What Happens to Students Who Back Out of an Early Decision Offer?

Applying early decision to your top-choice college can give you an admissions advantage. But you’ll want to keep in mind that this comes with a binding agreement — if you get accepted, you are obligated to attend that school.

There are some acceptable reasons for backing out of an early decision offer, like a change in your financial or personal circumstances. But if you simply have a change of heart, you will likely face negative consequences, such as losing any deposits and potential reputation issues with other schools.

Before applying to a college early decision, you’ll want to make sure you understand the commitment you’re making. Read on to find out if early decision is legally binding and how you can get out of early decision without facing penalties.

What Is Early Decision?

Early decision is a college application process in which students apply to their preferred college early in their senior year of high school, typically by November 1 or November 15, depending on the school.

When you apply early decision, you are agreeing that, if accepted, you will attend that school the following fall. As a result, you should not apply to multiple schools under early decision — if you are caught, it can result in one or both schools revoking your acceptance letters.

Colleges let early decision applicants know if they were accepted or not in mid to late December, giving students enough time to apply to other schools should they get rejected. Typical college application deadlines are in early January to mid-February.

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Why Apply for Early Decision?

One of the benefits of applying to college early decision is being able to find out whether or not you’ve been accepted to the school at the top of your list early in the application cycle. If you get in, you can then take a deep breath and relax and not worry about the usual Senior year checklist.

Applying early decision also signifies your commitment to a specific college or university, which may give you a leg up in getting in. Indeed, colleges often have a higher acceptance rate for early decision applicants than for regular decision applicants. For example, Duke University accepted 16.4% of early decision applicants for the class of 2027, while regular applications experienced a 4.8% acceptance rate.

That said, early decision isn’t for everyone. If you’re not sure where you want to go to college, it’s probably not wise to apply early decision. If how to pay for college is a chief concern, keep in mind that you will not be able to compare financial aid packages from other schools if you apply early decision.

How Does Early Decision Compare to Other Admission Deadlines?

Early decision is just one of several college admission deadlines, each with its own pros and cons. Here’s a look at how early decision compares to other admission deadlines.

Early Action

Unlike early decision, early action is non-binding. Students must adhere to the same application deadline as early decision (November 1 or 15), but there’s no obligation to enroll if you’re accepted. Early action applicants can expect a response from the school by mid-December and don’t need to make a decision until May 1. You can apply to more than one school early action, since it’s non-binding.

Regular Decision

Regular decision is the standard application process with a later deadline, typically some time between early January and mid-February. It is non-binding, and students can apply to multiple colleges. Admission decisions for regular decision applicants are usually released in mid-March to early April and require a response by May 1.

Rolling Admissions

Colleges with rolling admission allow you to submit your application within a wide time frame, usually six months or so, and review applications as they come in. Typically, they will then send out admission decisions within four to six weeks, accepting students until all open slots for the incoming class have been filled. Schools with rolling admission generally start accepting applications around September 1 and continue well into the spring semester.

Is There a Penalty for Backing Out of Early Decision?

Early decision isn’t a legal contract, but backing out of an early decision agreement typically has consequences. If a college admits a student under an early decision plan, the expectation is that the student will enroll for the upcoming fall semester and withdraw any early action or regular decision applications from other schools.

Some schools actually require a deposit with your early decision application. If you back out of your agreement, you likely won’t get this money back.

Colleges also communicate with each other. If your early decision school lets other schools know you reneged on your agreement, it could have a negative impact on your applications to schools you are interested in attending.

There are exceptions, however. If you back out of an early decision agreement for a valid reason, you can likely get off the hook without any negative repercussions. For example, you may be able to break your agreement without issue if you receive a financial aid package that’s different from what you anticipated, making it difficult for you to afford the cost of attendance.

Colleges also understand if extenuating circumstances prevent a student from honoring their commitment, including an illness or death in the family that leads a student to defer enrolling for a semester or year.

💡 Quick Tip: Would-be borrowers will want to understand the different types of student loans that are available: private student loans, federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans, Direct PLUS loans, and more.

What to Do if You Can No Longer Attend Your Early Decision School

If you find you have to back out of an early decision offer, you’ll want to get in contact with the college’s admissions department as quickly as possible. The sooner you let them know, the more likely they will be to work with you. They can let you know what your next steps should be. Without a good excuse, however, it is likely any deposits or payments you’ve made so far won’t be refunded.

If your reason for backing out is insufficient financing, you may want to discuss this with the college’s financial aid office. Some schools may be willing to reevaluate a student’s financial aid package if there has been a substantial change in the family’s financial situation.

