A Guide to Transferring Law Schools

Guide to Transferring Law Schools

There are a variety of reasons why a law student may consider transferring schools. Maybe you don’t love the professors or environment, the city isn’t a fit, the tuition is too high or you need to relocate for personal reasons. Whatever the reason, transferring schools is a big decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

While you are at your current school, focus on your grades and rounding out your resume. These are two factors admissions officers may evaluate when you apply to transfer. Continue reading for a guide on how to make a transfer happen and what you should consider before choosing to make the move.

What Is a Law School Transfer?

Typically, completing law school takes three years of full-time study. A law school transfer involves switching from one law school to another while pursuing a JD. In most cases, transfers take place after a student completes their first year of law school, commonly known as their 1L year.

It is possible to transfer after your second year, but this is less common because credits taken during your 2L year may not transfer.

What to Consider Before You Transfer Law Schools

Switching law schools involves a lot of work and some trade-offs. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you take the leap:

Is the new law school ranked significantly better than your current one?

If you’re looking to change schools in order to upgrade to a better one, make sure it’s worth the trouble. A school that’s ranked only slightly better or falls within the same tier won’t change your job prospects very much, and what you sacrifice could eclipse any benefits. Aim to jump to at least the next tier of law schools. If you’re already in the top tier, you may want to focus on just the top five schools.

Will a “better” school be right for you?

When you move to a higher-ranked school, you may see your grades fall or feel stressed because of stiffer competition. You may get less personalized attention from faculty and administrators and have a harder time getting to the top of the list for institution-based law school scholarships and internships. Setbacks like these aren’t guaranteed, and you can certainly bounce back, but make sure you think through the move carefully and get to know your prospective institution well.

Are you willing to put in the work?

Applying as a transfer student requires pretty much the same amount of time and effort as applying to law school the first time. You’ll also have to pay application fees of up to around $100 per school.

Are you OK with potentially losing out on opportunities?

When you change schools, you may have to give up scholarships, the chance to study abroad, or the opportunity to participate in the law review or moot court. You will also have to give up your first-year grades (you don’t bring them with you to the new school).

Can you deal with setbacks in your relationships?

When you transfer, you might lose the bonds and connections you’ve started forming during your first year.

Conversely, many of the students at your new school will have formed strong friendships as well, so you might have a harder time breaking in. Considering the importance of networks in career advancement, this could affect not only your personal life, but also your professional future.

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How to Complete a Law School Transfer

Most students transfer after their first year, which allows them to receive a degree from their new school with no mention of the original institution. Many schools will not allow you to transfer after your second year, or if they do, they’ll still require you to attend two additional years at the new school.

Applying for a transfer looks very similar to applying for law school in the first place. Generally, you’ll need to submit:

•   A résumé

•   A personal statement

•   Two letters of recommendation

•   Transcripts

•   LSAT or GRE scores

Preparing Your Application

Applying to transfer does not guarantee that you’ll be admitted. Your GPA and class rank are usually the most important factors in your application and are weighed more heavily in transfer decisions than your LSAT score and extracurricular activities.

Most schools will only admit transfers that are in the top 10% of their class. Your class rank must be even higher if your school is ranked relatively low. To improve your chances, focus on getting good grades in your first year. You should also start early on building relationships with professors who might offer recommendations by reaching out to them, attending office hours, and speaking up in class.

A law school transfer personal statement must focus not only on why you want to study law in general but also on why you want to transfer. The reason you cite should be substantive and tied to the institution you want to attend, rather than a purely personal motive, such as being closer to family.

Don’t just cut and paste the essay you submitted when applying to law school initially, and don’t turn in a generic statement. Instead, tailor the essay to the school you want to transfer to, and why they are the right fit for you. Steer clear of trash-talking your current law school — that doesn’t look good to the admissions committee. Instead, speak in positive terms about what you’ve gained and accomplished, and make clear what contribution you would make to the school if you were accepted.

What Are Admissions Officers Looking at in a Transfer Application?

The exact criteria an admissions committee evaluates may vary based on the law school. However, there are commonalities that admissions officers evaluate and opportunities for you to strengthen your application as a law school transfer. Some of the top criteria evaluated include grades, letters of recommendation, résumé, and your personal statement.

•   Grades. The grades you earn during your 1L year can illustrate how you’ll perform in future years of law school. As mentioned, LSAT scores will still likely be a factor, but may fall in importance after completing 1L classes.

•   Letter of recommendation. This can help the committee understand how you performed in your 1L classes and any other criteria that could help you stand out from other applicants. Think carefully about which professor may be the best fit to write a letter on your behalf and be open about your reasons for wanting to transfer.

