Million Dollar Business Loans: A Complete Guide

Whether you’re looking for a $1 million business loan or $5 million business loan, the good news is that there are million dollar business loans available for small business owners who want to invest in a new stage of growth.

Maybe your business has been thriving for years and you’re ready to up your game. Or, perhaps you have the opportunity to acquire another business or want to expand your current business by purchasing a warehouse. Whatever your plans, they’re going to require capital. And, potentially, a lot of it.

Let’s look at how to get a million dollar business loan so that you can get those plans on track.

How Does a Million Dollar Business Loan Differ From a Small Business Loan?

Before we dive into how to get a $1 million business loan, $2 million business loan, or more, let’s look at how such a large business loan compares to a smaller one, besides the amount you’re borrowing.

Million Dollar Loans Smaller Loans
Generally only offered by banks, credit unions, and SBA lenders Offered by banks, credit unions, SBA lenders, and online lenders
May require collateral or a down payment May not require collateral or down payment
Stricter requirements to qualify, including credit scores, time in business, and revenues Even newer businesses and those with poor credit may find smaller loans they qualify for

Because of the risk and the capital outlay, you will typically only find $1 million or more loans from banks, credit unions, and SBA lenders. Online and alternative small business loans tend to focus on smaller loans and may not be able to help if you want to borrow a million or more.

Also, because there is inherently more risk in lending millions to a borrower, banks may require larger-value collateral or a substantial down payment on a million dollar loan, whereas smaller loans may or may not require either collateral or a down payment.

Larger loans for small businesses can also be more difficult to qualify for than smaller loans. Generally, the more you want to borrow, the more assurance lenders want that you will pay back the loan. To that end, they may have higher criteria regarding credit score, time in business, and annual revenues.

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Criteria for Million Dollar Business Loans

As far as how to qualify for a million dollar loan, requirements will depend on the lender and the type of business loan. Here are some of the key factors that lenders look at.

1. Credit Score

When you’re applying for a million dollar loan, a lender may look at both your personal and your business credit score.

Business Credit Score

Credit scoring firms calculate business credit scores based on a company’s credit obligations and repayment histories with lenders and suppliers, as well as any legal filings (such as tax liens or bankruptcies). Instead of ranging from 300 to 850, business credit scores typically range from 1 to 100, as follows:

•  Good: 80-100

•  Fair: 50-79

•  Bad: 0-49

For million dollar loans, your business will most likely need a “good” credit score.

If you don’t yet have business credit scores, you can work on building them by opening a business bank account, taking out business credit cards, and getting smaller business loans and repaying them on time. This may help you qualify for larger loans later.

Personal Credit Score

If you don’t have a business credit history, lenders will likely look closely at your personal credit scores. For a $1 million business loan or more, you generally need a personal FICO credit score of 650 or higher.

If you run a sole proprietorship or partnership, or if you personally guarantee a business loan, you may want to keep in mind that taking out a business loan can affect your personal credit. It could, for example, increase your debt-to-income ratio, which could make it more challenging for you to take out a mortgage or personal loan.

Recommended: Free Credit Score Monitoring

2. Time in Business

Business loans under $1 million dollars typically require you to have been in business for at least two years (sometimes less in the case of some online lenders). However, for $1 million dollar business loans or more, that requirement can increase to at least three years.

The longer your business history, the better you can demonstrate to lenders how financially responsible you are, which makes you less of a risk as a borrower.

3. Collateral

Another way lenders mitigate risk in giving you a $1 or $2 million business loan is to require collateral against the loan.

For example, the Small Business Administration (SBA) requires collateral for its 7(a) program for loans between $350,000 and $5 million. The fixed assets (e.g., buildings, equipment, land) put up as collateral need to meet the full value of the loan, otherwise the lender may include trading assets (at 10% of current book value) and available equity in personal real estate as additional collateral.

4. Loan Purpose

When a lender is giving you a $1 million-plus loan amount, they will generally want a sense of how you will spend that money. As a result, you will likely need to present a detailed business plan outlining how you’ll spend the loan proceeds and how the investment will lead to increased profits, along with a detailed budget for your plan.

Creating a plan and budget doesn’t only benefit the lender; it can be helpful to you, too. This is a good exercise to go through even before you start applying for a loan, since it will help you think through why you want the loan and exactly how much you will need to borrow.

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5. Financial Documentation

Lenders may ask for financial statements, such as bank statements going back four months, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and tax returns going back several years. All of these give them a better sense of how financially stable your company is.

If you’re not accustomed to reviewing these statements, you may want to spend some time getting to know them before applying for a loan. How will a potential lender view your company’s financial well-being? Do you meet the qualifications for the loan you’re looking at?

For example, an SBA CDC/504 loan requires a borrower’s net worth not exceed $15 million and their average net income not exceed $5 million after taxes for the past two years. You may want to ask an accountant to review your financial documents and provide input, too.

6. Business Documentation

You may also be asked for certain business documents, such as your articles of incorporation if you run a corporation, or your articles of organization if your business is an LLC. In addition, you may need to submit business licenses and permits, disclosure of other debt, and any other legal contracts and agreements.

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Pros and Cons of Million Dollar Business Loans

Before we dive into how to get a million dollar business loan, let’s first weigh the benefits and drawbacks to borrowing such a large amount of money.

Pros of Million Dollar Business Loans Cons of Million Dollar Business Loans
Having access to a large amount of capital allows you to grow faster You may have trouble paying it back, which could put your collateral at risk
Interest rate may be lower than for smaller loan amounts The more you borrow and the longer the repayment period, the more you pay in interest
A large infusion of cash can stabilize unsteady cash flow The application and approval process may take several months


With a million dollars or more, there’s a lot you can do in your business. You might be able to acquire another company, purchase real estate, buy high-dollar equipment, or expand your company significantly faster than you could on your own.

Often, the larger the loan (and the longer the repayment period), the lower the interest rate you can get, assuming your credit is outstanding.


While having access to a large amount of capital can help you do more, that money has to be repaid. And, if your investment isn’t yet reaping financial reward, paying back that loan may be a challenge. If you should run into difficulty making monthly payments, you could default on the loan and risk losing your collateral.

Even with a low interest rate, you’re still paying a percent of what you borrowed, which is a lot. The more you borrow and the longer you take to repay the loan, the more you’ll spend in total interest.

Lending Options for a Million Dollar Loan

There are a few resources where you can find large loans of a million or more for small businesses, including the SBA, banks, and credit unions. Online lenders are also an option, assuming they offer loans backed by the SBA.

Each lender may have slightly different criteria as to who can qualify for a business loan of $1 million or more.


The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) guarantees SBA loans, which are offered by banks and online lenders it partners with to help serve small businesses. SBA loans go as high as $5 million and have capped interest rates, which keeps them more affordable for small businesses. Repayment terms are up to 25 years, helping keep payments low. Fees, which include the SBA Guaranty Fee (up to 3.75% of your loan’s guaranteed amount), also tend to be lower than other lenders.

However, the application and approval process for an SBA loan can take several months, and businesses must meet strict eligibility requirements from both the lender and the SBA. To qualify for an SBA loan, you typically need to have been in business for at least four years, have an annual revenue over $180,000, and a credit score of at least 680.


