What is a Good Salary for a Single Person Living in California for 2022

What Is a Good Salary for a Single Person Living in California?

Calling California home can be expensive, and some locations carry a much higher cost of living than others. In fact, if you’re wondering where to live in the Golden State, your income may be the deciding factor. A good salary for a single person in California varies widely depending on location and industry: $50K may be enough in some areas, $100K in others.

Here, we’ll provide real-world stats to show you what the cost of living is really like. And we’ll compare annual salaries for different occupations to offer some insight into what a single Californian typically earns.

Key Points

•   A good salary in California varies widely depending on location and industry, ranging from $50K to $100K.

•   California ranks as the fourth most expensive state in the U.S. for living costs.

•   In Los Angeles, households spend an average of $67,587 annually, with housing and transportation being major expenses.

•   San Francisco Bay Area residents spend about $91,728 per year, with housing as the largest expense.

•   A living wage for a single adult in California is estimated at $45,385 annually, assuming a 40-hour workweek.

What Is the True Cost of Living in California?

California is the fourth most expensive state in the U.S., according to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC). Only Hawaii, Washington, D.C., and Massachusetts have a higher cost of living. Data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) calculated that the average annual cost of living in California is $46,636.

Average cost of living numbers reflect both the highs and lows of what people spend to live in California. Cost of living generally means necessary expenses, such as:

•   Housing

•   Food

•   Utilities

•   Transportation

•   Taxes

•   Health care

•   Child care

•   Clothing

•   Education

Where someone chooses to live in California and their lifestyle can influence their personal cost of living. Their choice of career can determine how easily they’re able to keep up with the cost of living. What is considered a good salary for a single person in a metro area may be very different from that of someone living in a farming community.

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What Is the True Cost of Living in Los Angeles?

Households in the Los Angeles metro area spent an average of $67,587 per year in 2019-20, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The majority of spending was divided across eight categories:

•   Housing

•   Transportation

•   Food

•   Personal insurance and pensions

•   Healthcare

•   Entertainment

•   Cash contributions

•   Apparel and services

More-recent data from the BLS shows that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for goods and services in Los Angeles has more than doubled since 2019. Some of the biggest price increases have been in the food and energy categories. Meanwhile, the average weekly wage across all industries in Los Angeles was $1,698, which adds up to $88,296 in annual salary.

What Is the True Cost of Living in the San Francisco Bay Area?

Residents of the San Francisco Bay Area spent an average of $91,728 per year in 2019-20, according to BLS data. San Franciscans spent the most on housing, followed by:

•   Personal insurance and pensions

•   Food

•   Transportation

•   Healthcare

•   Cash contributions

•   Entertainment

•   Education

Similar to Los Angeles, San Francisco saw its consumer price index more than double between 2019 and 2022, with consumers paying more for food, medical expenses, and household furnishings. In terms of weekly salary, workers in the Bay Area bring in $2,696 on average, or $140,192 annually.

Why Is the Cost of Living in California So High?

California’s high cost of living can be attributed largely to supply and demand. Generally speaking, when demand for goods and services outpaces supply, that can result in higher prices.

High demand vs. low supply for things like housing, for instance, can send real estate values soaring. California is an attractive place to live because of its strong economy and job market, prompting more people to move there, driving up demand for housing. The state ranks fourth for the highest rent prices, and the typical home is valued at $775,876, according to Zillow.

Meanwhile, California residents are subject to higher property tax rates, which adds to the cost of living. They also typically pay more for fuel due to a combination of higher taxes and environmental regulation surcharges.

Inflation can add to the high cost of living in California. As of September 2022, the CPI increased 8.3% year over year. When inflation rises, everything you spend money on tends to become more expensive, driving up the cost of living even further.

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Living Wage Calculation for California

A living wage in California is the hourly rate that someone must earn to support themselves and their family, if they have one. It’s not the same thing as the federal minimum wage. The gap between the two is often used as an argument for raising the minimum wage across the board.

Here’s what an hourly living wage calculation looks like for different household sizes in California. Note that the state minimum wage for companies with 26 or more employees is $15.00 an hour.

1 Adult

2 Adults, Both Working

Number of Children 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Living Wage $21.82 $44.18 $54.95 $73.98 $16.79 $23.98 $30.54 $37.57

Data courtesy of the MIT Living Wage Calculator.

So what is a good annual salary for a single person in California? Using living wage data, you could assume that $45,385 in annual pay would be a good salary for a single person with no children. On the other hand, a single adult raising three kids would need to make $153,878 yearly. Those income numbers assume a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks of work per year.

It’s important to understand the distinction between salary vs. hourly pay, in terms of how much work is involved to earn a living wage. A salaried employee who works 60 hours a week may end up earning the same average hourly wage as someone who works 40 hours per week, even though they’re spending more time on the job.

Typical Expenses

Comparing typical spending to living wage calculations can offer some perspective on how easily Californians are able to keep up with their cost of living. Here’s a closer look at what adults spend in several key budget categories.

1 Adult

2 Adults, Both Working

Number of Children 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Food $3,999 $5,893 $8,853 $11,742 $7,332 $9,124 $11,764 $14,321
Child Care $0 $11,439 $22,879 $34,318 $0 $11,439 $22,879 $34,318
Medical $2,288 $7,462 $7,249 $7,559 $5,764 $7,249 $7,559 $7,347
Housing $17,651 $25,624 $25,624 $34,798 $20,398 $25,624 $25,624 $34,798
Transportation $4,938 $8,762 $11,391 $13,456 $8,762 $11,391 $13,456 $14,613
Civic $2,581 $4,144 $5,120 $6,686 $4,144 $5,120 $6,686 $5,314
Other $4,748 $7,080 $6,477 $9,424 $7,080 $6,477 $9,424 $9,115

Data courtesy of the MIT Living Wage Calculator.

