Getting Straight A's in College

Tips for Getting Straight A’s in College

Congrats, you got into college. That’s a shining achievement in its own right. Now you’re ready for some secrets to help you excel once you pass through the gates — be they ivy-covered, steelbound, or on a virtual campus you. It turns out that rising to the top of your class academically, like cream in a farm milk bottle, can have important benefits for Gen Z.

With the cost of college still rising (counting room and board, a private college can run up to $80,000 per year, and a public college, up to $30,000 or more), getting straight A’s can help you in key financial ways. It can put you on track for a lucrative career or give you an edge in a competitive internship field.

Our mini crash course has info on:

•   Getting into a college major that can lead to a high-paying career

•   Good study habits for nailing A’s

•   Whether colleges care about your GPA

•   Whether employers look for straight A’s in college.

What Is a 4.0 GPA in College?

Your GPA (grade point average) is a number that shows your academic standing, based on the grades you get in all classes. The scale starts at the top with 4 (for an A), 3 (B), 2 (C), 1 (D), and O (for F, or failing). A 4.0 GPA means you aced every class and got straight A’s in college.

Do Colleges Care About Straight A’s?

To get in the college door, the answer is often yes. Many college admissions teams do notice straight A’s in a quest to enroll the best and brightest high school students.

Once you are on campus, your college may not expect all A’s, but some colleges and universities may require a minimum GPA in introductory courses before allowing students to declare a popular major that typically brings lucrative returns later. The list includes mechanical engineering, computer science, nursing, finance, and economics. These universities want students of the highest academic caliber for the highest-earning majors.

Another reason colleges care about your grades: You need to maintain a certain GPA as a sophomore, junior, and senior to continue to qualify for federal student aid. In order to maintain eligibility for federal student aid, including federal loans and grants, students need to meet their school’s standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Each college is allowed to set its own minimum GPA. (Look into a private student loans guide for other lending options.)

Recommended: What Are Merit Scholarships?

Merit scholarships may also have minimum GPA requirements, so maintaining a high academic standard may be important for maintaining eligibility for merit awards as well.

Do Employers Look at Your GPA?

GPA, a benchmark once widely used by employers, is now considered by fewer than half, according to the Job Outlook 2022 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). That’s a dip from five years ago, when, according to NACE, 67.5% of respondents said they used GPA to identify promising candidates. The survey found that among businesses that use GPA as a screening tool, 3.0 is the most common cutoff.

According to NACE, the trend away from using GPA appears to reflect awareness that GPA screening may not build an inclusive workforce and can be a disadvantage to students who balance school with work and other responsibilities. Also, as employers compete for talent, they are reevaluating long-used screening tools.

How Hard Is It to Get a 4.0 in College?

Whether you’re getting all A’s often depends on your major, the courses you take (organic chemistry, anyone?), and even the college you attend. But chasing a 4.0 can be hard on your life balance. If all you do is study, with no sleep, social life, or campus activities, your health and mental well-being may suffer.

Instead of overemphasizing your GPA, it may help to also focus on how you’re challenging yourself. A GPA is just one measure of your coursework.

Tips for Getting All A’s in College

If you are after all A’s, this action plan could help you achieve your goal.

Select a Major That You Are Passionate About

College is the time to immerse yourself in subjects that enthrall, inspire, and move us, whether that means microbiology or British literature. But if your mind is in the art world and your nose is in a sociology book, your interest can wane, and you may be far less likely to excel. Choose a major that ignites your brain power and A’s will be more attainable.

Time Your Classes Well

When are you most alert? Are you wide awake in the morning and dragging by 5? Schedule classes accordingly. Can you focus on a weekly 3-hour seminar or would you do better with a shorter class that meets more often? Know thyself, and how you learn and work most productively.

Take Advantage of Professors’ Office Hours

If a calculus formula is not crystal-clear or you want to talk a little more about that short story structure, stop by your professor’s office during posted hours or pop in virtually if that’s an option. Professors post hours so students can get the help they need.

Practice Good Time Management

Make an organized schedule. Use Google Calendar on your phone or get an actual planner with paper pages. (Relieve stress with stickers and doodles. Get pretty markers at the campus bookstore.) Don’t double-book time slots, whether for a study/coffee date with a classmate or your shift at the campus newspaper.

