Mompreneurs: Generational Wealth and Real-Time Struggles

Two-thirds of business owners who are mothers say creating generational wealth for their children is a major reason they launched their business, according to a survey of 1,000 mothers and business owners conducted for SoFi in March 2024. Nearly half (48%) also expect their kids to take over some day, intending to pass the business onto the next generation.

Even so, nearly half (42%) of entrepreneurs who are mothers feel they are treated differently by society than entrepreneurs who are fathers.

According to the latest Census data, women own 13.8 million businesses across the U.S., employing 10 million workers and generating $3.9 trillion in revenue. Those businesses make up 39.1% of all U.S. businesses, a 13.6% increase from 2019 to 2023, according to the Small Business Administration.

Many entrepreneurs who are mothers – or mompreneurs, a term that was coined in the 1990s – have a long-term plan to grow their business, with 86% of those who have another job saying they want to devote themselves full-time to their own company eventually. More than half are actively working to educate their children on being entrepreneurs themselves.

The challenges in finding a balance between work and home are genuine, however, with mompreneurs feeling shortchanged on both sleep and time to spend with family and friends. And two-thirds feel judged by others for pursuing their entrepreneurial goals while being a parent to begin with.

Source: Based on a survey conducted between March 18-24 2024, of 1,000 female business owners aged 18 and over who have at least one child and live in the U.S.

Young Children and Businesses?

Our survey showed 29% of the respondents said their oldest child was 6 to 10 years old when they started their business, followed by 15% saying their oldest child was a teenager between 13 and 18. Another 14% started their business when their oldest child was just 3 to 5 years old.

A majority (74%) of our respondents were married or living with a partner, and most of the respondents had one child or two. As for the children’s ages, 51% had kids between 5 and 13, and 34% had teenagers between 13 and 18.

Among our survey respondents, the largest age group (37%) was 35 to 44 and the second largest (27%) was 25 to 34. As for education, the largest group (33%) had a university degree, but those who had a high school degree (28%) came in a close second.

Living in the Present, Envisioning a Better Future

A majority of the mompreneurs in this survey said desires for financial independence and personal growth motivated them to launch their own business.

So has being a mother made it harder or easier to run a business? Survey respondents said being a parent enhanced their entrepreneurial skills in a myriad ways:

•   Improved problem-solving skills: 60%

•   Enhanced multitasking abilities: 51%

•   Increased empathy and understanding: 46%

•   Greater resilience in the face of challenges: 46%

Two-thirds of respondents (66%) said creating generational wealth for their children was a big reason for launching their business.

And nearly half (48%) said they are confident their children will take over their business eventually. Many mompreneurs are already phasing in their kids when it comes to learning about business.

When asked how they involve their children in entrepreneurial activities, the respondents answered this way (multiple selections were possible):

•   Educating them about entrepreneurship: 55%

•   Introducing them to the business environment: 43%

•   Assigning age-appropriate tasks related to the business: 41%

•   Including them in decision-making processes: 31%

Work-Life Balance: Can It Be Found?

Running a business and raising children are tasks that are hard enough, but nearly two-thirds (62%) of survey respondents said they have another job in addition to the business they own. Interestingly, 50% of those with household incomes under $100K don’t have a different job aside from their business, compared to 17% of those with household incomes of over $100K.

Incredibly, for those who had a full-time or part-time job apart from their own small business, 26% still spent between 20 and 30 hours per week on their own company.

Something has to give, timewise, and our survey broke it down. When asked what they have to sacrifice to balance entrepreneurship and parenthood, this is what our respondents said (multiple selections were possible):

•   Sleep: 48%

•   Spending time with friends and family: 48%

•   Hobbies: 38%

•   Exercise: 28%

•   Diet: 21%

•   None of the above – I don’t have to make any sacrifices: 16%

Asked what challenges female entrepreneurs who have children face, they answered as follows (multiple selection were possible):

•   Balancing work and family time: 58%

•   Balancing multiple roles: 42%

•   Managing stress and burnout: 40%

•   Access to funding or financial resources: 38%

•   Overcoming societal expectations about mothers who start their own businesses: 26%

•   Navigating discrimination or bias: 18%

Having help at home in the form of a partner or other adults can go a long way, but 37% of respondents, the largest group, said it was mostly them alone left with the mental load of home responsibilities. However, an even split between the respondent and their partner came in a close second at 35%.

When the mompreneurs did get help, the percentages broke down in interesting ways.

