Guide to Writing Put Options

Guide to Writing Put Options

Puts, or put options, are contracts between a buyer – known as the holder of an option – and a seller – known as the writer of an option – that gives the buyer the right to sell an asset, like a stock or exchange-traded fund (ETF), at a specific price within a specified time period. The seller of the put option is obligated to buy the asset at the strike price if the buyer exercises their option to sell.

Writing a put option is also known as selling a put option. When you sell a put option, you agree to buy the underlying asset at a specified price if the option buyer, also known as the option holder, exercises their right to sell the asset. The premium you receive for writing the put option is your maximum possible profit.

Generally, traders who buy put options have a bearish view of a security, meaning they expect the underlying asset’s price to decline. In contrast, the put option writer has a neutral to bullish outlook of a security. The put writer should be willing to take the risk of having to buy the asset if it falls below the strike price in exchange for the premium paid by the put option holder.

Writing put options is just one of numerous trading strategies investors use to build wealth, speculate, or hedge positions. While there is potential to generate income by writing put options, it can also be a risky way to enhance a portfolio’s return. Only investors with the knowledge of how to write put options and risk tolerance to take on this strategy should do so.

Writing Put Options

When writing a put option contract, the seller will initiate a trade order known as sell to open.

As mentioned above, the put option writer is selling a contract that gives the holder the right to sell a security at a strike price within a specified time frame. The put option writer will receive a premium from the holder for selling this option. If the price of the security falls below the strike price before the expiration date, the writer may be obligated to buy the security from the holder at the strike price.

There are two main reasons to write a put option contract: to earn income from the premium or to hedge a position.

A naked, or “uncovered,” put option is an option that is issued and sold without the writer setting aside any cash to meet the obligation of the option when it reaches expiration. This increases the writer’s risk.

💡 Recommended: What Are Naked Options? Risks and Rewards, Explained

Maximum Profit/Loss

The most a put option writer can profit from selling the option is the premium received at the start of the trade. Many traders take advantage of this profit as a way to generate regular income by writing put options for assets that they expect will not fall below the strike price.

However, this strategy can be risky because there can be significant losses if the asset’s price falls below the strike price. For example, if a stock’s price plummets because a company announces bankruptcy, the put option writer may be obligated to buy the stock when it’s trading near $0. The maximum loss will be equal to the strike price minus the premium.


The breakeven point for a put option writer can be calculated by subtracting the premium from the strike price. The breakeven point is the market price where the option writer comes away even, not making a profit or experiencing a loss (not including trading commissions and fees).

Writing Puts for Income

There are many options trading strategies. As noted above, many traders will write put options to generate income when they have a neutral to bullish outlook on a specific security. Because the writer of a put option receives a premium for opening the contract, they will benefit from that guaranteed payment if the put expires unexercised or if the writer closes out their position by buying back the same put option.

For example, if you believe an asset’s price will stay above a put option’s strike price, you can write a put option to take advantage of steady to rising prices on the underlying security. By keeping the option premium, you effectively add a stream of income into your trading account, as long as the underlying asset’s price moves in your favor.

However, with this strategy, you face the risk of having to buy the underlying asset from the option holder if the price falls below the strike price before the expiration date.

💡 Recommended: How to Sell Options for Premium

Put Writing Example

Let’s say you are neutral to bullish on shares of XYZ stock, which trade at $70 per share. You execute a sell to open order on a put option expiring in three months at a strike price of $60. The premium for this put option is $5; since each option contract is for 100 shares, you collect $500 in income.

If you wrote the put option contract for income, you’re hoping the price of XYZ stock will stay above $60 through the expiration date in three months, so the option holder does not exercise the option and requires you to buy XYZ. In this ideal scenario, your maximum profit will be the $500 premium you received for selling the put option.

At the very least, you hope the stock does not fall below $55, or the breakeven point ($60 strike price minus the $5 premium). At $55, you may be obligated to buy 100 shares at the $60 strike price:

$5,500 market value – $6,000 price paid + $500 premium earned = $0 return

If XYZ stock falls to $50, the put option holder will likely exercise the option to sell the stock. In this scenario, you will be obligated to buy the stock XYZ at the $60 strike price and incur a $500 loss in this trade:

$5,000 market value – $6,000 price paid + $500 premium earned = -$500 return

However, the further the price of XYZ falls, your potential loss risk increases. In the worst-case scenario where the stock falls to $0, your maximum loss would be $5,500:

$0 market value – $6,000 price paid + $500 premium earned = -$5,500 return

Put Option Exit Strategy

In the example above, it is assumed that the option is exercised or expires worthless. However, a put option writer can also exit a trade in order to profit or mitigate losses prior to the contract’s expiration.

A put writer can exit their position anytime using a trade order known as buy to close. In this scenario, the writer of the initial put option will buy back a put option to close out a position, either to lock in a profit or prevent further losses.

