What the Binomial Option Pricing Model Is & How It Works

The binomial option pricing model is a valuation tool that predicts the price of an asset for selected future points in time then uses an iterative approach to work backwards to determine the present value of options on that underlying asset.

The binomial option pricing model has the benefit of being relatively easy to implement and provides visibility into the linkages between the underlying asset price and the option prices as the expiration date approaches.

What Is the Binomial Option Pricing Model?

The binomial option pricing model is a widely used option pricing formula. There are multiple versions of the model, depending on what assumptions the trader wishes to make and what types of options are to be priced.

Fundamentally, the model involves a three-step process:

1.    Generate the binomial price tree for the underlying asset.

2.    Calculate the options values based on the asset prices for each final node.

3.    Calculate the option value at each preceding node.

Recommended: How to Trade Options

Assumptions of the Binomial Option Pricing Model

The binomial option pricing model assumes two possible outcomes: an up or down change in the stock price. While it’s simple in a one-period approach, the model can quickly turn complex over multiple time frames. However, constructing the pricing tree illustrates how an asset’s price changes from period to period.

Another advantage is that the binomial option pricing model can be used to value American, European, and Bermuda-style options. There are adjustments needed to use the binomial model based on which options are being priced. For this discussion, we will focus on American options only.

Other assumptions in the model discussed herein include that the underlying asset pays no dividends, the interest rate is constant, there are no transaction costs, there are no taxes, and that the risk-free rate is constant.

It also assumes investors are risk-neutral.

💡 Quick Tip: If you’re an experienced investor and bullish about a stock, buying call options (rather than the stock itself) can allow you to take the same position, with less cash outlay. It is possible to lose money trading options, if the price moves against you.

How Does the Binomial Model Work?

The binomial option tree is used for finding the current value of an option. This value is equal to the present value of the probability-weighted future payoffs.

Binomial Option Pricing Model Calculations

Let’s dive into calculations for calls and puts. In order to understand how these calculations are made it helps to know the basics of options trading strategies.

Call Options

A call option gives the holder the right but not the obligation to purchase a security at a specific price at a specific time. A call option is in the money when the stock price is above the strike price. A binomial tree’s nodes will value an option at the maximum of zero or its calculated value.

Recommended: How Options Are Priced

When the underlying asset moves up in price, the call option’s payoff (Cup) is the maximum of zero and the stock price (S) multiplied by the up factor (u) and reduced by the exercise price (Px).


When the underlying asset moves down in price, the call option’s payoff (Cdown) is the maximum of zero and the stock price (S) multiplied by the down factor (d) and reduced by the exercise price (Px).


The binomial model calculates all possible payoffs, based on these calculations. The final outcomes are then discounted back to calculate the present value.

Put Options

Put options give the holder the right but not the obligation to sell a security at a specific price at a specific time. A put option is in the money when the stock price is below the strike price.

When the underlying asset moves up in price, the put option’s payoff (Pup) is the maximum between zero and the exercise price (Px) minus the stock price (S) multiplied by the up factor (u).


When the underlying asset moves down in price, the put option’s payoff (Pdown) is the maximum between zero and the exercise price (Px) minus the stock price (S) multiplied by the down factor (d).


Binomial Model Example


XYZ stock is currently trading at $100 and you wish to calculate the value of a call option with a $105 strike price that will expire in two weeks.

You expect that each week the stock may increase by 10% or decrease by 15%. The risk-free rate is currently 5% and you will be looking for cash settlement rather than delivery of shares. Additionally, XYZ is not expected to pay dividends over the two-week holding period.

You want to view how the option price will move weekly up until expiration and calculate the option value today.

Generate the Binomial Tree

We construct the binomial tree for the prices of XYZ stock.


At the end of one week (1/52 of a year or 0.02 years) the stock will be priced at either $110 or $85.

After two weeks, (0.04 years) the price will increase to $121 if the price moves up twice in a row. The stock price will be $93.50 if the price moves up then down, or down then up. Finally, if the stock moves down twice in a row the stock will drop to $72.25.

Note that we can create a binomial tree for any time period size and include many more steps at the cost of greater complexity in the calculations.

Calculate Final Option Values

Having forecast the stock price two weeks into the future we can calculate the value of the $105 strike price call option at that time.


The call option will only have value if the stock moves up twice in a row. At that time the shares will be worth $121 and the option will be worth $16.

Stock price – Strike price = $121 – $105 = $16

Work Backward to Calculate Present Values

Before we can perform the present value calculations we need to determine the probability that the stock price, and the call option price, will move along the upward path in the binomial tree during each week.

Fortunately we have all the information we need to calculate the probability based on our initial assumptions. The probability for an up move is:



•   t = the time period in years (1 week = 0.02 years)

•   r = the risk-free rate (5%)

•   u = up factor ($110 / $100 = 1.1)

•   D = down factor ($85 / $100 = 0.85)

Substituting into the equation:


Because there are only two paths at each node the the probability of a down move is:


Given the probabilities and the potential option values at the end of week two, we use the present value calculation to determine the option value for the end of week one.

We repeat this process until we arrive at the value of the call option today.


