students in library

U.S. Student Debt Has Surpassed Credit Card Debt

Scary, but true. The amount of student debt in the United States is approximately $1.5 trillion , about one-and-a-half times what Americans currently owe on their credit cards. People use credit cards for home repairs, to go on vacation, to buy groceries, to eat out at restaurants—and for just about any other expense you can think of. Yet, all of these purchases combined are dwarfed by our country’s total student loan debt.

Student loan debt is now the second biggest form of debt in our country, only behind mortgage loans—and the debt balance and its accompanying crisis continues to grow. In this post, we’ll delve into what impact this situation is having on the millennial generation (and other borrowers). We’ll also reverse engineer the reasons why this debt crisis is taking place and share strategies to help whittle down student loan debt, maybe even paying it off more quickly.

National Student Loan Debt and Its Impact on Borrowers

A recent study shows that millennials who have student debt have a net worth, on average, that’s 75% less than those without student debt (an average of $29,087, compared to $114,376 for those who are loan-free).

Students with loan debt also tend to have, when compared to their peers with no student loan debt:

•  about half as much money in the bank ($5,500 versus $10,180 )

•  approximately $19,000 less in their retirement accounts ($21,160 versus $39,905 )

•  larger mortgages—and on homes with less value

In short, financial wellness of millennials with student loan debt is clearly substandard, overall, when compared to others in their demographic without this debt. And, although people with college degrees tend to get higher-paying jobs, overall, the weight of the student debt that often accompanies it can drag down a person’s ability to gain financial wellness.

Here’s another statistic to consider: in an era when total student loan debt has surpassed total credit card debt, millennials with student loans also have more credit card debt.

•  55% of those with student loans also have credit card debt ; only 32% without education-related debt do.

•  Their average balance is $2,888 compared to $1,476 for graduates without student loan debt.

A Forbes article looks at the “disastrous domino effect” created by student debt, with one couple sharing how their debt is forcing them to “put their lives on hold year after year.” It’s had a negative impact on their marriage as they focus on paying down debt, and as they’re waiting to have children and buy a home. This debt has been a “huge burden and point of contention.”

Related: Will There Ever Be a Student Loan Bailout?

The borrower being quoted was a participant in a 50-state survey, Buried in Debt , of student loan debt and its impact on borrowers.

This report examines how the unrelenting stress of student debt can strain borrowers financially as well as emotionally. One of the participants shares how she regularly thinks about selling everything she owns to live in her car so she can put more money towards her debt.

Conclusions from the report include:

•  Nearly 90% of borrowers surveyed struggle to make payments.

•  The majority have less than $1,000 in their bank account.

•  6% of them have even had Social Security payments or wages garnished.

•  Nearly one third of them say their student loan bill is higher than their rent or mortgage payment.

•  65% say it’s higher than their entire monthly food budget.

More About the National Student Loan Debt Crisis

The amount of U.S. student loan debt continues to grow, increasing by 170% in just 10 years’ time . You read that right: over the last 10 years or so, the amount of student debt (in real dollars!) nearly tripled, which may lead people to believe we’re in the midst of a student loan bubble, similar to the subprime real estate bubble from a decade ago.

In June 2018, published Safehaven’s prediction that the student loan bubble is about to pop, and the article also shares how, earlier in 2018, the chairman of the Federal Reserve stated that this student loan increase could “slow down economic growth.”

Why this Debt is Growing

In part, the total student loan debt is growing because the costs of getting an education are still rising beyond the rate of inflation. In fact, over the last 10 years, the published costs of in-state tuition and fees at public universities increased at an average of 3.1% beyond the rate of inflation.

And, as long as the cost of attending college outpaces the cost of living, problems will continue for borrowers. Plus, the housing market crash of 2008 has also fed into today’s student loan debt crisis. That’s because some parents who’d planned to borrow against their homes’ equity to help their children attend college often couldn’t do so, post-2008. So, these students needed to take on debt of their own. More specifically, some economists suggest that, for every $1 drop in home equity loans, there has been an increase of 40 to 60 cents in student loans.

Even more alarming, analysis by The Brookings Institution estimates that, by 2023 (just a few short years away!), nearly 40% of student borrowers may default on their loans.

Paying Down Student Debt More Quickly

If possible, you could consider making an extra payment annually toward your loans’ principal balance. Can you do this twice a year? Every quarter? Paying extra toward your loans can help you get them paid off more quickly.

