SPAN Margin: How it Works, Pros & Cons

SPAN Margin: How It Works, Pros & Cons

Editor's Note: Options are not suitable for all investors. Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Please see the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options.

Many brokerage accounts require traders to maintain a margin account when trading options, which involves depositing funds or securities as collateral to reduce the risk of potential losses.

The SPAN system determines margin requirements on options and futures trading accounts by considering key factors, such as volatility, price changes, and portfolio composition to conduct a one-day risk global assessment.

In this sense, options margin is quite different from the margin accounts used for trading stocks and other securities, where margin refers to the use of debt to increase a position.

Key Points

•   SPAN stands for Standardized Portfolio Analysis of Risk, and is used by brokerages, investment banks, and exchanges to estimate a portfolio’s worst-case risk scenario for options and futures trading.

•   The SPAN system incorporates factors like market volatility, price changes, time decay, and portfolio composition to ensure margin requirements align with a trader’s risk exposure, so there is enough collateral to cover potential losses.

•   The SPAN margin calculation evaluates risk scenarios using sophisticated algorithms that automate the margin-setting process.

•   Advantages of using SPAN include a holistic portfolio approach and potentially lower margin requirements; disadvantages involve fluctuations in daily margin requirements due to changing market conditions.

•   Though the SPAN risk assessment and modeling method was developed for the derivatives markets, it is now employed as a risk-management tool for other financial instruments as well.

What Does SPAN Stand For?

SPAN stands for standardized portfolio analysis of risk, and is a framework used by exchanges and financial institutions to ensure that options and futures traders have enough collateral to cover potential losses.

Today, many derivative exchanges use the SPAN system for risk analysis.

What Is SPAN Margin?

The SPAN margin calculation helps options traders understand risk in their portfolios, and assists brokers in managing risk by ensuring that options and futures margin traders have enough collateral in their accounts to cover potential losses.

The SPAN system relies on algorithmic calculations to estimate a portfolio’s one-day worst-case risk scenario.
SPAN margin is calculated using key inputs such as the strike price, time decay, market volatility, price changes, and position offsets, among other factors.

What Is a Stock Margin Account?

The margin in an options or futures account is different from how a stock margin account functions when making stock trades on margin. When trading stocks and other securities, margin allows traders to use leverage (i.e., borrow funds) to increase their position. The risk of using a margin account is the potential for steep losses, possibly exceeding the initial investment.

By contrast, SPAN is used by options and futures exchanges around the world to determine a trader’s one-day worst-case scenario based on their portfolio positions. This risk modeling ensures the correct amount of collateral is deposited.

Margin requirements can be determined in an automated way from the calculation’s output.

How Does SPAN Margin Work?

The SPAN margin calculation uses modeled risk scenarios to determine margin requirements on options and futures. Some key variables included in the algorithm are strike prices, risk-free interest rates, price changes in the underlying assets, volatility shifts, and the effect of time decay on options.

Not all options positions have margin requirements. Buying options, for example, typically does not require margin, while selling (or writing) options requires a deposit to mitigate potential risks.

In essence, the options seller exposes the broker to risk when they trade. To reduce the risk that the trader won’t be able to pay back the lender, margin requirements establish minimum deposits that must be kept with the broker. (This is different from the margin requirements needed in a stock trading account.)

Instead of relying on fixed or static figures, the SPAN system automates the margin-setting process, relying on sophisticated algorithms and a range of inputs. SPAN margin looks at the worst-case scenario in terms of one-day risk, so the margin requirement output will change each day.

The analysis is done from a total-portfolio perspective since all assets are considered. For example, the SPAN margin calculation can take excess margin from one position and apply it to another.

Pros and Cons of SPAN Margin

There are upsides and downsides to SPAN margin in options and futures trading.

The Advantages

The key advantage of SPAN margins is that it is intended to cover potential losses.

Net option sellers benefit from SPAN’s holistic portfolio approach. SPAN combines options positions when assessing risk. If you have an options position with a substantial risk in isolation, but another options position that offsets that risk, SPAN considers both. The effect is a potentially lower margin requirement.

On top of that, futures options exchanges that use the SPAN margin calculation allow Treasury bills to be margined.

The Downsides

Changing market conditions can result in significant fluctuations in daily margin requirements.SPAN margin isn’t without its challenges. One big drawback is how much margin requirements can shift from day to day. If the market gets volatile or prices move suddenly, you might find yourself scrambling to meet a higher margin call to keep your positions open.

Another issue is the complexity. SPAN’s calculations aren’t always easy to follow, especially for newer traders. Unlike simpler, fixed-margin systems, SPAN relies on a lot of variables, so you might not always know what to expect with your margin needs.

Although SPAN’s portfolio-wide approach is helpful, it can sometimes create confusion. Margin offsets across different positions might be hard to follow unless you’re closely tracking how everything is allocated. This makes it important to stay on top of your portfolio and understand how SPAN applies to your trades.

The Takeaway

SPAN margin is a helpful risk-management tool for options trading. Algorithms determine margin requirements based on a one-day risk analysis of a trader’s account, taking into consideration factors such as market volatility and position size.

By considering the entire portfolio, SPAN helps ensure that margin requirements are in line with a trader’s risk exposure. This provides a more dynamic, accurate approach to managing risk.

Investors who are ready to try their hand at options trading despite the risks involved, might consider checking out SoFi’s options trading platform offered through SoFi Securities, LLC. The platform’s user-friendly design allows investors to buy put and call options through the mobile app or web platform, and get important metrics like breakeven percentage, maximum profit/loss, and more with the click of a button.

Plus, SoFi offers educational resources — including a step-by-step in-app guide — to help you learn more about options trading. Trading options involves high-risk strategies, and should be undertaken by experienced investors. Currently, investors can not sell options on SoFi Active Invest®.

