How Much Will Auto Insurance Pay for a Totaled Car

How Much Will Auto Insurance Pay for a Totaled Car?

When an insurance company determines that a vehicle is totaled — that is, so badly damaged that repairing it will cost more than it’s worth — the owner may be reimbursed for its actual cash value (ACV) instead of repairs. How much insurance will pay for a totaled car varies. The exact amount depends on the insurance company, where the driver lives, how much coverage they have, and other factors.

Knowing how insurance decisions are made, and how to manage your claim, can help you prepare for this scenario after an accident.

What Makes a Car a Total Loss?

An insurance company may declare a car a “total loss” if the cost of fixing it is more than the market value, or if it wouldn’t be safe to drive the car even if the repairs were made. The insurer also may make its decision based on how your particular state defines a total loss. (You can learn more about the terms discussed here and others in our guide to car insurance terms.)

Some states use a total loss threshold (TLT) to determine if a car is totaled. In these states, the damage must exceed a certain percentage of the car’s value. Missouri, for example, has an 80% TLT — which means if you were in an accident and your car worth $10,000 required more than $8,000 in repairs, your car could be declared a total loss. The repairs wouldn’t exceed the actual cash value of the vehicle, but they would exceed the state’s TLT. (Iowa has the lowest TLT in the U.S. at 50%. Colorado and Texas have the highest, with a TLT of 100%.)

Many states use a total loss formula (TLF) to declare a vehicle totaled. With this method, if the cost of repairs plus the salvage value of the car exceeds its actual cash value, the car is totaled.

If the insurance company thinks the damage could end up being more extensive than the adjuster’s initial estimate, it may use a lower threshold for declaring a total loss than what the state requires.

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What Types of Insurance Coverage Pay for a Totaled Car?

Whether your insurance will pay for a total loss (and how much it will pay) depends on your policy. This is when smart personal insurance planning pays off. There are a few types of coverage that might kick in if your car is totaled.

Collision Coverage

This coverage pays for damage to your own vehicle or property. That can include damage caused by crashing into another vehicle or running off the road and into a tree or fence. Even if you’re responsible for the accident, collision coverage will pay for the repairs, minus the deductible amount you’ve chosen. (Learn more about the types of deductibles in insurance.)

If you are found to be at-fault, however, you can expect your car insurance premiums to go up after an accident.

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Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive insurance covers losses caused by something other than a collision, such as a weather event, hitting an animal, theft, or vandalism.

Property Damage Liability Coverage

This coverage pays for damage to your vehicle (or other property) if you’re in an accident and the other driver is found to be at fault.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

If you’re in an accident and the other driver is at fault but isn’t insured or doesn’t have sufficient insurance, this coverage can cover your repairs.

New Car Replacement Coverage

With new car replacement coverage, if your car is totaled, your insurer will pay to replace your damaged car with a brand-new car of the same make and model (minus your deductible). Drivers looking for lower car insurance premiums tend to go with this extra, but it can save you big money in the event of an accident.

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GAP Coverage

If you owe more on your car loan or lease than what your insurance says your totaled car is worth, you could end up having to pay the difference. GAP coverage, short for Guaranteed Auto Protection, can help “bridge the gap” between your insurance settlement and what you still owe.

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How Does an Insurance Company Decide How Much to Pay Out?

After an accident, you can expect your insurance company to assign an adjuster to handle your case. The adjuster will check out your damaged car and, as part of the assessment, determine the cost of repairs and if the car is worth repairing.

If it’s totaled, the adjuster will assign the car a value based on its pre-crash condition and what similar models are selling for. The “actual cash value” you receive will factor in the car’s age, wear and tear (inside and out), the car’s mileage, equipment you may have added, etc.

The payment you receive will help you buy a new car, but it probably won’t be enough for a new model of the same car (unless you have new car replacement coverage). And it may not be enough to pay off your loan or lease (unless you have GAP coverage).

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What Steps Should a Car Owner Take If a Car Is Totaled?

There are a few things that need to happen to get you back on the road ASAP after a serious accident:

Contact Your Insurance Company

No matter who’s at fault for your car’s damage, you should notify your insurance company immediately. Most insurance companies are available 24/7 to take your claim by phone, online, or app.

