Top 10 Fastest Growing Jobs

Top 10 Fastest Growing Jobs

Job growth is an important consideration when choosing a career. Some of the fastest growing jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), include nurse practitioners, wind turbine service technicians, and data scientists.

Whether you’re preparing to enter the job market or switching careers, it’s good to know which industries and fields have the brightest hiring outlook. Keep reading for a breakdown of the fastest growing jobs in 2022 and beyond.

What Is Considered a Fast Growing Job?

The BLS regularly projects which occupations will see the highest growth. The most recent data available predicts changes from 2021 to 2031. Some occupations grow faster than others as demand for those jobs rises. A fast growing job is one that’s expected to grow at an above-average rate. Our list includes both on-site roles and remote opportunities. (Here’s a great roundup of more work-at-home jobs for retirees and stay-at-home parents.)

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Recommended: What is The Difference Between Transunion and Equifax?

Who Should Consider a Fast Growing Job?

Fast growing jobs are appealing to a wide range of people because it can be easier to find a position when there are more openings to go around. Companies may also be more likely to offer signing bonuses to attract talent.

However, it’s important to consider whether the current demand is sustainable over the long term. After large numbers of people rush to fill jobs in a specific industry, hiring may then taper off.

The economy is another consideration. A job that’s fast growing in a healthy economy may be less so in a downturn or recession. In-demand jobs that are connected to entertainment, travel, or recreation, for example, may be less attractive if people are cutting back their spending on trips to the movies, vacations, or costly hobbies.

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Pros and Cons of Being in a Fast Growing Job

Every job has advantages and disadvantages, and fast growing fields are no exception. Considering the potential benefits and drawbacks can help you to decide if pursuing a fast growing job makes sense for you.

Pros of Fast Growing Jobs

Cons of Fast Growing Jobs

More room for advancement at a faster pace Accelerated job growth in newer industries may not be sustainable over the long-term
Higher salaries if demand for qualified workers outpaces supply Fast growth does not always translate to higher pay, especially in fields that don’t require higher education
Opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new industry or sector that’s poised for long-term growth and development May be more demanding in terms of the time involved and scope of duties

What To Expect in a Fast Growing Job

One of the main advantages of a fast growing job is that it may be easier to get hired when demand is high. Employers may also offer higher pay or enhanced employee benefits to attract talent. If a high salary is important to you, check out this list of the highest paying jobs by state.

On the other hand, landing a bigger entry-level salary isn’t guaranteed. Fast growing tech jobs, for instance, will pay more than food service jobs even if demand is at a similar level.

If you do manage to snag a higher salary with a fast growing job, it’s important to think about what you’ll be required to do in exchange for those paychecks. For example, accepting a role with a clean-energy startup could pay well, but if the company is small, you might be expected to work well beyond the standard 40-hour week.

Top 10 Fastest Growing Jobs in 2022

The BLS collects data on job growth and employment outlook across a variety of occupations. We’re breaking down the fastest growing jobs through 2031.

You may also be interested in our list of trades that make the most money.

1. Nurse Practitioner

Median annual pay: $120,680

Job growth outlook: 46%

Job description: Nurse practitioner (NP) is one of the fastest growing healthcare jobs. NPs can act as primary care providers or specialty care providers in doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities. NPs may specialize in a particular type of care, such as geriatrics or pediatrics.

Job duties:

•   Assess patients to determine care needs

•   Determine how to improve or manage patient health

•   Develop strategies for implementing a plan of care


•   High earning potential

•   Well above-average job growth

•   Opportunity to specialize


•   Potentially a highly stressful job

•   Requires advanced education

•   May require working long shifts

2. Wind Turbine Service Technician

Median pay: $56,260

Job growth outlook: 44%

Job description: Install, repair, and service wind turbines. May work full-time or on-call for emergency repairs. This is one of the fastest growing trade jobs in 2022.

Job duties:

•   Installing wind turbines

•   Making necessary repairs to turbine equipment

•   Completing regular maintenance and service to keep turbines operating properly


•   Technical or trade school degree may be the only required education

•   Opportunity to travel

•   Job growth should hold steady as the industry develops


•   Long on-the-job training period

•   Candidates must be comfortable with heights

•   Higher potential for accidental injury

Recommended: Jobs That Don’t Require College

3. Usher, Lobby Attendant, and Ticket Taker

Median pay: $24,440/year

Job growth outlook: 41%

Job description: Service position typically in the entertainment industry. The main job of an usher is to show people to their seats. Lobby attendants greet the public, while ticket takers accept tickets from patrons seeking entry to a venue. This is a good low-pressure option for working after retirement.

Job duties:

•   Escorting guests to their seats

•   Greeting guests and managing the flow of traffic in lobby areas

•   Taking tickets from guests


•   Significant job growth is expected through 2031

•   Higher education may not be required

•   May offer flexible hours


•   Generally among the lowest-paying jobs

•   Requires dealing with the public on a regular basis

•   May involve long hours

4. Motion Picture Projectionist

Median pay: $29,350/year

Job growth outlook: 40%

Job description: Responsible for setting up, operating, and maintaining projection equipment. Projectionists can work in movie theaters to ensure that films play properly for the attending audience. Because this role doesn’t require much interaction with customers or colleagues, it can be a good job for antisocial people.

Job duties:

•   Operating motion picture equipment to project sounds and images

•   Servicing and maintaining motion picture equipment to keep it in good working order

•   Troubleshooting any problems that might arise during the operation of motion picture equipment


•   A college degree may not be required

•   May offer flexible hours

•   Opportunity to work in entertainment or related creative field


•   Employers may require several years of experience for new hires

•   Lower pay scale compared to other fast growing jobs

•   May require dealing with stressful or high-pressure situations

5. Restaurant Cook

Median pay: $30,010/year

Job growth outlook: 37%

Job description: Prepare food for diners. May also be responsible for ordering supplies, communicating with vendors, planning menus, and directing other members of the back-of-the-house staff. This job may be salaried or hourly.

