Should Homebuyers Wait for Interest Rates to Drop?

As painful as it can be to see interest rates top 7.00% when they hovered over 2.00% in late 2020, waiting for them to come down again could bite would-be homeowners. Although today’s rates mean homebuyers can expect to spend more on interest over their loan’s lifetime, they’re actually close to the 50-year average — and besides, if they plummet again, the market will once again be flooded by buyers who have been sitting on the sidelines.

Still, interest rates are a big deal when it comes to how much home you can comfortably afford — and the ongoing health of your personal finances. In an April 2024 survey of 500 would-be homebuyers, SoFi found that 45% were concerned about mortgage costs — it was one of the top concerns of prospective homeowners. One in 10 people surveyed said difficulty securing a mortgage was the biggest homebuying challenge they were facing. In this article, we’ll walk through a little bit of mortgage rate history and context, as well as offering ways to decide whether you’re ready to buy or not, regardless of the market.

Why Are Mortgage Rates So High?

Since Americans just witnessed a historic mortgage interest rate drop in 2020, today’s 7.00% and 8.00% rates seem astronomical. (And, to be fair, coupled with a median national home sales price over $400,000, they can pack a powerful punch: After interest, a 30-year mortgage could easily cost twice the amount of the loan.)

Still, it’s important to remember that when you look at the big picture, today’s rates are actually not that big a deal. Yes, they’re the highest they’ve been since the year 2000, but they’re about on par (or slightly under) the rates buyers saw in the 1990s — and less than half of the 17.00% and 18.00% interest rates buyers paid in the early 1980s.

The rise and fall of mortgage rates is tied to complicated economic factors, including inflation, the Federal interest rate, and the yield of 10-year Treasury bonds. It’s not totally predictable, but one thing’s for sure: It will continue to undulate over time. What’s more, attempting to time the market to purchase a house might not be the best financial move, even if it does save you money on interest.

💡 Quick Tip: SoFi’s Lock and Look + feature allows you to lock in a low mortgage financing rate for 90 days while you search for the perfect place to call home.

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How Low Will Mortgage Rates Drop This Year?

While no one can fully predict the future, experts do weigh in with their predictions for the mortgage interest rate. In 2024, projections suggest a mortgage interest rate drop to about 6.00%, or slightly lower — but still, we’re likely to stay far from the 2.00% and 3.00% free-for-all we saw a few years ago.

How Your Interest Rate Impacts Your Buying Power

So how much do interest rates really impact how much house you can afford? Glad you asked! Let’s do some math.

Say you’re going to buy a $400,000 home — which is just a little less than the U.S. median sale price right now. You’ve saved up a 20% down payment, or $80,000, and plan on taking out a 30-year mortgage.

With a fixed interest rate of 7.00%, your monthly payment would be about $2,129 per month, before additional costs like homeowners insurance and property taxes. At 6.50%, that payment goes down to $2,023, and at 6.00% it drops to $1,919. (So a percentage point drop equates to $210 per month in savings, or $2,520 per year.)

However, it’s over the long term that interest really has the opportunity to add up. In the exact same scenario, over the 30-year lifetime of the loan, you’d pay approximately the following amount in total interest:

•   7.00%: $446,428

•   6.50%: $408,142

•   6.00%: $370,682

As you can see, just a single percent difference can save you nearly $100,000 in the long run. So while it’s not possible to perfectly time the market, it is worth shopping around for the lowest possible interest rates you can qualify for.

(Keep in mind, too, that you can always pull your own customized numbers using a mortgage calculator.)

💡 Quick Tip: Don’t have a lot of cash on hand for a down payment? The minimum down payment for an FHA mortgage loan is as low as 3.5%.1

Should You Wait to Buy a Home?

The question of whether you’re ready to buy a home — or if it makes more sense to wait — is one that depends on far more than the going market interest rate. Here are some ways for first-time homebuyers to decide what might be the right move, right now.

Reasons to Buy

These are good reasons to consider going ahead with the homebuying process, high interest rates or no:

•   You’re financially (and emotionally) ready. Your credit score is in tip-top shape, you’ve saved up a down payment, and you’re planning to stay in your new home for at least five years — which means you could feasibly refinance once interest rates drop substantially and still break even on closing costs. (A home affordability calculator can help you figure out just how much house you can reasonably afford.)

•   The market looks good to you. These higher interest rates mean the housing market is moving far more slowly than it used to, so the amount of available inventory may give buyers who are ready to buy more time to shop around and find something they really like. This dynamic can also drive home prices down, creating more value for you as the property appreciates over time.

•   It’s time to move. Regardless of the housing market, life goes on — and if you’re expanding your family or relocating, you may not have a choice about moving. If the opportunity is presenting itself and you’re financially ready, this could be a great time to get started on building equity and generational wealth as a homeowner.

Reasons to Wait

On the other end of the spectrum, there are some good reasons to wait on buying a home, even when interest rates are low:

•   You’re not financially (or emotionally) ready. If a monthly mortgage payment would leave you cash-poor, you don’t have a substantial emergency fund saved up, your job security is in question, or you’re not quite sure you’re ready to commit to a given locale, buying a home might not be the right move for you — yet.

•   You can’t get prequalified by a mortgage lender. Perhaps you’re in a decent amount of debt or have an iffy credit history. If you can’t qualify for a loan right now, take the time to work on those factors and get ready for the future.

•   The market looks meh to you. If you can’t find a home you like, you probably shouldn’t buy one. After all, it’s a major investment — and while we’re not suggesting you have to wait for an absolutely perfect house to come along, you should be happy with your purchase!

Should Interest Rates Influence Your Decision?

While interest rates are of course a relevant factor for would-be homeowners, so long as you’re financially prepared and planning on staying in your new home for at least a few years, higher interest rates shouldn’t deter you. After all, you can always refinance once rates drop.

