A statute of limitations is a state law that limits the period during which a creditor or debt collector can bring action in court to enforce a contract, such as a loan agreement or note. This means a creditor may not be allowed to sue a borrower in court to force them to pay a debt after the period has expired.
However, the statute of limitations on debt isn’t a wait-it-out solution that simply erases debt once it’s been owed for a few years. There may still be consequences to failing to pay back debts once the statute of limitations for debts has expired — and statutes of limitations don’t apply to some debts, including federal student loans. Here’s what you should know about statutes of limitations on debt.
What Is The Statute of Limitations on Debt?
Essentially, a statute of limitations on debt puts a time restriction on how long a creditor or debt collector is able to sue a borrower in state court to enforce the loan agreement and force them to repay the outstanding debts. In practice, this means that if a borrower chooses not to pay a debt, after the statute of limitation runs out, the creditor or debt collector doesn’t have a legal remedy to force them to pay.
To be clear, just because the statute of limitations has expired, it doesn’t mean that the borrower no longer owes the money, even though it does mean that the lender may not be able to take them to court for non-payment. The borrower will continue to owe the money borrowed, and their non-payment could be reported to the credit bureaus, which would then remain on the report for as long as allowed under the applicable credit reporting time limit. (For further evidence of how long debt can stick around, you might consider what happens to credit card debt when you die.)
Statutes of limitations don’t apply to all debts. They don’t, for example, apply to federal student loans. Federal student loans that are in default may be collected through wage or tax refund garnishment without a court order.
How Long Until a Debt Expires?
The length of the statute of limitations is determined by state law. State statutes of limitations on debt typically vary from three years to more than 10 years, depending on the type of debt and when the contract was entered into.
Figuring out exactly which state’s laws your debt falls under isn’t always as simple as you might imagine. The applicable statute of limitations may be determined by the state you live in, the state you lived in when you first took on the debt, or even the state where the lender or debt collector is located. The lender may even have included a clause in the contract you signed mandating that the debt is governed by a specific state’s laws.
One commonality in every state’s statutes of limitations on debt is that the “clock” does not start ticking until the borrower’s last activity on the relevant account. Say, for example, that you made a payment on a credit card two years ago and then entered into a payment plan with the debt collector last year but never made any subsequent payments. In that case, the statute of limitations clock would start on the date that you entered into the payment plan.
In this example, simply entering into a payment plan counts as “activity” on the account. This can make it confusing to determine if the statute of limitations has expired on your old debts, especially if you haven’t made a payment in a long time.
It may be possible to find out what the statute of limitations is by contacting the lender or debt collector and asking for verification of the debt. Remember that agreeing to make a payment, entering a payment plan, or otherwise taking any action on the account — including simply acknowledging the debt — may restart the statute of limitations.
After the statute of limitations on the debt has expired, the debt is considered time-barred.
Types of Debt
As mentioned, the length of the statute of limitations on debt can vary depending on the type of debt it is. To know which timeline applies, it helps to understand the different types of debt.
Written Contract
A written contract is an agreement that is signed in writing by both you and the creditor. This contract must include the terms of the loan, such as how much the loan is for and how much monthly payments are.
Oral Contract
An oral contract is bound by verbal agreement — there is no written contract involved. In other words, you said you would pay back the money, but did not sign any paperwork.
Promissory Notes
Promissory notes are written agreements in which you agree to pay back the amount of money by a certain date, in agreed upon installments and at a set interest rate. Examples of promissory notes are student loan agreements and mortgages.
Open-Ended Accounts
Open-ended accounts include credit cards and lines of credit. With an open-ended account, you can repeatedly borrow funds up to the agreed upon credit limit. Upon repayment, you can then borrow money again.