Assess the Damage

The insurance company will send an adjuster to inspect your car and estimate the cost of repairs.

Calculate Your Car’s Fair Market Value

The insurance adjuster will do some research to determine your car’s fair market value — and you can do some homework, too. You can use the Kelley Blue Book to get an idea of what your car was worth before the accident (using the make, model, mileage, and when you bought your car). Or you can check online to see what similar cars in your area are selling for.

Contact Your Lender

If you’re still paying off your car loan, or you’re in a lease, you should inform the financing company that the car was damaged. It’s also important to keep making payments until you settle your insurance claim, so you don’t hurt your credit.

Negotiate Your Insurance Company’s Payout

If you can convince the insurance company that your car was more valuable than the amount they’re offering, they may adjust the payment you receive. The insurer may ask you to provide paperwork that shows the car was worth more, so it’s a good idea to keep your receipts and maintenance documentation. Or you may decide to hire a private appraiser to see if you can get a higher estimate. (You’ll have to pay for this service yourself.)

Get Your Payment — And a New Car

If you own the car outright, the insurance company will send you the money — often within a few days. You can use it to shop for a replacement.

When you have a car loan, your insurer will send the appropriate payoff amount to your lender and the rest (if applicable) to you. If you have a lease, the insurer will send the payment to the leasing company.

What Happens to a Totaled Vehicle After Filing a Claim?

Generally, after an insurance company decides a car is a total loss, it will take possession of the vehicle and, when the claim is settled, sell it as salvage. But the car’s final destination may depend on state regulations and whether the owner wants the car back.

Can You Keep a Totaled Vehicle?

You can talk to your insurer about the possibility of buying back the totaled vehicle if you want to keep it for sentimental reasons, or because you think you can fix it or use it for parts. This is allowed in some states, but you may have to work with the local DMV to complete the purchase.

If you hope to get the car back on the road, you can expect to go through several more steps. It will have to be fixed and pass an inspection, and you’ll have to get a new title. You’ll also have to register the car and insure it.

If that turns out to be a few too many hoops to jump through, you may end up selling it to a junkyard yourself. Or you can sell the parts to interested individuals. You also may be able to donate the car to a local charity.

Before you negotiate with your insurer to get your car back, you might want to check on whether it’s legal in your state and — if you plan to drive it again — what kind of insurance you can get on a car that’s been declared a total loss.

Can I Decide If My Car Is Totaled?

No. The insurance company must decide if the damaged vehicle is a total loss based on its value and the cost of repairs.

Understanding Your Coverage

Being in a serious collision can be stressful, whether you’re responsible or someone else is determined to be at fault. You may be hurt or hospitalized. Understanding how car insurance works, and what it will and won’t cover, can help you prepare. And it might take your stress down a notch in the aftermath of an accident.

An accident may prompt you to reassess how much auto insurance you really need. After all, more coverage means higher premiums, and vice versa.

An online insurance marketplace can help you decide what types of coverage you want, and whether getting GAP coverage or a policy with rental car reimbursement coverage is a good strategy. Your lender or leasing company, as well as your state, also may have specific requirements for how much insurance you must carry.

Recommended: How Much Does Insurance Go Up After an Accident?

The Takeaway

If your car is so badly damaged in an accident that the cost to repair it will be more than it’s worth, your insurer may decide to declare the vehicle a total loss. This means the insurer will give you the car’s actual cash value (based on its condition just before the accident) instead of paying to have it fixed.

Of course, you’ll only receive payment if you have the right kind of insurance coverage. Even then, the settlement likely won’t be enough for you to replace your wrecked car with a new car of the same make and model. Also, if you owe more on your car loan or lease than your insurance says your totaled vehicle is worth, you can end up having to pay the difference.

If you want to be proactive about your insurance coverage, SoFi can help you compare your current auto insurance policy to what other top insurers are offering. SoFi will walk you through the process of getting the right coverage for your needs.

Check out SoFi Protect today to get real rates in real time for coverage you really need.


How do insurance adjusters determine the value of a car?

An insurance adjuster will assign the car a value based on its pre-crash condition and what similar models are selling for. The “actual cash value” will factor in the car’s age, wear and tear, mileage, and other equipment you may have added, including the condition of the tires.

