Paying Off a Mortgage in 5 Years: What You Need to Know

Paying Off a Mortgage in 5 Years: What You Need to Know

Paying off your mortgage ahead of time might sound like an incredibly savvy thing to do — and in some cases, it is. But it’s not the right money move for everyone. And paying off a mortgage in just five years? It’s an aggressive strategy that may or may not be the smartest choice.

Key Points

•   Paying off a mortgage in 5 years requires a strategic plan and financial discipline.

•   Increasing your monthly payments, making bi-weekly payments, and making extra principal payments can help accelerate mortgage payoff.

•   Cutting expenses, increasing income, and using windfalls to make lump sum payments can help pay off the mortgage faster.

•   Refinancing to a shorter loan term or a lower interest rate can also help expedite mortgage payoff.

•   It’s important to consider the financial implications and feasibility of paying off a mortgage in 5 years before committing to this goal.

Benefits and Risks of Paying Off a Mortgage Early

Achieving homeownership is, well, an achievement. And since you’re here reading an article about paying a mortgage off early, you’re clearly an overachiever.

Paying off any kind of debt early usually seems advisable. But for most of us, our home is the single largest purchase we’ll ever make — and paying off a six-figure loan in only a few years could wreak havoc on the rest of your finances.

In addition, some mortgages come with a prepayment penalty, which means you could be on the line for additional fees that might eclipse whatever you’d stand to save in interest payments over time. (Mortgages tend to have lower interest rates than many other common types of debt anyway.)

That said, if you have the cash, paying off your home early can lead to substantial savings, not to mention helping you build home equity as quickly as possible.

Let’s take a closer look at the risks and benefits of paying off a mortgage early.

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Benefits of Paying Off a Mortgage Early

The main benefit of paying off a mortgage early is getting out of debt. Even minimal interest is an expense it can be nice to avoid.

Additionally, paying off your home early means you’ll have 100% equity in your home, meaning you own its whole value, which can be a major boon to your net worth.

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Risks of Paying Off a Mortgage Early

Paying off a mortgage early may come with risks, and not just prepayment penalties (which we’ll touch on again in a moment). In many instances, it can be a plain old bad financial move.

Depending on what your cash flow situation looks like, and what the interest rate on your mortgage is, you might stand to out-earn early payoff savings if you funnel the extra cash to your investment or retirement accounts instead. (You can use this mortgage calculator to see how much interest you stand to pay over the lifetime of your home loan — and then compare that to how much you might earn if you invested that money instead.)

Additionally, if you have other forms of high-interest debt, like revolving credit card balances, it’s almost always a better idea to focus your financial efforts on those pay-down projects instead.

“No matter what method works best for you, it’s important to cut spending as much as you can while you’re tackling your debts,” said Kendall Meade, a Certified Financial Planner at SoFi.

And if you have historically taken the home mortgage interest deduction on your taxes, it’s also worth talking with your tax advisor about what impact paying off your mortgage early will have on your deductions. (For 2023, the standard deduction is $27,700 for married couples filing jointly and $13,850 for single people and married people filing separately. For 2024, the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly rises to $29,200. For single taxpayers and married people filing separately, the standard deduction rises to $14,600.)

To recap:

Benefits of Paying Off a Mortgage Early

Risks of Paying Off a Mortgage Early

Saving money on interest over time Possible repayment penalty; possible loss of tax deduction
Building home equity quickly Lost opportunity for investment growth, which could outweigh interest savings
No longer having to make a mortgage payment every month Less money for other important goals, such as paying down credit card debt

Watching Out for Prepayment Fees

One of the biggest risks of paying off a mortgage before its full term is up is the potential to run into prepayment penalties. Some mortgage lenders charge large fees to make up for the interest they’ll be missing out on.

Fortunately, avoiding prepayment penalties on home loans written after 2014 is easier: Legislation was passed to restrict lenders’ ability to charge those fees. But if your mortgage was written in 2013 or earlier — and even if not — it’s a good idea to read the fine print before you hit “submit” on your lump-sum payment, and ideally before you accept the contract at all.

Steps to Paying Off a Mortgage Early

You’ve assessed the risks and benefits and decided that paying off the mortgage early is the right move for you. Nice!

Now let’s take a look at how to get it done.

Pregame: Considering Repayment Goals When House Shopping

This option won’t work if you’ve already found and moved into a home, but if you’re still in the home-shopping portion of the journey, looking at inexpensive homes can be a great first step toward paying off your mortgage fast.

After all, if the home has a lower price tag, it’ll be easier to reach that goal in a shorter amount of time. Ideally, you want its value to appreciate, so you’ll still want to shop around before just choosing the lowest-priced house on the block.

Maybe you signed your home contract years ago and are just now considering getting serious about early mortgage repayment. Take heart! There are some easy steps to follow to make your mortgage disappear in five years or so.

1. Setting a Target Date

The first step: figuring out exactly when you want the mortgage paid off. Choosing your target date will make it easier to figure out how much additional money you need to send to your lender each month.

