How Does a Balance Transfer Affect Your Credit Score?

How Does a Balance Transfer Affect Your Credit Score?

A balance transfer can affect your credit score either positively or negatively — though the upsides are likely to outweigh any adverse effects in the long-term if you manage the balance transfer responsibly. Typically, applying for a new line of credit triggers a hard credit inquiry, which temporarily lowers your credit score by five points or so.

However, the period of low or no interest that these cards offer can allow the cardholder to catch up on payments, lowering their credit utilization and possibly building their credit score. Read on to learn more about how a balance transfer can impact your credit score.

How Does a Balance Transfer Work?

A balance transfer is the process of consolidating existing high-interest debt to a different credit card. In other words, you’re effectively paying a credit card with another. Usually, you transfer the balance to a new credit card, but some cards allow you to do a balance transfer to an existing card.

Balance transfer credit cards often offer a low, or even 0%, annual percentage rate (APR) for a promotional period. This temporarily lowers the credit card interest rate, potentially allowing you to save on interest and more quickly pay off your debt. The length of the introductory APR offer varies by card, usually lasting anywhere from six to 21 months, after which the standard purchase APR will apply.

There is usually a fee required to make a balance transfer. This fee is either a flat rate or a percentage of the balance you’re transferring, such as 3% to 5% of your balance.

Recommended: Does Applying For a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?

When to Transfer the Balance on Your Credit Card

There are two key things to look for in order to identify an opportune time for a balance transfer. First, you’re approved for a balance transfer card that offers a 0% APR introductory period. Second, you’re in a place where you can focus on paying off the balance you transfer to your new card before the promotional period ends.

It’s important to work aggressively on eliminating your balance during this period. Otherwise, once the promotional APR kicks over to the usual APR, the interest rate could potentially be as high — if not higher — than the APR of your old card.

How a Balance Transfer May Hurt Your Credit Score

While a balance transfer itself won’t directly impact your credit score, opening a new balance transfer card could have a ripple effect on your credit. A balance transfer to an existing credit card may not affect your credit score as much as opening a new account.
Here are a couple of the ways a balance transfer could cause your credit score to drop:

•   Applying for new credit results in a hard inquiry. Whenever you apply for a credit card, the credit card issuer will do a hard pull of your credit, which usually lowers your score by a few points. Hard inquiries stay on your credit report for two years. That being said, when compared to what affects your credit score on the whole, hard inquiries don’t impact your credit as much as, say, your payment history or credit utilization.

•   Getting a new card will lower the average age of your credit. Another way that opening a new balance transfer credit could hurt your credit score is by lowering the average age of your credit. The length of your credit history makes up 15% of your score. A longer credit history is an indicator that you’ve taken steps toward establishing credit.

Recommended: When Are Credit Card Payments Due?

How a Balance Transfer May Impact Your Credit Score

Now, let’s take a look at how a balance transfer can impact your credit score:

•   It can lower your credit utilization rate. As credit usage makes up a significant chunk of your credit score — 30%, to be exact — a balance transfer could give your credit score a lift. When you open a new credit card account, it will add to your total credit limit, which, in turn, can lower your credit utilization. As a credit card rule, the lower your credit utilization, the better it can be for your credit score.

   Here’s an example: Say you have two credit cards, and they each have a $10,000 credit limit, for a total credit limit of $20,000. You’re carrying a $10,000 balance. In turn, your credit usage is 50%.

   Now, let’s say you open a new balance transfer credit card that has a credit limit of $10,000. Combined with your other two cards, you’ll now have a total credit limit of $30,000. With a $10,000 balance, your total credit usage is lowered to about 33%.

•   You may be able to pay down debt faster. As you’re paying less interest — or perhaps no interest at all — during your card’s promotional period, you can more easily whittle away at your outstanding debt quicker. That’s because more of your payments will go toward paying down your principal. Plus, lowering that outstanding balance also feeds into lowering your credit utilization ratio — another positive when it comes to building credit.

•   A balance transfer can make it easier to stay on top of payments. A balance transfer may allow you to consolidate multiple balances into one monthly payment. This can make it easier to stay on top of making on-time payments, as you won’t have numerous due dates to juggle. In turn, this can have a positive impact on your payment history, which makes up 35% of your credit score.

