What Is the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)?

What Is the CBOE?

The CBOE is CBOE Global Markets, the world’s largest options trading exchange. While you may already be familiar with the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, those are only two of the exchanges investors use to trade securities.

In addition to the option trading exchange, CBOE has also created one of the most popular volatility indices in the world.

Learn more about CBOE and what it does.

What Is the CBOE Options Exchange?

CBOE, or CBOE Global Markets, Inc., is a global exchange operator founded in 1973 and headquartered in Chicago. Investors often turn to CBOE to buy and sell both derivatives and equities. In addition, the holding company facilitates trading over a diverse array of products in various asset classes, many of which it introduced to the market.

The organization also includes several subsidiaries, such as The Options Institute (an educational resource), Hanweck Associates LLC (a real-time analytics company), and The Options Clearing Corporation or OCC (a central clearinghouse for listed options).

The group has global branches in Canada, England, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines.

CBOE is also a public company with a stock traded on the cboe exchange.

What Does CBOE Stand For?

Originally known as the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the company changed its name to CBOE in 2017.

💡 Quick Tip: All investments come with some degree of risk — and some are riskier than others. Before investing online, decide on your investment goals and how much risk you want to take.

History of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange

Founded in 1973, CBOE represented the first U.S. market for traders who want to buy and sell exchange-listed options. This was a significant step for the options market, helping it become what it is today.

In 1975, the CBOE introduced automated price reporting and trading along with The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC).

Other developments followed in the market as well. For example, CBOE added “put” options in 1977. And by 1983, the market began creating options on broad-based indices using the S&P 100 (OEX) and the S&P 500 (SPX).

In 1993, the CBOE created its own market volatility index called the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX). In 2015, it formed The Options Institute. With this, CBOE had an educational branch that could bring investors information about options.

CBOE continues its educational initiatives. The Options Institute even schedules monthly classes and events to help with outreach, and it offers online tools such as an options calculator and a trade maximizer.

From 1990 on, Cboe began creating unique trading products. Notable introductions include LEAPS (Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities) launched in 1990; Flexible Exchange (FLEX) options in 1993; short-term options known as Weeklys in 2005; and an electronic S&P options contract called SPXpm in 2011.

Understanding What the CBOE Options Exchange Does

The CBOE Options Exchange serves as a trading platform, similar to the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. It has a history of creating its own tradable products, including options contracts, futures, and more. Cboe also has acquired market models or created new markets in the past, such as the first pan-European multilateral trading facility (MTF) and the institutional foreign exchange (FX) market.

The CBOE’s specialization in options is essential, but it’s also complicated. Options contracts don’t work the same as stocks or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). They’re financial derivatives tied to an underlying asset, like a stock or future, but they have a set expiration date dictating when investors must settle or exercise the contract.That’s where the OCC comes in.

The OCC settles these financial trades by taking the place of a guarantor. Essentially, as a clearinghouse, the OCC acts as an intermediary for buyers and sellers. It functions based on foundational risk management and clears transactions. Under the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), it provides clearing and settlement services for various trading options. It also acts in a central counterparty capacity for securities lending transactions.

Recommended: How to Trade Options

CBOE Products

Cboe offers a variety of tradable products across multiple markets, including many that it created.

For example, CBOE offers a range of put and call options on thousands of publicly traded stocks, (ETFs), and exchange-traded notes (ETNs). Investors use these tradable products for specific strategies, like hedging.

Or, they use them to gain income by selling cash-secured puts or covered calls. These options strategies give investors flexibility in terms of how much added yield they want and gives them the ability to adjust their stock exposures.

Investors have the CBOE options marketplace and other alternative venues, including the electronic communication network (ECN), the FX market, and the MTF.

💡 Quick Tip: Options can be a cost-efficient way to place certain trades, because you typically purchase options contracts, not the underlying security. That said, options trading can be risky, and best done by those who are not entirely new to investing.

CBOE and Volatility

The CBOE’s Volatility Index (VIX) gauges market volatility of U.S. equities. It also tracks the metric on a global scale and for the S&P 500. That opens up an opportunity for many traders. Traders, both international and global, use the VIX Index to get a foothold in the large U.S. market or global equities, whether it’s trading or simply exposing themselves to it.

In late 2021, CBOE Global Markets extended global trading hours (GTH) on CBOE Options Exchange for its VIX options and S&P 500 Index options (SPX) to almost 24 hours per business day, five days a week. They did this with the intention to give further access to global participants to trade U.S. index options products exclusive to CBOE. These products are based on both the SPX and VIX indices.