“Civic” refers to civic activities and includes costs related to entertainment, culture, pets, hobbies, and education.

Typical Annual Salaries in California

A good yearly salary for a single person in California varies widely, as does what is considered competitive pay. It mostly depends on the industry someone works in. Here’s an overview of annual salaries in California across different industries and sectors.

Occupational Area

Typical Annual Salary

Management $138,148
Business & Financial Operations $84,198
Computer & Mathematical $119,872
Architecture & Engineering $105,770
Life, Physical, & Social Science $91,100
Community & Social Service $58,272
Legal $117,935
Education, Training, & Library $64,168
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, & Media $69,625
Healthcare Practitioners & Technical $105,245
Healthcare Support $33,159
Protective Service $52,280
Food Preparation & Serving Related $31,993
Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maintenance $37,461
Personal Care & Service $34,047
Sales & Related $38,049
Office & Administrative Support $46,994
Farming, Fishing, & Forestry $31,169
Construction & Extraction $62,681
Installation, Maintenance, & Repair $58,497
Production $40,168
Transportation & Material Moving $37,578

The highest paying jobs by state tend to be in the management, legal, technology, and healthcare fields. That makes sense, given how much big business and tech contribute to the state’s economy.

California’s large population also means greater demand for things like legal services and health care. These are not the best jobs for antisocial people, since they demand a good deal of interaction and communication, but that doesn’t mean introverts can’t find great opportunities here.

So, what is a good entry level salary in California? Entry level pay is likely to be higher in industries that have higher demand for talent. The downside is that hiring can be much more competitive.

New hires seeking jobs in the state may do well to read up on how to ask for a signing bonus or more perks in their benefits package, which can help supplement a lower entry level salary.

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Is the Cost of Living in California Worth It?

California is far from the cheapest state to live in. Whether it’s worth it to you to make your home there can depend on your reasons for wanting to live in the Golden State. If you’ve landed a high paying job in a promising field, for instance, then a higher cost of living might be a trade-off you can accept to launch your dream career.

On the other hand, you might find that California’s cost of living is simply too much for your budget. In that case, you might consider relocating to a less expensive state or, at the very least, moving to a different part of California.

Regardless of where you end up, using a budget planner app can be a great way to keep track of your spending. You can link the app to your bank accounts and credit cards to keep tabs on where your money goes and see at a glance where you might need to cut back. Maintaining a budget is one of the most effective ways to keep your cost of living under control.

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The Takeaway

What is a good yearly salary for a single person? The simplest answer might be this: An amount that allows you to meet all of your basic expenses, save a little, and pay down debt or work toward another financial goal. Whether that’s $50,000, $100,000, or more can depend on your preferred lifestyle and where you choose to live.

If you’re struggling to get a grip on spending, then using a money tracker app like SoFi’s can help. SoFi is an all-in-one financial tool for managing spending, monitoring your credit, and taking control of your money.

See the big picture on one mobile dashboard.


What is a livable salary for a single person in California?

A living wage for a single person in California with no children is $21.82 per hour or $45,385 per year, assuming a 40-hour workweek. Whether that salary is livable for someone can depend on where they live in California and how they typically spend their money.

What is a comfortable salary in California?

The salary that’s required to live comfortably in California depends on how many people live in the household, how many people in the household earn an income, where you live in the state, and your typical annual expenses.

What is a good monthly income in California?

A good monthly income in California is $3,886, based on what the Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that Californians pay for their cost of living. A good monthly income for you will depend on what your expenses are and how much you typically spend per month.

Photo credit: iStock/lechatnoir

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9 Common Signs of Millionaires That Indicate You Are On Track to Becoming Wealthy

9 Common Signs of Millionaires That Indicate You Are On Track to Becoming Wealthy

If you are like many people, you may have asked yourself at some point in life, “Will I be rich one day?” No one knows for sure what the future holds, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire.

One of the best ways to amass wealth is to invest in assets that will appreciate over time. But while that sounds good, finding a starting point can be challenging for some. For example, you can start your own business or work hard to climb the corporate ladder, but which is the better option? And you’ll want to invest the money you earn. But where?

Whatever you do, it’s smart to remember that it’s okay to take risks and make mistakes; learning from your experiences is a critical component of success. Above all, remember that wealth accumulation is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes patience, commitment, and perseverance to achieve financial security.

Key Points

•   Early financial success, such as earning money from a young age, can set the stage for future wealth.

•   Taking decisive action and managing finances proactively are common traits among those accumulating wealth.

•   Outspokenness and a unique personal style often distinguish wealthy individuals in social settings.

•   A strong sense of urgency and goal-oriented behavior are typical among successful wealth builders.

•   Distinguishing between needs and wants is crucial for effective financial management and wealth accumulation.

What Is a Sign of Wealth?

Often, specific aspects of one’s physical appearance such as luxury cars and designer clothes are taken as a sign of wealth. Unfortunately, these signs aren’t always reliable. For example, some people may live in an extravagant home, giving off the appearance of wealth, but it may simply mean that they can access money — perhaps through credit, savings or even family.

Real signs of wealth are often more attitudinal, and many can be cultivated through patience and practice. Here are a few people who were early millionaires due, in large part, to their drive and focus.

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Examples of Millionaires Under 30

With the advent of the tech industry, smart investments, business ventures, or inheritances, i.e., the great wealth transfer , millionaires under 30 are becoming increasingly common. Here are three examples of millionaires who earned their fortunes before turning 30.