Statute of Limitations on Debt Collection
Each state has its own statute of limitations on debt collection. Here’s a breakdown of the varying timelines by state:
Statute of Limitations For Debts By State and Type of Debt
State | Written Contract | Oral Contract | Promissory Note | Open-Ended Account |
Alabama | 6 | 6 | 6 | 3 |
Alaska | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Arizona | 6 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
Arkansas | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 |
California | 4 | 2 | 4 | 4 |
Colorado | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Connecticut | 6 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
Delaware | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
District of Columbia | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Florida | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
Georgia | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Hawaii | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Idaho | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 |
Illinois | 10 | 5 | 10 | 5 |
Indiana | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Iowa | 10 | 5 | 10 | 5 |
Kansas | 5 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
Kentucky | 15 | 5 | 10 | 5 |
Louisiana | 10 | 10 | 10 | 3 |
Maine | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Maryland | 3 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
Massachusetts | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Michigan | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Minnesota | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Mississippi | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Missouri | 10 | 6 | 10 | 5 |
Montana | 8 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Nebraska | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 |
Nevada | 6 | 4 | 3 | 4 |
New Hampshire | 3 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
New Jersey | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
New Mexico | 6 | 4 | 6 | 4 |
New York | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
North Carolina | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
North Dakota | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Ohio | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Oklahoma | 5 | 3 | 5 | 3 |
Oregon | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Pennsylvania | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Rhode Island | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
South Carolina | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
South Dakota | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Tennessee | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Texas | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Utah | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Vermont | 6 | 6 | 14 | 3 |
Virginia | 5 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
Washington | 6 | 3 | 6 | 6 |
West Virginia | 10 | 5 | 6 | 5 |
Wisconsin | 6 | 6 | 10 | 6 |
Wyoming | 10 | 8 | 10 | 6 |
Statutes of limitations on certain old debts may prevent creditors or debt collectors from suing you to recover what you owe. However, it’s important to realize that debt statutes of limitations don’t protect you from creditors or debt collectors continuing to attempt to collect payments on the time-barred debt, such as in the case of credit card default. Remember, you still owe that money, whether or not the debt is time-barred. The statute of limitations merely prevents a lender or debt collector from pursuing legal action against you indefinitely.
Debt collectors may continue to contact you about your debt. But under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, debt collectors cannot sue or threaten to sue you for a time-barred debt. (Note that this act applies only to debt collectors and not to the original lenders.)
Some debt collectors, however, may still try to take you to court on a time-barred debt. If you receive notice of a lawsuit about a debt you believe is time-barred, you may wish to consult an attorney about your legal rights and resolution strategies.
Disputing Time-Barred Debt With Debt Collectors
If a debt collector is contacting you to attempt to collect on a debt that you know is time-barred and you don’t intend to pay the debt, you can request that the debt collector stop contacting you.
One option is to write a letter stating that the debt is time-barred and you no longer wish to be contacted about the money owed. If you’re unsure, it may be possible to state that you would like to dispute the debt and want verification that the debt is not time-barred. If the debt is sold to another debt collector, it may be necessary to repeat this process with the new collection agency.
Remember, even though a collector can’t force you to pay the debt once the statute of limitations expires, there may still be consequences for non-payment. For one, your original creditor may continue to contact you through the mail and by phone.
Additionally, most unpaid debts can be listed on your credit report for seven years, which may negatively affect your credit score. That means that failing to pay a debt may impact your ability to buy a car, rent a house, or take out new credit cards, even if that debt is time-barred.
Statute of Limitations on Student Loan Debt
Statutes of limitations don’t apply to federal student loan debt. If you default on your federal student loan, your wages or tax refunds may be garnished.
If you have federal student loan debt, you may consider managing your student loans through consolidating or refinancing. This can help you decrease your loan term or secure a lower interest rate.
Borrowers who hold only federal student loans may be able to consolidate their student loans with the federal government to simplify their payments.
Those with a combination of both private and federal student loans might consider student loan refinancing to get a new interest rate and/or loan term. Depending on an individual’s financial circumstances, refinancing can potentially result in a lower monthly payment (though it may also mean paying more in interest over the life of the loan).
All borrowers with federal loans should keep in mind that refinancing federal loans can mean relinquishing certain benefits, like forbearance and income-based repayment options.
Statute of Limitations on Credit Card Debt
The statute of limitations on credit card debts can generally range anywhere from three years to 10 years, depending on the state. However, the laws in the state in which you live aren’t necessarily what dictates your credit card statute of limitations. Many of the top credit issuers name a specific state whose laws apply in the credit card agreement.
How Long Does the Statute of Limitations on Credit Card Debt Last?
Here’s a look at how long can credit card debt be collected through court proceedings for each state in the U.S.:
Statute of Limitations on Credit Card Debt By State |
State | Number of years |
Alabama | 3 |
Alaska | 3 |
Arizona | 6 |
Arkansas | 5 |
California | 4 |
Colorado | 6 |
Connecticut | 6 |
Delaware | 3 |
District of Columbia | 3 |
Florida | 5 |
Georgia | 6 |
Hawaii | 6 |
Idaho | 5 |
Illinois | 5 |
Indiana | 6 |
Iowa | 5 |
Kansas | 3 |
Kentucky | 5 or 15 |
Louisiana | 3 |
Maine | 6 |
Maryland | 3 |
Massachusetts | 6 |
Michigan | 6 |
Minnesota | 6 |
Mississippi | 3 |
Missouri | 5 |
Montana | 8 |
Nebraska | 4 |
Nevada | 4 |
New Hampshire | 6 |
New Jersey | 6 |
New Mexico | 4 |
New York | 6 |
North Carolina | 3 |
North Dakota | 6 |
Ohio | 6 |
Oklahoma | 5 |
Oregon | 6 |
Pennsylvania | 4 |
Rhode Island | 10 |
South Carolina | 3 |
South Dakota | 6 |
Tennessee | 6 |
Texas | 4 |
Utah | 6 |
Vermont | 6 |
Virginia | 3 |
Washington | 6 |
West Virginia | 10 |
Wisconsin | 6 |
Wyoming | 8 |
Effects of the Statute of Limitations on Your Credit Report
The statute of limitations on credit card debt doesn’t have an impact on what appears on your credit report. Even if the credit card statute of limitations has passed, your debt can still appear on your credit report, underscoring the importance of using a credit card responsibly.
