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How Credit Card Payments Can Balloon When Interest Rates Rise

Most people in the US have at least one credit card. These cards are a popular, convenient way to pay for items as you go about your day, tapping and swiping. They can also allow you to buy items that you can’t afford to pay for in one fell swoop, such as airfare to Hawaii or a new laptop.

But they have downsides, too; perhaps most notably, their high interest rates. At the end of 2023, one analysis found that the average interest rate was nudging close to 25%; two years earlier, the rate was hovering around 15%. That’s a considerable increase.

Here, you’ll learn more about how and why credit card payments can balloon as interest rates rise. You’ll also read advice on keeping your credit card in check, which can benefit your financial wellness.

How Interest Is Calculated

If you’re confused by all of the fine print that accompanies a credit card offer or the thought of an annual percentage rate (APR) calculation makes you wince, you probably aren’t the only one. To understand how rising rates can affect your credit card payment, it helps to understand a bit about how credit card interest is calculated.

•   First, there are two types of consumer loans: installment loans and revolving credit. A mortgage, student loan, or car loan are all examples of installment loans. With an installment loan, the borrower is loaned an amount of money (called the principal), plus interest to be paid back over a designated amount of time.

•   Revolving credit, on the other hand, is not a loan disbursed in one lump sum, but is a certain amount of credit to be used by the borrower continuously, up to a designated limit. A credit card is revolving credit. A borrower’s monthly payment is determined by how much of the available credit they are using at any given time; therefore, minimum payments may change from month to month.

Installment credit is sometimes easier than revolving credit to understand and calculate. First, installment loans often come with fixed rates, which means that the interest rate doesn’t change (unless you miss payments). For example, the rate on a federal student loan or a 30-year fixed mortgage won’t change, even if government-set interest rates shoot to the sun.

Revolving credit almost often has a variable rate, which means that the interest rate applied to the credit balance fluctuates.

The average rate on credit cards is quoted as an annual percentage rate, or an APR. The APR is the approximate interest rate that a borrower will pay in one year. Why approximate? The prime rate could fluctuate based on when the Fed changes the federal fund target rate.

💡 Quick Tip: Need help covering the cost of a wedding, honeymoon, or new baby? A SoFi personal loan can help you fund major life events — without the high interest rates of credit cards.

How Credit Card Interest Rates Change

Generally, when the Fed raises the federal funds rate, it can slow economic growth because it dissuades banks from lending money — and discourages consumers from borrowing at a subsequently higher interest rate. Raising rates is also used as a technique to combat rising inflation.

While this may be a normal and natural part of an economic cycle, rising rates can be frustrating for anyone who is currently carrying a credit card balance.

Credit card interest rates have risen as a result of 11 rate hikes enacted by the Federal Reserve (the Fed) since March 2022. Although the Fed does not control interest rates on credit cards directly, credit card interest rates are often pegged against the prime rate, which changes with the federal funds rate.

What Does a Rising Prime Rate Mean for Credit Card Holders?

A change in interest rates is likely to impact anyone with a variable rate on their credit card balance. When the Fed raises federal funds interest rates, it can be expected that credit card interest rates may follow.

How much would your credit card interest rate increase? It depends on your credit card. Generally, credit cards move in sync with rate hikes, which usually happen in quarter-percent increments.

However, the Fed has said, as of the end of 2023, that they don’t plan to raise rates further in the immediate future.

How to Combat a High Credit Card Bill

Here are some ideas for battling a high credit card bill and potentially paying less in interest over time:

1. Pay More Than the Minimum Payment

If at all possible, pay off as much of your credit card balance as you can each month. Making payments greater than the minimum amount due can help reduce your balance. The faster you can work on reducing the actual principal balance on your credit card, the less interest you’ll likely pay. If you only pay your credit card’s minimum payment, you may wind up in debt longer and paying more interest in the long run.

2. Switch to a Balance Transfer Card

Balance transfer credit cards typically have 0% APR introductory offers lasting for several months to a couple of years. If you’re serious about getting rid of your debt, you could transfer your debt over to one of these cards and then actively work on paying off the debt while you’re not paying interest.

If you do this, make sure to look for a card that has no transfer fee. Beware: If the root of the problem is actually overspending, this will not be a good long-term solution. Sometimes, 0% APR cards have interest rates that jump up dramatically after the trial period is over. And the 0% APR may no longer apply if you make a new purchase on the card.

