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10 First-Time Homebuyer Mistakes to Avoid & 6 Smart Moves to Make

Buying a house for the first time is a major life moment, both emotionally and financially. For many people, it’s the biggest investment they will ever make. With the median price of a house hitting $436,800 in 2023 (ka-ching), it’s not a purchase to be made lightly.

If you’re buying your first home, you may expect it to be the same as those quick, fun-and-done experiences portrayed on reality TV shows. In truth, however, it’s a process with a steep learning curve and many moving parts, from figuring out your home-shopping budget to satisfying your final mortgage contingencies. There can be minor hiccups and major missteps along the way.

There are so many things to know as a first-time homebuyer, it’s better to educate yourself in advance rather than learn as you go. To that end, this guide will cover the 10 most common first-time homebuyer mistakes to avoid, including:

•   Not knowing how much house you can afford

•   Failing to include other factors, like insurance and repairs, in your budget

•   Waiving an inspection because you’ve found your dream house

10 Home-Buying Mistakes to Avoid

Home-buying mistakes are easy to make, especially when buying a house for the first time. Review these 10 common first-time homebuyer mistakes before searching for your dream home — so you can ensure you’ll avoid them.

Home-Buying Mistakes to Avoid

1. Forgetting to Check Your Credit

When’s the last time you checked your credit? It’s absolutely crucial to know your credit score when buying a house.

Why? You may not qualify for a mortgage if your credit score is too low. For most types of mortgage loans, you’ll need a 620, though lenders also consider other factors, like your down payment and your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. You’ll get better rates if you wait to apply for a mortgage until your score is 740 or above.

The lesson? Don’t let a low credit score rule out buying your first home, but if it’s on the lower side, maybe consider taking some time to build your credit score before shopping for a house.

Recommended: Tips for Buying a House with Bad Credit

2. Not Being Realistic About What You Can Afford

Before you start looking at listings online or working with a real estate agent — and certainly before you try to get preapproved for a mortgage — calculate how much house you can afford.

Once you know the number, avoid looking at houses above your limit.

So how do you calculate how much house you can afford? There are a few easy methods:

•   DTI: Think about your debt-to-income ratio (your debts divided by your gross income). When adding a monthly mortgage payment into your current DTI calculation, the percentage shouldn’t pass 43%. That’s typically the highest ratio mortgage lenders will accept.

•   28/36 rule: With this method, your max mortgage payment should be 28% of your gross income, and your total debts — mortgage and otherwise — should be no more than 36% of your gross income.

•   35/45 rule: Spend no more than 35% of your gross income on debt and no more than 45% of your after-tax income on debt.

•   25% after-tax rule: After adjusting for taxes, your mortgage should not account for more than 25% of your income.

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3. Putting Too Much or Too Little Down

In their eagerness to become homeowners, many first-time buyers make the mistake of going overboard and directing every bit of money they have to the purchase.

If you have to drain your emergency savings to manage the down payment on a home, you might want to dial down the amount or wait and save up a bit more. Consider what could happen if the home needs a costly repair or, worse, if you or someone in your family suddenly has an expensive medical bill. That’s a good example of when to use an emergency fund.

Conventional wisdom says to put 20% down (and it does help you to avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI). But with housing costs so high, that’s all but impossible for most homebuyers. Instead, focus on the minimum down payments required for the type of loan you’re considering:

•   Conventional loan: As low as 3%

•   FHA loan: As low as 3.5%

•   VA loan: As low as 0%

Remember, though, that if you put down very little, you’ll need to borrow more. Your monthly payments will be higher, and you could pay more interest over the life of the loan.

4. Forgetting About Homeowners Insurance and Property Taxes

Your monthly mortgage loan payment is more than just the cost of your home. You’ll also need to cover the cost of homeowners insurance and property taxes, which are often paid into an escrow account. Depending on the type of mortgage and how much you’ve paid, you may also have to pay for PMI. Together, these all increase your monthly payment — sometimes substantially. When you look at a home, the real estate agent should be able to show you property tax history so you can get an idea of what you’d pay each year. You can also work with an insurance agent to simulate insurance quotes for various homes you’re considering.

Property taxes will change from year to year, and you can always change your homeowners insurance to lower the cost, even if you pay for it through the escrow account. It may be a good idea to bundle home and auto policies together to take advantage of a discount.

Recommended: How Much Homeowners Insurance Do You Need?

First-time homebuyers can
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with as little as 3% down.

5. Failing to Budget for Home Repairs and Maintenance

Forgetting to budget for homeowners insurance and property taxes is one of the most common first-time homebuyer mistakes — but those expenses aren’t the only ones people forget to budget for when buying a house for the first time.

If you’ve been accustomed to calling a landlord whenever something breaks in a rental, reset your expectations. Now, you’ll have to take care of basic home maintenance — like replacing air filters, cleaning the gutter, resealing wood decks, and cleaning the chimney — and repairs. When the air conditioner is blowing hot air, the oven stops working, or your roof starts leaking, you’re on the hook for the repairs.

Some issues may be covered by homeowners insurance (but there’s still a deductible!), but other issues caused by general wear and tear are solely your responsibility. And then there are other possible costs, like higher utility bills and homeowners association fees, that can eat into your budget.

6. Not Hiring a Qualified Home Inspector

It may be tempting to waive the home inspection when you’re trying to buy the home of your dreams — especially if you have some stiff competition to be the winning bidder for an in-demand property.

Sorry to say, this is a risky strategy. A home inspection might reveal critical information about the condition of a home and its systems, from electrical problems to hidden mold; from a failing septic system to a leaky roof. What you learn in an inspection could reveal that your dream home is actually a money pit.

What’s more, your inspection report might serve as a useful negotiating tool: You could use it to ask for repairs or to work out a better price from the seller. And if you really aren’t happy with the inspection results, you may be able to use it to cancel the offer to buy.