Closely Track Grades

Don’t wait until the end of the semester to see what your average is in Italian class. Keep up to date on every grade and pump up your study efforts if necessary.

Set Study Time Blocks

Build them in wherever and whenever possible. Several short sessions can be as productive as one long one. Review and study notes from day one, to start building a bank of knowledge. When studying, turn off your phone and leave it in your backpack. Avoid looking at emails or other digital distractions. Take notes on relevant readings and review and organize class notes each week so you don’t have to cram come exam time.

Plan your study location based on the lowest possible risk of distractions, such as a roommate who might want to order wings and binge watch the latest Netflix original. Adjust times and places as needed; be flexible. Maybe 30 minutes at Starbucks between classes is all you have one day. But if you block out two hours to study, stick to it. Consider enlisting a study buddy.

Benefits of Getting Straight A’s in College

Excelling in your classes can bring perks like these.

Dean’s List Recognition

The dean’s list, a term dating to the early 14th century, comes from the Latin decanus (“head of a group of 10 monks in a monastery”). You, of course, are at college, not a monastery, but you are at the head of the class when you make the dean’s list.

The distinction is usually reserved for full-time students at a specific GPA. Being on the dean’s list could help you stand out in a field of applicants for plum internships and summer jobs. Consecutive semesters on the list show you can achieve and maintain high standards.

Scholarships and Grants

Straight A’s can potentially translate into money to help pay college bills. Some scholarships have GPA requirements; read the fine print.

Merit-based college grants are awarded to students who demonstrate high levels of academic achievement, a commitment to community service, or excellent leadership skills. While you may not need straight A’s to qualify, it won’t hurt to strive for the gold and set a high bar for yourself.

Recommended: Merit Aid for College

The Takeaway

Getting all A’s in college can bring big benefits, from helping you secure a place in a crowded major with lucrative career returns (such as engineering or computer science) to earning you a place on the dean’s list, a marker that helps you stand out in a competitive internship field. With the right study skills, you can seriously up the odds of acing your classes.

3 Student Loan Tips

1.    Can’t cover your school bills? If you’ve exhausted all federal aid options, private student loans can fill gaps in need, up to the school’s cost of attendance, which includes tuition, books, housing, meals, transportation, and personal expenses.

2.    Even if you don’t think you qualify for financial aid, you should fill out the FAFSA form. Many schools require it for merit-based scholarships, too. You can submit it as early as Oct. 1.

3.    Would-be borrowers will want to understand the different types of student loans peppering the landscape: private student loans, federal Direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans, Direct PLUS loans, and more.

Cover up to 100% of school-certified costs including tuition, books, supplies, room and board, and transportation with a private student loan from SoFi.


What is a 4.0 GPA in college?

A 4.0 GPA (grade point average) means you have an A in all of your classes.

How do you become a straight-A student?

Getting straight A’s takes diligence, good study skills, and some planning. It also depends on the courses you take. It generally helps to pursue a major that taps into your passions and strengths. Are you more comfortable with a paintbrush or camera than in a science lab? Then fine arts classes will be easier for you to ace.

Do colleges care about straight A’s?

Colleges may not care if you get straight A’s, but some schools may require students to have a minimum GPA in introductory courses before allowing them to declare a popular major that typically brings lucrative returns in the work world. The list includes mechanical engineering, computer science, nursing, finance, and economics. Another reason to watch your GPA: Federal student loans and many scholarships and grants have a minimum GPA requirement.

Photo credit: iStock/Luis Echeverri Urrea

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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5 Steps to Improving Personal Cash Flow

Your personal cash flow — or, how much money is coming and going through your personal budget on a regular basis — always has room for improvement. You can improve your cash flow, too, through various means, such as asking for a raise, starting a side hustle, and more. That, of course, paired with cutting excess spending, can help improve your financial standing.

In a sense, you’re your own chief financial officer, or CFO, and in charge of doing what you can to stay on top of your finances. With that, there are a multitude of things you can do to improve your personal cash flow. But if you want to pare that to-do list down, you can start with six key actions.