Explore SoFi’s user-friendly options trading platform.

🛈 While SoFi does not offer futures trading at this time, investors may purchase put and call options on SoFi’s options trading platform.


What does SPAN stand for in margin trading?

SPAN margin stands for “standardized portfolio analysis of risk.” It is a system used by many options and futures exchanges worldwide to gauge a portfolio’s risk level, and ensure that the trader has enough collateral to cover potential losses.

How is SPAN margin used?

SPAN margin is used to manage risk. It calculates the amount of good-faith deposit a trader must add to their account in order to engage in options or futures trading. To help ensure that traders maintain adequate collateral for their positions, mitigating risks to the broker, exchanges use the SPAN system to calculate a worst possible one-day outcome and set a margin requirement accordingly.

What is a SPAN calculation?

SPAN is calculated using risk assessments. That means an array of possible outcomes is analyzed based on different market conditions using the assets in a portfolio. These risk scenarios specify certain changes in variables such as price changes, volatility shifts, and decreasing time to expiration in options trading.

Photo credit: iStock/NakoPhotography

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Disclaimer: The projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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How Do You Cash Out Stocks? Guide to Selling Stocks

Cashing out stocks essentially means selling them, and most investors should be able to sell their stocks without too much trouble. Buying stocks can be fairly straightforward, whether online or through a financial advisor. But, when it’s time to sell shares, some beginning investors struggle with how to turn their stocks back into cash. After all, money invested in stocks is not immediately cash.

Investors may want to sell stocks for a wide variety of reasons. They might wish to reinvest the cash into another asset with an eye toward long-term gains. Or they could choose to withdraw funds from the stock market to cover short-term, daily expenses with cash earned from the sale. So, how might investors go about cashing out stocks? And, what factors might individuals curious about how to cash out stocks bear in mind? Here’s an overview of the how and when of selling stocks.

Key Points

•   Stocks can be cashed out by selling them through a broker on a stock exchange.

•   Selling stocks can provide cash for major expenses or to reinvest in other assets.

•   Steps to cash out stocks include determining investment goals, accessing a brokerage account, placing a sell order, waiting for the sale to be completed, and receiving the proceeds.

•   Motivations for selling stocks include accessing cash for expenses, cashing out profits, preventing significant losses, day trading, and offloading low-performing stocks.

•   Types of sell orders include market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and trailing sell stop orders.

Can You Cash Out Stocks?

Investors can cash out stocks by selling them on a stock exchange through a broker. Stocks are relatively liquid assets, meaning they can be converted into cash quickly, especially compared to investments like real estate or jewelry. However, until an investor sells a stock, their money stays tied up in the market.

What Happens When You Sell a Stock?

When you sell a stock for a higher price than you paid, the proceeds from the sale will include your original investment plus your gains and minus any fees. If you sold your stock at a lower price than you paid, your total return will be less than your original investment (depending on how much of an overall loss you’re taking), minus any fees. So, you can have either a positive or negative return.

How to Cash Out Your Stocks: 5 Steps

There are several steps involved in selling stocks, including the following:

1.    Determine your investment goals: Consider why you want to sell your stocks and whether it aligns with your overall investment goals.

2.    Access your brokerage account: You need to access or log in to your brokerage account to sell your stocks.

3.    Place an order to sell your stocks: Once you’re logged into your brokerage account, you can place a sell order (like the orders outlined below) to sell your stocks. You can choose to sell at a specific price or through a market order, which will sell the stocks at the current market price.

4.    Wait for the sale to be completed: After placing an order to sell your stocks, you will need to wait for the sale to be completed. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to several days, depending on market conditions and the type of order you have placed.

5.    Receive the proceeds from the sale: After the sale is completed, the proceeds from the sale will be deposited into your brokerage account or sent to you in the form of a check.

Motivations for Selling Stocks

Some investors watch their portfolios closely, selling stocks regularly to cash out profits or avoid significant losses.

However, one common reason investors decide to sell stocks is that they need the cash from the investments to pay for living expenses. While different investors might sell for various reasons, it can be helpful to understand the motivation that drives the desire to sell.

So, why might investors want to cash out stocks? Some common reasons could include the following:

Motivation for Selling Stocks

Accessing Cash for Life Expenses

If investors know they’ll need cash for a major life expense, such as buying a car or home, they may choose to cash out some stocks. Selling shares might ensure there’s enough cash around to cover big expenses.

One benefit to having cash on hand instead of having money invested in stocks is that cash is not subject to the ups and downs of the stock market. However, the value of cash is impacted over time by inflation.

Some investors might also opt to move money out of stocks into potentially more secure investments, such as bonds or a money market account, until they’re ready to pay for that large expense.

Cashing Out Profits

If it appears as though a recession is coming or investors have seen significant gains in their portfolio, they might choose to cash out to lock in the profits. It’s important to understand, however, that attempting to time the stock market to avoid losses during unstable economic conditions is risky. What seems to be a trend in the market one day may or may not indicate how the markets may perform in the future.

Investors may want to ask themselves whether they’re interested in cashing out based on an emotional reaction (fear of recent market ups and downs, for instance) or a need for profits.

Preventing Significant Losses

The goal of investing in stocks is to earn profits or generate a positive return – online investing, or otherwise – is to not take losses. Still, there are some instances in which it could make sense to sell at a loss.

For example, an investor may sell specific stock holdings to prevent the likelihood of deeper losses in the future. Another scenario that might drive an investor to want to sell stocks is an industry-wide hardship, where numerous companies in one sector of the economy experience financial calamity at the same time. Industry-wide hardships may negatively impact the value of specific stock holdings.

In other instances, a company might reduce or eliminate shareholder dividends. Earning dividends may be a prime reason an investor bought the stock in the first place, so they decide to sell the stock because it’s no longer part of their investment strategy.

