Auto Insurance Terms, Explained

Auto Insurance Terms, Explained

Shopping for auto insurance or dealing with an insurance claim? It’s common to hit a few potholes on the way to understanding car insurance.

Auto insurance terminology can be difficult to navigate, so this glossary may help you find your way.

Car Insurance Terminology

Here are basic auto insurance terms explained:

Accident Forgiveness

Accident forgiveness is a benefit that can be added to a car insurance policy to prevent a driver’s premium from increasing after their first at-fault accident.

Each insurer’s definition of accident forgiveness may vary, and it isn’t available in every state. Some insurers include it at no charge, or it may be an add-on, which means it could be earned or purchased.

Actual Cash Value

Actual cash value is the term used to describe what a vehicle was worth before it was damaged or stolen, taking depreciation into consideration. The amount is calculated by the insurer.


An adjuster is an employee who evaluates claims for an insurance company. The adjuster investigates the claim and is expected to make a fair and informed decision regarding how much the insurance company should pay.

Agent or Broker

Both agents and brokers help consumers obtain auto insurance, but there are differences in their roles. An agent represents an insurance company (or companies) and sells insurance to and performs services for policyholders.

A broker represents the consumer and may evaluate several companies to find a policy that best suits that individual, family, or organization’s needs.

Both agents and brokers are licensed and regulated by state laws, and both may be paid commissions from insurance companies.

At Fault

Drivers are considered “at fault” in an accident when it’s determined something they did or didn’t do caused the collision to occur. A driver may still be considered at fault even if no ticket was issued or if the insurance company divides the blame between the parties involved in the accident.

In some states, drivers can’t receive an insurance payout if they are found to be more than 50% at fault.

Casualty Insurance

Casualty insurance protects a driver who is legally responsible for another person’s injuries or property damage in a car accident.


When an insured person asks their insurance company to cover a loss, it’s called a claim.


A person who submits an insurance claim.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage helps pay for damage to an insured driver’s car if the driver causes a crash with another car, hits an object (a mailbox or fence, for example), or causes a rollover.

It also may help if another driver is responsible for the accident but doesn’t have any insurance or enough insurance to cover the costs.

Collision coverage is usually required with an auto loan. Learn more about smarter ways to get a car loan.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage pays for damage that’s caused by hitting an animal on the road, as well as specified noncollision events, such as car theft, a fire, or a falling object. It is usually required with an auto loan.

Recommended: How Much Auto Insurance Do I Really Need?

Damage Appraisal

When a car is in an accident, an insurance company’s claims adjuster may appraise the damage, and/or the car owner may get repair estimates from one or two body shops that can do the repairs.

Policyholders can appeal an appraisal if it seems low and they have some backup to prove it.

Declarations Page

This page in an insurance policy includes its most significant details, including who is insured, information about the vehicle that’s covered, types of coverage, and coverage limits.


This is the predetermined amount the policyholder will pay for repairs before insurance coverage kicks in. Generally, the higher the deductible, the lower the monthly premium.


Depreciation is the value lost from a vehicle’s original price due to age, mileage, overall condition, and other factors. Depreciation is used to determine the actual cash value of a car when the insurer decides it’s a total loss.

Effective Date

This is the exact date that an auto insurance policy starts to cover a vehicle.


An endorsement, or rider, is a written agreement that adds or modifies the coverage provided by an insurance policy.


Exclusions are things that aren’t covered by an auto insurance policy. (Some common exclusions are wear and tear, mechanical breakdowns, and having an accident while racing.)

Full Coverage

Full coverage usually refers to a car insurance policy that includes liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage.

GAP Coverage

Guaranteed asset protection insurance is optional coverage that helps pay off an auto loan if a car is destroyed or stolen and the insured person owes more than the car’s depreciated value. It covers the difference, or gap, between what is owed and what the insurance company would pay on the claim.


Indemnity is the insurance company’s promise to help return policyholders to the position they were in before a covered incident caused a loss. The insurer “indemnifies” the policyholder from losses by taking on some of the financial responsibility.

Liability Insurance

If you’re at fault in an accident, your liability coverage pays for the other driver’s (or drivers’) car repairs and medical bills.