And in the grand scheme of things, an inspection isn’t too expensive. The average home inspection costs $300 to $500.

Recommended: The Ultimate Home Inspection Checklist

7. Overlooking the Neighborhood and Surrounding Area

You may have fallen in love with a specific home, but when you buy a house, you’re also buying the neighborhood that comes with it, so to speak.

How are the surrounding properties maintained? Do the people seem friendly? If you have kids or are planning on having them, do you see other families with young children? How are the schools in the area? What’s the traffic like? How’s the noise level? What restaurants and stores are nearby?

Think about your ideal community — and then try to find a dream home in that type of community.

8. Letting Your Emotions Get the Best of You

Buying your first home or any home thereafter can be a roller coaster, so it’s important to prepare yourself psychologically as well as financially. If you’ve ever talked to someone buying a house, you know there are potential pitfalls all through the purchasing process.

You might fall in love with the perfect house and find it’s way over your budget. You might get annoyed with the sellers or their real estate agent, especially during the negotiation process. You might disagree with your partner about priorities.

All of these scenarios can cause a person to behave emotionally. It might make you want to walk away from a great deal. It might lead you to barrel ahead with a purchase, even when warning lights are flashing.

Our advice to a first-time homebuyer? Recognizing that this will be a challenging and, at times, stressful process (especially because you are new to it), take a deep breath, and proceed calmly. Find tools that help you move ahead with patience and a sense of calm, best as you can. With your eye on the prize — namely, your first home — you’ll get there.

Recommended: Improving Your Relationship With Money

9. Not Considering Future Resale Value

Houses are more than a place to live — they’re an investment. While you certainly want to prioritize buying a home you’ll be happy in, it’s also a good idea to think about how much the property might be worth in five, 10, 15 years and beyond.

It’s impossible to predict the market, but you can feel more confident about strong future resale value by choosing a house with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, a well-appointed kitchen, and a yard. Other features, like a finished basement or a garage, may also make it easier to sell the home in the future.

10. Not Having an Emergency Fund

One of the basic tenets of personal finance is building an emergency fund. And here’s some blunt advice for first-time homebuyers: You’re going to need an emergency fund.

House emergencies can happen at any time: A tree falls on your roof, a toilet starts to leak, your dog destroys the carpet, you name it. Having money socked away to cover these expenses is crucial when buying a home.

Dream Home Quiz

6 Smart Moves for First-Time Homebuyers

We’ve covered some of the most common first-time homebuyer mistakes, so let’s shift gear to smart moves you can make when buying your first home.

1. Get Paperwork Moving ASAP

What do first-time homebuyers need when getting a mortgage? Here are some of the most common docs to start putting together:

•   Proof of income: Lenders will often want to see two months’ worth of pay stubs or bank statements that confirm your income. They’ll also want your tax returns from the previous two years.

•   Proof of funds: To take you seriously, lenders want to know you have enough money to cover a down payment and closing costs.

•   Proof of identification: This could include a government ID, a passport, or your driver’s license.

Early in the process, you can furnish this basic information to get prequalified at various lenders. They’ll also run a credit check during the prequalification process.

Being prequalified simply allows lenders to give you an idea of what types of mortgages (fixed rate vs. variable rate, 15-year vs. 30-year, etc.) you might get approved for. It’s not a promise of approval, but it does help set expectations as you start to browse listings.

💡 Quick Tip: Your parents or grandparents probably got mortgages for 30 years. But these days, you can get them for 20, 15, or 10 years — and pay less interest over the life of the loan.

2. Check Out First-Time Homebuyer Programs

It’s wise to shop around for a few different mortgage quotes, but it would be a rookie mistake to overlook some great, government-sponsored programs that make buying a house more affordable. These include:

•   FHA loans: These mortgages are designed for those with low to moderate incomes. They typically offer low down-payment requirements, low interest rates, and the ability to get approval even if you have a fair credit score.

•   USDA loans: These provide affordable mortgages to those with a lower income who are planning on buying a home in a qualifying rural area.

•   VA loans: These mortgages help those on active military duty, veterans, and eligible surviving spouses become homeowners. If you can check one of those boxes, you may be eligible for a home loan with no down payment requirement and no PMI.

3. Consider Additional Costs Beyond the Mortgage

As we’ve discussed above, the actual monthly house payment is not your only cost. Your full mortgage payment includes property taxes, homeowners insurance, and, potentially, PMI.

But before you even get to the point of making monthly payments, consider these upfront costs of buying a house:

•   Closing costs, which are traditionally paid for by the buyer.

•   Home inspections, which we highly recommend.

•   Moving costs, whether just renting a truck or hiring movers.

4. Get Preapproved

Mortgage prequalification isn’t a commitment for the lender or buyer — it’s just a first step. If you appear to meet a lender’s standards, you could move on to the preapproval stage.

Getting preapproved for a home loan involves submitting additional income and asset documentation for a more in-depth review of your finances.

Once the lender approves these aspects of your loan application, you’ll receive a conditional commitment for a designated loan amount — called a preapproval letter — and have a better idea of what your loan terms will be.

Mortgage preapproval can help demonstrate to sellers that you’ve completed the first step in getting a mortgage because your credit, income, and assets have already been reviewed by an underwriter. This can smooth the bidding process and could give you an edge over others in a competitive situation with multiple offers.

Recommended: How Long is a Mortgage Preapproval Good For?

5. Choose the Right Type of Mortgage

You may qualify for various types of mortgage loans. Spend some time researching the different types so you have a better understanding of how they’ll impact your payments for the next several decades.

For instance, you’ll want to know the difference between a fixed-rate mortgage and an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). You’ll also want to understand how a 15-year term affects your monthly payments when compared to a 30-year term — but also how a longer term increases the amount you’ll pay in interest.

