Delayed vs Real-Time Stock Quotes

Stock quotes, which may be seen on financial news networks or websites, are typically reported in real time, or with a delay. The main difference between the two is that real-time quotes are the most up-to-date, while delayed quotes lag behind real-time quotes by several minutes, in most cases.

For the average investor who isn’t making changes to their portfolio, real-time quotes may be more precise than they need. For those investors, delayed stock quotes may suffice. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between real-time stock quotes and delayed quotes.

Key Points

•   Real-time stock quotes provide immediate price information, reflecting current market conditions.

•   Delayed stock quotes are typically behind by up to 20 minutes.

•   Active traders benefit from real-time quotes for precise, up-to-the-minute data.

•   Long-term investors may find delayed quotes sufficient, as they do not focus on minute-by-minute changes.

•   Real-time data can be costly, prompting some providers to offer delayed quotes to conserve resources.

What Are Real-Time Stock Quotes?

Real-time stock quotes relay price information for various securities in real-time, or instantaneously. In other words, a real-time stock quote is the actual and immediate stock price at any given point in time. The quotes reflect demand for a stock or assets on stock markets around the world.

How Real-Time Quotes Work

Stock quotes include ticker symbols that denote the stock of a specific company or firm, and the price of a stock’s current (real-time) valuation. Those values are determined by trading activity — supply and demand, in other words. Those values also fluctuate during the trading day.

The letters and numbers comprising a quote — either real-time or delayed — reflect different types of investments or commodities and their prices — the price at which they’re currently trading. Typically the ticker symbol is similar in some way to the company name, and you can use it to look up the stock price.

For example, the ticker AAPL is Apple; XOM is the ticker for ExxonMobil; JNJ is the ticker for Johnson & Johnson; UDMY is Udemy; LULU is Lululemon.

Those symbols, when displayed on a ticker tape, are generally followed by or attached to their current trading price.

Real-time quotes are provided by many sources, including financial news networks and websites. Many online investing brokerages also offer their clients access to them as well. Real-time stock quotes provide traders and active investors with more accurate information.

What Are Delayed Quotes?

Delayed stock quotes are valuations of securities that are not in real-time — they’re delayed, as the name indicates. Depending on the source of the quote, the information relating to stock or share prices can be delayed by several minutes, or even up to 20 minutes.

For instance, it’s not unusual that you might login to your investment brokerage and see delayed stock quotes relaying information about the value of your current investments. There will likely be a note telling you how delayed the data is (15 minutes, for example), so that you know the pricing isn’t in real-time.

Most people should be able to tell if a quote is delayed, too, if the price remains static for minutes at a time. Real-time quotes, on the other hand, can fluctuate second-by-second, depending on the security and the source.

For investors engaged in day trading, delayed quotes wouldn’t be sufficient; these investors require up-to-the-minute (or to the second) price quotes in order to execute their strategies. But for the majority of buy-and-hold investors, knowing the very latest price of a security may not matter to their long-term plans.

How Delayed Quotes Work

Delayed stock quotes work the same way that real-time quotes do, in that they reflect current market conditions and data relating to security values. But the reporting is delayed for a variety of reasons.

The most common reason that you may come across a site or information source with delayed stock quotes is that fetching and reporting real-time quotes is costly and resource-consuming. As such, companies may opt to report delayed quotes instead.

Real-Time vs Delayed Stock Quotes

Real-time streaming stock quotes change second to second, and can showcase the volatility of stock prices. When stock exchanges are open, trading is constant, and the dynamics of supply and demand for specific stocks change their prices rapidly. So, watching real-time streaming stock quotes means seeing those price fluctuations occur in real time, as the name implies. That can have implications for how traders and investors make decisions.

That can have implications for how traders and investors make decisions when online investing.

Using real-time stock quotes can be useful for active traders or investors, or high-frequency traders — professionals who are making numerous stock trades every day or week and may be managing other people’s portfolios, too. For these traders, knowing stock prices down to the minute helps inform their decision to buy or sell. That real-time price, ultimately, determines their stock trading profit (or loss).

There’s also after-hours trading to keep in mind, too. Stock markets have trading hours — the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ are open between 9:30 am and 4 pm, for example. At other times, investors may still be able to swap securities, but prices are much more volatile after-hours, and because it’s difficult to get real-time quotes after-hours, values can change dramatically before stock markets reopen.

Investors can also execute a market-on-open trade, during which a transaction completes as soon as the markets do open.

While security prices do fluctuate, they generally don’t fluctuate all that much over a relatively short interval (15 minutes, for example). And since the average investor may not be all that interested in minute-by-minute price fluctuations, using a delayed stock quote could provide all the information they need.

Think about it this way: If an investor were looking to rebalance their portfolio — something they may only do two or three times per year — a real-time stock quote isn’t going to give them much more actionable information than a delayed stock quote to help them make an informed decision.

Delayed stock quotes also don’t relay the second-by-second volatility of the market, which can be hard for some investors to digest.

Why Do Stock Quotes Get Delayed?

As mentioned, delayed stock quotes are lagging because they require resources to gather and report. The information is out there, and is collected by firms that supply quotes and pricing information to other companies. Depending on the individual security and the source of the information, a delay is likely the result of a company opting to supply delayed quotes rather than real-time quotes to consumers in order to save on costs.

As such, a small percentage of quote-providers offer consumers real-time market information — and often only to those who pay for it. That’s not to say that real-time data isn’t available for free, but the gathering and reporting can be costly, which is why some providers use delayed quotes.

How Real-Time Quotes Affect Your Investment Strategy

One big question investors may have: How do these two different types of stock quotes actually affect someone’s investment strategy? That depends largely on whether you’re into active investing, and how often they’re swapping positions in their portfolio.

Real-time stock quotes are mainly used by day traders, or active investors who are executing trades on a daily or hourly basis. In those cases, the relatively small fluctuations in price due to market volatility, which occurs in real time, can determine whether a trade is profitable or not.