3. Negotiate a Lower Rate

You might be surprised to find out that a credit card rate can be negotiable. It may be worth giving your credit card company a call and seeing whether they can reduce your rate.

When talking to the person on the other end of the line, explain your situation, be kind to them, and see what happens. Again, this isn’t a permanent solution or a guaranteed outcome, but it could help give you a leg-up on the payback journey.

4. Sign up for Credit Counseling

You might benefit from professional credit counseling to help with your credit card debt. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) is a nonprofit organization that offers free and affordable advice for people who are struggling to manage debt on their own. If you’re unable to envision a path to paying down debt, it could be a good idea to ask for assistance.

5. Consider a Personal Loan

One tactic to consider in an environment where prime interest rates are rising is paying off credit card balances with a fixed-rate unsecured personal loan.

These are sometimes referred to as “debt consolidation loans” and allow a qualified borrower to pay off high-interest debt, such as credit cards, with this lower-rate personal loan. With a fixed-rate personal loan, the rate never changes (as long as payments are made on time), and it helps provide the borrower with a defined plan to pay off the debt.

If you decide to go this route, it’s a good idea to shop around to ensure that you’re getting a fair rate. You can get a personal or debt consolidation loan from banks, credit unions, and online lenders.

To compare estimated personal loan interest charges to credit card interest charges, you can use a tool like a personal loan calculator.

Shopping for a Personal Loan

Each lender sets its own terms for making these types of loans, so be sure to ask lots of questions about rates, terms, and fees.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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What Is the Prime Interest Rate?

The prime interest rate is the interest rate that banks charge their best customers. It’s the lowest rate offered to individuals and corporations that are considered low risk by banks — those with good credit history who aren’t likely to miss payments or default on their loan.

But when you run into the term “prime interest rate” in your daily life (maybe you’re taking out a personal loan or applying for a mortgage), it’s pretty common to feel a little confused, unless you majored in economics in college.

To get a better handle on this financial term and know how it relates to your money, read on. You’ll learn how this interest rate is set, a bit about its history, and how it can impact you.

How Is the Prime Interest Rate Set?

You’ve just learned that the prime interest rate is the rate that banks charge their best customers. Take a closer look at how the prime interest rate is set, as well as how this figure fits into the larger financial landscape.

Individual banks determine their prime interest rate. While the Federal Reserve has no direct role in setting the prime rate, many banks choose to set their prime rates based partly on the target level of the federal funds rate.

The federal funds rate is the rate that banks charge each other on an overnight basis and is established by the Federal Open Market Committee.

Why do banks lend each other money? They do so in order to meet the reserve requirement, which is also set by the Federal Reserve.

This is the minimum amount of cash a bank must have in their vault or at the closest Federal Reserve bank. If one bank has excess cash, the bank has a financial incentive to lend that excess cash to a bank that has less than its federally mandated amount. The reserve requirement acts as a lending limit for banks and also ensures that they have enough cash on-hand for the start of business each day.

How Does the Prime Rate Compare

Generally, the prime rate is about three percent higher than the federal funds rate. That means that when the Fed raises interest rates, the prime rate typically goes up as well.

Because the prime interest rate is typically aligned with the federal funds rate, it’s highly susceptible to change. How often could the prime rate change? It can shift quite a bit. Take, for instance, the fact that the prime rate was 3.25% on March 16, 2020. From that date to July 2023, it rose 11 times to 8.50%.

💡 Quick Tip: A low-interest personal loan from SoFi can help you consolidate your debts, lower your monthly payments, and get you out of debt sooner.

Why Is the Prime Interest Rate Important?

The prime interest rate impacts all kinds of loans, including interest rates for mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, and personal loans. Typically, banks and lenders will use the prime interest rate as a benchmark for setting interest rates for their customers. Consider some of the ways this can impact personal finance and the economy:

•   Changes in the federal funds rate and prime interest rate can impact variable rate credit cards, adjustable-rate mortgages, home equity lines of credit (HELOC), and more. The interest rates on variable loans are based on these market interest rates and therefore change over time. In fact, variable interest rates, including those on credit cards, are often expressed as the prime rate plus a certain percentage.

Unlike fixed-rate loans, monthly payments on any variable loan could change considerably from month-to-month. This is why fixed-rate loans can be a more desirable alternative than variable loans for some borrowers.