At each step we weigh the final values by their respective probabilities and discount by the risk-free rate using the following equation:



Finally, we arrive at the present value of the call option of $5.82.

Finally, user-friendly options trading is here.*

Trade options with SoFi Invest on an easy-to-use, intuitively designed online platform.

Pros and Cons of the Binomial Model



Simple to calculate Difficult to predict future prices and probabilities
Can be used on American options Assumes conditions that are not seen in real-world markets
Can be used over multiple periods Complexity grows as more periods are considered

Binomial Option Pricing Model vs Black-Scholes Model

The Black-Scholes model comes to a deterministic result based on the inputs. Its inputs are option variables such as the strike price, the current stock price, the time to expiration, the risk-free rate, and the volatility. While the binomial model is considered path dependent, the Black-Scholes model is path independent.

Widely used in practice and considered accurate, the Black-Scholes model makes assumptions that sometimes arrive at options prices that are different from those seen in the real world.

The Black-Scholes model is considered the standard when valuing European options since the model does not allow for options to be exercised early.

Binomial Option Pricing Model

Black-Scholes Model

Probabilistic approach Deterministic approach
Path dependent with two possible outcomes at each node Usually accurate, but output prices sometimes deviate from those seen in the real world
Helpful for American options Helpful for European options

Binomial Option Pricing Model vs Monte Carlo Model

The Monte Carlo model runs thousands of computer simulations to arrive at a solution. Monte Carlo simulation often includes an array of possible paths — some that show higher ending prices and others that show lower prices.

The computer simulations are only as good as the assumptions used. Analysts can tailor the inputs. Often, historical data is used in Monte Carlo simulations which may lead to results that aren’t applicable.

Binomial Option Pricing Model

Monte Carlo Model

An iterative approach that is path dependent Based on computer simulations
Less computer intensive You can tailor the inputs and scenarios
Uses future assumptions, not historical data Output only as good as the assumptions used

The Takeaway

The binomial option pricing model is a valuation tool that predicts the price of an asset for selected future points in time then uses an iterative approach to work backwards to determine the present value of options on that underlying asset.

Due to its relative simplicity and speed, traders often prefer it to the Black-Scholes and Monte Carlo models.

Qualified investors who are ready to try their hand at options trading, despite the risks involved, might consider checking out SoFi’s options trading platform. The platform’s user-friendly design allows investors to trade through the mobile app or web platform, and get important metrics like breakeven percentage, maximum profit/loss, and more with the click of a button.

Plus, SoFi offers educational resources — including a step-by-step in-app guide — to help you learn more about options trading. Trading options involves high-risk strategies, and should be undertaken by experienced investors.

With SoFi, user-friendly options trading is finally here.


Who developed the binomial model?

The binomial options pricing model was first suggested by William Sharpe in 1978, but the model’s development is associated with work done by John Cox, Stephen Ross, and Mark Rubinstein in 1979.

Are the Black-Scholes and binomial option pricing models the same?

No, these are two different models. The Black-Scholes model provides a numerical result based on inputs. The binomial options pricing model prices an asset based on a range of possible results. The binomial model is considered an iterative calculation since there is a range of possible outcomes to value options. The Black Scholes model uses fixed inputs to arrive at an option’s value.

How is the binomial option pricing model different from the Monte Carlo model?

The Monte Carlo model runs thousands of computer simulations to eventually arrive at an options price. The model first generates a random number based on a probability distribution. That number then uses additional option inputs like volatility and time to expiration to generate a stock price. The stock price at expiration is then used to calculate the value of the option. The result is only as good as the inputs used.

The model runs that process thousands of times, using different variables from the probability functions. To determine option pricing, the Monte Carlo model uses the average of all the calculated results.

Photo credit: iStock/David Petrus Ibars

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Forex vs Options Compared and Examined

Foreign exchange trading, also known as forex or FX, is a global marketplace where participants trade national currencies.

Options trading allows participants to benefit from asset movements by trading puts and calls with less cash outlay than required to buy the underlying asset.

Both markets are characterized by the use of leverage with many other similarities as well as differences, and traders often engage in both markets.

What Is Options Trading?

Options are financial contracts that give the holder the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price and time, while creating a potential obligation for the option seller to buy or sell the underlying asset (if and when the buyer exercises the option contract).

Calls and puts are the two option types. Calls are the right to purchase an underlying asset while puts are the right to sell an underlying asset.

Options can be found on stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and on futures. With options trading vs. forex, an important distinction is that the options market is a derivatives market.

Recommended: Guide to Trading Options

Options trading online has increased in popularity now that commissions are so low. There has been huge growth in this market. Drawing traders to options is the potential for big profits over a short period. With options, you gain beneficial ownership of a large amount of an underlying security, like a stock, with a small amount of capital.

Some investors use options to protect their long-term holdings, such as a long stock position, by purchasing puts when they believe a near-term dip might take place. You can also increase your portfolio’s income by selling covered calls.

Overall, options trading can provide protection, generate income, and offer leverage. But options also come with risks.

When comparing options vs. forex, options trading can be more versatile than forex due to the vast number of options strategies. With forex trading, you simply go long or short a currency. Options trading offers the chance to profit in a variety of market conditions, too.

