What Is Excess Margin & How Do You Use It?

What Is Excess Margin & How Do You Use It?

The excess margin in a trading account indicates how much available funds it contains above the required minimum amounts. Knowing your excess margin helps determine how many securities you can trade on margin, as well as how much you can withdraw from your account to use for other purposes.

In other words, knowing your excess margin helps an investor get a better idea of their overall buying power, which can be critical in guiding investing decisions.

Key Points

•   Excess margin in a trading account indicates available funds above the required minimum.

•   It provides a gauge of overall buying power, influencing investment decisions.

•   Excess margin can be used as collateral for margin loans or withdrawn.

•   A Special Memorandum Account holds the excess margin from a trading account.

•   Understanding and managing excess margin is crucial to maintaining account standing and leveraging investment strategies.

What Is Excess Margin?

Excess margin is a trading account‘s equity above the legal minimum required for a margin account, or the amount of equity above the broker’s maintenance margin requirement.

Excess margin is generated from cash or securities a trader deposits in a margin account above required levels. Excess margin can be used as collateral for margin loans, or it may be withdrawn from the account. It is important to monitor your excess margin ratio so you can keep your account in good standing.

Special Memorandum Account

A special memorandum account (SMA) is where excess margin generated from a margin trading account is held. Trading margin is also sometimes called usable margin, available margin, or “free” margin — but to be clear, “free” margin isn’t free in the sense that it doesn’t involve interest charges or fees, it’s “free” in that it’s not tied up in a current position.

Excess margin, on the other hand, is only the margin above the required minimum.

Understanding Trading Margin Excess

Trading margin excess tells you how much buying power you have, but no trader should feel compelled to use all of it just because it is there. Excess cash margin can be thought of as funds left over after you have taken positions during the trading day. You can use excess margin to buy new positions or add to an existing holding.

Understanding how to trade excess margin requires a grasp of how margin accounts work. A margin account allows you to borrow from a broker if you meet initial margin requirements. You will need the greater of either the $2k minimum margin requirement or 50% of the security’s purchase price in your account to buy on margin. For example, if you were to purchase 10 shares of a stock trading at $30, 50% is $1,500.

Since that is less than $2,000, you’ll need to deposit $2,000 in order to purchase the 10 shares on margin. On the other hand, if you wanted to purchase 10 shares of a stock selling for $50, 50% is $2,500 — and you would need to deposit $2,500, not $2,000, in order to make your purchase on margin.In the United States, Regulation T set by the Federal Reserve states that a trader with a margin account can borrow up to 50% of the purchase price of a stock (assuming the stock is fully marginable).

There are also maintenance margin requirements set at 25% by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) — your equity relative to your account value must not fall below that threshold. Finally, a broker might set stricter margin requirements than the governing authorities.

The value of assets in a margin account that exceeds these requirements is the excess margin deposit. Since you are trading with leverage, the maintenance margin excess amount indicates how much is left that you can borrow against — it is not actual cash remaining in your account. According to FINRA, maintenance margin excess is the amount by which the equity in the margin account exceeds the required margin.

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*For full margin details, see terms.

Risks and Benefits of Excess Margin

An account is in good standing as long as it has margin levels above those set by regulators and the broker. There are dangers with trading excess margin securities, though. Since you trade with leverage in a margin account, there is the risk that your account value could drop dramatically if the market goes against you. Your account can be in good standing one day, but then face a margin call the next day.

If your account violates margin requirements, you will be faced with a margin call. To meet the call, you must deposit cash, deposit marginable securities, or liquidate securities you own. If you do not meet the call, your broker can perform a forced sale. In extreme cases, your account’s trading privileges can be suspended.

On the upside, there is potential to make larger profits by trading on margin. Returns are amplified by leverage. You can also benefit from declining share prices by short selling (it’s worth noting that margin requirements are different for short selling — 30% in most cases). There are other benefits when trading on margin so long as you maintain excess margin. You can use your margin account for loans by borrowing against your assets, often at a competitive interest rate. Margin trading also lets you diversify a concentrated portfolio.

Excess Margin Risks vs Benefits



Trading with leverage can amplify losses Trading with leverage can amplify returns
A broker can perform a forced sale if you face a margin call Excess margin tells you how much money you can use for new purchases or to withdraw from the account
You can lose more than what you put in during extreme events You can hold a diversified portfolio and short positions

What Is an Excess Margin Deposit?

An excess margin deposit is the collateral held in a margin account that is above required margin levels. When the value of your excess margin deposit drops under the required margin amount, you might face a margin call. An excess margin deposit is calculated as the difference between an account’s value and its minimum maintenance requirement. Required margin levels are often higher for equity and options trading accounts versus futures trading accounts.

Managing excess margin securities is important when trading. If you trade positions without understanding risk, then you are more likely to eventually get hit with a margin call. A way to manage excess margin is to trade securities and positions sizes that fit your risk and return preferences.

💡 Quick Tip: When you’re actively investing in stocks, it’s important to ask what types of fees you might have to pay. For example, brokers may charge a flat fee for trading stocks, or require some commission for every trade. Taking the time to manage investment costs can be beneficial over the long term.

Excess Margin Deposit Example

An example helps illustrate what excess margin is. Let’s say your margin trading account has $50,000 of unmargined securities. The Reg T requirement dictates that your initial margin is $25,000 (a 50% margin requirement), so excess initial margin is $25,000. Assuming a 25% maintenance margin requirement, $12,500 of equity must be kept after opening the account.

With $25,000 of equity, there is $12,500 of excess margin above the 25% maintenance margin requirement. You can buy more securities with that amount or withdraw it to use for other purposes.

If the account value drops to $45,000, then your equity has fallen to $20,000 ($45,000 of stocks minus the $25,000 loan). Assuming the account has a 25% maintenance requirement, the account would need to have equity of at least $11,250 (25% of $45,000). With $20,000 of equity, the account meets the requirements and is in good standing.

