What Are Bull Put Spreads & How Do They Work?

Bull Put Spread: How This Options Strategy Works

A bull put spread is an options trading strategy that someone may use when they have a moderately bullish view of an asset, meaning they think the price will increase slightly. The strategy allows you to profit from an increase in an underlying asset’s price while limiting losses if an asset’s price declines.

Bull put spreads and options trading are not for everyone, but learning the ins and outs of this strategy may help your financial portfolio.

What Is a Bull Put Spread?

A bull put spread is an options trading strategy that involves buying a put option and selling another put option on the same underlying asset with the same expiration date, but at different strike prices. The trade is considered a neutral-to-bullish strategy, since it’s designed so the maximum benefit occurs when an asset’s price moderately increases.

To execute a bull put spread, a trader will simultaneously sell a put option at a specific strike price (the short leg of the trade) and buy a put option with a lower strike price (the long leg of the trade).

The trader receives a premium for selling the option with a higher strike price but pays a premium for buying the put option with a lower strike price. The premium paid for the long leg put option will always be less than the short leg since the lower strike put is further out of the money. The difference between the premium received and the premium paid is the maximum potential profit in the trade.

The goal of the bull put spread strategy is to finish the trade with the premium earned by selling the put (sometimes referred to as writing a put option) and lose no more than the premium paid for the long put.

A bull put spread options trading strategy is sometimes called a short put spread or a credit put spread.

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How a Bull Put Spread Works

Bull put spreads focus on put options, which are options contracts that give the buyer the right – but not always the obligation – to sell a security at a given price (the strike price) during a set period of time.

The bull put spread strategy earns the highest profit in situations where the underlying stock trades at or above the strike price of the short put option – the put option sold with the higher strike price – upon expiration. This strategy, therefore, works best for assets that the traders of a bull put spread believe will trade slightly upwards.

The strategy provides a way to profit from a stock’s rising price without having to hold shares. An options strategy like this also caps downside risk because the maximum loss is the difference between the strike prices of the two puts minus the net premium received.

Even though the risk is limited, there can still be times when it makes sense to close out the trade.

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Max Profit and Risk

A bull put spread is meant to profit from a rising stock price, time decay, or both. This strategy caps both potential profit and loss, meaning its risk is limited.

The profit of a bull put spread is capped at the premium you receive by selling the short leg of the trade, minus the premium you spent to buy the long leg put option. You achieve this maximum profit if the underlying asset finishes at any price above the strike price of the short leg of the trade.

Maximum profit = premium received for selling put option – premium paid for buying put option

The maximum losses (i.e., the risk) of a bull put spread is the difference between the strike price of the short put option and the strike price of the long put option, minus the net premium you received.

Maximum loss = strike price of short put – strike price of long put – net premium received

The breakeven point of a bull put spread is the price the underlying asset trades at expiration so that the trader will come away even. The breakeven point will equal the difference between the net premiums you receive up front and the strike price of the short put option. At the breakeven, the trader neither makes nor loses money, not including commissions and fees.

Breakeven point = strike price of short put – net premium received

Bull Put Spread Example

Alice would like to use a bull put spread for XYZ stock since she thinks the price will slowly go up a month from now. XYZ is trading at $150 per share. Alice sells a put option for a premium of $3 with a strike price of $150. At the same time, she buys a put option with a premium of $1 and a strike price is $140. Both put options have the same expiration date in a month.

Alice will collect the difference between the two premiums, which is $2 ($3 – $1). Since each option contract is usually for 100 shares of stock, she’d collect a $200 premium when opening the bull put spread.

Maximum Profit

As long as XYZ stock trades at or above $150 at expiration, both puts will expire worthless, and she will keep the $200 premium she received at the start of the trade, minus commissions and fees.

Maximum profit = $3 – $1 = $2 x 100 shares = $200

Maximum Loss

Alice will experience the maximum loss if XYZ stock trades below $140 at expiration, the strike price of the long leg of the trade. In this scenario, Alice will lose $800, plus commissions and fees.

Maximum loss = $150 – $140 – ($3 – $1) = $8 x 100 shares = $800


If XYZ stock trades at $148 at expiration, Alice will lose $200 from the short leg of the trade with the $150 stock price. However, this will be balanced out by the initial $200 premium she received when opening the positioning. She neither makes nor loses money in this scenario, not including commissions and fees.

Breakeven point = $150 – ($3 – $1) = $148

Bull Put Spread Exit Strategy

Often, trades don’t go as planned. If they did, trading would be easy, and everyone would succeed. What sets successful traders apart from the rest of the pack is the ability to make winning trades, mitigate risk, and limit losses.

Having an exit strategy can help by providing a plan to cut losses at a predetermined point, rather than being caught off guard or simply “waiting” and “hoping” that the market turns around in your favor.

An exit strategy may be a little complicated for a bull put spread. Before the expiration date, you may want to exit the trade so you don’t have to buy an asset you may be obligated to purchase because you sold a put option. You may also decide to exit the position if the underlying asset price is falling and you want to limit your losses rather than take the maximum loss.

To close out a bull put spread entirely would require that the trader buy the short put contract to close and sell the long put option to close.