Many banks offer loan amounts up to $5 million, though they typically have strict requirements to qualify. A bank loan is typically best for a business that has been in operation for many years with a track record of positive financials. Banks will also require a good business credit score, as well as a strong personal credit score from the individual who’s representing the business. Businesses also typically need to have low debt-to-net-worth ratios to qualify for a large bank loan.

Credit Unions

If you are a member of a credit union that offers business financing services, you may want to reach out and see if they can meet your larger loan needs. Like banks, credit unions typically offer larger loans at attractive interest rates for qualified borrowers.

Applying for Million Dollar Business Loans

Getting approved for a million dollar loan generally requires jumping through a few more hoops than getting a smaller loan. The process of applying for business loans varies slightly from one lender to another. Generally, however, you will need to gather a fair amount of documentation in order to complete the application. This may include:

•  Business bank account statements

•  Tax returns and supporting IRS documents for both your business and personal tax accounts

•  Accounts receivable and balance sheets

•  Proof of collateral

•  Copy of your commercial lease, if applicable

•  Any applicable licenses and registrations for doing business in your state

•  Disclosure of other debt

•  Any legal contracts (such as franchise, incorporation, leasing)

•  Updated business plan with details on your growth and marketing strategies

•  Plan for how you will use the loan

Once you’ve gathered all the paperwork you will need, the next step is to fill out the application. Depending on the lender, you may be able to do all or some of this online, or you may be required to visit a local branch. Filling out the application will likely take some time, but having all your documents at the ready can help simplify the process.

When will you get an answer? Million dollar-plus loan applications tend to take longer to process than applications for smaller loans, so it may be weeks before you get a response from the lender and even months before you get an approval.

Once you are approved, you’ll need to review the loan agreement. This will outline details on how much you were approved to borrow, your interest rate, and what your monthly payment will be. The final step is to sign the document and wait for the funds to be disbursed.

Alternative Funding Options

If you’re looking for a large infusion of capital but your business or startup doesn’t qualify for million dollar loans, you’re not necessarily out of luck. There are other ways you may be able to get access to a large amount of capital. Here are two options to consider.

Outside Investors

An investor, such as a venture capitalist or an angel investor, may be able to provide the high-dollar capital you need for growth. These investors may also be able to connect you with industry contacts and helpful resources that can help you expand or launch your venture.

However, an investor will want a slice of the pie in exchange, typically in the form of equity in your business. And because they’re invested in your success, they may want to have a say in decisions you make about the business. You’ll have to consider whether giving up a portion of ownership and control of your business is worth getting access to a large amount of capital.


Crowdfunding can be a viable way to get capital that doesn’t necessarily need to be repaid. There are crowdfunding platforms where you can list a project, such as the launch of a new product line. Anyone who’s interested can contribute to the project. Some types of crowdfunding do need to be repaid, while others just require you to provide a token of appreciation to investors/donors.

Crowdfunding might be a good stop-gap between where you are and the millions you need. You can also get feedback on a new product from the market before investing in developing it.

The Takeaway

Banks and SBA lenders offer $1 million to $5 million loans to small businesses, but they can be tough to get. There are typically pre-set criteria regarding your credit score, annual revenue, and years in business. In addition, you will likely have to put up collateral, provide a detailed plan for how you will use the funds, and supply documentation that supports that your business can operate successfully with an additional large debt.

If you’re seeking financing for your business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

With SoFi’s marketplace, it’s fast and easy to search for your small business financing options.


Are there unsecured $1 million business loans?

There are some banks that offer unsecured $1 million business loans. However, loans for amounts larger than that tend to be secured business loans.

Can startups get million dollar business loans?

It may be challenging for businesses that have been in operation for less than two years to qualify for a loan of a million or more. There are lenders that will work with startups, but they may charge higher interest rates and require collateral.

Can you get $1 million business loans with bad credit?

Loans of $1 million or more tend to have stringent qualification requirements, including good credit. There are some alternative lenders who may offer loans of lesser amounts to businesses with bad credit, albeit with high interest.

How much will it cost to pay back a $1 million business loan?

It will depend on the loan’s interest rate and the fees, but you can quickly figure out the total cost of a million dollar loan with an online loan calculator. You just need to input the loan’s annual interest rate, fees, loan amount, and loan term.

What’s the monthly payment on a $1 million dollar business loan?

Many factors determine what your monthly payment will be, including the total loan amount, the interest rate, and the length of the loan. As an example, if your interest rate was 6% and your term was 25 years, your payment on a $1 million loan (not including fees) would be just over $6,400 a month.

Photo credit: iStock/VioletaStoimenova

SoFi's marketplace is owned and operated by SoFi Lending Corp. See SoFi Lending Corp. licensing information below. Advertising Disclosures: SoFi receives compensation in the event you obtain a loan through SoFi’s marketplace. This affects whether a product or service is featured on this site and could affect the order of presentation. SoFi does not include all products and services in the market. All rates, terms, and conditions vary by provider.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .


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7 Differences Between Business Grants and Loans

When you’re starting a new business or expanding an existing one, you may find that funding is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. While bootstrapping is an option, it’s not always necessarily realistic when cash supplies run short. Small business grants or loans, however, can help close many financial gaps for business owners.

Whether you decide to use a grant or a loan – or a combination of both – may depend on where you are in your business’s life cycle, what your needs are, and what type of funding you’re able to qualify for. To determine the best financing approach for your business, it’s important to understand the differences between loans vs. grants.

What Are Business Loans?

A small business loan is a sum of money that a financing institution, such as a bank, credit union, or online lender, extends to a small business with the expectation that it will be paid back over time, plus interest. The proceeds from the loan can be used for nearly any business purpose, and the repayment term typically ranges between five and 10 years.

How Business Loans Work

For a secured small business loan, you need to put up a business asset (such as equipment, a vehicle, or real estate) as collateral for the loan. Should you become unable to repay the loan in full, the lender can seize that collateral to recoup their losses.

Unsecured business loans don’t require the borrower to pledge collateral, and are based only on a borrower’s creditworthiness. In some cases, you may be asked to sign a personal guarantee for a business loan, which states that you are personally responsible for repaying the loan should your business default.

For a standard term business loan from a bank, you will generally pay a fixed amount each month (including principal and interest) for the duration of the loan term.

Pros of Business Loans

There are a number of benefits to taking out a small business loan. Here are a few to consider.

•  Expedite business growth: The funds from a business loan can allow you to put your plans into action sooner, rather than having to wait until your business has generated enough profit to fund expansion yourself.

•  Maintain business ownership: With a loan, you can get an injection of capital without bringing on any investors. This enables you to keep full control of your business and retain all the profits as your company grows.

•  Flexible use of the funding: If you receive funding from an investor or a grant, you may be limited in how you can use the money. When you borrow from a lender, so long as the loan isn’t specifically for business equipment or real estate, there are typically no restrictions on how you can spend those funds.

Cons of Business Loans

Small business loans also have some downsides. Here are some to keep in mind.

•  Application process can be extensive: For a bank or Small Business Administration (SBA) loan, you’ll not only need to fill out an application, but will also likely need to provide two or three years of tax returns and financial statements, as well as a business plan.

•  You could lose assets if you default on payments: If you put a business asset up for collateral, you could end up losing it should you default on the loan. If you sign a personal guarantee, the lender can potentially come after your personal assets.