Mark Zuckerberg: Zuckerberg created Facebook at age 19 while attending Harvard University. The idea was to match photos with the names of other students. And in just a few short years, Zuckerberg became a self-made millionaire at age 22.

Sergey Brin: Brin is a Russian American computer scientist who, at the age of 25, co-founded Google, Inc., and became a millionaire. Google is one of the world’s most valuable companies, and today, Brin’s net worth is estimated to be $88 billion.

Alexander Wang: Wang founded Scale AI in 2016 as a way to analyze data far faster than any human could. Today, Scale AI’s technology is used by the U.S. Airforce and U.S. Army, as well as 300+ companies. Today, Wang’s net worth is estimated to be over $1 billion, and at age 25, he’s currently the youngest billionaire.

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9 Signs of Wealth to Look Out For

In a world where the top 1% of earners take home nearly 20% of the country’s income, it’s essential to know what signs to look for when trying to identify if someone is wealthy. While there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of wealth, some cues can give you a good idea of whether you or someone you know is doing well financially.

Here are six signs of wealth to look out for that indicate you’re on track to becoming wealthy:

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1. You’re an Overachiever

It’s hard to be modest when you’re an overachiever. You know you’re good at your work and are not afraid to let everyone know. Overachievers work hard and try harder. While this may make some people uncomfortable, it comes naturally to you.

2. You Started Making Money At a Young Age

It is not uncommon to see young adults with successful careers in today’s society. While some people played with toys as a child, others learned how to make money. For example, it could mean that you started a side hustle such as delivering a paper route or babysitting.

Regardless, making money at a young age, or any age for that matter, is not always easy. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and people work hard for their money. An early start can put you on the fast track to becoming a millionaire.

3. You Take Action

There will be times when things happen that are out of your control. You may feel stuck and as if you have no way to change your circumstances. However, these are the times when you must take action to create the life you want to live. For example, it might mean organizing your finances to get what you want. And, sometimes you’ll have to take some risks and go for it. It can be scary, but it’s worth it to achieve your goals.

When faced with a difficult situation, it’s essential to remember that you always have a choice. You can choose to give up, or you can choose to fight for what you want. Only by taking action can you make progress and take a step towards achieving financial wellness. So don’t be afraid to step up and take on whatever life throws your way — you can do it!

4. You Are Outspoken

In a society where people get judged by how much money they have, it is no surprise that many go out of their way to keep up appearances. And while some may try to blend in with the wealthy crowd, a wealthy person will often stand out with his unique style or outgoing sense of humor. Wealthy people tend to feel less inhibited and are more likely to speak their minds. They may also be less concerned with the rules and more likely to take risks.

5. You Possess a Sense of Urgency

When it comes to the wealthy, there are a few telltale signs that set them apart. One of these is their sense of urgency — they don’t like wasting time and are always moving forward. This urgency allows them to achieve their goals and maintain their wealth. It’s also one of the reasons why they may seem constantly stressed out — they’re always trying to do more.

6. You’re Focused More on Saving Than Earning

It doesn’t matter if you earn $50,000 or $250,000 a year. Unless you consistently spend less than you make, you’ll never get ahead financially. People who focus on their budget and saving their disposable income understand how to live within their means and focus on what’s most important: saving money for the future.

7. You Know The Difference Between Needs & Wants

In our materialistic society, getting caught up in the “must-have” mentality is easy. Advertisements are everywhere, and social media posts tell us we need the next latest and greatest products. It can be challenging to discern between the things we need and want.

A sign of a wealthy person is their ability to distinguish between the two. They know which items are essential for their well-being and those which would be nice to have. Advertising or peer pressure doesn’t work on rich people, and their possessions don’t rule them.

Spiritual Signs You Will Be Rich

Are there spiritual signs that you can be a wealthy person? Some people believe steadfastly in spiritual and other signs of wealth and luck. Here are a couple of examples:

Gravitating to the Lucky Number, 8

In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered a lucky number. Individuals who gravitate towards this number may believe it will bring them good fortune. Some people might even go as far as to change their phone number or social media handle to include the digit 8.

A Psychic Confirms Wealth is Coming

Some people consult psychics to get guidance on anything from love to health and even money. While many psychics will say they can tune into your energy and give you specific information about your future, and many people believe their predictions, you may be better off putting the money you’d pay the psychic into savings.

Pros and Cons of Having Signs of Wealth

There are very few times when it can be helpful to show off your wealth to others. Indeed, showing off can make others feel intimidated. Additionally, it can attract unwanted attention from criminals or others who want to take what you have. And, having too many signs of wealth can make you a target for scams or other fraudulent schemes.

The Takeaway

If you identify with any of these habits you’re likely well on your way to building a significant amount of wealth. However, it is essential to remember that wealth accumulation is not a one-time event; it’s a way of life. It’s something you’ll need to make a habit of, if you want to succeed. For many people who work hard, stay focused, and are disciplined, it is possible.

And as you’re building your wealth, tracking your income and expenses is one of the primary ways to manage your money. SoFi’s money tracker app can help you keep track of your funds so you can make the best spending decisions and start building your very own fortune today.

Photo credit: iStock/miniseries

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SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.


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23 Ways To Make Extra Income From Home

23 Ways To Make Extra Income From Home

If you’re interested in how to make extra income from home, today there are more opportunities than ever before. Some ways to earn extra income from home include side hustles, online businesses, and remote jobs. Finding the right money-making project for you just depends on your skills, experience, and interests.