Other mortgage types to understand include:

•   Conventional loans vs. government-issued loans

•   Conforming vs. nonconforming loans

•   Reverse mortgages, jumbo mortgages, and interest-only mortgages

6. Shop Around for the Best Mortgage Rates

Finally, remember that you don’t have to go with the first mortgage offer you get. It’s worth your while to get multiple offers so you can compare interest rates, down payment requirements, terms, and more.

The Takeaway

Buying a house for the first time can be a stressful experience, but remember: At the end of it all, you’ll have a place you can call yours. You’ll build equity over time, and the house may increase in value. Just make sure you research the most common first-time homebuyer mistakes so you know how to avoid them.

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What are some common mistakes first-time homebuyers make?

Some common home-buying mistakes for first-time homebuyers include forgetting to check (and improve) their credit, not calculating how much home they can actually afford, and forgetting to consider additional expenses, like inspections, homeowners insurance, property taxes, closing costs, and increased utilities. First-timers may also forget to consider the neighborhood as a whole or the future resale of the home.

What are the two largest obstacles for first-time homebuyers?

Two large obstacles for first-time homebuyers include rising housing prices and credit score requirements. Those who don’t already have equity in a current home may have more trouble coming up with a down payment on a new home. First-time homebuyers may also lack the credit score needed to get the best possible rate on a new mortgage.

What are three common mortgage mistakes?

Three common mortgage mistakes are 1) buying up to the limit you’re approved for rather than calculating how much you’re comfortable paying; 2) skipping the home inspection to expedite the process or make your offer more appealing to buyers; and 3) not considering related expenses you’ll have to budget for, including homeowners insurance, property taxes, and repairs and maintenance.

What are the most common mistakes that homebuyers make?

Homebuyers make a number of common mistakes, such as making an unnecessarily large down payment, forgetting to budget for related costs, buying more house than they can afford, and not shopping around for the best mortgage loans.

*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

SoFi On-Time Close Guarantee: If all conditions of the Guarantee are met, and your loan does not close on or before the closing date on your purchase contract accepted by SoFi, and the delay is due to SoFi, SoFi will give you a credit toward closing costs or additional expenses caused by the delay in closing of up to $10,000.^ The following terms and conditions apply. This Guarantee is available only for loan applications submitted after 04/01/2024. Please discuss terms of this Guarantee with your loan officer. The mortgage must be a purchase transaction that is approved and funded by SoFi. This Guarantee does not apply to loans to purchase bank-owned properties or short-sale transactions. To qualify for the Guarantee, you must: (1) Sign up for access to SoFi’s online portal and upload all requested documents, (2) Submit documents requested by SoFi within 5 business days of the initial request and all additional doc requests within 2 business days (3) Submit an executed purchase contract on an eligible property with the closing date at least 25 calendar days from the receipt of executed Intent to Proceed and receipt of credit card deposit for an appraisal (30 days for VA loans; 40 days for Jumbo loans), (4) Lock your loan rate and satisfy all loan requirements and conditions at least 5 business days prior to your closing date as confirmed with your loan officer, and (5) Pay for and schedule an appraisal within 48 hours of the appraiser first contacting you by phone or email. This Guarantee will not be paid if any delays to closing are attributable to: a) the borrower(s), a third party, the seller or any other factors outside of SoFi control; b) if the information provided by the borrower(s) on the loan application could not be verified or was inaccurate or insufficient; c) attempting to fulfill federal/state regulatory requirements and/or agency guidelines; d) or the closing date is missed due to acts of God outside the control of SoFi. SoFi may change or terminate this offer at any time without notice to you. *To redeem the Guarantee if conditions met, see documentation provided by loan officer.
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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Are IPO Proceeds?

What Are IPO Proceeds?

Initial public offerings (IPO) are a common tool for companies to raise capital, and the funds raised in an IPO are known as IPO proceeds.

When investors purchase IPO stocks, the company gets to keep the proceeds, after paying underwriters, the exchange, and others that helped with the IPO process.

By opening up to public investment, a previously private company can bring in significant funds that can be used for various activities, rather than turning to debt as a means of expansion.

Companies can use the capital brought in through an IPO in a variety of ways, but they must disclose their plans to investors.

Key Points

•   Initial public offerings (IPOs) are a common tool for companies to raise capital, with proceeds known as IPO proceeds.

•   Companies must disclose their plans to investors for how they will use the proceeds.

•   Common uses for IPO proceeds include paying off debt; funding additional research and development; and general corporate purposes.

•   Companies must file an S-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to disclose how they intend to use the proceeds.

•   While companies get to keep most of their IPO proceeds, a portion also goes to investment banks, accountants, lawyers, and others who helped them with the IPO process.

IPO Proceeds Defined

When a company holds an initial public offering (IPO) they must publish their plans for how they will use the proceeds. This helps investors understand how the company will use their money, and decide whether they agree with the company’s plans before they invest.

This is important because even though the IPO process is highly regulated, it’s also highly risky. Some companies that issue their stock for the first time can see the stock price soar; others can see it plunge. It’s also possible for the IPO to have an IPO pop, or price spike, before dropping. This kind of volatility is common to IPOs, which is why investors must proceed with caution.

Companies preparing for an IPO file an S-1, a several-hundred-page document, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which includes a disclosure about the planned use of IPO proceeds.

They must also show investors a business plan. Potential investors can evaluate the business plan and see if they think they will receive a satisfactory return on their investment if they buy stock in that IPO.

While companies get to keep most of their IPO proceeds, a portion also goes to all investment banks, accountants, lawyers, and others who helped them with the IPO process, including valuing the company and setting an IPO cutoff price. According to PWC, underwriting fees alone eat up 3.5% to 7% of IPO proceeds.

💡 Quick Tip: Keen to invest in an initial public offering, or IPO? Be sure to check with your brokerage about what’s required. Typically IPO stock is available only to eligible investors.

What Are IPO Proceeds Used For?