•  Interest rates can be high if you don’t have strong credit: Interest rates typically depend on your credit score, both your business’s score as well as your personal score. While banks often offer lower interest rates than other funding options, it’s not always easy to qualify for those favorable rates. If you have a below-average rating, you could end up paying more for the loan than you’d like.

What Are Business Grants?

Small business grants provide funding to businesses without any requirement that the money be paid back. It is essentially free money that’s provided to business owners who meet specific criteria and agree to use the money for a certain purpose. There are grants available for all types of small business owners, including women, minorities, veterans, and disabled Americans.

How Business Grants Work

Typically, a grant becomes available when a government agency, nonprofit organization, or private business chooses to set aside grant money for a particular need or area of concern. For example, a grant might be set up to encourage minority entrepreneurship in a community, foster research and development in a specific industry, or reward innovation.

Whatever the cause, the agency or business will start a grant by setting aside funds and setting up qualifications and an application process. Unlike loans, grants can’t be spent in any way the business sees fit. The funds must be used as specified in the application.

Pros of Business Grants

Grants have many benefits. Here are some to consider.

•  It’s free money: The biggest advantage of a grant is that, unlike a loan, the money does not have to be repaid.

•  Accessible information: There is extensive information available online about where, how, when, and who to get grants from. This is important, because you generally need to do a lot of searching to find the right grant for your business. (Two good places to start: and the SBA’s grant page.)

•  Gain credibility: Receiving a grant increases your business’s visibility. It helps promote your business and idea and lets others know that your work is important. And, once you’ve been awarded one grant, you are generally more likely to receive others, since other organizations will see you as a reliable candidate.

Cons of Business Grants

Grants do have some downsides, however. Here are a few to keep in mind..

•  Applications can be time-consuming: Grant applications usually require a lot of paperwork. In addition to the application, you and your small business will also have to provide additional documentation, such as demographics of your market, your specific reasons for applying for the grant, and exactly how you will use the grant funds.

•  Difficult to receive: Because grants are free money, there are a large number of small businesses like yours trying to get them. As a result, competition for grant approvals can be stiff.

•  Strings attached: Grant money typically comes with specific restrictions and conditions about how they money should be used. In addition, you may be asked to do monthly or quarterly check-ins to provide proof of things such as marketing efforts, publicity, and other steps toward goals outlined in the grant.

Business Loans vs Grants: 7 Important Differences

The biggest difference between a loan and a grant is that a loan must be repaid, and a grant does not. But there are some other things that set them apart from one another. As you explore small business financing possibilities, here’s a closer look at grants vs. loans.

1. Grant vs. Loan Eligibility Requirements


Small business grants can come from nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and government agencies. Note that the federal government doesn’t make grants (or loans) to businesses directly but assist with programs that do.

Each organization offering a business grant can establish criteria to determine who qualifies. Only businesses operating in select industries and locations or whose owner meets specific demographic requirements may be eligible for specific grants. For example, some organizations may exclusively offer small business grants for women. Others may provide small business grants for minorities. Still others may cater to veterans or disabled entrepreneurs, or businesses that operate in certain industries or communities.

While a lot depends on your business’s industry, focus, and location, it can generally be tougher to qualify for a grant than for a loan.


With small business loans, lenders are more interested in the fundamentals of the business and the business’s (and business owner’s) financial health. For example, when you’re applying for a small business loan lenders may review your:

•  Business credit score

•  Personal credit scores

•  Personal income or business income

•  Profit and loss statement

•  Cash flow statement

•  Business or personal assets

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2. How Grant vs. Loan Funding Can Be Used

Another important difference between grant and loan options for small business has to do with how you can put the funds you receive to work.


Small business grants often come with restrictions for how the funds can be used. For example, you may be able to use a grant only to fund efforts to grow your business. Or, some grants may limit you to expenses related to the cost of starting a brand-new business from the ground up.


With a small business loan, you generally have a lot of control over what you do with the money. For example, you might use a small business loan to upgrade your computer equipment, purchase business vehicles, or open a second business location.

If you’re looking for more flexibility in how you can spend funding, then a small business loan may be a more useful option than a small business grant.

3. Funding Amounts

When considering grants vs. loans, it’s important to understand how much money you may be able to access.

Organizations that make grants to small businesses can limit how much they offer. So for example, you might be limited to receiving $5,000 or $10,000, though some may offer $25,000 or more. The upside is that you don’t have to pay grant money back. However, that money may not be enough to fully meet your funding needs.

With small business loans, lenders can typically set the borrowing limit much higher. SBA 7(a) loans, for example, have a maximum cap of $5 million.

4. Repayment Requirements

As mentioned, the chief difference between a grant and a loan is that a loan has to be repaid while a grant typically does not. But it’s also important to note that small business loans are not all identical when it comes to their repayment requirements.

Short-term loans, for example, may have repayment periods lasting less than one year. Long-term loans may have repayment periods extending over several years. With SBA 7(a) loans you can take up to 25 years to repay what you borrow, depending on what you’re using the loan proceeds for.

5. The Application Process

Regardless of whether you decide to pursue a loan or a grant, you’ll have to apply for it. There are some differences to consider when it comes to applying for a small business loan vs. applying for a grant.

For loan funding you’ll need to meet the lender’s criteria for things like credit score, revenues, and time in business. As you compare small business loan options, it’s wise to take time to check the minimum qualification requirements carefully to weed out loans that you’re less likely to qualify for. Bank and SBA loans typically have stricter qualification requirements than loans from online lenders.

When you’re applying for a small business grant, your business’s financial situation may be less relevant. But it’s key to make sure that you understand the eligibility requirements for the grant and that you meet them before applying. Small business grants meant for women, for instance, generally require businesses to have one or more women owners. Depending on the grant, you will likely be asked to show proof of your eligibility, so bear that in mind.

While some grant applications can be simple, others require writing a grant proposal, which can take weeks to complete.

6. Interest

With a business loan, the interest rate represents the amount you will pay back to the lender on top of principal; it’s usually calculated as a percentage of the total amount borrowed.

Business loan interest rates can vary widely depending on the borrower’s financial history, the lending institution, and what’s happening in the economy.

Annual percentage rate (APR) is the total cost of a loan, including the interest rate and any added fees (such as an origination fee and application fee), and is generally the best measure for understanding and comparing business loan interest rates.

Interest rates on small business loans may be fixed (the interest rate remains the same over the life of the loan) or variable (the rate will change based on current market rates at a predetermined date).

Recommended: APR vs Interest Rate: What’s the Difference?

7. Availability

When debating whether to pursue a loan or grant, you may want to consider how quickly you need the capital. Grantors typically take much longer to approve applications and disburse funds than lenders do. If you need money immediately, a loan may be the only option. Keep in mind, though, that SBA and bank loans can also take a few months to fund. Loans from online lenders, however, often take just a few days to process.

Here’s a side-by side comparison of business grants vs loans.

Business Grants

Business Loans

Eligibility requirements Varies with grant Lenders may require a certain number of years in business, minimum annual revenue, and minimum credit score
How funds can be used Specified Flexible
Funding amounts Can range from $1,000 to $25,000 Amounts will depend on a borrower’s qualifications, but SBA loans can offer as much as $5 million.
Repayment None Must be repaid by a certain date
Application process Can be extensive, depending on the granter Can be extensive, depending on the lender
Interest None Interest rate varies
Availability Limited Many

Choosing Between Business Loans vs Grants

What makes the most sense for your small business depends on a lot of variables that are unique to your situation. As you’re making your decision, some questions you may want to ask yourself might include:

•  Can I earmark these funds for a specific purpose?