One downside to options trading is that it can take a long time to learn the ins and outs of options trading. Another drawback is that many options are illiquid, so it is hard to buy and sell quickly at a competitive price.

Finally, user-friendly options trading is here.*

Trade options with SoFi Invest on an easy-to-use, intuitively designed online platform.

What Is Forex Trading?

Forex trading is the buying and selling of national currencies in a 24-hour market. In general, the forex market is considered the most liquid market in the world. While many currency pairs feature strong liquidity, there are still some that do not have a lot of buyers and sellers.

Trading forex vs. options often involves higher leverage and volatility risks.

When looking at forex vs. options, forex often offers more leverage. That means brokers allow you to trade with more capital than you have deposited in your account. With leverage comes the potential for massive gains, but also the risk of steep losses.

Brokers want to keep your risk in check, though. They often do that by requiring forex traders to enter stop-loss orders immediately once they take a position.

Another aspect that can make brokers nervous is volatility. The forex trading market can feature periods of relative calm followed by explosive volatility. When volatility strikes, currency pairs can become less liquid, leading to difficulties when attempting to exit trades. Forex options can be used to profit from volatility, however.

Comparing Forex vs Options

Let’s dive into some of the key similarities and differences in forex vs. options. It can help you decide which trading arena might suit your style better.


A key similarity is that supply and demand drive both forex and options. If a tremendous amount of bullish sentiment arises, an option or currency pair can skyrocket in value. That can lead to big gains in both markets.

Before you jump into trading, doing your homework is important. In currency and derivatives markets, for every long there is a short, that means there is someone on the other side of the trade losing significantly. Remember always, that “someone” could be you.

Comparing options vs. forex, both offer leverage, but in different ways. Options, depending on the strategy, can allow you to control a large amount of stock with a small amount of capital. In forex trading, you can use margin to trade with leverage. You can even trade with up to 1,000x leverage with some forex brokers.

Today’s technology allows you to access many options and forex markets. That can make researching ideas and deciding on a single trade tough since there are so many tradable assets and strategies.

Both markets are regulated to help protect traders and brokers.


There are many differences in forex vs. options trading.

Forex involves trading currency pairs while options trading involves buying and selling contracts on an underlying asset. Hence, options are derivatives.

The options market is confined to normal trading hours while forex is a 24-hour market.

A final key difference in options vs. forex is liquidity. Many currency pairs have a large depth of buyers and sellers present, but there might just be a handful of traders in a particular options market.

There are also differences in forex vs. binary options, but you can trade forex binary options which are forex derivatives that pay out all or nothing.



A 24-hour trading market of currency pairs Contracts derived from an underlying asset
The most liquid trading market in the world Trade during normal market hours
Ability to trade on leverage Used for portfolio protection, income generation, and leverage when trading

Pros and Cons of Forex Trading

Pros of Forex Trading

Cons of Forex Trading

Stop losses help control risk Losses can occur quickly due to leverage
Easier to trade and learn Volatility can cause illiquidity on some pairs
Extremely liquid market pairs available Lower middleman fees

Pros and Cons of Options Trading

Pros of Options Trading

Cons of Options Trading

Can be a highly leveraged play on stocks and other underlying assets Many options are illiquid, which means high bid/ask spreads
Ability to profit from both price changes and time decay You might not be approved to trade more complex options strategies
Traders can benefit from volatility spikes Complex strategies can be difficult to learn

Is Forex or Options Trading Right for You?

Your trading preferences drive the decision of whether to engage in options or forex trading. Options offer defined risk strategies, but forex markets are often very liquid and trade 24 hours a day. You can also combine options trading with your stock trading account while forex could provide diversification.

Another market to consider is forex binary options. This market can feature the benefits of both forex and options, but you should always weigh the risks, too.

The Takeaway

There are many similarities and differences in options vs. forex. Options can be used on many underlying assets, and you can define your risk and reward strategy. When trading forex, you can profit from the rise and fall of national currencies and enjoy 24-hour markets. Both markets can be volatile, and there are risks associated with these strategies, so it’s important to recognize that before jumping in.

Qualified investors who are ready to try their hand at options trading, despite the risks involved, might consider checking out SoFi’s options trading platform. The platform’s user-friendly design allows investors to trade through the mobile app or web platform, and get important metrics like breakeven percentage, maximum profit/loss, and more with the click of a button.

Plus, SoFi offers educational resources — including a step-by-step in-app guide — to help you learn more about options trading. Trading options involves high-risk strategies, and should be undertaken by experienced investors.

With SoFi, user-friendly options trading is finally here.


Is options trading more profitable than forex?

When analyzing profit potential in forex trading vs. options trading, some contend that there is greater profit potential in the forex market due to very high liquidity and fast execution of trades. A key difference between forex vs. options is that forex can feature tremendous leverage, so huge profits can come quickly, but losses can also result in fast ruin.

Others say that options can be more profitable since this type of derivatives trading offers so many customized strategies that can have defined risk. You can also take advantage of time decay and volatility changes.

Is forex trading less risky than options trading?