•   Resume. The admissions committee will also likely evaluate any law-related extracurriculars you participated in during your 1L year.

•   Personal Statement. The personal statement is an opportunity to explain why you are interested in transferring in addition to why you want to pursue a law degree and how it will influence your future career plans.

What to Do if Your Transfer Is Accepted

If you’re admitted as a transfer student, congratulations! Once you’ve committed to switching schools, you’ll need to take care of a number of things to ensure a smooth transition. First, inform your current school of your plans to transfer (and tell your landlord if you’re moving). Next, get in touch with your new school to confirm which of your credits will be transferred, and take careful note of all the classes you need to earn your degree.

You will also want to reach out to the financial aid office to make sure your package is squared away. And don’t forget to contact career services to connect with your advisor and sign up for on-campus interviews and other opportunities. If you’re moving, you’ll need to get set up in a new apartment. Once you’re at your new school, work extra hard to build relationships with professors and peers. These will pay off in terms of future recommendation letters and lifelong networks.

How Student Loan Refinancing Can Help

As a lawyer-in-training, you’re probably on track to make a good living once you graduate. But in the meantime, law school can be an expensive endeavor. That high price tag, especially when combined with the cost of undergraduate education, is one reason why law school students can expect to graduate with more than $100,000 in student debt. In fact, According to a 2020 survey conducted by the American Bar Association (ABA) Young Lawyers Division and AccessLex Institute, median cumulative student loan debt was $160,000.

Maybe you are looking to transfer because your current law school is too expensive, or maybe you’re upgrading to a higher-ranked school that also comes with higher costs. Either way, student loan refinancing can help get your law school debt under control.

What Is Student Loan Refinancing?

Student loan refinancing involves getting a single new loan from a private lender to pay off one or more existing student loans. Your new loan comes with a single payment, and potentially, a different interest rate and repayment term. You can refinance both federal and private loans. However, if you refinance federal loans, you permanently forfeit all federal protections and benefits such as income-driven repayment plans, deferment and forbearance options, and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF).

Lenders will usually evaluate factors such as your credit score, credit history, and income, among other personal factors to help determine the loan terms. It is possible to refinance student loans with bad credit, but this can be more challenging or result in a higher interest rate or less favorable terms. That’s why some borrowers may consider adding a cosigner to strengthen their application.

Refinancing without a cosigner is also an option. Borrowers with limited history or low credit scores may want to spend some time building credit before refinancing if they do not want to rely on a cosigner.

The question is, should you refinance your student loans? The answer is deeply personal, but being an informed consumer can help you make the decision. A major draw of refinancing is to secure a more competitive interest rate, which could help you save money over the life of the loan. You can get an idea of how refinancing can influence your loans by using SoFi’s student loan refinance calculator.

If you think refinancing may be a fit for you, shop around and compare terms to find the best rates and terms available to you. On your way, consider refinancing student loans with SoFi.

Recommended: Guide to Establishing Credit

The Takeaway

There are a lot of reasons students may want to transfer law schools. Typically, this happens after a student has completed their 1L year. Admissions committees will generally evaluate factors including a student’s 1L grades, letters of recommendation, their resume, any law-related extracurriculars, and the student’s personal statement, among other factors as determined by the school.

Nearly 90% of law students graduate with student loan debt. Student loan refinancing might be right for you if you have good credit and could potentially qualify for a lower interest rate. Keep in mind that if you refinance federal loans, you give up the opportunity to take advantage of income-based repayment plans or federal relief offerings such as deferment or forbearance. You can consider refinancing your undergrad loans while in law school, or once you have a steady job after law school, you can refinance your undergrad and law school loans.

You may also consider taking out a private student loan with SoFi to finance the rest of your law school experience. SoFi offers flexible repayment plans and a quick application with no fees.

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Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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7 Top Self-Employed Jobs for Parents in 2022

7 Top Self-Employed Jobs for Parents in 2024

Many busy parents find that a traditional 9-to-5 job isn’t the best option while they’re raising young children. Working for yourself can provide more flexibility and control, as well as better work-life balance. But there are trade-offs.

Let’s take a look at some of the best self-employed jobs in 2024. We’ll also provide tips on finding a self-employed job that helps support a family’s needs.

What Jobs Are Considered Self-Employed Jobs?

At one time, self-employed business people typically worked out of a storefront or office with a small staff. Today, many self-employed individuals work from home with no employees. They deliberately keep their operation small to maintain flexibility in their schedule (and keep overhead costs down). Solo entrepreneurs usually have a strong background in a specific service they can offer to clients, such as accounting, marketing, or graphic design.