Job duties:

•   Prepping and preparing meals for diners

•   Ensuring that food preparation areas remain clean and sanitary

•   Managing and ordering inventory and supplies


•   High school diploma or GED may be sufficient

•   Flexible hours

•   Room for advancement for those interested in kitchen management role


•   Hours may be long

•   Can be a high-stress job for cooks who work in a fast-paced environment

•   Restaurant jobs typically don’t offer a high pay range

6. Data Scientist

Median pay: $100,910/year

Job growth outlook: 36%

Job description: Extract and analyze data. May collect or categorize data, offer interpretations of data, or create visual representations to showcase their findings. These individuals typically work in an office setting or from home.

Job duties:

•   Collecting and organizing data

•   Testing data and using it to develop algorithmic models

•   Analyzing data to create recommendations for business entities


•   Competitive pay and outstanding earning potential

•   Opportunity to work a flexible schedule or remotely

•   May appeal to people looking for a creative-adjacent job


•   Some aspects of the job may be tedious or boring

•   Hours can be long and require the completion of menial tasks

•   Master’s degree or higher may be required for certain jobs

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7. Athlete or Sports Competitor

Median pay: $77,300

Job growth outlook: 36%

Job description: Participate in athletic events and competitions. They use their skills and talents to entertain sports fans and often have an opportunity to travel.

Job duties:

•   Competing in athletic events

•   Training for athletic events and maintaining good physical health

•   Attending team meetings and other events scheduled by management


•   No degree is necessary to become a professional athlete

•   Some pro athletes earn millions

•   Get paid to do what you love


•   Vast majority of pro athletes aren’t banking seven figures

•   Playing sports can take a physical toll and potentially lead to long-term health conditions

•   May be stressful mentally and emotionally

8. Information Security Analyst

Median pay: $102,600/year

Job growth outlook: 35%

Job description: Information security analysts review an entity or organization’s security measures and develop strategies for protecting and safeguarding data. This is one of the fastest growing IT jobs as more companies turn their focus to increasing cybersecurity in order to prevent fraud or data hacks. This is a strong option if you need a job that will pay off your student loans.

Job duties:

•   Analyzing security measures in order to look for potential flaws or weak spots

•   Developing cybersecurity strategies to enhance a company or organization’s data safety

•   Maintaining security software, including encryption and firewall services


•   Job growth may be sustainable long-term as more companies seek to step up their cybersecurity efforts

•   Salary ranges are competitive compared to other fast growing jobs

•   May offer opportunity for remote work


•   Some jobs may require a master’s degree or higher

•   May be required to complete tasks on short notice

•   Potentially stressful and high-pressure

9. Statistician

Median pay: $95,570/year

Job growth outlook: 33%

Job description: Collect and analyze data, then use that data to solve mathematical problems. Also may organize data in order to prepare detailed reports on specific topics for private business, public companies, healthcare organizations, nonprofits, or government agencies.

Job duties:

•   Collecting and analyzing data

•   Applying mathematical theories to solve problems using the collected data

•   Interpreting data and creating reports or visualizations to communicate their findings


•   Solid earning potential

•   Potentially one of the best jobs for introverts

•   While technically a scientific field, statistics still allow for creativity


•   May require advanced education

•   Work can be complex and tedious

•   Extroverts may not enjoy the large amount of independent work that’s often required

10. Umpire, Referee, and Other Sports Official

Median pay: $35,860/year

Job growth outlook: 32%

Job description: Participate in athletic events and ensure that the rules are being followed. They can work in professional sports leagues or amateur sports leagues, as well as recreational leagues for youth athletics.

Job duties:

•   Officiating at sporting events

•   Enforcing the rules of the game and applying penalties when necessary

•   Keeping game play moving smoothly


•   Can be a fun way for sports fans to earn a living

•   Opportunity to work outdoors

•   Advanced education and training typically aren’t required


•   Umpires and referees may be subject to heckling or harassment from fans

•   Pay isn’t as high as other fast growing jobs

•   Sports officials can be subject to criticism from professionals in their industry

Fastest Growing Jobs by 2025 Outlook

The fastest growing jobs by 2025 include all of the options listed above. Other jobs projected to have above-average growth through 2031 include:

•   Web developers

•   Animal caretakers

•   Choreographers

•   Taxi drivers

•   Medical and health services managers

•   Logisticians

•   Physician assistants

•   Solar photovoltaic installers

•   Animal trainers

•   Physical therapist assistants

Which job skills will be most in demand by 2025? According to the World Economic Forum, the following skills will be highly sought after by employers within the next few years:

•   Analytical thinking

•   Complex problem solving

•   Creativity, originality, and innovation

•   Leadership and social influence

•   Technology use, monitoring, and control

•   Technology design and programming

•   Resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility

Some of these are “soft skills,” meaning they’re based around communication and self-management. However, it’s clear that technological skills and computer skills will continue to be an important consideration for employers in the future.

The Takeaway

The Bureau of Labor Statistics regularly publishes lists of jobs with good potential for recent grads and career changers. This year’s list of the top fields for job growth include sports, entertainment, healthcare, computers, and data science. It’s a wide range, with something for everyone. And while some roles require a college degree, others welcome high school grads.

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What is the most needed job in 2022?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nurse practitioners are among the fastest growing jobs for 2022 and beyond. That’s due largely to increased demand for healthcare providers during the pandemic era, but it was also one of the fastest growing jobs pre-COVID.

What job has the highest future growth?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that nurse practitioners are set to see the highest job growth through 2031. The COVID pandemic, an aging population, and high turnover due to burnout combined to drive demand for qualified nurse practitioners.

