How to Make Talking About Finances Fun, Not a Fight

How to Make Talking About Finances Fun, Not a Fight

Ask couples what they fight about most, and money is sure to be at the top of the list. Decades of research have shown that common clashes are sparked by different spending habits, different financial values (which influence spending habits), and how to raise financially smart kids.

While dealing with money isn’t always easy, it doesn’t have to drive a wedge in your relationship. These strategies will ensure your financial discussions with your partner are productive and — dare we suggest — maybe even something to look forward to.

Meet Regularly — but Don’t Discuss Money

When couples fight about money, the classic mistake is to think that having a regular “money talk” will help solve things. Unlikely.

That’s because the source of most financial disagreements is that one person’s values don’t line up with the other’s. In order to truly ease money stress, you have to start by understanding the bigger wants and needs and priorities of your partner.

Make time to meet regularly and focus on things you both want out of life. It doesn’t have to be a long conversation — maybe 30 minutes, or an hour.

Come Prepared

Consider bringing a list of topics to each meeting, but don’t expect to cover them all. There will be other meetings, and it’s more important to leave each conversation with a sense that you understand each other better. You might raise some common questions:

Do you want kids? Do you want pets? Do you want to live a certain lifestyle? Start a business? Retire early? Send the kids to private school vs. public?

How important is it to have a vacation each year, or is it more important to have a beautiful home — or both?

Do you both believe in working hard and playing hard? Working to live or living to work? These may sound like cliches, but dig into each topic to get at each person’s core feelings.

Create a Safe Space

A key aspect of these non-money talks has to be a spirit of openness, not criticism or judgment. You’re trying to get to know one another in a slightly different way. Ask questions, take time to listen to each other’s answers.

While these sessions may seem uncomfortable at first, having these non-financial conversations may actually prevent important issues from causing conflicts.

Again, keep these conversations fairly short. The idea is to find common ground, and that may not happen right away. So don’t expect to agree, expect to learn something new about your partner.

Look for Shared Goals and Points of Agreement

Even couples that fight about money, also agree on plenty of financial issues. Be sure to pay attention as you discover these points in common, and celebrate the fact that you have them.

Knowing that you have financial goals and priorities in common, not just pain points, can build your confidence and momentum and lead to the good part of all this: Having more fun because you’re not stressed about money squabbles!

Address Financial Topics as Organically as You Can

Rather than set up more meetings (who has time?), you can use your newfound empathy and sense of shared values to tackle topics as they come up naturally in your day-to-day lives.

Now you can talk about spending when you get the credit card bill, or when you have to make a tough choice between two competing priorities. In some ways it’s less stressful to discuss whether to refinance the house or set up a Roth IRA when that question comes up organically, rather than trying to anticipate bigger issues.

Be sure to take the opportunity to make sure you’re including something fun in your financial plan. Money is for the future, and it’s also for the present, so make sure you enjoy it.

Let Go of Resentment

Financial inequity between partners — say, if one person has a lot of debt or there’s a large disparity between incomes — can be a common source of tension.

If you feel like one person’s debt is holding you both back, remember that it doesn’t have to last forever. There are many strategies for paying off debt — talking it through will help you find the right path for you both. You might also decide to meet with a financial advisor who can help you prioritize, budget, and sometimes even refinance to break even faster.

In cases of income disparity, it may help to reframe each partner’s contribution to the household. Yes, one person may bring in more (or all) of the household income, but be clear on the non-monetary intangibles that the other person is contributing. Cooking, cleaning, watching the kids, caring for aging relatives — these duties all add up and represent what each of you is bringing to the household.

Reward Yourselves

Create incentives to stick with your financial meeting schedule. Maybe that means taking your laptops to your favorite coffee shop, or treating yourselves to a movie night afterward.

Another idea is to reward yourselves as a couple after you hit a predetermined financial goal or milestone. For example, every month you successfully increase your emergency fund by a target amount, you might choose to enjoy a nice restaurant meal.

Even a free indulgence — like a walk around your favorite lake after the discussion — can be effective. Just make it something that you both enjoy (bonus points if it’s something that you don’t do all the time so it feels extra special). That way, you’ll look forward to it.