There are a number of different ways self-employed workers get paid. For instance, they may identify as an independent contractor when they work for larger businesses. They can also start a sole proprietorship or a partnership with another entrepreneur.

Because of the amount of time spent attracting and communicating with clients, self-employment may not be the best choice of job for antisocial people.

💡 Quick Tip: Online tools make tracking your spending a breeze: You can easily set up budgets, then get instant updates on your progress, spot upcoming bills, analyze your spending habits, and more.

Examples of Self-Employed Jobs for Parents

Self-employed jobs can be logistical, analytical, creative, or involve a skilled trade. Parents may pursue self-employed work as a freelance writer or a lawyer. As long as the work can be done independently, there’s virtually no limit to the type of services someone can offer when working for themselves.

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Tips to Finding Self-Employed Jobs for Parents in 2024

Parents who are considering self-employment should first ask themselves these questions:

•   How much do I hope to make per hour?

•   How many hours per week do I want to work?

•   What is my strongest skill set?

•   What services can I offer based on that skill set?

Parents have two options for pursuing work. They can apply for posted contract or freelance roles that seem like a good fit for their skills and scheduling needs. Or they can advertise their services and work on attracting clients.

Difficulties Parents Can Encounter When Looking for Self-Employed Jobs

One element of self-employment that many people struggle with is making the transition to boss. Parents who have a lot of responsibilities on their plate may find it especially hard to create a structured workday, or to make time between projects to source new clients.

Many self-employed people find it tough to promote themselves or set appropriate rates. Another money challenge: budgeting with a fluctuating income.

All of these things get easier over time, but the early days of self-employment can be challenging. If money management is a concern for you, check out these financial planning tips for freelancers.

Recommended: Does Net Worth Include Home Equity?

Pros and Cons of Self-Employed Jobs for Parents

There are advantages and disadvantages to working for oneself.

Pros of Self-employment

Cons of Self-employment

•   Flexible schedule

•   Work from home — or wherever you work best

•   Choose clients you enjoy working with

•   Inconsistent income makes budget planning hard

•   Sourcing clients is time consuming

•   No paid sick days, vacation, bereavement, or parental leave

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7 Self-Employed Jobs for Parents

What are the best self-employed jobs? The fact is, what’s best for one parent may not be right for another. Consider a broad range of possibilities before you settle on one. The following jobs were chosen because they offer flexibility and high wages.

1. Business Consultant

Average hourly pay: $37

A business consultant helps other businesses improve a select area of their business (such as their marketing department) or their business as a whole. Consultants can provide support to sales, finance, operations, HR, IT, and other areas. While business consultants can book time to work with clients in a way that fits their schedule, they will often need to do so during business hours since so much of their work involves client communications.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree (preferred), or a certification from a business consultant association.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 3


•   Advising clients

•   Creating business plans

•   Improving employee performance

2. Software Developer

Average hourly pay: $37

Software developers write and test code for clients when creating systems software, apps, video games, and other products. Many clients need temporary or ongoing support in this area, which can provide software developers with a lot of flexibility. Developer roles usually appear on lists of ideal jobs for introverts.

Requirements: Knowledge of programming languages.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Writing code

•   Testing code

•   Project planning

3. Virtual Assistant

Average hourly pay: $34

Supporting clients as an administrative assistant virtually. Because so much of this work can be done via email, and immediate responses aren’t expected, virtual assistants can often choose their own hours.

Requirements: Office skills

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Scheduling calls

•   Providing email support

•   Booking travel plans

4. Editor

Average hourly pay: $31

Editors polish writing projects across a variety of industries and media formats. This work can be done independently from home, but may require virtual meetings during traditional office hours.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Writing copy

•   Editing copy

•   Mentoring writers

5. Copywriter

Average hourly pay: $28

Similar to editors, copywriters can work from home and do their work independently. Many writers are hired on a freelance basis, which gives them the option of taking on more projects when they have the time.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 4


•   Crafting headlines

•   Writing technical guides

•   Creative writing

6. Web Designer

Average hourly pay: $35

Web designers create websites for clients from scratch, update existing website designs, and provide ongoing website support. This work can be done independently, but does require meeting with project stakeholders during business hours.

Requirements: Knowledge of design programs, and HTML and CSS programing languages.

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 3


•   Build and design websites

•   Enhance user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)

•   Bring client’s vision to life

7. Career Coach

Average hourly pay: $24

Working as a career coach can create really flexible working hours for parents because many clients want to book sessions on nights and weekends when they aren’t working.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or master’s degree (preferred)

Schedule Flexibility [1-5]: 5


•   Advising clients on job search process

•   Helping clients plan career trajectory

•   Resume consulting

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

The Takeaway

Being self-employed can be very rewarding — especially for parents. Working for yourself can make it possible to have flexible working hours and to work from home. Almost any service can be offered on a freelance or consulting basis. The key is to evaluate your skills and give yourself time to build a client base.