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Pros and Cons of Bull Put Spreads

The following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of bull put spreads:

Bull Put Spread Pros

Bull Put Spread Cons

Protection from downside risk; the maximum loss is known at the start of the trade The gains from the strategy will be limited and may be lower than if the trader bought the underlying asset outright
The potential to profit from a modest decline in the price of the underlying asset price Maximum loss is usually more substantial than the maximum gain
You can tailor the strategy based on your risk profile Difficult trading strategy for novice investors

Impacts of Variables

Several variables impact options prices, and options trading terminology describes how these variables might change in a given position.

Because a bull put spread consists of a short put and a long put, the way specific changes in different variables impact the position can be different than other options positions. Here’s a brief summary.

1. Stock Price Change

A bull put spread does well when the underlying security price rises, making it a bullish strategy. When the price falls, the spread performs poorly. This is known as a position with a “net positive delta.” Delta is an options measurement that refers to how much the price of an option will change as the underlying security price changes. The ratio of a stock’s price change to an option’s price change is not usually one-to-one.

Because a bull put spread is made up of one long put and one short put, the delta often won’t change much as the stock price changes if the time to expiration hasn’t changed. This is known as a “near-zero gamma” trade. Gamma is an estimation of how much the delta of a position will change as the underlying stock price changes.

2. Changes in Volatility

Volatility refers to how much the price of a stock might fluctuate in percentage terms. Implied volatility (IV) is a variable in options prices. Higher volatility usually means higher options prices, assuming other factors stay the same. But a bull put spread changes very little when volatility changes, and everything else remains equal.

This is known as a “near-zero vega” position. Vega measures how much an option price will change when volatility changes, but other factors are unmoved.

3. Time

Time decay refers to the fact that the value of an option declines as expiration draws near. The relationship of the stock price to the strike prices of the two put options will determine how time decay impacts the price of a bull put spread.

If the price of the underlying stock is near or above the strike price of the short put (the option with a higher strike price), then the price of the bull put spread declines (and makes money) as time goes on. This occurs because the short put is closest to being in the money and falls victim to time decay more rapidly than the long put.

But if the stock price is near or below the long put’s strike price (the option with a lower strike price), then the price of the bull spread will increase (and lose money) as time goes on. This occurs because the long put is closer to being in the money and will suffer the effects of time decay faster than the short put.

In cases where the underlying asset’s price is squarely in-between both strike prices, time decay barely affects the price of a bull put spread, as both the long and short puts will suffer time decay at more or less the same rate.

4. Early assignment

American-style options can be exercised at any time before expiration. Writers of a short options position can’t control when they might be required to fulfill the obligation of the contract. For this reason, the risk of early assignment (i.e., the risk of being required to buy the underlying asset per the option contract) must be considered when entering into short positions using options.

In a bull put spread, only the short put has early assignment risk. Early assignment of options usually has to do with dividends, and sometimes short puts can be assigned on the underlying stock’s ex-dividend date (the date someone has to start holding a stock if they want to receive the next dividend payment).

In the money puts with time value that doesn’t match the dividends of the underlying stock are likely to be assigned, as traders could earn more from the dividends they receive as a result of holding the shares than they would from the premium of the option.

For this reason, if the underlying stock price is below the short put’s strike price in a bull put spread, traders may want to contemplate the risk of early assignment. In cases where early assignment seems likely, using an exit strategy of some kind could be appropriate.

Start Investing Today With SoFi

Trading options isn’t easy and can involve significant risk. Many variables are involved in options trading, some of which have been notorious for catching newbie traders by surprise. While we’ve answered the fundamental question “what is a bull put spread” here, new investors looking to implement this strategy will still have a lot to learn.

For investors ready to dive into bull spreads and other options trading strategies, SoFi’s options trading platform is a good place to start, thanks to its intuitive design. Investors can trade options from the mobile app or web platform. Plus, they can check out educational resources about options if any questions arise.

Trade options with low fees through SoFi.

Photo credit: iStock/kate_sept2004

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Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.

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Liability vs Full Coverage Car Insurance: What They Cover

Liability vs Full Coverage Car Insurance: What They Cover

Full coverage car insurance protects you against the most common causes of car damage and bodily injury: not just accidents but also theft, vandalism, fire, and more. Depending on the state you live in, it may also include Uninsured Motorist coverage, and Personal Injury Protection for yourself and your passengers. Liability, on the other hand, only offers financial protection against other drivers’ claims of injury and damage if you’re found at fault.

It can be hard to know how much insurance you need, and how to keep costs down. We’ll review the different types of policies available, pros and cons of each, and the average cost of full coverage vs. liability.

What Is Full Coverage Car Insurance?

Full coverage car insurance refers to a policy with the broadest protections available. Although specifics vary by policy, full coverage usually includes the following:

•   Liability: If you’re involved in an accident and found to be at fault, this type of insurance provides financial protection against other drivers’ claims of bodily injury and property damage.

•   Collision: Helps pay for damages to your own vehicle after an accident with another vehicle or an object like a guardrail.

•   Comprehensive: Protects you against theft or damage unrelated to an accident, such as fire or vandalism.

In some states, full coverage may also include the following:

•   Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM): Covers your losses if the other driver either doesn’t have insurance or not enough.