We’re sharing some of the most popular ideas for how to bring in extra income from home in 2022 and beyond.

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How To Make Extra Income From Home

There are a variety of ways to make extra income from home, many of which allow you to use the skills you already have. Others may require a little training or research to get started before you can begin earning supplemental income.

When comparing side hustles, business ideas, and work-from-home second jobs for extra income, consider:

•   How much time is required to make money

•   Typical earnings and how much you can expect to make

•   What, if anything, might be required to get started

Timing can also influence the types of ideas you explore for making extra income from home. For example, if you need to make a quick $1,000, then selling things around the house can put cash in your pocket faster than starting an online business.

And remember, the benefits of a side hustle go beyond making extra income. Side gigs can be a creative outlet, source of fulfillment, or a stepping stone to a new career. With that in mind, here are 23 of the best extra income ideas from home.

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1. Tutor

Tutoring can be a fulfilling way to make extra income from home for stay-at-home parents or students. There are numerous websites that connect tutors with students who need help with their school work. You can also offer tutoring to students locally in your home to make extra income.

2. Online Teacher

Teaching online is another popular work-from-home extra income idea. While tutoring may involve working with a single student one-on-one, you might teach multiple students online at the same time. For example, anyone can sign up to teach K-12 classes live via Zoom on Outschool.com. You don’t need a teaching degree or previous experience, though you will need to be able to pass a background check.

3. Course Creator

Course creation is one of the best passive income ideas for people who like teaching but don’t want to do it all the time. Platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable allow you to create and upload virtual courses then sell them to people online. These types of platforms charge fees to host your course, but if you come up with a popular topic or idea, you can easily make a great income from home teaching online.

4. Sell Artwork and Designs Online

Selling artwork and designs can be a great way to earn residual income from home. For example, you can create unique designs and license them to a platform like Canva or Creative Fabrica. You earn money as people purchase licensing rights to use your designs.

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5. Online Bookkeeper

Bookkeeping is an in-demand skill, and if you’re experienced at tracking accounts and managing financial statements, this can be a reliable way to make extra income from home. It’s possible to find virtual bookkeeping jobs online with companies that are interested in outsourcing their bookkeeping and payroll.

6. Low Content Book Publishing

Low-content books are books that have little to no content inside. Composition notebooks and blank journals are two prime examples of low-content books. If you have a knack for design, you can create low-content books and upload them to a self-publishing platform like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Amazon lists your books for sale and handles the printing and shipping for you. Meanwhile, you earn royalties for each unit sold.

7. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another option for earning residual income or passive income from home. Affiliate marketing simply means recommending products or services and linking to a sales portal. If someone purchases the product or service through your link, you earn a commission. You can try affiliate marketing through a blog or social media channels such as Instagram or Twitter. Just keep in mind that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has specific disclosure rules influencers are required to follow.

8. Copywrite or Edit

Copywriting is another high-demand skill as companies and businesses are often willing to pay good money for website or marketing copy. Editing is also something you might consider doing to make extra income from home if you’re skilled at writing and have a good eye for detail.

9. Data Entry

Work-from-home extra-income jobs in data entry might appeal to you if you’re good at typing and you know your way around databases or spreadsheets. It’s possible to find remote data entry jobs by searching job boards like Indeed.com or FlexJobs.

10. Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the most visible social media platforms. You might consider starting your own channel as a way to make extra income without leaving the house. To get started, you’ll need a decent camera and a great idea for content, and you’ll need to meet YouTube’s minimum requirements to monetize your channel with ads. You can also make money with a YouTube channel by selling digital products, creating sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

11. Freelance Your Skills

Freelancing can span a wide range of work from home jobs for extra income. For example, you might work as a freelance photographer, website developer, or project manager. The great thing about freelancing is that you can apply skills that you already possess to make money while potentially increasing your income even more by learning new skills along the way.

12. Sell Your Photos

If you’re great with a camera, selling your photography is another idea for how to make extra income from home. Sites like Shutterstock, Foap, and SmugMug allow amateur and professional photographers to list photos for sale and earn money by selling licensing rights. You can study a range of websites that sell pictures to get an idea of which subjects are most popular and in-demand.

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13. Print on Demand

Print-on-demand is a terrific way to make passive income from home. With print-on-demand, you create unique designs and upload them to a POD shop. When someone buys an item, such as a coffee mug or tote bag, the POD shop prints your design onto it and ships it out to the customer. If you’re looking for a place to get started with print on demand, Redbubble, Society6, and Printify are a few sites you might consider.

14. Online Transcription

Transcriptionists make money by transcribing digital files into written or typed documents. Online transcription jobs can be a good way to put your typing skills to use, and there are even remote work opportunities out there for beginners. You may need to purchase special transcription software to start this work-from-home idea, but with the right gigs, you can easily make a part-time income from home.

15. Get Paid To Proofread

Proofreaders review written documents for spelling errors, grammatical errors, and typos. The work that they do is similar to copyeditors though it’s more focused on finding flaws in the mechanics of a piece of writing, rather than issues with tone or flow. Remote-work job boards can be a good place to begin looking for proofreading jobs for beginners.

16. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants help business owners run their companies. You might do a variety of things as a VA, including managing email, setting appointments, keeping track of scheduling changes, posting social media content, or copywriting. This is another low-cost side hustle you can start from home as long as you have an internet connection and a laptop.

17. Start a Blog

Blogging is not necessarily a way to get rich quick, but it can be a way of making extra money from home. There are different ways blogs can earn money, including ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, product sales, and services. If you’re interested in starting a blog, you might want to spend some time on YouTube checking out tutorials to see what you’ll need to get up and running. And this is a good overview of the costs of running a blog.