•   Though rates are largely influenced by the Federal Reserve, borrowers have little control or way of predicting the rates from year to year. Even when the Federal Reserve predicts growth, interest rates can rise due to a variety of factors, causing your monthly bill to rise with it.

•   Beyond individual borrowers, the prime interest rate also influences the financial market as a whole. A low prime rate makes it easier and less expensive to borrow loans which increases liquidity in the market.

•   Historically, when the prime rate is low, the economy grows. That’s why, if there’s a recession, rates may go down, with the goal of getting consumers and businesses to borrow again and stimulate the economy.

When the prime rate is high, economic growth slows down. For instance, recently interest rates were raised, which can nudge consumers to think twice about spending. This can lower demand and help bring down inflation’s impact.

•   The prime rate isn’t the only benchmark that banks use to inform interest rates. Banks also often use the London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR). The LIBOR is the rate that banks charge each other for short-term loans. The federal funds rate, prime interest rate, and LIBOR rates generally fluctuate together. When the three rates are out of sync, this can be an indicator of an issue with the financial markets.

Recommended: Can You Refinance a Personal Loan?

Personal Loans with SoFi

An increase in the prime rate and federal funds rate can be an indicator that changes are ahead for consumers. Variable rates may be on the rise, too, so think carefully about how that might impact your finances.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Preparing for the Cost of a New Roof

Your home’s roof can take a beating, whether roasting in the sun during the summer, getting coated with ice in winter, and withstanding wind and rain year-round. In other words, it’s one of your house’s key MVPs. But eventually, roofs wear out and need to be replaced or fixed. You may notice a small (or big) leak. It could be 15, 20, or even 50 years, but at some point, your roof will likely need to be repaired or replaced. While costs can range widely, the average roof replacement currently costs $11,500.

In this guide, you’ll learn about roof replacement costs, as well as what your options are for paying for roofing expenses.

How Much Does a New Roof Cost?

The average roof lasts 25 to 50 years, though repairs (both minor and major) can pop up more often. Sometimes, damage to one part of a roof can nudge a homeowner to go ahead and replace the whole thing.

You likely got a general idea of the condition of your home’s roof during the home inspection, when you were buying your property. If now is the time to get the job done, though, you’ll want to understand the costs involved.

When looking at new roof installation costs, there are a number of factors that will impact the overall price:

•   Size of the roof being replaced

•   Material to be used on the roof

•   Style of the roof (those with multiple eaves, lots of detailing, or steeper pitches could take longer and cost more)

•   What part of the country you live in (cost of living can vary considerably)

•   What time of year you are having work done (doing so off-season could potentially save you extra money; roofers tend to be most in demand in late summer and early fall).

•   The size and style of the roof may contribute to the overall cost. The height and pitch of your roof are also important factors because there are additional safety and labor costs to consider.

The average cost to replace a roof is approximately $11,500 on average, but the price could range from $6,700 to $80,000.

When creating an estimate, roofers sometimes define costs per roofing square. One roofing square is equal to a 10-by-10-foot (100 square feet) area. So a 1,700-square-foot roof would be 17 squares. Currently, squares can range in price from $450 to $750, depending on materials and other costs.

💡 Quick Tip: A low-interest personal loan can consolidate your debts, lower your monthly payments, and help you get out of debt sooner.

Getting a New Roof

Some pointers on getting a new roof:

•   If you are replacing your roof as a part of general home maintenance, you may have a little more time to prepare for the costs associated with the repairs. It allows you to be more methodical about pricing the project out and selecting a roofer. And having a bit of a runway will allow you to start saving and develop a workable budget for the project.

•   Get an estimate from several reputable contractors. When doing so, be sure to pay close attention to the quality of the materials specified in the estimate. It’s even better if you can get a recommendation from someone you know. Regardless, definitely check reviews and references carefully.

•   Remember that, while a new roof can be a major expense, it can improve the value of your home for future sale, stave off ongoing repairs from leaks, and, of course, protect the residents.

Paying for Roof Repairs

If your roof is damaged, then you are faced with a different challenge than figuring the roof replacement cost.

•   In the case of a natural disaster caused by an earthquake or hurricanes, you may even be eligible for help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency“>Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Whatever the cause, it could be helpful to take photographs sooner rather than later to document the damage.