1. Ask for a Raise

A salary increase is perhaps the easiest and quickest way to improve your personal cash flow — and it requires the least amount of effort. But you must first muster the confidence to ask for one, and prepare yourself for a meeting with your boss to make sure you end up getting a raise.

Unfortunately, most employees may be reluctant to ask for a raise — in many cases, because they believe it’s awkward to talk about money with a manager. Managers, however, are not necessarily looking for ways to increase their expenses. So, if you want a raise, you’ll likely need to take action rather than waiting for one to fall out of the sky. That will require having an idea of what your market value is, and what your employer can realistically afford.

You can always look for another job, too.

2. Start a Side Hustle

A side hustle is simply a second or secondary job, and many people employ them to bolster their earnings. There can be many benefits to having a side hustle, with the extra cash, of course, likely being the most obvious.

For instance, by taking on additional projects, you’ll gain experience that will pad your resume and uncover opportunities to make new connections. You might even find yourself entertaining an offer for a new — and better paying — position. If you don’t know where to start, either, some low-cost side hustles include tutoring, flipping furniture, or even digital marketing.

💡 Quick Tip: Look for an online brokerage with low trading commissions as well as no account minimum. Higher fees can cut into investment returns over time.

3. Track Your Spending

Increasing your income is part of the equation, but slowing your cash outflows is also critical. That means tracking your spending, and finding ways to slow that spending in order to save more.

There are also services out there that can help you not only track your spending, but analyze that spending, too, and find opportunities to cancel services you barely or never use. An internet search will reveal several of them. Reviewing your bank statements, too, should help you find other areas where spending could potentially be cut.

You can also try measures such as only using cash to keep your spending under control, along with other strategies.

4. Simplify Your Life

Selling everything and moving to a tiny house may sound nice, but if you were to actually do it, you may find yourself missing some of the modern world’s creature comforts. With that in mind, if you want to simplify your life (and financial situation), it may sound like a good idea — but you should take some time to think about what you really need, and what you can do without.

For instance, many people could probably cut their clothing budget without too much trouble. But is it possible to also downsize and relocate to a new apartment in a less trendy but more affordable area? What about clearing out that storage unit that you’re spending money to rent? Simplifying your life could result in savings, but there’s a lot of thought that should go into any big life changes before they’re made.

5. Review Your Debt

Being your own CFO means that your finances — including your debt — are under your control. As such, you’ll need to know what debts you have racked up, including credit card debt, student loan debt, auto loans, personal loans, and more. It can be difficult to face your debts head-on, but if you’re serious about improving your financial standing, it’s a critical step to take.

Also, take a look at your debt to income ratio — your monthly debt payments divided by your gross monthly income. Let’s say your gross monthly income is $7,000, but each month you pay out $1,500 for rent, $600 for credit card bills, $500 for student loan payments, and $600 for other debt. Your debt to income ratio is 46% ( $3,200 divided by $7,000). A high debt to income ratio — typically over 43% — makes you riskier to potential lenders, and can cost you a new loan with a good rate.

Imagine bringing your rent down to $1200, knocking $200 off that credit card payment each month, and bringing your student loans down to $300; your debt to income ratio would decrease to just 36%.

Investing With SoFi

Improving your personal cash flow — a critical step to take if you want to be your own personal CFO — is important for just about everyone. Finding ways to increase your earnings or income, while also finding ways to pare down expenditures, should help you reach your financial goals in the long term. There will be hiccups along the way, of course, but with some discipline and know-how, it’s doable.

And don’t forget to share what you’ve learned; you probably know someone who could use the advice. Support and encourage your friends, and then help each other stick to individual goals. As always, if you want more guidance, you can get in touch with a financial professional.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

Photo credit: iStock/visualspace

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11 Tips on How to Pay for Flight School or Training

Guide To Paying for Flight School

Commercial pilots can have exciting and lucrative careers. However, the tuition for flight school is quite a financial investment: at least $30,000 for two months of ground training plus 1,500 hours of flight experience. Altogether, it takes about two years for someone with no experience to become a commercial pilot.

If you’re considering flight school but can’t pull together that kind of cash, you’ve got options, from scholarships and grants to military — and airline-sponsored training.