There are a few areas where companies tend to spend IPO proceeds. Generally companies mention multiple uses in their S-1 filings, and it may also be something that they discuss with investors during their IPO roadshow. These might include:

General Corporate Purposes

General corporate purposes is a very common area companies talk about in their use of proceeds statements. It is a broad category that covers a lot of uses such as capital expenditures, operating expenses, and working capital, and getting more money for this is a major reason that many companies go public. Companies can use this term to describe broad activities without going into detail about their plans.

This allows them to keep their plans private and also lets them keep their options open and decide exactly how to spend money at a later date. Some companies do go into greater detail about the meaning of their general corporate purposes statement.

Research & Development

Companies might also use proceeds from an IPO to fund research and development. They spend funds developing new products and services, which can take years and significant amounts of money. Since R&D is so expensive, it is a major reason companies choose to hold IPOs.

Without R&D, some companies might struggle to keep up with competition and stay relevant in their industry. Some companies go into detail about the types of R&D projects they plan to work on using IPO proceeds, while others keep their plans vague.

Company Growth

Companies often choose to hold an IPO to raise funds for company growth. Company growth plans often appear in their business plan, and can include capital expenditures, working capital, sales and marketing plans to help a company grow its reach and revenue.

Companies want to create long-term, sustainable growth so that a company can stay in business for a long time. Like other uses of IPO proceeds, companies may go into detail about their plans for company growth expenditures or they may keep their plans vague.

💡 Quick Tip: All investments come with some degree of risk — and some are riskier than others. Before investing online, decide on your investment goals and how much risk you want to take.


Companies can use IPO proceeds to merge with or acquire other businesses, something that can be very expensive. Without holding an IPO a company might not have the funds required to complete an acquisition. Acquisitions and mergers can help a company grow their customer base, eliminate competition, and expand their product and service offerings.

When a company includes an acquisition in its S-1 filing, they must state which company they intend to acquire. If they don’t yet have a company in mind to acquire, they can just list acquisitions as one possible use of IPO proceeds. A company does not have to state the exact company they are interested in acquiring if it will harm the potential of the acquisition plan.

Some companies take a unique path to acquisitions using IPO proceeds, known as a “blank check” IPO or special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). Companies create a shell company that they take public with an IPO and then use the IPO proceeds to complete an acquisition.

Debt Repayment

Another common use of IPO proceeds is to pay off debt. By paying off any existing debts, companies no longer have interest payments, so they reduce their operating costs, and they can also gain access to more funds from loans. Although it can be beneficial to a company to pay off their debts, this use of IPO proceeds is not popular with investors.

Other uses of IPO Proceeds

In addition to the uses described above, there are many other ways companies can use IPO proceeds, including paying taxes and charitable actions.

SEC Requirements on IPO Proceeds

The SEC requires companies file a “use of proceeds” section in their S-1 IPO submission. The S-1 explains to investors the goals of the IPO and what the company plans to do following the IPO, including how they will use proceeds. Requirements for what must be included in the S-1 are fairly broad, so companies can choose how much to share with potential investors, and they have a lot of choice about how they can use IPO proceeds.

There are several specific requirements for what must be included in the S-1, a document scrutinized by investors as part of their IPO due diligence. The “use of proceeds” section must include a brief outline of how proceeds from an IPO will be used. The requirements for what the brief outline includes are broad, giving companies a lot of freedom in what they want to disclose. Companies are allowed to use broad statements about planned use of funds, such as listing the categories described above.

Later sections in the S-1 submission require companies to go into greater detail about spending plans if they plan to use funds for certain activities. Just because a company states they plan to use funds in a certain way doesn’t legally bind them to actually use the funds in that way. However, companies need to inform investors that plans may change later if that is the case.

The Takeaway

With many companies going public per year, knowing how a company is going to use its IPO proceeds — the funds earned from the public offering itself — is important if you’re thinking about investing in that company’s IPO. You can find that and other useful information about a planned IPO in a company’s S-1.

Common uses for IPO proceeds include paying off debt; funding additional research and development; general corporate purposes, and more.

Whether you’re curious about exploring IPOs, or interested in traditional stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), you can get started by opening an account on the SoFi Invest® brokerage platform. On SoFi Invest, eligible SoFi members have the opportunity to trade IPO shares, and there are no account minimums for those with an Active Investing account. As with any investment, it's wise to consider your overall portfolio goals in order to assess whether IPO investing is right for you, given the risks of volatility and loss.

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


Who gets the proceeds from an IPO?

When a company holds an IPO, they receive money from banks and institutional investors who have agreed to invest prior to the start of the IPO. The company receives proceeds from the initial sale of stock. Any money exchanged after the IPO from the sale of stock doesn’t go directly to the company.

What are secondary IPO proceeds?

Primary proceeds are those made from the initial sale of stock in an IPO. Secondary IPO proceeds are those made in the stock market following the IPO.

How does an IPO raise money?

An IPO raises money by offering shares of stock in a company to institutional and retail investors. When investors purchase those stocks, the company gets to keep the proceeds, after paying underwriters, the exchange, and others that helped with the IPO process.

Photo credit: iStock/Charday Penn

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SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
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Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investing in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss. Further, there are a variety of risk factors to consider when investing in an IPO, including but not limited to, unproven management, significant debt, and lack of operating history. For a comprehensive discussion of these risks please refer to SoFi Securities’ IPO Risk Disclosure Statement. IPOs offered through SoFi Securities are not a recommendation and investors should carefully read the offering prospectus to determine whether an offering is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

New offerings generally have high demand and there are a limited number of shares available for distribution to participants. Many customers may not be allocated shares and share allocations may be significantly smaller than the shares requested in the customer’s initial offer (Indication of Interest). For SoFi’s allocation procedures please refer to IPO Allocation Procedures.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Is an IPO Roadshow?

What Is an IPO Roadshow?

Before a company can sell its shares on an exchange, it first needs to go through the Initial Public Offering (IPO) process. One of the most critical steps in this process is the IPO roadshow, in which the company pitches itself to potential investors.