The Takeaway

Waiting for interest rates to drop can be a bit like waiting for Godot: You might get stuck in the in-between. If your finances are in shape and you’ve found your dream home, now could still be the right time to take the leap and become a homeowner.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.


Is it better to wait for interest rates to go down?

Not necessarily. While lower interest rates can subtly lower a monthly mortgage payment — and save buyers potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars over the lifetime of a loan — it’s not the only factor to consider if you’re otherwise ready to buy a home. (Plus, qualified buyers can always refinance their purchase down the line when rates drop again.)

Will 2024 be a good year to buy a house?

It’s probably as good a year to buy as any. Many experts expect interest rates to drop a bit this year, from between about 7.00% and 8.00% to somewhere between 5.50% and 6.50%. And it’s unlikely that interest rates will plummet back down to 2.00% or 3.00% as they did a few years ago.

What month is the best time to buy a house?

November and December tend to be favorable times to buy a home for buyers looking for the best deal possible. That’s because the holidays and winter weather may keep some buyers from shopping during this time, which means sellers might be more motivated to make a deal. You won’t get to see your new home in the height of its summer beauty for months — but you’ll get to find out whether it’s well insulated!

Photo credit: iStock/Andrii Yalanskyi

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

¹FHA loans are subject to unique terms and conditions established by FHA and SoFi. Ask your SoFi loan officer for details about eligibility, documentation, and other requirements. FHA loans require an Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP), which may be financed or paid at closing, in addition to monthly Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP). Maximum loan amounts vary by county. The minimum FHA mortgage down payment is 3.5% for those who qualify financially for a primary purchase. SoFi is not affiliated with any government agency.
+Lock and Look program: Terms and conditions apply. Applies to conventional purchase loans only. Rate will lock for 91 calendar days at the time of preapproval. An executed purchase contract is required within 60 days of your initial rate lock. If current market pricing improves by 0.25 percentage points or more from the original locked rate, you may request your loan officer to review your loan application to determine if you qualify for a one-time float down. SoFi reserves the right to change or terminate this offer at any time with or without notice to you.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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5 Tips for Finding a Mortgage Lender

Choosing a mortgage is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll make. Luckily, there are plenty of possible lenders borrowers can select from. There are online lenders, credit unions, direct lenders, and mortgage brokers with a vast array of loan programs to choose from, to name just a few. The trick is narrowing down a crowded field to find a mortgage lender you trust that offers the loan program you want.

So what’s important when choosing a lender? SoFi asked 500 would-be homebuyers what they considered to be the most important factors in choosing a mortgage lender in an April 2024 survey. Far and away, interest rates won out, with 64% of people saying rates were a key consideration. About half of borrowers ranked closing costs and fees as significant. Loan terms and conditions, the availability of incentives, and customer service and reputation were also rated highly, but interest rates still won the day.

But interest rates aren’t the whole story. Here are five tips on how to find the best mortgage lender for you.

Tips for Shopping For a Mortgage Lender

1. Decide What’s Important

Throughout the process of obtaining a loan, you’ll have a lot of conversations with a bunch of different people. Before jumping in headfirst, take some time to understand what loan programs you may qualify for, the amount of downpayment you have to work with, and if you are a veteran, what lenders offer VA loans.

Once you narrow down the type of mortgage loan program you will be shopping for you can think about what other elements are important to you.

For one thing, there’s the type of communication you’ll want to have with the mortgage lender. Good mortgage lenders should be clear and upfront about the loan process and all associated costs. They should be willing to answer all your questions — and whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or not, you should feel comfortable asking any questions you may have.

You may even want to ask about how a mortgage lender will be communicating with you so you’ll know what to expect. For instance, you could ask them: “Do you communicate by phone, email, or text?” and “How quickly do you respond to questions?”

This is important because there are multiple steps that require back-and-forth correspondence and paperwork when applying for a mortgage. Maybe it’s critical for you to have someone who responds quickly. Ask your potential mortgage lender: “What are your turnaround times on things like preapproval, appraisal, final approval and closing?”

💡 Quick Tip: Buying a home shouldn’t be aggravating. SoFi’s online mortgage application is quick and simple, with dedicated Mortgage Loan Officers to guide you through the process.

2. Be Prepared

Part of knowing how to find the best mortgage lender is to learn the vital details about the mortgage you want to take out. It’s hard to choose between lenders if you don’t truly know what you’re looking for, especially when there’s as much fine print as is typically involved in taking out a mortgage loan.

First, know the costs involved in taking out the type of mortgage you need in addition to the interest rate. There will likely be various fees associated with taking out a mortgage, such as origination and application fees, appraisal fees, and other third-party fees.

Fees can vary by lender, so have some idea of what is common and what to look out for. For example, if the rate quote is lower, are the fees higher as a result?

Next, it’s smart to have an idea of how much home you can afford and how much of a down payment is required under your preferred type of loan program. Be aware that the same loan program can have different down payment requirements at different lenders.

Knowing this type of information may help you narrow your search to the lenders who best fit your needs. Also, having your financial details in order will tell you how much you have to work with so you can get down to business with the lender of your choice.

How you have managed your credit and the resulting credit scores will come into play throughout the mortgage process. Your credit score may be one of the determining factors on what mortgage lenders you can choose from based on the loan programs you may be eligible to qualify for.

You may want to take some time to make sure your credit profile is in good enough shape for the loan program you want to qualify for before starting the process of searching for a mortgage lender.

3. Know Your Options

Finding the right mortgage lender means being able to navigate who you can work with in the big world of mortgage lending. Here are some of the major types of mortgage lenders out there. Many may offer similar types of loan programs, but possibly with different fees and qualifying criteria.

Mortgage bankers: Bankers work for a financial institution that underwrites loans, but does not take deposits. Mortgage bankers can sometimes also broker out loans.