Day Trading

Day trading is one way of selling stocks, but it can involve significant risks. Day trades are the purchasing and selling (or vice versa) of the same stock on the same day. Here, traders are attempting to gain profit through short-term trades — typically through the use of technical or market analyses, which can require an in-depth knowledge of the intricacies of trading.

If it were possible to clearly predict future stock movements, everyone might want in on the stock market. But, stocks are volatile. Rather than guessing based on company news and technical indicators, traders who wish to make shorter term trades might choose to set a price goal. For instance, if they buy shares at $10 each, they could set a goal to sell them when they reach $18 per share.

Offloading Low Performing Stocks

Even if investors conduct thorough research on a company before buying a stock, they may later realize it wasn’t a boon for their portfolio. If a purchased stock continues to decline in value over time, investors may opt to offload the low-performing stock.

Also, some investors sell low-performing stocks at the end of the year for tax-loss harvesting, where investors sell investments at a loss to reduce their overall tax burden.

Understanding Types of Sell Orders

Once an investor has decided to cash out a stock, there are several options for how to sell. Each comes with different amounts of control over the sale. Here’s an overview of the most common types of sell orders:

Understanding Types of Sell Orders

Market Orders

When placing a market order, an investor agrees to sell their shares at the current market price per share. The sell order will be placed immediately or when the market reopens if the order is placed after hours.

One upside of market orders is that the trade can usually be executed quickly. A downside is that the investor has no control over the selling price.

Limit Orders

With a limit order, however, an investor can set the minimum price they are willing to sell their shares for. The sell order only gets executed if and when the stock reaches that price or higher.

For example, if you want to sell a stock currently trading at $50 per share and place a sell limit order at $55, the order will only be filled if the stock price rises to $55 or above.

The upside of limit orders is that investors can control the selling price (and potentially get a higher price than the current market rate). But, one possible downside is that their order won’t go through instantly and, potentially, might never go through (if the stock doesn’t reach the selected price).

Stop Orders or Stop-Loss Orders

A stop-loss order is placed with a brokerage to automatically sell a security when it reaches a specific price, known as the stop price. The reason investors set stop orders is to prevent incurring significant losses if a stock plummets in value.

For example, if you own a stock currently trading at $50 per share and place a stop-loss order at $40, the order will be triggered, and the stock will be sold if the price falls to $40 or below.

The upside of stop orders is that they can help protect against significant losses if the stock price drops unexpectedly (but not guarantee that you’ll avoid them). However, stop-loss orders do not guarantee a specific price, and the actual sale price may differ from the stop price due to market fluctuations.

Trailing Sell Stop Orders

Investors may also choose to place a trailing sell stop order, which allows you to set a stop price for a security that adjusts automatically as the price of the security moves in your favor.

With a trailing sell stop order, you can set the initial stop price at a certain percentage or dollar amount below the market price. The stop price will then adjust automatically as the market price of the security increases so that the stop price remains a fixed percentage or dollar amount below the market price. If the market price of the security then falls and reaches the stop price, the order will be triggered, and the security will be sold.

Trailing sell stop orders may allow traders to benefit from gains when a stock’s price rises while still protecting themselves from potential losses.

Factors to Assess When Cashing Out Stocks

There are several factors that you should consider when cashing out stocks:

•   Capital gains taxes: Cashing out stocks may result in capital gains, which are subject to taxes. It is important to consider the tax implications of cashing out stocks. Not all stock holdings are taxed similarly, which could impact an investor’s decision to sell or not to sell.

•   Investment goals: Consider why you are cashing out stocks and whether it aligns with your overall investment goals. If you are cashing out stocks to meet a short-term financial need, selling may be necessary even if the stock price is not optimal. However, if you are cashing out stocks as part of a long-term investment strategy, it may be worth holding onto the stocks, even if they’ve declined in price, because they may still appreciate over time.

•   Fees and commissions: Brokerage firms generally charge investment fees and commissions for executing trades, which can impact the overall profit or loss on the sale of your stocks. Considering these fees and commissions is important when deciding whether to cash out stocks.

Pros and Cons of Reinvesting Profits

Investors may choose to sell stocks to gain or spend cash. But, individuals may want to reinvest earnings from the stocks sold into other assets. If investors decide to reinvest their profits, they need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.



•   Benefit from potential compound growth

•   Diversify your portfolio

•   Hedge against inflation



•   Lose out on opportunity to use profits for other financial needs

•   Capital gains taxes

•   Exposure to market risk


•   Compound growth: Reinvesting stock profits allows you to compound your returns on your investments, which may significantly increase your overall returns over time.

•   Diversification: Reinvesting stock profits can help you diversify your portfolio and reduce risk by investing in various stocks rather than holding a lot of cash.

•   Hedge against inflation: Cash is subject to inflation, which makes cash savings lose value over time. Over a long-term period, cash tends to lose value, whereas the stock market tends to grow. By reinvesting rather than holding on to cash, investors may be less likely to lose money due to inflation.

Recommended: 5 Tips to Hedge Against Inflation


•   Opportunity cost: Reinvesting stock profits means that you are not using the proceeds from the sale of your stocks to meet other financial goals or needs, such as paying off debt or saving for a down payment on a house.

•   Taxes: Reinvesting stock profits may result in capital gains tax, which can reduce the overall returns on your investments.

•   Market risk: The value of your investments can fluctuate due to market conditions, and reinvesting stock profits means you are exposed to the risks of the stock market.