Here’s how partners and extended family members offered support (multiple selections were possible):

•   Assisting with childcare during work hours: 30%

•   Providing emotional support: 20%

•   Collaborating on business-related tasks: 16%

•   Helping with housework: 14%

•   Offering financial assistance: 11%

In terms of stress relief, respondents said they balanced self-care with roles as parent and entrepreneur:

•   Participating in hobbies or leisure activities: 51%

•   Scheduled breaks and downtime: 47%

•   Regular exercise or physical activity: 45%

•   Seeking professional help or counseling: 40%

Gender Disparities Revealed

While women-owned businesses are more prevalent in America than ever before, our respondents said that they experience inequity.

More than two in five respondents (42%) said they felt that entrepreneurs who are mothers are treated differently than entrepreneurs who are fathers. Only one in five (21%) said they thought mothers and fathers who owned business were treated equally.

More than 60% of mompreneurs said they felt “judged by others for pursuing entrepreneurial goals while being a parent.”

Making matters worse, the respondents said that this disapproval came into play if they sought financial support to grow their business.

When asked if they felt that being an entrepreneur and parent has affected their access to venture capital or other forms of financial support for their business, they answered:

•   Yes: 43%

•   No: 34%

•   I haven’t tried to secure additional funding for my business: 21%

The Takeaway

Women own 13.8 million businesses in the United States, making up 39.1% of all businesses. Their numbers keep growing, yet nearly half of these mompreneurs feel society treats them differently than owners who are fathers, and balancing work and home is a challenge.

If you’re seeking financing for your business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

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Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Business Cash Management Explained

Business Cash Management: Tips for Managing Cash

If you’re running a business, you probably know that managing cash is critical to your success — so let’s share some tips on doing that even better. Solid cash flow is vital to keep a business thriving, whether you’re a sole proprietor or the head of a larger enterprise. Even businesses with strong earnings can struggle with cash flow. That’s why cash flow can be a sure sign of how healthy a business is — or is not.

So let us help you optimize that cash flow. We’ll share some smart insights and helpful tips on:

•  What cash management for business is

•  Why it’s so important

•  Ways you can improve your business cash management

Let’s get started.

What Is Business Cash Management?

Simply put, business cash management is basically the way you track and manage the money coming into and going out of your business – usually on a cash flow statement. Positive cash flow means more money is coming in through revenues or borrowing than is being used to pay expenses, such as payroll and rent.

That said, good cash management also means not having too much cash on hand. In that scenario, business owners, while cautious, may be missing out on future earnings growth when they neglect to invest cash back into the business.

Here’s another way to frame this principle: Take a look at your business’s balance sheet and check the ratio of current liquid assets to liabilities. A ratio that’s greater than one indicates good health (you’re not losing money), but if that ratio gets too high, you could be holding onto too much cash or other assets that could better be invested elsewhere.

💡 Quick Tip: Help your money earn more money! Opening a bank account online often gets you higher-than-average rates.

The Importance of Cash Management for Businesses

Cash flow is the essence of all businesses. Without cash, a business will struggle to meet expenses, pay suppliers, repay any investors, and, often most importantly, grow the business through marketing and/or new opportunities.

Strong cash management strategies can help business owners avoid taking on debt. It also gives them more control over everyday activities, decisions, and growth opportunities. What’s more, smart cash management is the best way for owners to fulfill their vision for their enterprise while meeting both their short, intermediate and long-term needs. There’s certainly a lot riding on cash management, so let’s dive into ways to optimize it.

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6 Tips for Managing Cash Flow

Cash management can be especially challenging for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Yet it is one of the most important financial strategies business owners must master. These six tips can help.

1. Learning Your Cash Flow Cycle

A cash flow cycle is the time it takes to purchase your supplies and materials (or prepare the work that goes into providing a service), transform them into a product, sell your offering, and collect payment that can go into your business bank account. Sounds simple but a lot can go haywire during that process.

That’s why it’s important for business owners to constantly update and monitor their balance sheets and profit and loss statements. Ideally, you want to know at any given time what happened in the cash-flow cycle last month. Also important: Knowing your projections for what’s going to happen next month.

Understanding your cash flow cycle can help identify and address inconsistencies such as a late-paying customer or a build-up of inventory. If your business is seasonal or cyclical, you want to be well-prepared for both the intensely busy times…and the lulls.

Recommended: How to Track Your Monthly Expenses: Step-by-Step Guide

2. Getting Payments on Time

Reminding customers to pay on time is one of the easiest but most necessary ways to manage cash flow. Late payments are a fact of life; common, even. Having receivables come in even a day or two past the due date can wreak havoc with your cash flow cycle and your bank account.