Retail lenders: Similar to mortgage bankers and also known as direct lenders, retail lenders only originate mortgage products offered by their financial institution.

Mortgage brokers: Mortgage brokers don’t generally work with one institution, but instead act as an intermediary between the borrower and a wholesale lender. For the service of pairing you with a mortgage loan from one of the lending institutions they are approved to work with, the mortgage broker will generally take a commission that is a percentage of the loan amount. The loan is approved and funded by the wholesale lender.

Online lenders: A newer option for borrowers, online lenders like SoFi offer mortgage loans and focus on competitive rates and a more streamlined application.

Correspondent lenders: Typically, correspondent lenders are local mortgage loan companies that have the capital to fund a loan, but then turn around and sell the loan to a major financial institution.

Wholesale lenders: Unlike retail lenders, wholesale lenders don’t interact with borrowers and typically rely on brokers to sell their products.

Portfolio lenders: These lenders originate and fund loans from bank deposits and do not typically resell them after closing. They typically include community banks, credit unions, and savings and loan institutions.

Still, wondering how to find a reputable mortgage lender from these options? One thing you can do is read online reviews, like those on the Better Business Bureau’s website. You can also check to make sure that your lender is registered to originate loans with the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System Registry in your state.

4. Compare Lenders

It’s a good idea to shop around for mortgage rate quotes with a number of different lenders. Check with banks, online lenders, credit unions, and other local independent lenders to compare loan terms, interest rates, fees, and closing timelines. Request quotes in writing.

You can plug offers into a mortgage calculator to get an idea of the total interest costs. With a mortgage calculator, you can also compare different down payment options.

And remember, the interest rate isn’t the only cost to take into consideration. You’ll want to account for all of the fees associated with each rate and program offer.

Third-party fees should generally be the same no matter what lender you choose, so it’s the lenders’ loan terms, (qualifying) rate, and fees to compare apples to apples.

Checking on costs isn’t the only reason to get multiple quotes. It also allows you to experience a number of communication styles, and you’ll have a look into the process for each lender.

💡 Quick Tip: Generally, the lower your debt-to-income ratio, the better loan terms you’ll be offered. One way to improve your ratio is to increase your income (hello, side hustle!). Another way is to consolidate your debt and lower your monthly debt payments.

5. Get Preapproved

Once you’ve narrowed it down to your chosen lender, apply for mortgage preapproval. During preapproval, you’ll be asked to provide documentation on your financials, such as your paystubs, W2s, tax returns, bank account balances, and credit information.

This step is valuable when placing an offer on a home. A preapproval letter shows that you have been vetted for the first (credit) portion of the loan process.

Once you apply with a lender you will receive a Loan Estimate laying out the down payment, fees, estimated monthly payment, and more.

This is the time to ask any lingering questions on the terms of the loan such as lending fees, rates, commissions, mortgage points, and any other fine print you may not understand.

Don’t be shy! This is a huge, important decision and you should feel welcome to ask every question twice if you need to.

At this stage, you may even want to consider negotiating your offers. If at all possible, use the competing offers as leverage to obtain better pricing. If the very thought of asking is intimidating to you, just remember that it never hurts to ask and the worst they can say is no. You might be surprised at what you can get by speaking up.

The Takeaway

Finding the right mortgage lender is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in the home-buying process. You’ll want to compare different lenders and choose one you feel comfortable working with and who will answer your questions and get back to you quickly.

The right mortgage lender can help you get the best mortgage, and the best rate, for your needs. Be sure to weigh the options and compare and contrast different loan estimates to find the right deal for you.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.


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What Is a Mortgage? Understanding the Basics

If you’re dreaming of owning your own home, whether that means a cute Colonial or a loft-style condo, you are likely contemplating financing, and that can mean a mortgage. A home loan can give you the funds required to purchase a property, but there can be a learning curve involved, especially if you are a first-time homebuyer. For instance, what term should you select? How do mortgage interest rates work, and is a fixed rate typically best?

In this guide, you’ll get the scoop on how home loans work, what kind of options you have, and how to assess which loan could be right for you.

What is a Mortgage?

A mortgage loan, also known simply as a mortgage, is issued to a borrower who is either buying or refinancing real estate.

The borrower signs a legal agreement that gives the lender the ability to take ownership of the property if the loan holder doesn’t make payments according to the agreed-upon terms.

Once issued a mortgage, the homebuyer will pay monthly principal (that’s the lump sum of the loan) and interest payments for a specific term. The most common term for a fixed-rate mortgage is 30 years, but terms of 20, 15, and even 10 years are available.

A shorter-term translates to a higher monthly payment but lower total interest costs. Put another way, you pay more every month, but the amount of interest over the life of the loan is lower.

💡 Quick Tip: You deserve a more zen mortgage loan. When you buy a home, SoFi offers a guarantee that your loan will close on time. Backed by a $5,000 credit.‡

A Buffet of Mortgage Choices

When homebuyers apply for a loan, they’ll need to choose whether they want a fixed interest rate or an adjustable rate and the length of the loan.

Fixed-Rate Mortgage

The interest rate on the home loan doesn’t change, so the monthly principal and interest payment remains the same for the life of the loan. Whether mortgage rates increase or decrease, the loan holder is locked in for their monthly payment.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)

With an ARM, the interest rate is generally fixed for an initial period of time, such as five, seven, or 10 years, and then switches to a variable rate of interest. The rate fluctuates with the rate index that it’s tied to.

As the rate changes, monthly payments may increase or decrease. These loans generally have yearly and lifetime interest rate caps (or maximums) that limit how high the variable rate can adjust to.

Next, borrowers will need to decide what type of mortgage loan works best for them.

Conventional Loans

Conventional loans are loans that are not backed by a government agency and must adhere to the requirements of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or other investors. Typically, conventional loans are issued with at least 3% down. However, it’s worth noting that private mortgage insurance (commonly known as PMI) is generally required on loans with a down payment of less than 20%.