Challenges may include creating your own workday structure, making time for administrative tasks that aren’t billable, no paid time off, and a fluctuating income. Before making the leap into self-employment, it can be helpful to take a good hard look at the family’s financial situation.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

SoFi helps you stay on top of your finances.


How can a stay-at-home mom make money in 2024?

There are plenty of ways a stay-at-home mom can earn an income from home in 2024. One popular option for busy moms who need a flexible schedule is working as a virtual assistant on a part-time basis. These roles make it possible to work from home during times when children are napping or at school.

What is the best job to have as a parent?

There is no one best job for a parent to have, but there are some very desirable traits that appeal to most parents. Moms and dads are likely to value job opportunities that have flexible schedules, are remote, and have a high enough wage to support a family.

What job can I do from home with a baby

Nowadays, many job opportunities are remote, which can make it possible for people to work from home with a baby. Some parents may choose to create their own job by going the self-employed route. Others may pursue careers as a virtual assistant, bookkeeper, copywriter, web designer, or another role that they can perform from home.

Photo credit: iStock/pixdeluxe

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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8 Great Flexible Part-time Jobs in 2022 for Gen Z and Millennials

8 Great Flexible Part-time Jobs in 2024 for Gen Z and Millennials

Flexibility can be a real asset in a career. Maybe you’re young and figuring out your post-graduation path. Or you’re busy balancing the demands of running a home and caring for a family. Or you’re an athlete who needs plenty of time for training and recovery.

There are lots of flexible-schedule jobs out there, if you know where to look. Let’s check out some part-time jobs with flexible schedules.

What It Means for a Job to Have a Flexible Schedule

Whether you’re in college or caring for children or pursuing an unpaid passion, there are many reasons why someone would want some flexibility in their career.

But what does a flexible schedule mean exactly? According to the U.S. Department of Labor, a flexible schedule is one that allows people to work outside traditional 9 to 5 office hours. Aside from that, situations vary depending on the role and employer.

Workers may be able to choose the time they arrive at and depart work, for instance. With certain flexible work policies, employees still have to work a set number of hours per pay period or be available during a daily “core time.” So while the employee may not have to show up at 9am on the dot and leave at exactly 5pm, they may need to at least show up by 11am and stay until after 3pm. However, this type of shortened schedule could work for many people, including parents who are self-employed.

💡 Quick Tip: We love a good spreadsheet, but not everyone feels the same. An online budget planner can give you the same insight into your budgeting and spending at a glance, without the extra effort.

Tips for Finding a Flexible Part-time Job in 2024

Flexible part-time jobs can be logistical, analytical, creative, or involve a skilled trade. When it comes time to search for flexible-schedule jobs, keep in mind these tips.

•   Stay focused. Job applicants who know what they’re looking for and what they can offer an employer can plan a more effective job search. If someone knows they have to have a flexible part-time schedule in order to accept a job, they can save a lot of time and energy by only applying for jobs that offer that. Trying to convince an employer to change their staffing plans is an uphill battle.

•   Prepare to hear No. Know that it will take a while to find the right fit, and that rejection is a normal part of any job search. Psychologically preparing yourself can help you persevere until the right job comes along.

•   Don’t be a square peg. If a flexible part-time schedule is what matters most, you may need to be flexible yourself in other areas. For example, accept that you may need to compromise on title, salary, or industry. Giving up the highest-paying job for one with a more relaxed schedule can be worth it.

•   Go remote. Work-from-home jobs with flexible schedules can often be easier to find than on-site jobs that have flexible schedules. When reviewing online job boards, look for flexible schedule remote jobs.

Recommended: Does Net Worth Include Home Equity?

Why It Can Be Difficult to Find Part-time Jobs With Flexible Schedules

It can be difficult to find flexible-schedule part-time jobs because many jobs require being in a certain location at a certain time. For example, a hairstylist has to show up for work when they have appointments scheduled. A restaurant has to know they have enough servers on hand during operating hours. Even a corporate job where some work can be done remotely and independently can require being online during set times so that it’s easy to communicate with coworkers.

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Great Part-Time Jobs With Flexible Schedules

Perhaps someone wants to take on a second job to help them pay down their debt or save for a dream vacation. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to see the appeal of a part-time job with a flexible schedule.