Using the example above, say that after two months, shares of XYZ have increased from $70 to $85. The value put contract you sold, which still has one more month until expiration and a $60 strike price, has collapsed to $1 because of a share price rise and perhaps a drop in expected volatility. Rather than wait for expiration, you decide to buy to close your put position, buying back the put contract at $1 premium, for a total of $100 ($1 premium x 100 shares). You are no longer obligated to buy shares of XYZ in the event the stock drops below $60 during the next month, and you lock in a profit of $400:

$500 premium earned to sell to open – $100 premium paid to buy to close = $400 return

A buy to close strategy can also be used to mitigate substantial losses. For example, if stock XYZ’s price starts dropping, the value of puts with a $60 strike price and a similar expiration date will rise. Rather than wait for expiration and be obligated to buy shares of a stock you don’t want, potentially losing up to $5,500, you may exit the position at any time. If option premiums for this trade are now $8, you can pay $800 ($8 premium x 100 shares) to buy to close the trade. This will result in a loss of $300, a potentially more manageable loss than the worst-case scenario:

$500 premium earned to sell to open – $800 premium paid to buy to close = -$300 return

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The Takeaway

Writing a put option is an options strategy in which you are neutral to bullish on the underlying asset. Potential profit is limited to the premium collected at the start of the trade. The maximum loss can be substantial, however. Finally, there is the risk that you will be liable to buy the stock at the option strike price if the holder exercises the option. Because of all these moving parts, writing put options should be left to experienced traders with the tolerance to take on the risk.

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What happens when you sell a put option?

Selling a put option is the same thing as writing a put option. You profit by collecting a premium for selling the option or when the put options decline in value, which usually happens when the underlying asset price rises. A significant risk of writing a put option is that you might be required to buy shares of the underlying asset at the strike price.

How would you write a put option?

You write a put option by first executing a sell to open order. You collect a premium at the onset of the trade without owning shares of the underlying asset. This strategy can be risky, so it generally requires high-level options trading knowledge.

When would you write a put option?

If a trader believes an asset’s price will stay flat or increase over a period of time, they may choose to write a put option. If the underlying asset’s price increases, the put option’s value will decline as it nears expiration. A profitable outcome occurs when the value of the put option is zero by expiration, or if the put writer buys to close the position before expiration. The put writer will profit by keeping the premium received at the initiation of the trade.

Photo credit: iStock/insta_photos

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Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
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Will Refinanced Student Loans Be Forgiven?

Editor's Note: For the latest developments regarding federal student loan debt repayment, check out our student debt guide.

This summer, President Joe Biden announced that individuals who earn $125,000 or less per year will be eligible for $10,000 in federal student loan cancellation. A big caveat: You cannot benefit from forgiveness from the federal government if you’ve refinanced your entire federal student loan amount.

We’ll go over the details of who qualifies for the new, one-time student loan forgiveness plan, how refinancing affects eligibility for federal benefits, and reasons why some individuals may want to refinance anyway.

How Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Works

Student loan forgiveness means that you are no longer required to pay back all or a portion of your federal student loans. Federal student loans are student loans that come directly from the federal government. President Biden’s proposed forgiveness will be available only to people paying down federal loans, not private loans.

The plan includes important updates to the federal student loan system:

•  Individuals who earn less than $125,000 per year ($250,000 for married couples) will be eligible for $10,000 in student loan cancellation.

•  Pell Grant recipients can receive up to $20,000 in debt cancellation.

•  The pause on federal student loan payments has been extended through Dec. 31, 2022.

•  Borrowers with undergraduate loans on income-driven repayment plans could cap their payments at 5% of their monthly expenses, down from 10%.

•  Loan balances would be forgiven after 10 years of payments, down from 20 years, for loan balances of $12,000 or less.

Further details will be released in the weeks ahead. For a deep dive into the announcement, including reactions from the plan’s supporters and critics, read Student Debt Relief: Biden Cancels Up to $20K for Qualifying Borrowers.

How Refinancing Affects Forgiveness

When you refinance a student loan, a new, private lender pays off your old loan (or multiple loans) and replaces it with a new loan. A private lender may replace either a federal loan(s) or another private loan. Both federal loans and private loans are converted to a new private loan — you cannot refinance to another federal student loan.

It’s important to understand that the portion of a federal student loan that is refinanced (meaning you don’t have to refinance the entire amount) would lose federal loan benefits. Those benefits include:

•  Eligibility for federal student loan forgiveness.

•  Income-based repayment plans: payment plans intended to be affordable based on your income and family size.

•  Deferment: a temporary pause in student loan payments where no interest accrues on your loans.

•  Forbearance: also a temporary pause, but one during which interest may accrue on your loans.

See below for details on each of these benefits.

How Student Loan Refinancing Works

Borrowers refinance student loans for several reasons, including:

•  Lowering your interest rate: Lowering your interest rate means you’ll pay less in interest over time, which can save you money in the long run.

•  Changing to a fixed or variable rate: A fixed interest rate is a rate that doesn’t change throughout the loan term. On the other hand, a variable interest rate will change depending on the underlying interest rate benchmark. Refinancing can give you the option to choose between either a fixed or variable rate.