•   Personal injury protection (PIP): Covers medical expenses for yourself and passengers in your car if injuries occur. It may cover other costs, as well: lost wages, the cost of services that you can’t perform while injured, such as housekeeping, as well as funeral costs.

•   Medical payments (MedPay): This can cover medical expenses but doesn’t offer the fullness of coverage that’s available through PIP.

Check your state laws for specifics. This guide to car insurance terms can also be helpful.

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Average Cost of Full Coverage Car Insurance

The average full coverage car insurance cost in 2022 is $1,771 annually. Of course, many factors go into full coverage car insurance quotes, so your price will undoubtedly vary. The cost for a male teenage driver, for example, is $807 more each year on average.

A poor driving record will almost double your premiums. For more details, check out this look at how much insurance goes up after an accident.

Your deductible will also make a big difference in your premiums. In general, the lower the deductible, the higher the premium, and vice versa. So if you’re wondering how to lower your car insurance cost, consider choosing a higher deductible.

The cheapest full coverage car insurance is about $1,000 per year for an individual policy.

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Why Consider Getting Full Coverage Insurance?

You’ll have the broadest protections with a full coverage policy. Also, if you have a car loan, your lender may require you to have full coverage to protect their investment. The best way to determine how much coverage you need is to sit down for a personal insurance planning session.

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Pros and Cons of Full Coverage Car Insurance

There are advantages and disadvantages to paying for full coverage car insurance.

Pros of full coverage

•   Provides a broader range of protection:

◦   May cover medical expenses if you’re hurt in a collision

◦   May cover vandalism and theft

◦   Can protect you after an accident if the at-fault driver doesn’t have enough coverage

•   Typically meets all state insurance requirements.

•   Usually satisfies the requirements of your lender or lessor.

Cons of full coverage

•   Cost is higher than baseline liability insurance.

•   Doesn’t provide coverage for commercial driving purposes.

•   Won’t cover the cost of normal wear and tear.

What Full Coverage Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Although full coverage provides a significant amount of protection, it doesn’t cover every situation imaginable. It may or may not, for example, provide UM/UIM, PIP, or MedPay coverage. As noted above, full coverage also doesn’t account for standard wear and tear or maintenance needs on the vehicle — that’s up to you. Learn more about saving on car maintenance costs.

Because full coverage varies from company to company, it’s important to read your agreement carefully and understand what it does and doesn’t include.

What Is Liability Car Insurance?

There are two components to what liability auto insurance covers: bodily injury and property damage. If someone is at fault in an accident, their bodily injury coverage will pay for the medical expenses of injured parties. It may also cover lost income, legal fees, and/or funeral costs.

Property damage coverage helps pay for damage to the other person’s vehicle and to any other property that sustained damage during the accident, such as a fence, home, or bicycle.

Personal liability coverage is something different. It typically covers medical costs for someone injured on your property or because of your negligence. It may cover property damage costs, legal fees, and so forth.

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Average Cost of Liability Insurance

On average, a liability insurance policy costs $716 in 2022. But again, many factors — including your age, gender, driving record, and type of deductible — can influence the price.

Why Consider Getting Liability Coverage Insurance?

Most states require liability car insurance, although the specifics vary from state to state. do not require it. In New Hampshire and Virginia, you can skip liability insurance if you can prove you can pay for costs out-of-pocket after an accident where you’re at fault.

Pros and Cons of Liability Coverage Car Insurance

While it may be tempting to pay for only liability coverage, you need to keep certain drawbacks in mind.

Pros of liability insurance

•   Costs less than full coverage car insurance.

•   Provides basic coverage in case of an accident.

•   Required by most states.

Cons of liability insurance

•   If an accident occurs, you could still be on the hook for many costs (more on this below).

•   Won’t cover theft or vandalism of your vehicle.

•   If you have a loan or lease, the lender/lessor may require full coverage.

What Liability Insurance Doesn’t Cover

If an accident occurs, liability insurance won’t cover damage to your vehicle. For that, you need collision coverage. Liability may or may not cover your personal injuries. And if you’re not at fault in the accident, it doesn’t cover the other driver’s medical bills or property damage costs.

Differences Between Liability and Full Coverage Insurance

When weighing liability vs. full coverage car insurance, here are a few things to consider:

•   Full coverage car insurance costs more, but it also offers significantly more protection.

•   Liability auto insurance is required in most states, but full coverage is not.

•   If you have a car loan or lease, the lender/lessor will likely require full coverage.

•   With liability insurance, there’s no deductible. With full coverage, deductibles range from $500 to $1,500.

When To Add Optional Coverage

Optional coverage to consider include:

•   Rental car reimbursement: If your car is in the shop or otherwise out of service for more than a day, this pays for a rental vehicle.

•   Gap insurance: This is intended for cars that have a loan or lease. If the vehicle is totalled and you owe more than the value of the car, gap insurance pays the difference.

•   New car replacement: As the name suggests, if a car is totaled, you get a new car that’s similar to your previous one.

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What Are the State Minimum Requirements for Full Coverage?

How to read this table: Alabama’s requirements for car insurance are 25/50/25. This means that the state requires $25,000 of bodily injury liability insurance per person, with $50,000 for all bodily injuries that take place within a single accident, and $25,000 in property damage per accident. Just keep in mind that this is the minimum amount of car insurance you need.