The Takeaway

Excess margin is your margin trading account’s equity above all margin requirements. It is a balance that tells you how much more securities you can buy on margin. The excess cash margin also indicates how much you can pull from the account to use for other purposes.

Excess margin, conceptually, is related to an investor’s buying power, which is why it’s important to understand. There are also rules and regulations in the mix, such as Regulation T, which investors need to keep in mind, too, and risks related to margin calls.

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What happens if you go over margin?

If you go over margin, you might be faced with a margin call. A margin call happens when your excess margin deposit falls below zero. Satisfying a margin call involves depositing more cash or securities or liquidating existing holdings to bring the account’s excess margin ratio back within proper limits.

What is excess intraday margin?

Excess intraday margin is the amount of funds in a margin trading account above the intraday margin requirement. It is a balance that tells you how much money is in the account above an intraday margin requirement. Intraday margin is also referred to as day trading margin if you engage in pattern day trading. Note: There are different requirements for a pattern day trader.

Can margin trading put you in debt?

In extreme circumstances, trading excess margin securities can put you in debt due to positions losing value and margin interest being owed. Margin calls issued by brokers help to reduce this risk since the calls require the trader to deposit more funds into the account or liquidate existing holdings. If the trader does not act, the broker might automatically sell securities. If the trader has borrowed too much and market movements are drastically against the trader, equity can turn negative.

Photo credit: iStock/Geber86

*Borrow at 11%. Utilizing a margin loan is generally considered more appropriate for experienced investors as there are additional costs and risks associated. It is possible to lose more than your initial investment when using margin. Please see SoFi.com/wealth/assets/documents/brokerage-margin-disclosure-statement.pdf for detailed disclosure information.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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What Is a Put Option? How They Work and How to Trade

What Is a Put Option? How They Work and How to Trade Them

Editor's Note: Options are not suitable for all investors. Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Please see the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options.

Key Points

•   A put option grants the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specific security at a predetermined price by a certain date.

•   Put options are used to speculate on price declines or hedge against potential losses in underlying assets.

•   The value of a put option increases as the price of the underlying asset decreases.

•   There are three positions for a put option relative to the asset’s price: in-the-money, at-the-money, and out-of-the-money.

•   Trading put options requires careful consideration of the underlying asset’s current price, expected price movements, and the premium cost of the option.

What Is a Put Option?

In options trading, a put option is the purchase of a contract that gives an investor the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specific security at a certain price by a certain date. Put options are different from call options, the purchase of which gives buyers the right, but not the obligation, to buy a particular security at a certain price by a certain date.

Investors can use put options to trade a variety of securities, including stocks, bonds, futures and commodities. Trading options can potentially lead to greater returns, but it can also amplify losses, making it a potentially riskier strategy.

Understanding certain options terminology — including what a put option is and how it works — can be helpful if you’re thinking about incorporating options trading strategies into your portfolio.

Options Basics

Before digging into the details of put options, it’s helpful to understand a little about how options trading works in general. An option is a contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying security at a certain price — this is called the strike price. Options must also be exercised by a specific expiration date.

An investor who buys an options contract pays a premium to do so, which can be determined by the volatility of the underlying asset and the option’s expiration date. If the option holder does not exercise the option by the expiration date, they lose their right to buy or sell the underlying security and the option has no value.

Options are derivative investments, since they derive their value from the underlying assets. They can be bought and sold on an exchange, just like the underlying assets they’re associated with.

Finally, user-friendly options trading is here.*

Trade options with SoFi Invest on an easy-to-use, intuitively designed online platform.

How Does a Put Option Work?

A put option is a specific type of options contract. Here’s an example: The buyer of the put option has the right, but not the obligation, to sell shares of an underlying asset at the agreed-upon strike price up until the option’s expiration date. Meanwhile, the seller of the put option has an obligation to buy those shares from the buyer if the buyer chooses to exercise the put option.

Put options increase in value as the price of the underlying security decreases. Likewise, put options lose value as the price of the underlying stock increases. Depending on where the underlying asset’s price is in relation to a put option’s strike price, the option can be one of the following:

•   In the money: An in-the-money put option has a strike price that’s higher than the underlying asset’s price.

•   At the money: An at-the-money (or on-the-money) put option has a strike price that’s equal to the underlying asset’s price.

•   Out of the money: An out-of-the-money put option has a strike price that’s below the underlying asset’s price.

Of the three, the in-the-money put option is more desirable because it means a put option has intrinsic value. If you’re the buyer of a put option and that option is in the money, it means you can sell the underlying asset for more than what it’s valued at by the market.

Recommended: In the Money (ITM) vs Out of the Money (OTM) Options

Put Option Example

An example might make things even more clear.

Assume you own shares of XYZ stock. The stock is currently trading at $50 a share but you believe its price will dip to $40 per share in the near future.
You purchase a put option which would allow you to sell the stock at its current price of $50 per share. The options contract conveys the right to sell 100 shares of the stock, with a premium of $1 per share.

If your hunch about the stock’s price pays off and the price drops to $40 per share, you could exercise the option. This would allow you to sell each of the 100 shares in the contract for $10 more than what it’s worth, resulting in a gross profit of $1,000. When you factor in the $1 per share premium, your net profit ends up being $900, less any commission fees paid to your brokerage.

Difference Between Put and Call Option

It’s important to understand the difference between put and call options in trading. A call option is an options contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase shares of an underlying asset at the strike price by the expiration date. The seller of the call option is obligated to sell those shares to the call option buyer, should they decide to exercise the option.

Like put options, call options can also be in the money, at the money, or out of the money. An in-the-money call option has a strike price that’s below the underlying asset’s actual price. An out-of-the-money call option has a strike price that’s above the underlying asset’s actual price.