The coverage protects the lender against the risk of default. Your mortgage servicer must cancel your PMI when the mortgage balance reaches 78% of the home’s value or when the mortgage hits the halfway point of the loan term, if you’re in good standing.

PMI typically costs 0.2% to 2% of the loan amount per year.

Down payment: Generally between 3% and 20% of the purchase price or appraised value of the home, depending on the lender’s requirements.

FHA Loans

Loans insured by the Federal Housing Authority, or FHA loans, can be attractive to first-time homebuyers or those who struggle to meet the minimum requirements for a conventional loan. In a SoFi survey of 500 would-be homeowners conducted in April 2024, 28% of people who had filled out a loan application had applied for this type of loan, and fully 63% of those who filled out an application had applied for some type of government-backed financing.

These loans usually require a one-time upfront mortgage insurance premium (or MIP vs. PMI), which typically can be added to the mortgage, and an annual insurance premium, which is collected in monthly installments for the life of the loan in most cases.

Down payment: Starts at 3.5%

Recommended: First-Time Homebuyer Guide

VA Loans

Loans guaranteed by the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs are available to veterans, active-duty service members, and eligible surviving spouses. SoFi’s survey showed that 12% of potential homebuyers who applied for a loan had filled out a VA loan application.

VA-backed loans require a one-time “VA funding fee,” which can be rolled into the loan. The fee is based on a percentage of the loan amount and may be waived for certain disabled vets. The current range is from 1.5% to 3.3% of the loan amount.

Down payment: None for approximately 80% of VA-backed home loans.

💡 Quick Tip: A VA loan can make home buying simple for qualified borrowers. Because the VA guarantees a portion of the loan, you could skip a down payment. Plus, you could qualify for lower interest rates, enjoy lower closing costs, and even bypass mortgage insurance.†

How Does a Mortgage Work?

There are several components to a monthly mortgage payment.

Principal: The principal is the value of the loan. The portion of the payment made toward the principal reduces how much a borrower owes on the loan.

Interest: Each month, interest will be factored into payments according to an amortization schedule. Even though a borrower’s fixed payment may stay the same over the course of the loan, the amount allocated toward interest generally decreases over time while the portion allocated to principal increases.

Taxes: To ensure that a borrower makes annual property tax payments, a lender may collect monthly property taxes with the monthly mortgage payment. This money can be kept in an escrow account until the property tax bill is due, and the lender can make the property tax payment at that time.

Homeowners insurance: Mortgage lenders usually require evidence of homeowners insurance, which can cover damage from catastrophes such as fire and storms. As with property taxes, many lenders collect the insurance premiums as part of the monthly payment and pay for the annual insurance premium out of an escrow account. Depending on your property location, you may have to add flood, wind, or other additional insurance.

Mortgage insurance: When a borrower presents a down payment of less than 20% of the value of the home, mortgage lenders typically require private mortgage insurance. When developing a budget for owning a home, it’s important to know the difference between mortgage insurance and homeowners insurance and whether both are required.

Reverse Mortgage Loans: What Are They?

A reverse mortgage is available to homeowners 62 and older to supplement their income or pay for healthcare expenses by tapping into their home equity.

The loan can come in the form of a lump-sum payment, monthly payments, a line of credit, or a combination, usually tax-free. Interest accrues on the loan balance, but no payments are required. When a borrower dies, sells the property, or moves out permanently, the loan must be repaid entirely.

The fees for an FHA-insured home equity conversion mortgage, typically the most common type of reverse mortgage, can add up:

•  An initial mortgage insurance premium of 2% and an annual MIP that equals 0.5% of the outstanding mortgage balance

•  Third-party charges for closing costs

•  Loan origination fee

•  Loan servicing fees

You can pay for most of the costs of the loan from the proceeds, which will reduce the net loan amount available to you.

You remain responsible for property taxes, homeowners insurance, utilities, maintenance, and other expenses.

A HUD site details all the criteria for borrowers, financial requirements, eligible property types, and how to find an HECM counselor, a mandatory step.

If you’re considering a reverse mortgage, learn as much as you can about this often complicated kind of mortgage before talking to a counselor or lender, the Federal Trade Commission advises.

How to Get A Mortgage

For many people, it can be a good idea to shop around to get an idea of what is out there.

Not only will you need to choose the lender, but you’ll need to decide on the length of the loan, whether to go with a fixed or variable interest rate, and weigh the applicable loan fees.

The first step is to have an idea of what you want and then seek out quotes from a few lenders. That way, you can do a side-by-side comparison of the loans.

Once you’ve selected a few lenders to get started with, the next step is to get prequalified or preapproved for a loan. Based on a limited amount of information, a lender will estimate how much it is willing to lend you.

When you’re serious about taking out a mortgage loan and putting an offer on a house, the next step is to get preapproved with a lender.

During the preapproval process, the lender will take a closer look at your finances, including your credit, employment, income, and assets to determine exactly what you qualify for. Once you’re preapproved, you’re likely to be considered a more serious buyer by home sellers.

When shopping around for a mortgage, it can be a good idea to consider the overall cost of the mortgage and any fees.

For example, some lenders may charge an origination fee for creating the loan, or a prepayment penalty if you want to pay back the loan ahead of schedule. There may also be fees to third parties that provide information or services required to process, approve, and close your loan.

To compare the true cost of two or more mortgage loans, it’s best to look at the annual percentage rate, or APR, not just the interest rate. The interest rate is the rate used to calculate your monthly payment, but the APR is an approximation of all of the costs associated with a loan, including the interest rate and other fees, expressed as a percentage. The APR makes it easier to compare the total cost of a loan across different offerings so you can assess what is a good mortgage rate for your budget.