•   Your homeowners’ policy or home warranty may include coverage that could possibly help defray some of the costs, depending on the cause of the damage and the age of the roof.

•   If it’s determined that the damage is from normal wear and tear, then it will likely be considered regular maintenance and may not be covered. Many roofing jobs fall into that common home repair category.

•   Also, if your roof is older than 10 years, you may only be eligible for part of the cost determined to be a depreciated value of the roof. Whatever the circumstance, it could be worthwhile to call your insurance company and find out if you’re covered and to what extent.

•   And, before you start work, it bears repeating that it’s wise to get multiple estimates to help you make an informed decision and ensure that you’re getting the most value for your investment. You may want to consult with a few licensed roofing contractors and compare bids.

Recommended: How to Pay for Emergency Home Repairs

Ways to Help Pay for Home Repairs

Whether you are replacing your entire roof or just replacing a damaged portion, you may want to consider financing all or part of the work. One option worth considering: a personal loan.

•   A personal loan can be a good option for some homeowners. With a personal loan, you’ll usually get a lower interest rate than credit cards. Also, with an unsecured personal loan, there typically is no additional lien against your property. Often, these loans can be processed quickly and with minimal fees.

•   Another financing option homeowners turn to for home improvements is a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit (HELOC). The application for a HELOC is akin to that of a mortgage. How much you’re able to borrow depends on several factors, including the value of your home. You may also have to arrange and pay for a home appraisal.

As you consider your costs associated with a roofing or other home project, you may want to use a home improvement cost calculator to help you budget appropriately.

The Takeaway

Replacing your home’s roof is typically a big-budget home repair project; it often costs in the five-figure range. However, it’s an important investment in your home’s value and integrity. You can look into financing options such as HELOCs and personal loans to help you pay for the work.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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Personal Loan vs Credit Card

Both personal loans and credit cards provide access to extra funds and can be used to consolidate debt. However, these two lending products work in very different ways.

A credit card credit is a type of revolving credit. You have access to a line of credit and your balance fluctuates with your spending. A personal loan, by contrast, provides a lump sum of money you pay back in regular installments over time. Generally, personal loans work better for large purchases, while credit cards are better for day-to-day spending, especially if you are able to pay off the balance in full each month.

Here’s a closer look at how credit cards and personal loans compare, their advantages and disadvantages, and when to choose one over the other.

Personal Loans, Defined

Personal loans are loans available through banks, credit unions, and online lenders that can be used for virtually any purpose. Some of the most common uses include debt consolidation, home improvements, and large purchases.

Lenders generally offer loans from $1,000 to $50,000, with repayment terms of two to seven years. You receive the loan proceeds in one lump sum and then repay the loan, plus interest, in regular monthly payments over the loan’s term.

Personal loans are typically unsecured, meaning you don’t have to provide collateral (an asset of value) to guarantee the loan. Instead, lenders look at factors like credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and cash flow when assessing a borrower’s application.

Unsecured personal loans typically come with fixed interest rates, which means your payments will be the same over the life of the loan. Some lenders offer variable rate personal loans, which means the rate, and your payments, can fluctuate depending on market conditions.

Personal loans generally work best when they are used to reach a specific, longer term financial goal. For example, you might use a personal loan to finance a home improvement project that increases the value of your home. Or, you might consider a debt consolidation loan to help you pay down high-interest credit card debt at a lower interest rate.

Key Differences: Credit Card vs Personal Loan

Both credit cards and personal loans offer a borrower access to funds that they promise to pay back later, and are both typically unsecured. However, there are some key differences that may have major financial ramifications for borrowers down the line.

Unlike a personal loan, a credit card is a form of revolving debt. Instead of getting a lump sum of money that you pay back over time, you get access to a credit line that you tap as needed. You can borrow what you need (up to your credit limit), and only pay interest on what you actually borrow.

Interest rates for personal loans are typically fixed for the life of the loan, whereas credit cards generally have variable interest rates. Credit cards also generally charge higher interest rates than personal loans, making it an expensive form of debt. However, you won’t owe any interest if you pay the balance in full each month.

Credit cards are also unique in that they can offer rewards and, in some cases, may come with a 0% introductory offer on purchases and/or balance transfers (though there is often a fee for a balance transfer).