Recommended: What is the Average Credit Card Limit?

Steps to Take After a Balance Transfer

So you’ve decided to do a balance transfer. Congrats! Now, here are the steps to take to make the most of it.

Stop Using Your Other Credit Cards

If possible, put a halt on spending with your other credit cards. That way, you can focus solely on paying off the outstanding balance you’ve transferred.

Still, you’ll want to keep your other cards open. You might consider using a credit card to make a small purchase every so often to keep those accounts active.

Know When the Introductory Period Ends

Make sure you’re aware of when the introductory APR for your balance transfer card ends. Also take time to note what the balance transfer card’s standard APR is. When the promotional APR ends, that rate is what your new APR will be.

Devise a Payoff Plan

A balance transfer is really only worthwhile if you aim to pay off your outstanding debt — or as much of it as possible — during the promotional APR period.

Let’s say you have $6,000 in debt, and you’ve secured a 0% APR that will last for 12 months. Aim to pay off $500 every month, or $250 twice a month. That way, you’ll have your debt paid off before the higher APR kicks in.

Make Shifts in your Spending

To ensure that you’re paying off the outstanding amount on your balance transfer card at a steady clip, look at ways you can scale back on your spending. Doing so will free up money that you could throw at your debt payoff efforts instead.

Along the same lines, see if you can increase your cash flow. Perhaps you can take on more hours at work or get a side hustle.

Is a Balance Transfer a Good Idea?

A balance transfer can be a solid move to make if you’re prepared to knock off the debt before the introductory APR period ends. Otherwise, you’re left with a mountain of debt — potentially with a higher interest rate than you currently have.

When deciding whether a balance transfer is right for you, you’ll also want to take into account any balance transfer fees you’ll pay. Do the math to ensure the amount you’ll save on interest will more than offset the cost of these fees.

Also note that, before you worry about balance transfer effects on your credit score, you’ll need to consider whether your credit is even strong enough for you to qualify. The most competitive balance transfer offers generally require at least good credit (meaning a FICO® score of 670 or above), further underscoring the importance of good credit.

If you’re not sure of where you stand credit-wise, don’t worry about taking a peek: here’s how checking your credit score affects your rating (spoiler: it doesn’t).

The Takeaway

A balance transfer can both hurt and help your credit score. Your credit score could temporarily suffer slightly after applying for a new balance transfer card and triggering a hard credit inquiry. However, a balance transfer has the potential to help build your credit score, as it can lower your credit utilization rate and make it easier for you to stay on top of your payments.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Do balance transfers hurt your credit score?

Balance transfers can both hurt or help your credit score. Making a balance transfer can hurt your credit score if you apply for a new card to do so, which requires a hard pull of your credit. It can also ding your score because it may lower the average age of your credit lines.

Will I need a credit credit score for a balance transfer?

To qualify for a balance transfer card with a zero or low interest rate, you’ll need a strong credit score. A good credit score to qualify is generally considered in the range of 670+.

Will I lose points with a balance transfer?

You will not lose rewards points with a balance transfer. That’s because your old creditor will generally consider the balance transfer as payment.

What are the negatives of a balance transfer?

Getting a balance transfer credit card can temporarily bring down your credit score by five points or so if it requires a hard inquiry on your credit report. Plus, it can lower your average credit age. Another downside of a balance transfer is that you’ll need to pay a balance transfer fee, which is either a flat rate or a percentage of the outstanding amount.

Photo credit: iStock/Roman Novitskii

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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How Does a Stock Exchange Work?

How Does a Stock Exchange Work?

Stock exchanges are platforms that allow investors to buy and sell stocks in a venue that is regulated and transparent. These exchanges enable investors of all stripes to trade stocks and other securities, potentially benefiting from a stock’s share price appreciation and dividend payments.

Stock exchanges help the stock market work, and are a big part of the overall economy. Understanding stock exchanges and how they work may help you how they affect you and your investments.

What Is a Stock Exchange?

A stock exchange is a marketplace where the shares of publicly-traded companies are bought and sold between investors.

Exchanges are generally organized by an institution or association that hosts the market, like the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. These organizations and government regulators – like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S. – set up the rules and regulations of what companies investors can trade on a stock exchange.