If that strategy is too much for your cash flow situation, you could always try figuring out how much you could increase your monthly payment beyond the minimum. Even if that doesn’t seem like an option right now, you can continue monitoring your financial situation and taking advantage of when you can pay more to your debt balance.

It can also help to create or review your monthly budget to see where you can cut back on expenses. For example:

•  How many paid apps, monthly subscriptions, and so forth do you have automatically deducted from a bank account or put on a credit card? Do you use them enough to justify their prices? There are even apps that help you can cancel unnecessary subscriptions and more.

•  When is the last time you shopped around to make sure you’re getting a good deal on your car insurance, enter’s insurance, or cell phone plan? How much could you save if you switched to a less expensive plan, and would the coverage still be as good?

•  What discretionary spending can you reasonably live without?

What would happen if you put those “found” dollars onto your student loan balance?

Refinancing Student Loan Debt with SoFi

If you’ve ever consolidated, say, balances from multiple credit cards into a personal loan, then you already know how much more convenient it can be to have one monthly payment. And, if you can get a lower rate on your new loan, you could also pay less interest over the life of the loan—depending on your repayment term.

The same is true when you refinance your student loans. It isn’t unusual for students to have taken out multiple loans for their education, and consolidating them into one loan with one monthly payment and a potentially lower interest rate might help them manage their repayment.

At SoFi, we allow you to refinance federal and private loans. We do, however, recommend that you explore the repayment benefits you can receive with federal loans, such as forgiveness programs or income-driven repayment plans, before refinancing. You’ll lose out on those benefits when you refinance with a private lender, so it’s important to be sure you won’t want to take advantage of any federal loan benefits either now or in the future.

When you refinance, you can opt for a fixed or variable loan and potentially select a more favorable loan term. If you are currently struggling to make your monthly student loan payments, it might make more sense to choose a longer term—though this can mean paying more interest over the life of the loan. Alternately, if you refinance to a shorter term, you could pay your loans off earlier, potentially paying less in interest.

In just two minutes, you can find your rate online and see if you qualify for SoFi student loan refinancing.

Ready to explore refinancing your student loans? Learn about how you can refinance your student loan debt into one convenient payment with SoFi.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance
If you are a federal student loan borrower, you should consider all of your repayment opportunities including the opportunity to refinance your student loan debt at a lower APR or to extend your term to achieve a lower monthly payment. Please note that once you refinance federal student loans you will no longer be eligible for current or future flexible payment options available to federal loan borrowers, including but not limited to income-based repayment plans or extended repayment plans.


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Does Student Loan Deferment Affect Your Credit Score?

If you’re facing student loan debt, adding those monthly payments into your budget can be overwhelming—and for some, it can be a serious struggle to meet the monthly minimum on loan payments.

Of course, to simply stop making payments is pretty much the worst thing you can do. Before you go that route, there are several other options to consider—and the sooner you move to get back on track, the better.

One of the more popular alternatives for federal student loans—chosen by thousands of borrowers each year—is to just press pause by requesting deferment or forbearance . But that postponement isn’t necessarily the best choice for everyone.

The appeal is obvious—both deferment and forbearance offer a chance to catch your breath and protect your credit when you feel as though you’re drowning in debt. A recent Brookings Institution analysis found that nearly 40% of borrowers could be in default on their student loans by 2023.

The main difference is that with a student loan deferment, you may not have to pay the interest that accrues on certain types of federal loans during the deferment period. With a forbearance, no matter what type of loan you have, eventually you’ll be responsible for paying the interest that accrues.

Either way, the relief is only temporary: Unless you’re deferring your student loans because you are going back to school, enrolled at least half-time, there are limits on how long you can postpone paying your federal student loans. And in the meantime, there could be consequences to your current and future finances.

For example, when the loan is in deferment or forbearance, interest may accumulate on your loan balance and capitalize on the principal at the end of the deferment or forbearance period. This could ultimately mean paying more in interest over the life of the loan, which could take away from money you’d rather put toward a car or house.

How Does Student Loan Deferment or Forbearance Affect Your Credit

A number of factors determine your FICO® credit score , including payment history, how much you owe, how long you’ve had your debts, what your credit mix looks like and how much new credit you’ve asked for lately. Each factor is weighted differently, with payment history being the most important, making up about 35% of your FICO Score.