Line of Credit vs Loan

A line of credit, such as a personal line of credit or home equity line of credit (HELOC), is a type of revolving credit. Similar to a credit card, you can draw from a line of credit and repay the funds during what’s referred to as the draw period. When the draw period ends, you’re no longer allowed to make withdrawals and would need to reapply to keep the line of credit open.

Loans, such as personal loans and home equity loans, have what’s called a non-revolving credit limit. This means the borrower has access to the funds only once, and then they make principal and interest payments until the debt is paid off.

Consolidating Debt? Personal Loan vs Credit Card

Using a new loan or credit credit card to pay off existing debt is known as debt consolidation, and it can potentially save you money in interest.

Two popular ways to consolidate debt are taking out an unsecured personal loan (often referred to as a debt or credit card consolidation loan) or opening a 0% interest balance transfer credit card. These two approaches have some similarities as well as key differences that can impact your financial wellness over time.

Using a Credit Card to Consolidate Debt

Credit card refinancing generally works by opening a new credit card with a high enough limit to cover whatever balance you already have. Some credit cards offer a 0% interest rate on a temporary, promotional basis — sometimes for 18 months or longer.

If you are able to transfer your credit card balance to a 0% balance transfer card and pay it off before the promotional period ends, it can be a great opportunity to save money on interest. However, if you don’t pay off the balance in that time frame, you’ll be charged the card’s regular interest rate, which could be as high (or possibly higher) than what you were paying before.

Another potential hitch is that credit cards with promotional 0% rate typically charge balance transfer fees, which can range from 3% to 5% of the amount being transferred. Before pulling the trigger on a transfer, consider whether the amount you’ll save on interest will be enough to make up for any transfer fee.

Using a Personal Loan to Consolidate Debt

Debt consolidation is a common reason why people take out personal loans. Credit card consolidation loans offer a fixed interest rate and provide a lump sum of money, which you would use to pay off your existing debt.

If you have solid credit, a personal loan for debt consolidation may come with a lower annual percentage rate (APR) than what you have on your current credit cards. For example, the average personal loan interest rate is 11.31% percent, while the average credit card interest rate is now 24.37%. That difference should allow you to pay the balance down faster and pay less interest in total.

Rolling multiple debts into one loan can also simplify your finances. Instead of keeping track of several payment due dates and minimum amounts due, you end up with one loan and one payment each month. This can make it less likely that you’ll miss a payment and have to pay a late fee or penalty.

Both 0% balance transfer cards and debt consolidation loans have benefits and drawbacks, though credit cards can be riskier than personal loans over the long term — even when they have a 0% promotional interest rate.

Is a Credit Card Ever a Good Option?

Credit cards can work well for smaller, day-to-day expenses that you can pay off, ideally, in full when you get your bill. Credit card companies only charge you interest if you carry a balance from month to month. Thus, if you pay your balance in full each month, you’re essentially getting an interest-free, short-term loan. If you have a rewards credit card, you can also rack up cash back or rewards points at the same time, for a win-win.

If you can qualify for a 0% balance transfer card, credit cards can also be a good way to consolidate high interest credit card debt, provided you don’t have to pay a high balance transfer fee and you can pay the card off before the higher interest rate kicks in.

With credit cards, however, discipline is key. It’s all too easy to charge more than you can pay off. If you do, credit cards can be an expensive way to borrow money. Generally, any rewards you can earn won’t make up for the interest you’ll owe. If all you pay is the minimum balance each month, you could be paying off that same balance for years — and that’s assuming you don’t put any more charges on the card.

When is a Personal Loan a Good Option?

Personal loans can be a good option for covering a large, one-off expense, such as a car repair, home improvement project, large purchase, or wedding. They can also be useful for consolidating high-interest debt into a single loan with a lower interest rate.

Personal loans usually offer a lower interest rate than credit cards. In addition, they offer steady, predictable payments until you pay the debt off. This predictability makes it easier to budget for your payments. Plus, you know exactly when you’ll be out of debt.

Because personal loans are usually not secured by collateral, however, the lender is taking a greater risk and will most likely charge a higher interest rate compared to a secured loan. Just how high your rate will be can depend on a number of factors, including your credit score and debt-to-income ratio.

The Takeaway

When comparing personal loans vs. credit cards, keep in mind that personal loans usually have lower interest rates (unless you have poor credit) than credit cards, making it a better choice if you need a few years to pay off the debt. Credit cards, on the other hand, can be a better option for day-to-day purchases that you can pay off relatively quickly.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.