Platforms for Buying and Selling Stocks

People just getting started with building a portfolio of stocks have several options. Options might include online platforms or traditional phone-in and in-person traders, including:

Online Brokerage Accounts

There are numerous online brokerage accounts and digital apps where investors can buy and sell stocks to build a portfolio. Online brokerage accounts and apps can be a convenient investment method, allowing users to sell from anywhere. Unlike many traditional brokerage firms, many trading apps don’t charge a commission on trades.

Opening a brokerage account will require identity verification and connection with a bank account for deposits and withdrawals.

Financial Advisors

Investors can also make stock trades over the phone or in person by working with a financial advisor. Sell orders placed through these individuals generally get executed within 24 hours, so it can be a slower method to cash out stocks. Before the arrival of web-driven trading, most stocks were bought and sold through traditional investment brokers or financial advisors.

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The Takeaway

Before selling any stocks, investors might opt to evaluate their short- and long-term financial goals. Then, they could devise a plan to pursue those objectives, which may lead to cashing out stock holdings. However, knowing when to sell a stock can take time and effort. Rather than trying to time the market and sell stocks to lock in immediate profits and avoid future losses, individuals may want to invest for the long term.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


How long does it take to cash out stocks?

The time it takes to cash out stocks can vary depending on the type of order you place and market conditions. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to several days for a sale of stocks to be completed.

Do you get money when you sell stock?

Yes, you will receive money when you sell stock, as long as its value is more than $0. The proceeds from the stock sale will be deposited into your brokerage account or sent to you in the form of a check. The amount of money you receive will depend on the price you sell the stock and any fees or commissions charged by the brokerage firm.

Can I withdraw money from stocks?

To access cash from stocks, you need to sell your holdings and use the proceeds from the sale to withdraw cash from your brokerage account.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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How to Analyze Stocks: 4 Ways

When it comes to investing in stocks, there’s no single way to analyze stocks to find a sure winner. That being said, there are many methods that ordinary investors can use to find stocks that are trading at a discount to their underlying value.

The first step in how to analyze a stock before buying is reviewing financial statements. From there, investors can use various methods of analysis to assess investment opportunities and potentially identify worthwhile investments.

Key Points

•   There are four common methods of analyzing stocks: technical analysis, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, and fundamental analysis.

•   Technical analysis focuses on supply and demand patterns in stock charts to make investment decisions.

•   Qualitative analysis examines factors like a company’s leadership, product, and industry to evaluate investment opportunities.

•   Quantitative analysis uses data and numerical figures to predict price movements in stocks.

•   Fundamental analysis looks at a company’s financial health and value to determine if its stock is underor overvalued.

Why Analyzing Stocks Is Important

The process of stock analysis can reveal important information about a company and its history, allowing investors to make more informed decisions about buying or selling stocks. Analyzing stocks can help investors identify which investment opportunities they believe will deliver strong returns. Further, stock analysis can assist investors in spotting potentially bad investments.

Whether you’re strategy involves short vs. long term investing, or day trading, analyzing stocks is going to be important.

💡 Quick Tip: The best stock trading app? That’s a personal preference, of course. Generally speaking, though, a great app is one with an intuitive interface and powerful features to help make trades quickly and easily.

Understanding Financial Statements

The first step in understanding stock analysis is knowing the basics of business reporting. There are three main types of financial statements that an investor may need to look at when doing analysis:

•   Income statement: This statement shows a company’s profits, which are calculated by subtracting expenses from revenue.

•   Balance sheet: The balance sheet compares a company’s assets, liabilities, and stockholder equity.

•   Statement of cash flows: This statement outlines how a company is spending and earning its money.

In addition to these statements, a company’s earnings report contains information that can be useful for doing qualitative analysis. The annual report includes the company’s plans for the future and stock value predictions.

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

4 Ways to Analyze a Stock

The next step in stock evaluation is deciding which type of analysis to do. Here’s a look at some of the different methods for how to analyze a stock.

1. Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a method for analyzing stocks that looks directly at a stock’s supply and demand in order to make investing decisions. This form of analysis takes the stance that all information needed is present within stock charts and the analysis of history and trends.

Some key focal points of technical analysis are:

•   Stock prices move in trends.

•   History repeats itself.

•   Stock price history can be used to make price predictions.

•   Stock price contains all relevant information for making investing decisions.

•   Technical analysis does not consider intrinsic value.

Trend indicators are one of the most important parts of technical analysis. These indicators attempt to show traders whether a stock will go up or down in value. Uptrends mean higher highs and higher lowers, whereas downtrends mean lower lows and lower highs. Some common trend tools include linear regression, parabolic SAR, MACD, and moving averages.

Technical analysis also uses leading indicators and lagging indicators. Leading indicators signal before new trends occur, while lagging indicators signal after a trend has ended. These indicators look at information such as volume, price, price movement, open, and close.

There can be some pros and cons to using technical analysis, however, which can be important to consider when factoring in your risk tolerance.

Day traders tend to focus on technical analysis to try to capitalize on short-term price fluctuations. But because technical analysis generally focuses on short-term fluctuations in price, it’s not as often used for finding long-term investment opportunities.

Further, while technical analysis relies on objective and consistent data, it can produce false signals, particularly during trading conditions that aren’t ideal. This method of analysis also fails to take into consideration key fundamentals about individual shares or the stock market.

2. Qualitative Stock Analysis

When considering how to analyze a stock, it’s also a good idea to look at whether the company behind the stock is really a good business. Qualitative analysis looks into factors like a company’s leadership team, product, and the overall industry it’s a part of.

A few key qualitative metrics to look at are:

•   Competitive advantage: Does the company have a unique edge that will help it be successful in the long term? If a company has patents, a unique manufacturing method, or broad distribution, these can be positive competitive advantages.

•   Business model: Analyzing a business model includes looking at products, services, brand identity, and customers to get a sense of what the company is offering.

•   Strong leadership: Even a great idea and product can fail with poor management. Looking into the credentials of the CEO and top executives of a company can help in evaluating whether it’s a good investment.