This move allowed CBOE to meet growth in investor demand. These investors want to manage their risk more efficiently, and the extended GTH could help them to do so. With it, they can react in real-time to global macroeconomics events and adjust their positions accordingly.

Essentially, they can track popular market sentiment and choose the best stocks according to the VIX’s movements.

Recommended: How to Use the Fear and Greed Index to Your Advantage

The Takeaway

While CBOE makes efforts to educate and open the market to a broader range of investors, options trading is a risky strategy.

Investors should recognize that while there’s potentially upside in options investing there’s usually also a risk when it comes to the options’ liquidity, and premium costs can devour an investor’s profits. That means it’s not the best choice for those looking for a safer investment.

While some investors may want further guidance and less risk, for other investors, options trading may be appealing. Investors should fully understand options trading before implementing it.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

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About the author

Rebecca Lake

Ashley Kilroy

Ashley Kilroy is a seasoned personal finance writer with 15 years of experience simplifying complex concepts for individuals seeking financial security. Her expertise has shined through in well-known publications like Rolling Stone, Forbes, SmartAsset, and Money Talks News. Read full bio.

Photo credit: iStock/USGirl

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.
Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.


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The Average 401k Balance by Age

The Average 401(k) Balance by Age

Table of Contents

Key Points

•   Establishing the habit of investing in a retirement plan early, even small amounts, may help you benefit from compounding returns.

•   Aim to contribute enough to your 401(k) to get the full employer match, so you don’t leave money on the table.

•   Automating contributions can make it easier to consistently build retirement funds over time.

•   If you’re over 50, making catch-up contributions can boost your retirement savings.

•   Paying attention to asset allocations, investment performance, and fees can help you make regular adjustments to target your goals.

What’s the Average 401(k) Balance?

The average 401(k) balance for all ages is $134,128, according to Vanguard’s How America Saves Report 2024. However, the average 401(k) balance by age of someone in their 20s is very different from the balance of someone in their 50s and 60s. That’s why it’s helpful to know how much you should have saved in your 401(k) at different ages.

Seeing what others are saving in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond can be a useful way to gauge whether you’re on track with your own retirement plans and what else you can do to maximize this critical, tax-deferred form of savings.

Average and Median 401(k) Balance by Age Group

Pinning down the average 401(k) account balance can be challenging, as only a handful of sources collect information on retirement accounts, and they each have their own methods for doing so.

Vanguard is one of the largest 401(k) providers in the U.S., with nearly 5 million participants. For this review of the average and median 401(k) balance by age, we use data from Vanguard’s How America Saves Report 2024.

It’s important to look at both the average balance amounts, as well as the median amounts. Here’s why: Because there are people who save very little, as well as those who have built up very substantial balances, the average account balance only tells part of the story. Comparing the average amount with the median amount — the number in the middle of the savings curve — provides a reality check as to how other retirement savers in your age group may be doing.

Age Group

Average 401(k) Balance

Median 401(k) Balance

Under 25 $7,351 $2,816
25-34 $37,557 $14,933
35-44 $91,281 $35,537
45-54 $168,646 $60,763
55-64 $244,750 $87,571
65+ $272,588 $88,488

Source: Vanguard’s How America Saves Report 2024

Average 401(k) Balance for Ages 25 and Under

•   Average 401(k) Balance: $7,351

•   Median 401(k) Balance: $2,816

•   Key Challenges for Savers: Because they are new to the workforce, this age group is likely to be making lower starting salaries than those who have been working for several years. They may not have the income to put towards a 401(k). In addition, debt often presents a big challenge for younger savers, many of whom may be paying down student loan debt, credit card debt, or both.

•   Tips for Savers: While being debt-free is a priority, it’s also crucial to establish the habit of saving now — even if you’re not saving a lot. The point is to save steadily, whether that’s by contributing to your 401(k) or an investment account, and to automate your savings.

By starting early, even small contributions have the potential to grow over time because of the power of compounding returns.

Average 401(k) for Ages 25 to 34

•   Average 401(k) Balance: $37,557

•   Median 401(k) Balance: $14,933

•   Key Challenges for Savers: At this stage, savers may still be repaying student loans, which can take a chunk of their paychecks. At the same time, they may also be making big — and expensive — life changes like getting married or starting a family.