The Takeaway

If the world of mortgages feels like a mystery to you, you are not alone. Before taking on this colossal commitment, it can be best to soak up as much as you can about how mortgage loans work, what kinds of mortgages are available, potential challenges, and steps to qualify. You’ll be better prepared to take on what can be a major step in your personal financial journey.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.

Veterans, Service members, and members of the National Guard or Reserve may be eligible for a loan guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. VA loans are subject to unique terms and conditions established by VA and SoFi. Ask your SoFi loan officer for details about eligibility, documentation, and other requirements. VA loans typically require a one-time funding fee except as may be exempted by VA guidelines. The fee may be financed or paid at closing. The amount of the fee depends on the type of loan, the total amount of the loan, and, depending on loan type, prior use of VA eligibility and down payment amount. The VA funding fee is typically non-refundable. SoFi is not affiliated with any government agency.
SoFi On-Time Close Guarantee: If all conditions of the Guarantee are met, and your loan does not close on or before the closing date on your purchase contract accepted by SoFi, and the delay is due to SoFi, SoFi will give you a credit toward closing costs or additional expenses caused by the delay in closing of up to $10,000.^ The following terms and conditions apply. This Guarantee is available only for loan applications submitted after 04/01/2024. Please discuss terms of this Guarantee with your loan officer. The mortgage must be a purchase transaction that is approved and funded by SoFi. This Guarantee does not apply to loans to purchase bank-owned properties or short-sale transactions. To qualify for the Guarantee, you must: (1) Sign up for access to SoFi’s online portal and upload all requested documents, (2) Submit documents requested by SoFi within 5 business days of the initial request and all additional doc requests within 2 business days (3) Submit an executed purchase contract on an eligible property with the closing date at least 25 calendar days from the receipt of executed Intent to Proceed and receipt of credit card deposit for an appraisal (30 days for VA loans; 40 days for Jumbo loans), (4) Lock your loan rate and satisfy all loan requirements and conditions at least 5 business days prior to your closing date as confirmed with your loan officer, and (5) Pay for and schedule an appraisal within 48 hours of the appraiser first contacting you by phone or email. This Guarantee will not be paid if any delays to closing are attributable to: a) the borrower(s), a third party, the seller or any other factors outside of SoFi control; b) if the information provided by the borrower(s) on the loan application could not be verified or was inaccurate or insufficient; c) attempting to fulfill federal/state regulatory requirements and/or agency guidelines; d) or the closing date is missed due to acts of God outside the control of SoFi. SoFi may change or terminate this offer at any time without notice to you. *To redeem the Guarantee if conditions met, see documentation provided by loan officer.
*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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toy house with percentage sign

What Is the Average Down Payment on a House?

You may have heard that 20% is the ideal down payment on a house, but that doesn’t mean you must pony up that amount to become a homeowner. In truth, the average house down payment is considerably smaller. Currently, the median down payment for a house is 15%, according to data from the National Association of Realtors® (NAR).

Here, you’ll learn more about down payments so you can house-hunt like an insider. Getting a sense of what others are paying and how that differs based on geographic area is helpful. We’ll also share how you might access help if you can’t come up with 20%. Armed with this intel, you’ll be better prepared to navigate that major rite of passage: purchasing a home.

Key Points

•   The median down payment for a house in the US ranges widely from 10% to 35% of the purchase price.

•   The amount of the down payment can vary based on factors like loan type, credit score, and lender requirements.

•   A larger down payment can result in lower monthly mortgage payments and potentially better loan terms.

•   Down payment assistance programs and gifts from family members can help with affordability.

•   It’s important to save and plan for a down payment to achieve homeownership goals.

Average Down Payment Statistics

As of 2023, the median down payment for a house was 15%, or $63,908 if you consider that the median national home price in 2023 was $426,056, according to Redfin. This was up slightly from 13% in 2022, according to the NAR. (The median means half of buyers put down less and half put down more; it’s generally considered a better barometer than an average, because the latter can be thrown off by outliers — people who spend wildly more or less than usual.)

This 15% figure shows that the conventional wisdom that you need 20% down to purchase a home is, to a large extent, untrue. In fact, in an April 2024 SoFi survey of prospective homebuyers, many planned to put down far less than 20%. Almost a third of respondents (29%) said they planned to put down 10% or less, and 7% of those surveyed were exploring zero-down-payment options.

A 20% down payment will lower your mortgage amount and monthly payments vs. a smaller down payment, and will allow you to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI), but it’s not the only game in town.

Average Down Payment on a House for First-Time Buyers

First-time buyers make about a third of all home purchases, and the typical down payment for first-time buyers in the NAR survey was 8%, while repeat buyers’ typical down payment was 19%. (Repeat buyers often have money from the sale of their first residence to put toward the purchase of their next one.)

Down Payment Requirements by Mortgage Loan Type

The amount of money you put down on a home may be governed in part by the type of mortgage loan you choose (and conversely, how much money you have saved for a down payment could dictate the type of mortgage you qualify for). Let’s take a look at the different loan types and their down payment requirements.

Remember that if you are buying your first home or you haven’t purchased a residence in three or more years, you may qualify as a first-time homebuyer and be eligible for special first-time homebuyer programs.

Conventional Loan

This is the kind of loan favored by most buyers, and for first-time homebuyers some conventional home loans can allow for as little as 3% down on a home purchase. A repeat homebuyer might need to put down a bit more — say 5%.

FHA Loan

An FHA loan, acquired through private lenders but guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration, allows for a 3.5% minimum down payment if the borrower’s credit score is at least 580.

VA Loan and USDA Loan

These loans usually require no down payment, although there are still other hoops to jump through to qualify for one of these loans.

A VA loan backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is for eligible veterans, service members, Reservists, National Guard members, and some surviving spouses. The VA also issues direct loans to Native American veterans or non-Native American veterans married to Native Americans. For a typical VA loan borrower, no down payment is required.