•   Industry trends: If an industry is struggling, or looks like it may in the future, an investor may decide not to invest in companies in that industry. On the other hand, new and growing industries may be better investments. This is not always the case, as there are strong companies in weak industries, and vice versa.

3. Quantitative Analysis

Similar to technical analysis, quantitative analysis looks at data and numbers in an attempt to predict future price movements. Specifically, quantitative analysis evaluates data, such as a company’s revenues, price-to-earnings ratio, and earnings-per-share ratio, and uses statistical modeling and mathematical techniques to predict a stock’s value.

The upside is that this financial data is publicly available, and it creates an objective, consistent starting point. It can help with identifying patterns, and it can be useful in assessing risk. However, it requires sifting through a lot of data. Further, there’s no certainty when it comes to patterns, which can change.

4. Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis looks at a company from a basic financial standpoint. This gives investors a sense of the company’s financial health and whether its stock may be under- or overvalued. Fundamental analysis takes the stance that a company’s stock price doesn’t necessarily equate to its value.

There are a number of key tools for fundamental analysis that investors might want to familiarize themselves with and use to get a fuller picture of a stock.

Earnings Per Share (EPS)

One of the main goals for many investors is to buy into profitable companies. Earnings per share, or EPS, tells investors how much profit a company earns per each share of stock, and how much investors are benefiting from those earnings. Companies report EPS quarterly, and the figure is calculated by dividing a company’s net income, minus dividend payouts, by the number of outstanding shares.

Understanding earnings per share can give investors guidance on a stock’s potential movement. On a basic level, a high EPS is a good sign, but it’s especially important that a company shows a high or growing EPS over time. The reason for this is that a company might have a temporarily high EPS if they cut some expenses or sell off assets, but that wouldn’t be a good indicator of the actual profitability of their business.

Likewise, a negative EPS over time is an indicator that an investor may not want to buy a stock.


While EPS relates directly to a company’s stock, revenue can show investors how well a company is doing outside the markets. Positive and increasing revenues are an indicator that a company is growing and expanding.

Some large companies, especially tech companies, have increasing revenues over time with a negative EPS because they continue to feed profits back into the growing business. These companies can see significant stock value increases despite their lack of profit.

One can also look at revenue growth, which tracks changes in revenue over time.

Price-to-earnings (P/E) Ratio

One of the most common methods of analyzing stocks is to look at the P/E ratio, which compares a company’s current stock price to its earnings per share. P/E is found by dividing the price of one share of a stock by its EPS. Generally, a lower P/E ratio is a good sign.

Using this ratio is a good way to compare different stocks. One can also compare an individual company’s P/E ratio with an index like the S&P 500 Index to get a sense of how the company is doing relative to the overall market.

The downside of P/E is that it doesn’t include growth.

Price-Earnings-Growth (PEG) Ratio

Since P/E doesn’t include growth, the PEG ratio is another popular tool for analyzing stocks and evaluating stock performance. To look at EPS and revenue together, investors can use the price-earnings-growth ratio, or PEG.

PEG is calculated by dividing a stock’s P/E by its projected 12-month forward revenue growth rate. In general, a PEG lower than 1 is a good sign, and a PEG higher than 2 indicates that a stock may be overpriced.

PEG can also be used to make predictions about the future. By looking at PEG for different time periods in the past, investors can make a more informed guess about what the stock may do next.

Price-to-Sales Ratio (P/S)

The P/S ratio compares a company’s stock price to its revenues. It’s found by dividing stock price by revenues. This can be useful when comparing competitors — if the P/S is low, it might be more advantageous to buy.

Debt-Equity Ratio

Although profits and revenue are important to look at, so is a company’s debt and its ability to pay it back. If a company goes into more and more debt in order to continue growing, and they’re unable to pay it back, it’s not a good sign.

Debt-equity ratio is found by dividing a company’s total liabilities (debt) by its shareholder equity. In general, a debt-equity ratio under 0.1 is a good sign, while a debt-equity ratio higher than 0.5 can be a red flag for the future.


Similar to debt-to-equity, debt-to-EBITDA measures the ability a company has to pay off its debts. EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization.

A high debt-to-EBITDA ratio indicates that a company has a high amount of debt that it may not be able to pay off.

Dividend Yield

While a stock’s price can vary significantly from day to day, dividend payments are a way that investors can earn a consistent amount of money each quarter or year. Not every company pays out dividends, but large, established companies sometimes pay out some of their earnings to shareholders rather than reinvesting the money into their business.

Dividend yield is calculated by dividing a company’s annual dividend payment by its share price. The average dividend yield for S&P 500 companies is around 2%.

One thing to note is that dividends are not guaranteed — companies can change their dividend amounts at any time. So if a company has a particularly high dividend yield, it may not stay that way.

Price-to-Book Ratio (P/B)

Price-to-book ratio, or P/B, compares a company’s stock market value to its book value. This is a useful tool for finding companies that are currently undervalued, meaning those that have a significant amount of growth but still relatively low stock prices.

P/B ratio is found by dividing the market price of a stock by the company’s book value of equity. The book value of equity is found by subtracting the company’s total liabilities from its assets.

Company Reports and Projections

When companies release quarterly and annual earnings reports, many of them include projections for upcoming revenue and EPS. These reports are a useful tool for investors to get a sense of a stock’s future. They can also affect stock price as other shareholders and investors will react to the news in the report.

Professional Analysis

Wall Street analysts regularly release reports about the overall stock market as well as individual companies and stocks. These reports include information such as 12-month targets, stock ratings, company comparisons, and financial projections. By reading multiple reports, investors may start to see common trends.