•  How much money do I need?

•  Are there any grants for which my small business is eligible?

•  Will my business be able to pay back these funds?

•  Do I have the time to search out and apply for grants?

•  Do I have a personal or business credit score that will allow me to get good terms on loans?

Finding the right option for your small business can take some time. Just remember, you may be able to combine options if that makes the most sense for you – taking out a loan to ramp up inventory, for example, while applying for a grant to help you launch a new product.

Different Types of Grants and Loans

There are myriad different type of grants, including:

•  Federal business grants

•  State business grants

•  Local business grants

•  Small business relief grants

•  Corporate business grants

•  Specialty business grants

There are also many different types of business loans. These include:

•  Term loans

•  SBA loans

•  Business line of credit

•  Equipment loan

•  Invoice factoring

•  Merchant cash advance

•  Microloan

EIDL Grants vs Loans

While the SBA’s COVID EIDL (Economic Injury Disaster Loan) is no longer available, the SBA continues to offer EIDLs to small businesses located in a declared disaster area, These loans are designed to help small businesses that have suffered economic losses due to a disaster such as a severe storm, flooding, or wildfire get back on their feet.

You can apply for a non-COVID EIDL relief loan through the SBA. The loan amount will be based on your actual economic injury and your company’s financial needs, regardless of whether the business suffered any property damage.

The Takeaway

Choosing between grants and loans ultimately comes down to knowing what your business needs are and what type of funding fits best in your overall financial strategy. Remember that you can combine more than one option – and that your needs may change over time.

If you’re seeking financing for your business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

With SoFi’s marketplace, it’s fast and easy to search for your small business financing options.


Are grants better than loans for businesses?

It depends. Grants are better than loans in that they do not need to be paid back. However, grants can be difficult to get, may require an extensive application process, and typically come with restrictions on how you can use the money that’s awarded.

Is it harder to apply for business grants or loans?

It can be. While the application process varies considerably from grant to grant, in some cases. you will be required to submit a formal grant proposal which could take weeks to prepare.

Are you supposed to repay business grant money?

No, business grant money does not need to be paid back.

Photo credit: iStock/MicroStockHub

SoFi's marketplace is owned and operated by SoFi Lending Corp. See SoFi Lending Corp. licensing information below. Advertising Disclosures: SoFi receives compensation in the event you obtain a loan through SoFi’s marketplace. This affects whether a product or service is featured on this site and could affect the order of presentation. SoFi does not include all products and services in the market. All rates, terms, and conditions vary by provider.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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Guide to SBA Loans and How to Apply to Them

When it comes time to finance your small business, you have options ranging from a business line of credit to a small business loan. Some people use a combination of financing options to achieve their business goals.

One potential fit for your small business is financing through an SBA loan, which is a bank loan guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). With an SBA loan, borrowers can work toward their goals.

What Is an SBA Loan?

An SBA loan is one guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and offered by approved lenders such as banks, micro-lending institutions, and private lending companies. The SBA itself does not lend money directly but does help reduce risk to lending partners. With these types of small business loans, small business owners usually enjoy competitive rates and SBA loan terms, counseling, and education opportunities.

To begin the process of applying for an SBA loan, you’ll need to find an SBA-approved lender. The lenders will differ depending on which type of SBA loan you’re applying for.

The lender will then assess your eligibility according to SBA requirements. If approved, you’ll receive a loan with a percentage of the amount guaranteed by the SBA. This means that if you default on the loan, the SBA guarantees repayment to the lender, making SBA loans relatively low-risk — and appealing — for lenders.

SBA loan eligibility requirements vary depending on the lender and the type of loan program. A few things lenders consider when assessing a potential borrower are:

•  How does the business receive income?

•  What is the character of its ownership?

•  Where does the business operate?

•  Does the business meet size standards?

•  Has the business received funds from another financial lender?

Additionally, lenders will look at a potential borrower’s creditworthiness. Personal credit and business credit (if the applicant has established it) are assessed to ensure that the potential borrower is able to responsibly repay the loan. It may be possible for those with less-than-optimal credit to qualify for funding with certain SBA loan programs and lenders.

Recommended: Free Credit Score Monitoring

SBA Loan Terms, Amounts, and Rates

SBA loans are generally designed to provide funding for small businesses over longer periods of time. However, the SBA loan terms, amount, and interest rates you receive will ultimately depend on your ability to repay the loan.

While there are several different types of SBA financing programs, SBA 7(a) loans are the most common and include the following loan types:

•  Standard

•  Small

•  Express

•  CAPLines

•  Export Working Capital

•  Export Express

•  International Trade

The information below is meant to give you a general understanding of typical SBA loan terms and characteristics.

SBA Loan Terms

Specific business loan terms under the SBA will depend on the lender and eligibility, but they generally fall between five and 25 years.

Many SBA loan terms are based on the funding’s use. If you are using a standard 7(a) loan, 7(a) small loan, SBA Express loan, or Export Express loan for:

•  Working capital, the maximum maturity is 10 years.

•  Equipment, the maximum maturity is 10 years as long as it does not exceed the life of the equipment.

•  Inventory, the maximum maturity is 10 years.

•  Real estate, the maximum maturity is 25 years.

Certain SBA loans have special terms that may not follow the above criteria. For:

•  504 loans, the loan terms can be 10, 20, or 25 years.

•  Microloans, the maximum maturity is six years.

•  All CAPLine loans except the Builders CAPLine, the maximum maturity is 10 years.

•  Builders CAPLine loans, the maximum maturity is five years.

•  International Trade, the maximum maturity is 25 years.

•  Export Working Capital, the maximum maturity is typically one year, but can be up to three.

Finally, the SBA offers longer maximum repayment periods on disaster loans:

•  Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), the maximum maturity is 30 years.

•  Business Physical Disaster Loan, the maximum maturity is 30 years.

•  Military Reservists Economic Injury Loan, the maximum maturity is 30 years.

SBA Loan Amounts

SBA financing programs offer a variety of loan amounts for small business owners. The exact amount each borrower is approved for depends on the lender and eligibility. Below are the maximum loan amounts for different types of SBA loan programs:

•  Standard 7(a): $5 million

•  7(a) Small loan: $350,000

•  SBA Express: $350,000

•  Export Express: $500,000

•  Export Working Capital: $5 million

•  International Trade: $5 million

•  504 loan: Generally $5 million (qualified energy-efficient or manufacturing projects may receive multiple loans up to $5.5 million)

•  Microloan: $50,000

•  CAPLine loan: $5 million

•  All disaster loans: $2 million

SBA Interest Rates

Ultimately, interest rates on SBA loans will be negotiated between the borrower and lender. The SBA provides some guidelines and rules around interest rates, which vary depending on the type of loan:

•  All 7(a) loans: Interest rates vary depending on the type of loan and what the daily peg rate is. As of August 2023, the interest rate for loans of $50,000 or less is the base rate plus 6.5%. For loans greater than $350,000, the interest rate is the base rate plus 3.0%.

•  504 loan: Interest rates are below-market and fixed for the life of the loan. In December 2023, the rate averaged at 6.21%.

•  Microloan: Interest rates are typically between 8% and 13%.