Consider setting up email reminders to all customers ten days, seven days, and two days before payment is due. Technology today makes it a snap to pre-schedule email blasts. If the payment is still late or only a partial payment was made, don’t hesitate to follow up with a personal note or phone call.

This simple solution can really work. Customers will pay more attention to timely payments when they know you are paying close attention.

3. Turning Over Inventory Quickly

Having an abundance of inventory on hand at a given time means that a bundle of cash is tied up in that unsold stock. That could be an issue, because those funds might otherwise be working to pay for operations and expenses. What’s more, if all of that inventory bought upfront doesn’t sell as expected, it could mean losses on top of that lack of cash. That could hurt your growth and business valuation.

Many small business owners have learned that, in terms of cash, it’s better to turn inventory more quickly. Of course, this will vary widely depending on your business – perhaps your product is handmade jewelry, perhaps its reconditioned air conditioners. As an example, you might want to boost inventory turn-over from twice a year to five times. More targeted marketing could contribute to this acceleration.

That said, finding the right inventory management to fit with your cash flow cycles takes some time and experience. Recent supply chain issues have shown how challenging inventory management can be. Again, constant monitoring of the cash flow cycle can help guide how you tweak things.

Recommended: How Much Does It Cost to Start a Business?

4. Understand Invoice Financing

Let’s say you hit a cash management hitch. If you do find yourself in a position where you have too much inventory on hand and you need cash to cover expenses, there is a path forward. Invoice financing companies will advance a full or partial amount of your outstanding invoices. You repay that amount plus interest after the invoice is paid.

This generally should only be considered as a stop-gap measure. Like credit cards, interest payments on invoice financing can add up fast and quickly get out of control. Consider the fact that annual percentage rates for invoice financing products can reach as high as a jaw-dropping 64%.

5. Cutting Costs

Monitoring and cutting costs on expenses is another tool for managing cash flow. After all, if less cash goes to pay overhead, more can be invested in the business. A few suggestions: Relying on online marketing efforts that can be less costly than traditional methods, outsourcing tasks that take too much time and money in-house, and reducing energy costs. You might also want to renegotiate outdated contracts and prices with suppliers. These are all areas business owners can consistently monitor to keep costs low.

💡 Quick Tip: Are you paying pointless bank fees? Open a checking account with no account fees and avoid monthly charges (and likely earn a higher rate, too).

6. Comparing Loans

Sometimes, a business could use a helping hand to smooth out its cash flow. Let’s say you have outstanding accounts receivable — in other words, you know money is due but you don’t have it yet — and you need the cash now. In this situation, taking a business loan can be an option to help bridge the gap.

Cash flow loans (like invoice financing explained above) are short-term loans or lines of credit. These are often used to cover expenses or to take advantage of opportunities that can increase revenue.

A working capital loan is another option that can be used to finance everyday business operations such as rent, payroll, or restocking inventory. These loans are not designed to finance long-term assets or investment. Companies with seasonal or cyclical sales often rely on working capital loans to provide relief during slow periods.

One caveat: Working capital loans are often tied to your personal credit, so missed payments or defaults will affect your credit score. Consider that carefully before you sign on.

In addition, there are a variety of small business loans available that are used to finance long-term expenses such as real estate, equipment purchases, or business expansion. These include SBA loans, business lines of credit, and term loans.

Whatever type of loan you choose, be sure to compare your options carefully. Look at terms, APR, and how much lending you qualify for among several lenders before taking on any short or long-term debt. Spending some time and energy on research will help ensure you get the right form of financing.

The Takeaway

Cash flow management is an essential part of running a successful business of any size. Carefully monitoring cash flow, and learning some simple strategies to maximize it can take your small business to the next level.

Whether your business is a full-time job or just a side gig, it’s important to keep your business cash flow separate from your personal cash flow. In both cases, you’ll want to find a bank account that pays a competitive rate, charges no or low fees, and makes it easy to access your money.

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Comparing Personal Loans vs Business Loans

Comparing Personal Loans vs Business Loans

If you’re looking to start or grow a side hustle or small business, you might think a business loan is the right next step. A personal loan, however, is another popular financial product that you also might be able to use. Or it could free up some cash by covering expenses elsewhere in your budget, so you can put more of your income toward funding your business.

Because there are potential benefits and disadvantages to both types of financing, it’s important to understand the differences. You’ll find that information here and be better equipped to decide whether a business loan vs. personal loan might work best for you.

