How Cost of Carry Works

Cost of Carry, Explained and Defined

What Is Cost of Carry?

Cost of carry refers to any and all ongoing costs that you need to pay in conjunction with holding a given investment. Transaction costs, which are incurred upon the purchase or sale of the asset, are typically not considered a carrying cost.

Cost of carry can come in a variety of different forms — here are a few types of carrying costs that you’ll want to be aware of:

•   Storage costs, if you are investing in the futures market for physical goods

•   Interest paid on loans used for an investment

•   Interest in margin accounts when borrowing to invest in stocks or options

•   Costs to insure or transport physical goods

•   The opportunity cost of investments

Most if not all investments have carrying costs, and savvy investors will take them into account when deciding whether an investment is worth it. Even if a particular investment doesn’t have obvious carrying costs, there is always the opportunity cost of making one investment over the other.

How Cost of Carry Works

The way that cost of carry works depends on the type of investment that you are considering. If you are investing in the futures markets for tangible goods like coffee, oil, gold, or wheat, you may have carrying costs associated with these physical goods. For example, if you buy a commodity like crude oil, you must pay the costs for transporting, insuring and storing that oil until you sell it.

To accurately calculate your trading profits you must include those carrying costs.

In a purely financial transaction like buying stock or trading options, there can still be carrying costs involved. You may have to pay interest if you are borrowing money with a margin account. You may also incur what are called opportunity costs. Opportunity costs refer to the money you could have made if you had invested your money in other areas.

If you are holding $10,000 in your stock account waiting for an option assignment, you can’t use that $10,000 for other investments.

Which Markets Are Impacted by Cost of Carry?

Cost of carry is a factor in a variety of different types of investments. Options trading has carrying costs from interest costs if you trade in a margin account to holding costs.

Investing in commodities may require a cost of storing, insuring, or transporting your goods. You should be aware that most types of investments also have opportunity costs.

Cost-of-Carry Calculation

The simplest cost-of-carry calculation just includes all of your carrying costs as a factor when you analyze the profitability of a particular investment. So, if

•   P = Purchase price of an investment

•   S = Sale price of the same investment

•   C = carrying costs while holding the investment

The profit of this investment could be expressed as Profit = S – P – C.

Futures Cost of Carry

The futures market has two different prices for each type of commodity. The spot price refers to the price for immediate delivery (i.e. on the spot). A futures price is the price for goods at some specified time in the future. Because most futures contracts of commodities come with non-zero carrying costs, the futures price is usually (but not always) higher than the spot price.

Options Cost of Carry

When trading options the costs of carry fall into a few categories:

•   Interest costs – Some investors borrow money to purchase options, i.e. a loan from a friend, a bank loan, or a brokerage margin account.

Whatever the source of the money, the interest paid to service the borrowing is a carrying cost.

•   Opportunity costs – You’ve chosen to invest in options. But where else could you have invested that money? Because most alternative investments carry risk, as does investing in options, it’s difficult to make an apples-to-apples comparison.

In finance, we look at risk-free investing rates to assess the opportunity cost. “Risk-free” is defined as the return available by investing in U.S. Treasuries. In the past, 30-year bonds were the standard, but 10-year returns and even the return on short-term Treasury notes may also be used.

•   Forgoing Dividends – One of the disadvantages of owning options compared to owning stock, is that you are not eligible for dividends as an option holder. The market makes an effort to price dividends into the option premium, but just as interest rates can fluctuate, so can dividend rates.

Examples of Cost of Carry

Here is a simple example of cost of carry and how it might affect an investment in purchasing Brent Crude Oil.

Say you buy a contract for 1,000 barrels of Brent Crude at $80/barrel. Six months later, the price of oil has gone up to $90/barrel, and you sell. You might think that you have earned a $10,000 profit, but that is not accounting for the cost of carrying the oil.

If it cost you $3,000 to store and insure those barrels of oil for the six months that you owned them, those carrying costs must be subtracted from your profit. You also are liable for delivering the oil, which might cost another $1,000. Considering the cost to carry, your actual profit was only $6,000. While these costs are easiest to understand with physical goods like commodities, most types of investments have carrying costs.

Cash and Carry Arbitrage

Like crypto arbitrage, there sometimes exists a type of arbitrage called cash-and-carry arbitrage. In cash-and-carry arbitrage, an investor will purchase a position in a stock or commodity and simultaneously sell a futures contract for the same stock or commodity.