Real-time stock quotes are mainly used by day traders, or active investors who are executing trades on a daily or hourly basis.

For example, if a trader was trying to time a trade to execute at a specific price, a delayed quote might be useless. The time lag could cause them to miss their window, and bobble the trade.

How Delayed Quotes Affect Your Investment Strategy

As noted, if investors are only rebalancing their portfolios every so often, real-time quotes won’t matter all that much to their investing strategies. They aren’t trying to turn a profit from day-trading, in other words, and are taking a longer-term approach to their investing.

As such, for long- or medium-term investors who may only occasionally buy or sell securities, delayed quotes will do the trick. If you’re not checking on your portfolio every day and are only considering asset allocation every few months, there isn’t much of an advantage to looking at real time quotes over delayed ones.

Real-time quotes do provide more information than delayed quotes, though, in that they’re more precise. That can help you if you’re weighing decisions regarding either short-term vs long-term investments.

Deciding Which Stock Quote is Right for You

Most investors may not give much thought to real-time versus delayed stock quotes, unless they are active traders, as discussed. Whether or not you need up-to-the-minute quotes really depends on whether you’re doing a lot of trading, and doing that trading within tight time frames in which seconds or minutes matter. So, real-time quotes can give you more insight as to when it’s time to buy, sell, or hold.

Accordingly, if you’re more of a passive investor, you can probably stick to delayed stock quotes to get a broader idea of a security’s value.

The Takeaway

Real-time stock prices are updated to the second; delayed stock prices might be updated every 15 minutes, every hour, or every day, depending on the provider and the security involved.

For investors who aren’t looking to profit from small price fluctuations, it won’t make much of a difference if the quotes they’re using are delayed or not. That said, it’s never a bad idea to use real-time trading data, if an investor has access to it.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

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What is a delayed stock quote?

A delayed stock quote is a quote that does not relay real-time value information regarding stock or security values. Instead, the information is delayed by around 15 or 20 minutes, in many cases.

What are real-time stock quotes?

Real-time stock quotes reflect the current market value of a security in real time — meaning up-to-the-minute, or second. Real-time quotes fluctuate constantly based on supply and demand for a security on the market.

Are real-time quotes better than delayed quotes?

Real-time quotes aren’t necessarily better than delayed quotes, but they do reflect more current information which can be better for active investors or day traders.

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SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
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Investing Checklist: Things to Do Before the End of 2022

Investing Checklist: Things to Do Before the End of 2024

There are numerous things that investors can and perhaps should do before the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, such as maxing out retirement or college savings account contributions, and harvesting tax losses.

Read on to find out what should probably be on your investing checklist for the end of the year, what to consider tackling before your tax return is due in April, and how some simple moves this December can help set you up nicely for 2024 and beyond.

Key Points

•   Investors should maximize their 401(k) contributions by the end of 2024. They can contribute up to $23,000 for the year, plus an additional $7,500 for those over 50. People 60 to 63 can contribute a higher catch-up limit of $11,250 in 2024.

•   Tax-loss harvesting, a strategy to offset investment gains with losses and reduce tax burdens, should be considered before year-end if applicable.

•   Contributing to a 529 college savings plan before the year ends can offer state tax deductions, depending on the state.

•   Reviewing and updating estate plans and insurance policies is crucial to ensure they are current and accurate.

•   Donating appreciated stocks to charity by December 31 can provide a tax deduction for the full market value of the shares.

End-of-Year vs Tax-Day Deadlines

Before diving into the year-end investing checklist, it’s important to remember that there are a couple of key distinctions when it comes to the calendar. Specifically, though the calendar year actually ends on December 31 of any given year, Tax Day is typically in the middle of April (April 15, usually). That’s the due date to file your federal tax return, unless you file for an extension.

As it relates to your investing checklist, this is important to take into account because some things, like maxing out your 401(k) contributions must be done before the end of the calendar year, while others (like maxing out contributions to your IRA account) can be done up until the Tax Day deadline.

In other words, some items on the following investing checklist will need to be crossed off before New Year’s Day, while others can wait until April.

7 Things to Do With Your Investments No Later Than Dec. 31

Here are seven things investors can or should consider doing before the calendar rolls around to 2025.

1. Max Out 401(k) Contributions

Perhaps the most beneficial thing investors can do for their long-term financial prospects is to max out their 401(k) contributions. A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement account, where workers can contribute tax-deferred portions of their paychecks.

There are also Roth 401(k) accounts, which may be available to you, which allow you to preemptively pay taxes on the contributions, allowing for tax-free withdrawals in the future.

You can only contribute a certain amount of money per year into a 401(k) account, however. For 2024, that limit is $23,000, and those over 50 can contribute an additional $7,500, for a total of $30,500.

In 2025, the contribution limit rises to $23,500, with a $7,500 catch-up provision if you’re 50 and up, for a total of $31,000. However, in 2025, under the SECURE 2.0 Act, a higher catch-up limit of $11,250 applies to individuals ages 60 to 63.

So, if you are able to, it may be beneficial to contribute up to the $23,000 limit for 2024 before the year ends. After December 31, any contributions will count toward the 2025 tax year.

2. Harvest Tax Losses

Tax-loss harvesting is an advanced but popular strategy that allows investors to sell some investments at a loss, and then write off their losses against their gains to help lower their tax burden.

Note that investment losses realized during a specific calendar year must be applied to the gains from the same year, but losses can be applied in the future using a strategy called a tax-loss carryforward. But again, tax-loss harvesting can be a fairly complicated process, and it may be best to consult with a professional

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

3. Consider 529 Plan Contributions

A 529 college savings plan is used to save for education expenses. There are two basic types of 529 plans, but the main thing that investors should focus on, as it relates to their year-end investing checklist, is to stash money into it before January as some states allow 529 contributions as tax deductions.