•  Lowering your monthly payment: If you prefer to pay a little less on your loan payments per month, you may want to consider lowering your monthly payment. In this case, your lender will extend your repayment period. This means that it will take you longer to repay your loan — and note that you’ll pay more in interest over time.

•  Shortening your repayment period: If you choose to shorten your repayment period, your monthly payment will go up. However, you’ll save money in interest over the life of the loan.

To refinance, you can shop around with different lenders to check their interest rates and terms. You’ll need to supply private lenders with your name, address, degree type, student loan debt totals, income amounts, housing costs, and more. The information you’ll need to supply generally depends on individual lenders. After that, the lender will run a soft credit check. Lenders should then present you with several offers, including various terms and interest rates (both fixed and variable rates).

Before you decide on the right private lender for you, check on origination fees (the upfront charge to process an application), any prepayment penalties if you were to pay off the loan early, customer service capabilities, and the overall costs to you.

Next, you’ll offer further information to your lender, including proof of citizenship, a valid ID, and pay stubs and/or tax returns. The lender will likely then run a hard credit check, and you’ll go through a final approval process.

Check out our guide to student loan refinancing for a complete overview of how to refinance a student loan.

Recommended: 7 Tips to Lower Your Student Loan Payment

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Protections for Federal Student Loans

When you trade federal student loans for a refinance, you give up certain federal student loan benefits, including guaranteed postponement and income-driven repayment options.

Guaranteed Postponement

As mentioned earlier, postponement options include deferment and forbearance. In both cases, you can contact your loan servicer for information and instructions on how to defer your loans. In most cases, you’ll have to fill out a form.

Here are some details about both deferment and forbearance to understand what you’d be giving up by refinancing:

•  Deferment: As mentioned earlier, deferment means you access a temporary pause in student loan payments during which no interest accrues on your federal student loans. Federal Direct Loan, Federal Family Education (FFEL) Program loan, and Perkins Loan borrowers can access deferment options. You may qualify for deferment in a few different ways, including while undergoing cancer treatment, during economic hardship, during a graduate fellowship program, while you’re in school, while completing military service or through post-active duty, if you are a Parent PLUS borrower and your student is still in school, while in a rehabilitation training program, and/or if you’re unemployed.

•  Forbearance: While you can get a temporary pause on your federal student loans through forbearance, interest might accrue on your loans. You must continue to pay any interest that accrues during the forbearance period. There are two types of forbearance: general and mandatory.

•  General forbearance: You may be able to obtain general forbearance if you experience financial difficulties, medical expenses, a change in your employment status, and other factors. If you have federal Direct Loans, FFEL Program loans, and/or Perkins Loans, you may be able to use general forbearance for no more than 12 months at a time. You can request another general forbearance later. However, over time, you can only obtain three years’ worth of general forbearance.

•  Mandatory forbearance: Your loan servicer must grant a mandatory forbearance for federal Direct Loans and FFEL Program loans under the following circumstances: You receive a national service award while serving in AmeriCorps, under the U.S. Department of Defense Student Loan Repayment Program, during a medical or dental internship or residency program, or as a member of the National Guard activated by a governor. You can also access a mandatory forbearance if the amount you owe each month for all the federal student loans you received is 20% or more of your total monthly gross income or if you qualify for teacher loan forgiveness. You can qualify for mandatory forbearance for no more than 12 months at a time but may request mandatory forbearance when your current forbearance period expires.

Income-Driven Payment

As mentioned earlier, through an income-driven repayment plan, your monthly student loan payment gets set at an amount that reflects your income and family size. You can consider four income-driven repayment plans and fill out an application to be considered for one:

•  Revised Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (REPAYE Plan): When you access a repayment plan, your monthly payment is recalculated based on a percentage of your discretionary income. In this case, the REPAYE Plan will whittle down your payment to 10% of your discretionary income, and you’ll pay your loans back over 20 years (for loans for your undergraduate education) or 25 years (for loans for your graduate or professional education). If you have an eligible federal student loan, you can generally make payments through the REPAYE Plan.

•  Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan (PAYE Plan): Your monthly payment will generally amount to 5% of your discretionary income and never more than the 10-year Standard Repayment Plan amount. You’ll repay your loans over 10 years. You may qualify if you have higher debt than your annual discretionary income or if your debt represents a significant amount of your annual income. Additionally, you must be a new borrower in order to be eligible.

•  Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR Plan): Under Biden’s new plan, your monthly payment will generally amount to 5% of your discretionary income if you’re a new borrower (on or after July 1, 2014) but will never amount to more than the 10-year Standard Repayment Plan amount. If you’re not a new borrower (on or after July 1, 2014) your monthly payment will generally amount to 15% of your discretionary income and will never add up to more than the 10-year Standard Repayment Plan amount. For new borrowers, the plan will last for 10 years. If you’re not a new borrower, your plan will last 25 years. You’ll generally qualify if your federal student loan debt is higher than your annual discretionary income or represents a large portion of your annual income.

•  Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR Plan): Your payment will be calculated based on the lesser of these two factors: 20% of your discretionary income or what you would pay on a repayment plan with a fixed payment over 12 years, adjusted based on income. You’d repay for 25 years as long as you qualify with an eligible federal student loan.