If you stick with your withdrawal decision, you’ll next need to apply to other colleges, assuming you are still planning to go to college in the fall. Most colleges have an application deadline in January, so if you made the decision to back out of early decision sooner rather than later, you likely still have time.

Keep in mind that if you reneged on your early decision application without a valid reason, the school may share this information with other colleges. As a result, you may want to cast a wide net, including plenty of safety schools.

Recommended: 5 Ways to Start Preparing For College

The Takeaway

Applying to a college early decision requires making a commitment. However, the early decision agreement you (and your parents) sign is not legally binding. In other words, the college can’t force you to pay tuition and come to their school.

If you back out of your early decision agreement for a valid reason, such as not getting the financial aid offer you were expecting or unforeseen change in your circumstances, you may be able to get out of the contract without any negative consequences.

If, on the other hand, you back out simply because you changed your mind, you could potentially lose money (if the school required a deposit with your application) and the school may share this negative information about you with other colleges, doing harm to your reputation.

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Photo credit: iStock/Eva-Katalin

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Much Does It Cost to Make a Will?

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Will?

With costs as low as $10, making a will doesn’t have to be expensive, but you may want to spend more to get exactly what you need.

Granted, the prospect of writing a will can feel boring, morbid, and as if it will be a big drain of time and money. While there’s no doubt that thinking about a world without you in it isn’t “fun,” the peace of mind that people can obtain from making a will, the right will, can be invaluable.

Whether you choose to go with an online template that will guide you through the how-to’s of creating a will or work with an attorney, it’s important to know your options. Let’s dive into that now and see how much making a will costs and which approach is best for you.

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Will?

The cost of a will varies from free to thousands of dollars, depending on whether you do it yourself or work with an attorney. Some people with a fairly straightforward situation (basic assets, one child) may find that an online template provides everything they need at a low cost. In general, however, people with high-net-worth or a complex personal situation, such as needing to provide for a disabled family member, may find it advantageous to work with an attorney.

You may wonder if you need a template at all. Can’t you just take pen to paper to share your wishes? In some states, the answer is yes: A handwritten will is legal. But there are good reasons to not write up a will on a piece of notebook paper. Not only can these take longer to go through probate — a legal process that vets the validity of a will — but a template may help make sure all bases are covered and legally valid.

There are templates online that are free, but some that are state-specific and go into greater depth (say, by guiding you through more questions about your situation) may cost from $40 up to over $100.

If you work with an attorney, you may pay $1,000 or more to create a will. But working with an attorney may be beneficial if you have a complex situation. For example, an attorney can help you create a trust, which can be one way to avoid probate and may provide tax advantages for your heirs. They may also have recommendations for the most tax-advantageous way to set up a will and can also answer any questions that may come up as you make the will.

Regardless of how you create a will, it’s also important to ensure that your will is legal in your state. This may mean having the will notarized or witnessed when you sign. It can also be a good idea to make several copies of the will, and let your executor know where the will can be found.

You also may need to update your will. You can do this via a codicil (this is akin to a PS to your will), but in many cases, it may make sense to create an entirely new will to avoid confusion. You may consider updating or redrafting your will whenever a major life event occurs, such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a new child. If you’re working with a lawyer, ask them how they will handle potential changes and how much they will charge.

💡 Quick Tip: We all know it’s good to have a will in place, but who has the time? These days, you can create a complete and customized estate plan online in as little as 15 minutes.

The Cost to Have a Lawyer Write a Will

Having a lawyer write a will may be the most expensive option at $1,000 or more, depending on where you live and the complexity of the will. However, this path can have its benefits.

Creating an Estate Plan

Working with a lawyer can ensure you cover all bases and potentially create an estate plan. This can maximize tax-savings opportunities for your heirs. As part of this, a lawyer can be helpful in setting up a trust. A trust can be a tax-advantageous way to distribute assets upon your death and help avoid the possibly long and winding process of probate.

Negotiating a Large or Complicated Estate

You also may want a lawyer if you have a large or complicated estate, with a variety of assets, which could be investments, real estate, and the like. Also, if you have a complicated family situation, a lawyer can be very helpful in creating a will that addresses these situations. In this case, scenarios include divorce, remarriage, step-children, or complex (possibly contentious) relationships.

Developing End of Life Documents

When drawing up a will, a lawyer also can make sure that you have all end-of-life documents in place. While “will” can be used as a catchall term for end-of-life documents and directives, other important documents can include:

•   A medical power of attorney

•   A living will or advanced healthcare directive

•   Do-not-resuscitate orders

All of the above documents reflect what would happen if you were no longer able to advocate for yourself and needed someone to make medical decisions for you.