Here’s a simple way to think of the differences between put options and call options: With buying put options, the goal is to sell an underlying asset for more than its market value. With buying call options, the goal is to buy an underlying asset for less than what it’s worth.

Pros and Cons of Trading Put Options

Options trading may appeal to a certain type of investor who’s comfortable moving beyond stock and bond trading. Like any other investment, put options can have both advantages and disadvantages. Weighing them both in the balance can help you decide if options trading is something you should consider pursuing.

Pros Cons

•   Low initial investment required compared to trading stocks.

•   The option buyer has the right but no obligation to sell the underlying asset.

•   Higher return potential, on a percentage basis.

•   Losses may be amplified.

•   The option seller has the obligation to buy the underlying asset at the strike price if the buyer decides to execute the contract, which could result in greater downside for the seller.

•   Unforeseen volatility may drastically affect price movements.

Pros of Trading Put Options

•   Lower investment. When you purchase a put option, you’re paying a premium and your brokerage’s commission fees. When you purchase shares of stock, you may be investing hundreds or even thousands of dollars at a time. Between the two, put options may be more attractive if you don’t want to tie up a lot of cash in the markets.

Also, buying a put option gives you the right to sell a particular asset at a set strike price but you’re not required to do so. You can always choose to let the option expire; you’d just be out the premium and commission fees you paid.

•   Return potential. Trading put options can be lucrative if you’re able to sell assets at a strike price that’s well above their actual price. That might result in a higher profit margin than if you were trading the underlying asset itself.

Cons of Trading Put Options

•   Loss amplification. While trading put options can potentially lead to better returns, it can also potentially amplify your losses. If you’re selling put options, you’re obligated to sell the underlying asset at the strike price, even if that strike price is not in your favor.

•   Volatility. Volatility can threaten returns with put options if an asset’s price doesn’t move the way you were expecting it to. So it’s possible you might walk away with lower gains than anticipated if you choose to exercise a put option during a period of heightened volatility.

How Do You Trade Put Options?

It’s possible to trade put options inside an online brokerage account that allows for options trading (not all of them do). When deciding which put options contracts to buy, it’s important to consider:

•   Where the underlying asset is trading currently

•   Which way you think the asset’s price is most likely to move

•   How much of a premium you’re willing to pay to purchase an options contract

It’s also important to consider the expiration date for a put option. Keep in mind that options with a longer expiration period may come with a higher premium.

Different Put Option Styles

There’s a difference between European-style and American-style put options.

With European-style options, you can only exercise the option on its expiration date.

With American-style put options you can exercise the option at any time between the date you purchased it and its expiration date, offering more flexibility for the investor.

Put Option Trading Strategies

Different options trading strategies can be used with put options. These strategies vary in terms of reward potential and risk exposure. As you get more familiar with how to trade stock puts, you might begin exploring more advantaged techniques. Here are some of the most common put option plays.

Long Put

A long put strategy involves purchasing a put option with the expectation that the underlying asset’s price will fall. For example, you might want to buy 100 shares of XYZ stock which is trading at $100 per share, which you believe will drop to $90 per share. If the stock’s price drops to $90 or below, you could exercise your contract at the higher $100 per share price point.

Short Put

A short put is the opposite of a long put. In a short put strategy, you’re writing or selling the put option with the expectation that the underlying security’s price will rise or remain above the strike price until it expires. The payoff comes from being able to collect the premium on the option even if the buyer doesn’t exercise it.

Recommended: How to Sell Options for Premium

Married Put

A married put strategy involves holding a long position in an underlying security while also purchasing an at-the-money option for the same security. The idea here is to minimize downside risk by holding both the asset itself and an at-the-money put option.

Long Straddle

A long straddle strategy involves buying both a call option and a put option for the same security, with the same strike price and expiration date. By straddling both sides, you can still end up turning a profit regardless of which the underlying asset’s price moves.

The Takeaway

Options trading may be right for retail investors who are comfortable taking more risk in exchange for a chance to potentially earn higher returns. Getting familiar with put options and how a stock put works is the first step.

Investors who are ready to try their hand at options trading despite the risks involved, might consider checking out SoFi’s options trading platform offered through SoFi Securities, LLC. The platform’s user-friendly design allows investors to buy put and call options through the mobile app or web platform, and get important metrics like breakeven percentage, maximum profit/loss, and more with the click of a button.

Plus, SoFi offers educational resources — including a step-by-step in-app guide — to help you learn more about options trading. Trading options involves high-risk strategies, and should be undertaken by experienced investors. Currently, investors can not sell options on SoFi Active Invest®.

Trade options with low fees through SoFi.

Photo credit: iStock/Drazen_

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Investing in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss. Further, there are a variety of risk factors to consider when investing in an IPO, including but not limited to, unproven management, significant debt, and lack of operating history. For a comprehensive discussion of these risks please refer to SoFi Securities’ IPO Risk Disclosure Statement. IPOs offered through SoFi Securities are not a recommendation and investors should carefully read the offering prospectus to determine whether an offering is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

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Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at https://sofi.app.link/investchat. Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

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Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.


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Intrinsic Value and Time Value of Options, Explained

Intrinsic Value and Time Value of Options, Explained

Editor's Note: Options are not suitable for all investors. Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Please see the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options.

Intrinsic value and time value are two major determining factors of the value of an options contract. An option’s intrinsic value is the payoff the buyer would receive if they exercised the option right away. In other words, the intrinsic value is how profitable the option would be, based on the difference between the contract’s strike price and the market value of the underlying security.

An option’s time value is not quite as straightforward. Time value is based on a formula that includes the expected volatility of the underlying asset, as well as the amount of time until the option contract expires.

Key Points

•   Intrinsic value of an option is the profit from exercising it immediately, based on the current market value versus the strike price.

•   Time value of an option reflects its potential profitability over time until expiration.