Five years is a pretty tight timeline for this kind of debt repayment process, but it could be doable depending on your earnings and commitment.

2. Making a Higher Down Payment

The higher your down payment, the less loan balance you’ll have to pay down, so if you can manage it, offer as much as you can right at the start. There are many assistance programs for down payments that might boost your offer and put you on track for paying down your mortgage early.

Also, realize that first-time homebuyers — who can be anyone who has not owned a principal residence in the past three years, and some others — often have access to down payment assistance.

3. Choosing a Shorter Home Loan Term

Obviously, if you want to pay your mortgage off in a shorter amount of time, you can consider choosing a shorter home loan term; most conventional mortgages are paid off over 30 years, though it’s possible to find loans with 15- or even 10-year terms.

However, your interest rate might be higher on those loans in order to make the deal worthwhile to the lender, so for many borrowers, choosing a longer home loan term and making aggressive additional payments is a better option.

4. Making Larger or More Frequent Payments

One of the most achievable ways for most borrowers to pay off a home loan early is to pay more than the monthly minimum, either by adding extra toward the principal in the monthly payment or by paying more than once per month.

Unless you’re due for a six-figure windfall, chipping away at the debt this way might be the smartest option. But how does one come up with the additional money to funnel toward that goal?

5. Spending Less on Other Things

As with most debt repayment strategies, chances are you’ll need to find other ways to cut back on spending in order to set aside more money to put toward the mortgage. This could be as small as ditching the daily latte or as serious as choosing to give up a car.

6. Increasing Income

Another option, if there’s just nothing left to cut? Finding ways to increase your income, perhaps by starting a side hustle or asking for that long-overdue raise.

💡 Quick Tip: A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) brokered by SoFi lets you access up to $500,000 of your home’s equity (up to 90%) to pay for, well, just about anything. It could be a smart way to consolidate debts or find the funds for a big home project.

How Much House Can You Afford Quiz

The Takeaway

Pay off a mortgage in five years? While paying off your home loan early could help you save money on interest, sometimes the money is better spent on other financial goals and projects. So it pays to take a close look at the numbers, just as you did when you got your mortgage in the first place.

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*SoFi requires Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for conforming home loans with a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio greater than 80%. As little as 3% down payments are for qualifying first-time homebuyers only. 5% minimum applies to other borrowers. Other loan types may require different fees or insurance (e.g., VA funding fee, FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums, etc.). Loan requirements may vary depending on your down payment amount, and minimum down payment varies by loan type.

²SoFi Bank, N.A. NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC), offers loans directly or we may assist you in obtaining a loan from SpringEQ, a state licensed lender, NMLS #1464945.
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You should consider and discuss with your loan officer whether a Cash Out Refinance, Home Equity Loan or a Home Equity Line of Credit is appropriate. Please note that the SoFi member discount does not apply to Home Equity Loans or Lines of Credit not originated by SoFi Bank. Terms and conditions will apply. Before you apply, please note that not all products are offered in all states, and all loans are subject to eligibility restrictions and limitations, including requirements related to loan applicant’s credit, income, property, and a minimum loan amount. Lowest rates are reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. Products, rates, benefits, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice. Learn more at Information current as of 06/27/24.
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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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Benefits of Using a Health Savings Account (HSA)

A health savings account, or HSA, is a tax-advantaged account that can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses including copays and deductibles, provided you have a high-deductible health care plan (HDHP).

By using pretax money to save for these expenses, an HSA may be used to help lower overall medical costs. What’s more, HSAs can also be a savings vehicle for retirement that allows you to put away money for later while lowering your taxable income in the near term. Here’s the full story on these accounts and their pros and cons.

Reasons to Use a Health Savings Account (HSA)

Here are some of the key advantages of contributing to and using an HSA.

HSAs Can Make Health Care More Affordable

An HSA is a tool designed to reduce health care costs for people who have a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). In fact, you must have an HDHP to open an HSA.

If you’re enrolled in an HDHP, it means you likely pay a lower monthly premium but have a high deductible. As a result, you typically end up paying for more of your own health care costs before your insurance plan kicks in to pick up the bill. Combining an HDHP with an HSA may help reduce the higher costs of health care that can come with this type of health insurance plan.

Some numbers to note about qualifying for and using an HSA:

For 2024, the IRS defines an HDHP as having an annual deductible of at least $1,600 for single people and $3,200 for family plans. Annual out-of-pocket expenses cannot exceed $8,050 for single coverage and $16,100 for family coverage.

For 2025, an HDHP is defined as having an annual deductible of at least $1,650 for single people and $3,300 for family plans. Annual out-of-pocket expenses cannot exceed $8,300 for single coverage and $16,600 for family coverage.

For 2024, yearly HSA contributions have a limit of $4,150 for individuals and $8,300 for families. For 2025, the limit is $4,300 for individuals and $8,550 for families. For either year, people 55 or older can make an additional contribution of $1,000 per year, which is known as a catch-up contribution.