A roadshow presentation can take place in-person, with meetings in cities across the country, or the company can offer an online event instead. Either way, the goal is the same: to generate interest in the company that will encourage investors to buy in.

Key Points

•   An IPO roadshow is a series of meetings or presentations in which key members of a private company pitch the initial public offering to prospective investors.

•   Digital roadshows have become increasingly popular and offer an advantage of increased efficiency compared to traditional roadshows.

•   The purpose of an IPO roadshow is to generate interest in a company among prospective investors in order to raise capital.

•   Virtual IPO roadshow presentations have the potential to reach a broader audience, rather than being limited to a handful of cities.

•   Buying IPO stock can help diversify an investment portfolio, but is typically high risk and requires due diligence.

What Is a Roadshow?

In general, a roadshow is a series of meetings or presentations in which key members of a private company, usually executives, pitch the initial public offering, or IPO, to prospective investors. Effectively, the company is taking its branding message on the road to meet with investors in different cities, hence the name.

The IPO roadshow presentation is an important part of the IPO process in which a company sells new shares to the public for the first time. Whether a company’s IPO succeeds or not can hinge on interest generated among investors before the stock makes its debut on an exchange.

There are also some cases where company executives will embark on a road show to meet with investors to talk about their company, even if they’re not planning an IPO.

💡 Quick Tip: IPO stocks can get a lot of media hype. But savvy investors know that where there’s buzz there can also be higher-than-warranted valuations. IPO shares might spike or plunge (or both), so investing in IPOs may not be suitable for investors with short time horizons.

How Roadshows Work

Typically, the roadshow is the third step in the IPO process, following the selection of an underwriter to oversee the process and the completion of due diligence. At this point, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reviews all of the documents submitted in connection with the IPO, while the company and the underwriting team get ready for the roadshow.

The underwriters and executives taking part in the IPO roadshow work together to decide which cities to visit, which investors to target, and which information to include in the roadshow presentation.

A typical IPO roadshow presentation highlights the most important information the company wants investors to know, including:

•   The company’s history and its plans regarding the IPO

•   Details about the top executives

•   The current vision and mission statement

•   Financial performance and earnings history

•   Future sales projections and anticipated growth

•   IPO goals

A roadshow IPO presentation may include digital media, such as videos or a slideshow. Investors have a chance to ask questions during a Q&A session following the presentation.

The roadshow tour for an IPO can last anywhere for two to four weeks, depending on how many stops the company makes along the way.

New Digital Roadshows

Virtual roadshows have become an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional IPO roadshow. The pandemic forced companies to rethink the way they meet with investors, resulting in a growing number of roadshows taking place online only.

Digital roadshows mean companies forgo a chance to meet with prospective investors face-to-face, but they offer an advantage in terms of increased efficiency. Company executives and underwriters save money and time, since they’re not traveling. Virtual IPO roadshow presentations also have the potential to reach a broader audience, rather than being limited to just a handful of cities.

If a company schedules multiple presentations in a single day, using a virtual format, they can complete the roadshow move through the IPO process more quickly. This could make it easier to determine the price of an IPO if there’s less opportunity for pricing to be affected by volatility. Pricing the IPO typically happens at the conclusion of the road show.

💡 Quick Tip: The best stock trading app? That’s a personal preference, of course. Generally speaking, though, a great app is one with an intuitive interface and powerful features to help make trades quickly and easily.

Importance of Roadshows

The IPO roadshow presentation is an opportunity for a company to convince investors that buying stock in their company is a good investment opportunity. The main purpose of an IPO is generally to raise capital and companies can’t do that without interest from investors.

IPO stocks are considered high-risk investments, and while some companies may present an opportunity for growth, there are no guarantees. Like investing in any other type of stock, it’s essential for investors to do their due diligence. While individual investors aren’t included in the IPO roadshow process, they can follow the coverage, to understand new details that might emerge about the company.

Pros and Cons of a Roadshow

If the company goes public and no one buys its shares, then the IPO ends up being a flop, which can affect the company’s success in the near and long term. If the company experiences an IPO pop, in which its price goes much higher than its initial offering price, it could be a sign that underwriters mispriced the stock.

A roadshow is also important for helping determine how to price the company’s stock when the IPO launches. If the roadshow ends up being a smashing success, for example, that can cause the underwriters to adjust their expectations for the stock’s IPO price.

On the other hand, if the roadshow doesn’t seem to be generating much buzz around the company at all, that could cause the price to be adjusted downward.

In a worst-case scenario, the company may decide to pull the plug on the IPO altogether or to go a different route, such as a private IPO placement.

The Takeaway

The IPO roadshow presents an opportunity for a new company to convince investors to invest in their organization. The main purpose of an IPO is to raise capital and companies can’t do that without interest from investors.

The underwriters and executives taking part in the IPO roadshow work together to decide which cities to visit, which investors to target, and which information to include in the roadshow presentation.

While individual investors typically don’t have access to roadshows, eligible investors may still participate in IPO trading. Buying IPO stock can help you to diversify your investment portfolio, and may present growth opportunities — but IPO shares are typically high risk. The key is doing your research to find the right companies to invest in as they go public.

Whether you’re curious about exploring IPOs, or interested in traditional stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), you can get started by opening an account on the SoFi Invest® brokerage platform. On SoFi Invest, eligible SoFi members have the opportunity to trade IPO shares, and there are no account minimums for those with an Active Investing account. As with any investment, it's wise to consider your overall portfolio goals in order to assess whether IPO investing is right for you, given the risks of volatility and loss.

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


What is the purpose of a roadshow?

The purpose of an IPO roadshow is to generate interest in a company among prospective investors. The company executives and underwriting can meet with investors in-person or virtually to share details about the IPO, the company’s financials and its goals.

How long after the roadshow is the IPO?

The IPO can take place as little as two weeks after the roadshow is completed. The actual timing depends on a number of factors, including whether the underwriters determine that a price adjustment is needed or if any snags come up involving the filing of key documents.