Coverage limits are often expressed in three numbers. For example, if a policy is written as 25/50/15, it means coverage of up to $25,000 for each person injured in an accident and $50,000 for the entire accident and $15,000 worth of property damage.

The cost of liability-only car insurance varies by state, as does the required minimum level of liability insurance.

Recommended: What Does Liability Auto Insurance Typically Cover?


This is the maximum amount a car insurance policy will pay for a particular incident. Coverage limits can vary greatly from one policy to the next.

Medical Payments Coverage

Medical payments coverage (or medical expense coverage, or MedPay) is optional coverage that can help pay medical expenses related to a vehicle accident.

It covers the insured driver, their passengers, and any pedestrians who are injured when there’s an accident, regardless of who caused it.

It also may cover the policyholder when that person is a passenger in another vehicle or is injured by a vehicle when walking, riding a bike, or riding public transportation. This coverage is not available in all states.

No-Fault Insurance

Several states have no-fault laws, which generally means that when there’s a car accident, everyone involved files a claim with their own insurance company, regardless of fault.

Also known as personal injury protection, no-fault insurance covers medical expenses regardless of who’s at fault. It doesn’t mean, however, that fault won’t be determined. No-fault insurance refers to injuries and medical bills. If a person’s car is damaged in an accident and they were not at fault, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will be responsible for the repairs.

Optional Coverage

Optional coverage refers to any car insurance coverage that is not required by law.

Personal Injury Protection

Several states require personal injury protection (PIP) coverage to help pay for medical expenses that an insured driver and any passengers suffer in an accident, regardless of who’s at fault.

PIP also may cover loss of income, funeral expenses, and other costs. PIP is the basic coverage required by no-fault insurance states.

Primary (and Secondary) Driver

The person who drives an insured car the most often is considered its primary driver. Typically, the primary driver is the person who owns or leases the vehicle. If spouses share an insurance policy, they may both be listed as primary drivers on a car or cars.

A car may have multiple secondary, or occasional, drivers. These are generally licensed drivers who live in the same household (children, grandparents, roommates, nannies, etc.) and may use the insured car occasionally but are not the car’s primary driver.

Recommended: Cost of Car Insurance for Young Drivers

Primary Use

This term refers to how a vehicle will most often be used — for commuting to work, for business, for farming, or for pleasure.


A premium is the amount a person pays for auto insurance. Premiums may be paid monthly, quarterly, twice a year, or annually, depending on personal choice and what the provider allows.

Replacement Cost

Some insurance companies offer replacement cost coverage for newer vehicles. This means that if a car is damaged or stolen, the insurer will pay to replace it with the same vehicle.

Coverage varies by company, and not every insurance company offers replacement coverage.

State-Required Minimum

Every state has different legal minimum requirements for the types and amounts of insurance coverage drivers must have. The limits are usually low. Lenders may require more coverage for those who are buying or leasing a car.

Total Loss or ‘Totaled’

If a car is severely damaged, the insurer may determine that it is a total loss. That usually means the car is so badly damaged that it either can’t be safely repaired or its market value is less than the price of putting it back together.

If a state has a total-loss threshold, an insurer considers the car a total loss when the cost of the damage exceeds the limit set by the state.


The underwriting process involves evaluating the risks (and determining appropriate rates) in insuring a particular driver.

Insurance underwriting these days is often done with a computer program. But if a case is unusual, a professional may step in to further assess the situation.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist coverage protects drivers and their passengers who are involved in an accident with a motorist who has little or no insurance. Some states require this coverage, but the limits vary.

Some states require this coverage, but the limits vary.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury insurance covers medical costs. Uninsured/underinsured motorist property damage pays to repair a vehicle.

The Takeaway

Understanding car insurance basics is important for drivers. Knowing auto insurance terms, coverage your state or lender may require, and what other types of coverage could further safeguard your finances can make you a more informed consumer.

When you’re ready to shop for auto insurance, SoFi can help. Our online auto insurance comparison tool lets you see quotes from a network of top insurance providers within minutes, saving you time and hassle.

Compare quotes from top car insurance carriers.

Insurance not available in all states.
Gabi is a registered service mark of Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
SoFi is compensated by Gabi for each customer who completes an application through the SoFi-Gabi partnership.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance?

Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance?