Which jobs will be in demand in the next 10 years?

Some of the jobs that will be in the highest demand in the next 10 years include nurse practitioners, wind turbine service technicians, data analysts, statisticians, information security analysts, and restaurant cooks.

Photo credit: iStock/visualspace

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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25 Easy Jobs That Make a Lot of Money With Little Work Without College

25 Easy Jobs That Make a Lot of Money With Little Work Without College

Attending a four-year university isn’t for everyone, for financial or personal reasons. That doesn’t mean a high-paying job should be out of reach. There are plenty of jobs that make a lot of money without a college degree. We’re not talking about brain surgery or rocket science — too hard. Just normal jobs that pay well and may even be fun or cool. Is that too much to ask?

Here’s your answer: 25 jobs that make a lot of money for regular people.

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Why It’s Difficult To Know About Easy Jobs Without a Degree

The key to finding jobs that make a lot of money but don’t carry the burden of student loan debt is looking at growing industries with high demand. These roles may require some technical certifications or on-the-job apprenticeships. Still, they offer competitive pay, coming close to or exceeding the annual expected salary for someone with a bachelor’s degree.

Don’t miss this roundup of even more high-paying jobs that don’t require college.

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Recommended: What is The Difference Between Transunion and Equifax?

Pros and Cons of Easy Jobs Without a Degree

There are benefits and drawbacks to some jobs that make a lot of money without a college education.

Benefits of Easy Jobs Without a Degree

•   Beginning a career with little or no student debt

•   Entering the workforce earlier in life, with the potential to start saving sooner

•   Job security for roles that are in high demand

•   Less work-related stress

Drawbacks of Easy Jobs Without a Degree

•   Joining a high-paying trade or industry can be more physically demanding

•   Some roles require an apprenticeship or years of experience before you can earn a high salary. Entry-level salaries may be modest.

•   Lack of degree may stunt your earnings over your entire career in certain jobs

•   Jobs may be paid hourly, not salaried, which can impact earning potential

•   Less likely to accommodate work-at-home situations

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Who Are Easy Jobs Without a Degree For?

High earning jobs that don’t require a degree can be a good fit for many individuals, including those who:

•   Don’t traditionally excel in an academic environment

•   Don’t want to take on student debt

•   Are eager to enter the workforce

•   Have interest in a trade or technical job

25 Easy Jobs That Make a Lot of Money With Little Work Without College

Many jobs that don’t require a degree are minimum wage or low paying. However, there is a sweet spot where high-paying jobs and those that don’t expect a degree overlap. While some of the following call for certification or training, it’s unlikely to cost as much as a traditional four-year degree.

Salary figures represent the national median, and the job growth outlook is for 2021 to 2031.

1. Power Plant Operator, Distributor, and Dispatcher

Description: Control and manage the electrical power systems of a plant.

Salary: $94,790

Job Growth: -15%

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

2. Commercial Pilot

Description: Fly commercial airplanes and other aircraft.

Salary: $134,630

Job Growth: 6%

Requirements: Flight school

3. Elevator Installer and Repairer

Description: Install, repair, and maintain elevators and escalators.

Salary: $97,860

Job Growth: 3%

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

4. Makeup Artist, Theatrical and Performance

Description: Onset makeup application in the entertainment industry.

Salary: $124,380

Job Growth: 6%

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Requirements: On-the-job training or beauty school certifications

5. Fire Inspector and Supervisor

Description: Inspect buildings to ensure they meet local, state, and federal standards.

Salary: $63,080

Job Growth: 6%

Requirements: Experience as a firefighter; high school diploma or equivalent

6. Aircraft Mechanic

Description: Work on plane equipment, including maintenance and repair. While pilots tend to be extroverted high achievers, aircraft mechanic is a solid job for introverts.

Salary: $65,550 per year

Job Growth: 6%

Requirements: On-the-job military training or certification from an FAA-approved technician’s school

7. HVAC Technician

Description: Install, repair, and maintain HVAC systems in residential and commercial properties.

Salary: $48,630

Job Growth: 5%

Requirements: Technical school and/or an apprenticeship

8. Plumber

Description: Install and repair plumbing systems in homes, factories, or businesses. Plumber roles may include on-call emergency hours.

Salary: $59,880

Job Growth: 2%

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

9. Drafter

Description: Digitize and convert architecture and engineering drawings using software.

Salary: $60,290

Job Growth: -3%

Requirements: Associate’s degree or technical certification

10. Sales Rep, Wholesale and Manufacturing

Description: Sell goods, at wholesale, to businesses and organizations.

Salary: $62,890

Job Growth: 4%

Requirements: Depends on the industry. Technical sales roles may require certification beyond a high school diploma.

11. Physical Therapist Assistant

Description: PT assistants work alongside physical therapists in a medical setting to help patients regain mobility.

Salary: $49,180

Job Growth: 24%

Requirements: Associate’s degree, licensing, or certification

12. Radiation Therapist

Description: Administer radiation to patients in a hospital setting.

Salary: $82,790

Job Growth: 6%

Requirements: Associate’s degree

13. MRI Technician

Job Description: Operate the MRI machine to examine patients, and interpret scans.

Salary: $61,980

Job Growth: 6%

Requirements: Associate’s degree

14. Programmer

Description: Write and test code for a variety of programs and software across industries and verticals. Programming is considered a popular job choice for antisocial people.

Salary: $93,000

Job Growth: -10%

Requirements: Historically, roles have required a Bachelor’s degree. Recently, employers are considering candidates with certifications or bootcamp training.

15. Postal Service Workers

Description: Process, collect, and deliver mail to homes and businesses.