There is no yearly federal contribution limit for 529 plans — instead, the limit is set at the state level. Gift taxes, however, may apply, which is critical to consider.

4. Address Roll-Over Loose Ends

Another thing to check on is whether there are any loose ends to tie up in regard to any account roll-overs that you may have executed during the year.

For example, if you decided to roll over an old 401(k) into an IRA at some point during the year, you’ll want to make sure that the funds ended up with your new brokerage or retirement plan provider.

It may be easy to overlook, but sometimes checks get sent to the wrong place or other wires get crossed, and it can be a good idea to double-check everything is where it should be before the year ends.

5. Review Insurance Policies

Some employers require or encourage employees to opt into certain benefits programs every year, including insurance coverage. This may or may not apply to your specific situation, but it can be a good idea to check and make sure your insurance coverage is up to date — and that you’ve done things like named beneficiaries, and that all relevant contact information is also current.

6. Review Your Estate Plan

This is another item on your investing checklist that may not necessarily need to be done by the end of the year, but it’s a good idea to make a habit of it: Review your estate plan, or get one started.

There are several important documents in your estate plan that legally establish what happens to your money and assets in the event that you die. If you don’t have an estate plan, you should probably make it an item on your to-do list. If you do have one, you can use the end of the year as a time to check in and make sure that your heirs or beneficiaries are designated, that there are instructions about how you’d prefer your death or incapacitation to be handled, and more.

7. Donate Appreciated Stocks

Finally, you can consider donating stocks to charity by the end of the year. There are a couple of reasons to consider a stock donation: One, you won’t pay any capital gains taxes if the shares have appreciated, and second, you’ll be able to snag a tax deduction for the full market value of the shares at the time that you donate them. The tax deduction limit is for up to 30% of your adjustable gross income — a considerable amount.

Remember, though, that charitable donations must be completed by December 31 if you hope to deduct the donation for the current tax year.

3 Things for Investors to Do by Tax Day 2025

As mentioned, there are a few items on your investing checklist that can be completed by Tax Day, or April 15, 2025. Here are the few outstanding items that you’ll have until then to complete.

1. Max Out IRA Contributions

One of the important differences between 401(k)s and IRAs is the contribution deadline. While 401(k) contributions must be made before the end of the calendar year, investors can keep making contributions to their IRA accounts up until Tax Day 2025, within the contribution limits of course.

So, if you want to max out your IRA contributions for 2024, the limit is $7,000. But people over 50 can contribute an additional $1,000 — and you’ll have until April to contribute for 2024 and still be able to deduct contributions from your taxable income (assuming it’s a tax-deferred IRA, not a Roth IRA).

The contribution limit remains the same in 2025 — $7,000, with the same $1,000 catch-up provision for those 50 and up. And some taxpayers may be able to deduct their contributions, too, under certain conditions.

2. Max Out HSA Contributions

If you have a health savings account (HSA), you’ll want to make sure you’ve hit your contribution limits before Tax Day, too. The contribution limits for HSAs in 2024 are $4,150 for self-only coverage and $8,300 for family coverage. People over 55 can contribute an additional $1,000. For 2025, the contribution limits are $4,300 for self-only coverage and $8,550 for family coverage. People aged 55 and up can contribute an additional $1,000 in both 2024 and 2025.

3. Take Your RMD (if Applicable)

If you’re retired, you may need to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your retirement account by the beginning of April next year, if it’s your first RMD. But if you’ve taken an RMD before, you’ll need to do so before the end of 2024 — so, be sure to check to see what deadline applies to your specific situation.

This generally only applies to people who are in their 70s (typically age 73 if you reach age 72 after December 31, 2022), but it may be worth discussing with a professional what the best course of action is, especially if you have multiple retirement accounts or if you have an inherited account.

The Takeaway

Doing a year-end financial review can be extremely beneficial, and a checklist can help make sure you don’t miss any important steps for 2024 — and set you up for 2025. That investing checklist should probably include things like maxing out contributions to your retirement accounts, harvesting tax losses in order to manage your tax bill, and possibly even taking minimum required distributions. Everyone’s situation is different, so you’ll need to tailor your investing checklist accordingly.

Also, it’s important to keep in mind that you may have until Tax Day in April to get some of it done — though it may be good practice to knock everything out by the end of the year. If you’re only beginning to invest, keeping this list handy and reviewing it annually can help you establish healthy financial habits.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

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Photo credit: iStock/dusanpetkovic

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SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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How to Leverage Home Equity to Pay Off Student Debt

If you’re finding your student loan debt difficult to manage, one option for tackling it is to leverage your home equity. It’s possible to do this through the student loan cash-out refinance program offered by Fannie Mae or through a general cash-out refinance.

Either option would allow you to use the excess value of your home to pay off student loan debt directly. Plus, because you would be consolidating your student loan debt into your mortgage, you’d have to make just one payment each month. You might also secure a lower interest rate than you had on your student loans.

Still, there are major downsides to consider before paying off student loans with home equity. For one, the student loan debt won’t actually go away — you’ll still owe that money. Additionally, you could lose access to student loan benefits and protections. And, if you aren’t able to stay on top of monthly payments, your home is on the line.

Key Points

•   Leveraging home equity can consolidate student loans into a mortgage, potentially lowering interest rates and simplifying payments.

•   Options include a student loan cash-out refinance or a home equity line of credit (HELOC).

•   Risks involve losing student loan benefits, potential foreclosure, and debt becoming part of the mortgage.

•   Consider credit score requirements and gather necessary documents before applying for refinancing.

•   Weigh pros and cons, including interest rates, loan terms, and potential fees, before deciding.

Using a Student Loan Cash-Out Refinance to Pay Off Student Loans

With a cash-out refinance, you take out a new mortgage for an amount that exceeds what you currently owe. You then get the difference in cash, which you could then use to pay off your student loan debt.