18. Get Paid To Chat

Remote chat operator jobs and remote customer support jobs are a fun way to put your people skills to work while earning extra income from home. Plenty of companies hire people to handle customer support via live chat or by phone from the comfort of their own home. This can be a good flexible job option for a stay-at-home parent.

19. Pet Sit

Pet sitting might be a perfect way to earn extra income from home for you if you love cats or dogs. You can advertise your services locally as a pet-sitter or dog walker, and make money according to a schedule that works for you.

20. Earn Cash Back From Shopping Apps

Cash back apps pay you back a percentage of what you spend, either in cash or points that can be redeemed for cash or gift cards. For example, you might use a cash back app to earn 5% back when shopping for clothes at your favorite online retailer. Cash back apps are an easy way to make extra income from home doing things that you’re already spending time on.

21. Babysit in Your Home

In addition to pet-sitting, you might consider offering child care or senior care services in your home. If you’re planning to keep multiple children in your home, you’ll want to first check your state’s laws. Once you reach a certain number of children, you might be considered a daycare, which means you’ll need to get licensed and be regulated by the state.

22. Grow a Garden

Gardening can be a relaxing hobby, but it also has potential to be an excellent way to make extra income from home. You can sell the fruits and veggies that you grow at your local farmer’s market or to people in your neighborhood. Depending on where you live, you might even be able to branch out and raise chickens so you can sell fresh eggs for supplemental income.

23. Bake or Prep Meals

If you love to bake or are a pro at meal planning, you might be able to monetize those hobbies and skills to earn money at home. For example, you can sell your homemade baked goods at your local farmer’s market or craft fair, or to local restaurants. You can also sell readymade meals to busy parents and seniors who need a little help with cooking. Just be sure to check any regulations regarding home kitchens that might apply where you live.

Reporting Extra Income on Your Taxes

Finding ways to make extra income from home can offer some financial breathing room, but it’s important to consider the tax consequences. IRS rules require you to report side hustle income or money earned in the gig economy on your taxes, even if you make money at home. Generally, there are two rules to know about reporting extra income:

•   Form 1099 must be issued when gig earnings exceed $600

•   Gig workers may be required to pay estimated quarterly taxes

Unless you’re specifically hired as an employee of a company that you’re doing work for, then the IRS considers you to be an independent contractor. You’ll need to keep track of all your earnings throughout the year and make sure you’re reporting them accurately on your taxes when you file.

You’ll also want to include receipts for any expenses you might be able to deduct. For example, if you’re making extra income from home as a freelance writer and you need to buy a new laptop, you may be able to write that off as a business expense. Or you may be able to deduct home office expenses.

Downloading a free budget app can make it easier to keep track of your business or side gig expenses. If you’re unsure how to handle a tax return with extra income, you may want to talk to a tax professional.

The Takeaway

Making extra income is one of the main benefits of a side hustle, though you may also want to start a second job as a creative outlet. Today, there are many flexible work-from-home gigs for all sorts of skill sets and backgrounds. Some require training or certification, but many can be started with just a laptop and dream. Ideally, you can leverage a hobby or passion into a side job, such as meal-prep, pet-sitting, childcare, design and photography, and more.

If you need a little help staying on top of your side-hustle earnings, a money tracker app like SoFi’s can help. With SoFi, you can track expenses, get financial insights, and monitor your credit all in one place. It’s a simple but powerful tool for managing your finances.

Get the SoFi app and take control of your money today.


How can I make an extra $1,000 a month?

Some of the best ways to make an extra $1,000 a month are freelancing, blogging, monetizing a YouTube channel, and selling digital products. These are all extra income jobs that you can do entirely online. You may also be able to make an extra $1,000 a month by pet-sitting, making homemade baked goods, or selling things around the house you no longer need.

What can I do for an extra income?

There are lots of different ways to make extra income. You could start by increasing your hours at work if you get paid on an hourly basis. Or you might negotiate a pay raise at your current job. You can also get a second job, start a side hustle, get paid to do gig work, or start an online business.

What is a good side hustle?

The best side hustle for you is the one that works for your schedule and allows you to use the skills you have to make a good income. That said, good side hustle options include freelancing, editing and copywriting, blogging, and taking surveys online for cash or gift cards.

Photo credit: iStock/Alessandro Biascioli

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Tax Information: This article provides general background information only and is not intended to serve as legal or tax advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. You should consult your own attorney and/or tax advisor if you have a question requiring legal or tax advice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Does a Background Check for Employment Affect Your Credit Score?

Does a Background Check for Employment Affect Your Credit Score?

You’ve been offered a job and everything is falling nicely into place. Until your employer tells you they need to do a background screening, which will include running a credit check. Your credit score isn’t where you want it to be, and suddenly you’re very concerned. Will they rescind the offer based on your finances?

For positions outside the banking and finance world, your credit report will likely have zero effect on whether you get the position. And background checks for employment don’t affect your credit score.

Read on to learn the common types of background checks employers run and why they may want to look at your creditworthiness.

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What Is a Background Check?

Not all job applicants are completely honest during the interview process. For that reason, many companies run some type of background check on prospective employees. A recent survey by the HR Research Institute found that 95% of companies in the U.S. conduct some type of background screening as part of the hiring process.

Employers order background checks not only to verify your identity, but also to confirm you’re telling the truth about certain things, including your past employment, academic credentials, and whether you have a criminal record. (Similarly, banks run credit checks for new checking accounts mainly to verify your identity and rule out identity theft and fraud.)