Recommended: REPAYE vs PAYE: What’s the Difference?

Are There Any Protections for Private Student Loans?

Private loans generally don’t qualify for forgiveness and offer fewer protections than federal loans. However, it’s worth looking into the protection and hardship options for various private lenders.

Based on a search of top private lenders, check out the table below to walk through the types of programs offered by various private student loan lenders:

Ascent SoFi Laurel Road Earnest
Forbearance X X X X
Graduated repayment X
Academic deferment X X X
Reduced repayments for dental/medical residents X X X
Military deferment X X X X
Death or disability discharge X X X X
Disability deferment X
Unemployment protection X
Maternity leave forbearance X
Skip-a-payment option X
Extended payment option X

Can Private Student Loans Be Forgiven by the Federal Government?

As noted above, private student loans do not qualify for federal loan forgiveness. However, there are several other alternatives that you can consider through your private loan lender. Though you can’t apply for income-driven repayment plans or take advantage of federal student loan forgiveness, your private loan lender can walk you through your options in order to avoid delinquency or default on your loans.

Can Refinanced Student Loans Be Forgiven by the Federal Government?

You may be wondering, “does refinanced student loan forgiveness exist?” Since refinanced student loans turn into private loans, refinanced student loans cannot be forgiven by the federal government, one of the key differences between federal vs. private student loans. That said, when refinancing, you choose the amount. So if you refinance everything but the $10,000 or $20,000 you expect to be forgiven, that remaining amount of federal student debt still has federal protections and is eligible for forgiveness.

You may have also have heard about the possibility of the Biden administration offering loan forgiveness on a wide scale and may wonder, “Will refinanced student loans be forgiven in addition to non-refinanced private loans?” Unfortunately, the current plan applies only to certain federal student loans, and there is no proposal to include refinanced student loans in the future. The administration would likely not be able to forgive the loans of private student loan borrowers or in the case of refinanced student loans.

Options to Consider When You’re Unable to Make Your Student Loan Payments

As mentioned, it’s a good idea to contact your loan servicer to calmly explain how you’re having trouble making your student loans. In most cases, your lender will work with you to discuss a schedule for affordable payments.

Here are a few other options you may want to consider in this situation:

•   Put together a budget: Putting yourself on a budget may help you allocate the right amount toward all of your expenses, including your student loans.

•   Get an extra job: Consider getting an extra job in order to generate more income to put toward your student loans.

•   Cut expenses: It’s easy to spend too much on subscriptions, cable, or other things. Cutting expenses could free up money so you have more to put toward your student loans.

•   Explore student loan modification: You may also pursue a student loan modification, or a change to the terms and conditions of the repayment of an existing student loan. Learn how student loan modification works.

•   Refinance: Finally, consider refinancing your student loans to a private loan lender to lower your interest rate or your payments. You can use our calculator for student loan refinance rates to see how much refinancing could potentially save you.

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Explore Student Loan Refinancing With SoFi

Because refinancing federal student loan(s) means converting them to a private student loan, the amount of federal debt that you refinance will no longer be eligible for federal forgiveness or other federal benefits. So if you are eligible for Biden’s one-time forgiveness, you can leave out the amount you expect to be forgiven — and refinance the rest.

If you think a refinance fits your needs, don’t forget to look into all of the benefits and drawbacks that apply to your particular lender. For example, if you’ll owe a penalty if you pay off your student loans early, you may want to explore other options. Check out refinancing student loans now with SoFi, which offers competitive rates and charges no prepayment penalties.


Can private student loans be forgiven?

You cannot access the same loan forgiveness options for private student loans that you can get with federal student loan forgiveness. However, don’t discount the private student loan protections you can take advantage of when you want to refinance your student loans.

Can you get your student loans forgiven if you can’t afford them?

Yes, you can get your federal student loans forgiven as long as you meet the eligibility requirements — but it’s important to remember the key words “federal student loans.” You cannot get private student loans forgiven.

When will student loans be forgiven?

On Aug. 24, 2022, President Joe Biden announced that individuals who earn less than $125,000 per year will be eligible for $10,000 in federal student loan cancellation and Pell Grant recipients are eligible for an additional $10,000 of forgiveness. Since then, there have been legal challenges to the student debt relief, and a court-ordered stay.

Photo credit: iStock/damircudic

SoFi Student Loan Refinance
SoFi Student Loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891. ( SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans are private loans and do not have the same repayment options that the federal loan program offers, or may become available, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Income-Based Repayment, Income-Contingent Repayment, PAYE or SAVE. Additional terms and conditions apply. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see

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SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.


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Can the President Cancel Student Loan Debt?

Editor's Note: For the latest developments regarding federal student loan debt repayment, check out our student debt guide.

In late August 2022, President Joe Biden announced a federal student loan forgiveness program, which will cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt for qualifying borrowers. While many details need to be fleshed out by the administration, the plan will cancel $10,000 in debt for individuals earning less than $125,000 per year ($250,000 for married couples who file taxes jointly or heads of households) and $20,000 for those who had received Pell grants for low-income families.