•   The formula for intrinsic value involves subtracting the strike price from the current price of the underlying asset.

•   Time value decreases as the option nears expiration, a concept known as time decay.

•   Volatility of the underlying asset significantly impacts the time value, with higher volatility increasing the premium.

What Is the Intrinsic Value of an Option?

An investor who purchases an options contract may be buying the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the option’s underlying asset at an agreed-upon price, known as the strike price. Options are considered derivatives, because they are tied to the value of the underlying security. The contract may allow the investor to purchase or sell a security at that strike price at any point up until the contract expires.

There are two main kinds of options: calls and puts. The purchaser of a call option buys the right (but not the obligation) to purchase the underlying asset at a given price until a particular date.

The buyer of a put option purchases the right (but not the obligation) to sell the underlying asset at a given price until a particular date.

Important terms: In the Money, At the Money, Out of the Money

There are a few more key terms to know as it relates to options: in the money, at the money, and out of the money.

In the Money

An option is considered to be “in the money” if the investor could sell it at that moment for a profit. For a call option, that means that the price of the underlying asset is higher than the strike price specified in the options contract. For a put option to be in the money, the price of the underlying asset would have to be lower than the strike price in the contract.

At the Money

If an option is “at the money,” the price of the underlying security is equal to the strike price in the contract, and it’s not considered profitable. If an option is “out of the money,” e.g. above the market price for a call option or below the market price for a put option, the contract is also not profitable.

Out of the Money

If an option is not profitable when it expires, then it expires with no value, except for the premium. In those instances, the buyer takes a loss on the premium they paid to enter into the options contract, while the seller, or writer, of the contract collects the premium.

Recommended: Popular Options Trading Terminology to Know

Finally, user-friendly options trading is here.*

Trade options with SoFi Invest on an easy-to-use, intuitively designed online platform.

Formula for the Intrinsic Value of an Options Contract

Time to get down to the math! Here are the formulas for calculating intrinsic values of call and put options.

Intrinsic value formula for a call option:

Call Option Intrinsic Value = Underlying Stock’s Current Price – Call Strike Price

Intrinsic value formula for a put option:

Put Option Intrinsic Value = Put Strike Price – Underlying Stock’s Current Price

Example of Intrinsic Value Calculation

Imagine that hypothetical XYZ stock is selling at $48.00. A call option for XYZ with a strike price of $40 would have an intrinsic value of $8.00 ($48 – $40 = $8). So in theory, the option holder could exercise the option to buy XYZ shares at $40, then immediately sell them for a $8.00 profit in the market. Another way to phrase it: The contract would be in the money at $8.

But what if the strike price is higher than the $48.00 market price of XYZ stock? Let’s say the call option strike is $50 ($48 – $50 = –$2.00. The option would be considered out of the money and worth zero, because the intrinsic value of an option can never be negative.

What if it’s a put option? In this scenario, with an underlying price of $48.00 for XYZ stock, a put option with a strike price of $44.00 would have an intrinsic value of zero ($44 – $48 = –$4.00), again because the value of an option cannot fall below zero.

But a put option with a strike price of $50 would be considered in the money, and have an intrinsic value of $2 ($50 – $48 = $2).

While intrinsic value as a term sounds all encompassing, it isn’t. Investors should remember when calculating options strategies that an option’s intrinsic value does not include the premium the investor has to pay in order to buy the options contract in the first place. To get a better sense of the profit of an options trade, it’s important to include that initial premium, along with any other trading commissions and fees charged by the broker.

💡 Quick Tip: When you’re actively investing in stocks, it’s important to ask what types of fees you might have to pay. For example, brokers may charge a flat fee for trading stocks, or require some commission for every trade. Taking the time to manage investment costs can be beneficial over the long term.

What Is the Time Value of an Option?

When an investor buys an option, they pay in the form of a premium, or fee. When they do, that premium is typically based on the option’s intrinsic value, plus its extrinsic value. While higher volatility can result in higher premiums, time value plays a large role as well.The opportunity for an option to be profitable over time is, in essence, its time value.

The more time an investor in an options contract has, the better their chances of being able to exercise that option in the money, simply because the underlying security has a greater chance of moving in the desired direction. Longer time periods come with greater possibility for profit.

Conversely, as an options contract gets closer to expiring, its value goes down. The reason is that there is less time for the security underlying the options contract to make profitable moves.

One rule of thumb is that an option loses a third of its value during the first half of its life, and two-thirds during the second half. This phenomenon is known as the time decay of options. It’s a critical concept for options investors because the closer the option gets to expiration, the more the underlying security must move to impact the price of the option.

The intrinsic value of the option plays a role in how fast the time value of an option decays. An in-the-money option faces less dramatic time decay, because the elimination of time value takes the overall value of the option to the level of its intrinsic value. But for an out-of-the-money option, time decay is more dramatic, since the option will be entirely worthless if it expires out of the money.

Formula for the Time Value of an Options Contract

The formula for the time value of an options contract is as such:

Time Value = Option Price − Intrinsic Value

How Does Volatility Impact Time Value?

Another important factor that can impact time value is the volatility of the underlying asset.

Stocks with higher volatility typically have the potential for greater price movements — and thus related options may have a higher probability of expiring in the money. That’s one reason why time value, as reflected by the option’s premium, is typically higher when the underlying asset is more volatile.

With stocks and other assets that have lower volatility and therefore are not expected to show big price fluctuations, the time value and the option premium is likely to be lower.

Volatility, as every investor knows, cuts both ways. It can help generate gains or lead to losses.

Recommended: Implied Volatility: What It Is & What It’s Used for

How Can Intrinsic and Time Value Help Traders?