•  Disaster loans: Interest rates are determined by law and each type of disaster loan has its own criteria:

◦  Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL): Maximum interest rate for businesses is 3.75% fixed.

◦  Business Physical Disaster Loan: Maximum interest rate is 4% if you aren’t able to obtain credit elsewhere; otherwise, 8% maximum.

◦  Military Reservists Economic Injury Disaster Loan (MREIDL): Maximum interest rate is 4%.

Recommended: Average Business Loan Interest Rates

6 Different Types of SBA Loans

Understanding what an SBA loan is and how to apply for a business loan can help you prepare for choosing the right financing for your small business. Depending on the type of business you have and its goals, certain SBA financing options may be better suited for your needs over others. SBA loan types include:

•  7(a) loan programs

•  504 loan program

•  Microloans

•  SBA disaster loans

SBA 7(a) Loans


If you own a small business and you’re ready to open a new location, refinance or consolidate other loans, hire staff, or need to upgrade equipment, SBA 7(a) loans can be a way to obtain manageable financing.

Compared to other forms of financing, like credit cards or a business line of credit, SBA loans may offer more favorable terms, rates, and down payments for qualified borrowers. That said, they can also be more difficult to qualify for, especially if your business is young or your credit ratings are sub-par.

For small business owners who need financing quickly, the SBA offers Express loans, which feature a turnaround time of 36 hours. Keep in mind, SBA Express loans do have a lower maximum loan amount ($350,000) compared to standard 7(a) loans. You may also want to consider CAPLines, which are a type of SBA financing designed to meet your business’ short-term funding needs with options for revolving financing.

If you’re wondering how to apply for an SBA loan, the following sections go over details and tips to help you navigate the process.

Eligibility requirements

To qualify for an SBA 7(a) loan, a borrower needs to meet the following minimum requirements:

•  Be a for-profit business

•  Meet SBA size standards

•  Operate or propose to do business in the United States or its territories

•  Have ownership that has invested equity (time and money) into the business
Able to repay the loan

•  Already exhausted all other financing options

How to apply for an SBA 7(a) loan

The following loan application checklist can help you get a successful start on applying for your SBA 7(a) loan program.

1.   Fill out the SBA Loan Application. If your business is a corporation, stamp the corporate seal on your application.

2.   Fill out the Personal Background and Financial Statement, which further assesses your eligibility.

3.   If you answered “Yes” to Questions 2 or 3 on the SBA Loan Application, fill out a Statement of Personal History.

4.   While not required by the SBA, lenders may require a completed Personal Financial Statement upon application.

5.   Prepare the following business financial statements:

•  Year-end Profit and Loss (P&L) statement for the last three years

•  Year-end balance sheet for the last three years with a detailed debt schedule

•  Reconciliation of net worth

•  Interim balance sheet

•  Interim Profit & Loss statements

•  Projected financial statements with month-to-month cash flow projections for a span of at least one year.

6.   Gather:

•  Your original business certificate or license.

•  The signed personal and business federal income tax returns from the past 3 years for all principal owners of the business.

•  Personal resumes from all principal owners of the business.

•  Your business lease or obtain a note from your landlord.

•  Records of past loans your small business has applied for.

7.   Write up:

•  A business overview, detailing the business’ past, purpose, and what an SBA loan is needed for.

•  A list of ownership and affiliations to include names and addresses of any subsidiaries or affiliates. Also include concerns in which you hold interests or affiliations through stocks, franchises, or potential mergers.

8.   If the SBA loan is for purchasing a business, include the following information:

•  Current balance sheet and P&L for the business to be purchased

•  Previous 2 years of federal income tax returns

•  Proposed Bill of Sale including Terms of Sale

•  Asking price with schedule of inventory, machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures

Once you have all of the necessary documents and information, you can search for lenders using the SBA’s Lender Match portal.

Recommended: Business Loan Requirements

SBA 504 Loans


The 504 Loan Program is SBA financing specifically geared towards those who need long-term business loans to acquire fixed assets to expand and modernize their business. They are made available through Certified Development Companies (CDCs) who are SBA-approved, community-based partners.

These types of loans have a different structure than other SBA loans with the SBA providing 40% of total project costs, the lender covering 50%, and the borrower contributing 10%. These funds can be used for the following types of projects:

•  Purchasing existing buildings

•  Purchasing or improving land

•  Constructing new buildings

•  Renovating or modernizing existing buildings

•  Purchasing long-term machinery, furniture, or equipment

•  Refinancing debt connected to the expansion of your business

The 504 loan program offers shorter and longer loan terms from 10 to 20 years at fixed interest rates.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for a 504 loan, potential borrowers need to meet the following minimum requirements:

•  Be a for profit business

•  Meet SBA size standards

•  Cannot exceed $15 million in tangible net worth

•  Cannot have an average net income over $5 million in the 2 years prior to application

How to apply

The first step to applying for a 504 loan is locating your local CDC using the SBA’s CDC finder. From there, you will work with a CDC member to complete and submit your 504 loan application, as well as go through prequalification for the 504 loan.

If you have additional questions about 504 loans, contact your local SBA district office for assistance.

SBA Microloans


Microloans are offered through nonprofit lending organizations (Intermediaries) to help small businesses and certain not-for-profit childcare centers. SBA microloans provide funding up to $50,000 for the purchase of:

•  Machinery

•  Equipment

•  Fixtures and furniture

•  Inventory or supplies

•  Working capital

Microloans cannot be used to pay off existing debt or buy real estate.

Terms for microloans are short since the financing amount is quite low. SBA loan terms for microloans do not exceed six years and are often less than that depending on the loan amount. Interest rates vary depending on the lender.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for a microloan, you will typically be required to provide the Intermediary with some form of collateral.

Additionally, potential microborrowers must:

•  Be a newly established or growing for-profit business, or non-profit childcare center.

•  Be located in the Intermediary’s approved region of operation.

•  Meet the SBA’s size requirements.

•  Never have been debarred from receiving federal funding, with verification via a completed SBA Form 1624.

•  Not have a business owner (owns 50% or more) who is more than 60 days late on child support payments.

How to apply

To apply for an SBA microloan, you’ll need to contact your local SBA district office for assistance finding an Intermediary in your area. You will then fill out an SBA microloan application and may be required to meet certain training or planning requirements before your loan application is considered.

Recommended: Typical Small Business Loan Fees

SBA Disaster Loans

If your home or business has been affected by a recent disaster, the SBA offers low-interest disaster loans to help businesses recover. There are three main types of SBA disaster loans as they directly relate to small businesses:

•  Business Physical Disaster Loans: SBA financing designed to help businesses in declared disaster areas recover from physical damage to their property. These types of loans can be used to repair or replace machinery, inventory, real estate, and business assets.

•  Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL): SBA loans designed to help businesses in declared disaster areas that have suffered substantial financial loss.

•  Military Reservists Economic Injury Disaster Loans (MREDL): SBA funding for small businesses who have suffered financially because an essential employee was called up for service.

Eligibility requirements

Disaster SBA loans are offered to businesses, renters, private nonprofit organizations, and homeowners who operate or reside in regions affected by declared disasters.

To be eligible for a disaster loan, you must:

•  Register with FEMA to get a registration number. You can start the process by visiting or by calling FEMA at 1-800-621-3362.

•  Have already exhausted funding options from your insurance company and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

•  Be located in a declared disaster area.