Prior to President Biden’s announcement, there was fierce debate among politicians, lawyers, and other stakeholders on whether the president could actually cancel student loan debt. Proponents claim that the president has the authority to cancel federal student loan debt without input from Congress, while opponents argue that the program is an executive overreach and illegal. The debate will rage on, even after the student loan forgiveness announcement; the move will likely be challenged in court in subsequent months to determine if the president can cancel student loan debt.

Can the President Forgive Student Loan Debt by Executive Order?

On the 2020 presidential campaign trail, Biden ran in part on a student loan reform platform. On top of suggesting potential changes to existing federal student loan forgiveness programs, he floated the possibility — both in Tweets and in campaign speeches — that he supported a proposal to forgive $10,000 in federal student loan debt.

Recommended: Student Debt Relief: Biden Cancels Up to $20K for Qualifying Borrowers

However, as mentioned above, it was unclear whether the president had the legal authority to cancel federal student debt by executive order and without any legislative action. Even some top aides argued that the president should work with Congress to pass legislation that would cancel student loan debt.

So, as part of the federal student loan forgiveness announcement, the Department of Education released a memo laying out the legal justification that would allow the president and the executive branch to cancel student loan debt.

The memo states that the HEROES Act, which was enacted following the Sep. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, gives the Secretary of Education the power “to grant relief from student loan requirements during specific periods (a war, other military operation, or national emergency, such as the present COVID-19 pandemic) and for specific purposes (including to address the financial harms of such a war, other military operation, or emergency).”

The Biden administration determined it could cancel federal student loan debt with this justification. And thus, President Biden announced the federal student loan relief plan .

Nonetheless, opponents of the plan will likely challenge the move in the courts, so there is a chance that the widespread cancellation of federal student loans will not be carried out.

Could Student Loan Relief Affect Private Student Loans?

The widespread cancellation of up to $20,000 in student debt will only apply to borrowers with different types of federal student loans, including PLUS Loans.

If you’re looking for private student loan relief, namely to lower your payments, you may want to consider refinancing.

Recommended: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Student Loan Refinancing

Take control of your student loans.
Ditch student loan debt for good.

Student Loan Debt That the President Has Forgiven So Far

Before the recent announcement, the Biden administration forgave nearly $32 billion in student loan debt as part of various initiatives.

In mid-August 2022, the administration said it would cancel $3.9 billion in student loan debt for 208,000 students who attended ITT Technical Institute, a now-closed for-profit school. Additionally, the Biden administration erased $5.8 billion of educational debt for all former students of Corinthian Colleges, another now-closed for-profit school. This latter cancellation was the largest single student-debt cancellation ever by the United States government.

Another $7.3 billion in student loans were obliterated for 127,000 borrowers through amendments to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. This allows non-profit and government employees to have their remaining debt forgiven after 10 years or 120 payments.

And more than $8.5 billion in student loans have been forgiven for 400,000 borrowers with a total and permanent disability.

Additionally, $7.9 billion of student loans was forgiven for 690,000 borrowers through borrower defense to repayment. People can apply for borrower defense if their education provider deceived them “or engaged in other misconduct in violation of certain state laws,” according to the ED’s Federal Student Aid office.

Identifying Existing Repayment Options

Borrowers have been in limbo, waiting to know if and how much student loan debt the Biden administration will cancel. But even with a little more clarity, many details still need to be worked out, like how borrowers can apply for forgiveness.

With student loan interest rates climbing, it could be a good idea to focus on the aspects of your educational debt that you can control.

One place federal borrowers can start is to determine if they qualify for existing federal student loan repayment programs — including income-driven repayment, deferment, and public service student loan forgiveness.

As part of the federal student loan forgiveness plan, the Biden administration also announced that borrowers with undergraduate loans in an income-driven repayment plan would be able to cap their payments at 5% of their monthly income — a change that could reduce bills for millions of borrowers. The government’s current income-driven plans generally cap payments at 10% to 15% of a borrower’s discretionary income. Additionally, loan balances would be forgiven after 10 years of payments, instead of the current 20 years under many income-driven repayment plans, for borrowers with original loan balances of $12,000 or less.

Another place, as mentioned earlier, is to look into student loan refinancing. It’s important to understand the refinancing process. When borrowers refinance federal student loans through a private lender, the borrower forfeits eligibility for federal repayment programs and federal protections like forbearance and deferment. (With private loan refinancing, a new private loan replaces the borrower’s existing educational debt — generally including new loan terms and rates).

Certain private lenders offer hardship programs to provide a cushion for the unexpected — like being laid off for no fault of your own. (Not all lenders offer these programs, so it’s key to read the lender’s terms and fine print). For example, SoFi offers unemployment protection to eligible borrowers.

When weighing whether to pursue student loan refinancing, some borrowers find it useful to research the rates and terms offered by lenders, including any fees or penalties.