It depends on your trading style. When analyzing forex vs. options trading, forex often requires position limits, so that can cap your risk. With options, risk is determined by your trading strategy and the positions you construct and execute. For example, selling a naked call features unlimited risk, but buying a deep in-the-money call can be relatively low risk.

A key difference in options vs. forex is that options markets have a finite time horizon — the option expiration date. Forex trading allows positions to be held longer. Another aspect of forex trading vs. options is that forex trading, despite being a liquid market, can have slippage costs when volatility strikes. That’s a risk to always keep in mind.

How do you invest in forex?

It is easy to start investing in forex. You simply open a brokerage account to hold a foreign currency. From there, you then fund your account, research a strategy, and execute an order. It’s important to always monitor your portfolio as the market can change quickly.

Photo credit: iStock/fizkes

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Guide to Bermuda Options

A Bermuda option is an exotic option with the defining characteristic of being exercisable on dates that lie somewhere between American and European options expiration dates.

Bermuda option puts and calls can only be exercised at predetermined times negotiated prior to initiation with the counterparty to the options contract.

The exercise terms are less flexible than American options (exercisable at any time prior to expiration) and more flexible than European options (only exercisable on the expiration date).

What Are Bermuda Options?

Bermuda options are exotic options that trade in the over-the-counter (OTC) market. The key difference between more common American and European options is that Bermuda options can only be exercised by the holder at predetermined dates. These exercise restrictions result in Bermuda options being cheaper than American options, but more expensive than European options.

💡 Quick Tip: In order to profit from purchasing a stock, the price has to rise. But an options trading account offers more flexibility, and an options trader might gain if the price rises or falls. This is a high-risk strategy, and investors can lose money if the trade moves in the wrong direction.

How Do Bermuda Options Work?

Bermuda options work similarly to how standard American and European options function. Recall that when trading options there is a buyer and seller.

The call option buyer, also called the holder, has the right but not the obligation to purchase an underlying asset at a pre-specified time and price. The put buyer similarly has the right to sell.

American options can be exercised at any time, whereas European options can only be exercised at expiration. However, with Bermuda options the holder negotiates the exercise dates for the option and these dates are outlined in the contract.

Recommended: Exercising Options? What Does It Mean & When to Exercise

It is common for a Bermuda option to have an exercise date just once per month and at the option’s expiration date. Bermuda options are considered a restricted form of an American option, but you can think of them as a middle ground between American and European options — hence the term “Bermuda”, a not so subtle reference to the island lying between the two regions.

If a Bermuda call option holder wishes to exercise early, they can use specific dates to do so. Bermuda options are typically cash-settled, which means that it is uncommon to exchange the underlying assets. Rather cash is exchanged based on the difference between the current market price of the underlying asset and its strike price.

Finally, user-friendly options trading is here.*

Trade options with SoFi Invest on an easy-to-use, intuitively designed online platform.

Pros and Cons of Bermuda Options

Bermuda options are considered “exotic” options which means they are typically reserved for the sophisticated and experienced options trader. As such, traders should become familiar with the many pros and cons of Bermuda options. You might find that you are more comfortable sticking to the more common American and European options.

Pros of Bermuda Options

Bermuda options are usually less expensive to buy compared to American options due to the exercise restriction placed on the buyer. American options exercisable at any time through expiration trade at a higher premium due to this flexibility.

For sellers, Bermuda options can bring in more premium than writing European options since European exchange-traded options can only be exercised on the expiration date.

If you are looking for customized approaches to your options trading strategies, then Bermuda options could be a good choice in contrast to the more common two categories that are standardized.

Multinational companies might seek Bermuda options to hedge their foreign currency exposure. A U.S. firm that receives payment in another country must convert funds to dollars. That corporation can reduce its option premium cost by using Bermuda options instead of American options and align the options exercise dates with the relevant transactions they are hedging.

Cons of Bermuda Options

In contrast to American and some European options, Bermuda options trade through the OTC market in bilateral deals. The OTC market often features wider bid/ask spreads compared to trading through options exchanges.

Of course, only being able to exercise once per month may not be ideal for the active trader.

Moreover, Bermuda options are pricier than European options, so if you plan to hold through expiration, then owning European options can save on premium costs.



Less restrictive compared to European options More restrictive compared to American options
Cheaper than American options More expensive than European options
Helpful for large multinational firms that face foreign currency exposure and risk Trade through the less liquid OTC market

Bermuda Options vs American Options

Bermuda options are different from American options due to their more restrictive exercise periods. The option to exercise at any time through expiration is a key benefit for a holder, so American options are generally more expensive than Bermuda options.

American options are likely the most well-known category of options and many trade through exchanges like the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) instead of the OTC market resulting in better price discovery and liquidity.

American options can be priced using the Black Scholes option pricing model, but Bermuda options cannot be priced that way.

Also, most brokers do not allow you to buy options using margin, or borrowed funds. You should check with your broker and weigh the pros and cons to determine if it’s a good idea to margin trade.

Bermuda Options vs European Options

The key difference between Bermuda options and European options is that the former can be exercised during specific times in the life of the option. European options are only able to be exercised on the day of expiration. The added flexibility of Bermuda options makes them more expensive.