What happens if insurance doesn’t pay enough?

You can try to negotiate with the insurer to get a higher payout, but you should expect to back up your request with documentation. Or you may decide to hire a private appraiser to give you a second opinion of the car’s value.

What happens when your car is totaled and you still owe money?

If you’re still making payments on your car when it’s totaled, the insurance company will send the appropriate payoff amount to your lender and the rest of your settlement to you. If the insurance payment isn’t enough to cover what you owe, you may have to pay the difference.

Photo credit: iStock/Jorge Villalba

Insurance not available in all states.
Gabi is a registered service mark of Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.
SoFi is compensated by Gabi for each customer who completes an application through the SoFi-Gabi partnership.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Guide to Short Put Spreads

Guide to Short Put Spreads

A short put spread, sometimes called a bull put spread or short put vertical spread, is an options trading strategy that investors may use when they expect a slight rise in an underlying asset. This strategy allows an investor to potentially profit from an increase in the underlying asset’s price while also limiting losses. An investor may utilize this strategy to protect against any downside risk; the investor will know their total potential loss before making the trade.

When trading options, you have various strategies, like short put spreads, from which you can choose. The short put spread strategy can be a valuable trade for investors with a neutral-to-bullish outlook on an asset. Which options trading strategy is right for you will depend on several factors, like your risk tolerance, cash reserves, and perspective on the underlying asset.

What Is a Short Put Spread?

A short put spread is an options trading strategy that involves buying one put option contract and selling another put option on the same underlying asset with the same expiration date but at different strike prices. This strategy is a neutral-to-bullish trading play, meaning that the investor believes the underlying asset’s price will stay flat or increase during the life of the trade.

A short put spread is a credit spread in which the investor receives a credit when they open a position. The trader buys a put option with a lower strike price and sells a put option with a higher strike price. The difference between the price of the two put options is the net credit the trader receives, which is the maximum potential profit in the trade.

The maximum loss in a short put spread is the difference between the strike prices of the two puts minus the net credit received. This gives the trading strategy a defined downside risk. A short put spread does not have upside risk, meaning the trade won’t lose money if the price of the underlying asset increases.

A short put spread is also known as a short put vertical spread because of how the strike prices are positioned — one lower and the other higher — even though they have the same expiration date.

How Short Put Spreads Work

With a short put spread, the investor uses put options, which give the investor the right — but not always the obligation — to sell a security at a given price during a set period of time.

An investor using a short put spread strategy will first sell a put option at a given strike price and expiration date, receiving a premium for the sale. This option is known as the short leg of the trade.

Simultaneously, the trader buys a put option at a lower strike price, paying a premium. This option is called the long leg. The premium for the long leg put option will always be less than the short leg since the lower strike put is further out of the money. Because of the difference in premiums, the trader receives a net credit for setting up the trade.

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Short Put Spread Example

Say stock ABC is trading around $72. You feel neutral to bullish toward the stock, so you open a short put spread by selling a put option with a $72 strike price and buying a put with a $70 strike. Both put options have the same expiration date. You sell the put with a $72 strike price for a $1.75 premium and buy the put with a $70 strike for a $0.86 premium.

You collect the difference between the two premiums, which is $0.89 ($1.75 – $0.86). Since each option contract is usually for 100 shares of stock, you’d collect an $89 credit when opening the trade.

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Maximum Profit

The credit you collect up front is the maximum profit in a short put spread. In a short put spread, you achieve your maximum profit at any price above the strike price of the option you sold. Both put options expire worthless in this scenario.

In our example, as long as stock ABC closes at or above $72 at expiration, both puts will expire worthless and you will keep the $89 credit you received when you opened the position.

Maximum Loss

The maximum loss in a short put spread is the difference between the strike prices of the two put options minus the credit you receive initially and any commissions and fees incurred. You will realize the maximum loss in a short put spread if the underlying asset’s price expires below the strike price of the put option you bought.

In our example, you will experience the maximum loss if stock ABC trades below $70, the strike price of the put option you bought, at expiration. The maximum loss will be $111 in this scenario, not including commissions and fees.