The SBA also has a Disaster Loan Assistance website where you can apply, check declared disasters, and check the status of your application.

How to apply

You will need the following information to complete the SBA’s online application for disaster loans:

•  Contact information for all applicants

•  Social security numbers for all applicants

•  FEMA registration number

•  Deed or lease information

•  Insurance information

•  Financial information (e.g. income, account balances, and monthly expenses)

•  Employer Identification Number (EIN) if you are a business applicant

•  Signed and dated IRS Form 4506-T (permission for IRS to provide tax information to SBA)

You can also apply by mail or in person at a Disaster Recovery Center.



CAPLines are part of the SBA 7(a) loan program. They offer up to $5 million and are designed to help small businesses with short-term business loans that meet cyclical working capital needs. To apply for a CAPLine, follow the process laid out for 7(a) loans above.

Under the CAPLine name there are four specific loan programs small business owners like you can access:

Contract loan

Contract loans offer short-term financing to contractors and subcontractors who cannot access funding elsewhere. These types of loans have the option to be revolving.

Contract loans can be used to fund purchase orders, contracts, or subcontracts which may include administrative expenses and general overhead. With this type of loan, SBA loan payments are made when payment for the activity is made to the business.

Maximum loan amount: Up to $5 million. You can also use a single Contract CAPLine loan to fund single or multiple projects.

Loan term: 10 years maximum.

Eligibility: Borrowers need to meet eligibility requirements for standard SBA 7(a) loans and demonstrate:

•  The ability to operate profitably based on past completion of contracts.

•  The ability to bid and perform the work required by the contract.

•  Financial capacity and expertise to execute the contract on time and profitably.

Seasonal lines of credit

Seasonal lines of credit can be used to finance seasonal increases of accounts receivable, inventory, or labor demand for your small business. SBA loan payments are paid at the end of the season for which the loan was needed.

Maximum loan amount: Up to $5 million with a max guarantee of $3.75 million. Loan amounts are determined by cash flow projections and correlate with the costs associated with seasonal increases in inventory or receivables.

Loan term: 10 years maximum.

Eligibility: Borrowers need to meet eligibility for standard SBA 7(a) requirements and:

•  Have been in operation for at least one calendar year.

•  Be able to show a definite pattern of seasonal activity.

Builders line

These short-term SBA loans are for direct expenses related to construction or “substantial” renovation costs for eligible projects, such as residential or commercial buildings for resale.

Land costs may also be eligible if they don’t exceed 20% of the total project cost. Builders lines have the option to be revolving.

Repayment for a project’s funding is required within 36 months of the project’s completion, or at the time of sale (whichever is sooner).

Maximum loan amount: $5 million maximum.

Loan term: Five years maximum.

Eligibility: Borrowers need to meet eligibility requirements for standard SBA 7(a) loans and:

•  Be construction contractors or homebuilders who have managerial and technical ability.

•  Be performing the construction work or manage alongside at least one supervisory employee on the job site over the course of construction.

•  Plan for “prompt and significant” renovations.

•  Show prior successful performance in bidding and finishing construction/renovation on a similar project.

Working capital line of credit

Working capital lines of credit are revolving, short-term financing options for working capital and operating needs. This type of SBA loan cannot be used to pay delinquent withholding taxes, trust funds, or floor planning.

Maximum loan amount: $5 million maximum.

Loan term: 10 years maximum.

Eligibility: Borrowers need to meet the eligibility requirements for standard SBA 7(a) loans and must generate accounts receivable or have inventory.

SBA Export Working Capital Program


Since many banks in the U.S. don’t offer working capital advances for export orders, receivables, or letters of credit, some small businesses don’t have the needed capital to support export sales. With an SBA Export Working Capital loan, exporters have more flexibility to negotiate export payment terms.

With an SBA Export Working Capital loan, lenders are provided with a 90% guarantee from the SBA, which acts as a credit enhancement. This allows lenders to make export working capital available.

In partnership with SBA Senior International Credit Officers, the SBA can deliver these loans.

These officers are experts in trade finance and can offer in-depth understanding about the SBA’s programs and other relevant information.

Guaranty coverage, rates, and terms

Guaranty coverage for export loans are as follows:

•  Maximum loan amount is $5,000,000

•  90% of principal and accrued interest up to 120 days

•  Low guarantee fee of 0.25% of the guaranteed portion for loans with maturities of 12 months or less

•  Loan maturities are generally for 12 months or less

The SBA will not subsidize or establish interest rates for export loans. Rates can be fixed or variable and are negotiated between the borrower and the lender.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for an SBA Export Working Capital loan, borrowers need to:

•  Meet the standard SBA requirements for 7(a) loans.

•  Be a business that engages in export development.

•  Have at least 12 months of operating experience prior to applying (which can be waived with demonstrated expertise and previous business experience).

How to apply

SBA loan applications for export loans are made directly to your lender. To get more information on these specific types of loans and determine if your small business is eligible, contact a U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC).

If you own a small business and are wondering how business loans work, starting with SBA loans may be a great option. While there are alternatives, an SBA loan provides small business owners with competitive rates and terms, and offers various loan programs to suit the unique needs of different types of businesses and communities. Ultimately, you have to assess your needs, timing, business type, and alternative funding before applying, but here are some pros and cons of SBA loans for you to consider.

Pros of SBA Loans

The following list are reasons you may want to consider pursuing an SBA loan:

•  They are designed specifically for small businesses, including those owned by women, veterans, and underserved communities.

•  Secured loans have a percentage of each loan guaranteed by the SBA to reduce risks to lenders and provide potential borrowers with relatively favorable terms and rates.

•  You can use funds for a variety of business purposes from start-up costs and inventory, to real estate and working capital. See individual loan conditions to learn more.

•  May offer more competitive interest rates than a non-SBA business loan.

Cons of SBA Loans

While there are many positive aspects of SBA loans, there a few cons to consider before applying:

•  Application and approval processes can be longer than non-SBA loans because SBA financing is highly competitive and has strict eligibility requirements.

•  You may need higher personal and/or business credit to qualify when compared to other online business loans. While having a lower credit score doesn’t necessarily disqualify you for an SBA loan, the minimum credit score generally falls around 620-640, but this will vary by lender.

•  Some programs have restrictions on how you use funds.

To receive further information about specific SBA loan programs and to check if there’s one that is right for your small business, you can use the SBA assistance locator to find Small Business Development Centers in your area.

Alternative Small Business Loan Options

If you’d like more options for small business loans, there are a number of alternatives that may be useful:

•  Inventory financing: Using unpaid invoices as collateral to receive cash advances from lenders.

•  Business line of credit: Access to funding with an approved credit limit in which interest is only applied to the amount of funds you use.

•  Personal loans for small business: Approval for a personal loan for business is based on your personal credit history and funds may be used for business purposes, depending on the lender’s terms.

•  Equipment financing: Loans used for the purchase of machinery, vehicles, or other business-related equipment.

•  Commercial real estate loan: Funding for the specific purchase of a building to be used for business operations, such as office space or a retail storefront.

Exploring Small Business Financing

Running a business can be rewarding, but it also comes with challenges. When you need financing, it can be overwhelming trying to find small business loans or additional funding. At SoFi, we want to help simplify the process.

If you’re seeking financing for your business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

With SoFi’s marketplace, it’s fast and easy to search for your small business financing options.