When calculating the value of the options contracts that they’re buying and selling, intrinsic value and time value can be vital to help traders gauge the potential risks and rewards of the options trade. While the intrinsic value is easy to assess, it only tells part of the story. Traders need to understand the extrinsic or time value of options as well in order to gauge how profitable the option is likely to be.Investors use this deeper understanding to inform which options trading strategies they use.

When it comes to the profitability of an options trade, investors also need to take into account the premiums they pay to buy an option, along with related commissions and fees. There are also other factors that play a role in the pricing of an options contract, such as the option’s implied volatility. This is the aspect of options pricing that takes into account the market sentiment as to the future volatility of an option’s underlying security, and can have a major influence on the price of an option as well.

💡 Quick Tip: In order to profit from purchasing a stock, the price has to rise. But an options account offers more flexibility, and an options trader might gain if the price rises or falls. This is a high-risk strategy, and investors can lose money if the trade moves in the wrong direction.

The Takeaway

Understanding how options are priced is a complicated business, and knowing the two main components — intrinsic value and time value — is essential. While intrinsic value is simply the tangible face value of the contract — because it’s the amount the buyer would receive if they exercised the option right now — time value is a more complex calculation.

The time value of an option, expressed as its premium, is part of an option’s extrinsic value and it includes the volatility of the underlying asset and the time to expiration. The more volatility and the more time to the option’s expiry date, the higher the premium or value of the option.

Investors who are ready to try their hand at options trading despite the risks involved, might consider checking out SoFi’s options trading platform offered through SoFi Securities, LLC. The platform’s user-friendly design allows investors to buy put and call options through the mobile app or web platform, and get important metrics like breakeven percentage, maximum profit/loss, and more with the click of a button.

Plus, SoFi offers educational resources — including a step-by-step in-app guide — to help you learn more about options trading. Trading options involves high-risk strategies, and should be undertaken by experienced investors. Currently, investors can not sell options on SoFi Active Invest®.

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

Photo credit: iStock/Moyo Studio

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: The projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results.
Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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Active vs Passive Investing: Differences Explained

Key Points

•   Active investing strategies often underperform the market over time, while passive strategies tend to outperform.

•   Active funds typically have higher fees, which can lower returns, while passive funds have lower fees.

•   Active investing relies on human intelligence and skill to capture market upsides, while passive investing relies on algorithms to track market returns.

•   Active investing is generally less tax efficient, while passive investing is typically more tax efficient.

•   Passive investing may be less tied to market volatility, while active investing is more vulnerable to market shocks.

Active investing vs. passive investing generally refers to the two main approaches to structuring mutual fund and exchange-traded fund (ETF) portfolios. Active investing is a strategy where human portfolio managers pick investments they believe will outperform the market — whereas passive investing relies on a formula to mirror the performance of certain market sectors.

Which approach is better, active investing vs. passive? There seems to be no end to this debate, but there are factors that investors can consider — especially the difference in cost. Because active investing typically requires a team of analysts and investment managers, these funds are more expensive and come with higher expense ratios. Passive funds, which require little or no involvement from live professionals because they track an index, cost less.

Also, there is a body of research demonstrating that indexing typically performs better than active management. When you add in the impact of cost — i.e. active funds having higher fees — this also lowers the average return of many active funds. Following are a few more factors to consider when choosing active investing vs. passive strategies.

Active vs Passive Investing: Key Differences

The following table recaps the main differences between passive and active strategies.

Active Funds

Passive Funds

Many studies show the vast majority of active strategies underperform the market on average, over time. Most passive strategies outperform active ones over time.
Higher fees can further lower returns. Lower fees don’t impact returns as much.
Human intelligence and skill may capture market upsides. A passive algorithm captures market returns, which are typically higher on average.
Typically not tax efficient. Typically more tax efficient.
Potentially less tied to market volatility. Tied to market volatility and more vulnerable to market shocks.

💡 Quick Tip: Before opening any investment account, consider what level of risk you are comfortable with. If you’re not sure, start with more conservative investments, and then adjust your portfolio as you learn more.

Get up to $1,000 in stock when you fund a new Active Invest account.*

Access stock trading, options, alternative investments, IRAs, and more. Get started in just a few minutes.

*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $50 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

Active Investing Definition

What is active investing? Active investing is a strategy where an investor attempts to beat the market by trading individual stocks, bonds, or other securities.

With active investing, either an individual investor could be the one trading securities in their own portfolios, or portfolio managers of actively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds could be the one buying and selling assets to outperform the market or a specific sector.

Active investors and actively-managed funds often trade stocks and securities to profit in the short term. Short-term trading, like day trading, can be difficult as it requires the investor to be an expert on the financial markets and the factors impacting stock prices. It also requires the investor to have a good deal of discipline, as short-term stock picking can be a volatile and risky endeavor.

Active Investing Pros and Cons

Active investing is what live portfolio managers do; they analyze and then select investments based on their growth potential. Active strategies have a number of pros and cons to consider when comparing them with passive strategies.

Pros and Cons of Active Investing



May be fun to follow the market and make your own investment decisions Difficult to beat the market
May profit in up, down, and sideways markets Time consuming
Can tailor a strategy based on your goals and risk tolerance Higher fees and commissions


•   One potential advantage of having a real person crunching numbers and making investment decisions is that they may be able to spot market opportunities and take advantage of them. A computer algorithm is not designed to pivot the way a human can, which might benefit the performance of an actively managed ETF or mutual fund.

•   Whereas a passive strategy is designed to follow one market sector index (e.g. the performance of large cap U.S. companies via the S&P 500® index), an active manager can be more creative and is not limited to a single sector.

•   The number of actively managed mutual funds in the U.S. stood at about 6,585 as of June 2023 vs. 517 index funds, according to Statista. Given that there are many more active funds than passive funds, investors may be able to select active managers who have the kind of track record they are seeking.


•   The chief downside of active investing is the cost. Hedge funds and private equity managers are one example, charging enormous fees (sometimes 10%, 15%, 20% of returns) for their investing acumen.