One option for doing this is through Fannie Mae’s Student Loan Cash-out Refinance program, which is specifically designed to allow homeowners to use their home equity to pay off student loans. To qualify, borrowers must use the funds from the cash-out refinance to fully pay off at least one of their student loans. Additionally, it’s stipulated that this loan must belong to the individual who applied for the refinance.

For borrowers who don’t qualify for the Fannie Mae program, or who want to use their cash for costs other than student loan repayment, it’s also possible to get a general cash-out refinance through another lender.

Whether you go with Fannie Mae or another lender, there are typically certain requirements that a borrower must meet to qualify for a cash-out refinance. Generally, there are stipulations for credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and the amount of equity in the home after closing. As such, it’s helpful to determine before applying how much equity you have in your home.

Recommended: First-Time Homebuyer Guide

Should I Tap Into My Home Equity to Pay Off Student Loans?

Using the equity you’ve earned in your home to pay off your student loans may sound like an easy fix. But before you commit to refinancing, you’ll want to weigh the decision carefully. While it may make sense for some, a student loan cash-out refinance won’t work for everyone. Here are a few pros and cons to consider as you make your decision.

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Benefits of Paying Off Student Loans with Home Equity

Like most financial decisions, paying off your student loans with the equity you’ve earned on your home is a multifaceted decision. Here are some of the ways you could find it beneficial:

•   You may be able to get a better rate. Securing a lower interest rate is potentially the most appealing reason to use the equity in your home to pay off student loans. As part of your decision-making process, consider reviewing mortgage options at a few different lenders. While reviewing rate quotes from each lender, do the math to determine if paying off student loans with home equity will truly reduce the amount of money you spend in interest. If there are any fees or prepayment penalties, make sure to factor those in. Keep in mind this isn’t the only way to get a better rate either — another option to explore is student loan refinancing.

•   You may get more time to pay off your loan. When making your decision, also take into account the length of the mortgage term. The standard repayment plan for student loans is a 10-year term, unless you have already consolidated them, in which case you could have a term of up to 25 years. With a mortgage, term lengths can be as long as 30 years. Just keep in mind that while repaying your debt over a longer time period could lower monthly payments, it may also mean you pay more in interest over the life of the loan.

•   You can streamline your payments. Another benefit is reducing the number of monthly payments you need to keep track of. Instead of paying your mortgage and each of your student loans, those bills will get consolidated into a single payment. Streamlining your payments could help you stay on top of your payments and make your finances a little bit easier to manage.

Recommended: Home Affordability Calculator

Downsides of Paying Off Student Loans with Home Equity

There are a few potential negatives that could impact your decision to pay off student loans with your home equity:

•   You risk foreclosure. Using your home equity to pay off your student loans could potentially put your home at risk. That’s because you’re combining your student loans and mortgage into one debt, now all tied to your home. That means if you run into any financial issues in the future and are unable to make payments, in severe cases, such as loan default, your home could be foreclosed on.

•   Your student debt won’t really disappear. When you use your home equity to pay off your student loans, you’ll still owe that debt. Only now, it’s part of your mortgage.

•   You’ll lose access to student loan benefits and protections. When you do a student loan cash-out refinance, you’ll no longer be eligible for borrower protections that are afforded to borrowers who have federal loans. These benefits include deferment or forbearance, as well as income-driven repayment plans. If you’re pursuing student loan forgiveness through one of the programs available to federal borrowers, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness, consolidating your student loan debt with your mortgage would eliminate you from the program. As such, it may not make sense to use the equity in your home to pay off your student loans if you’re currently taking advantage of any of these options.

•   You could owe more than your home is worth. As you weigh your options, consider comparing the available equity in your home to the amount you owe in student loans. In some cases, you may owe more in student loan debt than you have available to use in home equity under the various loan guidelines. If you end up owing more than what your home is worth, that could make it tough to sell your home, as you’d need to add your own funds to repay your loan balance.

When It’s Time to Leverage Your Home Equity

Cashing in on your home equity isn’t as easy as withdrawing money from your checking account, but it’s also not as difficult as you might think. A good first step is to contact a mortgage lender, who will order an appraisal of your home and help you to get started on the paperwork.

This is also a good time to explore another way to leverage home equity to pay bills: a home equity line of credit (HELOC). When you take out a HELOC, you can borrow (and pay interest on) only as much as you need at a given time, up to a preapproved credit limit. A HELOC monthly payment calculator can be a useful tool as it will help you understand what monthly payments might look like if you follow this path. If you have a great rate on your existing mortgage and don’t want to refinance into a higher rate, a HELOC might be a good alternative.

It could also be a good idea to check your credit score. To secure a cash-out refinance, many lenders will likely require a credit score of 620 or higher. That being said, the minimum score required depends on many factors, such as credit, income, equity, and more. If you don’t meet the minimum FICO score requirement for your chosen program, you might want to try to improve your credit score before applying.

At the very least, you’ll likely need to gather necessary documents so you have them handy. Get together your latest tax filings, pay stubs, and bank statements. Lenders use those documents to evaluate whether you have the savings and cash flow to pay back a fatter mortgage, and they may ask for when you apply to refinance.

The Takeaway

When used responsibly, home equity can be a useful tool in helping to improve your overall financial situation — including using home equity to pay off student loans. While there could be upsides, such as streamlining payments and securing a better rate, it’s important to also weigh the drawbacks, like losing access to student loan protections and putting your home on the line. Depending on how much you owe on your student loans, a cash-out refi or a home equity line of credit (HELOC) might be a good way to settle some or all of your student loan debt and even consolidate multiple loans into one payment.

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Is it smart to use home equity to consolidate debt?

It can be. If you can obtain a lower interest rate on a home equity loan, home equity line of credit (HELOC), or even a cash-out refinance, it could make sense to consolidate debt this way. And if you have multiple types of debt (student loan debt, credit card debt, for example), it might simplify things to have one monthly payment. But it does mean you would lose access to student loan forgiveness and forbearance benefits, and securing debt with your home does involve risk.