If a company is “listed” on an exchange, it means that the company can be traded on that exchange. Not all companies are listed because each exchange regulates which companies meet their requirements. Companies not listed on the exchange are traded over-the-counter, or OTC for short.

Investors who want to buy or sell stocks commonly trade through an investment broker, a person or entity licensed to trade on the exchanges. Brokers aim to buy or sell stock at the best price for the investor making the trade, usually earning a commission for the service. Most investors will now use online brokerage firms for this service, paying little to no commissions for trades.

Historically, stock exchanges were physical locations where investors came together on a trading floor to frantically buy and sell stocks, like what you may have seen in the movies or on TV. However, these days, more often than not, stock exchanges operate through an electronic trading platform.

Major Stock Exchanges

10 Largest Stock Exchanges by Market Capitalization of Listed Companies
Exchange Location Market capitalization (in trillions)*
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) U.S. $28.8
Nasdaq U.S. $25.43
Euronext Europe $7.15
Shanghai Stock Exchange China $6.52
Tokyo Stock Exchange Japan $6.25
London Stock Exchange U.K. $5.63
Shenzhen Stock Exchange China $4.29
National Stock Exchange of India India $4.53
Hong Kong Exchanges Hong Kong $3.97
Saudi Stock Exchange Saudi Arabia $2.86
*As of August 2024

Why Do We Have Stock Exchanges?

Stock exchanges exist because they provide a place for buyers and sellers to come together and trade stocks. Stock exchanges are also important because they provide a way for businesses to raise money. When companies issue stock to raise capital, investors will then trade the company’s shares on the stock exchange in which it is listed.

The individual stock exchanges set the rules for how stocks are traded. Stock exchanges are also regulated markets, which means that a government agency oversees the activity on the exchange. These rules and regulations provide a level of safety for investors and help to ensure that the market is fair, transparent, and liquid.

💡 Not sure what a stock is? Here we explain what stocks are and how they work.

What Is the Stock Market?

The stock market is made up of a network of different stock exchanges, including OTC markets, and the companies that are traded on these exchanges.

When you hear mentions of the stock market and its performance, it is usually in reference to a particular stock market index, like the S&P 500 or Dow Jones Industrial Average. However, the stock market is more than the specific companies that make up these stock market indices.

Generally, stock markets facilitate the buying and selling of shares between companies and institutional investors through initial public offerings (IPOs) in the primary market. Once a company has an IPO, the company’s shares are traded in secondary markets, like stock exchanges.

Stock Market Volatility

Volatility in the stock market occurs when there are big swings in share prices. Share prices can change for various reasons, like a new product launch or the most recent earnings report. And while volatility in the stock market usually describes significant declines in share prices, volatility can also happen to the upside.

Pros of the Stock Market

As mentioned above, the stock market allows companies to raise capital by issuing shares to investors. Raising money was one of the main reasons why stock issuances and trading began. It allows businesses to raise money to expand a business without taking out a loan or issuing bonds.

And because investors can own shares of companies, they can benefit from the growth and earnings of a business. Investors can profit from a company’s dividend payments, realize a return when the stock’s price appreciates, or benefit from both. This helps investors build wealth.

The relationship between stock markets, companies, and investors has arguably led to more economic efficiency, allowing money to be allocated in more productive ways.

Cons of the Stock Market

For companies, issuing shares on the stock market may be onerous and expensive due to rules and regulations from the stock exchanges and government regulators. Because of these difficulties, companies may be wary of going through the IPO process. Instead, they are more comfortable raising money in the private markets.

There are several potential risks associated with investing in the stock market. For example, the stock market is subject to market volatility, resulting in losses. Investors must be willing to take on the risks of losing money for the possibility of gains in the future.

Additionally, there is the potential for stock market fraud and manipulation by companies and investors, which harms individual investors, companies, and the economy.

💡 Recommended: How Many Companies IPO Per Year?

The Takeaway

A stock exchange is a marketplace where investors can buy and sell stocks or other securities, and where companies can list shares to try and raise capital. There are numerous stock exchanges, but the biggest in the U.S. are the New York Stock Exchange, and the Nasdaq.