But even standard actively managed funds, which may charge 1% or 1.5% or even 2% annually, are far higher than the investment fees of most passive funds, where the annual expense ratio might be only a few basis points.

•   The majority of active strategies don’t generate higher returns over the long haul. According to the well-known SPIVA (S&P Indices vs. Active) 2022 year end scorecard report, 95% of U.S. active equity funds underperformed their respective S&P indexes over the last two decades. So investors who are willing to pay more for the insight and skill of a live manager may not reap the rewards they seek.

•   A professional manager may create more churn in an actively managed fund, which could lead to higher capital gains tax.

💡 Quick Tip: When you’re actively investing in stocks, it’s important to ask what types of fees you might have to pay. For example, brokers may charge a flat fee for trading stocks, or require some commission for every trade. Taking the time to manage investment costs can be beneficial over the long term.

Passive Investing Definition

Passive investing strategy is when an investor buys and holds a mix of assets for an extended period. Many passive investors will invest in passively-managed index funds, which attempt to replicate the performance of a benchmark index. Passive investors are not necessarily trying to beat the market.

Passive Investing Pros and Cons

The term “passive investing” may not have a strong positive connotation, yet the funds that follow an indexing strategy typically do well vs. their active counterparts.


•   Passive strategies are more transparent. Because index funds simply track an index like the S&P 500 or Russell 2000, there’s really no mystery how the constituents in the fund are selected nor the performance of the fund (both match the index).

•   As noted above, index funds outperformed 79% of active funds, according to the SPIVA scorecard.

•   Passive strategies are generally much cheaper than active strategies.

•   Passive strategies can be more tax efficient as there is generally much less turnover in these funds.


•   Because passive funds use an algorithm to track an existing index, there is no opportunity for a live manager to intervene and make a better or more nimble choice. This could lead to lost opportunities.

•   Passive strategies are more vulnerable to market shocks, which can lead to more investment risk.

Which Should You Pick: Active or Passive Investing?

Deciding between active and passive strategies is a highly personal choice. It comes down to whether you believe that the active manager you pick could be among the few hundred who won’t underperform their benchmarks; and that the skill of an active manager is worth paying the higher investment costs these strategies command.

You could also avoid treating the active vs. passive investing debate as a forced dichotomy and select the best funds in either category that suit your goals.

The Takeaway

Active vs. passive investing is an ongoing debate for many investors who can see the advantages and disadvantages of both strategies. Despite the evidence suggesting that passive strategies, which track the performance of an index, tend to outperform human investment managers, the case isn’t closed.

After all, passive investing may be more cost efficient, but it means being tied to a certain market sector — up, down, and sideways. That timing may or may not work in your favor. Active investing costs more, but a professional may be able to seize market opportunities that an indexing algorithm isn’t designed to perceive.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


What is the difference between active and passive investing?

The main difference between active and passive investing is that active investing is when a portfolio manager — or the investor themselves — manages their portfolio, buying and selling investments to try to outperform the market. Passive investing is when an investor buys assets and holds onto them for a long period. Passive investing usually means investing in index funds, which track the performance of an index.

What are the examples of active funds?

According to a Morningstar February 2024 analysis, some examples of actively managed ETFs include the Avantis U.S. Equity ETF (AVUS), the Capital Group Dividend Value ETF (CGDV), and the Dimensional Core U.S. Equity 1 ETF (DCOR). Note that these are just examples. An investor should always do their own research before making any investments.

Does active investing have high risk?

Active investing is considered higher risk. Active investors and actively-managed funds often trade stocks and securities to profit in the short term. Short-term trading typically requires knowledge about financial markets and the factors impacting stock prices. It can be volatile and risky.

Should I invest in active or passive funds?

Deciding whether to invest in active or passive funds is a personal choice that only you can make. It depends on your personal situation, goals, and risk tolerance, among other factors. In general, passive investing is better for beginners, and active investing is better for experienced investors with knowledge of the market and who understand the risk involved.

Are ETFs active or passive?

ETFs can be active or passive. Passive ETFs track indexes such as the S&P 500 and may make sense for investors pursuing a buy and hold strategy. Active ETFs rely on portfolio managers to select and allocate assets in an effort to try to outperform the market.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at https://sofi.app.link/investchat. Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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A Walkthrough of What Leverage Trading Is

Understanding Leverage Trading

Leverage allows investors to allocate a small amount of capital to get exposure to a much bigger position. Leverage, also called margin, is effectively a way of borrowing cash for increased trading power. A leverage ratio of 20:1 means a $1 investment can buy $20 worth of an asset.

Using leverage, traders can place bigger bets and potentially earn higher returns on their initial capital. However, leveraged trading also increases a trader’s risk of losses; if the asset moves in the wrong direction, the trader not only suffers a loss but must repay the amount borrowed, plus interest and fees.

This is one reason that only experienced investors qualify for leverage accounts, e.g. margin accounts, and leveraged trading opportunities.

Key Points

•   Leverage trading involves using borrowed funds to increase potential investment returns.

•   A leverage ratio of 20:1 means a small investment can control a much larger position.

•   Risks include the potential to lose more than the initial investment.

•   Not all securities are eligible for leverage; rules vary by broker and security type.

•   Leverage is typically reserved for experienced investors due to its high risk.

What Is Leverage Trading?

In both business and finance, the term leverage refers to the use of debt to fuel expansion or purchase securities. In leverage trading, traders can use margin to buy assets like stocks, options, and forex.

Leverage and margin are similar concepts, but they’re different. One way to think of the differences is that a trader can use margin to increase their leverage. Margin is the tool, and leverage is the force behind the tool, which can be used to potentially increase returns (or losses).

A margin account allows you to borrow from the brokerage to purchase securities that are worth more than the cash you have on hand. In this case, the cash or securities already in your account act as collateral.