Car Insurance Requirements

Additional Requirements

Alabama 25/50/25
Alaska 50/100/25
Arizona 25/50/15
Arkansas 25/50/25
California 15/30/5
Colorado 25/50/15
Connecticut 25/50/25 The state also requires uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
Delaware 25/50/10 The state also requires personal injury protection (PIP)
Florida Property damage liability of $10,000 per accident and $10,000 PIP coverage
Georgia 25/50/25
Hawaii 20/40/10 and $10,000 PIP
Idaho 25/50/15
Illinois 25/50/20 Under state law, policies automatically include what’s required for uninsured motorist coverages
Indiana 25/50/25 This state also requires $50,000 in underinsured motorist coverage for bodily injuries
Iowa 20/40/15
Kansas 25/50/25 Along with uninsured/underinsured coverage ($25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident) and personal injury protection (PIP or no-fault)
Kentucky 25/50/25
Louisiana 15/30/25
Maine 50/100/25 Along with $50,000 uninsured coverage per person and $100,000 per accident, and $2,000 in medical payment coverage
Maryland 30/60/15
Massachusetts 20/40/5 and $8,000 PIP
Michigan 20/40/10
Minnesota 30/60/10 Along with $25,000 uninsured/underinsured coverage per person, $50,000 per accident, and $40,000 PIP
Mississippi 25/50/15
Missouri 25/50/25 Plus $25,000 uninsured coverage per person and $50,000 per accident
Montana 25/50/20
Nebraska 25/50/25 Plus $25,000 uninsured/underinsured coverage per person and $50,000 per accident
Nevada 25/50/20
New Jersey 15/30/5 Along with $15,000 PIP
New Mexico 25/50/10
New York 25/50/50 and $50,000 PIP
North Carolina 30/60/25 The state also has detailed specifics about required insurance coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorists
North Dakota 25/50/25
Ohio 25/50/25
Oklahoma 25/50/25
Oregon 25/50/20 Plus $25,000 uninsured coverage per person and $50,000 per accident, and $15,000 PIP
Pennsylvania 15/30/5 Plus $5,000 for medical payments
Rhode Island 25/50/25
South Carolina 25/50/25 Plus $25,000 uninsured coverage per person, $50,000 per accident, and $25,000 in property damage
South Dakota 25/50/25 Plus $25,000 uninsured coverage per person and $50,000 per accident
Tennessee 25/50/15
Texas 30/60/25
Utah 25/65/15
Vermont 25/50/10
Washington 25/50/10
Washington D.C. 25/50/10 $25,000 uninsured coverage per person, $50,000 per accident, and $5,000 property damage
West Virginia 25/50/25 Plus $25,000 uninsured coverage per person and $50,000 per accident, and $25,000 property damage
Wisconsin 25/50/10 Plus $25,000 uninsured coverage per person and $50,000 per accident

The Takeaway

Full coverage car insurance includes several different types of protection, which makes it popular with drivers who can afford it. Full coverage gives you liability protection (used when you’re at fault in an accident), collision (which pays for damage to your vehicle), and comprehensive (which protects against theft and non-accident-related damage). In some states, you’ll also get Uninsured Motorist coverage, Personal Injury Protection, and/or Medical Payment coverage. Liability coverage, on the other hand, only covers property damage and bodily injury in case you’re at fault in an accident. Auto insurance coverage requirements vary by state.

If you’re looking for affordable full coverage car insurance, we invite you to compare auto insurance quotes from top insurers. SoFi makes finding the right deal on car insurance easy.

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Is it worth having full coverage on a car?

If you have a loan or lease, you may be required to have full coverage. And you may want to get full coverage on a newer car to protect your investment even if you don’t have to. This can also be true of an older car that’s maintained its value.

What does full coverage come with?

It comes with liability insurance, collision coverage, and comprehensive insurance. It may come with additional coverages such as uninsured motorist coverage, personal injury protection, and/or medical payment coverage.

What are the benefits of full coverage?

This kind of policy provides you with a broad range of protections against not just accidents but fire, theft, vandalism, and other common threats. If you have a car loan or lease, full coverage may be required.

Photo credit: iStock/shapecharge

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Guide to Credit Card Outstanding Balance

Guide to Credit Card Outstanding Balance

Your credit card statement can feel like information overload with all of its numbers and terminology. Understanding the definition of terms like outstanding balance, statement balance, and billing cycle can help you to navigate this monthly statement a little more easily.

So what is an outstanding balance, how is it different from a statement balance, and can it affect your credit score? Put simply, the outstanding balance on a credit card is what the amount of money you still owe to the credit card company is called. Knowing this figure is important to avoiding interest and potential effects on your credit.

What Is an Outstanding Balance on a Credit Card?

Outstanding balance is another way to express current balance. In fact, depending on your credit card issuer, your monthly statement and mobile app may use the term “current balance” instead of “outstanding balance.”

But what is an outstanding balance in credit card terminology? A credit card outstanding balance is simply the amount of money you have not paid to the credit card issuer — i.e., it’s what you still owe.