HSA contributions can be made by the qualified individual, their employer, or anyone else who wants to contribute to the account, including friends and relatives.

HSA Contributions Stretch Your Health Care Dollars

Contributions are made with pretax money and can grow tax-free inside the HSA account. Because money in the account is pretax — Uncle Sam never took a bite out of it — qualified medical expenses can essentially be paid for at a slight discount.

HSA Funds Can Be Used for Many Health Care Expenses

The money you contribute to your HSA can be used on an array of health care expenses that aren’t paid by your insurance. Rather than dipping into your checking or savings account, you can use an HSA to pay for qualified medical costs. The IRS list of these expenses includes:

•   Copays, deductibles, and coinsurance

•   Dental care

•   Eye exams, contacts, and eyeglasses

•   Lab fees

•   X-rays

•   Psychiatric care

•   Prescription drugs

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HSAs Offer Triple Tax Advantages

Another reason to start a health savings account is that putting money into an HSA lowers taxable income. The money contributed by a qualified individual to the account is pretax money, so it will be excluded from gross income, which is the money on which income taxes are paid.

This is the case even if an employer contributes to an employee’s account on their behalf. So if you earn $80,000 a year and max out your HSA contribution, you will only be taxed on $75,850. If you make any contributions with after-tax funds, they are tax-deductible on the current year’s tax return.

There are other considerable tax advantages that come with HSAs. Contributions can earn interest, or returns on investments, and grow tax-free. This tax-free growth is comparable to a traditional or Roth IRA.

Here’s another HSA benefit: Not only are contributions made with pretax money, but withdrawals that are made to pay for qualified medical expenses aren’t subject to tax at all. Compare that to say, Roth accounts where contributions are taxed on their way into the account, or traditional IRAs where withdrawals are taxed.

Recommended: HSA vs HRA: What’s the Difference?

HSA Funds Are Investable

The funds in an HSA can be invested in ways that are similar to other workplace retirement accounts. They can be put into bonds, fixed income securities, active and passive equity, and other options. You could potentially be investing money in this way for decades prior to retirement.

Using an HSA for retirement might also be a good way to prepare for health care expenses as you age, which can be one of the biggest retirement expenses. According to some estimates, a 65-year-old couple may need $315,000 or more to cover health care costs over the rest of their lives. An HSA could be a good way to stash some cash to put towards those charges.

If you were to become chronically ill or need help with the tasks of daily living as you age, you might need long-term care at home or in a nursing facility. Medicare does not cover long-term care, but long-term care insurance premiums are qualified expenses and can be paid with HSA funds. Saving in an HSA before these potential costs arise may offset overall spending on health care expenses later in life.

The Money in an HSA Is Yours and Stays That Way

Another advantage of HSAs is that contributions roll over from year to year. In comparison, flexible spending account (FSA) funds, which also allow pretax contributions to save for qualified health care expenses, must be spent in the same calendar year they were contributed, or you risk losing the funds. HSAs don’t follow this same use-it-or-lose-it rule. There is no time limit or expiration date saying you must spend the money you contributed by a certain date.

What’s more, your HSA funds follow you even if you change jobs and insurance providers. It can be very reassuring to know those funds won’t vanish.

Disadvantages of Using a Health Savings Account

Here are some potential downsides of HSAs to note.

You May Not Be Qualified to Open and Contribute to an HSA

You may only open and contribute to an HSA if you are enrolled in a high-deductible health plan, or HDHP. The IRS defines this as having a deductible of at least $1,400 for an individual and $2,800 for a family for 2024; for 2025, the limits are $4,300 and $8,550, respectively.

If You Have Medicare, You Cannot Have an HSA

Once you enroll in Medicare, you can no longer contribute to an HSA, since Medicare is not an HDHP. If you previously opened an HSA, those funds are still yours, but you can’t continue adding to the account.

Not All Expenses Will Be Covered

There are a number of health care expenses that do not qualify for HSA coverage. These include:

•   Cosmetic surgery

•   Teeth whitening

•   Gym memberships

•   OTC drugs

•   Nutritional supplements

HSAs May Charge Fees

If you decide that a health care savings account is right for you, don’t be surprised if you are hit with fees when you open one. Some of these accounts may charge you every month to maintain the account, especially if a professional is advising you on investments. These fees may be as low as $3 or $5 a month or considerably higher.

You may also be assessed a percentage of the account’s value, with that fee rising as your account’s value increases. It’s important to read the fine print on any account agreement to make sure you know the ground rules.

You May Be Penalized for Early Withdrawal

Also note that if you withdraw funds from your account for something other than a covered medical expense before you turn 65, you could be hit with fees. These withdrawals will typically be subject to income taxes and a 20% penalty.