Before you work with a lawyer, make sure you’re clear on the fee structure: Will they charge by the hour? How much will it cost to update things in the future? Is there anything you can do on your own to help save money?

Recommended: What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

Cost Of Writing a Will Yourself

Online templates range from free to several hundred dollars, depending on the complexity and the range of documents provided. Online templates can help guide you through itemizing your assets and can be simple to update if necessary. Here are some details to note:

Online Templates Can Offer a Speed Advantage

Online templates may advertise that wills can be completed in 15 minutes or less. This can be true as long as you have relevant information at your fingertips. Prior to beginning a will (either online or with a pro), it can be helpful to itemize assets and discuss guardianship and executor plans with the people you hope to name prior to starting. This will make the process run more smoothly.

Online Templates May Need Witnessing

Once an online template is filled out, it will likely need to be signed and witnessed to be made legal. Keep this in mind: If you are thinking you can complete your will 100% online and don’t need to leave your home, you may be in for a surprise.

Some online services offer attorney services for an additional cost. This can be a hybrid option that allows you to have a lawyer answer any specific questions while doing the majority of the work yourself.

What’s the Difference Between a Trust and a Will?

You may see the terms trust and will used interchangeably. That’s wrong; a trust is not a will! A trust is a customized estate planning tool that can be helpful to heirs in addition to a will. If you hold assets such as real estate or have a positive net worth, a trust may make sense.

A trust can help your heirs:

•   Avoid probate, the legal (and sometimes lengthy) process in which property is distributed

•   Potentially limit tax implication of any gifts or inheritances

Trusts can be complex, but a fairly simple trust can be created through online templates. Having a trust can help ensure that your assets not only go to the people you intend them to go to, but that your heirs are provided for exactly in the way you intended. The time spent making the trust can pay off in peace of mind, both for you right now and for your heirs in the future.

💡 Quick Tip: It’s recommended that you update your will every 3-5 years, and after any major life event. With online estate planning, changes can be made in just a few minutes — no attorney required.

Does a Will Need to be Notarized?

You’ve taken the time, created a will, and printed it out. You’re done, right? Not so fast! A will usually does need to be signed and watched by a witness.

What’s more, while a will does not always need to be notarized to be valid, it may be in you and your beneficiaries’ best interests to do so. When a will is notarized, it is considered “self-proving,” which helps confirm that you had the mental capacity to create the will and were not under any duress. It proves the validity of the document and therefore can help avoid probate. Notarizing a will is typically a fairly minor expense of up to $15.

While it can be tempting to put off the notarization process (we know, it can be a hassle to find a notary nearby), getting it done immediately ensures that there are no loose ends if the worst were to happen unexpectedly. It can also be a good idea to make sure the will is printed out and put in a safe place, like a bank safe, and that your executor knows where to find it.

What Should You Never Put in a Will?

There are some things you want to sidestep when creating a will. Here are some considerations that can make the probate process more difficult.

•   Certain types of property, including property owned jointly, life insurance, or other accounts with a beneficiary already named.

•   Specific funeral or end of life wishes. The will may not be read until weeks or months after death.

•   “Rules” about who gets what. A will is not the place to put limitations on gifts, such as money only being available if someone were to marry or turn a certain age.

•   Providing money to pets. However, you can set up a trust to ensure that a pet is provided for.

•   Provisions for taking care of a dependent beneficiary. These kinds of long-term care needs can also best be set up in a trust.

In short, a will can’t cover all the what-ifs, but in many cases, a trust can do so. If you’re not sure how to appropriately manage your estate, consider consulting with a lawyer.

The Takeaway

Creating a will does not need to be expensive or time-consuming to be valid. While a trust may make sense for complex needs or if you have a positive net worth, having a will drawn up in the short term can cover your bases, ensure guardianship wishes are met if you have kids, and provide peace of mind now and in the future. Whether you spend $10 or over $1,000 creating one, if you have assets and/or dependents, now is a good time to act!

When you want to make things easier on your loved ones in the future, SoFi can help. We partnered with Trust & Will, the leading online estate planning platform, to give our members 15% off their trust, will, or guardianship. The forms are fast, secure, and easy to use.

Create a complete and customized estate plan in as little as 15 minutes.

Photo credit: iStock/fizkes

Auto Insurance: Must have a valid driver’s license. Not available in all states.
Home and Renters Insurance: Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered trademark of Experian.
SoFi Insurance Agency, LLC. (“”SoFi””) is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through the SoFi-Experian partnership.

Coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria.
Ladder Insurance Services, LLC (CA license # OK22568; AR license # 3000140372) distributes term life insurance products issued by multiple insurers- for further details see ladderlife.com. All insurance products are governed by the terms set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Each insurer has financial responsibility for its own products.
Ladder, SoFi and SoFi Agency are separate, independent entities and are not responsible for the financial condition, business, or legal obligations of the other, SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SoFi) and SoFi Insurance Agency, LLC (SoFi Agency) do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under LadderlifeTM policies. SoFi is compensated by Ladder for each issued term life policy.
Ladder offers coverage to people who are between the ages of 20 and 60 as of their nearest birthday. Your current age plus the term length cannot exceed 70 years.
All services from Ladder Insurance Services, LLC are their own. Once you reach Ladder, SoFi is not involved and has no control over the products or services involved. The Ladder service is limited to documents and does not provide legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique and using documents provided is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How to Read a Car Insurance Declarations Page

How to Read a Car Insurance Declaration Page

Having a copy of your car insurance declaration page is important because it offers an overview of your car insurance policy. Provided by your insurance company, your auto insurance declaration page can help you understand how you are (and aren’t) covered, among other crucial information — which is why it matters to know how you read yours.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to read a car insurance declaration page and also explain how to get an insurance declaration page.

What Is an Insurance Declaration Page?

You can think of your automobile insurance declaration page as a summary of your overall policy, containing key information about your coverage, including which vehicles are covered and how to contact your car insurance agent. (You may hear this summary referred to as a “dec page” for short.)

The information detailed in your dec page is important for each insured driver to have on hand. If you’re involved in an accident or otherwise need to file a claim or contact your agent, this page can guide you through who to contact and what coverages you have. It can also help if you decide to compare policies to see if you’ve got the best deal for the premiums you’re paying.

💡 Quick Tip: Saving money on your fixed costs isn’t always easy. One exception is auto insurance. Shopping around for a better deal really can pay off.

Sample Car Insurance Declaration Page

Elements of your auto insurance declaration page will typically include the following:

•   Contact information

•   Loss payee (lender/lessor)

•   Policy number and coverage dates

•   Premium amounts

•   Insured drivers

•   Vehicle information

•   Coverages

•   Limits

•   Discounts

•   Deductibles

Here’s more about each.

Contact Information

This includes contact information for your insurance agent as well as your own name, address, and phone number.

Loss Payee

This will list any other party with an interest in the vehicle, typically the lender if you’ve financed or the lessor if you’ve leased the vehicle.

Policy Number and Coverage Dates

Just like with your mortgage, credit card account, car loan, and so forth, your auto insurance policy comes with a unique account number so that coverage specifics can be accessed when needed. The insurance policy will also have a beginning and end date, perhaps for a six-month period that can then be automatically renewed, and those dates will appear on the declaration page, allowing you to ensure that you have the current version on hand.

Premium Amounts

This page will also list your current premium amount so you know how much to pay (or how much will be automatically deducted from your account). If the declaration page is for a six-month term, it may show an amount of $660 — and, if the agent accepts quarterly payments, then that would be half of that amount: $660 for six months divided by two, which amounts to $330 for three months. If payments are broken down monthly, that would be $660 divided by six, which comes out to a monthly payment of $110.

Insured Drivers

If only one person is on the policy, then this section is pretty simple: their name will be listed as the insured driver. If multiple people are covered on the policy, then all of the household drivers would be listed by name. A person must be added to and listed on the policy before they can be covered by the insurance; if they’re removed from the policy, an updated auto insurance declaration page should be issued without their name.

Vehicle Information

If only one vehicle is insured under this policy then, again, this section is pretty straightforward. It will include the year, make, model and vehicle identification number (VIN) for the covered vehicle. If multiple household vehicles are covered, information will be listed about each one.

Recommended: How Does Car Insurance Work?

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The automobile insurance declaration page will list the types of coverage included on the auto policy as well as the dollar amounts associated with them. Categories can include:

•   Bodily injury: This covers costs if you cause injuries to other people through an auto accident.

•   Property damage: This covers damage to another person’s car or property (such as a fence or building) if you’re at fault in an auto accident. It can also cover costs for the removal of trees, signs, and other debris as needed after an accident.

•   Medical coverage: This covers medical payments and lost wages if you or a passenger gets injured in the accident. It can also cover funeral costs.

•   Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury: If the other person in the accident isn’t insured or doesn’t have enough insurance to cover the damages incurred, this will kick in to help pay for repairs and other costs.