Salary: $51,730

Job Growth: -6%

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

16. Claims Adjuster, Appraiser, Examiner, and Investigator

Description: Examine and appraise insurance claims, from automotive to residential or commercial building damage.

Salary: $64,710

Job Growth: -6%

Requirements: For most entry-level roles, a high school diploma or equivalent is required. In some industries, such as auto damage appraisal, a certification may be required.

17. Construction and Building Inspector

Description: Inspect residential and commercial buildings to ensure they adhere to local codes and specifications.

Salary: $61,640

Job Growth: -4%

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

18. Court Reporter and Simultaneous Captioner

Description: Create exact transcripts of exchanges, including courtroom proceedings, or live captioning on television.

Salary: $60,380

Job Growth: 1%

Requirements: Training or certification

19. Sound Engineering Technician

Description: Maintain sound systems for live performances, broadcasts, and other programming.

Salary: $48,790

Job Growth: 10%

Requirements: Varies but often includes technical certification

20. Police Detective

Description: Gather facts and investigate crimes. Some police departments are currently offering generous signing bonuses.

Salary: $66,020

Job Growth: 3%

Requirements: Police Academy completion and on-the-job training

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21. Electrician

Description: Repair, install, and maintain electrical systems.

Salary: $60,040

Job Growth: 7%

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

22. Brick Mason

Description: Use concrete, stone, or brick to build structures.

Salary: $48,040

Job Growth: -2%

Requirements: Trade school or apprenticeship

23. Insurance Sales Agent

Description: Sell insurance, including home, life, and automotive. This is an excellent work-from-home job for retirees.

Salary: $49,840

Job Growth: 6%

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

24. Medical Sonographer

Job Description: Operate sonography or other specialty equipment in a medical setting to create digital imaging of patients.

Salary: $75,380

Job Growth: 10%

Requirements: Associate’s degree

25. Information Security Analyst

Description: Create and maintain security for a business’s computer networking systems.

Salary: $102,600

Job Growth: 35%

Requirements: Some employers may require a Bachelor’s degree, but other roles call for on-the-job training or IT certifications instead.

The Takeaway

There’s a potential to earn a high salary in many jobs that don’t require a college degree. However, it may require some research and certifications beyond a high school diploma. Some jobs that pay well, don’t require a degree, and may even be enjoyable range from the medical field and construction to computers and insurance. If you know someone who’s a brick mason or a sonographer, take them out for coffee to get the inside scoop. You might even offer to shadow them at work to find out what their industry is really like.

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What is the easiest job that pays the most?

One of the easiest jobs that pays the most is working as a makeup artist on film, television, and live theater. However, the role requires experience to reach the highest income levels.

What is the easiest job to get without a degree?

Depending on the industry, it can be relatively easy to get a job in sales with little to no prior experience. However, the role may include on-the-job training to get you up to speed.

What jobs pay a lot but are easy?

There are many jobs in the healthcare space that don’t require manual labor but pay well. This includes roles such as radiation or MRI technician.

Photo credit: iStock/damircudic

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.


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Best Self-Employed Jobs for Extra Income

Best Self-Employed Jobs for Extra Income

When life gets expensive (which is often), it can make sense to take on a side-job to earn extra money. If you have skills you can put to work on a part-time basis (like writing, landscaping, or driving), you can generate enough income to help pay down debt, build up emergency savings, or to get some breathing room in your budget.

What are the best self-employed jobs? Keep reading to find out.

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What Are Self-Employed Jobs?

Being self-employed means working for yourself. For tax purposes, you may be considered a sole proprietor or an independent contractor. You can be self-employed on a full-time basis or part-time on the side.

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Recommended: What is The Difference Between Transunion and Equifax?

Reasons for Getting a Self-Employed Job

These are some great reasons to get a self-employed job:

•   Earn extra money

•   Gain experience and improve skills

•   Expand your professional network

•   Make your own schedule around other responsibilities

Pros and Cons Of Getting a Self-Employed Job

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with self-employed jobs and side hustles, including:


•   Flexible hours

•   Choose your work environment (home, cafe, office)

•   Great learning opportunities

•   Chance to pursue a passion


•   Less collaboration

•   Starting a business can require long hours

•   Fluctuating earnings (having a budgeting app can help here)

•   A lot of responsibility

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What To Expect From Self-Employed Jobs

It can be hard to know what to expect from self-employed jobs since they don’t come with a job description or HR department. Some jobs can be done on a work-from-home basis, whereas others require showing up in-person.

Self-employed workers know to “expect the unexpected”: Don’t assume that your workday or client roster will be consistent or predictable, as it is with a full-time job. It’s normal for there to be speed bumps along the way to a more steady routine.

Self-Employed Job Tips

Now let’s look at some tips for making self-employment easier.

•   Focus on a passion. Having a second job or working as an entrepreneur is hard. But if you choose a field or mission you’re passionate about, it can be easier to stay motivated and on track.

•   Develop industry expertise. To really stand out and impress clients, it’s important to have a deep knowledge of the industry and skills required to do the job well.

•   Learn from mistakes. Mistakes happen, but they aren’t a reason to give up. Try to learn from mistakes and improve.

16 Best Self-Employed Jobs 2022

What are the best self-employed jobs? Let’s take a look at 16 options, considering how much they pay and the skills they require. All of these jobs can be done on a part-time basis to generate supplemental income. They also have the potential to turn into full-time opportunities.

1. Writer

National average pay: $24.11 per hour

Job growth outlook: 4%

Job description: Write articles, books, scripts, advertising copy, and other materials.

Requirements: Strong understanding of grammar, communication skills, professional or academic writing experience.


•   Write short-form or long-form copy

•   Edit written copy

•   Craft headlines and campaign slogans

2. Business Consultant

National average pay: $44.71 per hour

Job growth outlook: 11%

Job description: Consult businesses on how they can improve their performance.