Your outstanding balance includes any purchases you have made on your credit card but have not yet paid off (from the current and previous billing cycles), but it also includes:

•   Interest earned on previous balances

•   Balance transfers (and any balance transfer fees)

•   Cash advances

•   Any other fees you may owe, like late fees or foreign transaction fees

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Where to Find Your Outstanding Balance on a Credit Card

You can check your outstanding balance by calling your credit card issuer or accessing your account online or through the mobile app. Depending on the terminology the company uses, you may see the outstanding balance listed as your current balance or simply your credit card balance.

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Current Balance vs Outstanding Balance

Current balance is simply another term for outstanding balance. Depending on your credit card issuer, you might see one term or the other used. In some cases, it may simply be labeled “account balance” or “credit card balance.”

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Statement Balance vs Outstanding Balance

So what’s the difference between a credit card statement balance and outstanding balance? Your credit card statement balance is the total amount owed after a billing cycle. It can include any purchases made during the billing cycle, plus any balance, interest, and fees carried over from the previous billing cycle.

Once issued, the statement balance amount does not change, even if you continue to swipe your card for more purchases during the grace period (this is the period between statement closing date and due date, during which you won’t earn interest on your unpaid statement balance). As long as you pay off the statement balance in full by the due date, you should not accrue any interest.

Your outstanding balance encompasses everything you owe at a specific moment in time. Sometimes your outstanding balance can be higher than your statement balance; sometimes it may be lower. Consider this example:

Your billing cycle ends, and you now have a statement balance of $1,000. In the next week, you spend $500 more with your credit card. Your statement balance remains $1,000, while your outstanding balance grows to $1,500. But as long as you pay that $1,000 statement balance by the due date, you will not incur any interest — and your statement balance will drop to $0 until the end of the next billing cycle.

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Remaining Balance vs Outstanding Balance

Remaining balance refers to whatever amount is still due after you’ve made your monthly credit card payment. For example, if your statement balance is $500 but you only pay $300, your remaining balance is $200. This, along with the interest it accrues, becomes a part of your outstanding balance.

You can avoid accruing interest on a remaining balance by paying off your statement balance in full each month rather than only the credit card minimum payment.

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What Is an Average Outstanding Balance?

The typical amount of an outstanding balance can vary widely from person to person — it all depends on how much you use your credit card, what your credit limit is, and whether you carry a balance. That being said, your average outstanding balance is simply the amount you owe on a credit card, averaged over a certain period of time.

The average outstanding balance formula for a statement period would be the total of your balance for each day of the statement period, divided by the number of days in the cycle. This can be helpful to know given most credit card issuers calculate interest on a daily basis, based on your average daily account balance.

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Paying Your Credit Card Outstanding Balance: What to Know

The nuances of credit card balances can be tough to nail down, but understanding how they work — particularly outstanding balances — may help you avoid interest and impacts to your credit score.

Here’s the short version:

•   Paying the minimum balance due each month will help you avoid late fees and negative marks for late payments on your credit report.

•   Paying the statement balance in full by the due date will keep you from accruing interest.

•   Paying down the outstanding balance, or current balance, even outside of your normal payment cycle, can reduce your overall credit utilization, which influences your credit score.

How Interest Contributes to Outstanding Balances

When you make purchases with your credit card throughout a billing cycle, the card issuer has lent you money to cover the expenses. And if you don’t pay the lender the statement balance in full by the specified due date, any remaining balance will become part of your outstanding balance — and it will start accruing interest.

The best way to avoid paying credit card interest is to pay your statement balance in full by each due date.

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How an Outstanding Balance Affects Your Credit Score

When you carry over unpaid balances, you’ll do more than earn interest that you have to pay. You’ll also increase your overall credit utilization, which is the amount of your total available credit you’re using. That’s because your outstanding balance counts toward your credit limit.

For example, if your credit limit is $5,000 and your outstanding balance is $2,500, you’ve utilized 50% of your credit limit. In general, creditors prefer to see a credit utilization of 30% or lower. This signals to them that you can responsibly pay back your debts.

In fact, credit utilization is the second most important factor affecting your FICO credit score. It accounts for 30% of your overall credit score. Thus, carrying a high outstanding balance regularly can adversely affect your credit score.

For this reason, experts typically recommend paying off your full statement balance every month if you’re able. And if you make a large payment on your credit card during a billing cycle that increases your outstanding balance tremendously, you may want to pay it off early to reduce your credit utilization — or else you chance a drop in your credit score.

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The Takeaway

Credit cards can be confusing, especially when you’re new to the terminology. But once you understand how your statement and outstanding balances work and can responsibly make payments in full and on time, credit cards can be a great tool for boosting your credit score.


Does outstanding balance mean past due?

Having an outstanding balance does not necessarily mean it’s past due. Your credit card requires a minimum monthly payment; if you have satisfied that payment, you do not need to immediately pay your outstanding balance. But keep in mind that you generally need to pay the full statement balance each month to avoid accruing interest.

How do I clear the outstanding balance on my credit card?

To clear the outstanding balance on a credit card, you can make a payment equal to the amount. This should bring the balance down to zero. However, you do not always have to pay your outstanding, or current, balance to avoid interest. Paying your monthly statement balance in full should keep you from accruing interest, even if your outstanding balance is higher.

Why is my outstanding balance negative?