How HSAs and FSAs Differ

HSAs, as described above, are health care savings accounts for individuals who have a high-deductible health plan. Another financial vehicle with a similar-sounding name are FSAs, or flexible spending accounts. An FSA is a fund you can put money into and then use for certain out-of-pocket health care expenses. You don’t pay taxes on these funds. Two big differences versus HSAs to be aware of:

•   To open an FSA, you don’t need to be enrolled in an HDHP. This is only a qualification for HSAs.

•   The money put in an FSA account, if not used up by the end of the year, is typically forfeited. However, there may be a brief grace period during which you can use it or your employer might let you carry over several hundred dollars. With an HSA, however, once you put money in the account, it’s yours, period.

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The Takeaway

Health savings accounts, or HSAs, offer a way for people with high-deductible health plans to set funds aside to help with health care expenses. The money contributed is in pretax dollars, and it brings other tax advantages. What’s more, funds in these HSAs can roll over, year after year, and can be used as a retirement vehicle. For those who qualify, it can be a valuable tool for paying medical expenses and enhancing financial health, today and tomorrow.

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SOCC0421012_SEO SoFi Learn_What Is a Credit Card Charge Off?

A Guide to Charge-Offs

A charge-off can occur when you don’t pay your credit card’s minimum monthly payment or your installment debt like an auto loan or personal loan. If a creditor decides that a debt is unlikely to be paid after a certain period of time, they may count it as a loss. Then it becomes what is known as a charge-off to the account.

And what happens after that? It’s not a “free money” situation for you. Quite the opposite: A charge-off on your credit report is a negative entry that can stick for a while and cause concern for future lenders.

Here, you’ll learn what exactly a charge-off is in more detail, how it affects your credit, and what steps, if any, you can take to resolve the situation.

What Is a Charge-Off?

When a credit card or installment debt goes unpaid for 120 to 180 days and the lender determines that the debt is unlikely to be paid off, the outstanding balance may be counted as a loss, and the account closed.

But a charge-off doesn’t mean the debt ceases to exist and that the borrower no longer needs to pay it off. Instead, typically the lender either hires a debt collector to pursue the money it’s owed or sells the debt to a collection agency.

Though the lender will take a hit on the money owed — the debt collector will either take a share of any funds recovered, or the bank may sell off the debt entirely to the collector at a reduced rate — the story isn’t over for the borrower.

💡 Quick Tip: A low-interest personal loan can consolidate your debts, lower your monthly payments, and help you get out of debt sooner.

How To See if You Have a Charge-Off

Under federal law, a debt collector must send a debt validation notice within five days of first contacting you. The notice will include details about the outstanding debt, including verification that the notice is from a debt collector, the name of the creditor, the amount owed (including any fees or interest), your rights, and how to dispute the debt, and other information.

A charge-off will also be noted on your credit report. The original creditor may close your account and report the payment status as “collection” or “charge-off,” both negative marks on a credit report.

You can get a free copy of your credit report from each credit bureau annually via It’s a good idea to check your credit report regularly to make sure all information is up-to-date and correct. Requesting a credit report from one of the three credit reporting bureaus every few months allows you to check your credit report three times per year. For example, you could check your Experian® report in January, your TransUnion® report in May, and your Equifax® report in September.

What Happens When You Have a Charge-Off?

After you’re notified of the charge-off, a good first step is verifying the debt is actually yours and the charge-off is valid. You can dispute the posting with the credit bureaus and contact the creditor or debt collection agency with proof that the debt was paid if that’s the case. (Any common credit reporting errors can be brought to the attention of the reporting agency, including invalid charge-offs.)

If you do owe the debt, you have a few options:

•   You could pay it, including working out a repayment plan with the creditor and attempting to come to a settlement for an amount less than the original debt.

•   Doing nothing at all is another option. The collection of debts is subject to a statute of limitations that prevents creditors from pursuing unpaid bills after a certain period of time (the time limit varies from state to state, but is typically between three and six years).

Once that statute of limitations is up, a debt collector can no longer seek court action to force repayment, but the Federal Trade Commission points out that under certain circumstances, the clock can be reset.

Again, though, simply running out the clock on a charge-off does not mean there are no consequences for the cardholder. Read on to learn more about this important aspect of charge-offs.

How Does a Charge-Off Affect Credit Rating?

To understand the implications of a credit card charge-off, it’s worth thinking about how you’re approved for a credit card or loan.

•   Individuals have credit scores, which help credit card companies, lenders, and other institutions determine the risk of making payments. Credit scores are one factor among many used to evaluate an individual’s application for a car loan or mortgage — even an application for an apartment rental or new cell phone account.

•   Some lenders have minimum required credit scores for personal loans, so a person’s credit score not only helps to determine whether they will be approved but also the interest rate they will pay and other terms.

•   A credit score is a snapshot of a consumer’s financial history: their record of bill payments, how much credit they are using, and other such details.

•   Building credit scores takes time, reflecting years of credit habits. As such, any past credit card charge-offs are reflected in a person’s credit score and on their credit report. This can lead to a bad credit score and will let future prospective lenders know they have a history of delinquent or unpaid bills.

