Flexible Spending Accounts: Rules, Regulations, and Uses
Flexible spending accounts, or FSAs, are special savings accounts offered through some employer benefit plans. They allow the account holder to pay for certain out-of-pocket medical and dependent care costs with tax-free money.
However, FSAs come with some rules and regulations. For instance, FSA rules cap the amount of money that can be placed in the account each year ($3,050 for 2023), and also dictate which types of expenses qualify for an FSA distribution.
Still, FSAs can be a powerful tool for covering unavoidable medical costs that could otherwise wreak havoc on finances.
Flexible Spending Account Explained
FSAs are savings programs offered through employers — which means that self-employed people aren’t eligible. Those who are self-employed may be covered through an employed spouse’s plan, or they may choose to open an HSA, if they qualify.
FSAs are also sometimes called flexible spending arrangements, and they can cover you, your spouse, and your dependents. There are also a few sub-types of FSAs, such as dependent care FSAs (DCFSAs) and limited purpose FSAs (LPFSAs).
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Flexible Spending Account Rules: An Overview
FSA contributions work similarly to employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s: a certain amount of wages is withheld each pay period and contributed to the account.
The account holder elects how much to withhold at the beginning of the plan year — and, importantly, they may not be able to change it unless there’s a change in employment or family status. That means it’s important to think the decision through carefully.
But unlike a 401(k), the funds placed into an FSA aren’t just tax-deferred — they’re actually tax-free. That means they aren’t included in the account holder’s total taxable income, nor are taxes due when distributions are made.
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How Much Can I Contribute to My FSA?
In 2025, account holders may contribute up to a maximum of $3,300 to their FSAs (up from $3,200 in 2024). If an account holders’ spouse is enrolled in an FSA plan, they can also contribute up to $3,300 in 2025, for a household maximum of $6,600. Employers may also place limits on the amount an employee can elect to be contributed, up to this federal cap.
Unused Funds: FSA Rollover and Reimbursement Rules
Another rule regarding FSAs is the fact that, generally speaking, unused FSA funds are forfeited.
In other words, FSAs are “use it or lose it” accounts; the money that isn’t used for qualified expenses by the end of the plan year can’t be rolled over into the next.
Thus, account holders may want to be cautious to avoid over-contributing to the plan and carefully estimate how much they think they’ll need to spend on out-of-pocket health expenses. Setting up a budget may help with this.
However, there are some exceptions that may be accessible, depending on the employer’s policy choice. They may allow for a “grace period” or a carry-over option — one or the other, but not both, and they’re not legally required to offer either.
• The grace period option allows account holders to use their FSA funds for an additional two and a half months after the plan year to pay for qualified medical expenses.
• The carry-over option allows account holders to roll over up to $640 of unused funds into the account for use the next plan year, though the employer may specify a lower dollar figure. Carryover doesn’t affect the maximum allowable contribution for the next year’s plan.
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What Can a Flexible Spending Account Be Used For?
Given the contribution limits and forfeiture rules of flexible spending accounts, FSA account holders usually want to be careful about calculating how much money they might be able to use — otherwise, significant amounts of their paycheck might end up right back in their employers’ hands.
FSA funds can be used for wide range of out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, such as deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. You can also use your FSA funds to pay for dental/orthodonture expenses, prescription eyeglasses/contacts, medications, psychological counseling, hearing aids, and many health-related over-the-counter items (including sunscreen).
It’s a good idea to check with your FSA provider to confirm the which products and services are eligible to make sure you will be able to get reimbursed.
Keep in mind, too, that FSAs generally work in conjunction with other types of health benefits and coverage, and funds can’t be used to reimburse services that are covered under other health plans.
It might be a valuable exercise to write out all of the expected medical expenses you’ll face as a family at the beginning of the plan year in order to decide how much to contribute, including additional coverages, in order to avoid over-contribution. While nobody can predict the future, some routine expenses can be foreseen — and a little bit of planning might save a lot of forfeited funds in the end.
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Taking Distributions from an FSA
The process for taking distributions from an FSA may vary based on the plan. In some cases, distributions are made from an FSA to reimburse the account holder for medical expenses they’ve incurred. Some FSAs also have a debit, credit, or stored value card that can be used to pay directly for qualifying expenses.
In order to take a distribution, the account holder may have to provide a written statement from the doctor or medical service provider that specifies the medical expense incurred, as well as a statement documenting that the expense hasn’t been covered by any other health plan. In other situations, a receipt may be sufficient documentation in order to be reimbursed.
FSA reimbursements are only available for verifiable medical expenses that have already been incurred, rather than expenses the account holder plans to incur in the future. (In other words, you can’t write to the FSA and tell them you’re going to the doctor next month.)
