credit history (15%)
• Credit mix (10%)
• New credit (10%)
Your FICO Score is a three-digit number that ranges from 300 to 850, and can help lenders decide how much of a credit risk you might be. Lowering your credit card utilization is one way that you may be able to build your credit score.
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Why There Are Different FICO Score Versions
While the Fair Isaac Corporation does share the broad information that makes up a FICO Score, they do not share exactly what goes into a FICO Score. The same is true of other companies that produce credit scores. When you look at VantageScore vs. FICO Scores, for example, you may find that the same person has varying scores, though they’re usually fairly close across all scoring companies.
FICO is constantly tweaking its model to make it as predictive as possible, which is why there are multiple FICO Score versions used.
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How Different FICO Score Versions Are Used
Different FICO Score versions are used depending on the type of loan and the lender’s preferences. Here’s a breakdown:
FICO Score 8 (Most Common)
• Widely used for credit card approvals, auto loans, and personal loans
• Known for being sensitive to high credit card utilization
FICO Score 9 (Improved Model)
• Used by some lenders for personal loans and credit cards
• More lenient on medical debt and paid collection accounts
• Incorporates rent payment history, if reported
FICO Score 2, 4, and 5 (Mortgage Scores)
• Specifically used in mortgage lending
• Required by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for home loans
• Older models that focus heavily on payment history and derogatory marks
FICO Auto Score 8 & Auto Score 9
• Tailored for auto loan approvals
• Gives more weight to auto loan payment history
FICO Bankcard Score 8 & Bankcard Score 9
• Used for credit card approvals
• Score ranges from 250 to 900
• Places more emphasis on credit card behavior and revolving credit usage
FICO Score 10 and 10T (Newest Versions)
• Not yet widely adopted
• FICO 10T incorporates trending data, which looks at credit usage patterns over time
• More predictive and accurate, but lenders are slow to switch due to compatibility issues
Lenders choose specific versions based on the type of risk they want to assess and the industry standards they follow.
Key Features of FICO Score 8
FICO Score 8 is one of the most widely used credit scoring models by lenders to assess a borrower’s creditworthiness. It places a strong emphasis on payment history and credit utilization, with late payments and high credit card balances significantly impacting the score.
Additionally, FICO Score 8 does not differentiate between paid and unpaid collection accounts. This model is favored for its balanced approach to evaluating risk while helping lenders make more accurate lending decisions.
Key Features of FICO Score 9
FICO Score 9 introduces several enhancements over FICO Score 8, offering a more refined assessment of creditworthiness. It disregards paid collection accounts, which can positively impact borrowers who have settled past debts. Additionally, it reduces the negative impact of medical collections compared to other types of debt.
The model also incorporates rental payment history when reported, providing an opportunity for renters to build credit. These improvements aim to provide a fairer and more accurate reflection of a consumer’s financial behavior, helping lenders make better-informed decisions.
Which Do Lenders Use More: FICO Score 8 or FICO Score 9?
Lenders predominantly use FICO Score 8 for most credit decisions, as it’s the most widely adopted version of the FICO Score. FICO Score 9 is newer and includes some improvements. As of now, though, many lenders still rely on FICO Score 8 because it has been in use longer and has a more established track record.
Major Differences Between FICO Score 8 and FICO Score 9
FICO Score 8 and FICO Score 9 are two different models of the FICO Score credit score model. Here’s a look at the major differences between FICO Score 8 and FICO Score 9:
Medical Debt:
• FICO Score 8: Treats medical debt the same as other types of debt, potentially lowering your score.
• FICO Score 9: Excludes medical debt from the score if it’s paid off, making it less impactful once paid.
Collection Accounts:
• FICO Score 8: Does not differentiate between types of collections, meaning both paid and unpaid collections can harm your score.
• FICO Score 9: More lenient on paid collection accounts, which won’t negatively impact the score once they’re settled.
Rent Payment History:
• FICO Score 8: Does not consider rent payments when calculating the score.
• FICO Score 9: Includes rent payment history if it’s reported, which can benefit renters with a positive payment history.
Authorized User Accounts:
• FICO Score 8: Considers authorized user accounts as part of the score, even if the primary account holder is not using the card responsibly.
• FICO Score 9: De-emphasizes authorized user accounts to avoid inflating scores based on potentially inactive accounts.
Credit Utilization:
• FICO Score 8: Focuses on credit utilization ratios, especially for credit cards, to assess creditworthiness.
• FICO Score 9: Similar in its approach to credit utilization, but may calculate this slightly differently to reflect more accurate borrower behavior.
Overall, FICO Score 9 offers a more updated approach to certain types of debt and credit behaviors compared to FICO Score 8, but FICO Score 8 is still more commonly used.
How to Check Your FICO Scores
You have a few options to check your credit report and score, including ways to check your credit score without paying. Here are some ways to check your FICO Scores:
• Check with your credit card issuer: Many credit card companies, like Discover and American Express, offer free FICO scores to customers.
• Visit MyFICO.com: The official FICO website provides access to multiple score versions for a fee.
• Use free credit monitoring services: Platforms like Experian offer free access to your FICO Score.
• Contact your bank or credit union: Some banks and credit unions provide FICO scores as part of their customer benefits.
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The Takeaway
FICO scores, produced by the Fair Isaac Corporation, are one of the more popular types of credit scores used by 90% of lenders. FICO Score 8 and FICO Score 9 are two different versions of the FICO score model.
According to the Fair Isaac Corporation, FICO Score 8 is still the most widely used version of the FICO score, and FICO Score 9 is also still widely used by lenders, even though both models have been available for over a decade.
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Is FICO 8 or FICO 9 better?
FICO 9 is considered an improvement over FICO 8, as it reduces the impact of medical debt, disregards paid collections, and includes rental payment history if reported. However, FICO 8 remains widely used by lenders, so its relevance depends on the lender’s preference and the borrower’s financial situation.
What is a good FICO 8 score?
A good FICO 8 score typically falls between 670 and 739. This range indicates that a borrower is considered low-risk by lenders, which can lead to better loan terms and interest rates. Scores above this range are considered very good or excellent, further enhancing borrowing opportunities and financial benefits.
Which FICO score is most important?
The different FICO score models are similar, and none is considered to be more important than any others. Different lenders may use different FICO score models depending on which model they find most advantageous for their purposes.
Is FICO score 8 still used?
Yes, even though FICO Score 8 was first introduced in 2009, it is still widely used in the lending industry. However, over time, lenders will likely start migrating to newer FICO scoring models, such as FICO Score 9, FICO Score 10, and FICO Score 10T.
Is a FICO score of 8 good to buy a house?
It is important to understand that FICO Score 8 refers to the eighth version of the FICO credit scoring model, and not to an actual FICO Score of 8. FICO scores have a minimum of 300, so it is impossible to have a FICO Score of 8. To buy a house with a mortgage, you will likely need to have a FICO Score in the good range (meaning a score of at least 670), though requirements vary by lender.
Do any lenders use FICO 9?
Yes, some lenders use FICO Score 9, especially for personal loans and certain types of credit evaluations. However, FICO Score 8 remains the most widely used version. FICO 9 enhances rental payment reporting and reduces the impact of medical debt, making it appealing for specific lending situations.
Photo credit: iStock/milorad kravic
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