The Process of a Charge-Off

While parameters for a charge-off vary from lender to lender, here’s what typically happens:

•   After an individual does not pay at least their credit card minimum payment for six consecutive months, the account becomes delinquent. After the first month of delinquency, the credit account is moved from the “Accounts in Good Standing” section of their report to “Negative Items” or “Negative Accounts,” along with the outstanding balance.

•   If the credit card company decides to charge off the debt at 180 days, this is then noted on the person’s credit report as a charge-off.

•   Even with a charge-off, the outstanding balance will remain on one’s credit report (noted as a charge-off), unless it is sold to a collection agency. In that case, the balance reverts to zero but the charge-off remains.

Consequences of a Charge-Off

A charge-off stays on a person’s credit report for seven years from the first delinquent payment date, usually, even if they pay off their debt in full or the statute of limitations runs out. In fact, once consumers have a charge-off on their record, it can be difficult to have it reversed.

Among the consequences of having a charge-off on a credit report: It could result in higher interest rates on future lending products, or even being turned down for a credit card or loan.

There are a few scenarios where cardholders might be able to have a charge-off taken off their credit report. If an individual can prove that the charge-off was inaccurate, they can apply to have it removed under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. It can also be helpful to reach out to the creditor directly to try to reach a resolution.

It may be possible to have the charge-off removed as part of a debt settlement agreement or on a goodwill basis in the event of personal hardship or an honest mistake — though there are no guarantees.

💡 Quick Tip: With low interest rates compared to credit cards, a personal loan for credit card consolidation can substantially lower your payments.

What You Can Do About a Charge-Off

Paying off the charge-off or collection may reduce the negative impact on a credit score. It may also be wise to contact the lender to discuss a payment settlement, which may also reduce the credit impact.

If a credit card account is charged off, it may continue to accrue interest until it is paid. Once the balance is finally paid off in full, it will be noted on the individual’s credit card report.

A credit card charge-off on a credit report can make anyone’s financial life more difficult, so prevention may be the best bet.

Contacting the creditor to arrange a payment plan could be an option to keep a charge-off from being reported on your credit report. Switching to a lower-interest credit card or consolidating debt with a credit card consolidation loan may be steps to consider for managing debts before a charge-off affects a credit report.

Developing habits for using a credit card responsibly by setting a budget and ensuring that there’s enough money on hand to cover necessary and discretionary purchases, keeping a close eye on credit card statements, and adhering to payment schedules is a good way to successfully manage your finances. Even if you can’t afford to pay the balance due in full, it’s a good idea to pay at least the minimum on time.

Disputing a Charge-Off

If you’ve determined that the charge-off is not accurate — whether the debt doesn’t belong to you, the amount is incorrect, or the statute of limitations has passed — you can begin the dispute process.

You can begin by filing a formal dispute with the credit reporting bureau. You can mail a dispute form to each bureau or use their online dispute filing process at the following links:

•   Equifax

•   Experian

•   TransUnion

Each credit bureau has its own process for handling disputes, but generally, you can expect a reply within about 30 days. You’ll be able to check the status of your dispute online after setting up an account with the credit bureau.

The credit bureau will begin by contacting the creditor, e.g., the credit card issuer or the lender, requesting them to check their records. If the information that was reported was incorrect, your credit report will be corrected, while any correct information will remain on your report.

After a dispute is completed, the credit bureau will update your credit report with the final outcome, whether that’s deleting the disputed item or leaving it on your credit report because it was found to be a valid debt.

Paying Off a Charge-Off

If the charged-off debt is yours, you are legally responsible for paying it. You have some options for doing so.

•   If the original creditor has not sold the debt to a collector, you can work directly with them to pay the debt. If the debt has been sold to a collections agency, you’ll be working with the agency instead of the original creditor.

•   In either case, you can make a payment plan to pay down the debt, or you could also try to negotiate a settlement for less than the amount owed if you’re able to pay some amount in full.

•   A paid debt will be reported as “paid collection” on a credit report, and a settled debt will be reported as a “settled charge-off.”

•   After the debt is paid in full, asking for a final payment letter is the way to have proof that the debt is no longer outstanding.

A debt being charged off and a debt being sent to collections are related, but different. Here’s a comparison:



The creditor removes the debt from its balance sheet because they deem it unlikely to be paid. The creditor hires a debt collector to attempt collection or sells the debt to a debt collection agency.
Collection attempts may still be made by the original creditor. Collection attempts are made by the debt collection agency.
Creditor will report the charge-off to the credit bureaus. Debt collectors must send a debt validation notice within five days of first contacting you about the outstanding debt.
You may be able to work with the original creditor to pay down the debt. Any payment arrangements or settlement negotiations will be with the collection agency.

The Takeaway

A credit card charge-off may remain on a credit report for years and have a negative impact on your credit score. Preventing a charge-off by developing responsible spending habits, consolidating debt, or trying to arrange a payment plan may be the best bet.