If the futures price is higher than the combined amount of the stock price plus carrying costs, you can secure a relatively risk-free profit via cash and carry arbitrage.

Cost of Carry and Net Return

As we’ve discussed already, the cost of carry can have an impact on the net return of any investment. When determining your total profit and the return on investment (ROI), you need to account for any and all costs that you incur as part of the investment.

These might include transaction costs like commissions as well as carrying costs. Subtract all such costs from your gross profit to calculate the net return of your investment.

Can You Do Anything About Cost of Carry?

Since the cost of carry directly and negatively affects your total profit, you may be wondering if you can do anything about it. While there are carrying costs with almost every type of investment, one way to minimize the cost of carry is to avoid investments that have significant carrying costs.

On the other hand, if your specific situation allows you to have below market carrying costs, you may be able to earn a profit with cash and carry arbitrage.

The Takeaway

The cost of carry is a term used in options and futures trading that refers to the ongoing costs incurred in an investment while you are holding it.

With physical commodities, the cost of carry refers to storage, insurance, delivery and other costs specific to the fulfillment of your contract.

When applied to options trading the carrying costs are financial in nature, such as, interest costs, opportunity costs, and forgoing dividends.

If you’re ready to try your hand at options trading, you can set up an Active Invest brokerage account and trade trade options from the SoFi mobile app or through the web platform.

And if you have any questions, SoFi offers educational resources about options to learn more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, and members have access to complimentary financial advice from a professional.

With SoFi, user-friendly options trading is finally here.


How can you calculate cost of carry?

The cost of carry refers to any costs that you incur during the course of your investment. In commodities trading, this generally refers to costs like storage, insurance, or delivery of the commodity. In other types of investments, the cost of carry could include interest charges or the opportunity cost of using your money.

Do bonds have a cost of carry?

Yes, nearly all investments, including bonds, have some sort of cost of carry. In the bond market, the cost of carry generally refers to the difference between the face value of the bond plus premiums minus applicable discounts.

How are ordering and carrying costs different?

Ordering costs are the costs that you pay as part of the ordering process. In a stock or option transaction, any broker’s commissions that you pay would be considered ordering costs. While ordering costs are usually incurred only once (at buy and/or sale), carrying costs are the costs that you must pay to hold an investment throughout its duration.

Photo credit: iStock/fizkes

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
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Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.

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Interest Rate Options, Explained

Interest Rate Options, Explained

What Are Interest Rate Options?

Interest rate options enable investors to hedge, speculate on, or otherwise manage their exposure to interest rates. These financial derivatives are available as both puts and calls, and traded on major options exchanges.

Interest rates in the U.S. fluctuate continuously, with the Federal Reserve being a key driver, but not the only one. To mitigate these fluctuations, and also to profit from them, professional money managers turn to interest rates options as a source for risk management.

Interest rate options are sold on major options exchanges as standardized puts and calls, as the two main types of contracts are called in options terminology. Similar to puts and calls on equity securities, interest rate options represent directional bets on the value of an underlying asset.

The value of interest rate options is tied to yields on interest-rate-linked assets, typically Eurodollars and U.S. Treasuries of various maturities.

Buyers of interest rate options can buy exposure to various portions of the yield curve, for example, the 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year treasuries are standardized terms commonly sold on the CME Group exchanges. Professional money managers may use puts or calls at any given maturity to express their views on the future direction and volatility of interest rates.

How Interest Rate Options Work

Interest rate options afford the buyer the right to receive payment based on the spread between the yield of the underlying security on the expiration date and the original strike rate of the option, net of fees.

Interest rate options in the United States feature “European style” options exercise terms, which means they can only be exercised on the expiration date.

This contrasts with equity options, which more often contain “American style” exercise terms. This means they can be exercised at any time before they expire.

Buyers of interest rate options pay a “premium” per the terms of the options contract, which is the price paid by the buyer. Options pricing can be complex, to say the least, and to profit on a trade the buyer of the option will need interest rates to move in their favor enough to cover the cost of the option’s premium before they can profit.

In the event that interest rates don’t move in the option holder’s favor enough to overcome the strike rate, the option will expire worthless and the option holder incurs the total loss of their premium.

We’ll cover how this dynamic plays out with respect to both interest rate calls and puts.

How Do Interest Rate Call Options Work

Buyers of interest rate call options seek to benefit from rising interest rates. Should the yield on the underlying security close above its strike rate on the expiration date, the owner of an interest rate call option will receive a cash payout. This payout will be the difference between the option value at maturity and its strike.