$72 – $70 – ($1.75 – $0.86) = $1.11 x 100 shares = $111


The breakeven on a short put spread trade is the price the underlying asset must close at for the investor to come away even; they neither make nor lose money on the trade, not including commissions and investment fees.

To calculate the breakeven on a short put spread trade, you subtract the net credit you receive upfront from the strike price of the short put contract you sold, which is the option with the higher strike price.

In our example, you subtract the $0.89 credit from $72 to get a breakeven of $71.11. If stock ABC closes at $71.11 at expiration, you will lose $89 from the short leg of the trade with a $72 strike price, which will be balanced out by the $89 cash credit you received when you opened the position.


To set up a short put spread, you first need to find a security that you are neutral to bullish on. Once you have found a reasonable candidate, you’ll want to set it up by entering your put transactions.

You first sell to open a put option contract with a strike price near where the asset is currently trading. You then buy to open a put option with a strike price that’s out-of-the-money; the strike price of this contract will be below the strike price of the put you are selling. Both of these contracts will have the same expiration date.


The short put spread does not require much ongoing maintenance since your risk is defined to both upside and downside.

However, you may want to pay attention to the possibility of early assignment, especially with the short leg position of your trade — the put with the higher strike price. You might want to close your position before expiration so you don’t have to pay any potential assignment fees or trigger a margin call.

Exit Strategy

If the stock’s price is above the higher strike price at expiration, there is nothing you have to do; the puts will expire worthless, and you will walk away with the maximum profit of the credit you received.

If the stock’s price is below the lower strike price of the long leg of the trade at expiration, the two contracts will cancel each other, and you will walk away with a maximum loss.

Before expiration, however, you can exit the trade to avoid having to buy shares that you may be obligated to purchase because you sold a put option. To exit the trade, you can buy the short put contract to close and sell the long put contract to close.

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Impacts of Time, Volatility, and Price Change

Changes in the price and volatility of the underlying stock and the passage of time can affect a short put spread strategy in various ways.


Time decay will generally work in favor of the short put spread. As both of the legs of the short put spread get closer to the expiration, any time value that the option contracts have will erode.


The short put spread is more or less volatility neutral. Because you are both long and short one put option contract each, volatility in the underlying stock similarly affects each leg of the contract.


A short put spread is a bullish option strategy. You have no risk to the upside and will achieve your maximum profit if the underlying stock closes above the strike price of the higher put option. You are sensitive to price decreases of the underlying stock and will suffer the maximum loss if the stock closes below the strike price of the lower put option.

Pros and Cons of Short Put Spreads

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using short put spreads:

Short Put Spread Pros

Short Put Spread Cons

No risk to the upside Lower profit potential compared to buying the underlying security outright
Limited risk to the downside; maximum loss is known upfront Maximum loss is generally larger than the maximum potential profit
Can earn a positive return even if the underlying does not move significantly Difficult trading strategy for beginning investors

Short Put Calendar Spreads

A short put calendar spread is another type of spread that uses two different put options. With a short put calendar spread, the two options have the same strike price but different expiration dates. You sell a put with a further out expiration and buy a put with a closer expiration date.

Alternatives to Short Put Spreads

Short put vertical spreads are just one of the several options spread strategies investors can use to bolster a portfolio.

Bull Put Spreads

A bull put spread is another name for the short put spread. The short put spread is considered a bullish investment since you’ll get your maximum profit if the stock’s price increases.

Bear Put Spread

As the name suggests, a bear put spread is the opposite of a bull put spread; investors will implement the trade when they have a bearish outlook on a particular underlying asset. With a bear put spread, you buy a put option near the money and then sell a put option on the same underlying asset at a lower strike price.

Call Spreads

Investors can also use call spreads to achieve the same profit profile as either a bull put spread or a bear put spread. With a bull call spread, you buy a call at one strike price (usually near or at the money) and simultaneously sell a call option on the same underlying with the same expiration date further out of the money.

The Takeaway

A short put spread is an options strategy that allows you to collect a credit by selling an at-the-money put option and buying an out-of-the-money put with the same expiration on the same underlying security. A short put spread is a bullish strategy where you achieve your maximum profit if the stock closes at or above the strike price of the put option you sold. While this trading strategy has a limited downside risk, it provides a lower profit potential than buying the underlying security outright.