For each type of coverage listed, there will be limits — sometimes per person and other times per incident. In all states except Florida, liability insurance is required, although laws vary regarding the amounts needed. Some states will require bodily injury and property damage liability, while others may also require uninsured motorist coverage or personal injury protection.

Note that these state requirements list the minimum required, not necessarily how much auto insurance you may really need in case of an accident. If you have a loan on the car, your lender may require comprehensive and collision coverage, even though your state laws don’t require them.

Recommended: 5 Steps to Switching Your Car Insurance


You may receive discounts on your policy, perhaps because of vehicle features (anti-lock brakes or stability control, for example) or because of your driving history. These should be listed on your declaration page along with the vehicles they apply to. Your insurance agent may provide multiple car discounts and/or discounts if you also have a homeowners policy with them, as two more examples.


Deductible specifics should be listed on the auto insurance declaration page as well. The deductible (an important auto insurance term to know) is the amount you’re required to pay out of pocket before your insurance policy kicks in to pay the rest, subject to policy limits.

Coverage types, such as collision, personal injury, and uninsured motorist, can each have their own deductibles — perhaps $500 or $1,000 each. In general, a low deductible policy comes with higher premiums, while a high deductible generally has lower premiums.

💡 Quick Tip: If your car is paid off and worth only a few thousand dollars, consider updating your car insurance: You might choose to opt out of collision coverage and double down on liability.

How to Get Your Insurance Declaration Page

When you buy a new car insurance policy or change a current one, you should receive a copy of your new or updated automobile declaration insurance page. If you can’t find your copy, you can often download one from your insurance agent’s website or through their mobile app.

If the website doesn’t have that feature or you don’t want to go that route, there are other options for how to get an insurance declaration page. In that case, you could contact your agent for another copy, which could be a hard copy or a digital one.

The Takeaway

The auto insurance declaration page serves as a summary of your policy, including coverages, premiums, covered vehicles, deductibles, and more. Knowing how to read yours will allow you to know how much you’re protected in case of an accident and how to contact your insurer. It makes sense to have a current copy of your declaration insurance page in your records where it’s easily accessible. Additionally, your auto insurance declaration can be helpful if you want to shop around for auto insurance rates.

When you’re ready to shop for auto insurance, SoFi can help. Our online auto insurance comparison tool lets you see quotes from a network of top insurance providers within minutes, saving you time and hassle.

SoFi brings you real rates, with no bait and switch.

Photo credit: iStock/Drazen_

Auto Insurance: Must have a valid driver’s license. Not available in all states.
Home and Renters Insurance: Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered trademark of Experian.
SoFi Insurance Agency, LLC. (“”SoFi””) is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through the SoFi-Experian partnership.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Is Supplemental Life Insurance?

What Is Supplemental Life Insurance?

Supplemental life insurance is typically an additional policy that you can purchase to augment the group life insurance policy obtained via your employer.

These policies can provide extra peace of mind when it comes to protecting your loved ones, but is more insurance always better? You may wonder whether purchasing this kind of policy is a good idea or not worth the added expense. Let’s take a closer look to see whether supplemental life insurance makes sense for your situation.

Understanding Supplemental Life Insurance

Supplemental life insurance is a policy taken out in addition to basic coverage, which might be term or permanent life insurance. You can often purchase a supplemental policy through an employer to augment what they offer as an employee benefit. However, these policies don’t have to be secured through your job. We’ll learn more about that in a minute.

Some of these policies come with a death benefit, a lump sum payment that goes to the beneficiaries you’ve named (the loved ones who will inherit the money). Others may be a different kind of policy; say, one that pays funds that are earmarked to pay for funeral expenses. Depending on the details of your life, these add-ons may be an inexpensive way to boost your protection and sense of security.

💡 Quick Tip: With life insurance, one size does not fit all. Policies can and should be tailored to fit your specific needs.

Do You Need Supplemental Life Insurance?

Deciding whether or not to buy a supplemental policy is a very personal decision. To help figure out the right answer for your situation, it may help to ask yourself and answer a few questions. Let’s consider some of those here.

Does Your Employer Provide Life Insurance?

Because supplemental insurance is meant to enhance the life insurance policies you already have, check to see if your employer offers basic life insurance as a benefit. If so, how much? Many times, employers offering this insurance will provide a multiple of the employee’s current salary. Other times, it’s significantly less — $10,000 to $25,000 worth of coverage is common. Those are figures that many people will find too low to provide the kind of protection they’d like.