Knowing the ins and outs of stock exchanges and how they influence the broader stock market may help you become a better-informed investor. Further, by learning about stock exchanges, their different rules, and their advantages and disadvantages, you may better understand the stock market as a whole. This may allow you to invest confidently and prepare for future stock market volatility.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

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What is the stock market?

The stock market is a collection of markets where stocks are traded between investors. It usually refers to the exchanges where stocks and other securities are bought and sold.

What are the benefits of investing in the stock market?

Some benefits of investing in the stock market include the potential for earning income through dividend payments, experiencing share price appreciation, and diversifying one’s financial portfolio beyond cash. Note, however, that there are significant risks associated with investing in the stock market, too.

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How Does Credit Utilization Affect Your Credit Score?

How Does Credit Utilization Affect Your Credit Score?

The lower your credit utilization — meaning the less of your total available credit you’re using — the higher your credit score could be. Typically, the rule of thumb is to use no more than 30% of your credit limit on your credit cards, and using only 10% or less is considered even better.

Here’s a closer look at how credit utilization affects credit score, from how much lowering your credit utilization will affect your score to how long credit utilization affects a score.

What Is Credit Utilization and Why Does It Matter?

Credit utilization is the percentage of your overall credit limit that you use on your revolving credit accounts — most commonly, credit cards. In other words, it’s how much of your available credit you’re using.

Credit utilization is one of the most important factors that scoring models look at when calculating your credit score, since it suggests the risk you could pose as a borrower. The lower your credit utilization, the more it will appear that you can handle debt or use a credit card responsibly. Thus, a lower utilization rate can contribute to a higher credit score.

To calculate your credit utilization, add up all of your credit card balances and then divide that amount by your overall credit limit across your credit cards. You would then multiply by 100 to express the ratio as a percentage. 

Here’s an example:

•   Say you have three credit cards, with an overall credit limit of $15,000. 

•   Next, imagine you’re carrying a balance of $4,000 across all of those cards. 

•   Using the previously explained equation, you divide your total balance of $4,000 by $15,000, and then multiply by 100.

•   Your credit utilization would be around 26.7%.

Factors That Affect Your Credit Score

Aside from your credit utilization, there are other factors that affect your credit score. These include:

•   Payment history: Another major factor aside from credit utilization is whether you pay your credit and debt accounts on time, meaning by the payment due date. If you consistently make on-time payments, the more creditworthy you’ll appear, and this will reflect on your score.

•   Credit history length: Credit scoring models typically take into account how long your current accounts have been open. They may even consider how long it’s been since you’ve used certain kinds of accounts. Generally, a longer credit history is a positive thing for your credit score.

•   Credit mix: Having different types of accounts may demonstrate to lenders how you handle different kinds of debt and can have a positive impact on your score if you manage your debts well.

•   New credit: Opening multiple credit accounts or having a series of hard inquiries could signal to lenders that you pose a greater risk as a borrower. As such, it may negatively impact your credit score.

How Credit Utilization Affects Your Credit Score

Your credit card utilization accounts for 30% of your FICO® credit score, which is the scoring model used by the majority of lenders.

Since lenders look at your credit score to assess your creditworthiness, having a low credit utilization is key. That’s because if you’re using most of your available credit, it suggests to lenders that you could be a greater risk. A high utilization rate could signal to lenders that you may be stretched too thin financially and need to rely too much on credit. You might therefore have a hard time paying back what you borrow.

Your credit score is also dependent on other factors, such as the number of credit cards you have. For example, if you have one credit card with a low limit, having a high credit utilization may affect your score more compared to someone with multiple credit cards, all of which have high credit limits. Same goes for someone with a lengthy credit history that’s been mostly excellent, compared to someone who has no or a limited credit history.

In other words, credit utilization is an important factor in determining your credit score, but there are other aspects as well, such as your payment history.

Tips for Managing Your Credit Utilization and Credit Score

By managing your credit utilization, you can positively impact or maintain a better credit score. The following are a few effective tactics to do so.

Keeping Your Credit Utilization Rate Under 10%

Though keeping your credit utilization under 30% can help to positively impact or maintain your credit score, the lower it is, the better.

While you may be tempted to keep it at zero, that may not be as helpful as you think. A 0% credit utilization could signal that you’re not using your credit regularly. Since lenders want to see how you currently manage accounts, it will be hard to approve you for a loan if they see you’re not using any.