A USDA loan backed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is for households with low to moderate incomes buying homes in eligible rural areas. The USDA also offers direct subsidized loans for households with low and very low incomes. Typically, a credit score of 640 or higher is needed. While borrowers can make a down payment, one is not required.

Jumbo Loan

A jumbo loan is a loan for an amount over the conforming loan limit, which is set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). In most U.S. counties, the conforming loan limit for a single-family home in 2025 is $806,500. Minimum down payment rules for jumbo loans vary by lender but are generally higher than those for conforming loans. Some lenders require a 10% down payment, and others require as much as 20%.

For all of the above loan types, the home being purchased must be a primary residence in order to qualify for the minimum down payment, but a homebuyer can use a conventional or VA loan to purchase a multifamily property with up to four units if one unit will be owner-occupied.

Average Down Payment by Age Group

The latest NAR Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report breaks down by age the percentage of a home that was financed by homebuyers in 2023.

Older buyers tend to use proceeds from the sale of a previous residence to help fund the new home. Buyers 59 to 68 years old, for instance, put a median of 22% down, the NAR report shows.

Most younger buyers depend on savings for their down payment. Buyers ages 25 to 33 put down a median of 10%, and those ages 34 to 43, 13%. A fortunate 20% of the younger homebuyers (those age 25-33) received down payment help from a friend or relative.

Percentage of Home Financed

All buyers Ages 25-33 Ages 34-43 Ages 44-58 Ages 59-68 Ages 69-77 Ages 78-99
< 50% 15% 6% 8% 15% 22% 31% 29%
50-59% 6% 2% 5% 5% 9% 14% 11%
60-69% 6% 2% 5% 6% 9% 11% 9%
71-79% 13% 13% 14% 14% 12% 9% 15%
80-89% 23% 26% 27% 22% 19% 18% 14%
90-94% 13% 19% 14% 12% 10% 4% 8%
95-99% 14% 22% 17% 12% 8% 4% 7%
100% (financed the whole purchase) 12% 9% 11% 13% 9% 9% 6%

Average Down Payment by State

The average house down payment in any given state is tied to home prices in that location. You can look into the cost of living by state for an overview and then find the median home value in a particular state at a given point in time and estimate what your down payment might be.

The least expensive states in which to buy a home? Iowa, Oklahoma, Ohio, Mississippi, and Louisiana are among them, according to Redfin.

Average Down Payment On a House in California

California, the most populous state and one of the largest by area, is joined by Hawaii and Colorado on many lists of the most expensive states in which to buy a house. Redfin shows a median sales price of $859,300 in California in spring of 2024. A 3% down payment would be $25,779; 10% down, $85,930; and 20% down, $152,260. The Los Angeles housing market is among the toughest in California, with the median sale price up more than 10% in the last year to $1,050,000. You might want to check out housing market trends by city as well if you are interested in finding out where owning a home could be more or less expensive.

Hawaii comes out near the top with a median home price of $754,800. Three percent down would be $22,644; 10% down, $75,480; and 20%, $150,960. In Hawaii, the conforming loan limit is $1,209,750, a reflection of the state’s high home prices. If you need a mortgage for more than that amount in Hawaii, you’ll be in the market for a jumbo loan.

Recommended: How to Afford a Down Payment on Your First Home

First-time homebuyers can
prequalify for a SoFi mortgage loan,
with as little as 3% down.

Source of Down Payment

You’re probably wondering where homebuyers get the money to afford a down payment, especially first-time homebuyers. NAR has polled buyers to probe that question. Not surprisingly, more than half of buyers (53%) simply say they have saved up the money — which of course isn’t simple at all.

Savings is especially likely to fund a home purchase for those ages 25-33. Almost three-quarters of younger buyers rely on it for their down payment. Older buyers also use savings but are more likely to draw on the sale of a primary residence. This is especially true after age 59.

Other down payment sources include gifts from relatives or friends, sale of stock, a loan or draw from a 401K or pension, or an inheritance. For those who don’t have generational wealth or savings to rely on, first-time homebuyer programs can make home ownership possible.

City, county, and state down payment assistance programs are also out there. They may take the form of grants or second mortgages, some with deferred payments or a forgivable balance.

How Does Your Down Payment Affect Your Monthly Payments?

Curious to see what your potential mortgage would look like based on different down payments? Start with a home affordability calculator (like the one below) to get a feel for how much you’ll need to put down and other expenses.

Or use this mortgage calculator to estimate how much your mortgage payments would be, depending on property value, down payment, interest rate, and repayment term.

Should You Aim for 20% Down?

You’re probably wondering if you should try to put 20% down to get a mortgage loan? Not necessarily. It’s an individual decision. Here are some things to consider:

If Your Down Payment Is 20% or More

Putting down at least 20% has benefits:

•  You won’t have to pay for mortgage insurance: If you put down 20% or more with a conventional loan, you won’t be required to pay for PMI, which protects the lender if you were to stop making payments.

•  Your loan terms may be better: Lenders look at an applicant’s credit history, employment stability, income, debt-to-income ratio, and savings. They’ll calculate the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, or what percentage of the home’s purchase price will be covered by the mortgage.

Lenders often provide a better rate to borrowers who have an LTV ratio of 80% or lower — in other words, at least a 20% down payment — because they consider them a better risk.

•  You have instant equity in the property: You borrowed less than you could have, which translates to a lower mortgage payment, less interest paid over the life of the loan, and the potential later to take out a home equity loan.

Recommended: What Do I Need to Buy a House?

If Your Down Payment Is Less Than 20%

If your down payment will be less than 20%, you now know that you’ll have plenty of company. (In SoFi’s survey, 14% of would-be buyers said not having an adequate down payment was their primary challenge.) Consider these ways to optimize the situation:

•  A government loan could be the answer: FHA loans are popular with some first-time buyers because of the lenient credit requirements. The down payment for an FHA loan is just 3.5% if you have a credit score of 580 or more. Just know that upfront and monthly mortgage insurance premiums (MIP) always accompany FHA loans, and remain for the life of the loan if the down payment is under 10%. If you put 10% or more down, you’ll pay MIP for 11 years.