Your credit card outstanding balance can go negative if you pay off the card and then receive a credit for a returned item or claim cash-back rewards from your purchases. If you want, you can request a check from the credit card issuer in the amount of the negative balance. Or, you can apply the negative balance on a credit card toward future purchases on the credit card.

Photo credit: iStock/SARINYAPINNGAM

1See Rewards Details at SoFi.com/card/rewards.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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How to Apply for Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness

How to Apply for Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

Editor's Note: For the latest developments regarding federal student loan debt repayment, check out our student debt guide.

You can now apply for a one-time cancellation of up to $20,000 on your federal student loan debt through an online form posted on the Federal Student Aid website.

The program provides eligible borrowers with full or partial discharge of federal loans up to $20,000 to Federal Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 to non-Pell Grant recipients.

Who qualifies? Individuals who made less than $125,000 in 2021 or 2020, and families that made less than $250,000 in 2021 or 2020.

Read on to learn more about applying for student loan forgiveness — and the deadlines you need to know.

Steps to Take to Apply for Student Loan Debt Cancellation

President Joe Biden announced a student loan forgiveness plan in August that would provide one-time debt relief to low- and middle-income families through $10,000 or $20,000 payments.

The form went live on October 17.

Nearly 8 million borrowers may be eligible to receive relief without applying for it because the DOE already has their income information. But if you are uncertain whether you fall into that group, it’s recommended that you fill out the application.

Qualified borrowers are advised to apply by mid-November in order to receive relief before the pause on all federal loan payments expires on December 31, 2022.

Following these steps will help the application process go smoothly:

Figure Out if You’re Eligible

People with federal student loans may qualify for up to $10,000 in debt relief, and Pell Grant recipients may get up to $20,000. Borrowers are eligible for this relief if their 2020 or 2021 individual income is less than $125,000 or $250,000 for households.

Federal Pell Grants are typically awarded to undergraduate students with low or moderate income. Most borrowers can log in to StudentAid.gov to see if they received a Pell Grant.

Submit Your Application

The application “is simple, easy, and you don’t need to log in or provide supporting documents to apply,” the White House tweeted on October 17.

“We’ll determine your eligibility and will contact you if we need more information,” says the FSA site. “Your loan servicer will notify you when your relief has been processed.”

A beta version of the application was released less than a week before the official application went live. Those who applied during that stage do not need to apply again, according to the White House. The form they submitted will be processed.

You’ll have until Dec. 31, 2023, to submit your application.

Refresh Your Contact Information

You do not need to log in with your student loan servicer to apply for debt relief, but it’s recommended that you make sure your contact information is up to date for notifications. If you don’t know who your federal student loan servicer is, find out now. These companies work with the DOE on the administration of your loans.

If you don’t have a StudentAid.gov account (an FSA ID), you should create an account to help you manage your loans.

A New Deadline for Loan Debt Payments

Everyone who is paying down their federal student loans got a pause in payments starting in March 2020. The deadline to resume payments has been extended more than five times.

“To ensure a smooth transition to repayment and prevent unnecessary defaults,” President Biden said he will extend the pause one more time, through Dec. 31, 2022, with payments resuming in January 2023.

Biden said this past August that there will be no more extensions after his final one.

Recommended: How to Prepare for the End of Federal Student Loan Relief

Changes in Eligibility for Public Service Forgiveness

Along with extending the deadline for loan repayments and creating a one-time federal loan relief payment, President Biden made changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

Borrowers who are employed by nonprofits, the military, or federal, state, tribal, or local government may be eligible to have all of their student loans forgiven through the existing Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. This is because of time-limited changes that waive certain eligibility criteria in the PSLF program.

Anyone interested in this opportunity needs to take action immediately. These temporary changes expire on October 31, 2022. For more information on eligibility and requirements, and to apply, go to PSLF.gov .

What About Opposition to the Biden Loan Forgiveness Program?

Biden’s federal student loan forgiveness plan has not met with universal approval. Some say that Biden does not have the authority to institute the plan; others criticize the cost to the economy. The White House said in August that canceling the federal debt will cost the government $240 billion over the next decade. Other estimates have put the price higher.

In late September, six states — Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Carolina — filed a lawsuit to stop the plan, saying the Biden administration overstepped its regulatory authority.

Various court challenges and politicians’ petitions are moving forward. However, as of October 18, the opposition did not appear to have the legal authority to stop the debt cancellation plan from going forward.

Recommended: What Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Means for Your Taxes

The Takeaway

While federal student loan cancellation of up to $20,000 will be sent to about 8 million people automatically, there is now an online application for anyone who wants to apply and meets the income eligibility requirements.

You may want to take steps to get on top of all your student loan debt. Only federal student loans are eligible for cancellation, and only for those who meet certain income requirements. Refinancing your student loans — or what’s left of your student loans after forgiveness — might lead to lower payments, especially as interest rates are rising from historic lows. Explore student loan refinancing with SoFi to find out your options. Just be aware that after you refinance, that amount is no longer eligible for forgiveness.

Find out your rate for student loan refinancing


Do you need to apply for the student loan forgiveness?

Nearly 8 million borrowers may be eligible to receive relief without applying — unless they choose to opt-out — because the necessary income data is already available to the DOE.