What Is a Personal Loan?

A personal loan is a source of financing that a borrower typically can use for just about anything. (That said, you may need to get approval from your lender if you plan to use the money directly for your business. This is not always possible.)

Typically, you’ll find unsecured personal loans, with the borrower agreeing to pay back the full amount, plus interest, in fixed monthly payments within a predetermined time frame.

Some lenders also offer secured personal loans, however,which means some form of collateral is involved. Also, some offer personal loans with variable interest rates.

How Personal Loans Work

When you apply for a personal loan, you can expect the lender to review your personal financial information — including your credit score, credit reports, and income — to determine your eligibility. In general, the better your credit, the better your chances of receiving a lower interest rate.

Personal loan amounts vary, but some lenders offer personal loans for as much as $100,000.

Although most personal loans have shorter repayment terms, the length of a loan can vary from a few months to several years. Typically, they last from 12 to 84 months.

💡 Quick Tip: Some personal loan lenders can release your funds as quickly as the same day your loan is approved.

What is a Business Loan?

A business loan is a type of financing used specifically to pay for business expenses. It could be used to purchase equipment or inventory, for example, or to fund a new project.

There are many kinds of small business loans available — with different rates and repayment terms — including Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, equipment loans, micro loans, and more. Rates, terms, and loan requirements also can vary significantly depending on the lender.

How Business Loans Work

Applying for a business loan tends to be more complicated than getting a personal loan. For one thing, you’ll likely have to submit more paperwork to back up your application, including your business’s financial statements and an up-to-date business plan. The lender also usually will want to review your personal and business credit scores. And you may have to be more specific about what the loan will be used for than you would with a personal loan.

If your business is brand new, lenders may be reluctant to give you a business loan. Some lenders might ask you to put up some type of collateral to qualify.

Differences Between Business and Personal Loans

There are several factors you may want to evaluate if you’re trying to decide between a personal loan vs. a business loan, including the loan costs, how you plan to use the money, and how much you hope to borrow. Here’s a look at a few basic differences.

Cost Differences Between Business and Personal Loans

Whether you’re considering applying for a business loan or a personal loan to use for your business, it’s important to be clear about how much it could cost you upfront and over the life of the loan.

Interest Rates

Interest rates for business loans can be lower than for the interest rates for personal loans, but the rates for both can vary depending on the type of loan, the lender you choose, and your qualifications as a borrower.


Fees also can affect the upfront and overall cost of both personal and business loans, so it’s a good idea to be clear on what you’re paying. Some of the more common fees for business loans and personal loans that you might see include origination, application, packaging, and underwriting fees, and late payment and prepayment penalties.

Some fees may be subtracted from the loan amount before the borrower receives the money. But fees also may be folded into a loan’s annual percentage rate (APR) instead, which can increase the monthly payment.

Down Payment

Business loans may be available for larger amounts than a personal loan. For a larger business loan — a substantial SBA loan or commercial real estate loan, for example — you could be required to come up with a down payment. This amount can add to your upfront cost. However, just as with a mortgage or car loan, a larger down payment can help you save money over the long term, because you’ll pay less in interest.

Whether you’ll need a down payment, and the amount required, may depend on your individual and business creditworthiness.

Different Uses for Business and Personal Loans

One of the biggest differences between business vs. personal loans is the way borrowers can use them.

•   A business loan can be used to finance direct business costs, such as paying for supplies, marketing, a new piece of equipment, business debt consolidation, or a business property. But it typically can’t be used for indirect business costs, which means a borrower can’t pay off personal debts with the money or buy personal property with it.

•   Some business loans have a very specific purpose, and the borrowed money must be used for that purpose. For example, if you get an equipment loan, you must buy equipment with it. Or, if you get a business car loan, you must buy a business car with the money.

•   Because you may be able to use the influx of cash for both business and personal expenses, the uses of a personal loan can be very flexible. But personal loans are typically smaller than business loans, and they generally come with a shorter repayment term. It can be helpful to have a clear intent for how the money will be spent and to keep separate records for business and personal expenses.

•   It’s also important to note that some lenders put restrictions on how personal loans can be used, so you should read the fine print before applying and share your plans with the lender if asked.

Differences When Applying for Business and Personal Loans

The criteria lenders look at can be very different when approving a small business loan vs. a personal loan. Here’s what you can expect during the application process.

Applying for a Personal Loan

When you apply for a personal loan, your personal creditworthiness usually plays a large role in the application and approval process.