Though your loan status will be noted on a credit report , putting your federal student loan into deferment or forbearance shouldn’t directly affect your credit score, unless you miss a payment before your deferral or forbearance is granted.

But your total debt load likely will be reflected on your credit report—and if you aren’t paying it down, it could keep your score lower than you’d like. Just as defaulting can crash your credit, making monthly payments can help you build a positive credit history.

And your credit score isn’t the only thing new lenders look at when they’re deciding if you pass muster. Though education debt may be viewed more favorably than, say, credit card debt, because it can be regarded as an “investment” in your overall earning potential and comes with a lower interest rate that credit card debt, it still affects your debt-to-income ratio (DTI).

And that might determine if a lender will approve your application for a car loan or mortgage, if the jewelry store will sell you that engagement ring on an installment plan, or if a management company will rent you your dream apartment. A lender wants to see that you’re bringing in enough cash to cover your debt payments—hence, looking at your DTI for a sense of how much you’re earning versus paying out to existing debt.

What Are Some Other Alternatives?

Deferment is better than defaulting on your student debt—by a wide margin. But it’s a short-term solution.

Are you certain you’ll be better prepared to make the same payments in six months or a year—even three years? If you expect your economic prospects to improve in a relatively short period, a temporary delay could be the way to go.

A better option may be to check on your eligibility for one of several federal loan repayment programs, such as income-driven repayment . Income-driven repayment plans allow you to pay 10%, 15%, or 20% of your discretionary income to your loans—depending on which specific plan you chose. While this generally means extending your loan term and therefore paying more interest over the life of the loan, it also can lower your monthly payments and make them more manageable.

You also might be able to improve your interest rate—and, therefore, your long-term cost—by consolidating and refinancing all your federal and private student loans into one loan with one payment.

If you haven’t yet missed a beat as a borrower—if you’ve graduated, have a job and still have a solid credit and financial background—you may be able to qualify for a new student loan at a lower rate. Depending on how you restructure your debt, refinancing could help you pay off your student loans at an even faster pace than you planned.

Can Refinancing Affect Your Credit Report?

Every person’s credit story is different, so it’s hard to say exactly how any change might affect it. On the one hand, refinancing your student loans might help get you out of debt sooner, which could lower your overall debt, thus helping your credit score.

Similarly, if you’re currently struggling to make student loan payments on time (which could hinder your score), and refinancing allows you to make on-time payments each month, that could also help your score.

Ultimately, refinancing could have a different impact on every financial situation and credit history. And there are few better recipes for credit report improvement than diligently making your debt repayments on time.

That being said, here are a few other things that may help if you’re considering refinancing:

•  Not waiting until you’re in default to shop for a refinancing loan. If you’re in default when you apply to refinance, it will likely make it more difficult for you to get a refinanced loan with a competitive interest rate

•  Reviewing your credit report for errors—and speaking up if there is any misinformation on your report

•  When looking into pre-qualify, you may want to be sure the lender will only do a soft credit inquiry to determine if you prequalify (which won’t affect your score)

•  Making payments on your current loans until your new loan is in place. And once you start paying your refinanced loan, it’s just as important that you stay up to date on your payments. Some lenders offer hardship assistance in certain circumstances—if you lose your job, for example.

Every lender has its own criteria for determining which borrowers it will do business with. If you opt to check your rates, SoFi will conduct a soft credit pull* to determine the rates and terms for which you qualify and show those to you upfront. The process is done online and takes just a couple of minutes.

If you decide to refinance with SoFi, in addition to potentially getting a lower interest rate, you can take advantage of other perks, including complimentary career counseling.

But remember: The goal of refinancing is to get back on track and then stay on track. That’s a key way you can help build a solid credit record that will make borrowing easier and less expensive in the future.

When you’re ready to take control of your student loans, refinancing with SoFi may help you manage your debt.

*To check the rates and terms you may qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. A hard credit pull, which may impact your credit score, is required if you apply for a SoFi product after being pre-qualified.
SoFi Student Loan Refinance
If you are a federal student loan borrower, you should consider all of your repayment opportunities including the opportunity to refinance your student loan debt at a lower APR or to extend your term to achieve a lower monthly payment. Please note that once you refinance federal student loans you will no longer be eligible for current or future flexible payment options available to federal loan borrowers, including but not limited to income-based repayment plans or extended repayment plans.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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pink credit card with confetti

Does Debt Consolidation Hurt Your Credit?