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SoFi's marketplace is owned and operated by SoFi Lending Corp. See SoFi Lending Corp. licensing information below. Advertising Disclosures: SoFi receives compensation in the event you obtain a loan through SoFi’s marketplace. This affects whether a product or service is featured on this site and could affect the order of presentation. SoFi does not include all products and services in the market. All rates, terms, and conditions vary by provider.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

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Can Small Business Owners File for Unemployment?

If your small business hits a slump, due to a crisis, pandemic, or other unfortunate circumstance, any employees you let go will be able to file for unemployment benefits.

You may wonder, however, if the same applies to you: Can small business owners file for unemployment? Is your only option small business bankruptcy?

In some cases, small business owners may be able to file for unemployment. It just depends on how you’ve been paying yourself and whether you’ve paid into unemployment insurance.

How Do Unemployment Benefits Work?

When employees are laid off or let go from a company, they are typically entitled to temporarily receive a portion of their previous salary in the form of unemployment benefits. People who quit their jobs or were fired because of poor performance are generally not eligible.

Unemployment benefits vary from one state to another, but generally can last up to 26 weeks. To qualify, individuals must be ready and willing to work and unable to find comparable employment. There may be additional requirements depending on which state you live in.

Unemployment insurance is financed by taxes paid by employers.

Types of Business Owners Who Are Eligible for Unemployment

Whether or not a small business owner can file for unemployment will depend on what state they live in, how their business is set up, and how they pay themselves. Here are some general guidelines that can help you decide if you should apply for benefits.

1. Sole Proprietorships

If you are the sole proprietor of a business, you likely do not pay yourself wages and unemployment taxes. If that’s the case, you probably do not qualify for unemployment for small business owners.

2. S Corporations

If you operate as an S corporation, you may be required to pay yourself wages, as well as state unemployment insurance tax on those wages, just as you do any other employee. If so, you can likely qualify for unemployment benefits.

You may want to keep in mind, however, that generally a business owner has to cease business operations entirely in order to be eligible. This shows that you are, indeed, separated from the company. “Firing yourself” due to a slowdown in business is not likely to make you eligible for unemployment.

3. Business Owners Not Earning Wages

If you operate your business as a partnership (such as an LLC or LLP) or a corporation, but haven’t been drawing a regular paycheck or contributing to your state’s unemployment insurance fund, you are likely not eligible for unemployment benefits.

If you only take money from your company as you need it, or only take money through distributions or dividends, you’re generally not considered an employee unless you are also drawing regular employee wages.

Changing your status and making yourself a W-2 employee of your company shortly before shutting it down isn’t likely going to help your case either. Many states have rules about required minimum lengths of employment to qualify for benefits.

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Requirements for Small Business Owners Applying for Unemployment

Requirements for small business owners to qualify for unemployment are dictated by the state. Typically, however, a business owner will only be eligible for unemployment benefits if they are an employee within their own business.

This means that if you meet these requirements:

•  You worked as a wage-earning employee of the company on a W-2 (not 1099)

•  You had a title and a role with defined responsibilities (such as CEO or president)

•  You paid federal and state unemployment taxes

•  You lost your status as an employee

•  You can prove that you’re seeking alternative employment

If you’ve been compensating yourself through dividends or distributions, rather than wages, or you’re a sole proprietor, you likely will not be eligible to file for unemployment as a business owner.

How Small Business Owners Can File for Unemployment

If you believe you qualify for unemployment benefits, you may want to start by visiting your state’s Employment Development Department (EDD) website to review requirements and to start the application process.

You’ll likely need to have certain documents on hand, such as your driver’s license, Social Security card, and/or passport, and need to submit certain information, such as details on your last employer (that’s your company), the last week you worked, and your total gross earnings for the last week you worked.

You may also need to provide information on any other employers you have had over the past 18 months, as well as your net income. Some states may require you to have an interview with a representative from the EDD.

Once approved, you may need to verify whether you have looked for work or worked at all during a given pay period so your unemployment benefits can be accurately calculated.

What Kinds of Unemployment Benefits Can Business Owners Expect?

If you’re eligible for unemployment benefits as a business owner and your claim is approved, you’ll receive the benefits available in your state. Benefits can typically last anywhere from three to six months.

The actual amount of weekly unemployment benefits you’ll receive as a business owner will depend on where you live and your prior earnings. The maximum weekly benefit amount can range from $215 to $900-plus depending on the state where you file.

Once your benefits run out, you generally cannot file another claim until a year after your original claim.

Other Small Business Financial Relief Options

If you don’t qualify for unemployment benefits, but still need a solution to cover a gap in income until business picks up, there are a number of small business funding options to consider.

SBA Disaster Loans

The COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is no longer available. However, the SBA continues to offer traditional EIDL loans for business owners that have been affected by a natural disaster, such as a flood, drought, or hurricane. You can learn more on the SBA’s website.

Other SBA Loans and Grants

In addition to the EIDL program, the SBA offers many other loans to small businesses, such as the 7(a) loan program. SBA loans tend to offer the largest loan amounts and have the lowest interest of all your options.

In addition, the SBA offers a small number of grants to small businesses that do not have to be repaid.

Small Business Loans

You may qualify for a traditional small business loan from a bank, credit union, or online lender. Some require higher credit scores, while others have less stringent requirements, though may offer less favorable terms. You may also be able to get a personal loan while unemployed.

Recommended: What to Know About Short-Term Business Loans

Emergency Funding Options

If your revenues and credit scores are down, you may be limited to applying for higher-interest options, like a merchant cash advance.

Even if you have to pay higher interest, an emergency business loan could ensure you have the money you need to pay yourself and your business expenses until you once again have a successful small business, especially if you don’t qualify for unemployment.

Business Insurance Policies

Business insurance helps protect your business’ financial assets should you face an unfortunate (and costly) event, such as a lawsuit, property damage, theft, loss of income, and employee injuries or illnesses. A general business owners policy (BOP) typically includes:

•  General liability insurance

•  Commercial property insurance

•  Business interruption insurance (which helps you recover lost business income if your business is unable to open because of a problem such as a fire)


Crowdfunding is the use of small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals (a.k.a., the “crowd”) to finance your business. If you opt for reward-based crowdfunding, investors receive a reward for investing and you get to keep ownership of your business. To go this route, you typically have to create a campaign on a crowdfunding site that gets people excited about your business.

The Takeaway

Whether or not you can file for unemployment as a business owner generally depends on whether you get a regular paycheck from your company and pay unemployment taxes. It can be a good idea to check in with your state, since these benefits are administered at the state level. If you don’t qualify, there are other ways to help keep your business afloat during a slump.

If you’re seeking financing for your business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

With SoFi’s marketplace, it’s fast and easy to search for your small business financing options.


Can small business owners file for unemployment?

It depends. Generally, a business owner will only qualify for unemployment benefits if they have been paying themselves as a W-2 employee.

How can small business owners apply for unemployment?

If you think you may qualify for unemployment benefits as a small business owner, you can start by going to your state’s Employment Development Department (EDD) website to review requirements and to start the application process.

To apply, you will generally need your driver’s license, Social Security card or passport, details on your last employer (your company), the last week you worked, and total gross earnings for that week.

You may also need to provide information on any other employers you have had over the past 18 months, as well as your net income. In some states, you may need to have an interview with a representative from the EDD.