If you are struggling with debt, a debt consolidation loan might help. It’s a personal loan used to consolidate multiple high-interest debts into one with a lower interest rate or with more manageable monthly payments.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.


Is paying off charge-offs a good idea?

It can be a good idea, depending on the age of the debt. If the debt is old and beyond the statute of limitations for collection, making a payment on the debt could restart the clock on a time-barred debt.

What is a charge-off vs collection?

A charge-off happens when a creditor deems it unlikely that a debt will be paid. Collections are the next step in the process, whether the original creditor attempts to collect the debt or the debt is sold to a debt collection agency.

How does a charge off affect your credit score?

A charge-off is a negative entry on your credit report which could lower your credit score. It can affect your ability to qualify for future loans, your rental options, and even car insurance rates.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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Can You Consolidate Student Loans and Credit Card Debt Together?

After attending college, you might have a hefty student loan you need to pay off, and you might also have some credit card debt you’re ready to eliminate.

Having two (or more) separate payments each month, as well as more than one interest rate, can get messy, and could negatively impact your credit if you don’t make all the minimum payments required. You may be wondering if it’s possible to consolidate student loans and credit card debt together to make things easier.

We’ll look at the differences between debt consolidation, debt refinancing, student loan consolidation, and student loan refinancing, plus explore your options to lower your interest rates and possibly get one single payment for all your student loan and credit card debts.

What Is Debt Consolidation?

There are two different ways you can change what your debt looks like: debt consolidation and debt refinancing.

It’s important to understand that when it comes to loans and credit cards, consolidating is different from refinancing. Refinancing refers to changing the financial terms of a debt. Maybe when you took out your student loan, for example, interest rates were higher than they are now. You might be able to refinance your loan with current, lower rates or you could refinance to extend the loan term.

Debt consolidation, on the other hand, refers to combining more than one debt into a new loan with a single payment. Maybe you have three different credit card balances and you take out a new loan to pay them off. Now, those three credit cards have a zero balance and you’re left with a single monthly payment and a new interest rate and terms with the new loan.

But is consolidating credit cards and student loans together possible? Or are they two different animals?

Consolidating Student Loans

The U.S. Department of Education offers what’s called a Direct Consolidation Loan, which consolidates all your federal education loans that qualify into one new loan with a single interest rate, typically the average of the loans you’re consolidating. When you consolidate federal student loans, you keep federal benefits, such as income-driven repayment plans and student loan forgiveness.

Student loan consolidation may be useful if you have federal loans from different lenders and are making more than one payment per month. However, your interest rate won’t necessarily be lowered, nor will you be allowed to consolidate private student loans or credit card debt.

So, what can you do if you have private student loans you want to consolidate or other loans that don’t qualify for the Direct Consolidation Loan? And what if you want to consolidate student loans and credit card debt together?

Before we get to the solution, let’s talk about consolidating credit cards.

💡 Quick Tip: Get flexible terms and competitive rates when you refinance your student loan with SoFi.

Consolidating Credit Cards

Just like with student loans, you may have multiple credit cards each with their own balance, interest rate, and minimum payment due each month. This can make paying off all this debt next to impossible and feel like you’re treading water as you pay the minimum amount due on each card.

With credit card consolidation, you take out a new personal loan and pay off all outstanding credit card debt.
You then have one payment and one interest rate (which may often be significantly lower than some astronomically high rates for credit cards). You’re now making one monthly payment for all your credit card debt. Sounds good, right?

How to Consolidate Student Loans and Credit Card Debts

As discussed, with a Direct Consolidation Loan, you can’t add credit card debt to the consolidation loan. Direct Consolidation Loans are reserved for federal student loans only.

However, if you’re wanting to consolidate both student loans and credit card debts, there are options you can consider.

Personal Loan

One way to pay off different types of debt is with a personal loan. While personal loans may have higher interest rates than you’re paying for your student loans, the rates for personal loans may be significantly lower than credit card interest rates if your credit is good.

By taking out a personal loan, you may be able to pay off all of your student loans and credit card debt. Your debt is now rolled up into one monthly payment with one interest rate.

The higher your credit score, the lower the interest rate you may qualify for with a personal loan. But even if you don’t get a fantastic rate, you can extend the loan term to make your payments more manageable. And, of course, you can usually pay off a personal loan early without penalty, which can cut down on what you’d otherwise pay in interest.

Balance Transfer

If a personal loan isn’t for you, check to see if you have a credit card with a balance transfer offer. Often, credit cards will offer a promotion of 0% on any balances from other credit cards or loans transferred. Take note though: often these promotions end after a year, and then you’re stuck with the interest payment on the remaining balance.

A balance transfer makes sense if you know you can pay off your debts within a year. If you have a large amount of credit card debt or a high student loan, this may not be the best solution if you can’t pay it off quickly. Instead, you might consider transferring the amount of your debts that you know you can pay off within the timeframe.