Pre-employment screening is typically conducted by a professional background check company hired by the employer. These third party firms have access to resources and tools the average employer doesn’t, so they can deliver a more comprehensive report in a shorter amount of time.

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What Are Employers Looking Out For?

Hiring managers are looking to avoid bringing someone onboard who is unqualified or poses any kind of risk to their business. Without any official vetting, the wrong candidate could result in financial damage to the company or make the workplace less safe for other employees.

By doing a background check, companies can reduce property damage, employee theft, and liability and legal costs incurred by hiring unqualified, uncredentialed people. Companies also hope to avoid employees who have exhibited threatening behavior toward coworkers in the past.

When companies order a credit check for employment, it’s to get an idea of whether the candidate might show signs of financial problems.

Having excessive debt and using a lot of your available credit could signal financial hardship and distress.

An employer may see candidates with high outstanding debt or maxed out credit cards as having an increased likelihood of committing theft or fraud.

How a Background Check Affects Your Credit Score

The good news is an employer background credit check won’t affect your credit or FICO score at all. Why? It’s considered a soft inquiry, which pulls most of your financial information for data purposes as opposed to a hard inquiry, which can take points off your score. That’s because hard checks generally take place when a financial institution looks at your score to determine whether or not to issue you a loan or a credit card.

As mentioned earlier, an employer-requested credit report will be modified, listing your credit utilization rate, any past or current bankruptcy, available lines of credit, auto or student loans, and credit card payment history.

The credit report the employer sees won’t show other soft inquiries, so they can’t see if other employers have checked on you.

You, however, can see the soft inquiries if you request your own credit report.

7 Types of Background Checks

There are many different types of background screenings employers use to vet job candidates. The employer may use one or a combination of checks depending on their needs and concerns. Here are seven kinds of background checks a company may use to screen a new hire:

Identity Verification

This type of check is usually one of the first stages of a background check because an employer wants to first know that the person is who they claim to be. An ID verification confirms the candidate’s name, age, address, and Social Security number, to rule out any aliases or stolen identity.

Criminal Screening

A criminal record check enables the employer to make an informed decision about whether or not the employee will pose a threat to their company, clients, and employees. It’s especially important if the person will have access to financial information, security responsibilities, or work alongside vulnerable populations such as the elderly and children.

Criminal background checks typically include county, state, or federal records of any arrests, convictions for felonies and misdemeanors, outstanding arrest warrants, sex offences, incarceration records, and any acquittals, pending, or dismissed charges.

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Credit Check

It may not be relevant to run a credit check for every potential new hire. An employer may feel it’s necessary for positions involving a security clearance, proximity to money, sensitive customer data, or confidential company information. And they’re not really interested in knowing whether you have a Fair credit score.

A credit check may raise certain red flags that employers want to avoid, especially if it’s a job in the banking or finance sector. Many late payments can indicate you have trouble managing your money, aren’t responsible and organized, or can’t live up to agreements. As mentioned previously, these credit checks will not affect your credit score, nor will the employer be able to see your score.

You may want to see if your state or city allows employer credit checks. Currently, 11 states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, Washington), and the District of Columbia have passed laws restricting these types of credit checks. New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia have similar laws.

By the way, credit monitoring services can alert you when someone has run a hard inquiry on your credit.

Motor Vehicle Records

When an employee may be expected to drive company vehicles or transport clients and customers, the employer will want to review the candidate’s driving record to ensure they’re hiring safe and responsible people.

A driving record check will show the person’s driving history, including any past license suspensions or revocations, vehicular crimes, accident record, DUI convictions and any car insurance lapses. The motor vehicle report will also reveal the number of points someone has on their license.

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Professional License and Education

Some people may exaggerate or even give false professional credentials, claim they’re licensed by an official agency, attended a certain school, or have a specific academic degree, certain training, or certifications, thinking no one will really bother to check. But not so fast. Employers can and, in many cases, do fact check these claims.

Not verifying stated qualifications could lead to hiring a candidate who isn’t professionally qualified for the job. And hiring someone without the skills and education needed can make the company vulnerable to lawsuits and other problems. Education verification checks universities, colleges, vocational schools, and high schools to confirm enrollment, dates of attendance, type of degree obtained, and graduation date, among other details.

With professional licenses, background screening companies generally contact organizations to check if the person is licensed and is a bonafide member. They will make sure the membership is in good standing and hasn’t lapsed or expired.

Fingerprint Check

Along with the criminal check, fingerprint checks are used to reveal any criminal arrests, charges, or details about prior case results. Unlike other screenings, fingerprint checks require the potential employee to actively participate in the process by having their fingerprints scanned.

Fingerprint checks are often required in regulated industries such as financial services; government or criminal justice agencies; jobs requiring security clearance; and healthcare, where a candidate may be responsible for someone who is vulnerable such as a child or the elderly.


E-Verify is a government-run, web-based system through which employers can confirm an individual’s employment eligibility. Verification is based on data taken from an employee’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification and compared to records available to the Social Security Administration and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

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How to Prepare for a Background Check by a Potential Employer

First, be honest on your job application and resume, and during the interview process. Bring up anything you think might concern your employer before they do a background check. You can also do a background check on yourself to see if there are any discrepancies or mistakes in your records you can clear up. You can order one from a provider such as GoodHire.com for a minimal fee, or for free at Betterfuture.com.

In terms of your credit report, if you’re concerned an employer may have some issues, it’s a good idea to review yours in case there’s something you need to correct or resolve. You can access your Experian, TransUnion or Equifax credit report for free by going to AnnualCreditReport.com, a federally mandated site.

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What Are Your Legal Rights as a Job Applicant?