American Options

Bermuda Options

European Options

Most expensive due to the high degree of flexibility when exercising Less expensive than American options but more expensive than European options Least expensive since they can only be exercised at expiration
Often used by retail traders with stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) Commonly used by institutions seeking to hedge currency or foreign interest rate risk Many index options are settled as European style
Traded on exchanges and are standardized Traded through bilateral OTC markets and can be customized Traded mainly through OTC markets with some index option listed on exchanges

Bermuda Options Example

It helps to walk through a Bermuda option example to better grasp how it functions.

A trader wishes to buy a Bermuda call option that expires in three months from now on shares of XYZ stock that currently trades at $100 per share. The strike price is $110 and the premium is $5. The contract terms state that exercising can only take place on the first business day of each month.

The following month, the stock price jumps to $120 and the option price is $12 with a bid/ask spread on the OTC market of $10/$14. The trader chooses to exercise early rather than receive the bid price.

It’s important to recognize that as with other options, exercising early is not always the most profitable choice when trading options.

The Takeaway

Bermuda options can provide a cheaper alternative to American options with the trade-off of restrictive exercise terms. However, be aware of all of the pros and cons before pursuing this exotic options strategy.

Qualified investors who are ready to try their hand at options trading, despite the risks involved, might consider checking out SoFi’s options trading platform. The platform’s user-friendly design allows investors to trade through the mobile app or web platform, and get important metrics like breakeven percentage, maximum profit/loss, and more with the click of a button.

Plus, SoFi offers educational resources — including a step-by-step in-app guide — to help you learn more about options trading. Trading options involves high-risk strategies, and should be undertaken by experienced investors.

With SoFi, user-friendly options trading is finally here.


Why are Bermuda options called that?

Bermuda options got the name because its characteristics lie between those of American and European options — much the way the island of Bermuda lies between America and Europe. Bermuda options can only be exercised on specific dates. American options can be exercised at any time while European options can only be exercised at expiration.

How are Bermuda options priced?

Bermuda options are priced similarly to other options, but the premiums tend to be lower than American options since the holder can exercise them only at predetermined periods. The cost of a Bermuda option is typically more expensive than European options. Complex option pricing models are necessary since the Black Scholes option pricing model cannot be used on Bermuda options.

How rare are Bermuda options?

Bermuda options are rare compared to common styles like European and American options. A Bermuda option is considered an exotic option category that usually features an optionable date in one-month increments. Bermuda options are so rare that they are traded bilaterally in the OTC market, not through an options exchange.

Photo credit: iStock/PeopleImages

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.

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What Is a Donchian Channel? Definition and Example

Donchian channels are used to identify an asset’s volatility, price breakouts, and breakdowns. The Donchian channel strategy helps traders identify overbought or oversold conditions of an asset.

In general, traders use Donchian channels to identify bullish momentum breakout stocks to go long and bearish breakdown stocks to go short. Donchian channel breakouts occur when the asset’s price is above the channel high. Similarly, Donchian channel breakdowns occur when prices move below the channel low.

Donchian channels are easy for beginners to grasp and flexible enough to be applied to charts of forex products, stocks, options, and futures. Donchian channels are most effective when used together with other technical indicators to filter out noise and confirm trading signals.

What Are Donchian Channels?

Donchian channels help traders by displaying a security’s price volatility, potential trend breakouts and breakdowns, and possible overbought and oversold conditions.

Three lines are used to construct a Donchian channel. The channel high (upper band) is the highest price of an asset over a given time period. The channel low (lower band) is the lowest price over a given period.

The center line is simply the average of the high and low channels.

Traders can select any lookback period, although 20 periods is typical. Candlestick charts are often used when Donchian channels are applied as they enable better identification of channel crosses than line charts.

Donchian channels also have the flexibility to be used on a variety of asset types including options. If you are a beginner looking to trade options, this is a strategy to consider.

💡 Quick Tip: Look for an online brokerage with low trading commissions as well as no account minimum. Higher fees can cut into investment returns over time.

How Does a Donchian Channel Work?

Donchian channels work by helping you find stocks that are potential candidates for bullish breakouts and bearish breakdowns.

This indicator works similar to Bollinger Bands, but Bollinger Bands are less sensitive to big high or low prices and use a security’s standard deviation to form its bands. Additionally, breakouts identified by Bollinger bands identify trend reversals whereas breakouts of Donchian channels identify new trends in the same direction.

While the bands of a Donchian channel can be seen as potential support and resistance, traders often use this technical analysis indicator to spot momentum entry prices on a stock. For example, you might enter a long position when a share price breaks through the channel high. You can also use the Donchian channel to find short stock candidates — those with breakdowns through the channel low.

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Donchian Channel Strategy

The Donchian channel lines help a trader develop support and resistance areas on a chart. This indicator is often used with others to form a trading strategy.

While a 20-period setting is often used, Donchian channel trading can be used with any timeframe. Some strategies use four- or five-week periods. A common Donchian channel strategy is to wait for a stock to breakout above the channel high, then buy that stock.

You can also wait for a bearish breakdown through the channel low to short a stock.

