colorful chart

What Is a Dead Cat Bounce and How Can You Spot It?

A “dead cat bounce” is a colorful way of describing an unexpected price jump that occurs after a long, slow decline — and typically just before another price drop.

A dead cat bounce carries that morbid name because the price spike in a particular stock or market sector isn’t “live” (i.e. it’s not a real rebound), and characteristically it doesn’t last.

The danger can be that the apparent rebound creates false value, or optimism. That said, some investors may be able to take advantage of a dead cat bounce to create a short position. Unfortunately, it’s hard to identify a dead cat bounce until after the fact.

Nonetheless, investors may want to know some of the signs of this price pattern, as it can help them gauge certain market movements.

Key Points

•   A dead cat bounce refers to a temporary price jump after a decline, often followed by another drop.

•   It is difficult to identify a dead cat bounce in real-time, making it challenging for investors to take advantage of it.

•   Dead cat bounces can occur in individual stocks, bonds, or entire markets.

•   Investors should be cautious when interpreting price movements and consider other factors before making investment decisions.

•   Active investors may use technical analysis and market indicators to help identify potential dead cat bounces.

What Is a Dead Cat Bounce?

The meaning of “dead cat bounce” comes from a bleak saying among traders that even a dead cat will bounce if it’s dropped from a high enough height.

Thus, when a security or market experiences a steady decline, and then appears to bounce back, only to decline again — it’s known as a dead cat bounce. The “recovery” doesn’t have a rhyme or reason; it’s merely part of a short-term market variation, perhaps driven by market sentiment or other economic factors.

Sometimes what appears to be a dead cat bounce can turn into a stock market crash.

A Dead Cat Bounce Is Specific

If you’re learning how to invest in stocks, bear in mind that a dead cat bounce is not used to describe the ups and downs of a typical trading day — it refers to a longer-term drop, rebound, and continued drop. The term wouldn’t apply to a security that’s continuing to grow in value. The revival must be brief, before the price continues to fall.

It’s also important to point out that this financial phenomenon can pertain to individual securities such as stocks or bonds, to stock trading as a whole, or to a market.

Why Identify a Dead Cat Bounce?

Even for experienced traders or short-term investors using sophisticated technical analysis, it can be difficult. Sometimes a rally is actually a rally; sometimes a drop indicates a bottom.

The point of trying to distinguish whether the rise in price will continue or reverse is because it can influence your strategy. If you have a short position, and you anticipate that a rally in stock price will end in a reversal, you may want to hold steady. If you think the rally will continue, you’ll want to exit a short position.

Example of a Dead Cat Bounce

To illustrate a dead cat bounce, let’s suppose company ABC trades for $70 on June 5, then drops in value to $50 per share over the next four months. Between Oct. 7 and Oct. 14, the price rises to $65 per share — but then starts to rapidly decline again on Oct. 15. Finally, ABC’s stock price settles at $30 per share on Oct. 16.

This pattern is how a dead cat bounce might appear in a real-life trading situation. The security quickly paused the decline for a swift revival, but the price recovery was temporary before it started falling again and eventually steadied at an even lower price.

History of Dead Cat Bounces

There are countless examples of the dead cat bounce pattern in stocks and other securities, as well as whole markets. One of the most recent affected the entire stock market during the Covid pandemic.

The U.S. stock market lost about 12% during one week in February 2020, and appeared to revive the following week with a 2% gain. But it turned out to be a false recovery, and the market dipped back down again until later that summer.

Why Does a Dead Cat Bounce Happen?

A dead cat bounce is often the result of investors believing the market or security in question has hit its low point and they try to buy in to ride the turnaround. It can also occur as a result of investors closing out short positions.

Since these trends aren’t driven by technical factors, that’s why the bounce is typically short-lived — usually lasting a couple of days, or maybe a couple of months on the outside.

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

How to Spot A Dead Cat Bounce

Because a dead cat bounce is often an illusion of actual intrinsic value, investors may be tempted to jump on an investment opportunity before it makes sense to do so.

The following typical sequence of events may help an investor correctly identify a dead cat bounce as it might occur with a specific stock.

1. There is a gap down.

Typically the stock opens lower than the previous close, usually a significant amount like 5% (or perhaps 3% if the stock isn’t prone to volatility).

2. The security’s price steadily declines.

In a true dead cat bounce scenario, that initial gap down will be followed by a sustained decline.

3. The price sees a monetary gain for a short time.

At some point during the price drop, there will be a turnaround as the price appears to bounce back, close to its previous high.

4. A security’s price begins to regress again.

The rally is short, however, and the stock completes its dead cat bounce pattern with a final decline in price.