Requirements: Business experience and good communication skills.


•   Help a business perform better in chosen area(s) of focus

•   Measure and report business performance

•   Create strategy and present that strategy to key stakeholders

3. Videographer

National average pay: $31.82 per hour

Job growth outlook: 12%

Job description: Capture video content and edit it for clients.

Requirements: Video and editing skills.


•   Shoot and direct video content

•   Edit video content using professional software

•   Plan video shoots

4. Social Media Specialist

National average pay: $13.92 per hour

Job growth outlook: 10%

Job description: Plan social media marketing strategy, create and post social content, and engage with audience.

Requirements: Marketing analytics and social media marketing knowledge, including paid social media.


•   Plan social media campaigns: organic and paid

•   Create written and visual content

•   Interpret metrics to understand strengths and weaknesses

5. Makeup Artist

National average pay: $20.32 per hour

Job growth outlook: 11%

Job description: Apply makeup on models, individuals for special events, or actors for movies and red carpet events.

Requirements: License in cosmetology and strong cosmetic skills.


•   Apply makeup to professional or individuals

•   Consult on beauty looks before big events

•   Design and apply special effects makeup for the film industry

6. Graphic designer

National average pay: $18.23 per hour

Job growth outlook: 3%

Job description: Design graphics such as logos and advertisements using digital tools.

Requirements: Understand design and color theory and be adept at digital design programs


•   Use software to create visuals for digital or printed materials

•   Edit photographs

•   Create company branding

7. Career Coach

National average pay: $14.70 per hour

Job growth outlook: 10%

Job description: Help clients set professional goals and guide them as they work toward them. Coaching can be a rewarding way to make money from home.

Requirements: Strong understanding of job market and active listening skills.


•   Help clients complete job applications effectively

•   Assist with cover letter and resume writing

•   Practice interview scenarios

8. Software Developer

National average pay: $52.41 per hour

Job growth outlook: 25%

Job description: Developers write computer code in order to create applications, websites, and other digital products or to update existing ones. Coding is considered the quintessential job for introverts.

Requirements: Knowledge of coding languages.


•   Write computer code

•   Design and install programs and applications

•   Create or update websites

9. Event Planner

National average pay: $23.79 per hour

Job growth outlook: 18%

Job description: Plan corporate events, weddings, and parties.

Requirements: Plan and execute events, from compiling guest lists and booking the venue to selecting a caterer and choosing decor.


•   Plan events from start to finish, from concept to tiny details

•   Run and manage the event day-of

•   Connect clients with vendors

10. Hairstylist

National average pay: $10.01 per hour

Job growth outlook: 11%

Job description: Cut, color, and style hair for clients, as well as providing other beauty services.

Requirements: Cosmetology license (most states)


•   Cut and color hair

•   Style hair

•   Educate clients on hair care and products

11. Photographer

National average pay: $14.45 per hour

Job growth outlook: 9%

Job description: Take photographs of places, objects, and people for business clients or individuals who want a special moment or event recorded.

Requirements: Digital photography and photo editing.


•   Plan photoshoots

•   Take digital photographs

•   Edit photos in post-production

12. Transcriptionist

National average pay: $13.71 per hour

Job growth outlook: 1%

Job description: Listen to recorded or live speech and transcribe it into text. (Transcribing is a good job for antisocial people.)

Requirements: Active listening, typing, and spelling and grammar skills.


•   Accurately transcribe audio into text

•   Edit transcripts for proper spelling and grammar

•   Work for businesses or transcription services

13. Driver

National average pay: $14.43 per hour

Job growth outlook: 12%

Job description: Pick up and drive passengers to desired locations safely.

Requirements: Valid driver’s license and good driving record. If driving for a company, you may have to pass a driver’s test and own a car.


•   Pick up passengers at desired location

•   Drive passengers to their location safely

•   Provide ride-share services or private driving services

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14. Landscaper

National average pay: $12.84 per hour

Job growth outlook: 5%

Job description: Plan and plant landscaping and maintain existing plantings to ensure garden health and aesthetic appeal.

Requirements: Knowledge of landscaping best practices.


•   Plant grass, flowers, trees, and shrubs

•   Maintain health of plants

•   Mow grass, trim and prune plants, and water landscaping

15. Nanny

National average pay: $13.03 per hour

Job growth outlook: 6%

Job description: Take care of children: Cook for, clean up after, play, with and transport them to and from school and social activities.

Requirements: Childcare experience; some parents prefer safety certifications such as CPR.


•   Keep children safe, clean, and fed

•   Play with children and help them with their homework

•   Assist with household chores

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16. Personal Trainer

National average pay: $20.24

Job growth outlook: 19%

Job description: Help clients master workout routines and make physical health progress. While this used to be an in-person job exclusively, many trainers now work from home, coaching and leading classes via web-cam.

Requirements: Education in kinesiology or exercise science.


•   Create custom workout routines for clients

•   Help clients set fitness goals

•   Instruct clients on how to properly perform exercises and monitor their physical progress

The Takeaway

The best self-employed job for you depends on your skills and passions. There are many self-employed job opportunities across various industries that can help you earn extra money. Benefits include flexible hours and schedules, your choice of workplace, and the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills. Disadvantages include fluctuating income, unpredictable workdays, and total responsibility.

Once you start making extra money, you may need help making the most of it. This is where SoFi can help. Our money tracker lets you connect all of your accounts on one mobile dashboard. Get free credit score monitoring, track your debts, keep tabs on your cash flow, and find ways to save.

Get a clearer picture of your finances with SoFi.


How can I make $1,000 a month passively?

Passive income takes work to set up, but it can be rewarding once the initial labor is done. Investing is a good example of passive income. It takes time and money to build a strong investment portfolio, but once you do, you can earn money passively each month with little effort.