You may have heard that consolidating your debts can hurt your credit score. So, if you’re considering this financial strategy to free up cash flow and otherwise streamline debts, it’s natural to wonder if that’s true. And like so many questions related to finances, the answer depends upon your specific situation.

It’s important to remember that a combination of many factors can affect credit scores and to understand how those factors are considered in credit score algorithms. We’ll use FICO® as an example—according to them, the high-level breakdown of credit scores is as follows:

•  Payment history (35%): This includes delinquent payments and information found in public records.

•  Amount currently owed (30%): This includes money you owe on your accounts, as well as how much of your available credit on revolving accounts is currently used up.

•  Credit history length (15%): This includes when you opened your accounts and the amount of time since you used each account.

•  Credit types used (10%): What is your mix? For example, how much is revolving credit, like credit cards? How much is installment debt, such as car loans and personal loans?

•  New credit (10%): How much new credit are you pursuing?

Now, here is information to help you make the right debt consolidation decision.

Benefits of Debt Consolidation

When you’re juggling, say, multiple credit cards, it can be easy to accidentally miss a payment. Depending on the severity of the mistake, that can have a negative impact on your credit score. This, in turn, can make it more challenging to get loans when you need them, or prevent you from getting favorable loan terms, like low interest rates. Plus, even if you don’t miss a payment, when you have numerous credit card bills to juggle, you probably worry that one will get missed.

Plus, it’s not uncommon for credit cards to have high interest rates, and when you only make the minimum payments on each of them, you very well may be paying a significant amount of money each month without seeing balances drop very much at all.

So, when you combine multiple credit cards into one loan, preferably one with a lower interest rate, it’s much more convenient, making it less likely that you’ll accidentally miss a payment. And paying less in interest will likely make it easier to pay down your debt.

How you handle your debt consolidation, though, and the way in which you manage your finances after the consolidation each play significant roles in whether this strategy will ultimately help you.

Steps to Take: Before the Debt Consolidation Loan

Debt accumulates for different reasons for different people. For some, unexpected medical bills or emergency home repairs have served as culprits. For others, being underemployed for a period of time may have caused them to start carrying a credit card debt balance. For still others, it may be about learning how to budget more effectively.

No matter why credit card debt has built up, it can help to re-envision a debt consolidation strategy as something bigger and better than just combining your bills. As part of your plan, analyze why your debt accumulated and be honest about which ones were under your control and which were true emergencies.

And if you end up using a lower-cost loan to consolidate your bills, consider using any money saved to build up an emergency savings fund to help prevent the accumulation of credit card balances in the future.

The reality is that, if you consolidate your debts in conjunction with a carefully crafted budgeting and savings plan, then debt consolidation can be a wonderful first step in your brand-new financial strategy.

Debt Consolidation: When It Can Help Your Credit Score

Based on the factors used by FICO, here are ways in which a consolidation loan can help credit scores:

Payment history (35%)

Because making payments on time is the largest factor in FICO credit scores, a debt consolidation loan can help your credit if you make all of your payments on time.

Amount currently owed (30%)

Although you may not instantly reduce the amount you owe by, say, consolidating all of your credit card balances into a personal loan, there can be a benefit to your credit score here. That’s because the credit score algorithm looks at credit limits on your cards, as well as your outstanding balances, and creates a formula that calculates your credit card utilization.

Here is more information about credit card utilization, including how to calculate and manage yours.

Credit types used (10%)

As you may know, there are several different types of credit, such as credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, finance company accounts, and mortgage loans. According to myFICO , responsibly using a mix of these, such as credit cards and installment loans, may help your credit score.

However, it’s certainly not necessary to have one of each, and it’s not a good idea to open credit accounts you don’t intend to use.

Debt Consolidation: When It Can Hurt Your Credit Score

Now, here are ways that the same initial step—taking out a debt consolidation loan—may hurt your credit.

Payment history (35%)

As is the case with most loans, making late payments on a consolidation loan can hurt your credit score (depending on the severity of the situation). Loans in a delinquent status are mostly likely to have a negative impact on your credit, depending on the lenders’ policies.

Learn more about payment history .

Amount currently owed (30%)

Now, let’s say that you pay off all your credit cards with a personal loan and then you begin using them again to the degree that you can’t pay them off monthly. Any gain that you saw in your credit score will likely disappear as your credit utilization numbers rise again.