Short put spreads and other options trading strategies can be complicated for many investors. An options trading platform like SoFi’s can make it easier, thanks to its user-friendly design and offering of educational resources about options. Investors have the ability to trade options from the mobile app or web platform.

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Is a short put spread bullish or bearish?

A short put spread is a neutral to bullish options strategy, meaning you believe the price of an underlying asset will increase during the life of the trade. You will make your maximum profit if the stock closes at or above the strike price of the higher-priced option at expiration.

How would you close a short put spread?

To close a short put spread, you enter a trade order opposite to the one you entered to open your position. This would mean buying to close the put you initially sold and selling to close the put you bought to open.

What does shorting a put mean?

Shorting a put means selling a put contract. When you sell a put option contract, you collect a premium from the put option buyer. You’ll get your maximum profit if the underlying stock closes at or above the put’s strike price, meaning it will expire worthless, allowing you to keep the initial premium you received when you opened the position.

Photo credit: iStock/akinbostanci

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Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.

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Can I Increase My Personal Loan Amount?

A personal loan can be a lifesaver. But what if you realize you should have taken out more than you did? In most cases, you can’t increase your loan after the fact. However, you may be able to take out a second personal loan.

If you want or need to borrow more, we’ll review your options, their pros and cons, and some alternatives to borrowing.

What if You Want to Borrow More in Personal Loans

If you’ve already taken out a loan but need additional funds, you might be wondering if you can add to your existing personal loan. In most cases, the answer is no. You can’t increase your loan amount, but you may be able to apply for a second loan. Technically, there’s no limit to how many personal loans you can have.

Lenders may approve a second or third loan if the borrower has paid off part of the first loan and has a history of on-time repayment. In some cases, you need to have made at least three consecutive scheduled payments on your existing loan.

To help your chances of getting approved for a new loan, it helps to understand the general process.

Considerations Before Applying for a New Personal Loan

If you’re looking into adding to an existing personal loan, you’re probably already familiar with the basics. While there are different types of personal loans, they all typically have lower interest rates than credit cards. According to the Federal Reserve, the average APR for personal loans was 8.73% as of September 2022, compared to the typical credit card interest rate of 16.65%.

Common uses for personal loans include covering medical bills, paying for home repairs, and consolidating debt. Plus, personal loans are widely available from a variety of sources, from banks and online lenders to credit unions and nonprofits.

But debt is still debt. Increasing debt can have negative consequences: lowering your credit score, raising your risk of defaulting, and adding to general financial stress. Plus, loans come with interest that accrues over time, so you are paying more for the borrowed money over the life of your loan. The last thing you want to do is dig yourself into a deeper financial hole.

Before you take out another loan, take a step back and consider whether you truly need to borrow the money. Ask yourself:

•   Can you save for your goal by trimming expenses or taking on a side hustle?

•   Can you work on paying off your existing debt first?

Applying for a New Personal Loan

Of course, we’d all like to have enough savings in the bank to cover a major expense. But reality is complicated and emergencies are, by definition, hard to plan for. (Hello, surprise medical bills!)

If you’ve decided that borrowing makes sense for you, it’s possible to apply for an additional personal loan. A personal loan calculator can help you find out what interest rate and term options you may qualify for. Generally, shopping around for a loan requires only a soft credit inquiry, which doesn’t affect your credit score.

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Applying with a Co-Applicant

In some cases, you may realize that your existing debt is making it hard to qualify for a new loan. But you still have another option: You may be able to re-apply with a co-applicant. If the co-applicant has a strong credit history and income, you may be able to obtain a loan or qualify for a lower interest rate together.

Once you receive the loan, both you and the co-applicant (who typically becomes the co-borrower) will be responsible for paying it off. That means if you fail to live up to your agreement in making payments, the other can be held responsible for the full amount of the loan. A co-borrower typically can’t be removed from the loan unless they die or you pay the loan off entirely.

If you still don’t qualify, the biggest help for qualifying in the future might be time. Building up a history of making debt payments on schedule, paying down other debt, and increasing your income via a new job or side gig can all turn things around.