The Takeaway

The best way to take the sting out of discussing finances with your partner is to start by getting in sync as people, understanding each other’s values and perspectives. Scheduling time to talk monthly (or whatever cadence works for you) allows you to also savor the ways you are on the same page already, and what some of those shared goals are.

Don’t try to meet about big hairy financial goals that aren’t on the table yet. You do have to plan ahead, but it’s also important (and less stressful) to address money matters as they arise naturally. Then, get back to the fun of living your lives together the rest of the time.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an Active Invest account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

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How to Cancel a Life Insurance Policy

How to Cancel a Life Insurance Policy

If you no longer want to continue with your coverage, you may be wondering, Can you cancel life insurance? Or maybe you’re currently investigating how to cancel life insurance policies in case you decide to stop yours in the future.

Whatever your reason, this post will guide you through the cancellation processes for both term life and whole life insurance policies. We’ll also provide some alternatives to canceling your policy.

First, Can You Cancel a Life Insurance Policy?

You can usually cancel your life insurance policy at any time if you decide that you no longer want or need the life insurance coverage it provides. How that’s done will vary, based on how long you’ve had the policy (meaning, if it’s brand new or not) and whether it’s term life or whole life insurance policy.

How to Cancel Life Insurance

In each state, there’s a “free look period,” during which you can cancel a life insurance policy for any reason by appropriately informing the insurer. You can find timelines of the free look period in your policy. A typical period will last 30 days from when your policy begins, but it can be as short as 10 days, depending upon the state in which you live.

If you cancel during this timeframe, you’re entitled to a refund of your first premium payment without penalty. After the free look period ends, how you cancel your life insurance policy will depend on what type of life insurance it is. (Though there are other types of life, we’ll focus on term and whole life insurance here.)

Canceling Your Term Life Insurance Policy

Term life insurance guarantees payment of a predefined death benefit when the policy owner dies during a specified term. After the term ends — perhaps after 10 or 20 years — the policyholder might renew the life insurance for another term, decide to let the policy end, or convert it to a whole life policy. Or, before the policy’s term ends, you can cancel the policy. Here’s how.

Inform the Insurer

Check the insurance company’s website to see if they have a termination form, or write them a letter to let them know you are canceling your policy. You could also call your provider to get the process started. It’s really that simple when it comes to communicating your desire to cancel with the insurer.

Stop Making Your Payments

If you’re having the payment automatically deducted from an account, check to see how much notice you have to give the financial institution to stop the next payment. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers advice on stopping automatic payments.

It’s true that, if you simply stop making your premium payments, the insurer will void your policy. How long that would take would depend upon the policy’s conditions. Although this may be the easiest route to take, informing the insurance company ties up loose ends.

Canceling Your Whole Life Insurance Policy

A whole life insurance policy never expires (as long as the premiums are paid). Policyholders typically pay a higher premium, with a portion of the amount being invested. The invested funds can then be drawn upon by the policy owner. Because of this, you actually surrender a whole life policy when you want it to stop rather than cancel the policy.

Consider the Cash Value

As you pay into this policy, you’ll gradually build up cash value. It may take 10 years or so for that to happen but, when it does, surrendering (canceling) your policy may mean that you’ll get a check from the insurer for the cash value built up in the policy.

Investigate Collateral Approach

If a whole life policy has a reasonable amount of cash value, then the policy may be able to be used as collateral for a loan instead of surrendering it. If the loan isn’t repaid, then the outstanding balance and interest owed would be deducted before the death benefit was paid out to beneficiaries.

Modify Your Policy

Your insurance company may allow you to reduce your whole life premiums (or even stop paying them) while still maintaining some (or all of the) death benefits for your beneficiaries. In those cases, the premiums would be paid out of the cash value in the policy. Talk to your agent first, though, to make sure this is doable.

Do You Get Money Back if You Cancel Life Insurance?

With a term life insurance policy, when you cancel, it’s unlikely that the insurer will refund any premiums made and the death benefit to beneficiaries no longer exists. So, with term life, the answer is “no.”

With a whole life policy, though, if you’ve built up cash value, that will be provided to you after you surrender the policy, although any surrender fee is typically taken out first. When you cancel a whole life policy, ask how much money will be refunded as well as when and how you’ll get any funds back.

When Should You Cancel a Life Insurance Policy?