•   Tips for Savers: You’ve got a lot of competing financial responsibilities right now, but it’s vital to make saving for your future a priority. Contribute as much as you can to your 401(k). If possible, aim to contribute at least the amount needed to get your employer’s matching contribution, which is essentially free money. And when you get a raise or bonus at work, direct those extra funds into your 401(k) as well.

Average 401(k) for Ages 35 to 44

•   Average 401(k) Balance: $91,281

•   Median 401(k) Balance: $35,537

•   Key Challenges for Savers: While your late 30s and early 40s may be a time when salaries range higher, it’s also typically a phase of life when there are many demands on your money. You might be buying a home, raising a family, or starting a business, and it could feel more important to focus on the ‘now’ rather than the future.

•   Tips for Savers: Even if you can’t save much more at this stage than you could when you were in your early 30s, you still may be able to increase your savings rate a little. Many 401(k) plans offer the opportunity to automatically increase your contributions each year. If your plan has this feature, take advantage of it. A 1% or 2% increase in savings annually can add up over time. And because the money automatically goes directly into your 401(k), you won’t miss it.

Average 401(k) for Ages 45 to 54

•   Average 401(k) Balance: $168,646

•   Median 401(k) Balance: $60,763

•   Key Challenges for Savers: These can be peak earning years for some individuals. However, at this stage of life, you may also be dealing with the expense of sending your kids to college and helping ailing parents financially.

•   Tips for Savers: The good news is, that starting at age 50, the IRS allows you to start making catch-up contributions to your 401(k). For 2024, the regular contribution limit is $23,000, but individuals ages 50 and up can make an additional $7,500 in 401(k) catch-up contributions for a total of $30,500. For 2025, while those under age 50 can contribute up to $23,500, individuals who are 50 and up can contribute an additional $7,500 for a total of $31,000.

While money may be tight because of family obligations, this may be the perfect moment — and the perfect incentive — to renew your commitment to retirement savings because you can save so much more.

If you max out your 401(k) contributions, you may also want to consider opening an IRA. An individual retirement account is another vehicle to help you save for your future, and depending on the type of IRA you choose, there are potential tax benefits you could take advantage of now or after you retire.

Average 401(k) for Ages 55 to 64

•   Average 401(k) balance: $244,750

•   Median 401(k) balance: $87,571

•   Key Challenges for Savers: As retirement gets closer, this is the time to save even more for retirement than you have been. That said, you may still be paying off your children’s college debt and your mortgage, which can make it tougher to allocate money for your future.

•   Tips for Savers: In your early 60s, it may be tempting to consider dipping into Social Security. At age 62, you can begin claiming Social Security retirement benefits to supplement the money in your 401(k). But starting at 62 gives you a lower monthly payout for the rest of your life. Waiting until the full retirement age, which is 66 or 67 for most people, will allow you to collect a benefit that’s approximately 30% higher than what you’d get at 62. And if you can hold off until age 70 to take Social Security, that can increase your benefit as much as 32% versus taking it at 66.

In 2025, those in their early 60s can also take advantage of an additional catch-up to their 401(k). Specifically, those aged 60 to 63 can contribute an additional $11,250 in catch-up contributions (instead of $7,500) to their 401(k) in 2025, thanks to SECURE 2.0.

Average 401(k) for Ages 65 and Older

•   Average 401(k) balance: $272,588

•   Median 401(k) balance: $88,488

•   Key Challenges for Savers: It’s critical to make sure that your savings and investments will last over the course of your retirement, however long that might be. You may be underestimating how much you’ll need. For instance, healthcare costs can rise in retirement since medical problems can become more serious as you get older.

•   Tips for Savers: Draw up a retirement budget to determine how much you might need to live on. Be sure to include healthcare, housing, and entertainment and travel. In addition, consider saving money by downsizing to a smaller, less costly home, and continue working full-time or part-time to supplement your retirement savings. And finally, keep regularly saving in retirement accounts such as a traditional or Roth IRA, if you can.

Recommended: When Can I Retire?

Get a 1% IRA match on rollovers and contributions.

Double down on your retirement goals with a 1% match on every dollar you roll over and contribute to a SoFi IRA.1

1Terms and conditions apply. Roll over a minimum of $20K to receive the 1% match offer. Matches on contributions are made up to the annual limits.

How Much Should I Have in My 401(k)?

The amount you should have in your 401(k) depends on a number of factors, including your age, income, financial obligations, and other investment accounts you might hold. According to Fidelity’s research on how much is needed to retire , an individual should aim to save about 15% of their income a year (including an employer match) starting at age 25.