Is it a good idea to take out a home equity loan to pay for college?

While you can pay for college with a home equity loan, it might be better to find a student loan for that expense because if you are unable to make payments on your home equity loan, your property could be at risk.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

²SoFi Bank, N.A. NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), offers loans directly or we may assist you in obtaining a loan from SpringEQ, a state licensed lender, NMLS #1464945.
All loan terms, fees, and rates may vary based upon your individual financial and personal circumstances and state.
You should consider and discuss with your loan officer whether a Cash Out Refinance, Home Equity Loan or a Home Equity Line of Credit is appropriate. Please note that the SoFi member discount does not apply to Home Equity Loans or Lines of Credit not originated by SoFi Bank. Terms and conditions will apply. Before you apply, please note that not all products are offered in all states, and all loans are subject to eligibility restrictions and limitations, including requirements related to loan applicant’s credit, income, property, and a minimum loan amount. Lowest rates are reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. Products, rates, benefits, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice. Learn more at Information current as of 06/27/24.
In the event SoFi serves as broker to Spring EQ for your loan, SoFi will be paid a fee.

Checking Your Rates: To check the rates and terms you may qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. However, if you choose a product and continue your application, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit pull and may affect your credit.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

This content is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice.


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Overview: The History of the Federal Reserve

You may give little thought to the Federal Reserve, but the Fed looms large over your life as you borrow, save, spend, and invest.

The Fed’s mission is to control inflation and maintain maximum employment. The goals can be at odds with each other.

Let’s look at the Federal Reserve’s origin story and what the central banking system is currently up to.

Key Points

•   Established to control inflation and maintain employment, the Federal Reserve was founded in 1913.

•   The Fed influences personal finances by setting the federal funds rate, which can affect borrowing costs, among other things.

•   Historical events like the Great Depression and Great Inflation underscore the Fed’s role in managing economic crises.

•   Recent actions include rate hikes from 2022 to 2023 to combat inflation, followed by rate cuts in 2024.

•   The Fed’s dual mandate aims for maximum employment and price stability, impacting decisions on interest rates and economic policies.

How It All Began

A secret meeting in 1910 on an island off Georgia laid the foundation for the Federal Reserve. After a series of financial panics and recessions in the Gilded Age, six men gathered at the Jekyll Island Club to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system.

At that time, U.S. banks held large reserves of cash, but they were scattered. During a crisis, the reserves would be frozen. In addition, the supply of currency was inelastic and supplies of gold limited. And U.S. banks could not operate overseas.

The Panic of 1907 — a worldwide financial crisis surpassed only by the Great Depression — galvanized Congress, and particularly Senate Finance Committee Chairman Nelson Aldrich. In the fall of 1910, Aldrich and his Jekyll Island colleagues developed a plan for a central bank with 15 branches. The national body would set discount rates for the system and buy and sell securities.

Political wrangling ensued, but Congress passed, and President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The bill resembled the Aldrich plan.

The law called for a central banking system with a governing board and multiple reserve banks. The hybrid structure endures.

A golden factoid: Banking panics before 1913 tested the mettle of Manhattan banks, but what is now the most influential of the 12 reserve banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is home to the world’s largest gold storage reserve, with about 500,000 gold bars owned by the U.S. government, foreign governments, other central banks, and international organizations.

The First Century of the Federal Reserve

Before the Fed was born, financial panics caused by speculation and rumors led to the call for a central banking authority that would support a healthier banking system.

World War I, 1914 to 1918

The Federal Reserve Board and the 12 reserve banks were just getting organized as war broke out in Europe. But once the nation entered World War I, the Fed quickly became a major player by supporting the U.S. Treasury’s war bond effort and offering lower interest rates to member banks when the proceeds were used to buy bonds.

The Fed also gave better interest rates to banks purchasing Treasury certificates. Lower rates led to increased borrowing by businesses and households, which stimulated economic growth. But the increased money supply eventually led to rising prices. When the war ended, the Fed took action to control that inflation.

Stock Market Crash of 1929

On Oct. 28, 1929, now known as “Black Monday,” the Roaring Twenties ended with a thud when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped nearly 13%. The market collapsed the next day. It was the most devastating stock market crash in U.S. history.

Many economists and historians blame the Fed for the crash because of its decision to raise interest rates in 1928 and 1929 to control over speculation (what today might be called “irrational exuberance”) in the stock market.

Leaders decreased the money supply starting in 1928 and pressured member banks in 1929 to rein in their loans to brokers and charge a higher rate on broker loans.

The Great Depression, 1929 to 1941

The deepest downturn in U.S. history lasted from 1929 to 1941. The contraction began in the United States and reverberated around the globe.

The banking panics in 1930 and early 1931 were regional, but in late 1931 the commercial banking crisis spread throughout the nation. The Fed’s efforts to contain the collapse were not enough, and the situation reached rock bottom by March 1933.

On March 6, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt — who’d been inaugurated just two days before — announced a weeklong suspension of all banking transactions. Legislative intervention soon followed.

In 1933 the Glass-Steagall Act separated commercial and investment banking and gave the federal government and Federal Reserve enhanced powers to deal with the economic crisis, which led to the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and regulation of deposit interest rates. (At an FDIC-insured bank today, deposits are insured up to $250,000 per depositor, per institution, and per ownership category.)

The Banking Act of 1935 gave the Fed more independence from the executive branch; shifted power from the regional reserve banks to the Board of Governors, based in Washington, D.C.; and led to the modern form of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the Fed’s main monetary policymaking committee, which consists of the Fed governors in Washington and the presidents of the 12 regional banks.

World War II, 1941 to 1945

The Fed’s role during World War II was similar to its role in World War I. Its main mission became financing the war, and it helped the Treasury Department market war bonds in cooperation with commercial banks and businesses.