What self-employed jobs make a lot of money?

Personal trainer, event planner, software developer, business consultant, videographer, and makeup artist are some of the best paying self-employed jobs. But many different types of jobs can generate good income once you have some experience.

Which career is best for self-employed?

As they say, one person’s heaven is another’s hell. And so it is with self-employed jobs. Think carefully about what you’re good at, your industry knowledge and experience, and the type of role you’re passionate about in order to find the right self-employed job for you.

Photo credit: iStock/dusanpetkovic

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Work From Home Jobs With Flexible Hours for Moms

Work From Home Jobs With Flexible Hours for Moms

In the not-too-distant past, when couples had kids, one partner stayed home — and essentially gave up their career for a while. Today, however, more companies are accommodating remote work and flexible hours for an expanding roster of jobs. Stay-at-home parents may be surprised to see that the industry they left behind is now open to hiring them back on a part-time or freelance basis.

We’ve rounded up the most promising work-from-home jobs with flexible hours across a range of occupations. Some require a relevant degree or specialized training or experience, while others are more open to motivated generalists.

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Is Working From Home Here To Stay?

Companies are finally accepting that work-from-home situations can be beneficial for businesses and workers. Today, more than half of American workers have the ability to work from home at least one day per week, according to McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey. And 35% are able to work from home the entire week. “Flexible work is no longer a temporary pandemic response but an enduring feature of the modern working world,” the report states.

This is great news for the millions of Americans who can’t swing a full-time office job, from job-seeking retirees to self-described “antisocial” folks.

That said, telework is unlikely to be available for occupations that have a need for workers at a jobsite, including trade jobs. But many more professional roles can be fulfilled by remote workers.

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Are WFH Jobs and Remote Jobs the Same?

WFH and remote jobs may be different in how they’re set up. Some companies define “work from home” (WFH) as a temporary situation, like working from home on a Friday but coming into the office other days of the week. The expectation for remote workers is that they define their own workday and may never need to go into the office.

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Do All Part-Time Jobs Have Flexible Hours?

No. Some part-time jobs have set hours rather than flexible hours. It all depends on what your employer requires. If you need flexible hours (or would prefer set hours), be sure to communicate that with the hiring manager.

13 WFH Jobs With Flexible Hours for Moms

If you need or want to work from home, there’s never been a better time. Take a look at these 13 occupations with the most remote opportunities, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some may pay hourly vs. salaried, but all pay considerably higher than minimum wage.

We hope this list will inspire you to pursue a job with flexible hours that previously might have shut you out.

1. Market Research Analyst / Marketing Specialist

Median annual wage: $63,920

Expected job growth: Much better than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Market research analysts study consumer behavior and preferences, then make recommendations to businesses that promise greater profitability. They also research a company’s position in the marketplace relative to their competitors.

2. Marketing Manager

Median annual wage: $135,030

Expected job growth: Faster than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Marketing managers create interest in a product or service using advertisements, promotions, and other marketing tactics. They develop pricing strategies and negotiate advertising contracts. This is the highest paying job on our list.

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3. Fundraiser

Median annual wage: $60,660

Expected job growth: Much faster than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Fundraisers organize events and campaigns to help raise money for an organization. They may work for political campaigns, nonprofits, or educational institutions.

4. Compensation and Benefits Manager

Median annual wage: $127,530

Expected job growth: Slower than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Compensation and benefits managers administer an organization’s salary and insurance plans for employees. They analyze market trends to determine competitive pay and perks that attract and retain talent.

5. Claims Adjuster / Examiner / Investigator

Median annual wage: $65,080

Expected job growth: Decline

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

What they do: Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators are responsible for processing an insurance’s company’s claims. They determine if the claim is eligible and how much should be paid out. It’s one of the few jobs that don’t require college.

6. Financial and Investment Analyst

Median annual wage: $91,580

Expected job growth: Faster than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Financial and investment analysts help businesses and individuals make decisions to become more profitable. Analysts may work on the “buy-side” (for companies with a lot of money to invest), the “sell-side” (for agents who sell stocks and bonds), or the media. They may specialize in a particular area or market, like tech or energy. The financial sector tends to have very good entry level salaries.

7. Accountant / Auditor

Median annual wage: $77,250

Expected job growth: Average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Accountants and auditors are responsible for preparing accurate financial reports, analyzing the financial health of an organization, and filing taxes. They may make suggestions to a business about how to reduce costs, eliminate inefficiencies, and improve profitability. Accounting has long been considered a good job for introverts.

8. Computer Systems Analyst

Median annual wage: $99,270

Expected job growth: Faster than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Computer systems analysts help businesses become more efficient with specific computer technologies. They analyze the cost and benefits of IT systems and help managers decide which are best for their organization. They are sometimes called systems architects and usually specialize in a specific type of computer system.

9. Network and Computer Systems Administrator

Median annual wage: $80,600

Expected job growth: Slower than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Network and computer systems administrators are responsible for the day-to-day operation of computer networks for an organization. They may install, test, make upgrades and repairs, and train users. They manage servers, desktops, and mobile equipment. Much of this can be done remotely.

10. Computer User Support Specialist

Median annual wage: $49,770

Expected job growth: As fast as average

Requirements: Some college

What they do: Computer support specialists help users with computer network problems. They also maintain existing network systems. The potential as a part time job with flexible hours for students is there.

11. Sales Rep, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific

Median annual wage: $94,840

Expected job growth: Average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Sales representatives with technical or scientific knowledge can make money by selling products or services for an employer. They explain the features of the product and help the customer understand how the product can benefit them. They negotiate prices, prepare sales contracts, and submit orders for processing. They maintain a relationship with the client for ongoing business exchanges.