If you feel you don’t have enough protection, you may want to look for ways to boost your coverage so that in a worst-case scenario, you know your loved ones will have enough money to cover their expenses. Perhaps your employer offers supplemental policies that will get you to the level of life insurance coverage that you desire. Otherwise, you can also look on the open market for primary or supplemental policies.

Have Your Compared Life Insurance Rates?

If you haven’t compared prices of life insurance rates in a while (or ever), you might want to give it a try. Just because an employer offers life insurance, including supplemental coverage, you may not want to buy it. You may discover that you can get enough life insurance through a standard policy without adding a supplemental one.

You can quickly get quotes by calling an insurance agent or, to save even more time, from a website that provides them from multiple companies. When looking at the quote that gives you the best coverage for the most affordable premiums, would you still need a supplemental policy? The answer may be no. There’s a good deal of competition in the marketplace and great deals to be found.

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How Is Your Health?

First, let’s understand that your health rating is a key factor in buying life insurance on the open market. Rates tend to be lower when you are healthier and younger. Health is typically assessed by the insurer asking you questions about your medical status and possibly having you submit to a brief health exam that involves the collection of blood and urine samples.

While plenty of life insurance policies require health exams and/or medical records, many insurers also offer lab-free options that don’t require medical exams (although you’ll almost certainly need to answer health-related questions). These are often the kind employers offer employees. Typically, these policies are for people who fit into certain age groups and other categories in which they’re likely to be healthy. These lab-free policies are often available for up to $1 million.

Now that you know how this works, understand the implications of your health status. If you have an underlying health condition, are a smoker, or have other qualifying factors, you would probably pay more for life insurance if you went shopping on the open market. In these cases, buying a supplemental policy through your job could be a good way to get coverage at a relatively low cost.

Do You Need Portable Coverage?

Before you sign up for a supplemental policy, consider whether it’s portable. “Portability” is your ability to keep certain benefits if you switch your place of employment or leave the workforce entirely — in this case, your life insurance. If you’re thinking about changing jobs or have reason to believe that you may not work at your current employer for much longer, it’s important to know if your life insurance is portable.

How Much Supplemental Life Insurance Should You Buy?

A common recommendation is to carry 10 to 15 times your annual income in life insurance coverage. Your goal is to choose a policy that would replace the income you would have brought in if you weren’t around to provide for your family. So, if you multiply your salary by those numbers and then subtract what you have in your “regular” life insurance policy, that can be a starting point to determine how much supplemental insurance makes sense.

If you make $50,000 a year and multiply by 10 or 12, that’s $500,000 to $600,000 in coverage you want to purchase. (You might want to bump it up a bit to account for inflation.) So, if you have a term life insurance policy for $500,000, you might decide to get a supplemental policy for $200,000.

Now, factor in your outstanding debt. Life insurance payouts can be used to pay them off, including mortgage loans, car loans, student loans, credit cards, and so forth. So, if you have these debts, you can add their outstanding balances up and consider adding those amounts to your life insurance needs. If, for example, these debts total $300,000, you might bump up the supplement policy example above to $500,000.

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Types of Supplemental Life Insurance

We’ve been focusing on one kind of supplemental insurance, a popular option that lets you increase the overall life insurance coverage you own. This kind of policy would pay a lump-sum death benefit to your beneficiaries. If you purchase this, it’s an employee benefit that can increase the amount of coverage that you own (although you may be responsible for part of all of those premiums albeit at a group rate).

But let’s consider some other possibilities that may be offered:

•   Supplemental spouse life insurance. This kind of insurance provides a death benefit if the employee’s spouse dies and may also be called supplemental family life insurance. Employees may also have the option to buy supplemental child life insurance to cover the death of a child or other dependent who qualifies.

•   Accidental death and dismemberment. This provides coverage to your beneficiaries if you are killed or lose physical function in a type of accident that’s covered in the policy. Depending on the kind of work you do or the pastimes you pursue, this may or may not suit your needs. With AD&D insurance, you could receive a benefit, say, if you were to lose your eyesight, your hearing, or limb in an accident. But it won’t provide any benefit if you die due to other medical conditions, which are more likely to occur.

•   Final expenses. These policies pay a small benefit (typically between $5,000 and $35,000) to cover end-of-life expenses, such as funeral and burial costs. Some people like to have this kind of coverage, which means your loved ones wouldn’t have to pay out of pocket for these charges.

How Much Coverage Can You Get Through Work?

It’s worthwhile to evaluate what life insurance options are available through your work. Employers may offer lower rates since they get a group insurance rate. Also, it’s also possible that your employer would pay part of your premiums. It’s typically easier to get insured through a group plan. While you may need to answer medical questions, it’s less likely that you’ll need a medical exam for group insurance.