Alternatives to Consolidation

If you’re hoping to consolidate student loans and credit card debt together, taking out a personal loan or using a transfer balance are two options to explore.

You might also look at a debt reduction strategy, such as the Avalanche Method or the Snowball Method.

The Avalanche Method

The Avalanche Method focuses on paying off your debts with the highest interest rates first. Once those are paid off, you put that money toward the debts with the next highest interest rates, and so on and so forth, until they are all paid off.

The Snowball Method

With the Snowball Method, you focus on the largest balance first. Put extra money toward paying that off, then when it’s paid off, move to the next largest balance.

Continue Payments

Whatever strategy you choose, the key is to keep making payments. And if possible, pay more than the minimum amount due. Even paying an additional $25 a month on a debt will help you pay it off faster and reduce the total amount of interest you pay overall.

Student Loan Refinance Tips from SoFi

Because student loans are often the largest debts people carry (even if they don’t have the highest interest rate), you may want to have a separate strategy for paying off your student loans.

When you refinance student loans, look for loans that offer a longer time period if you want a smaller monthly payment. However, keep in mind that with a longer loan term, you’re likely to pay more in interest over the life of the loan.

Also, if you plan on using federal benefits, it’s not recommended to refinance with a private lender. Instead, look into a Direct Consolidation Loan or refinance your student loans once you’re no longer using federal benefits.

💡 Quick Tip: When rates are low, refinancing student loans could make a lot of sense. How much could you save? Find out using our student loan refi calculator.

The Takeaway

While it may be challenging to consolidate student loans and credit card debt together, you may be able to do so with a personal loan or a credit card balance transfer. Using one of these methods allows you to transfer these debts into a single loan with a single payment and interest rate.

However, if a personal loan or balance transfer credit card isn’t an option, you could consider refinancing your student loans to possibly lower your interest rate and save money each month. The money you save could then be put toward paying off your credit card debt.

With SoFi, refinancing is fast, easy, and all online. We offer competitive fixed and variable rates.


Do I lose my credit cards if I consolidate?

Consolidating credit card debt does not cause you to lose your credit cards. It merely wipes out the debt on each card you include in the consolidation.

Will consolidating my student loans lower my credit score?

If you use the Direct Consolidation Loan, this will not impact your credit score. However, if you consolidate your student loans with a personal loan or through student loan refinancing, it may impact your credit.

Can my student loans be forgiven if I consolidate?

If you consolidate your loans with a Direct Consolidation Loan, you’re still eligible for student loan forgiveness. However, if you refinance your student loans with a private lender, you are no longer eligible for federal benefits, including loan forgiveness.

Photo credit: iStock/PeopleImages

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance
Terms and conditions apply. SoFi Refinance Student Loans are private loans. When you refinance federal loans with a SoFi loan, YOU FOREFEIT YOUR EILIGIBILITY FOR ALL FEDERAL LOAN BENEFITS, including all flexible federal repayment and forgiveness options that are or may become available to federal student loan borrowers including, but not limited to: Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), Income-Based Repayment, Income-Contingent Repayment, extended repayment plans, PAYE or SAVE. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers.
Learn more at SoFi Refinance Student Loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891 (


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Refinancing Your Student Loans While Starting a Business

If you want to start a business, one thought may go through your mind (particularly if you’re funding your business out of pocket): “If I didn’t have to repay my student loans, I’d have more money to put toward my business.”

No doubt about it, student debt can be steep. The current average federal student loan debt per borrower is $37,338 and $54,921 per private loan borrower. Student loan borrowers who feel stymied by their debt may wonder how to get their business idea off the ground.

If student loans gobble up a chunk of your cash every month, refinancing might free up funds to put your fledgling business on the right track. Read on to learn how refinancing student loans can benefit the launch of your new business.

What Is Student Loan Refinancing?

Before diving into the definition of student loan refinancing, let’s discuss the components that make up a student loan: principal, interest rate, and loan term.

•   Principal: The principal is the original amount that you borrowed, which you will repay with interest over time.

•   Interest rate: The interest rate is a percentage of the loan principal that you pay monthly — on top of a portion of the principal. This is charged by the lender and is how they earn money while lending you cash.

•   Loan term: The loan term is the amount of time in which you will repay your loan.

Student loan refinancing means replacing your existing student loan with a new student loan. You can refinance either federal or private loans with funds from a private lender. There are two important points to keep in mind if you are considering refinancing. These factors can help you determine if refinancing is a good fit for you.

•   When you refinance federal loans with a private loan, you forfeit federal protections and benefits, such as deferment and forbearance.

•   If you refinance for an extended term, you may end up paying more in interest over the life of the loan, even if your monthly payment is lower.

💡 Quick Tip: Get flexible terms and competitive rates when you refinance your student loan with SoFi.

Take control of your student loans.
Ditch student loan debt for good.