The reserve banks also reduced their discount rate to 1% and set a rate of half a percentage point for loans secured by short-term government obligations. During the war years, the Fed kept its eye on inflation by regulating consumer credit. It required large down payments and shorter terms on loans used to buy a variety of consumer goods.

Korean War, 1950 to 1953

At the start of the Korean War, inflation was a growing concern. But the Fed was once again under pressure — this time from the Truman administration — to help finance the war effort.

In February 1951, the Fed declared its independence in fiscal matters, and in March, the Treasury and the Fed announced that they had reached an accord on how they would handle “debt management and monetary policies” going forward.

The Great Inflation, 1970s and ’80s

Keeping inflation under control has always been an important role for the Fed, but in the 1970s, when the stock market slumped and the country found itself in an inflation crisis so deep it was known as the “Great Inflation,” it became a special challenge.

Check the history books and you’ll find plenty of finger-pointing. It was President Richard Nixon’s fault for disengaging from the gold standard. Or maybe it was the Fed’s fault for employing a confusing stop-go monetary policy that had interest rates going up, then down, then back up.

Then new Fed chairman, Paul Volcker, took over in 1979 and switched the Fed’s goal from targeting interest rates to targeting the money supply. It was painful. The prime lending rate (the rate banks offer their most creditworthy customers when they’re looking to take out a line of credit or a loan) skyrocketed to over 21% at one point.

Unemployment reached double digits in some months. The country went through two recessions. But eventually, prices stabilized.

And the federal funds rate hasn’t been in the double digits since the mid-1980s.

The Great Recession, 2007 to 2009

When a period in U.S. history is labeled “great,” it’s often anything but. During the Great Recession, home prices fell. Unemployment rose. Gross domestic product fell. And in 2008, the market crashed.

Home prices had peaked at the beginning of 2007, and the subprime mortgage market had been busy.

This recession was, for many Americans, the worst of times; they lost their jobs, their homes, and their confidence in the economy.

Enter the Fed, which started by tackling the slump with a traditional response: From September 2007 to December 2008, the Fed lowered the federal funds rate from 5.25% to zero to 0.25%, and FOMC policy statements noted that it would be keeping the rate at exceptionally low levels for a while. But it didn’t stop there.

In 2008 it also began its first round of quantitative easing, buying $600 million in mortgage-backed securities, and continued that effort in 2009. Also in 2008, President George W. Bush signed the $700 million Troubled Asset Relief Program into law. Two more rounds of quantitative easing started in 2010 and 2012 under President Barack Obama.

Recommended: Common Recession Fears and How to Cope

The Covid Crisis, the Fed, and Inflation

At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting recession in 2020, making sure the U.S. economy did not fall into a prolonged recession became a higher priority than maintaining inflation at the Federal Reserve’s 2% target rate.

The Fed seeks to control inflation by influencing interest rates. When inflation is too high, the Fed typically raises its benchmark interest rate to slow the economy and tame inflation. When inflation is low, the Fed often lowers the federal funds rate — the interest rate that banks use when they lend money to one another overnight — to stimulate the economy.

After keeping the rate near zero, in March 2022, the Fed approved its first rate increase in more than three years. Between March 2022 and July 2023, the Fed raised rates eleven times, the fastest tightening campaign since the 1980s. The Fed held rates at 5.25% to 5.50% from July 2023 to September 2024. Then as the cuts seemed to achieve their goal, inflation slowed. Inflation, as evidenced by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), peaked in June 2022 and has improved since then. The most recent CPI data, for the 12 months ending in September 2024, showed inflation at 2.4%, close to the Fed’s 2% goal. Given this, in September 2024, the Fed decided it was time to begin cutting the rate. Some economists anticipate further cuts in 2025.

How the Federal Reserve Affects Your Finances

So how do the Fed’s decisions have an impact on you as an individual consumer? For one, banks base their prime rate on the federal funds rate; the prime rate is generally 3 percentage points higher. This rate in turn helps determine the rates that lenders offer their customers.

Fed rate hikes increase the cost of borrowing money for a mortgage or to pay for a car, or for carrying a credit card balance. Rate increases also create a more volatile stock market that could hurt 401(k) plans, increase the amount you earn on a CD, or affect what you might pay for a bond. (Fortunately there are some way to protect your money from inflation next time it rears its head. For example, if you can swing it, buying a house vs. being a renter may help protect you from inflation because you can lock in a fixed monthly payment long term. You can also read up on how to invest during a time of inflation.)

You may be scratching your head at why Fed rate cuts in the fall of 2024 didn’t immediately result in reduced interest rates on home mortgage loans. The short answer is that lenders look at multiple economic data points when they set rates, and the Fed’s action, while important, is not the only factor.

Prospective homebuyers may be wondering, is this a good time to buy a house? The answer is a very personal one, and chances are it won’t be found in scrutinizing the Fed’s movements. Emotions are also involved: Owning a home not only gives you a place where you enjoy living, but homeownership can help build generational wealth and some people may want to begin building that equity immediately, especially when future mortgage rates, like Fed rate cuts, are not within their control.

Recommended: What to Learn From Historical Mortgage Rate Fluctuations

The Takeaway

If you’re planning a vacation, you might not want to tuck away a book on the history of the Federal Reserve. (Or maybe you will. No judgment.) The Fed has a dual mandate to aim for maximum employment and price stability, and it has historically raised interest rates as the antidote for rising inflation.

If you find yourself musing about buying a home soon, it’s important to look at the history of mortgage rates to put the current conditions into context, and it helps to read up on the benefits of homeownership.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.


What is the prime rate?

The prime interest rate is the interest rate that banks charge the customers they consider to be the lowest risk — those who have a good credit history and are deemed least likely to default on a loan or miss payments.

What does the Federal Reserve do?

The Federal Reserve has several roles. It sets monetary policy, with a goal of maximum employment and stable inflation. It also regulates banks and other financial institutions. Its overall objective is to control risks to the economy and financial markets.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.
This content is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice.