•   Lenders typically will review a borrower’s credit scores, credit reports, and income when determining the interest rate, loan amount, and repayment term of a personal loan.

•   Generally, you can expect to be asked for a government-issued photo ID, your Social Security number, and/or some other proof of identity.

•   You also may be asked for proof of your current address. And the lender will want to verify your income.

Applying for a Business Loan

When you apply for a business loan, your personal finances still will be a factor, though other aspects of your application will be reviewed carefully.

•   The loan underwriters also will evaluate your business’s cash flow, how long you’ve been in business, your profitability, the exact purpose of the loan, trends in your industry, your business credit score, and more.

•   The lender may ask for a current profit-and-loss statement, a cash-flow statement, recent bank statements and tax returns for the business, your business license and a business plan, and any other current loan documents or lease agreements you might have.

•   You also will have to provide information about your collateral if you are applying for a secured loan.

Recommended: Understanding Credit Score Ranges

Structural Differences in Business and Personal Loans

Knowing the differences in how personal loans vs. business loans are structured could help you decide which is right for you and your business. A few factors that might affect your choice include:

Loan Amount

A business loan may be more difficult to apply for and get than a personal loan, especially if your business is a startup or only a few years old. But if you can qualify, you may be able to borrow more money with a business loan. While personal loan amounts typically top out at $50,000 to $100,000, some SBA loans can go as high as $5.5 million.

Loan Length

You’ll likely find personal and business loans with both short and long repayment terms. But generally, personal loans have shorter terms (typically one to seven years), while some business loan repayment periods can be up to 25 years.

Tax Advantages

If you have a business loan, deducting the interest you pay on the loan may be possible when filing income taxes if you meet specific criteria.

With a personal loan, it might get a little more complicated. If you use the borrowed money only for business costs, you may be able to deduct the interest you paid. But if you use the loan for both business and personal expenses, you would only be able to deduct the percentage of the interest that was used for qualifying business costs.

And you should be prepared to itemize deductions, documenting exactly how you spent the money. Your financial advisor or tax preparer can help you determine what’s appropriate.


Along with the traditional banking services you might expect to get with any type of loan, a business loan also may come with operational support and online tools that can be useful for owners and entrepreneurs.


When you’re deciding between a personal vs. business loan, it’s also a good idea to think about what could happen if, at some point, the loan can’t be repaid.

•   If your business has financial problems and you have a personal loan, you (and your cosigner, if you have one) could be held responsible for the debt. You could lose your collateral (if it’s a secured loan) or damage your personal credit.

•   If your business defaults and it’s a business loan, the impact to your personal credit would depend on how the loan is set up.

◦   If you’re listed as a sole proprietor or signed a personal guarantee, it’s possible you could be sued, your personal and/or business credit scores could take a hit, and your personal and business assets could be at risk.

◦   If your business is set up as a distinct legal entity, on the other hand, your personal credit score might not be affected — but your business credit score could suffer. And it could be more difficult for you to take out a business loan in the future.

Structural Differences in Business and Personal Loans

Business Loans Personal Loans
Loan Amount Typically come in larger amounts (up to $5 million) Generally are limited to smaller amounts (up to $100,000)
Loan Length Usually have longer repayment periods (up to 25 years) Generally have shorter terms (a few months to a few years)
Tax Advantages Interest paid on a business loan is often tax-deductible Interest paid on a personal loan used for business expenses may be tax-deductible
Support Lenders may offer operational support and online business tools to borrowers with business loans Lenders may offer more personal types of support to borrowers with personal loans
Risk Defaulting on a business loan could affect the borrower’s business credit score or business and personal credit scores (based on how the loan is structured) Defaulting on a personal loan could affect the borrower’s personal credit score

Pros and Cons of Business Loans

There are advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind when deciding whether to apply for a business loan vs. personal loan.

•   A business loan can be more difficult to get than a personal loan, especially if the business is new or still struggling to become profitable.

•   If you qualify for a business loan, you may be able to borrow a larger amount of money and get a longer repayment term.

•   A business loan also could make it easier to separate your business and personal finances.

•   There could be fewer personal consequences if the business defaults on the loan.

Pros of Business Loans

Cons of Business Loans

Borrowers may qualify for larger amounts than personal loans offer Applying can require more time and effort
Longer loan terms available Qualifying can be difficult
Interest rates may be lower Collateral and/or a down payment may be required
Interest is usually tax deductible Loan must be used for business purposes only
Lenders may offer more business-oriented support New businesses may pay higher interest rates
Debt may be the responsibility of the business, not the individual (depending on loan structure) Responsibility for the debt could still land on individual borrowers

Recommended: Can You Refinance a Personal Loan?