•  You may be able to improve your loan terms: If you can’t pull together 20% for a down payment, you can still help yourself by showing lenders that you’re a good risk. You’ll likely need a FICO® score of at least 620 for a conventional loan. If you have that and other positive factors, you may qualify for a more attractive interest rate or better terms.

•  You can eventually cancel PMI: Lenders are required to automatically cancel PMI when the loan balance gets to 78% LTV of the original value of the home. You also can ask your lender to cancel PMI on the date when the principal balance of your mortgage falls to 80% of the original home value.

You may be able to find down payment assistance: City, county, and state down payment assistance programs are out there, and SoFi’s survey suggests they don’t get enough attention: About half (49%) of the homebuyers who said they were challenged to come up with a down payment hadn’t looked into city or state down payment assistance programs. The assistance may take the form of grants or second mortgages, some with deferred payments or a forgivable balance.

Dream Home Quiz

The Takeaway

What is the average down payment on a house? Currently, it’s about 15% of the home’s purchase price, which usually means mortgage insurance and higher payments for the buyer. But buyers who put less than 20% down on a house unlock the door to homeownership every day. If you want to join them, you can be helped along by low down payments for first-time homebuyers, as well as government loans, down payment assistance, and other programs.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.


Is 10% down payment enough for a house?

Yes. More than a third of all buyers put down 10% or even less to buy a home. Lower down payments are especially common among younger and/or first-time homebuyers.

What is the minimum you should put down on a house?

Conventional wisdom says the minimum down payment is 20%, but most buyers put down less — 15% is far more common. Younger buyers and first-time homebuyers, especially, often put down far less and some home loans allow you to finance 97% or even 100% of the home’s cost.

What factors can affect my down payment requirements?

The amount of down payment you’ll need to come up with depends on your loan type, credit history and credit score, the cost of the property you’re buying, and whether you are a first-time homebuyer.

What are the pros and cons of putting down less than 20% on a house?

Putting down less than 20% on a house might allow you to buy a home sooner. It might also permit you to set aside money for renovations or to pay off other debts. The disadvantage is that those who put down less than 20% usually have to pay for private mortgage insurance which adds to their monthly costs. (Those with FHA loans who put down less than 20% will pay a mortgage insurance premium.)

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

¹FHA loans are subject to unique terms and conditions established by FHA and SoFi. Ask your SoFi loan officer for details about eligibility, documentation, and other requirements. FHA loans require an Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP), which may be financed or paid at closing, in addition to monthly Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP). Maximum loan amounts vary by county. The minimum FHA mortgage down payment is 3.5% for those who qualify financially for a primary purchase. SoFi is not affiliated with any government agency.
Veterans, Service members, and members of the National Guard or Reserve may be eligible for a loan guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. VA loans are subject to unique terms and conditions established by VA and SoFi. Ask your SoFi loan officer for details about eligibility, documentation, and other requirements. VA loans typically require a one-time funding fee except as may be exempted by VA guidelines. The fee may be financed or paid at closing. The amount of the fee depends on the type of loan, the total amount of the loan, and, depending on loan type, prior use of VA eligibility and down payment amount. The VA funding fee is typically non-refundable. SoFi is not affiliated with any government agency.


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12 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

If you’re getting ready to buy your first home, there are probably thousands of questions running through your mind. Questions about location, real estate services, expenses, and more — it’s a huge financial commitment and you probably want to make sure you have the best chance at getting exactly what you want. While it can be a difficult process to navigate, there is help for first-time homebuyers, from resources and advice to first-time homebuyer programs to help you finance a home.

Worried you won’t ever be able to purchase a home? Take a deep breath and a good look at your finances. You can start by reviewing your current financial situation and beginning to save for a down payment. (There are investment accounts and savings options that can help you reach your goal of buying a home, too.) Here are 12 helpful tips for first-time homebuyers.

1. Know Your Credit Score

Your credit score is typically very influential in determining what kind of interest rate you can get on a home mortgage loan. You can get one free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®) every 12 months, and may also be able to view free reports more frequently online. You can review your credit report to spotlight any errors that may affect what lenders are willing to offer you.

If you find any errors, you can report them and have them removed. This process can sometimes take a while, even if the mistakes are obvious, so consider starting a credit report review early on in your home-buying process.

2. Calculate What You Can Afford

Do you know how to figure out how much house you can afford? While the size of your mortgage is generally determined by an evaluation of your personal finances and debt, there are a few rules of thumb that may be relevant.

One general guideline is that your housing costs, including your mortgage payment, should, ideally, be no more than 28% of your gross monthly income.

If you are paying off student loans, credit card debt, or have a car payment, you may want to adjust your budget accordingly. Some people try to keep their debt to 36% of their gross monthly income, so that they can still prioritize financial goals like saving for retirement. (This is just another rule of thumb and everyone’s financial goals are different.)

And having less debt may make you more appealing to mortgage lenders. Understanding how much money you feel comfortable spending on a house can, in turn, impact the properties you consider. As you build your budget, you can also check out SoFi’s mortgage calculator.

The good news is that knowing what you can afford — and sticking to your budget — will help streamline the aspect of homebuying that shoppers say is the most confusing: finding the right property. In an April 2024 SoFi survey of 500 would-be homeowners, 41% said that choosing a property was the most confusing thing, worse even than the process of negotiating with a seller.

3. Look into First-Time Homebuyers’ Programs

While you are evaluating your options and creating your budget, it could be worth looking into some first-time homebuyers’ programs. Some programs offer down payment and closing cost assistance, or loans with reduced interest rates.