It’s also important to note that your FSA funds are available to you on the first day of your plan year, regardless of how much you’ve contributed.
Let’s say you elect to contribute $2,000 for the plan year, which runs January through December. Your employer will likely deduct that amount from your paychecks in equal increments over the course of the year. However, if you get hit with a $1,000 eligible medical expense on January 15th, you can still tap your FSA to cover it — you don’t have to wait until you’ve contributed $1,000.
Is a Flexible Spending Account Worth It?
A flexible spending account can be a helpful tool, but it’s not the only option for footing medical bills.
For one thing, $3,300 might not even scratch the surface of some common medical procedures, such as childbirth.
Furthermore, although the tax-free nature of FSAs is attractive, the prospect of forfeiting parts of a paycheck is definitely not — and there are other ways to save cash for medical expenses and other emergencies which offer not just flexibility, but growth.
For example, you could open an online bank account with a high-yield and earn more than 4% APY (annual percentage yield) in interest. That could be an option to explore.
Another idea is to create an emergency fund to help pay medical expenses. However, if you think you’ll use all the funds in an FSA, going that route instead may be worth more to you.
The Takeaway
The tax benefits of the FSA can make them an appealing and useful tool, especially for those who know they’ll spend a decent amount out of pocket on healthcare.
But if you’re not sure you’ll use the funds saved in an FSA, a SoFi Checking and Savings account could be an alternative solution. You’ll earn a competitive APY and you’ll pay no account fees. You could even use a SoFi Checking and Savings account as a complementary tool, along with your FSA, to work toward other saving goals.
SoFi® Checking and Savings is offered through SoFi Bank, N.A. ©2025 SoFi Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
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SoFi members with direct deposit activity can earn 3.80% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Direct Deposit means a recurring deposit of regular income to an account holder’s SoFi Checking or Savings account, including payroll, pension, or government benefit payments (e.g., Social Security), made by the account holder’s employer, payroll or benefits provider or government agency (“Direct Deposit”) via the Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) Network during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Deposits that are not from an employer or government agency, including but not limited to check deposits, peer-to-peer transfers (e.g., transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc.), merchant transactions (e.g., transactions from PayPal, Stripe, Square, etc.), and bank ACH funds transfers and wire transfers from external accounts, or are non-recurring in nature (e.g., IRS tax refunds), do not constitute Direct Deposit activity. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate. SoFi members with direct deposit are eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits.
As an alternative to direct deposit, SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits can earn 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Qualifying Deposits means one or more deposits that, in the aggregate, are equal to or greater than $5,000 to an account holder’s SoFi Checking and Savings account (“Qualifying Deposits”) during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Qualifying Deposits only include those deposits from the following eligible sources: (i) ACH transfers, (ii) inbound wire transfers, (iii) peer-to-peer transfers (i.e., external transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc. and internal peer-to-peer transfers from a SoFi account belonging to another account holder), (iv) check deposits, (v) instant funding to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, (vi) push payments to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, and (vii) cash deposits. Qualifying Deposits do not include: (i) transfers between an account holder’s Checking account, Savings account, and/or Vaults; (ii) interest payments; (iii) bonuses issued by SoFi Bank or its affiliates; or (iv) credits, reversals, and refunds from SoFi Bank, N.A. (“SoFi Bank”) or from a merchant. SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits are not eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits.
SoFi Bank shall, in its sole discretion, assess each account holder’s Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits throughout each 30-Day Evaluation Period to determine the applicability of rates and may request additional documentation for verification of eligibility. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the “Start Date” and “End Date” set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the “30-Day Evaluation Period”). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Upon receiving a Direct Deposit or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits to your account, you will begin earning 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% on checking balances on or before the following calendar day. You will continue to earn these APYs for (i) the remainder of the current 30-Day Evaluation Period and through the end of the subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period and (ii) any following 30-day Evaluation Periods during which SoFi Bank determines you to have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits without interruption.
SoFi Bank reserves the right to grant a grace period to account holders following a change in Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits activity before adjusting rates. If SoFi Bank grants you a grace period, the dates for such grace period will be reflected on the APY Details page of your account. If SoFi Bank determines that you did not have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits during the current 30-day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, then you will begin earning the rates earned by account holders without either Direct Deposit or Qualifying Deposits until you have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits in a subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period. For the avoidance of doubt, an account holder with both Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits will earn the rates earned by account holders with Direct Deposit.
Separately, SoFi members who enroll in SoFi Plus by paying the SoFi Plus Subscription Fee every 30 days can also earn 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. For additional details, see the SoFi Plus Terms and Conditions at https://www.sofi.com/terms-of-use/#plus.
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