Which Securities Are Eligible for Margin?

Not all securities can be bought using leverage, however. Industry rules dictate that equities known as penny stocks and Initial Public Offering (IPO) stocks are not marginable. Generally, stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are worth more than $3 per share, as well as mutual funds and certain types of bonds are eligible for leverage trades using margin. Check with your broker, as rules can vary by jurisdiction.

Margin can be used to trade options and futures, but this type of leverage trading can be highly risky. Forex options trading, for example, allows traders to place big bets using very small amounts of cash.

While there is no standard amount of margin in the forex market, it is common for traders to post 1% margin, which allows them to trade $100,000 of notional currency for every $1,000 posted — a ratio of 100:1.

Leverage Risks and Rewards

Leverage trading can only be successful if the return on an investment is higher than the cost to borrow money, which you must repay with interest and fees.

Leverage trading can significantly increase potential earnings, but it is also very risky because you can lose more than the entire amount of your investment. For that reason leverage is usually only available to experienced traders.

💡 Quick Tip: Investment fees are assessed in different ways, including trading costs, account management fees, and possibly broker commissions. When you set up an investment account, be sure to get the exact breakdown of your “all-in costs” so you know what you’re paying.

Increase your buying power with a margin loan from SoFi.

Borrow against your current investments at just 11%* and start margin trading.

*For full margin details, see terms.

How Leverage Works in Trading

Leverage trading in a brokerage account consists of a trader borrowing money from the broker, then using that along with their own funds to enter into trades.

The key to understanding how using leverage can help generate higher returns, but also greater losses, is that the funds borrowed are a fixed liability. Suppose a trader starts with $50, and borrows $50 to buy $100 worth of stock. Whether the stock’s value goes up or down from there, the trader is on the hook to give back $50, plus interest, to the broker.

Example of Leverage Trading

Using the above example, suppose the stock appreciates by 10%, and the trader closes out the position. They return the $50 they borrowed, and keep the remaining $60. That equates to a $10 gain on their $50 of capital, and a 20% return — double the return of the underlying stock.

On the flip side, consider what happens if the stock declines in value by 10%. The trader closes out the position and receives $90, but has to give the broker back the $50 they borrowed, plus interest. They are left with $40, a loss of $10, plus any interest or fees, which is a 20% loss or more.

Understanding Leverage Ratio

Leverage is often expressed as a ratio. For example, a leverage ratio of 2:1 is generally the rule for using margin for equity trades. If you have $50, you can buy $100 worth of stock.

In the case of other types of securities, the leverage ratio can be much higher. A leverage ratio of 20 means a $1,000 investment would allow you to open a trading position of $20,000; 50:1 would allow you to take a position of $50,000.

Maximum Leverage

Brokers have limits on how much they’ll lend traders based on the amount of funds the trader has in their account, their own regulations, and government regulations around leverage trading. If you’re considering using leverage, be sure to understand the rules.

•   Stocks. Thanks to the Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation T, plus a FINRA rule governing margin trades in brokerage accounts, the maximum you can borrow is 50% for an equity trade.

•   Forex. The foreign currency market tends to allow greater amounts of leverage. In some cases, you can place bets as high as 100:1 in the U.S.

•   Commodities. Commodities rules around maximum leverage, and leverage ratios can fluctuate based on the underlying.

Types of Leverage Trading

There are a few different types of leverage trading, each with similarities and differences.

Trading on Margin

Margin is money that a trader borrows from their broker to purchase securities. They use the other securities in their account as collateral for the loan. If their leveraged trade goes down in value, a trader will need to sell other securities to cover the loss.

Many brokers charge interest on margin loans. So in order for a trader to earn a profit, the security has to increase in value enough to cover the interest.

Leveraged ETFs

Some ETFs use leverage to try and increase potential gains based on the index they track. For example, there is an ETF that specifically aims to return 3x the returns that the regular S&P 500 index would get.

It’s important to note that most funds reset on a daily basis. The leveraged ETF aims to match the single day performance of the underlying index. So over the long term even if an index increases in value, a leveraged ETF might decrease in value.


Traders can also use leverage trading with derivatives and options contracts. Buying a single options contract lets a trader control many shares of the underlying security — generally 100 shares — for far less than the value of those 100 shares. As the underlying security increases or decreases in value, the value of the options contract changes.

Options are derivatives contracts that give buyers the right, but not the obligation, to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) an asset at a specified price within a certain period of time. Traders can choose to sell call options on a stock if they think it is going to decrease in value.

Options trading is one of the riskiest types of leverage trading. A trader could potentially lose an unlimited amount of money if they sell a call option and the underlying stock price skyrockets in value.

If the option seller exercises the trade, the trader will have to purchase the associated amount of the underlying security to sell to the option seller. If the security has gone up a significant amount this could cost millions of dollars or more.

Recommended: Options Trading 101

Leverage Trading Terms to Know

There are several key terms to know in order to fully understand leverage trading.

Account balance: The total amount of funds in a trader’s account that are not currently in trades.

Buying power: This is the total amount a trader has available to enter into leverage trades, including both their own capital and the amount they can borrow.

Coverage: The ratio of the amount of funds currently in leveraged trades in one’s account to the net balance in their account.

Margin Requirement: This is the amount of funds a broker requires a trader to have in their margin account when entering into leverage trades. If a trader incurs losses, those funds will be used to cover them. Traders can also use securities they hold in their account to cover losses. Margin requirement is often a percentage. For example, at a leverage amount of 100:1, the margin requirement is 1%.

Margin call: If a trader’s account balance falls below the margin requirement, the broker will issue a margin call. This is a warning telling the trader they have to either add more funds to their account or close out some of their positions to meet the minimum margin requirement. The broker does this to make sure the trader has sufficient funds in their account to cover potential losses.