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), employers must obtain your written permission before they can run a background check. You have the right to say no, but bear in mind, this could result in your not getting hired.

When employers use a third party to conduct a background check including credit, criminal, and past employment, the background check is covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Under this law, employees have the right to:

•   Be informed of the background check

•   Provide consent for the background check

•   Review information pertaining to their personal and financial information

•   Correct any inaccuracies the report may contain

•   Appeal decisions if the applicant feels the decision was made unfairly

Laws in your city or state may impact whether, or when, employers can ask about and run a background check for your criminal or credit history. Before you fill out an application, check the laws in your state.

Can You Get a Copy of the Background Check?

Yes, the Fair Credit Reporting Act states you have the right to a copy of the background check from the company that prepared it. The name of the agency was likely on the consent form you signed, but if you can’t remember it, ask the employer to supply it. The screening agency should be able to provide you with a complimentary copy in a timely manner.

The Takeaway

Background checks have become a pretty routine part of the hiring process. These screenings can include a simple ID verification, driving or criminal record check, and pulling your credit report. Although it can be worrisome to know your employer’s checking on your credit, they’ll see an overview of your financial picture but not your actual credit score. Since it’s a “soft pull,” your credit score number will not change.

By knowing where you might be most vulnerable, you can prepare yourself by maintaining good records, being honest about your work and education history, and conducting your own background check to clear up any inaccuracies or potential problems.

Getting your finances on track starts with your credit score. Free credit monitoring is available with SoFi’s money tracker app. All you have to do is sign up (it takes just minutes) and start getting insights into your financial health.

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Can a job offer be rescinded due to bad credit?

Yes, an employer can withdraw the job offer for almost any reason, including your credit report. They can’t, however, rescind the offer due to discrimination based on gender, race, or disability. If you think this could be a reason, consider talking to an attorney. Otherwise, you can express your disappointment to the hiring manager and request more details on why they made their decision. This provides an opportunity to get a clear explanation.

What does an employer check show?

Employment background checks are typically performed to see an employee’s job history, if they have a criminal record, and to verify their identity. A screening may also include validating education and/or professional qualifications, driving records, and/or credit history.

Do background checks show up on a credit report?

When a company requests a credit check as part of employment screening, it’s considered a soft inquiry. Depending on the credit bureau, it may or may not appear in your reports. Since soft inquiries aren’t linked to an application for new credit, they’re only visible to you when you view your credit reports.

Photo credit: iStock/MissTuni

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How Much Should I Have in My 401k by Age 30?

How Much Should I Have in My 401k by Age 30?

A 401(k) can be a great way to save for retirement on a pre-tax basis, while enjoying the added benefit of an employer match. But it can be hard to know if you’re saving enough. You might be wondering, How much should I have in my 401(k) at 30? A common rule of thumb is to have at least one year’s salary saved in your 401(k) by the time you turn 30.

Your actual 401(k) balance, however, may be higher or lower depending on when you started saving, how much of your salary you defer into the plan, and the amount your employer matches. We’ll break down the average target balance for workers from age 25 to 65, and what to do if you’re not quite hitting that goal.

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How Much You Ideally Have Saved for Retirement

It’s never too early to ask “am I on track for retirement?” The sooner you do, the more time you’ll have to catch up if you’re falling short. Just know that the answer can be a moving target, depending on a number of variables.

First of all, your retirement savings objective will depend largely on your retirement goals. Someone who wants to retire at 50 is going to need a much larger nest egg by age 30 than someone who plans to wait until age 70 to retire.

Many other factors also come into play. By way of example, let’s calculate the 401(k) savings for one 30-year-old professional woman. Retirement experts often recommend saving 10% to 15% of your income in a workplace retirement plan each year. Following that advice, our hypothetical saver:

•   starts contributing to her plan at age 25.

•   defers 10% of her $60,000 salary annually for five years.

•   earns a 7% annual rate of return — a pretty average rate of return on 401(k) investments.

•   benefits from an employer match of 50% of contributions, up to 6% of her salary.

By age 30, our professional would have $46,539 saved in her 401(k). This is a great start. However, you can see how her balance might be significantly higher or lower if we changed up one or more details. For instance, by contributing 15% of her pay instead, she’d have $64,439 on her Big 3-0. On the other hand, if she started saving later, earned a lower rate of return, or enjoyed a less generous employer match, her balance could be lower.

Bottom line? How much you should have saved in a 401(k) by age 30 (or any other age) is subjective. It varies based on where you’re starting from and how aggressively you’re saving each year.

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How Much Do You Need to Retire

While you might hear financial experts say that you need $1 million or even $2 million to enjoy a comfortable retirement, that’s a guideline rather than a set-in-stone number. The amount you’ll need to retire can depend on:

•   How long you plan to continue working

•   When you anticipate taking Social Security benefits

•   Your desired lifestyle in retirement

•   How much you expect to spend on basic living expenses in retirement

•   Whether you have a spouse or partner

•   Whether you anticipate needing long-term care at some point

Assessing your personal retirement goals can help you come up with a realistic number that you should be targeting. It’s also helpful to consider how things like changing health care needs, increases (or cuts) to Social Security and Medicare, and inflation may impact the dollar amount you need to save and invest to avoid falling short in retirement.

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Average and Median 401(k) Balance by Age

Looking at the average savings by age can give you some idea of whether you’re on track. Just keep in mind that your progress and savings should match up with your specific goals.