12. Advertising Sales Agent

Median annual wage: $52,340

Expected job growth: Decline

Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

What they do: Advertising sales agents sell advertising space to businesses and individuals. They build relationships with clients and explain the design, contracts, and cost of the ad space.

13. Public Relations Specialist

Median annual wage: $62,800

Expected job growth: Faster than average

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree

What they do: Public relations specialists are responsible for maintaining a positive image for their clients. They do this by preparing information for the media, running social media programs, and preparing clients for interviews with the media.

Recommended: Jobs That Pay Off Student Loans

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The Takeaway

There’s never been a better time to be a remote worker. Whether you’re an expert in your field or need to make a job transition, remote jobs with flexible hours are now possible for more than half of workers. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of knowing where to look for the jobs and finding the right match for your skills.

When you’re earning the big bucks, a free spending app can help you accomplish your goals. Whether that’s tracking your budget, seeing your credit score, or setting savings goals, it’s incredibly helpful to have an app that can show you the big picture when it comes to your money.

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What kind of job can I do as a stay-at-home mom?

Any job that can be done remotely is one you can do as a stay-at-home mom. Many well-paying jobs can be done remotely, such as legal work, marketing, sales, and more.

What is the best part-time job for a housewife?

The best part-time job for a housewife is one that fulfills you and helps support your family at the same time. Look for industries, occupations, companies, and individuals that are supportive of your goals and needs. In the competitive labor market we’re in now, you can ask for things that are important to you, such as a flexible schedule or remote work.

Photo credit: iStock/lechatnoir

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How To Make Money Even With No Job

How To Make Money Even With No Job

If you currently don’t have a job, finding ways to make money may be at the top of your to-do list. The good news is that there are numerous ways to earn income when you aren’t working a steady gig. Some opportunities require Wifi and a laptop or smartphone, while others require little more than your physical presence.

Starting a side hustle can be a great option for making money from home. Or if you’re interested in how to “make money with money,” you might lean toward passive income ideas. Keep reading to learn some of the most popular ways to make money with no job.

How To Make Money With Money With No Job

What does it mean to make money with money? In simple terms, it means finding ways to make the money that you already have work for you, without necessarily getting a traditional first or second job.

Learning how to make money with money often involves various ways to earn passive income. Passive income is money that you earn with little to no work involved. That doesn’t mean you don’t do any work at all: Some degree of work is required in the beginning to create passive income streams before you can start making money on autopilot.

If that sounds good to you, then you might consider these passive income ideas.

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1. Sell Your Plasma

Selling plasma can be an easy way to make extra money without a job or without doing any real work. Plasma donation centers pay healthy people real cash to donate their plasma. Depending on where you donate, you can make $1,000 your first month as a new donor.

Keep in mind that there may be a limit on the number of times you can donate plasma each month. You may also want to read up on potential side effects of donating plasma and how the process works.

2. Sell Your Clutter

If you have things around the house you no longer need or use, you could sell them to make some quick cash. Some of the places you can sell items you don’t need include:

•   Craigslist

•   Facebook Marketplace

•   Facebook bargain groups

•   eBay

•   Etsy (for vintage items)

•   Consignment stores

You can also try selling items through an app like Mercari or Decluttr. Selling items for cash could generate a steady income if you’re interested in flipping.

Flipping simply means taking things you get for one price, then selling them for a higher price. For example, you might be able to find bargains on clothing or accessories at thrift stores and flea markets, then turn around and flip them on Facebook Marketplace or eBay. You might need to spend a little money to purchase your first items to flip, but this can be a great option for how to make money with money.

3. Get Paid To Do Market Research

Companies are always interested in figuring out how to gain a competitive edge. One way they do that is by paying everyday consumers to participate in market research.

For example, there are numerous apps and websites that pay you cash to complete surveys, share your opinions, or participate in focus groups. The amount you can make largely depends on which apps or sites you’re signing up for. But this can be an easy way to make money from home using your cellphone or laptop.

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4. Earn Cash Back

Cash-back apps are another option for making money without a job. When you download cash-back apps, you can link your debit card or credit cards, then earn back a percentage of what you spend at partner retailers.

There are several different cash-back apps to choose from, and they all pay different cash-back reward rates. Some of the apps you might consider for online shopping, grocery shopping, or travel include:

•   Rakuten

•   Ibotta

•   Dosh

•   Mr. Rebates

You can sign up for one or multiple apps to maximize your cash-back earnings potential.

5. Start a Blog

Blogging can help you to generate passive income in a variety of ways. For example, you might earn passive income from advertisements on your site, affiliate marketing, or product sales. You can also make a more active income by writing sponsored posts or offering some type of service, like coaching or consulting.

There is a certain amount of work that goes into setting up a blog and growing various income streams. But it’s entirely possible to make a full-time income from home as a blogger, even if you’re starting with no experience and very little money. For more on blogging, check out this story on the costs of running a blog.

6. Invest in Real Estate

Real estate can be a great investment, especially when there’s uncertainty in the stock market and inflation is on the rise. But how can you afford to invest in real estate and buy a rental property if you don’t have a job?

The simple answer is that you figure out how to make money with money in real estate a different way. Investing in a real estate investment trust (REIT), for example, offers the benefits of real estate ownership without the hassles of operating a rental property. You can also invest in real estate mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to gain exposure to a variety of properties in a single investment.

These investment options might be offered through your online brokerage. You may also consider real estate crowdfunding platforms, which allow you to pool your money along with other investors in a variety of property types. You make money through any of these investments in the form of dividends, which is another type of passive income.

7. Childcare, Senior Care, and Pet Care

If you want to make money offline, consider babysitting, pet sitting, or dog walking within your social circle or local area. You might also branch out to offer help to seniors who need it. For example, if you don’t mind leaving the house, you can hire yourself out to run errands for elderly people who may not have transportation. Or you may earn extra money by sitting with a senior for a few hours a day while their regular caretaker does the grocery shopping or cleaning.