Dead Cat Bounce vs Other Patterns

How do you know whether the pattern you’re seeing is really a classic dead cat bounce versus other types of movements? Here are some clues.

Dead Cat Bounce or Rally?

One way to stay alert for a dead cat bounce with a particular stock is to consider whether the now-rising stock is still as weak as it was when its price was falling. If there’s no market indicator as to why the stock is rebounding, it might make sense to suspect a dead cat bounce.

Dead Cat Bounce or Lowest Price?

Since investors are looking for opportunities to profit, they try to find investment opportunities that allow them to buy low and sell high.

Therefore, when assessing investment opportunities, a successful investor might try to recognize emerging companies, and buy shares of their stock while the price is low and before other investors get wind of the lucrative company.

Since companies go through business cycles where stock prices fluctuate, pinpointing the lowest price point might be hard to determine. There’s no way to know if a dead cat bounce is happening, until the prices have resumed their descent.

Dead Cat Bounce or Bottom of a Bear Market?

Investors may also confuse a dead cat bounce for the actual bottom of a bear market. It’s not uncommon for stocks to significantly rebound after the bear market hits bottom.

History shows that the S&P 500 often sees substantial gains within the first few months of hitting bottom after a bear market. But these rallies have been sustained, and thus are not a dead cat bounce.

Investing Strategies to Avoid a Dead Cat Bounce

For investors who want a more hands-on investing approach — meaning active investing vs. passive — it’s generally better to use investing fundamentals to evaluate a security instead of attempting to time the market (and risk mistaking a dead cat bounce for an opportunity).

Investors who are just starting may want to consider building a portfolio of a dozen or so securities. Picking a few stocks allows investors to monitor performance while giving their portfolio a little diversification. This means the investor distributes their money across several different types of securities instead of investing all of their money in one security, which in turn can help to minimize risk.

Active investors could also consider selecting stocks across varying sectors to give their portfolio even more diversification instead of sticking to one niche.

Investors with restricted funds might consider investing in just a few stocks while offsetting risk by investing in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

For investors who would prefer not to execute an active investing strategy alone, they can speak with a professional manager. Working with a professional manager may help the investors better navigate the intricacies of various market cycles.

Limitations in Identifying a Dead Cat Bounce

As noted several times here, a dead cat bounce can’t really be identified with 100% certainty until after the fact. While some traders may believe they can predict a dead cat bounce by using certain fundamental or technical analysis tools, it’s impossible to do so every single time.

If there were a way to accurately predict market movements or different patterns, people would always try to time the market. But there are no crystal balls in investing, as they say.

The Takeaway

With 20-20 hindsight, investors and analysts can clearly see that an individual security or market has experienced a steady drop in value, a brief rebound, and then a further drop — a phenomenon known as a dead cat bounce.

Unfortunately, though, it can be too hard for most investors to distinguish between a dead cat bounce and a bona fide rally, or the bottom of a given market or security’s price. Still, knowing what to look for may help investors make more informed choices, especially when it comes to making a choice around keeping or closing out a short position.

For investors who want to take an active role in investing, an online trading platform like SoFi Invest® offers the opportunity to manage your money the way you want. When you open an Active Invest account with SoFi, you can trade stocks you’re familiar with or explore different investment opportunities, including IPO shares, fractional shares, and more.

Build your portfolio with SoFi Active Investing, starting with as little as $5.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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What Is Mean Reversion and How Can You Trade It?

What Is Mean Reversion and How Can You Trade It?

Mean reversion is a mathematical concept which holds that over time statistical measurements return to a long-run normal. In investing, mean reversion holds that while a market or an asset may go up and down in the short-term, over time, it returns to its long-term trend.

If traders expect a market to revert to the mean, they can use that expectation to inform their strategy going forward.

Key Points

•   Mean reversion is a mathematical concept that states assets tend to return to their long-term trends over time.

•   Traders may use mean reversion to inform their strategies and expect assets to return to their historical behaviors.

•   Mean reversion applies not only to individual stocks, but also to sectors, commodities, and foreign currencies.

•   Implementing a mean reversion strategy requires identifying patterns and timing the reversion correctly.

•   Mean reversion strategies depend on regularities staying consistent, and there are risks if structural shifts occur in the market or economy.

What Is Mean Reversion?

When stocks revert to the mean, their returns or other characteristics match what they’ve been over a longer period of time than the recent past. This can mean that a stock that becomes highly volatile may revert back to being less volatile; a stock that becomes quite expensive (meaning its price far outpaces its earnings) can become cheap; and, quite importantly, the other way around. Mean reversion can work in both directions.