Typical Cost of Flight School

In the U.S., to become a commercial airline pilot can cost upwards of $30,000. Associated costs can also add up: There’s an initial medical exam ($75-$200), test fees ($500-$700), and supplies like headsets and books ($500-$1000). Depending on the flight school, you might also be on the hook for instructor fees, fuel surcharges, landing fees, and more.

If you just want to fly but don’t have your heart set on being a commercial airline pilot, you’ll pay less for training and certification. You can become a recreational pilot for $6,500, or a private pilot for $10,000.

10 Tips for Paying for Flight School

Even if you have money set aside for flight school, financial help is always good. Below are the top ways that aspiring pilots help cover their costs.

•   Federal loans and grants

•   Scholarships

•   Military tuition assistance

•   Sallie Mae flight training loans

•   Private loans

•   Working at a flight school

•   Personal loan


•   Airline-sponsored training

1. Savings

This may be the least complicated method of funding your education. But as noted above, just because you have savings doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider other ways to fund your dream. Also, you may need that savings to support yourself over the two years it takes for someone with no experience to earn their commercial pilot’s license.

2. Federal Loans and Grants

You may be eligible for undergraduate student loans if you attend an aviation program at an accredited university or college. (Most of these programs are located east of the Rocky Mountains, for some reason.) Independent flight schools usually don’t qualify for federal aid, but it’s worth checking with your program just in case.

If your school does qualify for federal aid, simply fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) to apply. First, be sure to read our complete guide to the FAFSA.

The same application will submit your information to the federal Pell Grant program. These grants assist students with exceptional financial need and generally don’t have to be repaid (unlike student loans). The maximum amount available for the 2022-2023 academic year is $6,895.

3. Scholarships

As with academic programs, scholarships are available for flight school. Check with your flight school of choice for guidance. The Federal Aviation Administration also shares information about grants and scholarships.

SoFi’s Scholarship Search tool can help you find flight school funding. For the School Type filter, choose Trade or Tech, and select Aviation for your Field of Study.

4. Military Tuition Assistance

The Post 9/11 G.I. Bill may pay a portion of your flight school costs depending on the program you select, whether you’ve received benefits in the past, and other factors. Veterans who qualify can receive funding to help with tuition, housing, and books and supplies. Go to for details. (And keep an eye on current legislation for possible changes to the G.I. program.)

5. Sallie Mae Flight Training Loan

Check with your flight school of choice to see if they offer Sallie Mae funding. To qualify, you’ll need to be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident. These loans are specifically created for students who attend schools that provide professional training and trade certificates instead of degrees. Students may borrow amounts up to the full cost of attendance.

6. Private Student Loans

Private student loans are offered by banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Interest rates and repayment terms vary by lender and the type of program you’re enrolled in. Shop around to find the best terms you can qualify for.

For more information, check out our guide to private student loans.

7. Work at a Flight School

Working at a flight school in a non-pilot capacity may earn you a discount. Flight schools are known to offer generous employee discounts on aircraft rental, and for accepting some work hours as flight hours. If you have your eye on a particular school, ask about career opportunities and employee discounts.

8. Personal Loan

Personal loans provide borrowers with a lump sum — typically from $5,000 to $100,000 — that they pay back in equal installments plus interest. Because personal loan funds can be used for almost any personal expenses, they can be a good option for older students with excellent credit histories.

It’s important to note that some lenders don’t allow personal loan funds to be used for post-secondary education, so check with your lender.


HELOCs (home equity lines of credit) allow you to borrow against equity in your home, on an as-needed basis. Throughout the draw period, you can take out money up to your pre-approved limit. HELOCs are often used for big expenses; flight school can qualify.

Airline-sponsored Training

Airlines are currently experiencing a dire shortage of pilots. As a result, U.S. companies are beginning to follow in the slipstream of European airlines by offering pilot training programs.

Frontier Airlines announced it will open a two-year training program in partnership with ATP Flight School. Candidates must be 19 years or older, have a high school diploma, and pass a background check. After their training is complete, grads will have a guaranteed job waiting for them with Frontier.

Alaska, Delta, United, and JetBlue have created similar pilot development programs.

Why Go to Flight School?

What sort of personality do you need to become a commercial airline pilot? According to one NASA study, pilots should be low in anxiety, depression, hostility, and impulsiveness. The ideal pilot is high in conscientiousness, deliberation, striving, dutifulness, and assertiveness. If this sounds like you, you’ll probably fit right in at flight school.