You may receive the one-time debt cancellation on your federal student loan if you filed the necessary income data through a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the last two years or an income-driven repayment application that uses income data from tax years 2021 or 2020.

But if you are at all unsure whether this applies to you, it’s recommended that you fill out an application

How will I know if I qualify for student loan forgiveness?

You will either automatically receive forgiveness on your federal student loan or you’ll receive it after you fill out an application online. You will be notified through an email or text if you qualify and, later, you will be informed by your loan servicer once the money is deducted from what you owe.

What types of student loans will be forgiven?

Only federal loans are eligible for these forgiveness programs, not private student loans. Subsidized loans, unsubsidized loans, parent PLUS loans, and graduate PLUS loans held by the DOE are eligible.

Consolidation loans are also eligible for relief, as long as all of the underlying loans that were consolidated were DOE-held loans and were disbursed on or before June 30, 2022. Additionally, consolidation loans comprised of any FFEL or Perkins loans not held by DOE are also eligible, as long as the borrower applied for consolidation before Sept. 29, 2022.

Do parents get student loan forgiveness?

All DOE-held loans, including PLUS loans for parents and graduate students, are eligible for relief, according to the Biden Forgiveness Plan.

Photo credit: iStock/SDI Productions

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

In our efforts to bring you the latest updates on things that might impact your financial life, we may occasionally enter the political fray, covering candidates, bills, laws and more. Please note: SoFi does not endorse or take official positions on any candidates and the bills they may be sponsoring or proposing. We may occasionally support legislation that we believe would be beneficial to our members, and will make sure to call it out when we do. Our reporting otherwise is for informational purposes only, and shouldn’t be construed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Student Loan Refinance
Terms and conditions apply. SoFi Refinance Student Loans are private loans. When you refinance federal loans with a SoFi loan, YOU FOREFEIT YOUR EILIGIBILITY FOR ALL FEDERAL LOAN BENEFITS, including all flexible federal repayment and forgiveness options that are or may become available to federal student loan borrowers including, but not limited to: Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), Income-Based Repayment, Income-Contingent Repayment, extended repayment plans, PAYE or SAVE. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers.
Learn more at SoFi.com/eligibility. SoFi Refinance Student Loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891 (www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org).


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Yes! Current Students Can Apply for Biden's Loan Forgiveness

Yes! Current Students Can Apply for Biden’s Loan Forgiveness

Editor's Note: For the latest developments regarding federal student loan debt repayment, check out our student debt guide.

Students currently enrolled in college and graduate school are eligible to apply for forgiveness of up to $20,000 of the federal student loans they’ve received if they meet certain family income requirements, according to information posted by Federal Student Aid (FSA), an office of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE).

When President Joe Biden’s plan for one-time loan cancellation was announced in August, it was clear that college graduates with federal loans were eligible, as were those who had dropped out of college but still needed to pay back their federal loans.

Now it has become apparent that students enrolled in college before June 30, 2022, will also be able to apply for federal loan forgiveness.

“Borrowers are eligible for debt relief regardless of whether they’re in repayment, in school, or in grace, as long as they meet the income requirements and have eligible loans,” according to the FSA Fact Sheet “One Time Student Loan Debt Relief .”

Recommended: Student Loan Forgiveness: Programs for Relief and Mass Forgiveness

What Are the Requirements for Students to Apply for Forgiveness?

Current students can apply for forgiveness for federal loans if they received them before June 30, 2022. (Unfortunately, this means that freshmen who started this fall aren’t eligible.) If the students are dependents of their parents, FSA will be looking at the annual income of the parents to certify eligibility, not the student.

“If you were enrolled in school as a dependent student for financial aid purposes between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022, your eligibility is based on parent income. After you fill out your own application form, we’ll contact you so your parent can complete a Parent Income Form,” explains the FSA Fact Sheet.

Current undergraduates and graduate students can apply for forgiveness, as can those who did not complete their degree. “Current students and borrowers who have federally held undergraduate, graduate, and Parent PLUS loans that were distributed on or before June 30, 2022 are eligible for the relief, said Megan Walter, a policy analyst for the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators,” in U.S. News & World Report.

For dependent students, the important question is “What is the income of your parents?” The income cutoff for this one-time debt cancellation is $125,000 for a single parent or $250,000 for the household. If the student’s parents meet this eligibility requirement, then the student could receive up to $10,000 in debt relief.

As for the $20,000 in debt relief that has been announced, the only students eligible to apply for it are those who have already received a Pell Grant and whose parents’ household incomes do not exceed $250,000.

A Pell Grant is awarded to undergraduate students with low or moderate income. If you’re unsure, you can log in to StudentAid.gov to see if you received a Pell Grant.

Recommended: How to Apply for Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

When Will the Loan Forgiveness Application Be Available?

The application for one-time federal student loan forgiveness went live online on Oct. 17, 2022. After you apply, the DOE will determine your eligibility and will contact you if they need more information. Your loan servicer will notify you when your relief has been processed.

Nearly 8 million borrowers may be eligible to receive relief without applying for it because the DOE already has their income information. But if you are uncertain whether you fall into that group, it’s recommended that you fill out the application.

Qualified borrowers whose repayments are set to resume or start in 2023 are advised to apply without delay in order to receive relief before the pause on all federal loan payments expires after Dec. 31, 2022.