The mean reversion concept not only applies to individual shares, but also to whole sectors of the economy or of the stock market, like, say, consumer product companies or pharmaceutical companies or any other chunk of the market that shares enough with each other to be classed together. Alternative assets, such as commodities or foreign currencies can also revert to the mean.

The theory applies to more than just prices, the volatility of a given asset can mean revert, which can matter for trading and pricing more exotic financial products like options and other derivatives.

💡 Quick Tip: Before opening any investment account, consider what level of risk you are comfortable with. If you’re not sure, start with more conservative investments, and then adjust your portfolio as you learn more.

Mean Reversion Strategies

With any generality or principle of the market comes the obvious question: Is there a strategy here? Can this be traded? Mean reversion trading is a strategy based on reversion to the mean happening, basically that stocks or some asset will return to its typical, long-run historical behavior.

Actually working out a mean reversion strategy is not as simple as thinking a certain stock is out of whack and waiting for things to get back to normal, it requires the ability to flag patterns to make an educated guess about when mean reversion will happen.

After all, if you just know that a stock is going to revert to the mean, you can still pile up large losses or miss out on big gains if you can’t time the reversion correctly — go too early and you’ll have to eat the stock being the “wrong” price before reversion to the mean happens, go too late and the gains have already evaporated as the change in price or returns has already occurred.

The Risks of Mean Reversion Strategy

Mean reversion strategies depend on statistical and historical regularites staying, well, regular. There are some that are pretty well validated, although with sharp and scary exceptions, like that stocks tend to go up over time and outperform other asset classes. But mean reversion involves certain relationships between stocks and assets staying true over time.

In some cases, mean reversion never occurs. Companies or sectors can have continually growing returns over a long period of time if there’s some kind of structural shift in the economy or market in which they operate. This can mean that returns increase over time or stay quite high.

This can happen for a few reasons. A company could gain or lose a dominant position in a given market, technological changes can advantage certain firms and disadvantage others, such that returns move permanently (or at least close enough to permanently for a given investment strategy) to a higher level and lower to another. Or there could be a global pandemic that permanently changes the way that companies do business, or long-run inflation that impacts profitability.

How to Implement a Mean Reversion Strategy

There are some basic statistical and financial tools to help create mean reversion strategy. As always, active trading and trying to time the market is risky and sometimes the whole market moves up and down and that can swamp whatever strategy you might have for an individual stock or sector.

Part of implementing a mean reversion strategy is getting a sense of stock trends or a trend trading strategy, whether past movement in a stock up or down is indicative of continuing in that direction.

This can involve trying to discern bullish indicators for stocks, giving you a sense of when stock returns are likely to go up. Often traders combine this strategy with forms of technical analysis, including the use of candlestick patterns.

Recommended: Important Candlestick Patterns to Know

Alternatively, you will need to have a sense of when a stock is underperforming in order to profit from buying it before it reverts to the mean upwards.

Factors in Creating a Mean Reversion Strategy

There are many factors that institutional and retail investors need to consider when devising a mean reversion strategy.

Determining the Mean

In this case, you’ll need to think about what period of time you are using to determine a stock or sector’s “normal” or “average” behavior. This matters because it will determine how long you decide to hold a stock or when you plan to sell it before or after the reversion to the mean occurs.


To execute a mean reversion strategy, you have to know when a stock’s price movement is sufficient to execute the trade. It helps to determine this point in advance.

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Determine the Bounds

What is the “normal” behavior, whether it’s price-to-equity ratio, volatility, or some other metric you’re looking at. To determine whether something is far beyond its mean, either high or low, you need a good sense of its normal range.

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Qualitative Factors

Mean reversion and trading reversion to the mean is, of course, a quantitative endeavor. You need to compile statistics and make projections going forward in order to implement the strategy. But you also need to know what’s going on in the “real world” beyond the statistics.

If something is driving prices or volatility or some other metric higher or lower that’s likely to persist over time, mean reversion may not be a great bet. If, however, there’s something truly transient that’s the catalyst for large moves up and down that will then revert to the mean, then maybe the strategy is more likely to work.

Exit Strategy

As with most investments, it’s helpful to have an exit strategy determined ahead of time. This can help you limit your losses in the case that the asset ultimately does not revert to the mean.

💡 Quick Tip: Did you know that opening a brokerage account typically doesn’t come with any setup costs? Often, the only requirement to open a brokerage account — aside from providing personal details — is making an initial deposit.