Instead, consider charging smaller amounts on your credit card and trying to keep your utilization rate to under 10%, which is a benchmark for achieving a high score. That way, you should be able to afford to pay the balance and show creditors you’re using credit regularly.

In addition to keeping your overall utilization below 10%, you’ll want to make sure that your utilization on each of your credit cards is also below that percentage. In many cases, credit utilization may refer to your per-card utilization.

Your best bet would be to look at your current limit for your cards and then aim to keep each credit card balance to no more than 10% of that amount. So if you have two credit cards with limits of $3,000 and $5,000 respectively, you wouldn’t want to charge more than $300 to the first card and $500 to the second.

Recommended: What Is a Charge Card?

Asking for a Higher Credit Limit

Getting a higher credit limit can lower your credit utilization even if you maintain the same balance on your cards. It also gives you more wiggle room — if you need to carry a balance on a credit card, you won’t have to worry as much about a big increase in your credit utilization.

When it comes to asking for a credit limit increase, issuers tend to look more favorably to those who have maintained good credit history, whose income went up, and even those who have less debt. If you do make a request, some credit card companies may conduct a hard credit inquiry, which could temporarily (and slightly) lower your credit score.

Making Payments Twice in a Month

By paying your credit card twice a month, your balance will remain lower. It will also increase the chances of your credit card issuer reporting that lower amount to the credit bureaus. You may hear this method referred to as the 15/3 credit card payment method.

This could mean that your calculated credit utilization is lower, which could help build your credit score. Plus, it will help you avoid racking up excessive credit card debt, which can have a negative impact on your score.

Recommended: How to Avoid Interest on a Credit Card

Keeping Your Credit Cards Active

It may be tempting to close a credit card that you don’t use anymore. However, if you do so — or if you don’t use a credit card for a while and the card is closed automatically — your credit utilization will automatically go up. This is true even if your balance is still the same, as your overall credit limit is now lower. In addition, your credit history could be shortened, which may lower your credit score.

Instead, consider keeping that card open, even if you make a small purchase on it every few months.

The Takeaway

Credit cards are useful tools, helping you make purchases, earn rewards, and possibly build your credit. In order to reap these benefits, make sure to use your credit cards responsibly — including by keeping your credit utilization low. Given how significantly credit utilization affects credit score, it may be worth exploring ways to manage your current utilization in order to lower it.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


What is a good credit utilization ratio?

A good credit utilization ratio is 30% or lower. Ideally, you should aim to maintain a credit utilization ratio of around 10% to show lenders you’re responsible with credit.

How long does credit utilization affect credit score?

Your credit utilization is a key contributing factor to your credit score. However, a high utilization rate won’t affect your credit score forever. As long as you take the steps to lower it, you can see positive effects within a short amount of time; say, a couple of update cycles after you bring it down.

How much will lowering my credit utilization affect my credit score?

Lowering your credit utilization can have a significant impact on your credit score. That’s because credit utilization makes up around 30% of your credit score calculation with most scoring models.

Photo credit: iStock/Ridofranz

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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How Many Credit Cards Should I Have?

In general, there’s no “right” number of credit cards to have. Some might suggest having at least two credit cards, preferably from different networks — say, a Visa and an American Express, or a Mastercard and a Discover card — and strategically choosing them for the best combination of rewards. Others will recommend making this determination based on how many credit cards you can effectively handle, or how many is optimal for your credit score.

At the end of the day, the ideal number of credit cards depends on your personal financial situation. Learn more about how many credit cards you should have, and whether it will be good for you to have multiple credit cards.

How Many Credit Cards Does the Average Person Have?

Cardholders in the U.S. have an average of 3.9 credit card accounts, according to a review of national credit card data by the credit bureau Experian®.

The data also found that the number of credit cards someone has tends to increase the older they get. For instance, Baby Boomers (ages 59-77 currently) and Gen Xers (currently ages 43-58) held an average of 4.3 credit cards, whereas Millennials (ages 27-42 currently) had just 3.5 credit cards on average.

How Many Credit Cards Are Too Many?

There isn’t a set number of credit cards that tips you over into the territory of having “too many.” As long as you can stay on top of all of your accounts and manage them responsibly, having a number of credit cards won’t negatively affect your credit.