With your trading strategy, it is important to know the risks and limitations of Donchian channels. It might be tough to discern if price poking through the channel high is a true bullish breakout or a sign of a reversal without confirmation from other technical indicators.

Recommended: How to Analyze a Stock

Your trading strategy should also be aware of how arbitrary Donchian channels can be — a commonly used n-period value might not be an ideal gauge for market or stock-specific conditions.

False signals can trigger and hurt trading performance.

Donchian Channel Scalping

Scalping is a trading style that seeks to profit from small price changes. Scalping a trade requires quick and strict entries and exit plans. A Donchian channel strategy with scalping is used to make small profits when a stock moves above the channel high: You buy the asset on the breakout, then quickly sell it after it moves higher. You can also scalp by playing reversals off the upper and lower channels.

Donchian Channel Breakout

A Donchian channel breakout trading strategy is used with trend-following plays. Traders can establish a long position when the security is above the channel high and go short an asset when it is below the channel low. A Donchian channel breakout strategy is often used when there is an existing price trend. Stock trading and derivatives trading can employ Donchian channel breakouts.

Reversal Trading Strategy

Traders also use a Donchian channel strategy to help spot reversals. When a stock price falls below the center line, a short position might be initiated to wager on continued weakness.

On the flip side, when a stock rises above the center line, a long position might be made with the hope that the price continues higher. With reversal trading, the position is closed when the price hits the channel low or high.

Pullback Trading Strategy

The pullback strategy is usually very short-term in nature. If you notice that price continues to touch the channel high before falling back, then shorting an asset when it hits the channel high is a viable pullback strategy.

If the security touches the channel low repeatedly, then bounces, going long that stock in a broader uptrend can help you “buy the dip.”

Donchian Channel With Futures

Richard Donchian, dubbed the father of trend following, developed this indicator in the 1950s and originally applied it to commodities trading. Hence, trading futures contracts with the Donchian channel indicator is common practice.

Donchian created this tool as a trend-following indicator. So, it helps to use it on commodities (or other futures products) that are in an existing uptrend or downtrend. A trendless chart can lead to many false signals.

Other strategies can be used to profit from sideways price action including strangling an option.

Donchian Channel vs Bollinger Bands

While a Donchian channel is plotted with the highest and lowest price over n-period along with an average line, Bollinger Bands uses a simple moving average, then applies a two standard deviation upper band and a two standard deviation lower band.

There are key differences between a Donchian channel vs. Bollinger Bands.

Donchian Channel

Bollinger Bands

Uses price highs and lows to mark a channel Uses dispersion to mark trading bands
Identifies potential new trends Spots potential trend reversals
Heavily influenced by price extremes More balanced since a simple moving average is used

Donchian Channels Limits

There are some limits with Donchian channels.

In assets with low floats, where a large proportion of the asset is held by insiders or institutions, channel trading can be ineffective. Low floats tend to correlate with high volatility, therefore, prices can fluctuate to such an extent that channels become less effective indicators.

Calculating Donchian Channels

Calculating the upper limit, lower limit, and center line to form a Donchian channel is straightforward. The below calculations assume a 20-day period.

Channel high line: 20-day high
Channel low line: 20-day low
Center line: (20-day high + 20-day low)/2

Channel High

The channel high is seen as the limit of bullish energy as it is the highest price recorded over the period used. Traders use the Donchian channel high as an indicator to go long a stock based on bullish price momentum.

Stocks breaking out through the channel high are seen as establishing a new upward trend or continuing existing upside price action.

Channel Low

The channel low is the lowest price hit over the period. Stocks that break down below this line are sometimes used as candidates to sell short with a Donchian channel strategy.

Channel Center

The center line identifies the average price over the period. It is the middle ground of price action and is sometimes seen as a mean reversion price.

Example of Using Donchian Channels

To illustrate Donchian channels, here is a one-year stock price chart with Donchian channels plotted. The standard 20-day period (closing prices) is used.

Example of Using Donchian Channels

Other Strategies

Donchian channels can be used with other indicators to form strategies with many types of investments.

One strategy is to combine a Donchian channel with the MACD indicator.

Another strategy uses a volume oscillator with Donchian channels to help confirm a breakout or breakdown.

Finally, a Donchian channel can be used alongside a stochastic oscillator and moving average to help find buy and sell points.

Donchian channels can also be used with options trading: learn more about options vs. stocks.

The Takeaway

Using a Donchian channel strategy is just one way to analyze a stock. It is a technical analysis indicator that helps you identify breakouts, reversals, and potential overbought/oversold conditions.

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Photo credit: iStock/ArLawKa AungTun

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

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What are the different types of investment fees?

Guide to Investment Fees

No matter what kind of investment an individual makes–active, passive, automated– they’ll face some kind of investing fees that takes away from their returns.

When investing, individuals may get excited about an opportunity or a long-term plan, making it easy to overlook the fine print. But over time, fees can make a profound impact on the returns an investor takes out of financial markets. Here’s a closer look at the types of investment fees investors may come across.

What Are Investment Fees?

Investment fees are charges investors pay when using financial products, whether they have short vs. long-term investments. Investing fees include broker fees, trading fees, management fees, and advisory fees.