Once your training is complete, your job outlook is golden. Due to current pilot shortages and better-than-average job growth, airlines no longer require pilots to have a four-year degree or an educational background in aviation and aeronautics.

If that doesn’t convince you, how about this: Pilots earn on average $135,000 a year (and free travel!).

The Takeaway

Flight school is pricey: $30,000 or more for two years of education and training. But financial aid is available — from scholarships and need-based grants to programs subsidized by the G.I. Bill and airline companies. Take care when selecting your flight school, because only certain accredited programs offer opportunities for federal aid.

If the idea of taking out a private student loan fits into your plan, SoFi makes it easy to check private student loan rates. Named by U.S. News and World Report as a Best Private Student Loan Company, SoFi makes it convenient to explore the possibilities.

SoFi private student loans offer competitive interest rates for qualifying borrowers, flexible repayment plans, and no fees.


Can you go to flight school with no money saved up?

Financial aid is available for qualifying candidates. If you enter an undergraduate aviation program at an accredited college or university, you can submit a FAFSA. Also, due to the current shortage of commercial pilots, several airlines have developed pilot training programs that place graduates in airline jobs.

Do airlines pay for flight school and training?

It’s complicated. Airlines do have pilot development programs that require no prior experience or educational background. However, funding varies by company — some may offer financing (basically, a loan) rather than subsidizing tuition. Check with Frontier, Delta, United, Jet Blue, and Alaska Airlines to see how their programs are structured.

What makes the cost of flight training so high?

It’s expensive to rent aircraft for training purposes. Additional costs may include surcharges for fuel, insurance, instructor fees, and so forth. A school must cover its costs, and one way to do so is through student fees.

Photo credit: iStock/mladn61

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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Selective Service System Question on FAFSA

Selective Service System Question on FAFSA

When you file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), question 22 allows you to sign up for the Selective Service System (SSS). The FAFSA is a free document that you can fill out to learn more about your eligibility for financial aid, including federal student loans, grants, work-study, institutional scholarships, and more.

The SSS provides the Department of Defense with a list of names in the case of a national emergency that requires a draft. When they turn 18, male U.S. citizens and immigrants must register with the Selective Service System.

Keep reading to learn the answer to, “What is the Selective Service System and FAFSA connection?” and what it might mean for you or your student.

Key Points

•   Filing the FAFSA allows individuals to learn about their eligibility for various financial aid options, including federal loans, grants, and scholarships.

•   Registration with the Selective Service is no longer required to receive federal financial aid, following changes implemented by the FAFSA Simplification Act of 2020.

•   Males must register for the Selective Service within 30 days of turning 18, with potential penalties for failing to do so, including loss of certain benefits.

•   Applicants can choose to complete the Selective Service registration through the FAFSA or the official website, but completing either is sufficient for compliance.

•   Upcoming FAFSA changes for the 2024-25 academic year include a new eligibility formula and the replacement of the term “Expected Family Contribution” with “Student Aid Index.”

Do You Have to Register for Selective Service to Receive Financial Aid?

As mentioned, you do not have to register for Selective Service in order to receive financial aid. If you failed to register in the past and you weren’t exempt from registering for Selective Service, the Department of Education would not allow you to obtain federal financial aid. This meant you could lose access to student loans, grants, and work-study programs. The rule changed due to the FAFSA Simplification Act of 2020.

Men must register for Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday, though the Selective Service accepts late registrations up until age 26. Note that those who were assigned the male sex at birth must register. Failure to do so is a felony and punishable by up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

You may also forfeit the following benefits if you fail to register for the Selective Service:

•   State-based student loans and grant programs in certain states

•   Federal job training under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

•   Federal and possible state and local jobs

•   Delay of U.S. citizenship proceedings for immigrants

Why the Question Is Still on FAFSA

The Selective Service question gives those who must register an easy way to fill out the draft form — you can do it at the same time you file the FAFSA.

How to Answer the Question about Selective Service

It’s helpful to know why people must register for Selective Service. If a crisis requiring a draft were to occur, those required to register would be called through a random lottery number based on year of birth. You’d be examined for mental and physical fitness before being drafted into the Armed Forces.