People cancel their policies for a variety of reasons. Here are some examples of when it may make sense to cancel your life insurance policy:

You no longer need it: Some people simply may feel they no longer need the policy — perhaps because the dependents listed as beneficiaries are no longer in need of this money, or because they, the policyholders, no longer have debt that would need to be paid off.

Your premiums are straining your budget: Other times, the premiums are too much for the person’s budget, so they decide to cancel. Perhaps, through this action, they can also collect on the policy’s cash value for needed funds.

You can qualify for a better rate on a new policy: A policyholder may have made lifestyle changes (stopped smoking) or their health may have improved — and so they can now qualify for a better rate on a new life insurance policy. Keep in mind that, depending on how old you are, the premium may be the same or higher than the lower-rated policy.

You want to invest your premiums in another way: As another reason, some people cancel a whole life insurance policy and then invest the premiums paid (and any cash value refunded to them) in another way where they hope to earn more money.

Alternatives to Canceling Life Insurance

Talk to your insurer to see what options exist if you plan to cancel your life insurance policy. One possibility already mentioned in this post is to see if you can have your whole life premiums paid out of your cash value in part or in full.

Or, if you think you still need life insurance but the premiums are too high for your budget, you can consider ways to adjust your budget to keep making your payments. For example, there may be subscriptions for streaming services or online tools that you automatically pay for but seldom use. You could consider canceling those services and continuing to make your life insurance premiums with those newly available funds.

Another possibility, if you’d like to cancel a life insurance policy and then buy another one that’s better for you, is to consider looking into what’s called a tax-free 1035 exchange. This can allow you to make the switch without tax consequences.

Also, check your policy to see if life settlements are permitted. In that situation, the policy is transferred to a new owner, and you could receive cash in a lump sum. Just make sure to explore tax consequences if this option appeals to you.

The Takeaway

You can cancel a life insurance policy, and it’s pretty easy to do. Whether or not you’ll get money back depends on the type of policy you have. With a term life insurance policy, there isn’t any cash value and so you wouldn’t typically get any refund. With a whole life insurance policy, if you’ve paid enough into the policy to have cash value, then you would usually get some money back after surrendering the policy.

Reasons why someone cancels a policy vary and there are alternatives to canceling. If you’re looking into buying a life insurance policy, SoFi has teamed up with Ladder to provide competitive term life insurance that’s easy to understand and quick to set up.

Get your life insurance quote and apply in just minutes.

Photo credit: iStock/PeopleImages

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria.
Ladder Insurance Services, LLC (CA license # OK22568; AR license # 3000140372) distributes term life insurance products issued by multiple insurers- for further details see All insurance products are governed by the terms set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Each insurer has financial responsibility for its own products.
Ladder, SoFi and SoFi Agency are separate, independent entities and are not responsible for the financial condition, business, or legal obligations of the other, Social Finance, LLC (SoFi) and Social Finance Life Insurance Agency, LLC (SoFi Agency) do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under Ladder Life™ policies. SoFi is compensated by Ladder for each issued term life policy.
SoFi Agency and its affiliates do not guarantee the services of any insurance company.
All services from Ladder Insurance Services, LLC are their own. Once you reach Ladder, SoFi is not involved and has no control over the products or services involved. The Ladder service is limited to documents and does not provide legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique and using documents provided is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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outdoor wedding venue

Affordable Wedding Venue Ideas

You’re engaged and ready to plan your wedding. Along with plenty of excitement about your big day, you might also start to feel some sticker shock as you research prices for the ceremony and reception.

SoFi’s most recent survey found that the median price of a wedding is $10,000, and a large portion of that typically goes toward the reception venue.

The average cost of a wedding is $30,000, according to a recent survey of couples.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to save for the wedding of your dreams. Reducing the costs of the venue helps with one of the largest expenses.

There are free wedding venues, as well as relatively inexpensive wedding venues to consider as you’re creating your budget. Below are four affordable places to hold a wedding. By selecting one of them, and adding some unique personal touches, you can make the day truly your own.

Plus, if you discover that you could use help financing your wedding, we have suggestions for that, too.