Are unemployment benefits for business owners different from employees?

No. If you qualify for unemployment benefits as a business owner, you will have access to the same unemployment benefits as any other eligible applicant in your state.

Photo credit: iStock/andresr

SoFi's marketplace is owned and operated by SoFi Lending Corp. See SoFi Lending Corp. licensing information below. Advertising Disclosures: SoFi receives compensation in the event you obtain a loan through SoFi’s marketplace. This affects whether a product or service is featured on this site and could affect the order of presentation. SoFi does not include all products and services in the market. All rates, terms, and conditions vary by provider.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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10 Things Business Loans Can Be Used For

Small business loans can be used for a variety of business expenses. But it’s not just up to the business owner. Depending on the lender and type of loan, some business-loan lenders may place restrictions on what you can and can’t use the loan proceeds for.

Let’s look at both what a business loan can be used for and what it can’t.

1. Daily Operations

There’s a cost to running a business, and it’s not always the large, one-time expenses like new computers that can break the bank. Paying rent or a mortgage, utilities, and payroll each month can eat up a large portion of your revenues.

Luckily, a small business loan can be used for any of the daily operations of running a business, including inventory, marketing and advertising, maintenance and repairs, payroll, legal fees, office supplies, and more.

2. Equipment

Equipment might be something as large and complex as a crane or as simple as computers for your staff. If you have a company vehicle, that is also considered equipment, and you can use a loan to pay for it.

There are small business equipment loans specifically to help with these expenses. To put what equipment financing is in a nutshell, you use the equipment you’re purchasing as collateral for the loan, which can help you secure lower interest rates.

3. Business Improvements/Enhancements

A business loan can provide the capital you need to improve or enhance your business. These may include additions to your store space or remodeling your existing space, for example. As long as the enhancement or improvement is to your business (you can’t use it to put a new roof on your home), it qualifies as a business expense.

4. Production

If you sell products, you might need to purchase supplies to create your finished product.

For instance, maybe you sell custom clothing. Production expenses would include things like fabric, thread, packaging, and labels. You could even include the cost of shipping your finished products in this category. A short-term business loan is a great way to cover these expenses until you recoup your investment.

5. Debt Refinancing

If you’ve taken out high-interest loans in the past, you might be paying more than you should in interest and fees. Some business loans allow you to use the funds for debt refinancing.

Debt refinancing is taking out one loan to pay off another that has higher interest. You can also use one loan to consolidate multiple loans so that you have one low interest rate for your entire debt.

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6. Inventory

An inventory loan is a small business loan that’s designed for purchasing inventory. This kind of business funding is flexible, since you can use it to pay for different kinds of supplies needed to run your business.

7. Marketing

You will have trouble establishing your business if you can’t attract customers. Marketing will help you get the word out about your business and gain customers.

Branding, sales, and engagement are all enhanced through marketing. Funding a well-planned campaign with the use of a small business loan can make a big difference.

8. Business Expansion

Many loans are intended for helping a business grow. It could be more staff, more inventory, or more products offered. Some small business loans can even be used to help you purchase a second location or expand your existing one. The building is typically used as collateral to secure your loan, which could get you a better interest rate.

9. Acquisition

If the opportunity arose today to buy a competing company and capture more of the market, could you afford it? Many businesses don’t have the capital on hand to make an acquisition purchase and therefore have to miss out on what might have been a significant opportunity to grow.

A business loan gives you the ability to jump on such good fortune. And since acquiring another business should expand profits, you may be able to pay back the loan easily.

10. Startup Costs

Some of your largest expenses will happen upon launching. From renovating commercial space to stocking up on supplies and products and hiring staff, these expenses can be in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. Most new entrepreneurs don’t have that kind of cash lying around, which is where financing comes in handy.

Remember, every investment you make in your business will be recouped if and when you hit profitability. Consider what expenses are necessary to start your business off on the right foot and which are just nice-to-haves (for example, maybe you don’t need that $5,000 espresso machine in the break room just yet).

Recommended: Equipment Financing for Bad Credit

What Not to Use Business Loans For

Now you have a grasp on what business loans can be used for, but what about what they can’t be used for? The biggest no-no is typically personal expenses.

What Counts as a Personal Expense?

Below are three scenarios in which a business loan can not be used for.

Using a Business Loan to Purchase a Personal Home

If you need property for your business, that’s allowed. A home for your personal use, however, is not.

Using a Business Loan to Purchase a Personal Vehicle

This is also against the rules. You can form a business entity to purchase a car if it’s strictly for your business, but that is a whole procedure of its own.

Using a Business Loan to Pay Off Personal Debt

Business loans cannot be used to pay off personal debt, including credit cards, mortgages, student loans, and more.

SBA 504 Restrictions

Small Business Administration loans are extremely helpful to entrepreneurs, but SBA loans have many rules. If you take out the 504 loan from the SBA, there are restrictions on what you can and can’t use the proceeds for that are stricter than the rules for many other loans. You cannot use the loan to pay for:

•  Start-up costs

•  Office supplies

•  Business acquisition

•  Working capital

•  Inventory

SBA 7(a) Restrictions

You can, however, use an SBA 7(a) loan for the expenses excluded by the 504.
With 7(a) loans, you cannot use the loan proceeds for an illegal business or to pay delinquent taxes.
Bottom line: Read the fine print before taking out a loan so you can be sure what you want to use it for is approved.

Recommended: Business Loan Down Payment

Reasons to Get a Business Loan

First, taking out a small business loan may provide your business with more opportunities. If there’s something that could help your business grow faster — be it a speedier computer or buying another business — having access to working capital can make that happen.

There are a variety of types of loans, so even if your business is new and not yet established or you don’t have great credit, there’s likely a financing option for you, whether that’s invoice
financing, short-term loans, or a merchant cash advance.

Needs vary. Perhaps you are best served by a microloan — or by a million-dollar business loan.

The point is it’s always a good idea to look to the future. Revenues can be like hills and valleys, and if you hit a dip in revenues, you want to ensure you have the cash you need to pay your staff and bills.

The Takeaway

A small business loan can be used for almost anything that makes your company stronger. But different loans come with different rules as well as different rates, so you need to shop around to find one that will work for you and your business’s needs.

If you’re seeking financing for your business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

With SoFi’s marketplace, it’s fast and easy to search for your small business financing options.


Can you use a business loan to pay off personal debt?

No, for tax reasons and other reasons. Paying off personal debt with a business loan is against the rules if you’re getting a loan through the Small Business Administration, and other lenders frown on this to the extent that if a lender finds out about a business owner using a business line of credit for personal use, they will call in the balance of the note.

Can you use a small business loan to purchase a house?

If the real estate is needed for your business, then it could fall within the rules of what is allowable. You cannot buy a house for personal use or as an investment with a small business loan.

What can SBA loans actually be used for?

SBA loans, depending on the type, can be used for many things: start-up, expansion, equipment purchases, working capital, inventory, or commercial real estate purchases.

Photo credit: iStock/panida wijitpanya

SoFi's marketplace is owned and operated by SoFi Lending Corp. See SoFi Lending Corp. licensing information below. Advertising Disclosures: SoFi receives compensation in the event you obtain a loan through SoFi’s marketplace. This affects whether a product or service is featured on this site and could affect the order of presentation. SoFi does not include all products and services in the market. All rates, terms, and conditions vary by provider.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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