Pros and Cons of Personal Loans

A personal loan vs. business loan can have advantages and disadvantages to consider if you are wondering if you can use one to fund a business.

•   Personal loans can offer borrowers more flexibility than business loans in terms of usage.

•   They’re generally easier to qualify for and may have lower interest rates.

•   One major hurdle may be tracking whether the funds were used for business or personal expenses, which can be crucial, especially for income taxes.

Pros of Personal Loans

Cons of Personal Loans

Application process is usually quick and easy Lending limits may be lower than business loans
Qualifying can be less challenging than with a business loan because it’s based on personal creditworthiness Borrower doesn’t build business credit with on-time payments
Can use funds for both personal and business expenses (unless there are lender restrictions) Defaulting can affect personal credit score/finances
Most personal loans are unsecured Interest rates are generally higher than for a business loan
Interest may be tax deductible (when funds are used for business) Shorter loan terms than business loans typically offer

💡 Quick Tip: Swap high-interest debt for a lower-interest loan, and save money on your monthly payments. Find out why SoFi credit card consolidation loans are so popular.

Is a Business or Personal Loan Right for You?

Considering the differences between a personal loan and a business loan can help you decide which is right for your needs. You may want to do some online research, compare rates and terms, and/or ask a financial professional or business mentor for advice before moving forward with this important decision. Here are some things to think about as you look for a loan that’s a good fit for your personal and professional goals.

A business loan may make sense if:

•   You’re seeking a lower interest rate and/or repayment term.

•   You want to keep personal and business expenditures separate.

•   You’ve been successfully running your business for a while.

•   You need more money than you can get with a personal loan.

•   You hope to build your business credit.

•   You want to limit your liability.

A personal loan may make sense if:

•   Your goal is to grow your startup or new business and the loan allows this usage.

•   You plan to use the money for both business and personal expenses.

•   You can find a personal loan with a lower interest rate than a comparable business loan, and the lender approves the loan for business expenses.

•   You want to get the money as quickly as possible.

•   You are seeking a shorter repayment term.

•   You don’t want to secure the loan with collateral.

•   You feel confident about your personal ability to repay the loan.

Recommended: Can I Pay Off a Personal Loan Early?

The Takeaway

If you’re seeking funding to start or grow your business, you may have to decide between personal and business loans. Personal loans are typically easier to apply for and offer quicker access to funds, but often at a somewhat higher interest rate and shorter term vs. business loans. Also, business loans usually offer significantly higher loan amounts and the interest can be tax-deductible. It’s worthwhile to consider the tax and credit implications of each type of loan too, among other factors.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.


Are business loans more expensive than personal loans?

Business loans typically have lower interest rates than personal loans. Still, it’s probably worth comparing both types of loans and the rates lenders are willing to offer you and/or your business before making a final decision between the two.

Is it illegal to use personal loans for business?

Most (but not necessarily all) personal loans can be used for just about anything. Your lender may not even ask how you intend to spend the money. But it’s a good idea to check the lending agreement in case there are any restrictions. And if the lender wants to know the purpose of the loan, you should be honest about your intentions.

Are startup loans personal loans?

There are a few different options for funding a startup, including SBA loans, family loans, or crowdfunding platforms. But if you have good credit and are confident you can make the monthly payments, taking out a personal loan could be an effective strategy for funding a startup, if the loan permits that usage.

Photo credit: iStock/MicroStockHub

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

This article is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult an attorney for advice.


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Refinancing Your Student Loans While Starting a Business

If you want to start a business, one thought may go through your mind (particularly if you’re funding your business out of pocket): “If I didn’t have to repay my student loans, I’d have more money to put toward my business.”

No doubt about it, student debt can be steep. The current average federal student loan debt per borrower is $37,338 and $54,921 per private loan borrower. Student loan borrowers who feel stymied by their debt may wonder how to get their business idea off the ground.

If student loans gobble up a chunk of your cash every month, refinancing might free up funds to put your fledgling business on the right track. Read on to learn how refinancing student loans can benefit the launch of your new business.

What Is Student Loan Refinancing?

Before diving into the definition of student loan refinancing, let’s discuss the components that make up a student loan: principal, interest rate, and loan term.

•   Principal: The principal is the original amount that you borrowed, which you will repay with interest over time.