To get a sense of how this looks at various ages, the chart below shows the average 401(k) balance by age, according to Vanguard’s research, as well as Fidelity’s rule of thumb for what your target 401(k) balance should roughly be at that age. Note that these are just guidelines, but they can give you a goal to work toward.

Age Group

Average 401(k) Balance*

Approximate Target 401(k) Balance**

Under 25 $7,351 Less than 1x your salary
25-34 $37,557 1x your salary by age 30
35-44 $91,281 2x your salary by age 35
3x your salary by age 40
45-54 $168,646 4x your salary by age 45
6x your salary by age 50
55-64 $244,750 7x your salary by 55
8x your salary by 60
65+ $272,588 10x your salary by age 67

*Source: Vanguard’s How America Saves Report 2024
**Source: Fidelity Viewpoints: How Much Do I Need to Retire?

Tips for Catching Up If You’re Behind

If your savings aren’t where they should be for your stage of life, take a breath — there are ways to catch up. These seven strategies can help you build your nest egg.

1. Automate your savings.

Automating your 401(k) contributions ensures that the money will go directly from your paycheck into your 401(k). You may also be able to have your contribution amount automatically increased every year, which can help accelerate your savings. Check with your employer to see if this is an option with your 401(k) plan.

2. Maximize 401(k) contributions.

The more you contribute to your 401(k), the more growth you can potentially see. At the very least, aim to contribute enough to qualify for the full employer matching contribution if your company offers one.

3. Make catch-up contributions if you’re eligible.

As mentioned, once you turn age 50, you can contribute even more money to your 401(k). If you can max out the regular contributions each year, making additional catch-up contributions to your 401(k) may help you grow your account balance faster.

4. Consider opening an IRA.

If you’ve maxed out all your 401(k) contributions, you could open a traditional or Roth IRA to help save even more for retirement. For 2024 and 2025, those under age 50 can contribute up to $7,000 to an IRA or up to $8,000 if they’re 50 and older.

5. Make sure you have the right asset allocations.

The younger you are, the more time you have to recover from market downturns, so you may choose to be a little more aggressive with your investments. On the other hand, if you have a low risk capacity, you may opt for more conservative investments.

Either way, you want to save and invest your money wisely. Consider using a mix of investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and mutual funds, to help diversify your portfolio. Just be aware that investing always involves some risk.

6. Pay Attention to Fees.

Fees can erode your investment returns over time and ultimately reduce the size of your nest egg. As you choose investments for your 401(k), consider the cost of different funds. Specifically, look at the expense ratio for any mutual funds or ETFs offered by the plan. This reflects the cost of owning the fund annually, expressed as a percentage. The higher this percentage, the more you’ll pay to own the fund.

7. Conduct an Annual Financial Checkup.

It can be helpful to check in with your goals periodically to see how you’re doing. For example, you might plan an annual 401(k) checkup at year’s end to review how your investments have performed, what you contributed to the plan, and how much you’ve paid in fees. This can help you make smarter investment decisions for the upcoming year.

The Takeaway

The average and median 401(k) balances and the target amounts noted above reflect some important realities for different age groups. Some people can save more, others less — and it’s crucial to understand that many factors play into those account balances. It’s not simply a matter of how much money you have, but also the choices you make.

For instance, starting early and saving regularly can help your money grow. Contributing as much as possible to your 401(k) and getting an employer match are also smart strategies to pursue, if you’re able to. And opening an IRA or an investment account are other potential ways to help you save for the future.

With forethought and planning, you can put, and keep, your retirement goals on track.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Invest with as little as $5 with a SoFi Active Investing account.


What is a good 401(k) balance?

A good 401(k) balance is different for everyone and depends on their age, specific financial situation, and goals. The general rule of thumb is to have 401(k) savings that’s equivalent to your salary by age 30, three times your salary by age 40, six times your salary by age 50, 8 times your salary by age 60, and 10 times your salary by age 67.

How much do most people retire with?

According to the Federal Reserve’s most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, the average 401(k)/IRA account balance for adults ages 55 to 64 was $204,000. Keep in mind, however, that when it comes to savings, one rule of thumb, according to Fidelity, is for an individual to have 8 times their salary saved by age 60 and 10 times their salary saved by age 67.

Photo credit: iStock/kate_sept2004

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC(www.sipc.org). Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit SoFi.com/legal.
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How to Manage Your 401(k): Tips for All Investors

A 401(k) plan is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that you fund with pre-tax dollars deducted from your paycheck.