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woman in pool

Swimming Pool Installation: Costs and Financing Options

Putting in a pool can turn your backyard into an oasis for parties, playtime for kids, and weekend relaxation. Unfortunately, installing an in-ground swimming pool costs over $55,000 on average, which can leave many homeowners wondering how to cover the cost of installing a swimming pool.

What are your options if you don’t have enough cash? Can you get swimming pool financing? Fortunately, yes. You actually have several options for financing a pool, including a cash-out refinance, a home equity loan or credit line, and a personal loan. Read on for a closer look at different types of pool financing and their pros and cons.

How to Finance a Swimming Pool

If you don’t have enough money saved to pay upfront for a pool — or even if you do — you might be wondering what types of loans or other options are appropriate for this type of backyard remodel.

There are several pool financing choices available to homeowners — including credit cards, pool company financing, cash-out refinancing, home equity loans, home equity lines of credit, and home improvement loans.

Before you take the plunge into financing a pool, it’s a good idea to consider the pros and cons of each type, including the overall costs of borrowing and whether you might qualify for a particular type of loan. What follows is a guide to four of the most popular pool financing options.

Using a Cash-Out Refinance to Pay for a Pool

If you have significant equity built up in your home, you may want to consider a cash-out refinance. Equity refers to the amount of your home’s value that you’ve actually paid off. Put another way, it’s the difference between your mortgage balance and your home’s current value.

With a cash-out refinance, you replace your existing mortgage with a new mortgage for a larger amount. You receive the overage as cash back, which you can then use to cover virtually any expense, including the installation of a swimming pool.

Pros of a Cash-Out Refinance

A cash-out refinance comes with a number of potential benefits:

•   Access to large loans You may be able to borrow up to 80% of your home’s equity, which could be enough to cover the cost of putting in a pool — and maybe even some extras, like a new barbecue or lounge chairs.

•   A lower rate Borrowers with good or improved credit, or those who bought their home when interest rates were higher, may be able to refinance to a lower interest rate.

•   Potential tax deductions A mortgage interest tax deduction may be available on a cash-out refinance if the money is used for capital improvements on your property. (Consult with a tax professional for more details on how this applies to your situation.)

Cons of a Cash-Out Refinance

There are also some downsides to going the cash refi route, including:

•   Involved application process Borrowers must go through the mortgage application process all over again to get a new loan, which usually means submitting updated information, getting an appraisal, and waiting for approval.

•   Closing costs You may have to pay closing costs, generally from 2% to 6% of the total loan amount. (That’s the old loan plus the lump sum that’s being added.)

•   Foreclosure risk Your mortgage is a secured loan, which means if you can’t make your payments, you could risk foreclosure.

Using a Home Equity Line of Credit to Finance a Pool

Another way you can use your home’s equity to finance a pool is to take out a home equity line of credit (HELOC).

A HELOC is a revolving line of credit that uses your home as collateral. It works much like a credit card in that:

•   The lender gives you a credit limit to draw from, and you only repay what you borrow, plus interest.

•   As you pay back the money you owe, those funds become available to you again for a predetermined “draw” period (usually five to 10 years).

Pros of a HELOC

Here’s why a HELOC can be a popular way to pay for home improvements like adding a pool:

•   Flexibility Instead of borrowing money in one lump sum, a HELOC allows you to tap into the line only as needed. Plus, you only pay interest based on the amount you actually borrow, not the entire amount for which you were approved, as you would with a regular loan.

•   Low rates The interest rates are generally lower than credit cards and unsecured personal loans.

•   Potential tax deductions The interest on HELOC payments might be tax deductible if the funds were were to buy, build, or substantially improve your home, and you itemize your deductions.

Cons of a HELOC

HELOC also have a few potential drawbacks, which include:

•   Variable interest rates HELOCs generally come with a variable interest rate, which means when interest rates increase, the monthly payments could go up. Although there may be a cap on how much the rate can increase, some borrowers might find it difficult to plan around those fluctuating payments.

•   HELOCs are easy to use — and overuse Some of the same things that can make a HELOC appealing (easy access to cash, lower interest rates, and tax-deductible interest) could lead to overspending if borrowers aren’t disciplined.

•   Foreclosure risk A HELOC is secured by an asset (your house). If you stop making the payments on the HELOC, you could lose your home.