While there are countless part-time jobs on the market that can suit a variety of workers’ desired schedules, these are some of the best flexible schedule jobs for Gen Zers and Millennials. And if you’re in college, don’t miss our list of the best on-campus jobs.

1. Landscaper and Groundskeeper

Average hourly wage: $17.39

Job description: Landscapers and groundskeepers typically set their own schedules and plan which days they’ll tend to a client’s yard, but they don’t have to tell them exactly what hour they’ll show up to do their work.

Requirements: In some areas a license may be required to use pesticides and fertilizers.

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Mowing lawns

•   Removing weeds

•   Planting and maintaining flowers, bushes, and trees

2. Recreation and Fitness Worker

Average hourly wage: $22

Job description: Running a fitness or recreation class can be fun and rewarding work that is often performed on a part-time basis. Many instructors can choose when they host their classes (like when their young child is in school), but they do have to stick to those times.

Requirements: Licensing or background checks may be required.

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Plan programming

•   Run classes

•   Clean up post-class

3. Freelance Software Developer

Average hourly wage: $37

Job description: Many businesses hire freelance software developers to create computer programs and applications for business or consumer use. Some meetings during business hours may be required.

Requirements: Knowledge of select programming languages.

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Write code

•   Test code

•   Meet with project stakeholders

4. Virtual Assistant

Average hourly wage: $34

Job description: Plenty of professionals can’t afford or don’t need a full-time assistant. Instead, they hire virtual assistants who can tackle administrative work for a few hours a week. Virtual assistance can be a rewarding job for introverts who are conscientious and organized.

Requirements: Office skills

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Scheduling meetings

•   Managing clients’ inbox

•   Helping with administrative work

5. Freelance Copywriter

Average hourly wage: $28

Job description: A writer can work with many different brands as a freelance copywriter and can choose when they want to take on new projects and what hours of the week they work on them. Working as a freelance copywriter is also a great side hustle.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience

Schedule flexibility: 5


•   Research

•   Writing copy

•   Editing copy

6. Freelance Web Designer

Average hourly wage: $35

Job description: Freelance web designers work independently designing websites for a variety of clients, instead of a full-time job. Work-from-home web design can be a well-paying and fulfilling job for antisocial people.

Requirements: Knowledge of design programs, and HTML and CSS programing languages.

Schedule flexibility: 3


•   Design web pages and sites

•   Code designs

•   Present to clients and incorporate feedback

7. Freelance Editor

Average hourly wage: $31

Job description: Similar to copywriters, editors can work freelance for multiple clients.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and industry experience

Schedule flexibility: 4


•   Nurturing writers

•   Editing copy

•   Publishing content

8. Business Consultant

Average hourly wage: $37

Job description: A business consultant can offer services to multiple businesses who need support as a whole or who are looking to improve a certain area of their business, such as their marketing efforts, operations, or HR.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree (more advantageous), or a certification from a business consultant association.

Schedule flexibility: 3


•   Assess potential areas of improvement

•   Create improvement plans

•   Find ways to cut costs

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

The Takeaway

There are plenty of great flexible-schedule jobs that millennials and Gen Zers can pursue to give them the time they need to attend school, start a business, or take care of young children. Some remote freelance roles can be entirely flexible — such as web designers, writers and editors — while other jobs require your presence during certain core hours.

Choose whether you prefer a more physically demanding job — such as landscaper or fitness worker — or an office job that requires a laptop (like virtual assistant). It may take time to find the right position, so be patient. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on how your money comes and goes to ensure you’re sticking to your savings goals.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

SoFi helps you stay on top of your finances.


What part-time job has the most flexible hours?

There is no single part-time job that has the most flexible hours. That said, jobs where work can be done independently and remotely usually have the most flexibility. Jobs like working as a freelance writer or graphic designer are good examples of jobs someone can usually do during times that work well for them.

What job gives you the most free time?

Flexible-schedule work-from-home jobs can give workers the most free time because they don’t have to worry about a commute. It’s also usually easier to control your work schedule when you work from home. As a bonus, you can use your breaks to be productive — by tackling household chores or working out — or enjoy down time.

What jobs can I make my own hours?

Some jobs with flexible schedules allow workers to set their own hours. The key is to look for a job where the hours someone works doesn’t matter as much as the type of work they produce.

Photo credit: iStock/Eva-Katalin

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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2022 Best States To Retire in for Tax Purposes

2024 Best States to Retire in for Tax Purposes

Many people consider relocating when they retire to reduce their cost of living and make their savings last longer. When weighing the pros and cons of moving to another state, it’s important to consider the total tax burden there, including state and local taxes on retirement income, property tax, even sales tax. Some areas with a lower tax burden have a higher overall cost of living, which can cancel out any savings.