Understanding the nuances of a 401(k) plan may help individuals maximize their savings.

While financial and retirement situations differ, there are some 401(k) tips that could be helpful to many using this popular investment plan. Consider these eight strategies to help you save for retirement.

1. Take Advantage of Your Employer Match

2. Consider Your Circumstances Before Contributing the Match

3. Understand Your 401(k) Investment Options

4. Stay the Course

5. Change Your Investments Over Time

6. Find—and Keep—Your Balance

7. Diversify

8. Beware Early Withdrawals

8 Tips for Managing Your 401(k)

1. Take Advantage of Your Employer Match

Understanding an employer match is important to making the most of your 401(k).

Also called a company match, an employer match is an employee benefit that allows an employer to contribute a certain amount to an employee’s 401(k). Depending on the plan, the amount of the match might be a percentage of the employee’s contribution up to a specific dollar amount, or a set dollar amount.

Some employers may require that employees make a certain minimum contribution to be eligible for matching funds. For example, an employer might match 3% when you contribute 6%. Your employer may do something different, so be sure to check with your HR or benefits representative.

Even if you don’t contribute the maximum allowable amount to your 401(k), you still may want to take advantage of the match. In other words, in the example above, if the maximum contribution limit for your 401(k) is 10% and you aren’t contributing that much, it might make sense to at least contribute 6% to get the employer match of 3%.

An employer match is sometimes referred to as “free money,” as in, “don’t leave this free money on the table.” An employer match is money that is part of your compensation and benefits package. Claiming it could be your first step in wealth building.

💡 Quick Tip: Investment fees are assessed in different ways, including trading costs, account management fees, and possibly broker commissions. When you set up an investment account, be sure to get the exact breakdown of your “all-in costs” so you know what you’re paying.

2. Consider Your Circumstances Before Contributing the Max

Contributing the maximum amount allowed to a 401(k) may make sense for some individuals, particularly if contributing the max isn’t a financial stretch for them. But if you’re struggling to reach that maximum contribution number, or if you have other pressing financial obligations, it may not be the best use of your money.

The maximum amount you can contribute to a 401(k), if you’re under age 50, is $23,000 in 2024 and $23,500 in 2025. If you’re 50 and over, you can make an additional $7,500 in catch-up contributions to a 401(k) in 2024 and 2025. And in 2025, those aged 60 to 63 may contribute an additional $11,250 instead of $7,500, thanks to SECURE 2.0. (These limits don’t include matching funds from your employer.)

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, or you don’t have an emergency savings fund for unexpected expenses, you may want to prioritize those financial situations first. Also, if you have a lot of high-interest debt like credit card debt, it may be in your best interest to pay that debt down before contributing the full amount to your 401(k).

In addition, you may want to think about whether you’re going to need any of the money you might contribute to your 401(k) prior to retirement. Withdrawing money early from a 401(k) can result in a hefty penalty.

There are some exceptions, depending on what you’ll use the withdrawn funds for. For example, qualified first-time home buyers may be exempt from the early distribution penalty. But for the most part, if you know you need to save for some big pre-retirement expenses, it may be better to do so in a non-qualified account.

You might also want to consider whether it makes sense to contribute to another type of retirement account as well, rather than putting all of your eggs in your 401(k) basket. While a 401(k) can offer benefits in terms of tax deferral and a matching contribution from your employer, individuals who are eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA, may want to think about splitting contributions between the two accounts.

While 401(k) contributions are made with pre-tax dollars and you pay taxes on the withdrawals you make in retirement, Roth IRA contributions are made with after-tax dollars and typically withdrawn tax-free in retirement.

If you’re concerned about being in a higher tax bracket at retirement than you are now, a Roth IRA can make sense as a complement to your 401(k). A caveat is that these accounts are only available to people below a certain income level.

3. Understand Your 401(k) Investment Options

Once you start contributing to a 401(k); the second step is directing that money into particular investments. Typically, plan participants choose from a list of investment options, many of which may be mutual funds.

When picking funds, consider what they consist of. For example, a mutual fund that is invested in stocks means that you will be invested in the stock market.

With each option, think about this: Does the underlying investment make sense for your goals and risk tolerance?

Get a 1% IRA match on rollovers and contributions.

Double down on your retirement goals with a 1% match on every dollar you roll over and contribute to a SoFi IRA.1

1Terms and conditions apply. Roll over a minimum of $20K to receive the 1% match offer. Matches on contributions are made up to the annual limits.