Used margin: When an investor enters into trades, some of their account balance is held by the broker as collateral in case it needs to be used to cover losses. That amount will only be available for the trader to use after they close out some of their positions.

Usable margin: This is the money in one’s account that is currently available to put into new trades.

Open position: When a trader is currently holding an asset they are in an open position. For instance, if a trader owns 100 shares of XYZ stock, they have an open position on the stock until they sell it.

Close position: The total value of an investment at the time the trader closes it out.

Stop-loss: Traders can set a price at which their asset will automatically be sold in order to prevent further losses if its value is decreasing. This is very useful if a trader wants to hold positions overnight or if a stock is very volatile.

Pros and Cons of Leveraged Trading

On the surface, leverage can sound like a powerful tool for investors — which it can be. But it’s a tool that can cut both ways: Leverage can add to buying power and potentially increase returns, but it can also magnify losses, and put an investor in the hole.

Pros of Leverage

Cons of Leverage

Increases buying power Leverage funds must be repaid, with interest
Potential to earn higher returns Potential to lose more than your initial investment
Relatively easy to use, if you qualify Investors must meet specific criteria in order to use leverage or open a margin account


Using leverage can increase your trading power, sometimes to a large degree. It’s important to know the rules, as leverage ratios vary according to the securities you’re trading, the jurisdiction you’re in, and sometimes your broker’s discretion.

If you meet the criteria for using leverage or opening a margin account to trade, it’s relatively easy to access the funds and open bigger positions. Sometimes, placing that bigger bet can pay off with a much higher return than you would have gotten if you invested just the capital you had on hand.


Just as using leverage can amplify gains, it can amplify losses — in some cases to the point where you lose your initial investment, you must repay the money you borrowed, and you may owe fees and interest on top of that.

For that reason, many brokers require investors to meet certain criteria before they can place leveraged trades.

Tips for Managing the Risks of Leveraged Trading

Experience and skill can help you manage the risk factors inherent in leveraged trades, and a couple of basic protective strategies may help.

Hedge Your Bets

It might be possible to hedge against potential losses by taking an offsetting position to the leverage trade.

Limit Potential Loss of Capital

One rule of thumb suggests that traders limit their loss of capital to no more than 3% of the actual cash portion of the trade. While it’s difficult to know the exact risk level.

Decide Whether Leverage Trading Is Right for You

Although there is potential for significant earnings using leverage trading, there is no guarantee of any earnings, and there is also potential for significant loss. For this reason leverage trading is often said to be best left to experienced traders.

If an investor wants to try leverage trading it’s important for them to assess their financial situation, figure out how much they’re willing to risk, and conduct detailed analysis of the securities they are looking to trade.

Setting up a stop-loss order may help decrease the risk of losses, and traders can also set up a take-profit order to automatically take profits on a position when it reaches a certain amount.

The Takeaway

Leveraged trading is a popular strategy for investors looking to increase their potential profits. By using borrowed funds it’s possible to take much bigger positions, and possibly see bigger wins. But using leverage is very risky, and you can lose more than you have (because the money you borrow has to be repaid in full, plus interest).

If you’re an experienced trader and have the risk tolerance to try out trading on margin, consider enabling a SoFi margin account. With a SoFi margin account, experienced investors can take advantage of more investment opportunities, and potentially increase returns. That said, margin trading is a high-risk endeavor, and using margin loans can amplify losses as well as gains.

Get one of the most competitive margin loan rates with SoFi, 11%*


What leverage is good for $100?

If you only wanted to invest a small amount of capital, say $100, you would first need to check the policies at your brokerage about the use of lower amounts. If approved, you might want to use a lower amount of leverage, e.g. 10:1. That means for every $1 of cash you put down, you can get $10 in leverage. So a $100 leverage trade would be worth $1,000.

How much leverage is too high?

Knowing how much you can afford to lose is an important calculation when making leveraged trades. In addition, the amount of leverage available to you will also be restricted by existing regulations or brokerage rules. And remember, if a trade goes south, your broker can liquidate existing assets to cover your losses and any margin.

Photo credit: iStock/ljubaphoto

*Borrow at 11%. Utilizing a margin loan is generally considered more appropriate for experienced investors as there are additional costs and risks associated. It is possible to lose more than your initial investment when using margin. Please see SoFi.com/wealth/assets/documents/brokerage-margin-disclosure-statement.pdf for detailed disclosure information.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at https://sofi.app.link/investchat. Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

Fund Fees
If you invest in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) through SoFi Invest (either by buying them yourself or via investing in SoFi Invest’s automated investments, formerly SoFi Wealth), these funds will have their own management fees. These fees are not paid directly by you, but rather by the fund itself. these fees do reduce the fund’s returns. Check out each fund’s prospectus for details. SoFi Invest does not receive sales commissions, 12b-1 fees, or other fees from ETFs for investing such funds on behalf of advisory clients, though if SoFi Invest creates its own funds, it could earn management fees there.
SoFi Invest may waive all, or part of any of these fees, permanently or for a period of time, at its sole discretion for any reason. Fees are subject to change at any time. The current fee schedule will always be available in your Account Documents section of SoFi Invest.

Disclaimer: The projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.

Investing in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss. Further, there are a variety of risk factors to consider when investing in an IPO, including but not limited to, unproven management, significant debt, and lack of operating history. For a comprehensive discussion of these risks please refer to SoFi Securities’ IPO Risk Disclosure Statement. IPOs offered through SoFi Securities are not a recommendation and investors should carefully read the offering prospectus to determine whether an offering is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

New offerings generally have high demand and there are a limited number of shares available for distribution to participants. Many customers may not be allocated shares and share allocations may be significantly smaller than the shares requested in the customer’s initial offer (Indication of Interest). For SoFi’s allocation procedures please refer to IPO Allocation Procedures.


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