Broadly speaking, investing fees are structured in two ways: recurring or one-time transaction charges. Recurring is when the charge is a portion of the assets you’ve invested, usually expressed as an annual percentage rate. One-time transaction charges work more like a flat fee, such as a certain number of dollars per-trade.

💡 Quick Tip: Investment fees are assessed in different ways, including trading costs, account management fees, and possibly broker commissions. When you open an investment account, be sure to get the exact breakdown of your “all-in costs” so you know what you’re paying.

Why Are Investment Fees Charged?

Like any purchase you make, there are fees for investment products and services. For instance, a broker will typically charge a fee for buying and selling stocks or managing your portfolio.

While some investing fees and expenses may seem small, over time they can make an impact on your investment and can affect the value of your portfolio. As an investor, it’s important to be aware of these fees and understand exactly what you’re being charged to help make sure you’re getting a good return on investment.

Who Charges Investment Fees?

Financial professionals such as brokers, financial advisors and financial planners usually charge investing fees and expenses. Brokerage firms typically charge fees and commissions. And there are investment fund fees for various financial products, such as mutual fund management fees and fees for operating and administering a 401(k).

Learn more about the different types of investment fees and who charges them below.

6 Common Types of Investment Fees

1. Management Fees

When it comes to types of investment costs for mutual funds, every mutual fund charges a management fee. And other investment vehicles, such as hedge funds, do as well. This pays the fund’s manager and support staff to select investments and trade them according to the fund’s mandate. In addition to the manager, it also covers the administrative expenses of managing the fund.

This fee is typically assessed as a portion of an investor’s assets, whether the investments do well or not. Some investments, such as hedge funds, charge a performance fee based on the success of the fund, but these are not widely used in most mutual funds.

Management fees vary widely. Some index funds charge as little as 0.10%, while other highly specialized mutual funds may charge more than 2%.

Management fees are expressed as an annual percentage. If you invest $100 in a fund with a 1% management fee, and the fund neither goes up or down, then you will pay $1 per year in management fees.

2. Hedge-fund Fees: Two and Twenty

The classic hedge-fund fee structure is known as “two and twenty” or “2 and 20.” This means that there’s a 2% management fee, so the hedge fund takes 2% of the investor’s assets that are invested. And then there’s a 20% performance fee, so with any profits that are made, the hedge fund takes an additional 20% of those returns.

So let’s say an investor puts $1 million into a hedge fund, and the firm makes a profit of $500,000 in a year. That means the hedge fund would take a management fee of $20,000 plus a performance fee of $100,000 for a total compensation of $120,000.

Bear in mind, investors who are clients at hedge funds are typically institutional investors or accredited investors, those typically with a net worth of at least $1 million, excluding their primary residence. Hedge funds also tend to have higher minimum initial investment amounts, ranging from $100,000 to $2 million, although it varies from firm to firm.

Due to lackluster performance and competition however in recent years, the classic “two and twenty” hedge-fund fee model has become challenged in many years. Many hedge funds now offer rates like “1 and 10” or “1.5 and 15”–a trend dubbed as “fee compression” in the industry.”

3. Expense Ratio

The expense ratio is the percentage of assets subtracted for costs associated with managing the investment. So if the expense ratio is 0.035%, that means investors will pay $3.50 for every $10,000 invested.

The expense ratio includes the management fee, and tells the whole story as to how much of the fund’s assets go toward the people running and selling the fund.

In addition to management fees, a mutual fund may charge other annualized fees. Those can include the fund’s advertising and promotion expense, known as the 12b-1 fee. Those 12b-1 fees are legally capped at 1%. But when added to the management fee, it can make a fund more costly than at first glance. That’s one reason to double check the expense ratio.

Another reason is that the expense ratio may actually be lower than the management fee. That’s because some mutual funds will waive a portion of their fees. They may implement a fee waiver to compete for the dollars of fee-wary investors. Or they may do so as a way to hold onto investors after the fund has underperformed.

In the 2010s, some money market funds waived or reimbursed some of their fees after historically low bond yields wiped out any return they offered to investors. While mutual fund companies can reimburse part or all of a fund’s 12b-1 fee, it happens very rarely.

Recommended: Is There Such a Thing as a Safe Investment?

4. Sales Charges

In addition to the annual management and possibly also 12b-1 fees, mutual fund investors may pay sales charges.

Typically, these charges only apply to mutual fund purchases that an investor makes through a financial planner, or an investment advisor. This fee, also called a sales load, is how the advisor gets paid for their service. It isn’t a transaction fee however. Rather it’s a percentage of the assets being invested.

While the maximum legal sales charge for a mutual fund is 8.5%, the common range is between 3% and 6%.

These sales charges can come in different forms. Front-end sales charges come out of an investor’s assets at the time of the sale. Back-end sales charges, on the other hand, are deducted from the investment when the investor chooses to sell. Lastly, contingent deferred sales charges may not come out at all, if the investor stays in the fund for a specified period of time.

5. Advisory Fees

When an investing professional–a financial planner, advisor, or broker–offers advice, this is how they’re paid. Some advisors have a business model where they charge a percentage of invested assets per year. Other advisors, though, charge a transaction fee, in the form of a brokerage commission. Lastly, some simply charge an hourly fee.