Average Account Balance

Median Account Balance

Under age 25 $6,264 $1,786
25 to 34 $37,211 $14,068
35 to 44 $97,020 $36,117
45 to 54 $179,200 $61,530
55 to 64 $256,244 $89,716
65+ $279,997 $87,725

Using a chart like this can make it easier to see where you are on the savings spectrum. So if you’re wondering “how much should I have saved by 40?,” for example, you can see at a glance that the average 40-something has close to $100,000 in retirement savings.

Remember that average numbers reflect outlier highs and lows, while the median represents where people in the middle of the pack land. Between them, median can be a more accurate or reliable number to measure yourself against.

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Tips to Save for Retirement

Enrolling in your 401(k) is one of the easiest ways to begin building retirement savings. Your employer may have enrolled you automatically when you were hired. If you’re not sure, contact your HR department. You can also check your default contribution rate to see how much you’re contributing to the plan.

It’s a good idea to contribute at least enough to get the full company match if one is offered. Otherwise, you’re leaving free money on the table.

If you’re worried you’re not saving enough, consider supplementing your 401(k) with an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

An IRA is another tax-advantaged savings option. You can open a traditional IRA, which offers the benefit of tax-deductible contributions, or a Roth IRA. With a Roth IRA, you can’t deduct contributions, but qualified withdrawals are 100% tax-free.

Not sure how to start a retirement fund? It’s actually easy to do through an online brokerage. You can create an account, choose which type of IRA you want to open, and set up automatic contributions to start building wealth.

How Much Should You Contribute to Your 401(k) Per Year

The amount you should contribute to your 401(k) each year should reflect your retirement savings goal, how many years you have to save, and your expected annual rate of return.

When deciding how much to save, first consider your budget and how much of your income you can commit to your 401(k). Next, look at the amount you need to contribute to get the full company match. You can then plug those numbers, along with your salary, into a 401(k) calculator to get an idea of how likely you are to hit your retirement savings goal.

For instance, you might figure out that you need to save 15% of your pay each year. But if you’re not making a lot yet, you might only be able to afford saving 8% each year. So what do you do then? A simple solution is to increase your contribution amount each year and work your way up to the 15% threshold gradually.

Example of Impact of Compounding Interest on Retirement

Does it matter when you start saving for retirement? Yes, and in a big way, thanks to compounding interest. Compound interest is the interest you earn on your interest. The longer you have to save and invest, the better. In fact, the best way to build wealth in your 30s is simply to continue contributing what you can to your retirement savings, and then let it sit there for a few decades.

Going back to the 401(k) example mentioned at the beginning, someone who starts saving 10% of their pay at age 25 and earns a steady 7% rate of return would have just over $1.6 million saved for retirement by age 65. That assumes they earn the same $60,000 throughout their career. If they were to get a 2% annual raise, their 401(k) balance would be over $2 million by the time they retire.

Now, assume that same person waits until age 35 to start saving. Even with a 2% annual raise, they’d have just $938,897 saved by age 65. That’s still a decent chunk of money, but it’s far less than they would have had if they’d gotten an earlier start. This example illustrates how powerful compounding interest can be when determining how much you’ll end up with in retirement.

Don’t Panic If You’re Behind on Saving

Having a lot of money in your 401(k) by age 30 is great, but don’t feel bad if you’re not where you need to be. Instead of fretting over what you haven’t saved, focus on what you can do next to increase your savings efforts.

That can mean:

•   Increasing your 401(k) contribution rate

•   Opening an IRA to go along with your 401(k)

•   Choosing low-cost investments to minimize fees

•   Investing through a taxable brokerage account

What if you have no money to invest? In that case, you might need to go back to basics. Getting on a budget, for example, can help you rein in overspending and find the extra money that you need to save. A free budget app is a simple and effective way to keep tabs on spending and saving.

The Takeaway

How much you should have in your 401(k) at 30 isn’t a simple number that applies to everyone. Your savings goal depends on a number of factors, such as your anticipated retirement age, when you started saving, your rate of return, and so on. Many retirement experts recommend saving 10% to 15% of your salary in a tax-advantaged retirement plan. From there, compounding interest over a long period of time will multiply your earnings. The bottom line is to save as much as you comfortably can.

Retirement planning starts with getting to know your spending habits and budget. If you’re not using a budget app yet, then a money tracker like SoFi’s may be just what you need. SoFi tracks all of your money in one place for free. You can track spending, get financial insights, and even monitor your credit right from your mobile device.

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What is the average 401(k) balance for a 35-year-old?

The average 401(k) balance for a 35-year-old is $97,020, according to Vanguard’s How America Saves report. Average 401(k) balances are typically higher than median 401(k) balances across all age groups, as they reflect higher and lower outliers.

How much will a 401(k) grow in 20 years on average?

The amount that a 401(k) will grow over a 20-year period can depend on how much someone contributes to the plan annually, how much of that contribution their employer matches, and their average rate of return. Someone who saves consistently, increases their contribution rate annually, and chooses investments that perform well will likely see more growth than someone who saves only the bare minimum or hands back a chunk of their returns in 401(k) fees.

What is a good 401(k) balance at age 30?

A good 401(k) balance by age 30 is at least one year’s worth of salary. So if you make $75,000 a year you’d ideally want to have $75,000 in your retirement account. Whether that number is realistic for you can depend on how much you earn, when you started saving in your 401(k), and your rate of return.

Photo credit: iStock/Burak Kavakci

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts. It is non-transferable. One offer per person. To receive the rewards points offer, you must successfully complete setting up Credit Score Monitoring. Rewards points may only be redeemed towards active SoFi accounts, such as your SoFi Checking or Savings account, subject to program terms that may be found here: SoFi Member Rewards Terms and Conditions. SoFi reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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