Whether it’s protecting personal belongings from fire or theft or serving as a source of liability insurance if a guest gets hurt inside the home, renters insurance can provide plenty of benefits for the tenant.

But can a landlord require renters insurance? The short answer is yes. Let’s take a closer look at the nuances of this coverage and why a landlord might want to make it mandatory.

Can a Landlord Require Renters Insurance in All States?

In most states, the answer is yes, they can. (Oklahoma may currently be an exception.) What’s more, landlords can usually determine a minimum policy amount that their renters must carry. When that happens, the landlord will likely be more concerned about the amount of the liability coverage a tenant has, because that can have a financial impact on the landlord if, say, damage from a fire or an overflowing bathtub occurs. They may be less concerned about the amount of personal property coverage that a tenant has in their renters insurance policy.

It’s important to note that while landlords are allowed to require tenants to have renters insurance, there are no states that require renters insurance. However, this could change, so check your state’s laws.

To get a good understanding of what a landlord requires for the apartment you want to lease, be sure to read the lease language carefully. It may contain a clause, for example, that requires a new tenant to provide proof of renters insurance within a certain period of time. If more clarity is needed, ask the landlord for an explanation before signing the lease.

Reasons Why Landlords Require Renters Insurance

Mandating renters insurance can be part of a landlord’s tenant screening process, just like checking a renter’s credit scores may be. Buying and maintaining a policy could be a sign that they’ll be able to consistently pay the rent and are willing to take responsibility for the rented space and their belongings.

Requiring this type of coverage could also lower a landlord’s overall liability. Let’s say a tenant doesn’t have an insurance policy, and some of their belongings are stolen. That tenant may decide to sue the landlord to get the money to replace those items. Similarly, if a tenant or their guest is injured on the property, they may choose to bring the landlord to court to help cover medical bills. It’s also possible that, if someone gets injured in a rented space and doesn’t have renters insurance, the hospital caring for the injured party might sue the landlord. Even if the landlord’s policy covers the hospital bill, this could result in higher insurance premiums for the landlord.

Here’s a related possibility: Suppose there’s a fire in an apartment complex and, because of smoke damage, tenants need to temporarily find other places to live. Tenants without renters insurance may not be able to pay for temporary lodgings and may attempt to get those funds from the landlord. In some states, the landlord may in fact need to provide relocation benefits for tenants who don’t have their own coverage. So, requiring a policy can shift part of the financial burden from the landlord to the affected tenants.

Continuing with the fire scenario, let’s say it’s one that was accidentally set by a tenant, and it damaged several parts of the building. Let’s also say that the landlord’s insurance policy will cover the costs, minus the deductible on the landlord’s policy. That can help to cover cleanup and remodeling expenses but the deductible can be significant—and the tenant’s renters insurance may cover the dollar amount of that deductible. This reduces the landlord’s out-of-pocket expenses, which can be a real plus for that landlord.

Recommended: What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Proof of Insurance

If a landlord requires renters insurance, they may ask for proof of existence. Perhaps they’ll want to see a statement from an insurance company or a copy of the policy itself, though they may also simply take a tenant’s word for it.

Sometimes, a landlord will want to be listed on the policy as an “additional interest.” When that happens, the landlord will be notified if the policy coverage lapses because of non-payment or because the tenant cancels the policy.

Note that naming someone as an “additional interest” is different from naming them as an “additional insured.” The second term refers to people who are also covered by a tenant’s policy, perhaps a roommate or partner.

Securing a Policy

When deciding what policy to buy, it’s important to factor in the value of personal belongings that need to be covered and what is affordable. Different insurance companies offer different coverages at differing price ranges. After determining the value of personal belongings and budgetary constraints, it may be time to compare policies and see which ones fit in your budget.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) says the average renters insurance policy costs between $15 to $30 per month. Compare that to the cost of replacing personal belongings, which would typically be much higher. And that’s not even factoring in the benefits of having liability coverage and additional living cost coverage, such as temporary lodging if you need to leave the rented space.

Recommended: Most Affordable Renters Insurance for Apartments

Actual Cash Value Versus Replacement Costs

Some policies pay out the actual cash value of lost or damaged belongings, while others cover the full costs of replacing what was lost or damaged.