•   Interest rate: The interest rate is a percentage of the loan principal that you pay monthly — on top of a portion of the principal. This is charged by the lender and is how they earn money while lending you cash.

•   Loan term: The loan term is the amount of time in which you will repay your loan.

Student loan refinancing means replacing your existing student loan with a new student loan. You can refinance either federal or private loans with funds from a private lender. There are two important points to keep in mind if you are considering refinancing. These factors can help you determine if refinancing is a good fit for you.

•   When you refinance federal loans with a private loan, you forfeit federal protections and benefits, such as deferment and forbearance.

•   If you refinance for an extended term, you may end up paying more in interest over the life of the loan, even if your monthly payment is lower.

💡 Quick Tip: Get flexible terms and competitive rates when you refinance your student loan with SoFi.

Take control of your student loans.
Ditch student loan debt for good.

Benefits of Student Loan Refinancing

Some of the key reasons to refinance your student loans include the following:

•   Potentially lowering your interest rate: Reducing your interest rate on your student loans can save you a lot of money over time because you won’t pay as much in interest per monthly payment. Check with various lenders to ensure you’re getting the lowest interest rate possible. You can usually get the best rates by having a strong credit score and a steady source of income. Your credit score is the three-digit number that reflects how well you’ve paid back debts in the past.

•   Reducing your monthly payment: When you work with a lender to extend your loan term, you may reduce your student loan payments per month. For example, you may extend your loan term from 10 years to 15 years, though the specific options will depend on your lender. Note, however, as mentioned above, that extending your term often means you’re likely paying more interest over the life of your loan.

•   Obtaining a single monthly payment: Instead of making multiple monthly payments, you can refinance and make one monthly payment. Sticking to one monthly payment can help you stay organized and make your payments on time. You don’t have to refinance all of your student loans, however. For example, if you have five student loans and you have a low interest rate on one and a high interest rate on the rest, you could refinance just those four. Use a student loan refinance calculator to determine how different refinance scenarios might work to your advantage.

•   Choosing between variable- and fixed-rate loans: Refinancing may allow you to choose between a fixed- or variable-rate loan. A fixed-rate means your interest rate stays the same throughout the life of the loan, while a variable rate changes — and could increase or fall over time.

Note that you can also consolidate student loans, which involves combining several federal student loans into one loan, through the Direct Loan Program.

💡 Quick Tip: Refinancing could be a great choice for working graduates who have higher-interest graduate PLUS loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and/or private loans.

How Refinancing Student Loans Can Benefit a New Business

So, how exactly does refinancing student loans benefit a new business? Here’s a closer look.

1. Lower Your Loan Payments

As mentioned earlier, refinancing can help lower your loan payments by possibly offering a lower interest rate and/or by stretching out your loan term. Lowering your monthly payments can allow you to devote more financial resources toward your new business. You can also use the extra money to pay for household expenses or financial goals, like the down payment on a house or your retirement nest egg.

2. More Money to Get Business Loan

First, to clarify: Using student loans to start a business is a no-go. Student loan money should go toward education costs, living expenses, and housing. When you refinance, you can lower your monthly repayment amount. That can help your overall financial outlook. Then, if you apply for a business loan, you may have a more creditworthy profile.

A bank or credit union will review your financial information to evaluate your qualifications for a business loan. If you refinance your student loans and lower your monthly payment, that could help improve your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), an important indicator when you apply for a loan. Your DTI is calculated by all your monthly debt payments divided by your gross monthly income. If you lower a component of your monthly debt (say, your student loan), you can lower your overall DTI, which is a positive.

3. Use Business Income to Pay Student Loans

Are you wondering, “Can my business pay my student loans?” The answer to that is “no,” if you mean pay directly through your enterprise. However, if you launch a business and earn income, of course you can use your pay to eliminate your debt, whether from a student loan or another source.

Keep in mind that as a business owner, you could get tax breaks that other taxpayers can’t claim, but you can’t deduct the principal payments you make on student loans.

Recommended: How to Get Out of Student Loan Debt

Refinancing Student Loans With SoFi

Looking to lower your monthly student loan payment? Refinancing may be one way to do it — by extending your loan term, getting a lower interest rate than what you currently have, or both. (Please note that refinancing federal loans makes them ineligible for federal forgiveness and protections. Also, lengthening your loan term may mean paying more in interest over the life of the loan.) SoFi student loan refinancing offers flexible terms that fit your budget.

With SoFi, refinancing is fast, easy, and all online. We offer competitive fixed and variable rates.