You can now completely skip over the question about registering for Selective Service on the FAFSA if you choose.

Recommended: FAFSA 101

Is It Better to Register for Selective Service Through FAFSA?

It’s not “better” to register for Selective Service through either the FAFSA or through the Selective Service System website as long as you complete one or the other. However, if you have to fill out both the Selective Service registration and the FAFSA, it may make sense to fill out the FAFSA and take care of both at once.

If you register on the Selective Service website, you’ll provide your:

•   Gender

•   Name

•   Address

•   Social Security number

•   Birthdate

•   Email

•   Phone number

•   How you learned about Selective Service registration

Will Applying for Financial Aid Get Me Drafted?

Applying for financial aid will not automatically “get you drafted” into the military.

What Happens if I Don’t Submit the FAFSA?

If you don’t submit the FAFSA, you could lose out on thousands of dollars of financial aid to help you attend college. Here are some of the different types of financial aid you could lose out on by not filing the FAFSA:

•   Grants: Grants are a type of financial aid that you don’t have to pay back and can come from the federal government, such as qualifying for Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants, and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants. You may also lose out on state grants as well.

•   Scholarships: Scholarships also do not have to be repaid and they can come from colleges and universities based on the results of the FAFSA. They can be based on academic merit, talent, or a specific academic area.

•   Work-study: The federal work-study program allows you to earn money by getting a part-time job on campus.

•   Loans: Federal student loans, which must be repaid, allow you to tap into student loans at a lower interest rate. You can borrow up to a certain amount over the course of your academic career. The government pays the accrued interest on subsidized loans while you’re in school part-or half-time while you repay the principal. In the case of unsubsidized loans, you’ll pay the interest that accrues while you’re in school as well as the principal.

You may also be able to access student loan forgiveness for military students and other types of aid. In addition to learning about FAFSA, it’s a good idea to organize your finances using a Ca$h Course guide for college students.

Upcoming Changes With FAFSA

In addition to the FAFSA Selective Service changes, other 2023–24 FAFSA changes include the removal of drug conviction eligibility questions and the retirement of the myStudent Aid app on June 30, 2022.

You’ll be required to fill out this question when completing the FAFSA, but drug convictions no longer affect your eligibility for federal student aid.

The myStudentAid mobile app launched in October 2018 to allow families to complete the FAFSA in app form. However, due to lack of use and families’ preferences of accessing on a mobile device instead of the myStudentAid mobile app, the myStudentAid mobile app was removed from app stores on July 10.

Other changes to the financial aid eligibility formula will affect the 2024-25 academic year, including fewer questions about untaxed income, a change in the term “Expected Family Contribution (EFC)” — it will become the “Student Aid Index (SAI).” The term makes it more clear that the SAI refers to an eligibility index for student aid, not the FAFSA amount — the amount a student will pay for school.

In addition to these changes, the parent who provides the most financial support for a student must complete the FAFSA and the discount for families with more than one child in college also goes away.

Important FAFSA Deadlines

The FAFSA opens on October 1 during each new academic year. There are a few different types of deadlines you need to consider. For the 2022-23 academic year, you must submit the FAFSA on June 30, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST). Corrections or updates must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST on Sept. 9, 2023.

However, colleges may have their own deadlines and each state also has its own deadline , which you should check prior to filing the FAFSA. Learn more about the FAFSA with SoFi’s FAFSA guide.

The Takeaway

In the past, Selective Service and FAFSA were intertwined. You’d be asked, “Are you registered with the Selective Service system on the FAFSA?” As a male, you were required to register in order to receive financial aid. In the past, if you failed to register and you weren’t exempt, you would see student loans denied to you, as well as access to grants and work-study programs. However, you no longer have to register for the Selective Service system for FAFSA. The FAFSA and Selective Service rule changed due to the FAFSA Simplification Act of 2020.

After exhausting their federal financial aid options, some borrowers may turn to private student loans to fill in the gap. While these can lack borrower protections afforded to federal student loans, they can be helpful if all other avenues of financing have been depleted.

SoFi private student loans offer competitive interest rates for qualifying borrowers, flexible repayment plans, and no fees.