Let’s say that a three-year-old laptop was stolen from a tenant’s apartment. If that person’s policy uses cash value when reimbursing the tenant, the amount would be what the laptop originally cost minus any depreciation that took place over that three-year period. If the policy is a replacement cost one, then the tenant would be reimbursed what it would cost to get a similar laptop today.

Review the policy’s deductible. This is the amount that the policyholder is responsible for before insurance coverage applies. Typical deductibles fall around $500 or $1,000, although they may be higher. Some policies may offer deductibles that are a percentage of the policy’s coverage amount.

The Takeaway

Renters insurance can provide peace of mind to tenants in the event their property is stolen or damaged. It can also help lower a landlord’s overall liability and financial burden. Though there’s no federal law mandating renters insurance, landlords in most states are able to require tenants to have it. Before signing on the dotted line, double-check the lease agreement to confirm whether you need to purchase a policy. A typical renters insurance policy costs around $15 to $30 per month, but coverage and cost may vary.

Ready to start shopping? SoFi has partnered with Experian to offer renters insurance that’s affordable and easy to apply for and understand, with instant quotes available.

Experian allows you to match your current coverage to new policy offers with little to no data entry. And you can easily bundle your home and auto insurance to save money. All with no fees and no paperwork.

Explore renters insurance options offered through SoFi and Experian.

Photo credit: iStock/staticnak1983

Auto Insurance: Must have a valid driver’s license. Not available in all states.
Home and Renters Insurance: Insurance not available in all states.
Experian is a registered trademark of Experian.
SoFi Insurance Agency, LLC. (“”SoFi””) is compensated by Experian for each customer who purchases a policy through the SoFi-Experian partnership.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Common Health Insurance Terms & Definitions

Common Health Insurance Terms & Definitions

When shopping for a new health insurance policy — or when your employer introduces a new health plan — you might wonder what certain health insurance terms mean.

In this guide, you’ll discover health insurance terminology for beginners and anyone who’s ever been confused about a policy, so you can make informed decisions.

Top Health Insurance Terms to Know

Discover the health insurance definitions that can help you better utilize health insurance for you and your family.

Accident-Only Policies

These policies pay only in cases that were due to an accident or injury.


These are the health care services covered by the insurance plan for an individual. Your health benefits might also be called a “benefits package.”


An itemized bill that shows all of the services and procedures that were provided to the member.


This refers to the percentage of the medical charge you must pay out of your own pocket after meeting your deductible. The rest will be paid by your health insurance company. If you have a 15% coinsurance plan, you would pay 15% of each medical bill (after paying the full deductible), and the insurer would cover the rest.


In most cases, this means the insurance policy, which is a contract between the insurance company and the policyholder.


The amount you pay out of pocket when you receive medical care or a prescription drug. A copayment is typically paid in person at the doctor’s office.


This refers to the amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance starts paying some of your health care expenses. The deductible resets at the beginning of the year or when you enroll in a new health insurance plan.

If your deductible is $2,000, your health insurance plan won’t cover any services until you have paid $2,000 out of pocket for the year. Someone with a high deductible and lots of medical costs could consider getting help in the form of medical loans, which are personal loans for medical and dental procedures.

Disability Benefits

If you are unable to work because of an illness or injury, the insurance company pays for lost wages. You’ll receive a portion of your income until you are able to return to work. Each policy defines what constitutes a “disability,” so you’ll need to meet those requirements and submit medical paperwork before receiving payment.

Health Insurance

Health insurance terminology 101: This is a contract that requires your health insurer to pay some or all of your health care costs in exchange for a premium.

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

An HMO is a health plan that provides health care services to members through a network of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers.

HMOs are popular alternatives to traditional health care plans because they usually have lower-cost premiums while still offering a variety of services.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

This is pretax money you set aside to pay for qualified medical expenses. You and your employer may contribute.

HSA funds roll over if you don’t spend them by the end of the year.

Indemnity Plan

Sometimes referred to as a fee-for-service plan, an indemnity plan allows you to go to any physician or provider you want, but requires that you pay for the services yourself and file claims in order to get reimbursed.