Can you start a business if you have student loans?

Yes, you can start a business if you have student loans, but it may be harder to access business credit and save cash to put toward your business. No matter what, you must keep up with your student loan payments. Not making your payments can hurt your credit score later, which in turn can hurt your application for a small business loan.

How do I start a student loan?

You can apply for federal student loans by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which helps determine the amount of federal student aid you can receive. You can apply for private student loans on lender websites.

Can I get an SBA loan with defaulted student loans?

Through the Small Business Administration, SBA loans require potential borrowers to keep up to date on student loan payments. Unfortunately, you could become ineligible with defaulted student loans.

Photo credit: iStock/ferrantraite

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Checking Your Rates: To check the rates and terms you may qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. However, if you choose a product and continue your application, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit pull and may affect your credit.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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What to Know About Short-Term Business Loans

Owning a small business can mean keeping a lot of plates spinning, including making sure the cash is flowing during fluctuations in income and sales.

You may need to buy more materials, pay additional workers, improve your physical location (say, something breaks), and deal with other expenses. And, because you are a small business, it may all be on you to manage this.

At times, you may need a little outside help to cover costs. You may know about long-term business loans, which can be used for borrowing large sums and take many years to pay off, but how about short-term business loans? Here, you’ll learn more about them, their pros and cons, and whether they might be right for you.

What Is a Short-Term Small Business Loan?

A short-term small business loan is a loan that is designed to help small businesses maintain cash flow and cover small expenses. Because they are meant to be paid off on a shorter timeline (usually within three to 24 months) than long-term loans, they tend to have higher interest rates and can be secured very quickly. Basically, they can get you cash fast.

💡 Quick Tip: Need help covering the cost of a wedding, honeymoon, or new baby? A SoFi personal loan can help you fund major life events — without the high interest rates of credit cards.

What Can You Use a Short-Term Business Loan for?

There are several common uses for short-term loans. A popular one is to cover project start-up costs. If your business is launching a new product or service, a short-term loan can help you avoid disrupting your business’s cash flow.

They can also help bridge cash flow gaps related to uneven sales or seasonal effects, cover emergency repairs, and purchase discounted inventory that you’re confident will sell fast and at a profit.

A short-term loan can also help small businesses take advantage of unexpected growth opportunities by giving them the capital they need to keep production running in a short time period.

Recommended: What Are Financial Hardship Loans?

What Are the Drawbacks of Short-Term Business Loans?

In addition to high interest rates, short-term loans often require frequent repayments. Instead of the customary monthly payments that come with a lot of loans, short-term business loans often require weekly, and in some cases daily, repayments. While these payments tend to be small, they can be difficult to manage, particularly if your business has uneven sales or a lower cash-flow.

There’s also a risk of accumulating debt when using short-term business loans. Because they can be so easy to get (note: there are still eligibility requirements for these types of loans), using them could potentially lead to a business owner relying on this type of small business debt financing.

This could lead to a debt trap where someone would continue rolling over their short-term debt instead of paying it off on the predetermined repayment timeline. Ultimately, rolling over the debt means the business owner would accrue significant interest if they weren’t able to pay the short-term business loan within the initial term.

Recommended: Typical Small Business Loan Fees

What Alternative Financing Options Are Available?

There are a number of alternative financing options when you need cash for your company.

•   A business credit card is another way to cover small expenses that you plan to pay back quickly. On the flip side, business credit cards can come with high interest rates. And credit card debt is considered “revolving,” which involves borrowing against a credit limit, as opposed to paying off your debt on a defined term.

•   Short-term lines of credit can help you manage day-to-day cash flow, too. Lines of credit can help provide flexibility for business owners. You can borrow up to a set amount of money but are only required to pay interest on the actual amount of money that you borrow.

You can then borrow and repay the funds on a payment schedule similar to how a credit card. Similar to credit cards, this is considered a “revolving debt.” Short-term lines of credit may come with maintenance fees. And the interest rate could go up if you fail to pay on time.

There are many financing options available to help pay for your business expenses. Short-term business loans can help you get the cash you need for your business quickly, and pay it off on the predetermined schedule, or add additional payments as your cash flow picks back up again.

Recommended: Business vs. Personal Loan: Which Is Right for You?

About SoFi Personal Loans

While you cannot use a personal loan for business expenses, there may be times in your life that a personal loan is appropriate; say, if you want to consolidate your credit card debt (which could free up funds for your small business). In those situations, see what SoFi offers.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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