Below we look at the best states to retire in for taxes and how to tell if moving will be worth it.

Key Points

•   Writing a check to yourself is a way to transfer money between your own accounts.

•   Start by writing your name as the payee and the amount you want to transfer.

•   Sign the check on the signature line as the payer and write “For Deposit Only” on the back.

•   Deposit the check into your other account through a mobile banking app or at a bank branch.

•   Keep a record of the transaction for your own records and to reconcile your accounts.

Most Tax-Friendly States for Retirement

A number of states exempt Social Security income from state taxes. A smaller number offer a tax break on other retirement income, such as IRAs and 401(k) plans, private pensions, interest, dividends, and capital gains.

These are the 10 tax-friendly states for retirees, according to Kiplinger:

1.    Mississippi

2.    Tennessee

3.    Wyoming

4.    Nevada

5.    Florida

6.    South Dakota

7.    Iowa

8.    Pennsylvania

9.    Alaska

10.    Texas

But before you complete that change of address card, you’ll want to look at the bigger picture.

💡 Quick Tip: How much your home is worth impacts your property taxes, homeowners insurance, and net worth. Online tools can help you easily estimate home value whenever you need it.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best State to Retire In

When choosing where to retire, it’s wise to first consider issues like safety, access to healthcare, distance to friends and family, or living near other people of retirement age.

Make a list of features that are important to you in a retirement locale, and consider whether any of them could indirectly impact your cost of living, such as being close to friends and family.

Then look at the total cost of living in an area: housing, food, transportation, cultural activities, and other expenses. These retirement expenses generally have a bigger impact on one’s lifestyle than taxes.

Finally, to determine whether a state is tax-friendly for retirees, look at the following:

Does the State Tax Social Security?

Generally, Social Security income is subject to federal tax. But some states also tax Social Security above a certain income threshold, while other states offer tax exemptions for individuals in lower tax brackets.

The states that tax some or all Social Security benefits are Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia.

Does the State Tax Pensions?

Many states tax income from pensions, but 14 states do not. These states are: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.

And these 13 states do not tax income from 401(k) plans: Alaska, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming have no state income tax.

Recommended: Tax-Friendly States That Don’t Tax Pensions or Social Security Income

Other Taxes That Affect Retirees

When choosing the best state for you to retire in, it’s a good idea to look into sales tax and property taxes too. States that don’t charge sales tax are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon. On the other hand, New Hampshire has very high property taxes, reducing the benefit of no sales tax.

Recommended: When to Start Saving for Retirement

States to Avoid When Retiring

Choosing the best state to retire in sometimes means making compromises. If safety and healthcare access are top priorities, for instance, you may not get your ideal weather. But for many retirees, a high cost of living is a deal-breaker.

Here are the 10 states with the highest annual cost of living, according to a 2023 analysis conducted by GOBankingRates:

1.    Hawaii: $124,486

2.    Massachusetts: $100,325

3.    California: $92,829

4.    New York: $90,821

5.    Alaska: $83,995

6.    Maryland: $83,058

7.    Oregon: $81,786

8.    Vermont: $77,904

9.    Connecticut: $77,235

10.    New Hampshire: $76,766

Recommended: Avoid These 12 Retirement Mistakes

The Best States to Retire in 2024

As noted above, the best state to retire in will depend on an individual or couple’s budget, lifestyle, and values. But recent trends may help point you in the right direction.

These are the top 10 states that retirees are moving to, according to United Van Lines’ annual National Movers Study:

1.    Wyoming

2.    Delaware

3.    South Carolina

4.    Florida

5.    Maine

6.    Arizona

7.    New Mexico

8.    South Dakota

9.    West Virginia

10.    Alabama

If cost of living is your sole concern, the following are the 10 least expensive states, according to Bankrate:

1.    West Virginia

2.    Mississippi

3.    Iowa

4.    Alabama

5.    Missouri

6.    Oklahoma

7.    Indiana

8.    Kansas

9.    Wyoming

10.    Arkansas

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States with the Lowest Tax Burden

An area’s total tax burden is the sum of all property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes (which affect the price of goods), and individual income taxes. Below are the states with the lowest total tax burden for retirees.



Total Tax Burden

1 Alaska 5.06%
2 Delaware 6.12%
3 New Hampshire 6.14%
4 Tennessee 6.22%
5 Florida 6.33%
6 Wyoming 6.42%
7 South Dakota 6.69%
8 Montana 6.93%
9 Missouri 7.11%
10 Oklahoma 7.12%

States With the Most Millionaires

One way to measure the overall desirability of an area is the number of millionaires who live there. After all, millionaires can afford to live in states that have high-quality healthcare, nice weather, and diverse cultural offerings. These are not the cheapest states in terms of cost of living or taxes, but their popularity may help non-millionaires reevaluate their must-haves vs. nice-to-haves.