Recommended: Wedding Cost Calculator With Examples

At-Home Wedding

This could be at your own home, or that of a parent, friend, or other loved one, which will likely be one of the most affordable wedding venues around. Benefits of this choice (besides the lack of rental fees) include the flexibility to have your ceremony on just about any day of the year, plus you have a ready-made shelter if the weather isn’t ideal. Want a pet-friendly ceremony? It doesn’t get any better than a home wedding for having your beloved dog be your ring bearer.

Also, any home upgrades made for the ceremony can be enjoyed for a long time afterward. Just decide how much of the event will be held outdoors, what rooms of the house should be made available to wedding guests, and how to ensure enough seating.

You can keep it simple by focusing on certain aspects for home improvement. For instance, if you envision yourself making a grand entrance by walking down a staircase in your wedding dress, you might think about a staircase remodel for your ceremony.

On the other hand, if your powder room could use a glow-up, you might want to concentrate your efforts there for a beautiful bathroom refresh. As a bonus, a project like this could add value to your home.

Check to be sure your officiant of choice is able to perform the ceremony, plan the parking logistics, find out how to comply with any noise ordinances, and so forth. Also, this could be a perfect time to do some outdoor landscaping that will beautify your special day and your home for years to come.

City Hall Wedding

A city hall wedding can be a very chic choice. You aren’t restricted to the city hall or courthouse by where you currently live. You could choose one that has special significance to your relationship, perhaps the city where you first fell in love.

Or, you can get married in the city hall where you’ll enjoy your honeymoon or your family vacation. As another strategy, you can choose the city hall based on its beauty. For instance, the city hall in San Francisco has a stunning white column and gold-capped roof.

The fee for a city hall wedding varies by state and municipality. Generally, it ranges from $30 to $88 or more. Call the location to learn the exact cost.

There are usually designated days and times for city hall weddings, so find out what they are in the location of your choice and how that would work in conjunction with your post-wedding celebration. Also, ask if there’s a limit to the number of wedding guests you can have, and whether you’ll be able to have bridesmaids and groomsmen, given the logistics.

Recommended: The Costs of Being in Someone’s Wedding

Park Wedding

Perhaps there are beautiful parks in your town or city full of unique flowers, landscaping, and more — or maybe there is one with special meaning to you, say, where the two of you attended college.

If that’s the case, you could contact the relevant parks department and find out any details about fees and permits. How accessible is the location for guests? If it’s a small park in the center of town, it’s likely to be fairly accessible. If it’s deep in the heart of a national park system, you may need to decide how to make it practical for guests to find and attend.

Other considerations for a park wedding include shelter in case of rain, having enough public restrooms (are they readily available or do you need to rent portable options?), and how comfortable you are getting married in an open space.

You might also need to find out what the park’s policy is on receptions. Can you set up tables and have food brought in? Or are you imagining a picnic complete with champagne? Dream it up, brainstorm details, and get confirmation from park officials.

One bride who got married in Glacier National Park wore her grandmother’s dress. In and of itself, that might not be unique — but the dress had been made out of the silk parachute her grandfather used in World War II! What unique touches can you bring to your own special park wedding?

Beach Wedding

You might consider a beach wedding, with its possibilities for one-of-a-kind photography, soft breezes, and tropical drinks. As practical considerations, do you plan to have a ceremony along the ocean on a public beach or will you locate a private beach? The permits you’ll need will likely be quite different if you plan to have just your ceremony there versus if you also plan to have a beachside reception complete with food, drink, and music.

You’ll also need to create a Plan B or otherwise have shelter available if the weather doesn’t cooperate. And, where you plan to have the ceremony, geographically speaking, may help to dictate what time of year your wedding should be scheduled. For instance, for a July wedding at your favorite beach, think about how far in advance to plan summer travel.

Then figure out the final details. Do you plan to have alcohol at your reception? That often isn’t permitted on beaches, but there are some that do allow guests to imbibe. Do you want to rope off a section of the beach? Build a bonfire? Again, you might want to ask what the rules and regulations are for the beach you have in mind and be flexible about modifying plans to help make it all come together.

Budgeting for Your Wedding

Even when you choose a free or inexpensive wedding venue, you’ll still likely want to come up with some creative ways to save money for the food, music, drinks, flowers, photography, video, and so on.