The Takeaway

President Biden has announced transformative changes to federal student loans, canceling up to $20,000 in student debt for qualifying borrowers. However, questions about whether the president has the authority to cancel this debt remain. Opponents of the executive order will likely challenge the plan in the courts, and it may be some time until there is a definitive answer to the question of can the president cancel student debt.

Even with the federal student loan forgiveness announcement, many borrowers may not qualify for this debt relief. If this sounds like you and you are considering refinancing your student loans, it may be best to act now. After all, interest rates are on the rise from their historic lows. Instead, you could refinance your student loans and lock in today’s low rate.

Lock in today’s interest rate for student loan refinancing.


When will student loans be forgiven?

The Biden administration announced that up to $20,000 of federal student loans will be forgiven for qualifying borrowers. However, details around the plan still need to be fleshed out, like how borrowers can apply for forgiveness and when the debt will be discharged.

Do student loans go away after seven years?

Sorry, there is no program currently in place for that. This belief stems from the fact people see student loans disappear from their credit reports after this amount of time. Seven years after the first missed payment that led to a loan either defaulting or being charged off, the main three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) erase the default status and late payments from reports.

Are student loans forgiven after 25 years?

The answer to this is a “yes, but.” Yes, you can have your student loans forgiven after 25 years, but only if you pay them under an income-driven repayment plan, which only applies to federal loans. The U.S. government offers four income-driven repayment plans.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance
SoFi Student Loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891. ( SoFi Student Loan Refinance Loans are private loans and do not have the same repayment options that the federal loan program offers, or may become available, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Income-Based Repayment, Income-Contingent Repayment, PAYE or SAVE. Additional terms and conditions apply. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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What Is a Balance Transfer and Should I Make One?

What Is a Balance Transfer and Should I Make One?

When debt accumulates on a high-interest card, interest starts to add up as well, making it harder to pay off the total debt — which, in turn, can become a credit card debt spiral. If you end up with mounting debt on a high-interest credit card, a balance transfer is one possible way to get out from under the interest payments.

A balance transfer credit card allows you to transfer your existing credit card debt to a card that temporarily offers a lower interest rate, or even no interest. This can provide an opportunity to start paying down your debt and get out of the red zone. But before you make a balance transfer, it’s important that you fully understand what a balance transfer credit card is and have carefully read the fine print.

How Balance Transfers Work

The basics of balance transfer credit cards are fairly straightforward: First, you must open a new lower-interest or no-interest credit card. Then, you’ll transfer your credit card balance from the high-interest card to the new card. Once the transfer goes through, you’ll start paying down the balance on your new card.

Generally, when selecting to do a balance transfer to a new credit card, consumers will apply for a card that offers a lower interest rate than they currently have, or a card with an introductory 0% annual percentage rate (APR). Generally, you need a solid credit history to qualify for a balance transfer credit card.

This introductory period on a balance transfer credit card can last anywhere from six to 21 months, with the exact length varying by lender. By opening a new card that temporarily charges no interest, and then transferring your high-interest credit card debt to that card, you can save money because your balance temporarily will not accrue interest charges as you pay it down.

But you need to hear one crucial warning: After the introductory interest-free or low-APR period ends, the interest rate generally jumps up. That means if you don’t pay your balance off during the introductory period, it will start to accrue interest charges again, and your balance will grow.

Recommended: How to Avoid Interest On a Credit Card

What to Look For in a Balance Transfer Card

There are a number of different balance transfer credit cards out there. They vary in terms of the length of no-interest introductory periods, credit limits, rewards, transfer fees, and APRs after the introductory period. You’ll want to shop around to see which card makes sense for you.

When researching balance transfer credit cards, try to find a card that offers a 0% introductory APR for balance transfers. Ideally, the promotional period will be on the longer side to give you more breathing room to pay off your debts before the standard APR kicks in — one of the key credit card rules to follow with a balance transfer card.

You’ll also want to keep in mind fees when comparing your options. Balance transfer fees can seriously eat into your savings, so see if you qualify for any cards with $0 balance transfer fees. If that’s not available, at least do the math to ensure your savings on interest will offset the fees you pay. Also watch out for annual fees.

Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to take the time to read the fine print and fully understand how a credit card works before moving forward. Sometimes, the 0% clause only applies when you’re purchasing something new, not when transferring balances. Plus, if you make a late payment, your promotional rate could get instantly revoked — perhaps raising your rate to a higher penalty APR.

Should I Do a Balance Transfer?

Sometimes, transferring your outstanding credit card balances to a no-interest or low-interest card makes good sense. For example, let’s say that you know you’re getting a bonus or tax refund soon, so you feel confident that you can pay off that debt within the introductory period on a balance transfer credit card.

Or, maybe you know that you need to use a credit card to cover a larger purchase or repair, but you’ve included those payments in your budget in a way that should ensure you can pay off that debt within the no-interest period on your balance transfer card. Again, depending upon the card terms and your personal goals, this move could prove to be logical and budget-savvy.