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Home Equity Loans vs HELOCs vs Home Improvement Loans

Maybe you’ve spent a serious amount of time watching HGTV and now have visions of turning your kitchen into a chef’s paradise. Or perhaps you have an entire Pinterest board full of super-deep soaking tubs that you’re dreaming about.

Either way, the home improvement bug has bitten you, and you’re hardly alone. In the U.S. $827 billion was spent on home improvement from 2021 to 2023, according to the U.S. Census Bureau American Housing Survey. For a bit more context, consider that the average American spent more than $9,542 on home improvement projects in 2023 — with spending up 12% over 2022. That’s a lot more than just buying a new bathroom sink.

While your home might be begging for some updates and improvements, not all of us have close to $10,000 stashed away in a savings account. For many people, realizing their home improvement goals means borrowing money. But how exactly?

Read on to learn about some of your options, including a home equity loan, a home equity line of credit (HELOC), and a home improvement loan. We’ll share the situations in which home equity loans, HELOCs, and home improvement loans work best so you can figure out which home improvement loan option is right for you.

Key Points

•   Home equity loans, HELOCs, and personal home improvement loans offer different benefits for financing renovations.

•   Home equity loans provide a lump sum with fixed interest rates, using home equity as collateral.

•   HELOCs offer flexible access to funds up to a certain limit during a set period, with variable interest rates.

•   Personal home improvement loans are unsecured, typically quicker to obtain, and may have higher interest rates.

•   Choosing the right financing option depends on the borrower’s equity, the amount needed, and preferred repayment terms.

What’s the Difference Between Home Equity Loans, HELOCs, and Home Improvement Loans?

If you’ve figured out how much a home renovation will cost and now need to fund the project, the options can sound a bit confusing because they all involve the word “home.”

What’s more, you may hear the term “home equity loan” loosely applied to any funds borrowed to do home improvement work. However, there are actually different kinds of home equity loans to know about, plus one that doesn’t involve home equity at all.

So, before digging into home improvement loans vs. home improvement loans vs. HELOCs, consider the basics for each:

•   A home equity loan is a lump-sum payment that a lender gives you using the equity in your home to secure the loan. These loans often have a higher limit, lower interest rate, and longer repayment term than a home improvement loan.

•   A home equity line of credit, or HELOC, is a revolving line of credit that is backed by your equity in your home. It operates similarly to a credit card in that the amount you access is not set, though you will have a limit on how much you can access.

•   A home improvement loan is a kind of lump-sum personal loan, and it is not backed by the equity you have in your home. It may have a higher interest rate and shorter repayment term than a home equity loan. What’s more, it may have a lower limit, making it well suited for smaller projects.

Worth noting: If you use your home as collateral to borrow funds, you could lose your property if you don’t make payments on time. That’s a significant risk to your financial security and one to take seriously.

Next, here’s a look at how key loan features line up for these options.

How Much Can I Borrow?

The sky isn’t the limit when borrowing funds. This is how much you will likely be able to access:

•   For a home equity loan, you can typically borrow up to 85% of your home’s value, minus what’s owed on your mortgage. So if your home’s value is $300,000, 85% of that is $255,000. If you have a mortgage for $200,000, then $255,000 minus $200,000 leaves you with a potential loan of $55,000. You can do the math quickly with a home equity loan calculator.

•   For a HELOC, you can often access up to 90% of the equity you have in your home, though some lenders may go even higher. In that case, you are likely to pay a higher interest rate. In the scenario above, with a home valued at $300,000 and a mortgage of $200,000, that means you have $100,000 equity in your home. A loan for 90% of $100,000 would be $90,000. As with other lines of credit, your credit score and employment history will likely factor into the approval decision. To figure out what payments might be on a HELOC, you can use a HELOC repayment calculator.

•   For a home improvement loan, the amount you can borrow will depend on a variety of factors, including your credit score, but the typical range is between $3,000 and $50,000 or sometimes even more.

What Can the Funds Be Used for?

Interestingly, some of these funds can be used for purposes other than home improvement costs. Here’s how they stack up:

•   For a home equity loan, you can certainly use the funds for an amazing new kitchen with a professional-grade range, but you can also use the money for, say, debt consolidation or college tuition.

•   For a HELOC, as with a home equity loan, you can use the money as you see fit. Redoing your patio? Sure. But you can also apply the cash to open a business, pay for grad school, or knock out credit card debt.

•   For a home improvement loan, there is often the requirement that you use the funds for, as the name suggests, a home improvement project, such as adding a hot tub to your property. In some cases, you may be able to use the funds for non-home purposes. Your lender can tell you more.

Recommended: How to Find a Contractor for Home Renovations & Remodeling

How Will I Receive the Funds? How Long Will It Take to Get the Money?

Consider the different ways and timing you may encounter when getting money from these loan options:

•   With a home equity loan, you receive a lump sum payment of the funds borrowed. The timeline for getting your funds can be anywhere from two weeks to two months, depending on a variety of factors, including the lender’s pace.

•   With a HELOC, you open a line of credit, similar to a credit card. For what is known as the draw period (typically 10 years), you can withdraw funds via a special credit card or checkbook up to your limit. It typically takes between two and six weeks to get the initial approval, but some lenders may be faster.

•   With a home improvement personal loan, you receive a lump sum of cash. These tend to be the quickest way to get cash: It may only take a day or so after approval to have the funds available.

How Much Interest Will I Pay?

How much you pay to access funds for your project will vary. Take a closer look:

•   For a home equity loan, you typically get a lower interest rate than some other loan types, since you are using your home equity as collateral. These are typically fixed-rate loans, so you’ll know how much you are paying every month. At the end of 2024, the average rate of a fixed, 15-year home equity loan was 8.49%.