Mandated Benefits

This refers to the health care benefits that state or federal law say must be included in health care plans. Mandated health insurance benefit laws may require plans to cover substance abuse treatment or maternity services; cover treatment by providers like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and midwives; or include dependents and domestic partners.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum

This is the most you’ll pay for expenses covered by the plan in a calendar year. If you reach your deductible, insurance will begin paying some expenses covered by the plan. If you hit your out-of-pocket maximum, insurance will pay all expenses covered by the plan. (Monthly premiums don’t count toward your out-of-pocket maximum or deductible.)

Out-of-Network Services

This is when you seek out services from providers who aren’t in your HMO’s or PPO’s network. Usually, HMOs will only pay for care received within its network. If you’re in a PPO plan, you will have to pay more to receive services outside the PPO’s network.

Preexisting Condition

This health insurance term refers to a medical problem or illness you had before applying for health care coverage. If you have a preexisting condition, it’s a good idea to shop around and educate yourself when choosing an individual health plan.

Preferred Provider

This refers to a provider who has a contract with your health plan to provide services to you at a discount. If you have a favorite doctor, you might want to see if they are a preferred provider or “in network” for any new insurance plan.

When you’re looking to find a new physician, choosing a “preferred provider” found via the plan’s website will help keep medical costs down.

Your health insurance or plan may have preferred providers who are also “participating” providers. Participating providers can also have a contract in place with your health insurer, but you may have to pay more.

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

PPO plans provide more flexibility than HMOs when choosing a doctor or hospital. They also feature a provider network, but have fewer restrictions on seeing out-of-network providers.

PPO insurance will pay if you see a provider out of the network, though it may be at a lower rate.

PPO plans usually cost more than HMO plans.


This is the amount paid to the insurance company to obtain or maintain an insurance policy. Usually it’s a monthly fee.

Provider Network

This is a list of all the doctors, specialists, hospitals, and other providers who agree to provide medical care to the members of an HMO or PPO.

Waiting Period

This is the time an employer may make employees wait before they are eligible for coverage under the company’s insurance plan.

The Takeaway

Do you know your HMO from your PPO and HSA? Have you looked closely at copays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums? Knowing health insurance terms can help you make an informed decision when looking at health insurance policies.

Speaking of insurance, check out a variety of insurance offerings at SoFi Protect, bringing you fast, easy, and reliable insurance.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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days of the month

Trade vs Settlement Date: What’s the Difference?

The day that an investor or trader’s buy or sell order for a security is confirmed is called the trade date. But the day that the security actually changes hands is called the settlement date.

Both the trade date and the settlement critical to understand for investors who may not realize that there are things taking place behind the scenes when they’re buying or selling investments.

What Is a Settlement Date in Investing?

As mentioned, the settlement date in investing refers to the date that a security which is purchased or sold exchanges hands between the buyer and seller. It’s the day that a transaction or trade is final, in other words. It’s like buying a car or house — the transaction process may take some time, but it’s not really final until the keys are handed over.

Generally, the settlement date for a transaction is two business days after the trade date. So, if you make a trade, you should anticipate that it won’t be settled for at least a couple of business days.

Types of Settlement Dates

Depending on the specific security involved in a trade or transaction, settlement dates may vary. You can read further below for more detail, but typically you can expect a settlement date to be two business days following the sale or purchase of a stock, bond, or exchange-traded fund (ETF). This is sometimes referred to as “T+2,” meaning “trade date, plus two days” to settle.

Further, some types of securities, like government securities or options, may only require one business day to settle (T+1). Others, like mutual funds, may require between one and three business days.

Trade and Settlement Dates Explained

To recap, the trade date is the day that an investor actually executes a trade from their brokerage account — they decide to buy or sell a security, and go through the necessary steps to make the transaction. That day, say it’s a Tuesday, is the trade date.

The settlement date comes after that. Again, if you’re buying stock, it’ll take two business days for everything to settle, and if you made the trade on Tuesday, the settlement date will probably be on Thursday (two business days later).

These built-in delays between the trade date and settlement date aren’t due to you doing anything wrong, and there’s not much you can do to speed it up — it’s more or less how stock exchanges work.

Why Is There a Delay Between Trade and Settlement Dates?

Given modern technology, it seems reasonable to assume that everything should happen instantaneously. But the current settlement rules go back decades, way back to the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1934, when all trading happened in person, and on paper.