3 Student Loan Tips

1.    Need a private student loan to cover your school bills? Because approval for a private student loan is based on creditworthiness, a cosigner may help a student get loan approval and a lower rate.

2.    Even if you don’t think you qualify for financial aid, you should fill out the FAFSA form. Many schools require it for merit-based scholarships, too. You can submit it as early as Oct. 1.

3.    Would-be borrowers will want to understand the different types of student loans peppering the landscape: private student loans, federal Direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans, Direct PLUS loans, and more.

Photo credit: iStock/SDI Productions

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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Top 10 Scholarship Essay Tips

College Scholarship Essay Writing Guide

Scholarships can be a great way to get help paying for college, but unfortunately the competition for these awards can be intense. Many college scholarships require writing an essay as a part of the application process.

Writing an exceptional college scholarship essay stand out is just one thing that can help set your application apart from the rest. Continue reading for tips on crafting a strong college scholarship essay.

Key Points

•   Planning ahead is crucial when writing a scholarship essay, allowing ample time for drafting, revising, and meeting deadlines for multiple applications.

•   Customizing the essay for the scholarship provider’s values and mission enhances its impact, making it more memorable to the reviewers.

•   Following all application instructions carefully is essential, as failure to do so can lead to disqualification regardless of the essay’s quality.

•   Crafting a compelling introduction and maintaining a consistent style throughout the essay can significantly improve the reader’s engagement and impression.

•   Highlighting personal achievements and goals, while thoroughly proofreading for errors, ensures a polished and persuasive scholarship application.

1. Plan Ahead

Let’s start with one of the most practical tips for writing a scholarship essay. The first step to success when writing a college scholarship essay is to not procrastinate. Plan ahead to make sure there is plenty of time to write the essay, review it, and edit it.

It’s also important to write down the deadline and to set reminders as that deadline nears. If you’re applying for multiple scholarships consider setting up a tracker with important deadlines and application requirements so you can stay on top of the needs for each application.

Allowing enough time to write and edit can help you improve the quality of the essay, instead of trying to cram at the last minute.

2. Write to Your Audience

All scholarship providers are looking for students who meet certain criteria. Often this criteria includes students who have experiences or interests that match the mission of their organization.

Spending some time researching the organization offering the scholarship can help give essay writers the ability to customize their essay to their unique audience. If their writing can illustrate an alignment of values, their essay may be more memorable.

3. Read the Instructions and Follow Them

Before starting an essay, students should take their time to carefully read all application instructions and make a plan to follow them. No matter how strong an essay is, if the applicant fails to follow the instructions they may find themselves disqualified from the competition.

4. Pick a Topic You Care About

Because scholarship application essays can feel like a lot of work, it’s helpful if the writer chooses a topic they are really passionate about. Their essay will come across as more genuine and meaningful if they care about what they are writing about which will make a stronger impact on the scholarship committee than if they chose to write about a more generic topic.

5. Crafting a Strong Introduction

The introduction is the first chance the student has to capture the attention of their essay reviewer. It’s a good idea to spend some extra time crafting a compelling introduction so that the reader is interested, and excited, to finish the essay.

6. Pay Attention to Style

College scholarship essay reviewers will be more impressed by essays that take spelling, grammar, and general style into account. Read and re-read your essay to ensure that the tone of voice is consistent and there are no grammatical errors. Get some other opinions on the writing too. Consider asking teachers, counselors, or trusted friends or family members to review the essay before submitting it. A second set of eyes can go a long way in catching spelling, grammar, or style issues.

7. Follow a Pre-Planned Structure

To avoid having a messy essay, starting with an outline can help. Sit down and create a pre-planned structure before starting to write the actual essay. It can be helpful to think about how to incorporate the following messages into the outline.

•  Who are you? And why are you who you are?

•  What have you accomplished?

•  What are you hoping to accomplish in school and after school?

•  Why do you need a scholarship?

•  How will a scholarship make a difference?

8. Show, Don’t Tell

Another key scholarship application essay tip is to show, not tell. What do we mean by that? Instead of telling the reader exactly what they need to know, show them what they need to know.