% of Millionaire Households

1 New Jersey 9.76%
2 Maryland 9.72%
3 Connecticut 9.44%
4 Massachusetts 9.38%
5 Hawaii 9.20%
6 District of Columbia 9.12%
7 California 8.51%
8 New Hampshire 8.47%
9 Virginia 8.31%
10 Washington 8.18%
Source: Statista

Does It Make Financial Sense to Relocate in Retirement?

For workers who already live in a state with moderate taxes, near family, and have a lifestyle they enjoy and can afford, there may not be any compelling reason to move. But for those looking to make a change or lower their retirement expenses, it may make financial sense to relocate.

Just remember that housing, food, transportation, and other expenses usually have a bigger impact on one’s retirement lifestyle than taxes.

Pros and Cons of Relocating for Tax Benefits

Lower taxes alone may not be enough to motivate someone to pick up and move house. Other factors should also support the decision.

Pros of Relocating for Tax Benefits

•   Potentially lower cost of living

•   Discovering a community of like-minded retirees

•   Possibly ticking off other boxes on your list

Cons of Relocating for Tax Benefits

•   Other living costs may cancel out the tax benefits

•   Moving costs are high, and the stress can be tough

•   Need to find another home in a seller’s market

💡 Quick Tip: We love a good spreadsheet, but not everyone feels the same. An online budget planner can give you the same insight into your budgeting and spending at a glance, without the extra effort.

The Takeaway

The best state to retire in for tax purposes depends on an individual’s budget, lifestyle, and values. Some states with lower taxes for retirees can have higher housing and transportation costs, canceling out any tax benefit. A financial advisor can help you decide if saving on taxes is worth the expense and trouble of relocating.

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What are the 3 states that don’t tax retirement income?

Nine states don’t tax retirement plan income because they have no state income taxes at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Illinois, Iowa, Mississippi and Pennsylvania don’t tax distributions from 401(k) plans, IRAs, or pensions. Alabama and Hawaii don’t tax pensions, but do tax distributions from 401(k) plans and IRAs.

Which state is the best state to live in for tax purposes?

Alaska has the lowest overall tax rates.

Which states do not tax your 401k when you retire?

Alaska, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming do not tax 401(k) plans when you retire.

Photo credit: iStock/Jeremy Poland

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Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Student Loan Forgiveness for Pharmacists

When people talk about student loans in the medical community, the conversation can often revolve around physicians. While it’s true that doctors have exorbitant tuition bills, the same can be said for many other medical professionals.

Pharmacists are no exception, according to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) annual survey data.

Pharmacy school students who graduated in 2023 borrowed $167,711 on average to finance their Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education, according to the AACP. The vast majority (82.2%) said they had borrowed money to help pay for their PharmD program expenses.

Thankfully, being in the medical field also gives pharmacists access to multiple loan forgiveness options. Read ahead to learn about pharmacy loan forgiveness programs.

Considering Loan Forgiveness as a Pharmacist

Loan forgiveness programs exist to help incentivize graduates to pursue potentially lower-paying, but essential positions. One of the more well-known programs, Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), was created in 2007 under the College Cost Reduction and Access Act.

You may qualify for PSLF if you work for a government body or 501(c)(3) nonprofit and make 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan. Working as a pharmacist for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, for example, may allow you to apply for PSLF.

Private student loans are not eligible for PSLF, but private student loans may be eligible for other debt relief programs. Pharmacists conducting extramural program research for a university or U.S.-based nonprofit, for example, may qualify for debt relief under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Program. You can receive up to $50,000 per year in federal and private student debt relief under the NIH Loan Repayment Program.

Below we provide more details about debt relief programs that can lead to pharmacist student loan forgiveness, including PSLF and the NIH Loan Repayment Program.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness

If you have a PharmD degree, you may have ample opportunities to work as a pharmacist for a government employer and apply for PSLF.

As mentioned above, the PSLF program is available to eligible government and nonprofit workers with federal student loans. The stipulations require borrowers to make 120 qualifying payments over a 10-year period before becoming eligible for forgiveness. Further, the employer must be qualified by the federal government, and you must work at least 30 hours per week.

The following federal student loans are eligible for PSLF:

•   Direct Subsidized Loans

•   Direct Unsubsidized Loans

•   Direct PLUS Loans

•   Direct Consolidation Loans

To qualify for PSLF, you would typically sign up for a federal income-driven repayment (IDR) plan. The Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan is one of the IDR options you can choose. (All IDR plans can end with federal student loan forgiveness after 20 or 25 years, particularly if you’ve borrowed a large amount of federal education loans.)