Back then, a piece of paper representing shares of a security had to be in the possession of traders in order to prove they actually owned the shares of stock. Moving this paper around sometimes took as long as five business days after the trade date, or T+5.

💡 Recommended: A Brief History of the Stock Market

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

What Is the T+2 Rule?

As discussed, the T+2 rule refers to the fact that it takes two days beyond a trade date for a trade to settle. For example, if a trade is executed on Tuesday, the settlement date will be Thursday, which is the trade date plus two business days.

Note that weekends and holidays are excluded from the T+2 rule. That’s because in the U.S., stock exchanges are open from 9:30am to 4:00pm Eastern time Monday through Friday.

The T+2 rule has been enforced by the SEC since 2017. Before then, the T+3 rule was in place.

What Investors Need to Know About T+2

This delay in settling applies to trading of almost all securities. An exception is Treasury bills, which can settle on the same day they are transacted.

Investors who plan on engaging in cash account trading need to know about trade vs. settlement date. Cash accounts are those in which investors trade stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) only with money they actually have today. Meanwhile, margin trading accounts allow investors to trade using borrowed money or trade “on margin.”

An investor may notice two different numbers describing the cash balance in his or her brokerage account: the “settled” balance, and the “unsettled” balance. Settled cash refers to cash that currently sits in an account. Unsettled refers to cash that an investor is owed but won’t be available for a few days.

Are T+1, T+0, or Real-Time Settlement Possible?

Market observers have called for the T+2 rule to be reevaluated, as the settlement process may be able to be sped up and improve trading conditions.

Clearinghouses — which serve as middlemen in financial markets that ensure the transfer of a security goes through — have previously said that the settlement process should be changed from two days to one. But in recent years, market volatility has actually prompted greater scrutiny and interest in regulations surrounding clearing and settlement. That included a lot of trading during the “meme stock” frenzies in 2020 and 2021.

Moving to T+1, T+0 or real-time settlement would need the approval of the SEC and collaboration of dozens of stakeholders across Wall Street. But the real-time transactions made possible in the cryptocurrency market by blockchain technology have escalated chatter for modernizing securities markets.

Potential Violations of the Trade Date vs Settlement Date

Knowing the difference between trade date vs. settlement date can allow investors to avoid costly potential trading violations.

The consequences of these violations could differ according to which brokerage an investor uses, but the general concept still applies. Violations all have one thing in common: They involve the attempted use of cash or shares that have yet to come under ownership in an investor’s account.

Cash Liquidation Violation

To buy a security, most brokerages require investors to have enough settled cash in an account to cover the cost. Trying to buy securities with unsettled cash can lead to a cash liquidation violation, as liquidating a security to pay for another requires settlement of the first transaction before the other can happen.

Let’s look at a hypothetical example: Say Sally wants to buy $1,000 worth of ABC stock. Sally doesn’t have any settled cash in her account, so she raises more than enough by selling $1,200 worth of XYZ stock she has. The next day, she buys the $1,000 worth of ABC she had wanted.

Because the sale of XYZ stock hadn’t settled yet and Sally didn’t have the cash to cover the buy for ABC stock, a cash liquidation violation occurred. Investors who face this kind of violation three times in one year can have their accounts restricted for up to 90 days.

Free Riding Violation

Free riding violations occur when an investor buys stock using funds from a sale of the same stock.

For example, say Sally buys $1,000 of ABC stock on Tuesday. Sally doesn’t pay her brokerage the required amount to cover this order within the two-day settlement period. But then, on Friday, after the trade should have settled, she tries to sell her shares of ABC stock, since they are now worth $1,100.

This would be a free riding violation — Sally can’t sell shares she doesn’t yet own in order to purchase those same shares.

Incurring just one free riding violation in a 12-month period can lead to an investor’s account being restricted.

Good-Faith Violation

Good-faith violations happen when an investor buys a security and sells it before the initial purchase has been paid for with settled funds. Only cash or proceeds from the sale of fully paid-for securities can be called “settled funds.”

Selling a position before having paid for it is called a “good-faith violation” because no good-faith effort was made on the part of the investor to deposit funds into the account before the settlement date.