While analysts aren’t always correct and can’t predict global events that affect the markets, these reports can be a useful tool for investors. They can keep them up-to-date on any key happenings that may be on the horizon for particular companies. The information in the reports also can result in stock prices going up or down, since investors will react to the predictions.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Analysis

Here’s a quick rundown looking at the key differences between quantitative and qualitative analysis. Again, this can be important when weighing your risk need to knows as an investor.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Analysis

Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis

Looks at data and numerical figures to predict price movements Looks at business factors such as leadership, product, and industry
May require sifting through a lot of data, and may be difficult for some investors Metrics include business models, competitive advantage, and industry trends
Concerned more with the “quantity” and hard data a business produces Concerned more with the “quality” of a business

Pros and Cons of Doing Your Own Stock Analysis

If you feel like you can do a little stock analysis on your own, there are some pros and cons to it.


Perhaps the most obvious pro to doing your own stock analysis is that you don’t need to pay someone else to do it, you can do it on your own schedule, and learn as you go. You can develop knowledge that’ll likely help you as you continue to invest in the future. There are also numerous tools out there that you can use to analyze stocks which may not have been around in years or decades past.


Stock analysis can be an involved process, which can require a lot of investment in and of itself — both monetarily (if you’re using paid tools) and in terms of time. Depending on how deep you want to go, too, it can be a complex process. You may get frustrated or burnt out, or even make a mistake that leads to a bad investment decision.

💡 Quick Tip: Are self directed brokerage accounts cost efficient? They can be, because they offer the convenience of being able to buy stocks online without using a traditional full-service broker (and the typical broker fees).

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Buying Stocks With SoFi

There are a number of ways to analyze stocks, including technical, fundamental, quantitative, and qualitative analysis. The more an investor gets comfortable with terms like P/E ratio and earnings reports, the more informed they can be before making any decisions. Stock analysis is an involved process, however, and may be above the typical investors’ head and ability.

It is important to do your research and homework in relation to your investments, however. If you feel like you could use some guidance or a helping hand, speaking with a financial professional is never really a bad idea.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


What is the best way to analyze a stock?

There’s no “best” way to analyze stocks. The right option for an investor will depend on their personal preferences and investing objectives. And remember, there’s no need to just use one method to analyze a stock — often, analysts will combine different methods of analysis to generate a more robust stock analysis.

What are key indicators to look for when analyzing a stock?

There are a ton of potential indicators that investors can look at, but some broad indicators that investors can start with include stock price history, moving averages, a company’s competitive advantages, business models, and industry trends.

What is an example of stock analysis?

A very, very basic example of stock analysis would include looking at a stock’s share price, comparing it to its historical averages and moving averages, overall market conditions, and looking at the company’s financial statements to try and gauge where it might move next.

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SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
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Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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What Is the MOASS and When Will It Happen?

What Is the MOASS?

“MOASS,” or, the “Mother of All Short Squeezes,” was largely unknown to investors prior to 2021. But a saga involving so-called “meme stocks,” most notably GameStop stock, changed that, and MOASS entered the investing lexicon. In short, that specific scenario, bringing the Mother of All Short Squeezes, as a strategy, to investors’ attention, involved a rag-tag band of day traders taking on the hedge fund giants, with a short-sale “squeeze” that greatly impacted some of those giants.

Meme stocks, including GameStop and AMC Theatres, saw further short squeeze action in mid-May 2024, too. But the episode in 2021 shined a light on investors, short-sales, trading squeeze strategies, and digital trading on a massive scale, all of which fell under the MOASS umbrella.

Key Points

•   MOASS stands for “Mother of All Short Squeezes,” a phenomenon where stock prices skyrocket due to mass buying.

•   It gained prominence with the GameStop stock saga, where day traders challenged large hedge funds.

•   The strategy involves a high volume of purchases to drive up stock prices, countering short sellers.

•   Effective execution of MOASS can lead to significant profits for traders who initiate the squeeze.

•   The approach carries high risks, especially for those who join late or cannot sell off at peak prices.

Short Squeeze Basics

A short squeeze is an orchestrated effort to drive up shares of a stock that’s being heavily shorted. MOASS, meaning the Mother of All Short Squeezes, as noted, is a trading strategy in which a high volume of buyers drive up shares of stocks that were being “shorted” by other investors.

A short squeeze trading strategy needs two components to work — a short seller or, more preferably, several short sellers on one side and a group of disciplined contrarian investors who unroll a short squeeze and buy shares of the stock being shorted.

💡 Quick Tip: Investment fees are assessed in different ways, including trading costs, account management fees, and possibly broker commissions. When you set up an investment account, be sure to get the exact breakdown of your “all-in costs” so you know what you’re paying.

How the MOASS Works

In order to understand how a short squeeze — or a massive short squeeze — works, you first need to understand short selling.

Short sellers aim to profit from the fall in a stock’s price. They do so by borrowing and selling shares of a stock that they believe will decline in value. Then, when the stock price falls, a short seller buys the stock at the reduced price, returns the shares, and pockets the profit.

If the short seller makes the right call, meaning the price does fall, they earn the difference between the price when they entered the short position and the lower stock price at which they bought to cover.

If the short seller makes the wrong call, and the price goes up, the investor must buy the stock at a price higher than when they entered the short position, thereby losing money — and negating any potential for a profit.

As short sellers wind up leaving their short positions when they execute a buy order on the stock, those “short-squeeze” buy positions get noticed by other day traders, who also jump in to purchase the stock. That, in turn, drives the stock’s price even higher, since there are fewer shares of the stocks available to purchase.

Short-sellers, highly alarmed by the rising share price, also issue buy orders on the stock to exit the short sale strategy and reduce their investment risk, which completes the cycle and puts the short squeeze in full effect. This can result in the short sales losing money and the MOASS day traders making a profit on the rising stock price.