Note that interest options are cash-settled. Unlike equity options, no exercise is required. If the rate is higher than the strike rate, the holder is paid the difference.

Interest rate call options, much like equity call options, give the buyer unlimited upside exposure to rising yields.

Holders of interest rate call options bear the risk that the option might expire out-of-the-money should interest rates remain beneath the strike by the expiration date. In this case, the maximum loss the owner of an interest rate call option can expect is limited to the premium paid.

How Do Interest Rate Put Options Work

In contrast, buyers of interest rate put options seek to benefit from falling interest rates. Interest rate puts give the put holder the right to receive payment based on the difference between the strike rate and the yield on the underlying security at expiration.

In this case, the strike rate is typically the maximum possible gain that a put holder may receive.

Holders of interest rate put options bear the risk that the option might expire worthless (out-of-the-money) if interest rates rise above the strike by the expiration date. In this case, the maximum loss the owner of an interest rate put option will incur is limited to the premium paid.

What Are the Risks of Trading Interest Rate Options?

Trading interest rate options involves enormous risk for any trader who either, 1) doesn’t understand the basic drivers of options valuation and interest rates, or 2) doesn’t understand how to structure their options trade properly to cap risk exposure. The corresponding leverage on options trades can result in enormous losses if improperly managed.

Traders will need to manage a number of key risks, and they may want to consider different strategies for trading options, when it comes to buying interest rate puts and calls. This includes “market risk,” which is the risk of price movements caused by any macroeconomic factor that affects the financial markets. It also includes “interest rate risk,” which is the risk that changes in interest rates might erode the value of one’s holdings.

Finally, user-friendly options trading is here.*

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Interest Rate Option Example

As an example, an investor seeking to hedge (or protect) their portfolio against rising interest rates can choose to buy an interest rate call option on a 10-year Treasury bond, expiring in 2 months at a strike of $50.00.

Strikes on interest rate options are a pseudo-conversion where the interest rate is multiplied by 10x and denominated in dollars. Therefore a 5.0% rate converts to a strike price of $50.

If the option’s premium is quoted at $0.50, then buying a single interest rate call option would cost you a $50 total premium, as each interest rate option affords you exposure to 100 shares of the underlying.

If yields rise for the next 2 months until the option expires, the underlying might be worth $55 by the time it’s exercised.

In this instance, you can calculate your net profit using the following equation:

(Underlying rate at expiry – Strike Price) X 100 – Contract Premium = Profit

($55 – $50) X 100 ) – $50 = Profit

$5 X 100 – $50 = Profit

$500 – $50 = $450 net profit

Remember that each option contract grants exposure to 100 units of the underlying, while options premiums are quoted for a single unit of the underlying. Remember also to use the actual total contract premium paid, as well as introduce a multiplier of 100, when calculating your net profit.

The Takeaway

Interest rate options can be of interest to investors who understand the underlying drivers of these securities. They essentially provide direct exposure to interest rates, on a leveraged basis, at a relatively competitive cost.

When employed strategically, interest rate options enable investors to enhance their upside or mitigate their downside in a volatile rate environment.

If you’re ready to try your hand at options trading, You can set up an Active Invest account and trade options online from the SoFi mobile app or through the web platform.

And if you have any questions, SoFi offers educational resources about options to learn more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, and members have access to complimentary financial advice from a professional.

With SoFi, user-friendly options trading is finally here.


What are interest rate future options?

Interest rate future options are futures contracts which derive their value from an underlying interest-bearing security. The buyer of an interest rate futures option (the “long position”) purchases the right to receive the interest rate payment in the contract, while the seller (the “short position”) is obligated to pay the interest rate on the underlying contract.

In either case, interest rate future options enable both buyer and seller to lock in the price on an interest-bearing security, for future delivery, which offers both parties some level of price certainty.

What is an interest rate swaption?

Interest rate swaptions represent the right, but not the obligation, to enter an interest rate swap agreement on an agreed-upon date.

In exchange for the contract premium, the buyer of an interest rate swaption can choose whether they want to be a fixed-rate payer (“payer swaption”), or fixed-rate receiver (“receiver swaption”) on the underlying swap, with the counterparty taking the variable rate side of the transaction.

Unlike standard interest rate options, swaptions are over-the-counter products, which means they allow for more customized terms, so there’s more variety when it comes to expiration, the style of options exercise, and the exact notional amount.