Recommended: The Different Types Of Home Equity Loans

Using a Home Equity Loan for Pool Financing

A home equity loan is yet another way to tap into the money you’ve already put into your home. But unlike a HELOC, borrowers receive a lump sum of money.

Pros of a Home Equity Loan

Home equity loans have several benefits that make them worth considering for financing a swimming pool:

•   Predictable payments Unlike HELOCs, which typically come with a variable interest rate, home equity loans usually have a fixed interest rate. The borrower can expect a reliable repayment schedule for the duration of the loan.

•   Low rates Because it’s a secured loan, lenders usually consider a home equity loan lower risk and, therefore, offer lower rates. Secured loans also tend to be easier to qualify for than unsecured loans.

•   Potential tax deductions And, once again, there is a potential tax break. If the loan is used for capital improvements to the home, and you itemize your deductions, the interest may be deductible.

Cons of a Home Equity Loan

There are also some downsides to a home equity loan:

•   Rates may be higher than HELOCs Because a home equity loan’s interest rate won’t fluctuate with the market, the rate for a home equity loan is typically higher.

•   Closing costs As with most loans involving real estate, you’ll likely have to pay closing costs. These costs can range from 2% to 5% of the loan amount.

•   Foreclosure risk You may put your home at risk for foreclosure if you can’t make your loan payments.

Using a Personal Loan

You don’t necessarily have to tap into your home’s equity to finance a swimming pool. Many banks, credit unions, and online lenders offer unsecured personal loans that can be used for home improvements, including the installation of a swimming pool.

If you haven’t owned your home for long, or if your home hasn’t gone up much in value while you’ve owned it, a personal loan may be worth considering.

Pros of a Personal Loan for Pool Financing

Here’s a look at some of the advantages of using a personal loan for a home renovation like a pool:

•   Simple application process Applying for an unsecured personal loan is typically quicker and simpler than applying for a secured loan. With a personal loan, you don’t have to wait for a home appraisal or wade through the other paperwork necessary for a loan that’s tied to your home’s equity.

•   Fast access to funds Personal loan application processing and funding speeds vary, but many lenders offer same- or next-day funding.

•   Lower risk Because your home isn’t being used as collateral, the lender can’t foreclose if you don’t make payments. (That doesn’t mean the lender won’t look for other ways to collect, however.)

Cons of a Personal Loan for Pool Financing

Personal loans also come with some disadvantages. Here are some to keep in mind:

•   Higher interest rates Personal loans are unsecured, which means they generally come with a higher interest rate than secured loans that use your property as collateral. (However, borrowers who have good credit and don’t appear to be a risk to lenders still may be able to obtain loan terms that work for their needs.)

•   Origination fees Many (though not all) personal loan lenders charge an origination fee of between 1% and 6%, adding costs you might not have anticipated.

•   Less borrowing power Personal loan amounts range from $1,000 to $100,000 but how much you can borrow will depend on the lender and your qualifications as a borrower. With a home equity loan or credit line, you may be able to access more — up to 80% of your home’s value, minus your outstanding mortgage.

Should You Finance a Pool?

Installing a pool is an expensive home improvement, so you may need to borrow some money to pay for all or part of the project. Even if you have enough cash saved to pay upfront for a pool, you may still want to consider financing some or most of the project if you want to keep cash accessible for emergencies and other needs.

Financing with a low-interest loan (provided you can afford the payments) can make paying for a pool manageable. But before you borrow a large sum, you may want to consider how long you plan to live in your current home, how much pool maintenance might cost each month, if you’ll actually use the pool enough to make it a worthwhile purchase, and if the value added to your home is worth the investment.

The Takeaway

Due to the high initial investment required for installing a new pool, many homeowners opt to borrow money for the project and pay it off over time. Fortunately, you have a few different options for pool financing.

If you have significant home equity and are looking for fixed monthly payments, you might consider using a home equity loan to finance your pool. If you have significant home equity but want flexibility in your payments, you might prefer a HELOC.

If, on the other hand, you have good credit but not a lot of equity in your home — or you’d prefer not to put your home on the line — it may be worth looking at a personal loan for pool financing.

Ready to dive into your pool project? Consider a SoFi Personal Loan. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2024 winner for Best Personal Loan overall.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see SoFi.com/legal. Equal Housing Lender.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.


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