4. Stay the Course

At least part of your 401(k) money may be invested in the stock market through the funds or other investment options you choose.

If you’re not used to investing, it can be tempting to panic over small losses. Getting spooked by a dip in the market and pulling your money out is generally a poor strategy, because you are locking in what could possibly amount to be temporary losses. The thinking goes, if you wait long enough, the market might rebound. (Though, as always, past performance is no predictor of future success.)

It may help to know that stock market fluctuations are generally a normal part of the cycle. However, some investors may find it helpful to only check their 401(k) balance occasionally, rather than obsess over day-to-day fluctuations.

5. Change Your Investments Over Time

Lots of things change as we get older, and one important 401(k) tip is to change your investing along with it.

While everyone’s situation is different and economic conditions can be unique, one rule of thumb is that as you get closer to retirement, it makes sense to shift the composition of your investments away from higher risk but potentially higher growth assets like stocks, and towards lower risk, lower return assets like bonds.

There are types of funds and investments that manage this change over time, like target date funds. Some investors choose to make these changes themselves as part of a quarterly or annual rebalancing.

6. Find — And Keep — Your Balance

While you may want your 401(k) investments to change depending on what life stage you’re in, at any given time, you should also have a certain goal of how your investments should be allocated: for instance, a certain portion in bonds, stocks, international stocks, American stocks, large companies, small companies, and so on.

These targets and goals for allocation can change, however, even if your allocations and investment choices don’t change. That’s because certain investments may grow faster than others and thus, they end up taking up a bigger portion of your portfolio over time.

Rebalancing is a process where, every year or every few months, you buy and sell shares in the investments you have in order to keep your asset allocation where it was at the beginning of the year.

For example, if you have 80% of your assets in a diversified stock market fund and 20% of your assets in a diversified bond fund, over the course of a year, those allocations may end up at 83% and 17%.

To address that, you might either sell shares in the stock fund and buy shares in the bond fund in order to return to the original 80/20 mix, or adjust your allocations going forward to hit the target in the next year.

7. Diversify

By diversifying your investments, you put your money into a range of different asset classes rather than concentrating them in one area. The idea is that this may help to lower your risk (though there are still risks involved in investing).

There are several ways to diversify a 401(k), and one of the most important 401(k) investing tips is to recognize how diversification can work both between and within asset classes.

Diversification applies to your overall asset allocation as well as the assets you allocate into. While every situation is different, you may want to be exposed to both stocks and fixed-income assets, like bonds.

Within stocks, diversification can mean investing in U.S. stocks, international stocks, big companies, and small companies. It might make sense to choose diversified funds in all these categories that are diversified within themselves — thus offering exposure to the whole sector without being at the risk of any given company collapsing.

8. Beware Early Withdrawals

An important 401(k) tip is to remember that the 401(k) is designed for retirement, with funds withdrawn only after a certain age. The system works by letting you invest income that isn’t taxed until distribution. But if you withdraw from your 401(k) early, some of this advantage can disappear.

With a few exceptions, the IRS imposes a 10% penalty on withdrawals made before age 59 ½. That 10% penalty is on top of any regular income taxes a plan holder would pay on 401(k) withdrawals. While withdrawals are sometimes unavoidable, the steep cost of withdrawing funds early should be a strong reason not to, if possible.

If you would like to buy a house, for instance, there are other options to explore. First consider pulling money from any accounts that don’t have an early withdrawal penalty, such as a Roth IRA (contributions can typically be withdrawn penalty-free as long as they’ve met the 5-year rule).

The Takeaway

If you have a 401(k) through your employer, consider taking advantage of it. Not only might your employer offer a match, but automatic contributions taken directly from your paycheck and deposited into your 401(k) may keep you from forgetting to contribute.

Also be aware that a 401(k) is not the only option for saving and investing money for the long-term. One alternative option is to open an IRA account online. While there are income limitations to who can use a Roth IRA, these accounts also tend to have a bit more flexibility when withdrawing funds than 401(k) plans.

Another option is to open an investment account. These accounts don’t have the special tax treatment of retirement-specific accounts, but may still be viable ways to save money for individuals who have maxed out their 401(k) contributions or are looking for an alternative way to invest.

Ready to invest for your retirement? It’s easy to get started when you open a traditional or Roth IRA with SoFi. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

Help grow your nest egg with a SoFi IRA.

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