Having said that, plans don’t always work out as anticipated. Bonuses and refund checks can get delayed, and unexpected expenses can throw off your budget. If that happens, and you don’t pay off your outstanding balance on the balance transfer card within the introductory period, the credit card will shift to its regular interest rate, which could be even higher than the credit card you transferred from in the first place.

Plus, most balance transfer credit cards charge a balance transfer fee, typically around 3% — and sometimes as high as 5%. This can add up if you’re transferring a large amount of debt. Be sure to do the math on how much you’d be saving in interest payments compared to how much the balance transfer fee will cost.

Recommended: When Are Credit Card Payments Due

Balance Transfer Card vs Debt Consolidation Loan

Both a personal loan and a balance transfer credit card essentially help you pay off existing credit card debt by consolidating what you owe into one place — ideally at a better interest rate. The difference comes in how each works and how much you’ll ultimately end up paying (and saving).

A debt consolidation loan is an unsecured personal loan that allows you to consolidate a wider range of existing personal debt, including credit card debt and other types of debt. Basically, you use the personal loan to pay off your credit cards, and then you just have to pay back your personal loan in monthly installments.

Personal loans will have one monthly payment. Plus, they offer fixed interest rates and fixed terms (usually anywhere from one to seven years depending on the lender), which means they have a predetermined payoff date. Credit cards, on the other hand, typically come with variable rates, which can fluctuate based on a variety of factors.

Just like balance transfer fees with a credit card, you’ll want to look out for fees with personal loans, too. Personal loans can come with origination fees and prepayment penalties, so it’s a good idea to do your research.

How to Make a Balance Transfer

If, after weighing the pros and cons and considering your other options, you decide a balance transfer credit card is the right approach for you, here’s how you can go about initiating a balance transfer. Keep in mind that you’ll need to have applied for and gotten approved for the card before taking this step.

Balance-Transfer Checks

In some cases, your new card issuer will provide you with balance-transfer checks in order to request a transfer. You’ll need to make the check out to the credit card company you’d like to pay (i.e., your old card). Information that you’ll need to provide includes your account information and the amount of the debt, which you can determine by checking your credit card balance.

Online or Phone Transfers

Another way to initiate a balance transfer is to contact the new credit card company to which you’re transferring the balance either online or over the phone. You’ll need to provide your account information and specify the amount you’d like to transfer to the card. The credit card company will then handle transferring the funds to pay off the old account.

The Takeaway

Whether you should consider a balance transfer credit card largely depends on whether the math checks out. If you can secure a better interest rate, feel confident you can pay off the balance before the promotional period ends, and have checked that the balance transfer fees won’t cancel out your savings, then it may be worth it to make a balance transfer.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How to Find Affordable Student Housing in Your College Town

Packing up and heading off to college is an absolutely thrilling time in a young person’s life. However, with all the fun comes a lot of responsibility. One of the first, and perhaps most important, choices a college student must make is exactly where they want to live.

Students may choose between living on- or off-campus, though some schools require freshmen to live on-campus. On-campus housing is generally a convenient option for students because they will be close to their classes. Off-campus housing can potentially be less expensive than living on-campus.

Here are a few things to consider on your journey to finding college housing.

1. Start With a Budget

College student housing can get expensive very quickly, especially if a student decides to live in off-campus housing.

It’s important to begin any college housing search by first determining a budget. How much rent can the student actually afford month-to-month while also maintaining enough funds to pay for tuition, food, and other living expenses? Figuring out a personal housing budget is a wholly unique process for each student.

Budgeting Considerations for College Students

Students should sit down and map out all monthly expenses either alone or with a loved one to figure out just how much they can afford and go from there. While developing your budget, consider things such as:

•   Transportation costs to get to and from campus

•   Utilities and internet

•   Whether the apartment will be furnished or will require you to bring (or buy) furniture

•   How you’ll split these costs with roommates

•   Grocery costs vs. relying on the college dining plan

Some considerations and costs may vary depending on whether you choose to live on- or off-campus. If you are still debating between on- or off-campus housing, it may help to map out two budgets to capture the difference in cost and expenses between the two options. SoFi’s Ca$h Course: A Student’s Guide to Money has more information on setting up your college budget.

Paying for Housing Expenses

In addition to costs, evaluate sources of income so you have an idea of how you will pay for your tuition and housing expenses. Have an honest discussion with your parents or guardians about how much they are able to contribute toward housing and tuition expenses.

In addition to savings, undergraduate loans can be used to pay for housing expenses. Students may apply for both federal or private student loans. Federal student loans have certain benefits like deferment options and income-driven repayment options that aren’t necessarily afforded to private student loans. Therefore, federal student loans are typically prioritized over private student loan options. Learn more about the differences between private and federal student loans in SoFi’s private student loan guide.

Students who qualify for a need-based Pell Grant can also use these funds toward their housing expenses. Some scholarships may have restrictions on how the funding can be used, but others will be flexible and can be used for any qualifying education expense including housing costs. When doing your scholarship search, be sure to read the fine print so you understand if there are any restrictions up front.