Unpaid debts typically remain on your credit report for seven years, during which time they’ll negatively impact your credit (though its effect can wane over time). So, for instance, if the state laws of Delaware apply to your credit card debt, your statute of limitations would be four years. Your unpaid debt would remain on your credit report for another three years after that period elapsed.
This is why it’s important to consider solutions, such as negotiating credit card debt settlement or credit card debt forgiveness, rather than just waiting for the clock to run out.
How to Know If a Debt Is Time-Barred
To determine if a debt is time-barred — meaning the statute of limitations has passed — the first step is figuring out the last date of activity on the account. This generally means your last payment on the account, though in some cases it can even include a promise to make a payment, such as saying you’d soon work on paying off $10,000 in credit card debt.
You can find out when you made your last payment on the account by pulling your credit report, which you can access at no cost once per year at AnnualCreditReport.com.
Once you have that information in hand, you can take a look at state statutes of limitation laws. Keep in mind that it might not be your state’s laws that apply. If you’re looking for the statute of limitations for credit card debt, for instance, check your credit card’s terms and conditions to see which state’s laws apply.
Figuring out all of the relevant information isn’t always easy. If you’re unsure or have any questions, consider contacting a debt collections lawyer, who should be able to assist with answers to all your credit card debt questions.
What to Do If You Are Sued Over a Time-Barred Debt
Even if you know a debt is time-barred, it’s important to take action if you’re sued over it. You’ll need to verify that the statute of limitations has indeed passed, and you’ll need to come forward with that information. It may be helpful to work with an attorney to help you respond appropriately and avoid any missteps.
If you do end up going to court, it’s critical to show up. The judge will dismiss your case as long as you can prove that the debt is indeed time-barred. However, if you don’t show up, you will lose the case.
How to Verify Whether You Owe the Debt
If you’re not sure whether a debt you’ve been contacted about is yours, you can ask the debt collector for verification. Request the debt collector’s name, the company’s name, address and phone number, and a professional license number. Also ask that the company mail you a validation notice, which will include the name of the creditor seeking payment and the amount you owe. This notice must be sent within five days of when the debt collector contacted you.
If, upon receiving the validation notice, you do not recognize the debt is yours, you can send the debt collector a letter of dispute. You must do so within 30 days.
The Takeaway
Statutes of limitations on debt create limits for how long debt collectors are able to sue borrowers in a court of law. These limits vary by state but are often between three to 10 or more years. Once the statute of limitations on a debt has expired, the debt is considered time-barred. However, any action the borrower takes on the account has the potential to restart the statute of limitations clock.
While borrowing money can leave you in a stressful situation where you’re waiting for the clock to run out, it can also help you build your credit profile and access new financial opportunities.
Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.
Do I still owe a debt after the statute of limitations has passed?
Yes. The statute of limitations passing simply means that the creditor cannot take legal action to recoup the debt. Your debt will still remain, and it can continue to affect your credit.
Can a debt collector contact me after the statute of limitations has passed?
Yes, a debt collector can still contact you after the statute of limitations on debt passes as there isn’t a statute of limitations on debt collection. However, you do have the right to request that they stop contacting you. You can make this request by sending a cease communications letter.
Additionally, if you believe the contact is in violation of provisions in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act — such as if they are harassing or threatening you — then you can file a complaint by contacting your local attorney general’s office, the Federal Trade Commission, or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
When does the statute of limitations commence?
The clock starts ticking on the statute of limitations on the last date of activity on the account. This generally means your last payment on the account, but it also could be when you last used the account, entered into a payment agreement, or made a promise to make a payment.
After the statute of limitations has passed, how do I remove debt from my credit report?
Even if the statute of limitations has already passed, debt will remain on your credit report for seven years. At this point, it should automatically drop off your report. If, for some reason, it does not, then you can dispute the information with the credit bureau.
What state’s laws on statute of limitations apply if I incur credit card debt in one state, then move to another state?
If you’re unsure of what the statute of limitations on credit card debt is, the first thing to do is to check your credit card agreement. Which state you live in may not have an impact, as many credit card companies dictate in the credit card agreement which state court will preside.
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