There are a variety of options available for first-time homebuyers looking for assistance. For example, the Federal Housing Administration offers a mortgage insured by the FHA. These loans often come with competitive interest rates and allow for smaller down payments.

The USDA also helps first-time homebuyers with a program focused in rural areas. And the VA loan program provides assistance to active duty military members, veterans, and surviving spouses. There are even more first-time homebuyer programs and loans available from various states as well.

4. Understand the Expenses

There are plenty of other expenses that come with purchasing a home beyond your down payment and closing costs. For example, when you’re renting property, you don’t have to worry about property tax or general maintenance. When you own property, you do.

In addition to property tax, you’ll likely also need insurance to protect your new home. And you’ll be responsible for maintaining the property, of course, which can include painting, replacing windows, updating the roof, replacing appliances, and more regular maintenance and upkeep.

You may also need to factor in additional purchases like a lawn mower or professional landscaping if the property you are looking at has a yard. Will you need to buy a snowblower to clear the driveway during long winters? These are all factors that can come into consideration when figuring out the cost of your new home.

Check out our Home Affordability
Calculator to estimate how much house
you can afford.

💡 Quick Tip: Jumbo mortgage loans are the answer for borrowers who need to borrow more than the conforming loan limit values set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency ($806,500 in most places, or $1,209,750 in many high-cost areas). If you have your eye on a pricier property, a jumbo loan could be a good solution.

5. Remember that Location Matters

Location is, obviously, important to many buyers. In some cases, you may have to decide if being in the neighborhood you want is more important than having extra square footage or other, similar trade-offs.

If you have kids or are planning to, you will likely be considering the school district each potential property falls in. Even if you aren’t planning to have kids, it could be worth considering the school district since it can have an impact on the value of your property and could make it easier to sell the house down the line.

6. Plan for the Future

Zoning laws and development plans are another factor to consider when house-hunting. If there is undeveloped land nearby, it can’t hurt to do some digging and see if there are any plans for development.

It may also be worth looking into the property value of other homes in the area. Have they been declining in recent years? If so, this could impact the future value of a home you’re considering.

7. Use Your Imagination

When shopping around for houses, you can take the opportunity to look at a property’s potential, as well as its current value. It’s easy to be distracted by the current owner’s décor, paint, carpet, or other factors that are easy to change. You can easily repaint or update the appliances, but you won’t be able to adjust the location, floorplan, or add rooms to the home as easily.

💡 Quick Tip: Backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), FHA loans provide those with a fair credit score the opportunity to buy a home. They’re a great option for first-time homebuyers.

8. Reserve Cash for Home Improvements

When you’re getting ready to put a down payment on a house, it may be tempting to clean out your savings account. And while that’s completely understandable, keeping your emergency fund close at hand may be a good idea when becoming a homeowner.

After closing costs have been sorted out and you’ve moved into your new home, you might find that unexpected repairs pop up. Having a reserve stash of cash can be helpful if the roof in your new home starts leaking, or you need to replace an appliance.

9. Get a Real Estate Agent

With all of the housing apps and free resources available on the internet, it may seem like a real estate agent is unnecessary. But in reality, navigating the housing market can be tricky and hiring an agent up front can save you time and help make your home-buying experience easier.

While you could spend your time going to open houses and scouring real estate listings, an agent can tailor the home search so that you spend less time looking at houses that don’t meet your criteria. They also can have access to new listings that aren’t yet on the market and may be willing to “preview” homes for you. A real estate agent can also help you navigate the intricacies of contract negotiations and paperwork. If you’re wondering how the real estate agent gets paid take heart: They are typically paid from the seller’s proceeds.

10. Know What to Expect from a Home Inspection

Having a home inspection completed is a critical step in buying a home, yet about a third of prospective homebuyers admit to being confused by this part of the process, according to SoFi’s survey. Inspection procedures vary from state to state, so it can be important to understand what is included in the home inspection in your state, since this is a great chance to truly examine the property and uncover any issues—before they become your issues.

Inspectors should have access to every part of the house including the roof and crawl spaces, and you should be able to attend the inspection yourself.

Don’t be afraid to ask the inspector questions; the more information you have, the better prepared you can be to decide if this is the right house for you.

11. Negotiate the Offer

You’ll have an opportunity to negotiate when you’re making an offer on a house. A lot of factors can influence an offer and negotiating terms in your favor could result in serious savings, especially if you are in a buyer’s market.

If you are working with a real estate agent, they can help give you a good idea of what is considered a reasonable purchase bid by providing comparable sales. A “comparable” is a home similar to the one you are considering (and in the same condition and location) that has sold in the last three months. An agent can help give you an estimated price range and manage your expectations.

12. Find the Right Mortgage

SoFi’s survey found that understanding mortgage options is one of the most befuddling parts of the homebuying process, with 38% of would-be owners admitting they were confused. Before committing to a mortgage, it’s smart to shop around and see what various lenders are willing to offer you. A few things to consider include the interest rates, loan terms, application process (Is it lengthy? Online only?), and any hidden fees included in applying for or repaying the mortgage. Familiarize yourself with the different types of mortgage loans available during this shopping process.

Looking for an affordable option for a home mortgage loan? SoFi can help: We offer low down payments (as little as 3% - 5%*) with our competitive and flexible home mortgage loans. Plus, applying is extra convenient: It's online, with access to one-on-one help.

SoFi Mortgages: simple, smart, and so affordable.

Photo credit: iStock/PeopleImages

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

¹FHA loans are subject to unique terms and conditions established by FHA and SoFi. Ask your SoFi loan officer for details about eligibility, documentation, and other requirements. FHA loans require an Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP), which may be financed or paid at closing, in addition to monthly Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP). Maximum loan amounts vary by county. The minimum FHA mortgage down payment is 3.5% for those who qualify financially for a primary purchase. SoFi is not affiliated with any government agency.


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