Recommended: Understanding Low Float Stocks

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GameStop: The Prime Example of MOASS

Perhaps the best example of MOASS in action is the GameStop saga in early 2021. At the time, several hedge fund firms had “shorted” GameStop stock, which essentially meant betting the share price of the stock would decline. That didn’t happen with GameStop shares. Some context is important to understand, too, as many retail stocks, like GameStop, had been heavily affected by the pandemic at the time.

But GameStop shares bucked the trend.

A group of day traders hanging out on a Reddit investing forum called “Wallstreetbets” banded together and started buying up shares of GameStop stock. The gambit worked, with GameStop shares skyrocketing from $19 per share to around $350 per share. The retail investors had successfully “squeezed” the short sellers, causing several hedge funds to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on their short positions on GameStop.

If the short squeeze works, the share price will continue to rise and the short investors, many of whom have fixed deadlines built into their short sales positions, will have to sell their shares and cut their losses, thereby driving the stock price even higher. That rewards the short squeeze investor, who profits from the rising share price, especially as other buyers enter the fray and drive the share price up even higher.

Once victory was declared with the GameStop short squeeze, the Reddit traders turned their attention to other so-called meme stocks where short selling activity was particularly high. That group included AMC Entertainment Holdings, Koss Corporation, and Blackberry, which all saw share volumes rise after the MOASS traders entered the fray.

Thus, a series of short squeezes that target more and more short sellers is really what MOASS is all about: squeezing enough short-sellers to achieve critical mass in the trading markets, and making huge profits in the process.

Also, as mentioned, a similar situation played out in May 2024, when certain stocks (including GameStop and AMC Theatres) were at the center of another short squeeze, though smaller in scale than the 2021 events.

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MOASS Trading Tips

Investors who want to participate in the next short squeeze effort should be careful. So-called “meme” stock trading can be fraught with risk, especially if you’re left holding the bag after other short-squeezers sell out of their positions before you do.

Take these risk considerations with you before participating in a mass short squeeze play.

Consider Minimal Purchases to Limit Losses

While the adrenaline level can be high when participating in a short squeeze trading event, tamp down emotions by limiting the amount of money you invest in a GameStop-type situation. As the old gambling adage says, never risk money you can’t afford to lose. That goes double when chasing the thrill of a MOASS scenario.

Should You Expect to Lose Money?

There’s a significant chance that you’ll lose money at some point with a short squeeze play.

Nothing is guaranteed in the stock market and that’s especially the case as short-sellers have learned their lesson after meme-stock related events in recent years, and grow more cautious about their investing habits. MOASS trading patterns can be something of a roller coaster ride for investors, and the odds that your ride will dip along the way are high. That can translate into days or even weeks of your short-squeeze buying strategy where your investment returns are written in red ink.

💡 Quick Tip: Are self-directed brokerage accounts cost efficient? They can be, because they offer the convenience of being able to buy stocks online without using a traditional full-service broker (and the typical broker fees).

MOASS Tip: Have a Plan to Sell Quickly

Short squeeze investing isn’t exactly an orderly process and you need to put your interest first ahead of other MOASS investors. Why? Because volatility can be high and prices can swing at a moment’s notice when trading MOASS-themed stocks. Additionally, nobody really has any idea how high a price can go with a short squeeze in play, and nobody really knows if a stock will rise higher at all.

That’s why it’s a good idea to have a fixed “sell price” in mind when engaging in a short squeeze situation — a stop loss order to automatically sell the stock at a specific price can be a good idea in this scenario.

If you buy a targeted MOASS stock at $50 and it goes to $70, there’s no way of knowing if the stock will go any higher — it might and it might not. Worse, the price could slide back to $30 when buyers lose interest in the stock.

Having a good investment exit strategy in a short squeeze scenario, can help minimize investment losses and capitalize on a stock increase when and if it happens.

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The Takeaway

“MOASS” means the “Mother of All Short Squeezes,” and perhaps the best example of it in action involved so-called “meme stocks” in 2021. Short squeeze trading strategies can bring a great deal of portfolio-shaking volatility to the investment table, and there are plenty of heavily shorted stocks that could be the next MOASS, but it’s impossible to know which one could trigger a squeeze.

That means MOASS may not be the best strategy for long-term investors or those with an aversion to risk. A short squeeze takes a significant amount of discipline, patience, and attention on the part of the investors, with continual risk in play until the squeeze is played out.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

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SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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Class A vs Class B vs Class C Shares, Explained

Class A vs Class B vs Class C Shares, Explained

Broadly speaking, Class A, Class B, and Class C shares are different categories of company that have different voting rights and different levels of access to distributions and dividends. Companies may use these tiers so that certain key shareholders, such as founders or executives, have more voting power than ordinary shareholders. These shareholders also may have priority on the company’s profits and assets, and may have different access to dividends.

Not all companies have alternate stock classes. And what can make share categories even more complicated is that while the classifications are common, each company can define their stock classes, meaning that they can vary from company to company. That makes it even more important for investors to know exactly what they’re getting when they purchase a certain type of stock. Understanding how different share classes typically differ can help when making investment decisions or analyzing business news.

Key Points

•   Class A, Class B, and Class C shares are different categories of company stock with varying voting rights and access to dividends.

•   Companies may use different share classes to give certain shareholders more voting power and priority on profits.

•   Share classes can vary from company to company, making it important for investors to understand the specific terms and differences.

•   Class A shares generally have more voting power and higher priority for dividends, while Class B shares are common shares with no preferential treatment.

•   Class C shares can refer to shares given to employees or alternate share classes available to public investors, with varying restrictions and voting rights.

Why Companies Have Different Types of Stock Shares

When a company goes public, they are selling portions of their company, known as stocks, to shareholders.