Another way that credit consolidation can harm your score is if you combine all of your credit card balances to just one credit card, resulting in a high utilization rate. But if you are able to keep it relatively low, it is less likely to negatively affect your score.

Learn more about amounts owed .

Credit history length (15%)

If you close credit cards that you pay off, you’ll reduce the age of your accounts, overall, and this can hurt your credit score.

Learn more about length of credit history .

Credit types used (10%)

If you combine all of your credit card balances into just one credit card, as described above, you won’t have opened an installment (personal) loan, so that won’t help with diversifying credit types.

Learn more about credit mix .

New credit (10%)

If you apply for a personal loan or a balance-transfer credit card and are rejected, this can cause your credit score to decrease. And if you apply for multiple loans or credit cards, looking for a lender that will accept your application, this can also hurt your score. Multiple requests for your credit report information (known as “inquiries”) in a short period of time can decrease your score, though not by much.

Learn more about new credit .

Concerned about building or rebuilding credit? Check out a few tips SoFi put together on how to strategically boost your credit score.

Investigating a Personal Loan for Debt Consolidation

When it’s time to apply for the personal loan, you’ll want to get a low rate. In February 2019, the average credit card interest rate was reported as 17.67%; this means that, by not consolidating your credit cards into a personal loan with a lower interest rate, you could be paying more interest than if you did.

When choosing a lender, ask about the fees associated with the loan. Some lenders charge fees; others,like SoFi, don’t. You can always use a lender’s annual percentage rates (APRs) as a way to understand the true cost of financing.

Also, you may consider calculating the shortest loan term that your budget can comfortably accommodate because, the more quickly you pay off the debt, the more money you’ll save over the life of the loan because you’re paying less in interest.

You can find more information about saving money as you consolidate your debts, and you can also calculate payments using our personal loan calculator.

Consolidate Your Debt with a SoFi Personal Loan

If you’re ready to say goodbye to high-interest credit cards and to juggling multiple payments each month, a SoFi personal loan may be a good option.

Benefits of our personal loans include:

•  Fast, easy, and convenient online application process

•  Low interest rates

•  No origination fees required

•  No prepayment fees required

•  Fixed rate loan

You deserve peace of mind. And by taking out a personal loan to consolidate debt, the stress of juggling multiple credit card payments can be history. Ready for your fresh start?

Learn more about how using a SoFi personal loan to consolidate high-interest credit card debt could help you meet your goals.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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gold credit cards on wood background

The Growing Average Credit Card Debt in America

Hard as this may be to imagine, 75 years ago, we didn’t have anything like today’s modern credit cards. Nowadays, studies are conducted annually to monitor the rising average credit card debt in our country, and this figure is seen as an indicator of the economy and of people’s individual spending habits.

It wasn’t as easy to buy what you needed in the pre-credit card era, and this form of payment has important benefits, including giving users a short window of time to make purchases on credit without paying interest on the balance.

But, the ease of credit card use also makes it ultra-easy to build up a mountain of debt, and the credit card debt spiral can be especially challenging to break. We’ll share more about why that’s so, later on in this post, along with tried-and-true methods to get out of this unwanted spiral of debt.

First, though, we’ll answer two commonly asked questions:

•  What is the average credit card debt this year?

•  How can I get out of credit card debt?

What is the Average Credit Card Debt This Year? reported on a 2018 study that shared how more than 40% of households in the United States have credit card debt, with the average household having a balance of $5,700. This average varies by where exactly you live in the country.

On the one hand, the percentage of Americans who have credit card debts has been decreasing for the past 10 years. On the other hand, when looking at people who do have this kind of debt, the average amount has been increasing.

Related: What is the Average Debt by Age?

From an economic standpoint, this is useful information to have. This data can also be helpful in allowing you to place your own financial situation into context. And if you’re unhappy with the amount of debt you’re carrying, the real question is how to get out of credit card debt. Fortunately, we’ve got plenty of insights and solutions to share.

First, let’s take a closer look at that average amount of credit card debt: $5,700. This takes into account every household, about 40% of which are in debt. However, if you just count the households in debt that don’t pay off their balances every month, that average debt increases to $9,333.

If you don’t have the means to pay the debt balance off all at once, then as you’re making payments interest keeps accruing, often compounding daily. So, it can be challenging to pay down that debt, especially if you’re making minimum payments or an amount that’s not significantly more than the minimum.