•   For a HELOC, the line of credit will typically have a rate that varies with the prime rate, though some lenders offer fixed-rate options. HELOCs may have lower interest rates than personal and home equity loans, but you will need a high credit score to snag the lowest possible rate.

•   For home improvement loans, which are a kind of personal loan, rates vary widely. Currently, you might find anything from 6.99% to 36% depending on the lender and your qualifications, such as your credit score. These loans are typically fixed rate.

How Long Will I Have to Repay the Funds?

Repayment terms differ among these three options:

•   For home equity loans, you will agree to a term with your lender. Terms typically range from five to 20 years, but 30 years may be available as well.

•   With a HELOC, you usually have a draw period of 10 years, during which you may pay interest only. Then, you may no longer withdraw funds, and move into the principal-plus-interest repayment period, which is often 20 years.

•   With a home improvement personal loan, your repayment terms are typically shorter than with the other options and will vary with the lender. You may find terms of anywhere from one to seven years or possibly longer.

Here’s how these features compare in chart form:


Home Equity Loan


Home Improvement Personal Loan

Type of collateral Secured via your home Secured via your home Unsecured
Borrowing limit Typically up to 85% of home value, minus mortgage Typically up to 90% or more of your home equity Typically from $3,000 up to $50,000 or more
How funds can be used For a variety of purposes For a variety of purposes Often strictly for home improvement
How funds are dispersed Lump sum Line of credit Lump sum
How long to receive funds Typically two weeks to two months Typically two to six weeks Often within days
Type of interest rate Typically fixed rate and may be lower than other loans Typically variable but some lenders offer fixed rate; rates vary Typically fixed rate; rates vary widely
Repayment term Typically 20 to 30 years Typically 20 years after the 10-year draw period Typically 1 to 7 years

Which Home Improvement Loan Option Is Better?

Now that you’ve learned about the features of these loan options, here’s some guidance on which one is likely to be best for your needs.

When Home Equity Loans Make Sense

Here are some scenarios in which a home equity loan may be a good choice:

•   If you have significant home equity and are looking to borrow a large amount, a home equity loan could be the right move to access a lump sum of cash.

•   If you want to have a long repayment period, the possibility of a 30-year term could be a good fit.

•   When you are seeking to keep costs as low as possible, these loans may offer lower interest rates.

•   A home equity loan can be a wise move when you need cash for other purposes, such as debt consolidation or educational expenses.

•   Some interest payments may be tax-deductible, depending on how you use the funds, which could be a benefit of this kind of loan.

When HELOCs Make Sense

A HELOC may be your best bet in the following situations:

•   You aren’t sure how much money you need and like the flexibility of a line of credit.

•   You want to keep your payments as low as possible in the near future. HELOCs can usually be an interest-only loan during the first 10-year draw period of the arrangement.

•   A HELOC can be a good fit for people who are doing a renovation in stages, and want to draw funds as needed versus all upfront.

•   You need cash for something other than just home renovation, such as to pay down credit card debt or fund tuition.

•   Depending on what you put the money toward, interest payments may be tax-deductible to a degree.

When Home Improvement Personal Loans Make Sense

Consider these upsides:

•   These personal loans tend to have a straightforward, fast application process, and often have fewer fees, such as no origination fees.

•   Home improvement loans are usually approved more quickly than other kinds of home loans.

•   These loans can be a good way to borrow a small sum, such as $3,000 or $5,000 for a project you need to complete quickly (say, a bathroom without a functional shower).

•   Home improvement loans can be a good option for new homeowners, who haven’t yet built up much equity in their home but need funds for renovation.

•   For those who are uncomfortable using their home as collateral, this kind of loan can be a smart move.

First-time homebuyers can
prequalify for a SoFi mortgage loan,
with as little as 3% down.

The Takeaway

Home improvement is a popular pursuit and can not only make daily life more enjoyable, it can also boost the value of what is likely your biggest asset. If you are ready to take on a renovation (or need to pay off the bills for the reno you already did), you’ll have options in terms of how to access funds.

Depending on your needs and personal situation, you might prefer a home equity loan, a home equity line of credit (HELOC), or a home improvement personal loan. Why not start by looking into a HELOC? A line of credit is a super-flexible way to borrow.

SoFi now partners with Spring EQ to offer flexible HELOCs. Our HELOC options allow you to access up to 90% of your home’s value, or $500,000, at competitively lower rates. And the application process is quick and convenient.

Unlock your home’s value with a home equity line of credit brokered by SoFi.


Can a HELOC only be used for repairs or renovations?

You can use the funds you draw from a home equity line of credit (HELOC) for pretty much anything you can think of. But if you are hoping to take advantage of a tax deduction for the interest you pay on your HELOC, it will need to be used to buy, build, or substantially improve a home.

Is a HELOC a second mortgage?

Yes, if you are still paying off the mortgage on your home, a home equity line of credit (HELOC) that is secured by that property would be considered a second mortgage. The same is true of a home equity loan.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

²SoFi Bank, N.A. NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), offers loans directly or we may assist you in obtaining a loan from SpringEQ, a state licensed lender, NMLS #1464945.
All loan terms, fees, and rates may vary based upon your individual financial and personal circumstances and state.
You should consider and discuss with your loan officer whether a Cash Out Refinance, Home Equity Loan or a Home Equity Line of Credit is appropriate. Please note that the SoFi member discount does not apply to Home Equity Loans or Lines of Credit not originated by SoFi Bank. Terms and conditions will apply. Before you apply, please note that not all products are offered in all states, and all loans are subject to eligibility restrictions and limitations, including requirements related to loan applicant’s credit, income, property, and a minimum loan amount. Lowest rates are reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. Products, rates, benefits, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice. Learn more at Information current as of 06/27/24.
In the event SoFi serves as broker to Spring EQ for your loan, SoFi will be paid a fee.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Checking Your Rates: To check the rates and terms you may qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. However, if you choose a product and continue your application, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit pull and may affect your credit.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

This content is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice.


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