Are IPO roadshows public?

The IPO roadshow process typically focuses on institutional investors, rather than retail investors. So the roadshow presentations have traditionally been private affairs. But with more companies opting to host virtual roadshows, there’s potential for the general public to be able to view IPO presentations online.

Photo credit: iStock/FreshSplash

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investing in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss. Further, there are a variety of risk factors to consider when investing in an IPO, including but not limited to, unproven management, significant debt, and lack of operating history. For a comprehensive discussion of these risks please refer to SoFi Securities’ IPO Risk Disclosure Statement. IPOs offered through SoFi Securities are not a recommendation and investors should carefully read the offering prospectus to determine whether an offering is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

New offerings generally have high demand and there are a limited number of shares available for distribution to participants. Many customers may not be allocated shares and share allocations may be significantly smaller than the shares requested in the customer’s initial offer (Indication of Interest). For SoFi’s allocation procedures please refer to IPO Allocation Procedures.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Is IPO Due Diligence?

What Is IPO Due Diligence?

As part of the IPO process, private companies must perform due diligence to ensure that they’ve met all the requirements for being listed on a public exchange. This ensures that the company follows all registration and disclosure guidelines established by the Securities Act of 1933.

Broadly speaking, IPO due diligence is similar to the due diligence performed in any other situation involving large amounts of capital. Just as an investor may research certain aspects of a company before deciding to purchase shares, a company that’s planning an IPO must have an understanding of the various factors that could positively or negatively affect its success.

If you’re interested in investing in IPOs, it’s helpful to know what goes on behind the scenes and how the IPO due diligence process works, given that IPO stocks are considered high-risk securities.

Recommended: How to Buy IPO Stocks

Key Points

•   IPO due diligence is a process of researching a private company to make sure it meets the requirements for being listed on a public exchange.

•   The due diligence process involves gathering information about the company’s organizational structure, licensing and taxes, board and employee information, financial information, customer/service information, and company property.

•   Benefits of IPO due diligence include an opportunity to explore the viability of an IPO for the company and more information for investors on the company and its risks.

•   Steps to filing an IPO include SEC review, IPO roadshow, pricing, launch, stabilization, and transition to market.

•   Due diligence can help give investors confidence that the company complies with all relevant SEC regulations.

IPO Due Diligence Process

IPO due diligence typically takes place within the first 60 days of a company beginning the IPO process. During the IPO due diligence process, the IPO underwriters and IPO attorneys will work together to perform the necessary background research to gain a better understanding of the company, its management and its financials. This involves gathering the follow information:

1. Organizational Data

During the first stage of the IPO due diligence process, the underwriters and attorneys gather information about the company’s organizational structure. This may include requesting copies of any or all of the following:

•   Articles of incorporation

•   A list of the company’s shareholders and committees

•   An overview of the number of shares owned per individual shareholder

•   Annual business reports for the previous three years

•   Company business plans or strategic plans

•   A breakdown of the company’s organizational structure, including board members, directors, and employees

The underwriting team may also request a copy of a certificate in good standing from the State Secretary, along with information on organizational decision-making.

💡 Quick Tip: Access to IPO shares before they trade on public exchanges has usually been available only to large institutional investors. That’s changing now, and some brokerages offer pre-listing IPO investing to qualified investors.

2. Licensing and Taxation

The next step in IPO due diligence involves collecting information about the company’s licensing and taxes. At this stage, the IPO underwriter and/or attorneys may request copies of:

•   All business licenses currently issued to the company

•   Annual tax returns

•   Government licenses and permits held by the company

•   Employment tax filings

•   Comprehensive reports of the company’s tax filing data

The underwriting team may look back three years or more when analyzing income tax returns and tax filing information.

Recommended: The IPO Process

3. Board and Employee Information

Due diligence can also extend to information about the company’s board of directors, its managers, and its employees. At this phase of IPO due diligence, underwriters and attorney may request:

•   A list of all individuals it employees

•   Information about employee status, including each employee’s position and salary

•   Details regarding employee benefits and bonuses, according to position

•   A copy of company policies relating to sick leave or conflict resolution

•   Details about employee insurance benefits, including health, disability and life insurance

•   Copies of resumes for leading personnel

•   Copies of employee audits

With regard to employee audits, underwriters can look back two to three years.

💡 Quick Tip: Before opening any investment account, consider what level of risk you are comfortable with. If you’re not sure, start with more conservative investments, and then adjust your portfolio as you learn more.

4. Financial Information

A company’s finances can come under close scrutiny during the IPO due diligence process. When considering financial information, the IPO underwriting and legal team may review:

•   Copies of broker or investment banking arrangements

•   Company financial statements records, including previous financial audits

•   A list of all financial accounts help by the company

•   Copies of financial analyst reports

•   Information about the company’s inventory holdings

•   Details regarding the company’s accounting and amortization methods

•   A list of all fixed and variable expenses

The time frame for which underwriters can review financial information can stretch from the previous three to five years, depending on what they’re examining.

Recommended: How to Read Financial Statements

5. Customer/Service Information

Due diligence also takes into account interactions with customers and service practices. During this step, the underwriting team may request:

•   Reports or information about the products and services offered by the company

•   Details about consumer complaints filed against the company

•   Information about legal approvals for the company’s products and services

•   Copies of the company’s trading policies

•   Details regarding the company’s marketing strategies as well as copies of marketing materials

The underwriters may also need to see copies of customer supply or service agreements.

6. Company Property

Last but not least, IPO underwriters will examine property holdings owned by the company. This can include reviewing information about:

•   Business locations

•   Real estate agreements and/or franchise licenses

•   Trademarks and copyrights held by the company

•   Approved patents held by the company

•   Trademark complaints, if applicable

•   Official contracts showing the purchase of real estate

The underwriters may also ask for a full inventory of any physical or real property the company owns.