Recommended: Getting a Personal Loan with a Co-Applicant

The Takeaway

In most cases, borrowers can’t add to an existing personal loan. However, you may be able to apply for a second loan. Eligibility requirements vary by lender, but in some cases you need to have made several consecutive on-time payments before applying for a new loan. Whenever possible, borrowers should look into cutting back on expenses or trying to increase income before taking on more debt.

SoFi Relay can help you keep track of your budget while you’re paying off debt. If you’re looking to apply for a personal loan, consider checking out the options available at SoFi. SoFi Personal Loans have absolutely no fees — no origination fees required, no prepayment fees, and no late fees.

Whether it’s your first time or you’ve borrowed before, it’s easy to apply for a personal loan with SoFi.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.


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8 Tips for Millennial Homebuyers

Millennials continue to make up the biggest share of homebuyers, at 43%, according to a 2022 National Association of Realtors® report.

And Gen Y is the most educated group of buyers, so if you’re a millennial, you’re smart; you already know a few things about home buying.

But if you’re part of the generation of people born between 1981 and 1996, you may still have questions. Here are eight tips to buy a house.

Smart Homebuying Tips for Millennials

1. Pay Down Debt First

The average millennial had about $28,300 in nonmortgage debt in 2021, according to Experian’s latest State of Credit Report. The average balance on retail credit cards was over $1,800.

Gen Y’s credit utilization rate — the percentage of available credit you’re using on your revolving credit accounts — was 30.2% on average. That’s the top end that’s generally advised, but lower is considered better.

As many millennials know, savvy credit card users maximize the rewards they earn or take advantage of interest-free offers. But carrying a revolving credit card balance can add up.

Clearing out at least some debts may be a great place to start on a millennial homeownership journey. You’ll likely need to take out a mortgage to purchase a new house, which will account for an even larger portion of personal debt.

There are several strategies to pay off debt, including the snowball and avalanche methods.

Those methods are part of six ways to become debt free.

Recommended: How Many Credit Cards Should I Have?

2. Start Saving for a Down Payment

After whittling down at least some debt, it’s time to think about how to afford a down payment.

Though a 20% down payment may allow you to avoid paying private mortgage insurance on a conventional (nongovernment) loan and get a better rate, borrowers often are able to put down as little as 3%.

The down payment on a house can be as low as 3.5% for an FHA loan if you have a FICO® score of at least 580 (but mortgage insurance always comes along for the ride with an FHA loan and will not drop off unless you’re putting at least 10% down).

USDA and VA loans usually do not require any down payment, but the eligibility for those loans is pretty narrow.

Many lenders give first-time homebuyers a break, and income-qualifying first-time buyers may be able to get down payment assistance from state or city programs.

Younger millennials use a gift or loan from friends and family to help fund the purchase more than any other generation, the National Association of Realtors has found. A gift will need to be documented in a gift letter for the mortgage.

Recommended: 31 Ways to Save for a House

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3. Determine Your Must-Haves

Here’s one of the most fun parts about purchasing a home: plotting a dream space.

Before starting your home search, it’s helpful to take some time and think about what you really want. Do you want an open-concept home, or need a minimum number of bedrooms and bathrooms?

Are you considering a condo or townhouse? The maintenance will be minimized, but regular fees are usually part of the deal.

Or is your heart set on buying a single-family home? You’ll usually be responsible for maintaining everything from the roof to the yard (hope you don’t mind mowing, blowing, and edging or paying to have that done).

Maybe you’re open to a frumpy house because you know you can easily upgrade your home with a smart front door, outdoor lighting, paint, and more.

Or maybe new construction — everything shiny and new — is calling your name.

To narrow the search, think about everything on your must-have vs. like-to-have list.

Recommended: How Do Home Improvement Loans Work?

4. Find a Real Estate Agent

Though you don’t have to use a real estate agent to purchase a home, a buyer’s agent can be your guide from the first viewing to the closing.

Real estate agents have access to a multiple listing service (MLS), which allows them to sift through every home in your area at once. They may also have pocket listings, or whisper listings, few others know about.

A real estate agent is also well versed in what needs to take place before a buyer can take ownership of a home, including making an offer, scheduling a home inspection, and obtaining homeowners insurance.

They know how to handle counteroffers, contingencies, and putting an offer on a house that’s contingent.

They may also have a list of trusted inspectors, lawyers, contractors, and insurance agents a buyer may need along the way.