The SAVE Plan is the most affordable repayment plan for federal student loans, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Beginning July 2024, SAVE Plan payment amounts are based on 5% of discretionary income for undergraduate loans, 10% for graduate loans, and a weighted average for borrowers who have both.

The original PSLF rules made it difficult for borrowers to receive loan forgiveness under that program, but the U.S. Department of Education announced permanent PSLF updates that took effect in July 2023.

The department previously relaxed some of the PSLF requirements for a limited time in 2021 and 2022 during the Covid-19 national emergency. Since then, the department has forgiven $45 billion in federal student debt for more than 650,000 public employees enrolled in the PSLF program, according to Education Department data.

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Can Pharmacists Get Loan Forgiveness?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against President Joe Biden’s plan to forgive up to $20,000 in federal student debt for qualified loan holders in June 2023, but pharmacists can still get student loan forgiveness under a variety of programs.

Pharmacist student loan forgiveness is possible under programs like PSLF if you work for a government or nonprofit employer as a health professional. In addition to PSLF, there are specific loan repayment programs that may offer loan forgiveness for pharmacists.

Student debt refinanced with a private lender is not eligible for PSLF, but refinanced student debt may be eligible for other debt relief programs highlighted below. You may pay more interest over the life of the loan if you refinance with an extended term.

💡 Quick Tip: Ready to refinance your student loan? You could save thousands.

Student Loan Forgiveness and Repayment Programs for Pharmacists

Besides the PSLF, you might consider these programs that offer repayment and forgiveness help for pharmacists:

The National Health Service Corps State Loan Repayment Program

The federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has a National Health Service Corps State Loan Repayment Program that provides student debt relief to eligible pharmacists and other health professionals who work in designated Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).

The California State Loan Repayment Program, for example, offers up to $100K in federal and private student debt relief to pharmacists who work in a qualifying role for three years.

A state-based Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) typically receives federal funding, but states can set their own SLRP eligibility requirements. This means you may not be eligible for pharmacist SLRP student debt relief in all states. It’s also worth noting that offerings may change every year and that states are not obligated to award maximum loan repayment amounts available.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Workforce Loan Repayment Program

Pharmacists who work at eligible substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facilities may qualify for student loan repayment assistance under the National Health Service Corps’ SUD Workforce Loan Repayment Program.

Pharmacists can receive up to $75,000 in student loan forgiveness in exchange for three years of full-time service at an approved SUD treatment facility. Such sites may include office-based opioid treatment facilities, state correctional facilities, federal prisons, and community health centers.

The National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program

As mentioned earlier, pharmacists conducting extramural program research for an eligible employer may receive up to $50,000 annually in federal and private student debt relief through the NIH Loan Repayment Program.

Although private student loans and federal loans are eligible, you must have a sizable student debt-to-income ratio of at least 20% to qualify for an initial NIH Loan Repayment Program award. It’s possible to have all of your student debt repaid through this system, because there’s no limit to how long you can work for a qualified extramural research program.

Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program

Pharmacists who work at Indian health facilities for two years may receive up to $50,000 in student debt relief from the Indian Health Service (IHS) Loan Repayment Program. Private and federal loans are eligible for relief under this program.

Indian health facilities are hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities administered directly by IHS, a Tribal organization, or an Urban Indian program. These facilities are typically based in American Indian or Alaska Native communities. The majority of the locations are rural and remote.

💡 Quick Tip: Refinancing could be a great choice for working graduates who have higher-interest graduate PLUS loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and/or private loans.

U.S. Department of Defense Educational Loan Repayment Program

Federal law allows branches of the U.S. armed forces to repay federal student debt of enlisted members serving in specified military specialties or commissioned officers serving in specified health professions. Pharmacists who enlist in the U.S. armed forces may qualify for student loan repayment assistance under this program.

The U.S. Army and U.S. Navy, for example, may repay up to $65,000 of qualified federal student loans in good standing. Eligibility for this loan repayment program may require that you serve for three years in a critical military occupational specialty or longer.

Refinancing Your Student Loans

Looking to lower your monthly student loan payment? Refinancing may be one way to do it — by extending your loan term, getting a lower interest rate than what you currently have, or both. (Please note that refinancing federal loans makes them ineligible for federal forgiveness and protections. Also, lengthening your loan term may mean paying more in interest over the life of the loan.) SoFi student loan refinancing offers flexible terms that fit your budget.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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