Which Federal Student Loans Are Eligible for Forgiveness?

Subsidized loans, unsubsidized loans, parent PLUS loans, and graduate PLUS loans held by the Department of Education (ED) are eligible for forgiveness programs. The following specific types of federal student loans with an outstanding balance as of June 30, 2022, also qualify for relief:

•   William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans

•   Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans held by ED or in default at a guaranty agency

•   Federal Perkins Loan Program loans held by ED

•   Defaulted loans (includes ED-held or commercially serviced Subsidized Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford, parent PLUS, and graduate PLUS; and Perkins loans held by ED)

Consolidation loans are also eligible for relief, as long as all of the underlying loans that were consolidated were ED-held loans and were disbursed on or before June 30, 2022.

Additionally, consolidation loans comprised of any FFEL or Perkins loans not held by ED are also eligible, as long as the borrower applied for consolidation before Sept. 29, 2022, says the FSA website.

What About Private Student Loans?

Private (non-federal) loans are not eligible for Biden’s debt relief. Also, if you consolidated federal loans into a private loan, the consolidated private loan is not eligible for debt relief. Once you refinance, you cannot apply for any of Biden’s forgiveness programs for that loan.

Will the Canceled Student Loan Debt be Taxable?

One-time student loan debt relief won’t be taxed at the federal level. Some states may be taxing this debt relief, however, so check with your state of residence for the latest information.

The FSA site said, “If you would like to opt out of debt relief for any reason — including because you are concerned about a state tax liability — contact your loan servicer by phone or email and tell them that you don’t want to receive one-time student loan debt relief.”

Recommended: What Biden’s Student Loan Debt Relief Means for Your Taxes

Is Federal Student Loan Relief a Certainty?

Biden’s debt relief plan may face obstacles. The burden placed on students by their large loans has been a burning controversy for years. Some 43 million Americans are paying down their student loans. The average student debt per person is over $37,000, with half of all student borrowers still owing $20,000 more than 20 years after they entered school.

When President Biden announced his student loan relief plan in August, he said, “In keeping with my campaign promise, my Administration is announcing a plan to give working and middle class families breathing room as they prepare to resume federal student loan payments in January 2023.”

Biden has emphasized that the debt relief targets low- and middle-income families.

Nonetheless, the relief plan has met with opposition. Some say it will worsen inflation, others believe that Biden does not have the authority for a debt cancellation. And there are those who say that debt relief is unfair to people who made personal sacrifices to pay off their loans without government forgiveness.

Several lawsuits have been filed to try to halt the one-time debt cancellation. As of October 12, none had succeeded in stopping Biden’s relief plan.

Recommended: What You Need to Know About the Challenges to Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

The Takeaway

Current students are eligible for President Biden’s one-time student loan debt forgiveness of up to $20,000 if their federal loans were disbursed before June 30, 2022, and if income criteria is met. If the student is a dependent, the annual income the FSA will be looking at is that of the parents, not the student. That income can’t exceed $125,000 for a single parent or $250,000 for the household.

3 Student Loan Tips

  1. Can’t cover your school bills? If you’ve exhausted all federal aid options, private student loans can fill gaps in need, up to the school’s cost of attendance, which includes tuition, books, housing, meals, transportation, and personal expenses.
  2. Parents and sponsors with strong credit and income may find much lower rates on no-fee private parent student loans than federal parent PLUS loans. Federal PLUS loans also come with an origination fee.
  3. Even if you don’t think you qualify for financial aid, you should fill out the FAFSA form. Many schools require it for merit-based scholarships, too. You can submit it as early as Oct. 1.

Recommended: FAFSA Guide

Cover up to 100% of school-certified costs including tuition, books, supplies, room and board, and transportation with a private student loan from SoFi.


How old do student loans have to be to qualify for Biden’s forgiveness plan?

Federal student loans received by a student before June 30, 2022 will be eligible for one-time relief as long as the income requirement for eligibility is met.

How long do I have to apply for debt relief?

Once the application is live, you’ll have until December 31, 2023, to submit your application for student loan debt relief.

Photo credit: iStock/Drazen Zigic

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

In our efforts to bring you the latest updates on things that might impact your financial life, we may occasionally enter the political fray, covering candidates, bills, laws and more. Please note: SoFi does not endorse or take official positions on any candidates and the bills they may be sponsoring or proposing. We may occasionally support legislation that we believe would be beneficial to our members, and will make sure to call it out when we do. Our reporting otherwise is for informational purposes only, and shouldn’t be construed as an endorsement.

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. We encourage you to evaluate all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs.

Terms and Conditions Apply. SOFI RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MODIFY OR DISCONTINUE PRODUCTS AND BENEFITS AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. SoFi Private Student loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, such as completion of a loan application and self-certification form, verification of application information, the student's at least half-time enrollment in a degree program at a SoFi-participating school, and, if applicable, a co-signer. In addition, borrowers must be U.S. citizens or other eligible status, be residing in the U.S., and must meet SoFi’s underwriting requirements, including verification of sufficient income to support your ability to repay. Minimum loan amount is $1,000. See SoFi.com/eligibility for more information. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change. This information is current as of 04/24/2024 and is subject to change. SoFi Private Student loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891. (www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org).

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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