You can also explore different ways to help cover some of the wedding costs. For instance, a wedding loan might be an option to explore to help pay for your big day. Or perhaps your families might be able to help out financially with some of the venue-related expenses, such as catering.

During a discussion with your partner, you could both try to determine who will pay for what, and how much you’re willing to spend. It could help to discuss priorities so you’re in agreement about where to splurge and where you’re willing to compromise.

If, for example, you know that having beautiful flowers is important to both of you, that could rise to the must-have category. And maybe you want to spend more on photography and less on videography — or vice versa. What’s important is that you mutually create and agree upon a plan that’s unique to you and your special day.

Financing Your Wedding

When it comes to financing your wedding, a wedding loan could be a good option for your needs. These loans are unsecured personal loans used to cover wedding costs. Rates on personal loans tend to be lower than credit card rates, and they can offer more flexibility on the term of your loan and the amount you can borrow. Plus, you’ll get a fixed rate.

A personal loan from SoFi can be a fast, simple way to get extra cash for your wedding. You can apply online and, if you qualify, you can get the money as soon as the same day.

Explore a personal loan at SoFi — check your rate in just minutes!

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bride and groom feet

Unexpected Wedding Expenses to Watch Out For

You’ve champagne-toasted to your engagement, basked in post-engagement bliss, and happily researched the latest table decor trends on Pinterest.

It’s easy to get lost in the excitement of your wedding and focus on the fun parts, like trying on dresses. But before you get too far into planning, it’s a good idea to take a breath and crunch a few numbers.

In addition to being a joyous occasion, a wedding can also be a significant expense. While the price tag can vary widely depending on the level of luxury you go for and where you live, the median cost of a wedding is $10,000, according to a recent SoFi survey.

Besides the basic expenses like the dress, venue, catering, and rings, there are also lots of unexpected wedding costs, both small and large. And those can really add up. Being aware of these costs can help you plan ahead and save for your dream wedding.

Whether you’re paying for your own wedding, or getting help from loved ones, having realistic budget can help ensure that your wedding doesn’t wreak havoc on your finances.

1. Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

Since these events happen in advance of the wedding, it’s easy to forget to include them in your initial budget. But planning for these festivities is crucial, since they can come with a hefty price tag.

Guests spend an average of $1,500 on these parties, according to When travel is involved, the cost can go up even more. For instance, those who flew to an international bachelor or bachelorette destination spent about $2,000 in total.

Sometimes the host and guests will opt to cover the cost of accommodations and activities for the bride and groom, but that’s far from guaranteed.

And even if your costs are partially covered, you may still need to chip in for your airfare, meals, and incidentals.

Recommended: The Costs of Being in Someone’s Wedding

2. Marriage License

In the whirlwind of wedding planning, it can be easy to forget about some of the more technical steps of getting married.

You’ll need to apply for a marriage license, of course, typically with the relevant county clerk’s office. Some states have a fixed fee, while others vary by county or city. The fees can range from about $10 to $115.

3. Insurance

You know that you’ll need to pay for a wedding venue, but you may not be aware that many of them require you to also purchase insurance. These policies typically cover damage to the venue or injuries to guests or vendors.

Some wedding insurance policies also reimburse you if something goes wrong, such as a venue becoming unavailable or a vendor not showing up. Wedding insurance costs range from about $125 to $550 for basic coverage, but the price can be higher for more expensive events.

Recommended: Smart Short-Term Financial Goals to Set for Yourself

4. Postage

If you’re mailing correspondence to your guests, don’t forget that you’ll need stamps, too. These can add up when you consider that you may need them for save the date cards, invitations, RSVP envelopes, and thank you cards.

A postcard stamp costs $0.48, and a First-Class Forever Stamp for an envelope costs $0.63. Let’s say your save the date is a postcard and your invitations, RSVPs, and thank you notes use envelopes. Mailing these items to 150 guests in the U.S. could cost more than $300.

5. Alterations

The perfect wedding-day outfit requires not only paying for a dress and a tuxedo or suit, but also likely shelling out for alterations.

Some stores and custom tailors include the cost of alterations in the price of the garment, but others don’t. For a wedding dress, changes such as hemming the gown, adding lace or beading, or taking it in can cost anywhere from $200 to $800 or more.