Objective of IPO Due Diligence

During due diligence, the underwriting team is working to gain a full understanding of how the company operates, how it’s structured, how healthy it is financially, and whether there are any potential issues that could be a roadblock to going public. The due diligence process effectively clears the way for the next steps in the IPO process.

The IPO due diligence process ensures that there are no surprises waiting to crop up that could derail a company’s progress. It’s also an opportunity for the underwriting team, the IPO attorneys and the company itself to assess any potential risk factors that may affect the IPO’s outcome.

Benefits of Due Diligence Process

IPO due diligence has benefits for both the company and investors.

IPO Due Diligence Benefits for the Company

•   Due diligence offers an opportunity to explore the viability of an IPO, based on the company’s business model, financials, capital needs and anticipated demand for its shares.

•   Due diligence also allows the company to avoid going afoul of regulatory guidelines, and it can help to identify any issues the company may need to address before going public.

IPO Due Diligence Benefits to Investors

•   The due diligence process can reveal more about a company than the information in the initial red herring prospectus. In IPO investing, a red herring refers to the initial prospectus compiled for SEC registration purposes.

•   If investors feel confident about the information they have, that could help to fuel the success of the IPO which can mean more capital raised for the company and better returns for those who purchase its shares.

Note that an investor’s eligibility or suitability for trading IPO shares is usually determined by their brokerage firm.

Next Steps in Filing IPO

Once the underwriting team has completed its due diligence, the company can move on to the next steps involved in how to file an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Again, that includes:

•   SEC review

•   IPO roadshow

•   Pricing

•   Launch

•   Stabilization

•   Transition to market

The SEC review typically takes between 90 and 150 days to complete. Now, it’s up to the SEC to determine that all regulatory requirements have been met. Usually, the team conducting the review includes one or more attorneys and one or more accountants.

Next, comes the roadshow. During the roadshow, the company presents details about the IPO to potential investors. This step of the IPO process allows the company and underwriters to gauge interest in the offering and attract investors.

IPO pricing usually involves a closer look at the company’s financials, including its valuation and cash flow. Underwriters may also consider valuations for similar competitors when determining the appropriate IPO price.

After setting the IPO price, the underwriters and the company will schedule the IPO launch. Once the IPO launches, investors can purchase shares of the company. The underwriter does the steering on price stabilization movements during the 25 days following the launch, after which the company transitions to market competition, concluding the IPO process.

The Takeaway

IPO due diligence is an important part of the IPO process. Thanks to due diligence, investors who want to purchase IPO stock can feel confident that a company about to go public complies with all relevant SEC regulations. Then, it’s up to the individual investor to decide whether trading IPO shares suits their goals and risk tolerance.

Whether you’re curious about exploring IPOs, or interested in traditional stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), you can get started by opening an account on the SoFi Invest® brokerage platform. On SoFi Invest, eligible SoFi members have the opportunity to trade IPO shares, and there are no account minimums for those with an Active Investing account. As with any investment, it's wise to consider your overall portfolio goals in order to assess whether IPO investing is right for you, given the risks of volatility and loss.

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.

Photo credit: iStock/porcorex

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investing in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss. Further, there are a variety of risk factors to consider when investing in an IPO, including but not limited to, unproven management, significant debt, and lack of operating history. For a comprehensive discussion of these risks please refer to SoFi Securities’ IPO Risk Disclosure Statement. IPOs offered through SoFi Securities are not a recommendation and investors should carefully read the offering prospectus to determine whether an offering is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

New offerings generally have high demand and there are a limited number of shares available for distribution to participants. Many customers may not be allocated shares and share allocations may be significantly smaller than the shares requested in the customer’s initial offer (Indication of Interest). For SoFi’s allocation procedures please refer to IPO Allocation Procedures.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Testing the Waters: What It Means in an IPO

Testing the Waters: What It Means in an IPO

Testing the waters in the initial public offering (IPO) process allows companies and related parties that are looking at going public to gauge how successful their prospective IPO would be — without going through the actual process of going public.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted in 2019 to adopt a new rule to allow companies interested in going public to test the waters (TTW). Specifically, the SEC formally rolled out Rule 163B under the Securities Act on December 3, 2019.

The IPO process can be long, costly, and risky for some companies, and thus some companies can be reluctant to try going public. But the ability to test the waters by communicating with potential investors, gauging their interest, and examining how an IPO would be received, is valuable before having to go all-in on a public offering.

Key Points

•   Testing the Waters (TTW) is an SEC rule that allows companies to gauge the success of a prospective IPO without going through the actual process.

•   The JOBS Act of 2012 allowed small businesses to communicate with Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) and Institutional Accredited Investors (IAIs).

•   Testing the Waters allows companies to assess investor interest, explain the direction of the company, and strengthen areas of weakness.

•   The expanded rule for all issuers allows for greater transparency and communication between IPO-hopeful and the markets, as well as investors.

•   Investors have access to additional information about a company’s expected IPO and more time to decide whether to invest.

Testing the Waters During the IPO Process

Starting in 2012, testing the waters was available only for emerging growth companies, also known as EGCs. In 2019, testing the waters was extended to all issuers to increase the chance of a company successfully completing an initial public offering (IPO), and to encourage issuers to enter the public equity markets.

So, what does testing the waters mean, and how does it work? In effect, testing the waters is a way for issuers to dip their toes in the water, so to speak, and gauge the temperature before fully jumping into the IPO process.

When the new SEC rule was proposed and adopted in September 2019, Chairman Jay Clayton said, “Investors and companies alike will benefit from test-the-waters communications, including increasing the likelihood of successful public securities offerings.”

Details of the TTW rule

The TTW rule allows issuers to assess market interest in a possible IPO (or other registered securities offering) by being able to discuss the IPO with certain institutional investors before, or after, the filing of a registration statement.