Here are a few more credit card facts to consider:

•  About one in every five adults in the United States has a credit card balance that’s higher than the amount of funds in their emergency savings accounts.

•  Men have, on average, higher credit card balances than women do, about 22% more.

•  About 68% of Americans have credit card debt when they die, on average $4,531. Compare that to the number of people who have mortgage loans when they pass away (37%) and those who have car loans (25%), and you can see how prevalent credit card really is.

Rising credit card debt can be exacerbated when there isn’t an emergency savings account to fall back on, and our cultural climate of consumerism, one where more is always better, doesn’t help.

If you no longer want to be average in the amount of your credit card debt, meaning you want to get out from underneath your debt, there are solutions.

Tips to Get Out of Credit Card Debt

To break the cycle of debt, it’s important to reverse engineer how it works and understand what makes it so challenging to get out of. Credit card companies typically compound interest, which means that interest accrues on the debt, and then you also pay interest on the interest.

Related: What is the Average Credit Card Debt for a 30-Year Old?

To make the situation even more challenging, interest is sometimes compounded daily, and so it’s easy to see how interest can quickly add up. This is true especially when you make minimum payments. It’s even true if you pay more than what’s owed as a minimum payment, but still have a remaining balance. If you’re late on a payment, you’re often charged a late fee, which is added to your balance—and then you’ll owe interest on that new total amount, as well.

So, What Can You Do?

Here are four methods to consider to ultimately pay off your high-interest credit card debt. You can choose the strategy that fits your financial philosophy and needs best, continue paying on all your debts, and then focus on not adding to your credit card debt as you pay down what you currently owe.

Choices include:

•  Debt snowball method: Using this method, you’d rank your credit card debts by outstanding balances. Then, focus on paying off your smallest debt first, and use the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel to fuel your motivation going forward. Then, pay off the smallest of your remaining debts, continuing until you’ve paid off your credit card debt entirely. A Harvard Business Review study showed that people using this method tend to pay off their credit card debts the quickest.

•  Debt avalanche method: In this method, you’d rank your credit cards by the interest rate charged. Then, focus on paying off the card with the highest interest rate first, and then the next highest and so forth. This is also known as the debt-stacking or ladder method.

•  Debt snowflake method: As a different strategy, you can use any extra money collected—from gathering change to a side gig—to pay down your credit card balances.

•  Debt consolidation method: Using this method, you would consolidate your credit cards into one debt, with low-rate personal loans/a>. You can potentially reduce your interest rate by using a personal loan and streamline the number of bills you need to pay monthly.

Here’s another idea to consider. What has been billed to your credit cards that you don’t really need? It’s pretty common to subscribe to a service you think you’ll need but don’t use, or one that you’ll need for a short period of time only.

Yet, until you cancel that service/subscription, the monthly charge will keep getting added to your credit card balance. So, review those monthly charges and consider tools that help identify places you can cut back on expenses.

Personal Loans with SoFi

If, as part of your financial plan, you’ve decided to apply for a low-rate personal loan to consolidate your credit card debt, there are numerous reasons why SoFi could be a great choice. This includes:

•  We don’t charge an origination fee.

•  We don’t charge any prepayment penalties.

•  We make it fast, easy, and convenient to apply for your personal loan online.

•  Live customer service support is available every day of the week.

•  If you lose your job, we can temporarily pause your payments—and even help you find a new job.

•  You can find your rate in just two minutes’ time!

Ready to get started? Apply for your personal loan at SoFi today!

The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.
Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the
FTC’s website on credit.
No brands or products mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

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How Does a Finance Charge on Credit Cards Work?

What is a finance charge? How about a purchase charge? The jargon used to describe credit card late fees is enough to make anyone’s head spin. Unfortunately, a survey by of 100 common credit cards found that while fees have remained stable (or even gone down a bit) thanks to recent annual percentage rate (APR) hikes, these charges are still pretty universal—and potentially very costly.

Of the 100 credit cards surveyed, for example, 98 charged a late fee for missed payments. And credit card companies made $104 billion from the fees and interest we all pay on our credit card debt. Any interest and fees we pay are collectively called “finance charges.”

Finance charges might sound like another complicated fee, but they’re really just a way of referring to the interest charges that accumulate on your credit card balance. The amount you pay in interest is determined by the credit card’s APR.

In an ideal world, we would all pay off our credit card balance in full at the end of each billing cycle. If you’re doing that, then you don’t have to worry as much about your interest rate or racking up finance charges. But in reality, nearly 45% of credit card accounts are considered “revolvers,” meaning they carry a balance from month to month.