6. Beauty Treatments

You’ll want to look your best on your big day, and that likely requires spending some cash. Hair and makeup for brides costs $250 on average, and some stylists charge extra for a trial. If you’re paying for your bridesmaids to get hair and makeup done as well, the cost could also be around $170 per person for both services on average.

Brides may also choose other beauty treatments, such as facials (with an average cost of $50 to $100) and manicures and pedicures (the average cost ranges from $45 to $80). Body art, like mehendi for Indian brides, can cost hundreds of dollars.

The groom may also choose to pay for services like a haircut (an average cost of $30) and professional shave (about $15 to $50).

7. Gifts

You are probably expecting to receive gifts from your guests, but don’t forget that you may want to give some out, too.

It’s customary to give thoughtful thank you gifts to your wedding party, with especially nice presents going to the maid of honor and best man. Expect to spend $75 to $100 for each bridesmaid or groomsman.

You may also want to give tokens of appreciation to your parents and grandparents, particularly if they helped pay for the wedding. If you have friends who helped out, perhaps by doing a reading at the ceremony or serving as an officiant, you may want to thank them with a gift as well. And you’ll also want to give a gift to any children participating in your day, such as a flower girl or ring bearer.

Last but not least, it can be meaningful to exchange gifts with your new husband or wife. By including these significant items in your budget, or by exploring the option of a wedding loan to help cover them, you can make sure you can afford them when the time comes.

8. Wedding Weekend Events

Your initial wedding budget may not have included other gatherings you’re hosting, such as the rehearsal dinner, welcome drinks, or a brunch.

Depending on the number of guests, all of these events can cost a pretty penny. The average cost of a rehearsal dinner is around $2,400, while brunches can start at $22 per person.

9. Lodging and Transportation

You’ll probably be paying for a hotel for one or more nights if your wedding isn’t in your hometown, or if you just want to stay somewhere special.

You also likely won’t want to drive yourselves around on the big day. If that’s the case, factor in the cost of a limo or fancy bus to get you to and from the wedding locations. The average cost of a wedding limo is $75 to $150 an hour.

If you’re providing transportation for guests as well, expect the amount you spend on transportation to go up significantly.

10. Rentals

More likely than not, your wedding venue and caterer won’t provide everything you need. You’ll typically need to pay extra to rent linens, flatware, and glassware. You may also want to rent other items, such as heating lamps, a cake stand, string lights, candles, or a photobooth. These items can add hundreds of extra dollars to your costs.

Financing Your Wedding

So how do you afford all the wedding expenses — both the ones you plan for and the hidden ones that crop up? Here are some ideas for financing your dream wedding.

Budgeting and Saving

The first step is to a make a budget, but you’ll want to be sure to avoid some common budgeting mistakes. Add up all the anticipated wedding expenses, including the lesser-known charges above. Then, you and your partner-to-be can track your monthly expenses and income and see how much you have left over to save each month.

If that isn’t enough to get to your goal, see if you can find ways to reduce living expenses or earn extra cash. SoFi, a complementary tool for SoFi members, can help you track your spending and cashflow in real time against a set budget, to help prevent you from going over — and help you save for the big day.

Trimming Expenses

If your wedding budget is more than you can afford, you may be able to find ways to lower some of the costs. For example, perhaps a friend can officiate instead of paying a professional.

Family and friends may be able to help you create DIY paper goods, bouquets, and centerpieces. Or you could send digital Save the Dates and invitations, rather than paying for printing and postage. Some couples even self-cater their weddings. There are a number of creative ways to save money.

Personal Loans

Along with saving and cutting costs, a wedding loan, which is a type of personal loan, could help finance your wedding. With SoFi, eligible borrowers may qualify for loans with interest rates that are generally lower than the interest rates charged by credit cards.

Personal loans are flexible and may be used for almost any purpose, so they can help you cover wedding expenses that come up. It takes just a few minutes to apply online, and these loans have fast funding and flexible repayment options.

Learn more about using a SoFi personal loan to help you finance your dream wedding — including paying for any unexpected expenses.

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Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

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Couple getting cupcake from food truck

Typical Small Business Loan Fees

If you’re considering a small business loan, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the different types of small business loan fees. In addition to interest rates, fees can impact how much a small business loan ultimately costs.