Recommended: Guide to Unclaimed Scholarships

2. Decide on On-Campus or Off-Campus Housing

After outlining your budget it’s time to answer another big question: On-campus housing or off? This is a major consideration for many students and can be budget-dependent.

It can also be dependent on what year the student is as many colleges require students to live on campus during their freshman year. But, after that, it’s likely up to students.

Each choice has its merits and its pitfalls so weigh the pros and cons of on-campus vs. off-campus housing before deciding.

Recommended: Budgeting Tips for High School Students and Those Entering College

On-campus Housing

For those who want to live on-campus, there are likely a number of options available at their school. This can include residence or dorm halls. Think of these as apartment buildings, but smaller. Some dorms require students to share rooms with other students, and often only come with one bathroom per floor (though there are a lucky few who may be able to snag a private bath).

Dorms often do not come with private kitchens, though they may have a shared space. This often means students will likely also purchase a meal plan, so factor that in when budgeting.

Beyond dorms, students may also be able to live in on-campus apartments or in fraternity or sorority housing. These homes are typically maintained by private Greek organizations and admittance to the frat or sorority is usually required in order to live in the house. Room styles in Greek housing can vary greatly, along with availability, even as a member.

Note that some fraternity or sorority housing options are considered off-campus housing so you may need to check the housing program at your university.

Older students may also want to look into graduate housing, family housing, or co-op living on their university or college campus.

Off-Campus Housing

Off-campus housing may vary depending on where you go to school. The first option may be to just remain living at home with parents or guardians. Though this may not be the college dream for many, it can be one way to cut expenses in both housing and food.

If a student chooses to remain home he or she should sit down with their parents or guardians prior to the start of the school year to go over expectations on both sides. Have the tough conversations about curfews, chores, and anything else one would typically discuss with any other roommate.

Of course, college students may also look for off-campus housing by renting a nearby apartment or home either alone or with friends. Renting alone could be an option for those who like their space and quiet time for studying, but, this could also become prohibitively expensive as that person would also have to pay all the bills on their own.

By renting with friends a college student may gain a bit more independence while still being able to rely on others to split the cost of rent and other bills.

Note that student loans can be used to pay for both on- and off-campus living expenses.

Recommended: Using Student Loans for Living Expenses and Housing

3. Figure Out the Right Timeline

No matter which option a student chooses — on-campus or off — they must also follow the right timeline. Many colleges and universities have deadlines to declare the need for on-campus housing, while many college town rentals also follow a specific timeline for rentals.

Areas surrounding college campuses may be competitive for rentals. Some schools offer off-campus guides to get students started with their search. It may also help to do a bit of digging on your college community and ask friends who have moved off-campus in the past to see what the timeline is there.

4. Where to Look for Housing

For off-campus students, there are a plethora of options for looking for housing online. This includes websites like Zillow, Trulia,, Craigslist, and more. Each of these websites allows users to filter their searches by location, price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, or any other specific needs.

A student and their potential roommates may want to sit down together to list out their wants vs. needs in housing (for example, a big kitchen, study area, outdoor space, or pet-friendly) and begin their search from there.

5. Tour Housing Options

Prior to committing to housing, take a bit of time and tour the homes in person. This can help you get a feel for a place, open up the cabinets, test the water pressure, see if the street noise is too much, or anything else that may bother someone. On the tour, a student may find items not to their liking or may find things that will allow them to negotiate the rent down. Go in and take plenty of notes.

6. Look at the Fine Print

Don’t sign a lease (or anything for that matter) without reading the fine print. Before putting a name on the dotted line make sure to read each and every section in a lease and ask questions of the landlord.

Also, it’s important to note it’s not a one-way street — you too can add things to the lease. However, a landlord will have to agree before making any changes. But, if there’s something you want in there for your own legal protection, it doesn’t hurt to ask for it.

7. Consider Renter’s Insurance

Students living off-campus may want to consider renters insurance. Those living in a dorm may be covered by their parents’ home or renter insurance policy if you are listed as a dependent. Renters insurance may protect a person’s things if they are lost, damaged, or stolen from the home.

For example, if a pipe bursts while a student is in class and their home is flooded, renters insurance could cover the cost of replacing their damaged items. And, renters insurance could even cover temporary living expenses if their home becomes unlivable.

The Takeaway

No matter where a student lives, things can most certainly get expensive. But, rather than stress about how they’ll pay for their newfound freedom, students should plan instead. And that begins by looking into all their financial options, including a SoFi private student loan.

Students, along with their parents or guardians, can apply for a private student loan with SoFi in minutes and get on their way to finding the perfect housing option for them. SoFi student loans have no origination fees, no late fees, and no insufficient fund fees.

Note that private student loans aren’t appropriate for every student, and are generally relied on after a student has explored other options including federal student aid and scholarships. Upon graduation, students can choose one of SoFi’s repayment options, paying back the loan on a timeline that works for them.

Learn more about how SoFi Private Student Loans can help you make ends meet in college.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student Loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. You should exhaust all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs. SoFi Private Student Loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, and applicants must meet SoFi’s eligibility and underwriting requirements. See for more information. To view payment examples, click here. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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