And any time you have an unpaid balance, you’re probably going to be paying a finance charge on that money. Because most credit cards have sky-high interest rates (the average for new accounts was 17.01% in October, 2018), the amount of interest you’re paying can add up quickly.

What is a Finance Charge?

A credit card finance charge refers to all fees and interest you pay on credit card debt. You’re essentially paying the credit card company a fee in exchange for them financing your debt. Again, finance charges only come into play if you carry a credit card balance.

If you pay off your credit card balance in full when it’s due, or you’re paying your balance during a 0% interest rate promotion, then you won’t accrue any finance charges. Typically, there is a grace period between the end of a billing cycle and when the payment is due. After that due date, a finance charge is typically calculated based on the amount you owe, how long you’ve owed it for, and your APR at the time your bill is due.

Even if you make the minimum payment when it’s due, you can still accrue a finance charge if you don’t pay the full statement balance. The finance charge will simply be levied on the amount of debt you still owe, and a late fee can be additionally assessed if you don’t make at least the minimum payment by the due date.

Using the Finance Charge Formula

The finance charge formula is based on your annual percentage rate and credit card balance—which means the exact amount can vary from billing cycle to billing cycle.

The APR is used to calculate a daily interest rate, which you can figure out by dividing your APR by 365. You then multiply your daily interest rate by how much debt you carry on your credit card, and how many days you’ve carried that debt, to determine the total finance charge. This is added to what you already owe on your credit card.

For example, if your credit card has a 16% APR, then your daily interest rate is .16 divided by 365 days, which equals .0004383. That means you accumulate .04383% of interest per day. (Remember that when converting numbers into percentages, you need to divide by 100. That’s why 16% became .16 instead.)

That daily credit card interest rate of .04383% is then multiplied by the balance you’re carrying and by the number of days you’ve had this balance.

So if you carried an unpaid $1,000 balance for 28 days after it was due, then $1000 x .0004383 x 28 days = $12.27 in finance charges.

Using our example, you’re adding $12.27 to your credit card if you’ve been carrying a $1,000 balance on your card for 28 days with a 16% APR. That may not seem like a lot up front, but it can add up quickly, because if your balance isn’t paid off in full by the next billing cycle, you can incur another finance charge.

The Credit CARD Act of 2009 did put some limits on fees credit card companies can charge, but once finance charges start piling up, it can get a bit overwhelming. And P.S., if this math gave you a headache, you can always consult a finance charge calculator .

How Can I Get Rid of a Finance Charge on My Credit Card?

The only way to completely avoid paying a finance charge is to pay your credit card in full by the due date. If you’re already paying a finance charge, the only way to get rid of it is to pay off the existing credit card debt that’s incurring the charges. This can get you back to a clean, finance charge-free slate.

It should be noted that some credit cards offer a promotional 0% APR for a certain amount of time. During the promotional period, finance charges do not accrue. It is possible to use a 0% APR credit card to pay off existing debt.

These are usually called balance transfer credit cards. While there is usually a balance transfer fee, the promotional 0% interest rate can allow you to pay off your debt without incurring finance charges. However, promotional 0% interest rates are typically temporary, so if you aren’t able to pay off the new credit card within the promotional period, you could end up back in the same place you started.

Can a Personal Loan Help?

If you need to get out from under your credit card debt and stop incurring finance charges, one way to do that is to pay off the credit card debt with an unsecured personal loan. If you’re considering a personal loan to get out of debt, look for a loan with a lower interest rate than you are paying on your credit card.

With some credit card interest rates hovering around 20%, using a personal loan can be a simpler way to pay off your debt without dealing with exorbitant interest rates.

When taking out a personal loan, you can decide whether your interest rate is fixed or variable. And because personal loans have set terms, you’ll know exactly when you’re going to be out of debt, as opposed to chipping away at your credit card balance indefinitely.

If you’re considering paying off your credit card debt with a personal loan, keep in mind that some personal loans charge origination fees and prepayment penalties. Fortunately, SoFi personal loans don’t have origination, application, or prepayment fees.

If you’re stuck paying finance charges on your high-interest credit card, a personal loan can help. Check out SoFi personal loans if you’re ready to take control of your credit card debt—it takes just two minutes to find your rate.

The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.
Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website on credit.

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