Asset-based money management fees are usually expressed as a percentage of the assets invested through them. Typically, a hands-on professional will charge 1% or more per year for their services. That fee is most often deducted from an account on a quarterly basis. And it comes on top of the fees charged by any professionally managed vehicles, such as mutual funds.

But that fee can be much lower for automated investing platforms, also known as “robo-advisors.” Some of these robo-advisors charge annual advisory fees as low as 0.25%. But it’s worth noting that these platforms often rely heavily on mutual funds, which charge their own fees in addition to the platform fees.

Robo-advisors are famous for having rock-bottom fees. However, when investors are comparing robo-advisor fees, they’ll see that there’s a wide range. The minimum balances can also determine what sort of fees investors pay, and there may be additional fees like a potential set-up payment.

Recommended: Are Robo-Advisors Worth It?

6. Brokerage Fees and Commissions

When an investor wants to buy or sell a stock, bond or an exchange traded fund (ETF), they typically use a brokerage firm. Fees and commissions vary widely depending on the type of transaction and the type of broker. Those fees can be based on a percentage of the transaction’s value, or it can be a flat fee, or a combination of the two.

And when investing, that fee depends on whether an investor uses a full-service broker or a discount broker. While a full-service broker can offer a wide range of advice and services, their commissions per trade are far higher than a discount or online brokerage might charge.

Because discount brokers offer less in the way of advice and services, they can charge a lower flat fee per trade. In recent years, the biggest online brokerage firms have offered free trading, partly due to competition and partly because they instead get paid through a practice known as payment for order flow.

Payment for order flow, or PFOF, is the practice of retail brokerage firms sending customer orders to firms known as market makers. In exchange, the brokerage firms receive fees for that order flow.

While widespread and legal, payment for order flow has been controversial because critics say it misaligns the incentives of brokerage firms and their customers. They argue that customers may actually be “paying” for their trades by getting worse prices on their orders. Defenders argue customers get better prices than they would on public exchanges and benefit from zero commissions.

💡 Quick Tip: Are self-directed brokerage accounts cost efficient? They can be, because they offer the convenience of being able to buy stocks online without using a traditional full-service broker (and the typical broker fees).

Cost of Investment Fees

The cost of investment fees can vary depending on the type of fee, who is charging it, and the type of account an investor has. For instance, a standard management fee is about 1%.

A broker or brokerage might charge an annual fee of $50 to $75 a year. Not all brokers have an annual fee, so try to find one that doesn’t.

A broker might also charge anywhere from a few dollars to $30 for research. Again, not all brokers levy this charge, so choose a broker that doesn’t charge for research.

In addition, trading platform fees may range from $50 to $200 or more a month. You might also have to pay transfer or closing fees of $50 to $75 to have the brokerage transfer your account elsewhere or close it out.

Pros and Cons of Investment Fees

There are obvious drawbacks of investment fees. The biggest: Investment fees can diminish the returns on your investments. For instance, if your return was 8%, but you paid 1% in fees, your return is actually 7%. Over the years, that difference can be significant.

When it comes to benefits, there may be some advantages to using a fee-only financial advisor over one who charges commissions. For one thing, the costs may be more predictable. A financial advisor may charge a flat fee or charge by the hour. In contrast, a financial advisor who works on commission may suggest financial products that they earn commission from. In addition, many fee-only advisors are fiduciaries, which means they are obligated to act in the client’s best interests at all times.

Each investor should find out the specific fees involved relating to their investment. And don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s critical to know exactly what you’ll be paying and what those costs cover.

How Much Is Too High a Price To Invest?

The cost of investment fees varies widely, depending on the type of fee. Advisory fees of more than 1% may be considered too high a price for many investors. Sales charges typically range between 3% and 6%, so anything higher than that might be something to avoid.

Of funds that charge fees, broad-index ETFs and mutual funds often charge the lowest fees.

Investing in Your Future With SoFi

No matter how an investor gets into the market, they will pay some kind of fee. It may be the quarterly deduction made by a financial advisor, or the trading costs and account fees of an online brokerage account, or the regularly deducted management fees of a mutual fund.

Those fees and commissions add up to the “cost of investment.” That cost is deducted from assets and represents a drag on any return an investor may earn over time. As such, investing fees require close attention, regardless of an investor’s strategy or long-term goals.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

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What are typical investment fees?

Typical investment fees include broker fees, trading fees, sales charges, management fees, and advisory fees.

Investment fees tend to be structured either as recurring fees, in which the charges are a percentage of the assets you’ve invested, or as one-time transaction charges that are similar to a flat fee, such as a certain amount of money per-trade.

Is a 1% management fee high?

A 1% management fee is a fairly typical fee. However, even though it is standard, you can try negotiating for a smaller fee than 1%. Some financial advisors may be willing to lower the percentage.

How much should you pay for investment management fees?

Generally, you can expect to pay about 1% for an investment management fee. Overall, percentage fees like this tend to be best for investors with smaller investments, while a flat fee tends to be more advantageous to investors with a very large investment (meaning more than $1 million).

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.


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