Lenders charge fees on small business loans to cover a variety of costs, like loan application and origination, check processing, and underwriting, and you could also face fees for late payment or prepayment. Which types of fees apply will vary depending on which lender you use and the type of loan you get. But knowing what to look out for can help as you compare loans in an attempt to minimize how much your small business loan costs overall.

Why Choose a Small Business Loan?

No matter how fantastic an idea may be, in most cases, it can’t become an actual business without the working capital to get it off the ground. If you’re not yet ready to pitch investors and don’t have the personal funds to bootstrap your business, you may want to learn about how a small business loan can help you turn your business idea into a reality.

Of course, small business loans are for more than just startups. Whether you’re looking to hire more employees, purchase more equipment or inventory, or just scale your idea from your bedroom to a co-working space, small business loans can provide the capital to make it happen.

Some reasons a small business loan may be right for you include if:

•   You want to build business credit, potentially allowing you to qualify for larger loans in the future.

•   You want to scale your business.

•   You want to make your business more efficient with new equipment.

•   You want to purchase more inventory.

•   You want to hire and train more employees.

Before taking out a small business loan though, it’s important to ensure you have the financial foundation to manage your loan debt.

Small Business Loan Rates and Fees

Here are some common fees associated with small business loans.

Application Fee

Lenders incur certain fees when processing your application (e.g., credit checks and property appraisals). This fee covers those costs, and it will apply regardless of whether your application is approved.

Origination Fee

Lenders charge origination fees to cover their administrative costs, such as phone calls, emails, and interviews necessary to finalize a small business loan. The amount of this fee varies from lender to lender.

Check Processing Fee

If you make your loan payments via check, you may be charged a fee to cover the time and labor it takes to process a check. You may want to keep this in mind when deciding how you’ll make your loan payments.

Guaranty Fee

If you’re taking out a loan through the Small Business Administration (SBA), you’ll likely have to pay a guaranty fee. While the SBA guarantees loans, it doesn’t make loans, and thus generally assesses this SBA loan fee for its involvement.

Late Payment Fee

Like many loans, small business loans typically charge a fee when you make a late payment. You’ll want to ensure you set up a plan to make your loan payments on time to avoid this fee.

Underwriting Fee

The process of underwriting can be tedious — your lender needs to comb through your business’ finances and review market research and historical trends. The underwriting fee covers the cost of performing this task. It could either be charged as a percentage of the loan amount or a flat fee.

Prepayment Fee

Some lenders charge you for paying your loan off too early. They may do this for a variety of reasons, but one might be because they lose money in interest charges when you pay your loan principal before it’s due. This is an important fee to be aware of when mapping out your payment plan.

Additional Funding Options

If these fees don’t sit well with you, there are other options to consider that may make funding your business more accessible to you.

Family and Friends

Many people start their business with family loans, which is essentially money borrowed from family and friends. Using these individuals as initial investors can help you stay out of commercial debt, meaning that you can wait to apply for a small business loan when you might need to borrow a larger sum.

However, going into business with loved ones could be a risk. It might sour the relationship if things go south.


A number of small businesses have successfully been funded through sites like Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Indiegogo. A great idea with a strong marketing plan could generate enough excitement and financial support to get things going.

Keep in mind that crowdfunding sites generally require a percentage of the funding received. Additionally, there could be a risk of idea theft or plagiarism by putting your idea out there early.

Credit Card

You could turn to credit cards as a quick route to getting capital for your business without a lengthy application process. However, interest rates may be high. Further, carrying significant credit card debt could potentially impact your credit score, affecting your future chances of qualifying for loans.

Recommended: Comparing Personal Loans vs. Business Loans

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The Takeaway

Small business loans can charge a variety of fees, including application fees, origination fees, underwriting fees, guaranty fees, and others. Some are avoidable, such as bypassing check processing fees by opting for another payment method, or steering clear of late fees through consistent on-time payments. Which fees will apply will ultimately depend on the lender and loan type, but fees can play a role in how much a small business loan ultimately costs.

As you explore your options for funds, you might also look into a personal loan. While you cannot use a personal loan for business expenses, it could help you to consolidate high-interest credit card debt you might have incurred, for instance. SoFi personal loans offer low, fixed rates, and allow you to borrow up to $100,000.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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