Recommended: Guide to Buying, Selling, and Updating Your Home

5. Set Up Real Estate Alerts

Millennials are digital natives, so this part is cake.

Once your list of must-haves is complete and you’ve picked a real estate agent to assist you, it could be a good idea to set up alerts across listing sites such as the MLS, Zillow, and Redfin. You’ll be notified whenever a home in your chosen area, price range, and desires comes onto the market.

These websites also typically allow users to save favorites and gather intel on a specific home, such as its tax and sales history. They also allow users to book viewing appointments.

6. Think About Long-Term Value

While viewing homes, it may be easy to fall in love with fresh subway tiles, staged furniture, and the simple shine of a brand-new spot. However, it helps to take a beat and a breath and think about the long-term value of the home.

Are you buying this home as a spot to raise a family? Then make sure the schools are a good fit and it’s a walkable neighborhood. Looking at purchasing a home to rent out short term? Check local laws to ensure you’re zoned properly.

Are you buying a house from a family member? A gift of equity is a lovely thing for a buyer indeed.

Recommended: Local Housing Market Trends by City

7. Consider a ‘Love Letter’ and Incentives

Once you’ve found a home in your price range that comes with all your must-haves, it’s time to put in an offer. There is something you can add to your offer to stand out from the crowd: a personal real estate offer letter, or so-called love letter.

If you choose this route, write a letter to the current homeowner expressing how much you love the space and why you feel you’d make the next great owner. You may also want to point out all the things you love about the home design.

To make your offer stand out, you could also provide a quick closing date, suggest paying for things like a termite inspection, and offer a leaseback to the owners until they are ready to move out.

8. Shop for a Mortgage

With any luck, you’ve gotten prequalified or preapproved and know how much of a mortgage you can afford.
Now it’s time to look for a home loan.

When shopping for a mortgage, realize that advertised rates may differ from what you’re offered. Multiple factors determine your rate.

You can apply for a mortgage online with any number of direct lenders and mortgage brokers. Just try to do so within 14 days to protect your credit score.

Then you can compare all the details of the mortgage offers in the loan estimates you’ll receive after applying with each.

The Takeaway

As multitudes of millennials suit up to take the homebuying plunge, they will benefit by getting their finances in order, hiring an agent, setting up real estate alerts, and shopping for a mortgage.

SoFi is there for Gen Y with competitive rates, a variety of terms, and low down payments.

Look into the advantages of SoFi mortgage loans and get a quick rate quote.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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All You Need to Know About Student Loans for International Students

Pursuing a degree in another country can be an incredible learning opportunity — you can explore another culture and maybe even learn another language. International students may have to navigate different requirements when it comes to funding their education.

International students studying in the U.S. may not be eligible for federal student loans or other forms of federal aid. However, there are private loans for international students available.

American students pursuing a degree at an international university may be able to apply federal financial aid to their school costs. Keep reading for important details about student loans for international students.

What Are International Student Loans?

International student loans are available to students who are studying in a foreign country. For international students in the U.S., This generally means borrowing private student loans because for the most part, federal student loans are not an option for international students.

American students interested in studying abroad may be able to use federal student loans to pay for college costs. The Department of Education maintains a list of international colleges that participate in the Direct Loan Program. If you are interested in pursuing a degree abroad, consider confirming with the school as this list is updated quarterly.

To apply for federal student loans, interested students must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) annually.

How International Student Loans Work

Student loans for international students in the U.S. are generally private student loans. These function similarly to other types of loans. After evaluating loan terms and interest rates at a few lenders, a student can apply for a loan with the lender of their choosing.

Each lender will likely have their own student loan application requirements. As a part of their decision making process, lenders will review factors including the applicant’s credit score and financial history.

Are Cosigners Required for International Student Loans?

Student loans for international students often require a cosigner. A cosigner is someone who legally agrees to repay the loan if the primary borrower fails to do so. Because college students may have little or no credit history, adding a cosigner who has a strong credit history can potentially help improve their chances of being approved. Additionally, lenders may require the borrower’s cosigner to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident who has resided in the U.S. for at least two years.