For example, if Sally sells $1,000 worth of ABC stock on Tuesday morning, then buys $1,000 worth of XYZ stock on Tuesday afternoon, she would incur a good-faith violation (unless she had an additional $1,000 in her account that did not come from the unsettled sale of ABC).

With these examples in mind, it’s not hard for active traders to run into problems if they don’t understand cash account trading rules, all of which derive from trade date vs. settlement date. Having adequate settled cash in an account can help avoid issues like these.

Settlement Date Risks

Given that a lag exists between the trade date and settlement date, there are risks for traders and investors to be aware of — namely, settlement risk, and credit risk.

Settlement Risk

Settlement risk has to do with one of the two parties in a transaction failing to come through on their end of the deal. For example, if someone agrees to buy a stock, but then does not pay for it after ownership has been transferred. In this case, the seller assumes the risk of losing their property and not receiving payment.

This tends to happen when trading on foreign exchanges, where time zones and differing regulations can come into play.

Credit Risk

Credit risk involves potential losses suffered due to a buyer failing to hold up their end of a deal. If a transaction is executed and the buyer’s funds are not transferred before the settlement date, there could be an interruption in the transaction, or it could be canceled altogether.

History of Settlement Dates

The SEC makes the rules regarding how stock markets operate, including trades, and even what a broker does in regard to retail investing. As such, the SEC is tasked with creating the clearance and settlement system — a power it was granted back in the mid-1970s.

Prior to the SEC’s involvement, exchanges and transfers of security ownership were left up to participants, with sellers delivering stock certificates through the mail or even by hand in exchange for payment. That could take a long time, and prices could move a lot, so the SEC came in and set the settlement date at five business days following the trade date.

But as technology has progressed, transactions have been able to execute much faster. In 1993, the SEC changed the settlement date to three business days, and in 2017, it was changed to two days.

The Takeaway

The trade date is the day an investor or trader books an order to buy or sell a security, and the settlement date is when the exchange of ownership actually happens. For many securities in financial markets, the T+2 rule applies, meaning the settlement date is usually two business days after the trade date — so, not including weekends or holidays. An investor therefore will not legally own the security until the settlement date.

While there’s been chatter that the settlement process needs to speed up to either T+1 or real-time settlement, it’s still important for investors and traders to know these rules so they don’t make violations that lead to restricted trading or other penalties, and so they can properly gauge the risks of trading.

While you can’t make trades settle faster, you can start trading online using SoFi Invest®. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


What’s the difference between trade date and settlement date?

The trade date is when an investor initiates a buy or sell order, and the settlement date is when ownership of the underlying security is actually transferred. That generally happens two business days after the trade date (also called T+2).

Is the settlement date the issue date?

Typically, the settlement date and issue date are the same, as the settlement date is when a security actually exchanges hands. But there are times when the two can be different, concerning specific types of securities.

Why does it take two days to settle a trade?

The two-day lag between the trade date and settlement is designed to give a security’s seller time to gather and transfer documentation , and to give a buyer time to clear funds needed for settlement.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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Life Insurance Definitions & Terminology, Explained

Glossary of Life Insurance Terms

Life insurance terms can be confusing when you first come across them, so learning the language of life insurance can help when you’re thinking about or shopping for a policy.

You may know that for many people, life insurance is important to have, and perhaps you’ve started some initial research into life insurance policies.

Learning common life insurance definitions can help you make an informed decision when looking into coverage options.

Life Insurance Terms

Discover life insurance definitions, simplified.

Accidental Death Benefit

If a life insurance policy includes an accidental death benefit, the cause of death will be examined to determine whether the insured’s death meets the policy’s definition of accidental. This is often a rider, or additional benefit for an additional fee, attached to the policy. An example of an accidental death could be one caused by a car crash, slip, or machinery.


This is a contract in which the buyer deposits money with a life insurance company for investment on a tax-deferred basis. Annuities are designed to help protect the contract holder from the risk of outliving their income.

An annuity may include a death benefit that will pay the beneficiary a specified minimum amount.


This is the person or entity designated to receive the death benefit from a life insurance policy or annuity contract.

Contestable Period

For up to two years, a life insurance company may deny payment of a claim to beneficiaries because of suicide or misrepresentation on an application — for example, if the insured was listed as a nonsmoker but smoked often and died of complications related to that.