Benefits of Student Loan Refinancing

Some of the key reasons to refinance your student loans include the following:

•   Potentially lowering your interest rate: Reducing your interest rate on your student loans can save you a lot of money over time because you won’t pay as much in interest per monthly payment. Check with various lenders to ensure you’re getting the lowest interest rate possible. You can usually get the best rates by having a strong credit score and a steady source of income. Your credit score is the three-digit number that reflects how well you’ve paid back debts in the past.

•   Reducing your monthly payment: When you work with a lender to extend your loan term, you may reduce your student loan payments per month. For example, you may extend your loan term from 10 years to 15 years, though the specific options will depend on your lender. Note, however, as mentioned above, that extending your term often means you’re likely paying more interest over the life of your loan.

•   Obtaining a single monthly payment: Instead of making multiple monthly payments, you can refinance and make one monthly payment. Sticking to one monthly payment can help you stay organized and make your payments on time. You don’t have to refinance all of your student loans, however. For example, if you have five student loans and you have a low interest rate on one and a high interest rate on the rest, you could refinance just those four. Use a student loan refinance calculator to determine how different refinance scenarios might work to your advantage.

•   Choosing between variable- and fixed-rate loans: Refinancing may allow you to choose between a fixed- or variable-rate loan. A fixed-rate means your interest rate stays the same throughout the life of the loan, while a variable rate changes — and could increase or fall over time.

Note that you can also consolidate student loans, which involves combining several federal student loans into one loan, through the Direct Loan Program.

💡 Quick Tip: Refinancing could be a great choice for working graduates who have higher-interest graduate PLUS loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and/or private loans.

How Refinancing Student Loans Can Benefit a New Business

So, how exactly does refinancing student loans benefit a new business? Here’s a closer look.

1. Lower Your Loan Payments

As mentioned earlier, refinancing can help lower your loan payments by possibly offering a lower interest rate and/or by stretching out your loan term. Lowering your monthly payments can allow you to devote more financial resources toward your new business. You can also use the extra money to pay for household expenses or financial goals, like the down payment on a house or your retirement nest egg.

2. More Money to Get Business Loan

First, to clarify: Using student loans to start a business is a no-go. Student loan money should go toward education costs, living expenses, and housing. When you refinance, you can lower your monthly repayment amount. That can help your overall financial outlook. Then, if you apply for a business loan, you may have a more creditworthy profile.

A bank or credit union will review your financial information to evaluate your qualifications for a business loan. If you refinance your student loans and lower your monthly payment, that could help improve your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), an important indicator when you apply for a loan. Your DTI is calculated by all your monthly debt payments divided by your gross monthly income. If you lower a component of your monthly debt (say, your student loan), you can lower your overall DTI, which is a positive.

3. Use Business Income to Pay Student Loans

Are you wondering, “Can my business pay my student loans?” The answer to that is “no,” if you mean pay directly through your enterprise. However, if you launch a business and earn income, of course you can use your pay to eliminate your debt, whether from a student loan or another source.

Keep in mind that as a business owner, you could get tax breaks that other taxpayers can’t claim, but you can’t deduct the principal payments you make on student loans.

Recommended: How to Get Out of Student Loan Debt

Refinancing Student Loans With SoFi

Looking to lower your monthly student loan payment? Refinancing may be one way to do it — by extending your loan term, getting a lower interest rate than what you currently have, or both. (Please note that refinancing federal loans makes them ineligible for federal forgiveness and protections. Also, lengthening your loan term may mean paying more in interest over the life of the loan.) SoFi student loan refinancing offers flexible terms that fit your budget.

With SoFi, refinancing is fast, easy, and all online. We offer competitive fixed and variable rates.


Can you start a business if you have student loans?

Yes, you can start a business if you have student loans, but it may be harder to access business credit and save cash to put toward your business. No matter what, you must keep up with your student loan payments. Not making your payments can hurt your credit score later, which in turn can hurt your application for a small business loan.

How do I start a student loan?

You can apply for federal student loans by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which helps determine the amount of federal student aid you can receive. You can apply for private student loans on lender websites.

Can I get an SBA loan with defaulted student loans?

Through the Small Business Administration, SBA loans require potential borrowers to keep up to date on student loan payments. Unfortunately, you could become ineligible with defaulted student loans.

Photo credit: iStock/ferrantraite

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance
Terms and conditions apply. SoFi Refinance Student Loans are private loans. When you refinance federal loans with a SoFi loan, YOU FOREFEIT YOUR EILIGIBILITY FOR ALL FEDERAL LOAN BENEFITS, including all flexible federal repayment and forgiveness options that are or may become available to federal student loan borrowers including, but not limited to: Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), Income-Based Repayment, Income-Contingent Repayment, extended repayment plans, PAYE or SAVE. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers.
Learn more at SoFi Refinance Student Loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891 (

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Checking Your Rates: To check the rates and terms you may qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. However, if you choose a product and continue your application, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit pull and may affect your credit.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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