International Student Loan Terms

When evaluating international student loans, borrowers will want to look at factors including interest rate, APR, and the repayment plans available. It’s also important to think critically about how much you plan to borrow in student loans.

Interest and APR

It’s important to understand the difference between interest rate vs. APR. Briefly, interest rate is just the cost charged for borrowing money. It’s generally charged as a percentage of the loan amount.

APR is a reflection of the interest rate and any other fees associated with the loan. When comparing loan quotes from different lenders, it’s more effective to compare the APR because it provides a more comprehensive picture of the total cost of borrowing.

Recommended: The Ultimate Student Loan Terminology Cheat Sheet

Student loans for international students may have fixed or variable interest rates. A variable interest rate may fluctuate over the life of the loan. Generally, a variable interest rate is tied to a prevailing interest rate. Starting in June 2023, the benchmark rate for student loans in the U.S. will be the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR).

Repayment Plans

The repayment plan will also vary based on the lender. The repayment period on student loans for international students may vary from 10-25 years. Generally speaking, there are a few types of repayment plans available, though it’s important to emphasize that each lender will set its own terms and conditions.

Some student lenders allow student borrowers to defer payments while they are in school on a full-time basis. This can be helpful for students who don’t have much room to make payments, but for the most part, interest will continue to accrue while the loan is deferred.

Other repayment plans may require just interest only payments while the student is enrolled in school. Other loans may require immediate repayment of both interest and principal, or initial loan amount.

Be sure to understand the loan’s repayment plan before borrowing.

How Much to Borrow

While borrowing student loans could help make international study a reality — it’s important to think critically about how much to borrow. Overborrowing can be a costly mistake. To determine how much you need, evaluate costs associated with the education including tuition, fees, room and board. Don’t forget to factor in additional costs that may occur as a result of living and studying in a foreign country.

Counting All Your Costs

You may need to apply for a student visa, as well as transportation costs. Round-trip tickets to a foreign country can also be very expensive, so if you go to school there, you’ll need to consider that you may miss out on family events like holidays or birthdays.

Regular Student Loans vs International Student Loans

Student loans for international students and traditional student loans function similarly. In both situations, an individual borrows a sum of money to pay for their education and then repays that money at a set interest rate.

Student loans for international students in the U.S., as mentioned, are generally private student loans. Most international students aren’t eligible for federal student loans or other types of financial aid.

Student Loans From SoFi

International students paying for college have a few options available to them. While they most likely won’t qualify for federal student loans, they can use a combination of savings, scholarships, and private student loans to pay for their education.

With SoFi, there are zero fees for private student loans. And flexible repayment options can help find a loan that works for your budget.

Looking for a private student loan? Find your rate in just a few clicks.


Can foreign nationals get US student loans?

Yes, it’s possible for international students to get student loans in the U.S. If the student is a qualifying non-citizen they may qualify for federal student loans. Otherwise, private lenders offer student loans to international students.

How can international students get access to student loans?

International students can apply for student loans with a private lender. They may be required to have a cosigner on their application. Some lenders may require the cosigner be someone who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

How do most international students pay for university?

International students may pay for their education with a combination of funding. Savings, independent or school-specific scholarships, or private student loans.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

SoFi Private Student Loans
Please borrow responsibly. SoFi Private Student loans are not a substitute for federal loans, grants, and work-study programs. We encourage you to evaluate all your federal student aid options before you consider any private loans, including ours. Read our FAQs.

Terms and Conditions Apply. SOFI RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MODIFY OR DISCONTINUE PRODUCTS AND BENEFITS AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. SoFi Private Student loans are subject to program terms and restrictions, such as completion of a loan application and self-certification form, verification of application information, the student's at least half-time enrollment in a degree program at a SoFi-participating school, and, if applicable, a co-signer. In addition, borrowers must be U.S. citizens or other eligible status, be residing in the U.S., and must meet SoFi’s underwriting requirements, including verification of sufficient income to support your ability to repay. Minimum loan amount is $1,000. See for more information. Lowest rates reserved for the most creditworthy borrowers. SoFi reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at any time. This information is subject to change. This information is current as of 04/24/2024 and is subject to change. SoFi Private Student loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #696891. (

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External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Mortgages
Terms, conditions, and state restrictions apply. Not all products are available in all states. See for more information.


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