8. Invest in Dividend Stocks

A dividend represents a share of a company’s profits. Some companies pay out dividends to investors who own shares of their stock as a reward for their loyalty. Dividend investing is something that might appeal to you if you’re specifically interested in passive income or residual income, since you can make a one-time investment, then collect dividends as they’re paid out.

When comparing dividend stocks, it helps to familiarize yourself with how the stock has paid out historically. You’ll also want to consider how often dividends are paid out and what kind of tax liability you’ll incur by receiving dividend payments.

9. Rent Out a Room on Airbnb

If you’ve got a spare room, you might have an easy solution for how to make money without a job. You can rent out a spare room or part of your home on Airbnb to create passive income. Or you might take on a regular roommate, which can help to reduce your share of monthly expenses.

You’ll need to register for an account on Airbnb to start hosting guests in your home. Before you do that, however, it’s important to check the zoning laws where you live to determine whether you need any special permits to act as an Airbnb host.

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10. Rent Out Your Car

Have a car that you rarely drive? You can rent it out to people who need a vehicle short-term through a site like Turo. Renting your car for cash is similar to renting out a room on Airbnb, in that you’re effectively sharing your vehicle with someone else. This can be a easy option for making money with your car passively versus driving for Uber or Lyft.

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11. Become a Tutor

Tutoring is something you might consider if you’re comfortable helping students learn and you want to be able to make money from home. You might offer tutoring services virtually through a site like or from the comfort of your home if you’re helping students locally. Keep in mind that with tutoring websites, you may be required to pass a skills test or show proof of a college degree in order to get approved.

12. Freelance Online

You might try freelancing to make money without a job if you have some marketable skills. Some of the ways you can make money as a freelancer include:

•   Proofreading

•   Virtual assistant services

•   Graphic design services

•   Website design

•   Freelance writing or editing

If you’re not sure where to get started with making money as a freelancer, you might try a site like Fiverr. With Fiverr, you can list your freelance skills and services, along with your preferred rate. Potential clients can browse freelancer profiles and if yours is a good fit, hire you for their project.

13. Sell Photography

Selling photography online is another way to make money from home. You’ll need a good camera (or smartphone camera) to take pictures, and it’s helpful to have good editing software on hand. Once you have some pictures to sell, you can upload them to a site like Shutterstock or Foap.

These sites allow you to license the rights to your photography. When someone purchases a license, you earn royalty income. Once again, this is another good way to make money passively without leaving home.

14. Peer to Peer Lending

Peer to peer loans are funded by money pooled from different investors. Those investors make passive income from the loans by collecting interest from borrowers.

You might consider P2P lending as an investor if you’re looking for another idea on how to make money with no job passively. Keep in mind that with peer-to-peer lending, a higher potential rate of return usually equates to higher risk. If the borrower defaults on the loan you’ve helped fund, you won’t be able to collect any remaining interest.

For that reason, you might want to diversify the types of loans you invest in. You can also balance risk by investing in other things, such as real estate, dividend stocks, or even fine art.

15. Sell eBooks or Low Content Books

Ebooks and low-content books like blank journals or lined notebooks can be an excellent way to create steady income without a lot of ongoing work. You can create an ebook or low-content book, upload to a self-publishing website like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), and collect income each time you sell a copy.

You typically don’t need much to get started with self-publishing, other than a great idea for a book and some graphic design software to create your covers and interiors. When deciding where to sell your finished books, take time to research the fees each platform charges, since they can eat into your earnings.

How To Make the Most of Extra Income

Figuring out how to make money with money can increase your cash flow, sometimes significantly. But it’s important to think about what to do with extra money that you’re earning from side hustles or passive income ideas.

Some of the best ways to put extra income to work include:

•   Paying down high-interest debt

•   Increasing your savings

•   Investing money in the market, where it can grow through compounding

•   Reinvesting it into new passive income ideas

Those are just a few ways to make the most of supplemental income, versus simply spending all of the extra cash you’re bringing in.

If you’re struggling to manage the extra money you’re making, using a free budget app can help. Budgeting apps help you keep track of your expenses and budget categories each month so that you know where your money is going. Seeing how you’re spending money can make it easier to pinpoint areas to cut back.

The Takeaway

Extra income is one of the main benefits of a side hustle, along with flexibility and the ability to earn money on your own schedule. If you’re testing out different ideas for how to make money with money, there are plenty of passive income ideas you can try. You can also research ideas for how to make money with no job that might require a little more work, such as low-content ebooks. Others require little more than your physical presence.

Having a money tracker to record income and expenses can help you stay on top of your financial situation. SoFi, for instance, lets you see your expenses at a glance, monitor your credit, and get a snapshot of your financial situation right from your mobile device. The best part is that it’s free to use.

Begin tracking your financial life with SoFi.


How can I make money with no job?

Starting a side hustle or online business, or doing gig work, are great ways to make money without a job. It’s possible to make money online or from home doing things like market research, shopping with cash back apps, mystery shopping, or offering freelance services. The more side hustles you have, the more money you can make even without a job.

How can I make $100 without a job?

The fastest way to make $100 without a job is to sell something. For example, you might sell items around the house that you no longer need, or resell bargain items that you find on Facebook or at flea markets. If you’d like to make $100 a day or $100 a week consistently, then you might consider different side hustle options like pet sitting, dog walking, freelancing, or blogging.

How do I live without a job?

Living well without a job starts with creating a realistic budget and understanding how you spend your money. Having savings to rely on can make it easier to live without a job if you expect to be out of work temporarily. You can also work on finding ways to make money without a job, including passive income ideas, side hustles, or gig work.

Photo credit: iStock/Natalia Bodrova

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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