What is interest rate risk?

Interest rate risk is the exposure of an investment to fluctuating interest rates in the open market. Interest rates can change on a daily basis according to any number of market influences, including investor expectations, actions, or even statements made by central banks.

If interest rates rise on any given day, that shift will typically erode the value of bonds and most-other fixed income securities. Conversely, if interest rates were to fall, the market value of outstanding fixed-income securities will typically increase instead. Interest rate risk represents your investment exposure to these fluctuations in rates.

Photo credit: iStock/LaylaBird

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.

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Is Getting an MBA Worth It_780x440: Getting an MBA won’t be right for everyone, but it could be one way to advance your career.

Is Getting an MBA Worth It?

The question of whether it’s worthwhile to obtain a Master’s in Business Administration—an advanced and versatile degree that can help people ascend into management analysis and/or strategy roles—is a highly personal one without a real single objective answer. As usual with financial and personal decisions, the answer tends to be “it depends.”

The last decade has seen the MBA go from becoming the most popular master’s degree in the U.S. to “being in crisis,” with overall applications declining. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many schools expanding their policies and modalities for distance learning, so it’s still anyone’s guess what impact that will have on the MBA’s popularity and employer demand. Either way, it’s never a bad idea to consider betting on your future—and an MBA is still a big commitment. Here are some things to consider when deciding to pursue an MBA.

The Pros and Cons of Getting an MBA

Getting an MBA won’t be right for everyone, but it could be one way to advance your career. Here are some things to consider as you weigh the pros and cons of getting an MBA.

Pros to Consider

Improved earning potential. The average anticipated salary for MBA graduates entering the workforce is $79,043 according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. A recent grad’s expected salary may be even higher depending on where a student gets their MBA. According to US News & World Report, the average salary for 2019 MBA graduates at the top 129 full-time MBA programs was $106,757. For top 10 programs, the average salary and bonus was $173,960.

But if you’re wondering if it’s worth getting an MBA from a lower tier school, consider that the average MBA salary for graduates with a degree from the 10 schools where compensation was lowest was just $52,720 .

Expanded Network. Business school can be a great opportunity to make friends and network with like-minded individuals. In addition to your peers in the program, you’ll engage with faculty and be introduced to a (hopefully robust) alumni network.

Career Acceleration or Transition. Successful completion of an MBA program can improve an individual’s career mobility. Coursework is often designed to encourage management skills, critical thinking, and other specialized skills, which can help prepare people for the workforce.

Cons to Consider

The cost. According to US News & World Report , in 2020 the average cost of the top 10 business schools in the United States was over $140,000 for tuition in a two-year MBA program. The most recent data available from the National Center of Education Statistics indicates that during the 2015-16 school year, the average MBA student loan debt was $66,300 at the time of graduation.

There are ways to mitigate the cost or to at least lower sticker shock out of the gate by pursuing part-time programs or staggering your course load over a longer period of time so you can still be drawing a salary to offset the costs while you’re studying.

Time commitment. Getting an MBA in a full-time program can take two years. There are some accelerated programs that may allow students to complete their coursework in 12 to 16 months. Beyond the length of the program, MBA classes are no joke. The coursework requires commitment and diligence, so be sure you have the time to dedicate to classes.

Consider factoring in the application process when evaluating both time and cost. To apply, schools may require GMAT™ scores, letters of recommendation, and more. Meeting the application requirements may take both time and money if you still need to take the required standardized tests.

How to Decide If an MBA Is Worth It for You

While an MBA can offer great potential for career growth, it’s definitely not the right choice for everyone. Be honest with yourself about why you want to pursue an MBA. It can be an excellent opportunity for students who are interested in career growth but it can be a huge time and monetary commitment.

Take the time to really evaluate whether getting an MBA is in line with your career and personal goals. Also understand the types of schools you may be able to get into, as the earning potential for someone who attended a top-tier school isn’t the same as someone who is enrolled in a lower-tier program.

When sitting down to crunch the numbers and assess your goals, pay particular attention to long-term salary projections among graduates from the program you have in mind—assuming future earning potential is a primary motivator for getting an MBA. Debt may be offset by future salary. But because signing on for grad school is a big and expensive decision overall, it’s worth considering all angles.