Group plans through your employer, though, are usually not portable. This means that if you leave that employer, the coverage ends and then you’ll need to shop around again — now at an older (although not necessarily old) age and perhaps with new health conditions. Plus, these plans aren’t as customizable as you might get on your own.

How Much Does Supplemental Life Insurance Cost?

If your employer offers this benefit as part of a group policy, the cost may be minimal, especially if the workplace subsidizes the premiums.

Otherwise, it can make sense to get personalized quotes, given that age, gender, health conditions, amount of the policy, term, and more can impact the price. There are online calculators that can help you do the math and see how the numbers add up.

💡 Quick Tip: Term life insurance coverage can range from $100K to $8 million. As your life changes, you can increase or decrease your coverage.

The Takeaway

To recap: What is supplemental life insurance? It’s a policy that enhances a person’s primary life insurance policy. It helps to ensure that they have enough financial benefit to protect their loved ones if they weren’t there to provide for them.

While supplemental policies through your employer can be affordable, they may not deliver the level of coverage you need. Take a close look at your options, and take advantage of the simple online tools that can help you find the kind of policy you need at the right price.

SoFi has partnered with Ladder to offer competitive term life insurance policies that are quick to set up and easy to understand. Apply in just minutes and get an instant decision. As your circumstances change, you can update or cancel your policy with no fees and no hassles.

Explore your life insurance options with SoFi Protect.

Photo credit: iStock/Kemal Yildirim

Coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria.
Ladder Insurance Services, LLC (CA license # OK22568; AR license # 3000140372) distributes term life insurance products issued by multiple insurers- for further details see ladderlife.com. All insurance products are governed by the terms set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Each insurer has financial responsibility for its own products.
Ladder, SoFi and SoFi Agency are separate, independent entities and are not responsible for the financial condition, business, or legal obligations of the other, SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SoFi) and SoFi Insurance Agency, LLC (SoFi Agency) do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under LadderlifeTM policies. SoFi is compensated by Ladder for each issued term life policy.
Ladder offers coverage to people who are between the ages of 20 and 60 as of their nearest birthday. Your current age plus the term length cannot exceed 70 years.
All services from Ladder Insurance Services, LLC are their own. Once you reach Ladder, SoFi is not involved and has no control over the products or services involved. The Ladder service is limited to documents and does not provide legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique and using documents provided is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Grades Affect Your Student Loans

Do Grades Affect Financial Aid? All You Need to Know

The office of Federal Student Aid provides over 10 million college students with more than $112 billion in grant, work-study, and student loan funds each year to help pay for college or career school. However, there are situations where students can lose their financial aid.

Students will want to consider how their grades affect financial aid to avoid having federal college aid taken away. Generally, you’ll need to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) each term to continue receiving federal financial aid, but you may be able to regain lost aid by filing a financial aid appeal.

If you’ve received aid through private scholarships or grants, you may need to meet their minimum requirements to remain eligible for gift aid. Private lenders may also have minimum GPA requirements, but these vary by lender.

Types of Financial Aid

There are many types of financial aid available to college students from the federal government, states, schools, and private sources. These sources can be used to cover most higher education costs, such as tuition and fees, room and board, and books.

According to the annual Sallie Mae/Ipsos survey How America Pays for College, the 2023 survey found that while parent income and savings covered 50% of college costs, families still heavily relied on financial aid to cover the other half.

Grants & Scholarships

College grants and scholarships are a form of financial aid that can help make college more affordable because they don’t usually need to be repaid. The U.S. Department of Education, colleges, and universities award an estimated $95 billion in grant and scholarship money to students each year. The Sallie Mae survey also found that scholarships and grants covered approximately 29% of school costs for families during the 2022-2023 academic year.

The biggest differences between college grants and scholarships are where the funds come from, eligibility requirements, and the application process. Grants are typically given based on financial need while most scholarships are merit-based. Scholarships are awarded to students based on their academic or athletic achievements, extracurricular activities, fields of study, and more.

💡 Quick Tip: You can fund your education with a low-rate, no-fee private student loan that covers all school-certified costs.

Federal Work-Study

Federal work-study is a form of financial aid that offers students funds for part-time employment on campus. Several factors determine whether a student is eligible to participate in the federal work-study program, including their family’s income and the student’s enrollment status at the school.

As with other forms of federal financial aid, a student’s grades affect their eligibility. Students are expected to make SAP, which is a school’s standard for satisfactory academic progress toward a degree or certificate.