Death Benefit

The amount that will be paid to the beneficiary upon the death of the insured. The phrase “death benefit” is common life insurance terminology you’ll see in a life insurance policy.

Evidence of Insurability

In order for you to qualify for a particular policy at a particular price, companies have the right to ask for information about your health and lifestyle. An insurance company will use this information when deciding on approval and rate. If you are overweight, a smoker, or have a history of health problems, your policy will likely cost more than someone without those issues.

Free Examination Period

Also known as the “free look period,” this is a 10- to 30-day window during which you can cancel your new policy without penalty and get a refund of premiums.

Group Life Insurance

This provides coverage to a group of people under one contract. Group contracts are often sold to businesses that want to provide life insurance for their employees. Group Life Insurance can also be sold to associations to cover their members.


This is the person whose life is insured by the policy. The insured may also be the policyholder.

Permanent Life Insurance

These kinds of policies can provide lifelong coverage and the opportunity to build cash value, which accumulates tax-deferred. Whole life and universal life insurance policies fall under this umbrella term. Permanent life insurance is more expensive and complicated than term life insurance.


This is the official, legal document that includes the terms of the policy owner’s insurance. The policy will name the insured, the policy owner, the death benefit, and the beneficiary.


The person who owns the life insurance policy. It can be the person who is insured by the policy.


The payment the customer makes to the insurance company to pay for the policy. It may be paid annually, semiannually, quarterly, or monthly.

Term Life Insurance

This type of life insurance offers coverage for a set number of years, or “term,” of the insured’s life, commonly 20 or 30 years. If the insured individual dies during the years of coverage, a death benefit will be paid to the beneficiaries. Term life insurance costs less than permanent life insurance.

Recommended: 8 Popular Types of Life Insurance for Any Age


Often viewed as a mysterious process, underwriting is simply when factors are evaluated relating to the applicant’s current health, medical history, lifestyle habits, hobbies, occupation, and financial profile to determine eligibility for coverage as well as what the appropriate premiums should be.

Universal Life Insurance

With this kind of permanent life insurance, policyholders may be able to adjust their premium payments and death benefits. The cash value gains vary depending on the type of universal life insurance policy purchased.

Variable Life Insurance

With variable life, another type of permanent life insurance, the death benefit and the cash value fluctuate according to the investment performance of a separate account fund.

Earnings accumulate tax-deferred. Fees and expenses can reduce the portion of premiums that go toward the cash value.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life is another type of permanent cash value insurance. The premiums, rate of return on cash value, and death benefit are fixed and guaranteed. The cash value component grows tax-deferred. Whole life tends to be more expensive than other types of permanent insurance.

Recommended: Term vs. Whole Life Insurance

The Takeaway

Life insurance can be an important way to protect your loved ones’ financial future in the event of your death. While its terms can be a mouthful, they don’t have to be confusing. Understanding the definitions of life insurance can help you put a plan in place to protect your family.

If you’re shopping for life insurance, SoFi has partnered with Ladder to offer competitive term life insurance policies that are quick to set up and easy to understand. You can apply in just minutes and get an instant decision. As your circumstances change, you can easily change or cancel your policy with no fees and no hassles.

Complete an application and get your quote in just minutes.

Photo credit: iStock/mapodile

Coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria.
Ladder Insurance Services, LLC (CA license # OK22568; AR license # 3000140372) distributes term life insurance products issued by multiple insurers- for further details see All insurance products are governed by the terms set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Each insurer has financial responsibility for its own products.
Ladder, SoFi and SoFi Agency are separate, independent entities and are not responsible for the financial condition, business, or legal obligations of the other, SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SoFi) and SoFi Insurance Agency, LLC (SoFi Agency) do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under LadderlifeTM policies. SoFi is compensated by Ladder for each issued term life policy.
Ladder offers coverage to people who are between the ages of 20 and 60 as of their nearest birthday. Your current age plus the term length cannot exceed 70 years.
All services from Ladder Insurance Services, LLC are their own. Once you reach Ladder, SoFi is not involved and has no control over the products or services involved. The Ladder service is limited to documents and does not provide legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique and using documents provided is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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