That being said, even just two credit cards could be too many if it becomes challenging for you to remember to make on-time payments on both accounts or you’re overspending. The more credit cards you have, the more credit card terms you’ll have to keep track of, which can get complicated. You may also run into paying multiple annual fees, and costs can add up quickly there — especially if you’re not using a credit card enough to justify the cost.

Even if you do think you can manage having multiple credit cards, you’ll want to watch out for applying for too many new cards within a short window of time. Doing so can lower your credit score temporarily, and that in turn could raise a red flag for lenders. Issuers have even begun to introduce rules to prevent cardholders from attempting credit card churning, which is when you repeatedly open and close credit cards to earn welcome bonuses.

Does Having Too Many Credit Cards Affect Your Credit Score?

Having multiple credit cards can either help build or hurt your credit score, depending on how responsibly you use your cards and how well you understand how credit cards work. However, if you’re in a situation where you’re starting to feel like you have too many credit cards, this could lead to negative effects on your credit score.

Multiple credit cards mean multiple due dates to juggle, which can make it easier to miss payments or make them late. Because payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO® score, this can have big implications for your credit.

Secondly, opening a number of new accounts can lower the average age of your credit, which matters since credit history length accounts for 15% of your score. Applying for a credit card also requires a hard inquiry, which can temporarily ding your score.

On the flipside, having multiple credit cards does offer you more access to credit. If you don’t increase your current outstanding balances, this could positively impact your credit utilization rate, which compares your outstanding balances to your total credit limit. Further, a new credit card could benefit your credit mix, which comprises 10% of your FICO score.

Recommended: When Are Credit Card Payments Due?

Potential Reasons to Apply for Another Credit Card

Trying to figure out what is a good amount of credit cards to have? Here are some potential reasons you might consider applying for an additional card.

Potentially Raise Your Credit Score

Getting an additional card can help build your credit. This might be the case if your newly opened card increases your overall credit limit. If you keep your total credit card balances the same, your higher limit will lower your credit utilization rate, which is one of the factors that affect your credit score.

Other ways that getting another credit card can have a positive impact on your credit is if the new card adds to your existing credit mix and if you consistently make on-time payments.

Maximize Rewards

Perhaps the top reason that people open multiple credit cards is to maximize the rewards they can earn. For instance, another card might be worth adding to your arsenal if it optimizes rewards in a category in which you don’t currently earn much. Or, for example, you might pair a basic cash-back rewards credit card for your everyday spending with a travel rewards card that can help you cover the cost of flights and enjoy perks while traveling.

Ensure You Can Pay If One Card Is Lost or Stolen

Having more than one credit card in your wallet can also act as an insurance policy of sorts. Say one of your cards gets stolen or is unexpectedly frozen due to fraudulent activity. That can leave you in a lurch at checkout if you don’t have any cash on you. By applying for an additional credit card, you’ll ensure that you always have a backup in case anything were to happen.

Pay Off a High-Interest Card with a Balance Transfer

You also might opt for an additional credit card if you have debt to pay off and qualify for a 0% APR introductory offer. These promotional offers allow you to move over a balance and pay it off interest-free within a certain period of time.

Just keep in mind that you’ll usually need solid credit to qualify for these offers, and a balance transfer fee will apply. Other pros and cons of no-interest credit cards include the fact that you’ll likely want to ensure you can pay off your debt before the promo offer ends — and a higher interest rate kicks in.

Secure a Higher Overall Credit Limit

Another possible benefit of opening an additional credit card account is that doing so can increase your available credit limit. Even if this card’s credit limit isn’t that different from those of your other cards, adding another card can help you keep your credit utilization rate from getting too high, as your overall credit limit will go up.

Recommended: What Is the Average Credit Card Limit?

Potential Drawbacks of Getting Another Credit Card

As mentioned, opening multiple credit cards within a short period of time can lower your credit score. But even if you don’t do that, there are possible issues that can arise when you have multiple cards — in other words, it isn’t always better to have more credit cards.

Potential to Lower Credit Score

Perhaps the biggest potential issue of having multiple credit cards is the possibility of harming your credit score. If you’re missing payments because you’re finding it hard to juggle multiple due dates, or are overspending and driving up your credit utilization ratio, your credit score will likely suffer.