Generally, issuers set up TWW meetings with investors after the issuer has filed with the SEC. They could potentially speak with specific issuers before filing with the SEC, but issuers typically want to align on the first round of SEC comments and then have a clear direction when speaking with potential investors.

Example of Testing the Waters

In late spring of 2022, a tech company that created a platform for grocery delivery, decided to test the waters for a potential IPO.

There were good reasons for the company to be cautious. The market had seen a steep drop since the beginning of the year, and investors had largely cooled on tech stocks, with IPOs taking a noticeable hit year-over-year.

Thanks to taking this step, the company was projected to IPO by the end of 2022, using the interim period to adjust their valuation and their path forward, given the competition in the space.

To sum it up, testing the waters allows companies to see what investors say, answer questions, and potentially identify areas of weakness that could be strengthened.

💡 Quick Tip: Access to IPO shares before they trade on public exchanges has usually been available only to large institutional investors. That’s changing now, and some brokerages offer pre-listing IPO investing to qualified investors.

Purpose of Testing the Waters

Testing the waters has two chief aims: The first is communicating with potential investors to explain the direction of the company and gathering their feedback. The second is to evaluate the market before having to invest large sums in an actual IPO.

💡Quick Tip: How do you decide if a certain trading platform or app is right for you? Ideally, the investment platform you choose offers the features that you need for your investment goals or strategy, e.g., an easy-to-use interface, data analysis, educational tools.

Communication with Potential Investors

In addition to giving issuers a chance to see whether their offering will be successful, TWW allows companies to communicate highly specific information.

Some industries call for greater detail of information from investors, which makes testing the waters ever more critical.

For example, in the life sciences industry, testing the waters is popular because issuers tend to have a shorter operating history and also need to communicate detailed scientific information to their potential investors. For these types of industries and issuers, testing the waters is highly beneficial.

Cost-Effective Market Evaluation

Testing the waters allows issuers to determine whether it makes sense for them to devote the time and resources to filing an IPO. Before the TWW rule, many companies avoided the IPO process because of the cost and not having clarity around investor demand.

Testing the waters takes away some of those risks and provides more information as a company enters the IPO. In a sense, it allows for a company to evaluate the market, and for the market, in turn, to evaluate the company exploring an IPO.

What the JOBS Act Meant for Testing the Waters

In 2012, Congress under President Obama passed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (also known as the JOBS Act) to revitalize the small business sector. The JOBS Act, which created Section 5(d) of the Securities Act, made it easier for small businesses, also known as emerging growth companies or EGCs, to gain access to funding. It removed certain barriers to capital and reduced regulation.

The enactment of the JOBS Act also allowed small businesses to communicate with potential investors — qualified institutional buyers (also known as QIBs) and institutional accredited investors (or IAIs). By communicating with potential investors before or after filing a registration statement, EGCs were given the ability to get a sense for interest in a potential offering.

With the expansion of that rule in 2019 to include all issuers, not just EGCs, more opportunity opened up for a range of businesses.

What Does This Mean for Investors?

While it makes good business sense to expand regulations and allow all businesses considering an IPO to test the waters, just what does this all mean for the average retail investor?

First, the expanded test-the-waters rule for all issuers allows companies more flexibility when determining whether to move forward with an IPO. So for investors, the expanded rule means that they have access to communication from issuers regarding upcoming IPOs. They also have more time to determine whether it’s the right investment for them.

This can be valuable for retail investors, who may benefit from having additional information about a company’s expected IPO. Investing in IPO stock can be highly risky, as IPO shares are typically quite volatile.

In short: Testing the waters gives more flexibility to both issuers and investors.

Investing in IPO Stocks

IPOs have been popular among investors and certain IPOs can generate excitement in the investor community. Prices on the day of an IPO and immediately afterward tend to produce volatile price movements, which can produce large gains or losses. Luckily, the 2019 SEC rule that allows any company to test the waters before committing to the IPO process is a boon to businesses as well as investors.

TTW, as the rule is known, allows for greater transparency and communication between the IPO-hopeful and the markets, as well as investors, prior to the full-blown IPO process. This enables companies to adjust their strategy for the IPO, and it allows investors to assess whether they want to invest.

Whether you’re curious about exploring IPOs, or interested in traditional stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), you can get started by opening an account on the SoFi Invest® brokerage platform. On SoFi Invest, eligible SoFi members have the opportunity to trade IPO shares, and there are no account minimums for those with an Active Investing account. As with any investment, it's wise to consider your overall portfolio goals in order to assess whether IPO investing is right for you, given the risks of volatility and loss.

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


Is testing the waters an offer?

No, testing the waters is not an offer. Testing the waters in the IPO process allows issuers, which are corporations, investment trusts, etc., to gauge interest and investor demand for a potential IPO without actually having to go public.

What is the post-IPO quiet period?

The quiet period is a set amount of time when the company cannot share promotional publicity, forecasting, or expressing opinions about the value of the company. In an IPO, the quiet period begins when a company files registration with U.S. regulators for 25 days after the stock starts trading — and sometimes longer.

What is an analyst day in an IPO?

When planning to go public, the issuer or company meets with syndicate analysts who do not work for the issuer or the company going public. This type of meeting, also called an “analyst day,” is important because analysts create their own opinion about the issuer. They then help educate the market about the company once the transaction has launched.

Photo credit: iStock/LumiNola

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investing in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss. Further, there are a variety of risk factors to consider when investing in an IPO, including but not limited to, unproven management, significant debt, and lack of operating history. For a comprehensive discussion of these risks please refer to SoFi Securities’ IPO Risk Disclosure Statement. IPOs offered through SoFi Securities are not a recommendation and investors should carefully read the offering prospectus to determine whether an offering is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

New offerings generally have high demand and there are a limited number of shares available for distribution to participants. Many customers may not be allocated shares and share allocations may be significantly smaller than the shares requested in the customer’s initial offer (Indication of Interest). For SoFi’s allocation procedures please refer to IPO Allocation Procedures.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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