How to Pay for an MBA

One approach to college programs is to first seek fellowships, scholarships, and grants—and to then pay for costs out of pocket or to seek a loan as a last resort. Unlike undergraduate scholarships, which may be based on financial needs, MBA fellowships and grants are often awarded on merit. That means rather than taking financial need into account, oftentimes programs will be looking at a student’s achievements, talents, abilities, and performance in spite of hardship.

Generally speaking, when trying for a merit-based award, it helps to apply early, really ponder how you’re distinct from your competition, and push yourself to craft your application specifically for the program. Admissions folks and fellowship committees spend a lot of time reading a ton of applications and can tell instantly when an essay has been rubber-stamped—spell check, read your application over repeatedly, and don’t rush any aspect of it.

When in doubt, consider calling the admissions office for guidance or for information on programs and awards that may not be fully described online. But many MBA programs, including, for example NYU Stern, clearly indicates that “about 20-25% of admitted full-time two-year MBA students receive a merit-based scholarship.” NYU Stern’s website runs down many of the possible scholarships and fellowships prospective students can try for and what’s required.

Review fellowship opportunities available at the college or university you are interested in attending. Fellowships can be highly competitive and rare but offer a chance to attend a program, earn a degree, and avoid incurring the full cost of tuition. Not all schools offer them, but the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business and Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business are just two examples of ones that do.

It might sound like an incredible long shot to earn a full free ride or even a considerably discounted one via aid—but it’s always worth pursuing because you may be closer than you think.

Recommended: How To Pay For Grad School

Student Loans for Graduate School

Student loans are another option students can use to pay for graduate school. To apply for federal aid, students will need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Aid. It’s important to note that the federal loans available for graduate students vs undergraduate students are different. Importantly, graduate students are not eligible for subsidized loans.

While your search for aid often starts with the university’s website and making contact with real humans there—not just going off what’s online—it’s also worth getting on the phone to lenders and finance companies to shop around and get the lay of the land. SoFi offers options to help students refinance existing student loans or to take out a new one. According to The Fed, there is currently over $1.7T in student loan debt . Chances are anyone thinking about school would like to avoid personally contributing to that statistic. Note that refinancing eliminates federal loans from borrower protections like deferment or forbearance.

Recommended: The Lifetime Cost of an MBA Degree

Employer Tuition Reimbursement Programs

In addition to getting on the horn with the schools you’re considering, it’s worth talking to your employer. Some employers have programs where they will pay for all or part of your MBA if you commit to returning and staying with the company for a set number of years after you earn the degree.

A 2019 survey from the Graduate Management Admission Council found that 40% of companies offer education sponsorship . If you’re among the current majority of the 60% other companies, there may still be tuition reimbursement programs—it’s worth at least asking about.

You can also explore business school assistantship programs as a way to offset the cost of tuition. These are jobs that may require you to help school faculty with tasks like conducting research or grading papers, and can also help provide you with a stipend as well to help with personal expenses outside of the debt owed to the school you’re working to erode. Contact your school’s employment office for details—but know that like with every other option to minimize the bill for a degree, the competition is likely to be fierce.

Recommended: How Does Tuition Reimbursement Work?

The Takeaway

Even if you don’t have a few dream graduate schools in mind yet, it’s a good bet you know it’s a pricey proposition and not one to be pursued on a whim. In addition to this article, it would be worth reading our content on how today people are taking on a larger amount of debt for master’s, MBA, law, and medical programs than ever before.

Compared to undergrads, grad students are taking on more debt, taking out loans that come with higher interest rates, and there’s the additional opportunity cost of just time invested in your own life—later in life—that comes with pursuing another degree.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t worth getting an MBA necessarily, it just means before making the final decision about pursuing it, it’s helpful—necessary even—to sit down, do your homework, and really think it through to develop a strategy and identify where compromises might also be called for.

Like a Bachelor’s, an MBA is not a guarantee of anything in your future. Obtaining an MBA will not magically earn you a better salary, grant you access to a better network, or help you figure out your path in life. Like any degree, an MBA is a tool that might help you quickly pivot your career or “check a box” for earning a promotion with your current employer. Whether that’s worth it depends on your own specific situation and set of goals.

Learn more about student loan refinancing with SoFi.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

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SoFi Student Loan Refinance
SoFi Student Loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891. ( SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans are private loans and do not have the same repayment options that the federal loan program offers, or may become available, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Income-Based Repayment, Income-Contingent Repayment, PAYE or SAVE. Additional terms and conditions apply. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see


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