Student Loans

Student loans can either come from the federal government or private lenders. To qualify for a federal student loan, students must demonstrate financial need, fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program at least half-time, and maintain SAP.

Another option is to take out a private student loan; however, this is generally only considered after all other options have been exhausted. Private student loans don’t have the same criteria as federal student loans and may lack borrower protections, like options for deferment. Private lenders can set their own terms and repayment plans so you should read the loan terms closely before making any borrowing decisions.

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How Grades May Affect Financial Aid

Academic goals in college are common, and if you find yourself struggling in school, you may be wondering how grades affect financial aid.

State and federal financial aid, such as grants, loans, and work-study, require students to maintain satisfactory academic progress while working toward a degree. Academic performance is evaluated based on each school’s individual policy.

Your school’s policy will tell you what grade point average (GPA) or equivalent you must maintain, the minimum number of credit hours you need, the required pace of course completion, maximum time frame allowed, and more.

As far as how grades affect financial aid, federal regulations state that students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA, or a grade of “C”, on a 4.0 scale. Additionally, students must complete at least 67% of cumulative credits attempted, and progress through their undergraduate program no longer than 150% of the published length of the educational program.

Private scholarships and grants may have their own academic requirements. Dropping below the minimum requirements could result in termination of the scholarship or grant money for the following term but typically does not require repayment. If you receive a scholarship or grant, make sure you read the fine print to see if your grades affect your financial aid.

💡 Quick Tip: Parents and sponsors with strong credit and income may find much lower rates on no-fee private parent student loans than federal parent PLUS loans. Federal PLUS loans also come with an origination fee.

Do Grades Affect Private Student Loans?

Typically, no. However, each lender has different eligibility criteria for student borrowers. Similar to other types of loans, private student loans are given based on factors including your finances and credit history and, depending on the lender, there may or may not be a GPA requirement. Private lenders usually care more about your ability to repay the loan than your grades, but again, each lender is different.

If you’re interested in a private student loan, check with the lender to see if there are any student loan GPA requirements before making your decision.

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Regaining Lost Financial Aid Due to Low Grades

Have you lost financial aid due to low grades? You may still be able to get it back. Losing financial aid due to low grades means you aren’t satisfying your school’s SAP requirements.

Visit a Financial Aid Office

One of the first things to do after losing financial aid due to low grades is to visit your school’s financial aid office to discuss your options. Your financial aid office can help you formulate a plan to improve your grades so that your financial aid can be reinstated.

Make sure to ask about the requirements for the financial aid that you are or were receiving and find out if you’re able to file a financial aid appeal.

File a Financial Aid Appeal

You can file a financial aid appeal, or a SAP appeal, if your school allows it and if the poor performance was due to circumstances outside of your control. There must be a link between poor performance and the special circumstance. Some acceptable situations include:

•   Death of a relative

•   Severe personal injury or illness

•   Other special circumstances determined by the school

If you can prove your lower grade directly correlates to one of these situations, then it may be possible for you to regain your financial aid. Check your college’s website for directions and for more information on filing a SAP appeal.

Explore Private Student Loans from SoFi

Your grades do affect your financial aid and federal student loans. If your cumulative GPA dips below a 2.0, you will no longer be considered to be in good academic standing. However, if your low grades are due to extenuating circumstances, you can try to appeal. Other forms of financial aid, like private grants and scholarships, may also have their own set of academic requirements.

If you’ve exhausted all federal student aid options, no-fee private student loans from SoFi can help you pay for school. The online application process is easy, and you can see rates and terms in just minutes. Repayment plans are flexible, so you can find an option that works for your financial plan and budget.

Cover up to 100% of school-certified costs including tuition, books, supplies, room and board, and transportation with a private student loan from SoFi.


Can financial aid be taken away for bad grades?

Grades can affect your financial aid, and academic performance is evaluated based on each school’s individual SAP policy. You must remain in good academic standing to keep any type of state or federal financial aid, such as grants, loans, and work-study. Private scholarships and grants may also have their own set of requirements to keep any gift aid.

While private lenders typically don’t have any student loan GPA requirements, each lender is different.

Do you get more financial aid if you get good grades?

Most federal financial aid programs do not take your grades into consideration when determining how much financial aid to give. However, bad grades can hurt your federal financial aid availability.

Good grades are even more important to recipients of merit scholarships and some grants but there are scholarships that do not take grades or GPA into consideration.

Will my FAFSA be affected if I fail a class?

As long as you make SAP, one failed class won’t affect your FAFSA.

Photo credit: iStock/harunhalici

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See SoFi.com/eligibility-criteria for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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