For example, if a student wants the reader to know they are committed to their community, instead of saying “I am committed to my community” they can show this by saying, “I volunteer at my local dog shelter and beach clean up organization to help improve the life in our community for all residents and pets.”

9. Sell Yourself

It’s important to use the space in a college scholarship application to highlight achievements and how the scholarship will make it possible to achieve future goals. Pick a few select accomplishments or traits to focus on so the essay isn’t too heavy handed, but don’t shy away from being complementary.

10. Reread and Spell Check, Spell Check, Spell Check

We mentioned paying attention to spelling and grammar earlier, but as a friendly reminder don’t forget to do one last spell check at the end. This is one of the most important scholarship essay writing tips to keep in mind.

Our eyes get used to seeing what we type, so print out the essay and review it on paper to catch typos you may have missed on the screen. This is another time it’s a good idea to ask for a second set of eyes to look at the essay and to flag any errors. Be especially careful to double check the spelling of the name of the scholarship or organization.

Alternatives to Scholarships

Scholarships generally don’t need to be repaid and finding this free money for college can be an incredibly helpful resource for students trying to pay for college. Spending time applying for scholarships is well worth it. In addition, students may also rely on alternative funding sources to pay for college.

Some common funding sources include grants, federal student loans or private student loans. To apply for federal financial aid, students will need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) each year. This application will allow students to find out if they qualify for federal grants, scholarships, work-study and federal student loans. Some colleges use information provided on the FAFSA to determine institution-specific awards. Continue reading for more information on alternatives to scholarships.


Similar to scholarships, recipients of grants don’t usually need to pay back the money they’re given. Students can check with their college’s financial aid office to learn more about available grants and can fill out the FAFSA annually to see if they qualify for any grants.

Financial Aid

Alongside grants and scholarship, students can also consider pursuing other types of financial aid such as work-study jobs designed to help students earn money to pay for school. Those who served in the military or are the spouse or child of a veteran may be eligible for aid and students who are studying internationally may qualify for unique types of financial aid.

As mentioned, to apply for federal financial aid students will need to fill out the FAFSA each year they are in school.

Private Student Loans

Private student loans come from a variety of different financial institutions and they can help fill any financial gaps left after using financial aid and federal student loans to pay for college. To apply, students will need to file applications directly with the private lenders.

Private student loans don’t necessarily offer the same benefits as federal student loans — like deferment options or income-driven repayment plans. For this reason, students generally consider private student loans after thoroughly reviewing all other options.

Federal Student Loans

Whether someone is an undergraduate or graduate student, federal student loans — which are funded by the U.S. Department of Education — usually have better interest rates and terms than private student loans do and they come with unique federal protections like income based repayment plans.

The Takeaway

Scholarships are a great way to get some financial relief when paying for school, but students shouldn’t expect scholarships to cover all of their higher education expenses. Many students will use a combination of scholarships, grants, savings, and student loans to pay for their education.

When federal student loans and other sources of funding aren’t enough to fully foot the bill, private student loans can be an option to consider. SoFi private student loans have absolutely no fees and allow borrowers to select one of four flexible repayment plans.

SoFi private student loans offer competitive interest rates for qualifying borrowers. Find out if you prequalify in just a few minutes.

3 Student Loan Tips

1.   Can’t cover your school bills? If you’ve exhausted all federal aid options, private student loans can fill gaps in need, up to the school’s cost of attendance, which includes tuition, books, housing, meals, transportation, and personal expenses.

2.   It’s a good idea to understand the pros and cons of private student loans and federal student loans before committing to them.

3.   Even if you don’t think you qualify for financial aid, you should fill out the FAFSA form. Many schools require it for merit-based scholarships, too. You can submit it as early as Oct. 1.


How do you start or address your scholarship essay?

To start off a college scholarship essay, it can be helpful to address: what, what, when, where, and why. This way the reader will know the basics of who the student is and why they are applying for the scholarship.

What is the most important thing to avoid in a scholarship essay?

Unnecessary mistakes are the most important thing to avoid when writing a scholarship essay. Double check for spelling or grammatical errors, make note of any key deadlines, and be sure you are fulfilling all application requirements.

How long should scholarship essays be?

All scholarship essays will have different length requirements. Double check the desired word count for the essay before submitting it.

Photo credit: iStock/InspirationGP

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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