Shareholders own a portion of the company’s assets and profits and have a say in how the company is governed. To mitigate risk and retain majority control of the company, a company can restrict the amount of stock they sell and retain majority ownership in the company. Or they can create different shareholder classes with different rights.

By creating multiple shareholder classes when they go public, a company can ensure that executives maintain control of the company and have more influence over business decisions. For example, while ordinary shareholders, or Class B shareholders, may have one vote per share owned, individuals with executive shares, or Class A shares, may have 100 votes per share owned. Executives also may get first priority of profits, which can be important in the case of an acquisition or closure, where there is only a finite amount of profit.

Different stock classes can also reward early investors. For example, some companies may designate Class A investors as those who invested with the company prior to a certain time period, such as a merger. These investors may have more votes per share and rights to dividends than Class B investors. A company’s charter, perspective, and bylaws should outline the differences between the classes.

Class differentiation has become more critical in creating a portfolio in recent years because investors have access to different classes in a way they may not have had access in the past. For example, mutual funds frequently divide their shares into A, B, and C class shares based on the type of investor they want to attract.

💡 Quick Tip: Before opening an investment account, know your investment objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance. These fundamentals will help keep your strategy on track and with the aim of meeting your goals.

The Different Types of Shares

Just like there are different types of stock, there are different types of shareholders. Because different stock classes have such different terms, depending on the company, investors may use additional terminology to describe the stock they hold. This can include:

Preferred shares

Investors who buy preferred shares may not have voting rights, but may have access to a regular dividend that may not be available to shareholders of common stock.

Common shares

Sometimes called “ordinary shares,” common shares are stocks bought and measured on the market. Owners have voting rights. They may have dividends and access to profits, though they may come after other investors, such as executive shareholders and preferred shareholders have been paid.

Nonvoting shares

These are typically offered by private companies or as part of a compensation package to employees. Companies may use non voting shares so employees and former employees don’t have an outsize influence in company decision-making, or so that power remains consolidated with the executive board and outside shareholders. Some companies create a separate class of stock, Class C stock, that comes without voting rights and that may be less expensive than other classes.

Executive shares

Typically, these shares are held by founders or company executives. Their stock may have outsize voting rights and may also have restrictions on the ability to sell the shares. Executive shares usually do not trade on the public markets.

Advisory shares

Often offered to advisors or large investors of a company, these shares may have preferred rights and do not trade on public markets.
Recommended: Shares vs. Stocks: Differences to Know

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

What Are Class A Shares?

While the specific attributes of Class A shares depend on the company, they generally come with more voting power and a higher priority for dividends and profit in the event of liquidation. Class A shares may be more expensive than Class B shares, or may not be available to the general public.

Many companies can have different stock tiers that trade at different prices. For instance, Company X may have Class A stock that regularly trades at hundreds of thousands of dollars while its Class B stock may trade for hundreds of dollars per share. Class B stockholders may also only have a small percentage of the vote that a Class A stockholder has. And while Class A stockholders might be able to convert their shares into Class B shares, a Class B shareholder may not be able to convert their shares into Class A shares.

Many of the tech companies that have gone public in recent years have also used a dual-share class system.

In some cases, shareholders are not allowed to trade their Class A shares, so they have a conversion that allows the owner to convert them into Class B, which they can sell or trade. Executives may also be able to sell their shares in a secondary offering, following the IPO.

💡 Quick Tip: Distributing your money across a range of assets — also known as diversification — can be beneficial for long-term investors. When you put your eggs in many baskets, it may be beneficial if a single asset class goes down.

What Are Class B Shares?

Often companies refer to their Class B shares as “common shares” or “ordinary shares,” (But occasionally, companies flip the definition and have Class A shares designated as common shares and Class B shares as founder and executive shares). Investors can buy and sell common shares on a public stock exchange, where, typically, one share equals one vote. Class B shares carry no preferential treatment when it comes to dividing profits or dividends.

What Are Class C Shares?

Some companies also offer Class C shares, which they may give to employees as part of their compensation package. These shares may have specific restrictions, such as an inability to trade the shares.

Class C shares also may also refer to alternate share classes available to public investors. Often priced lower than Class A shares and with restrictions on voting rights, these shares may be more accessible to larger groups of investors. But this is not always the case. For example, Alphabet has Class A and Class C shares. Both tend to trade at similar prices.

The difference between Class C and common stock shares can be subtle. It’s important to note that these stock classes vary depending on the company. So doing research and understanding exactly which type of shares you’re buying is key before you commit to purchasing a certain class of stock.

Recommended: Investing for Beginners: Basic Strategies to Know

Class A vs Class B vs Class C Shares

What Are Dual Class Shares?

Companies that offer more than one class of shares have “dual class shares.” This is a fairly common practice, and some companies offer dual class shares that automatically convert to a common share with voting privilege at a set period of time.

These may be startups who go public through IPO and do not want public investors to have a say in the company’s decision-making. There has been controversy about companies offering two share classes of stock to the public, with detractors concerned that multiple share classes may lead to governance issues, such as reduced accountability. But others argue that multiple share classes can be an asset for a public company, leading to improved performance.

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The Takeaway

Class A, Class B, and Class C shares have different voting rights and different levels of access to distributions and dividends. It can be difficult to determine which investment class is the best option for you if you’re deciding to invest in a public company that offers multiple share classes. Beyond market price, understanding how the stock will function in your overall portfolio as well as your personal investing philosophy can help guide you choose the best share class for you.

For example, investors who may be looking for shorter-term investments may choose a stock class without voting privileges. Other investors who want to be active in corporate governance may prefer share classes that come with voting rights. And some investors may be looking for stocks that provide guaranteed dividends, which may guide their decision toward one class of shares.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

Photo credit: iStock/g-stockstudio

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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