Plus, even if you’ve paid off your accounts, having a large number of credit cards open can make you look risky to lenders, possibly lowering your score.


Another possible downside to having a number of credit cards is the fees you could face. Depending on the credit cards you have, you could end up paying multiple annual fees. These could become harder to manage. You might have a harder time keeping track of which cards charge which fees. This can make it more challenging to dodge unnecessary fees.

Harder To Keep Track Of

It’s likely that all of your credit cards could start off with a different due date, which can make it that much easier for a payment to slip through the cracks. Plus, you’ll have multiple different websites or mobile apps to check in on and visit in order to make your payment.

To make it easier on yourself, consider automating your payments or changing your due dates so they all fall on the same day. This can make it easier to adhere to one of the cardinal credit card rules of always making on-time payments.

Could Get Into a Cycle of Debt

When you have an array of credit cards in your wallet to choose from, it can feel easy to keep swiping. Plus, by using a number of different cards, you’ll be spreading your charges out, which can make it more challenging to track how much you’re actually spending in total.

To keep your spending in check, don’t spend more on your credit cards than you can actually afford to pay off in cash. Ideally, you’ll be able to pay off all of your credit card balances in full each month. Otherwise, interest charges can add up quickly, which is one of the reasons why credit card debt is hard to pay off.

More Difficult to Spot Fraudulent Activity

When you have just one credit card, checking your credit card balance regularly is pretty easy to do. But once you start growing your number of cards, it will take more legwork and effort to stay on top of your statements and check for any suspicious charges. This can make it harder to spot any potentially fraudulent activity and report it in a timely manner.

Determining How Many Credit Cards to Have

Now that you know the potential upsides and drawbacks to having multiple credit cards, you’re left with the question: How many credit accounts should I have? As mentioned before, the ideal number of credit cards varies from person to person. Here’s what to consider as you make this determination for yourself:

•   Do you have a history of responsible spending? If you think that applying for another credit card will lead to spending beyond your means, you might be better off skipping an additional card.

•   What’s your reason for getting another card? Opening up another card can help you maximize rewards, increase your purchasing power, or even assist in building credit. However, if you’re seeking another card because you’re low on funds and want to be able to fund more purchases, that could lead to a cycle of debt.

•   Are you confident you’ll be able to pay off your balances in full each month? Credit card interest can add up quickly if you’re not paying off your balances in full on a monthly basis (just check out our credit card interest calculator for proof). Before taking on an additional credit card, ensure you’re in a good financial position to pay off your balances regularly and in full.

•   Have you built your credit score since you last applied? A better credit score generally translates to better rates and rewards and higher credit limits. To make applying for a new card worth your while, it generally helps if you’ve done work to positively impact your credit since you last applied.

•   Do you have any other upcoming loan applications? If you know you’ll need to apply for a loan — whether that’s a car loan, a personal loan, or a mortgage — consider whether a credit card application is necessary right now. Applying triggers in a hard inquiry, which temporarily dings your score, making you a potentially less competitive applicant for the loan you need.

Recommended: Tips for Using a Credit Card Responsibly

The Takeaway

How many credit cards you should have largely depends on your personal financial situation and how many credit cards you feel you can responsibly manage. In the big scheme of things, how you use your credit cards may be more important than how many you have. To determine the ideal number of credit cards for you, you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of adding another card to your wallet.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.


Is 5 credit cards too many?

The answer is: It depends. Five credit cards is not too many if you are managing your debt responsibly, paying on time, and not being overwhelmed by interest charges. If, however, you are having trouble handling the debt and the various balances and due dates, those could be signs that five cards are too many for you.

How many cards should I have for good credit?

There is no specific number of cards you need to have for good credit. What can be most important is to manage your cards wisely and not have your debt go too high nor your credit score too low while using them. Some financial experts recommended having several cards ideally so that your credit file isn’t too thin. 

Does canceling a credit card help or harm your credit?

Canceling a credit card could harm your credit score. It could reduce the length of your credit history, which is a negative, as well as lower your overall credit limit and therefore potentially decrease your score. If you have a card you don’t use often, you might keep it open and use it occasionally, once every few months, to avoid these potential issues.

Photo credit: iStock/Drs Producoes

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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