The Takeaway

Mean reversion refers to an asset’s tendency to stick to typical value increases over time. Again, while volatility may play a role in short-term price or value changes, most assets will follow a long-term appreciation line, and despite short-term rises or falls in price, they’ll likely revert to the mean.

Traders who follow mean reversion strategies assume that a specific stock or sector will return to its long-term characteristics. The strategy can be helpful when determining an investing strategy for either individual assets or for a market, overall.

Ready to invest in your goals? It’s easy to get started when you open an investment account with SoFi Invest. You can invest in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, alternative funds, and more. SoFi doesn’t charge commissions, but other fees apply (full fee disclosure here).

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

Photo credit: iStock/LaylaBird

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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How Does a Block Trade Deal Work?

Guide to Block Trades

Block trades are big under-the-radar trades, generally carried out in private. Because of their size, block trades have the potential to move the markets. For that reason they’re conducted by special groups known as block houses. And while they’re considered legal, block trades are not regulated by the SEC.

As a retail investor, you likely won’t have anything to do with block trades, but it’s a good idea to know what they are, how they work, and how they can affect the overall market.

Key Points

•   Block trades are large-volume purchases or sales of financial assets, often conducted by institutional investors.

•   Block trades can move the market for a security and are executed through block trade facilities, dark pools, or block houses.

•   Block trades are used to avoid market disruption and can be broken down into smaller trades to conceal their size.

•   Retail investors may find it difficult to detect block trades, but they can provide insights into short-term market movements and sentiment.

•   Block trades are legal and not regulated by the SEC, but they can be perceived as unfair by retail investors.

What Are Block Trades?

A block trade is a single purchase or sale of a large volume of financial assets. A block, as defined by the New York Stock Exchange’s Rule 127.10, is a minimum of 10,000 shares of stock. For bonds, a block trade usually involves at least $200,000 worth of a given fixed-income security.

Though 10,000 shares is the operative figure, the number of shares involved in most block trades is far higher. Individuals typically don’t execute block trades. Rather, they most often come from institutional investors, such as mutual funds, hedge funds, or other large-scale investors.

Why Do Block Trades Exist?

Block trades are often so large that they can move the market for a given security. If a pension fund manager, for example, plans to sell one million shares of a particular stock without sparking a broader market selloff, selling all those shares on a public market will take some time.

During that process, the value of the shares the manager is selling will likely go down — the market sees a drop in demand, and values decrease accordingly. Sometimes, the manager will sell even more slowly. But that creates the risk that other traders will identify the institution or the fund behind the sale. Then, those investors might short the stock to take advantage.

Those same risks exist for a fund manager who is buying large blocks of a given security on a public market. The purchase itself can drive up the price, again, as the market sees an increase in demand. And if the trade attracts attention, other traders may front-run the manager’s purchases.

How Block Trades Are Executed

Many large institutions conduct their block trades through block trade facilities, dark pools, or block houses, in an effort to avoid influencing the market. Most of those institutions typically have expertise in both initiating and executing very large trades, without having a major — and costly — effect on the price of a given security.

Every one of these non-public exchange services operates according to its own rules when it comes to block trades, but what they have in common is relationships with hedge funds and others that can buy and sell large blocks of securities. By connecting these large buyers and sellers, blockhouses and dark pools offer the ability to make often enormous trades without roiling the markets.

Investment banks and large brokerages often have a division known as a block house. These block houses run dark pools, which are called such because the public can’t see the trades they’re making until at least a day after they’ve been executed.

Dark pools have been growing in popularity. In 2020, there were more than 50 dark pools registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States. In April 2022, dark pools executed about 13.5% of all US equity trades, according to an analysis by Rosenblatt Securities.

Smaller Trades Are Used to Hide Block Trades

To help institutional traders conceal their block trades and keep the market from shifting, blockhouses may use a series of maneuvers to conceal the size of the trade being executed. At their most basic, these strategies involve breaking up the block into smaller trades. But they can be quite sophisticated, such as “iceberg orders,” in which the block house will break block orders into a large number of limit orders.

By using an automated program to make the smaller limit orders, they can hide the actual number of orders at any given time. That’s where the “iceberg” in the name comes from — the limit orders that other traders can see are just the tip of the iceberg.

Taken together, these networks of traders who make block trades are often referred to as the Upstairs Market, because their trades occur off the trading floor.

Pros and Cons of Block Trades

As with most things in the investment field and markets, block trades have their pros and cons. Read on to see a rundown of each.

Pros of Block Trades

The most obvious advantage of block trades is that they allow for large trades to commence without warping the market. Again, since large trades can have an effect on market values, block trades, done under the radar, can avoid causing undue volatility.

Block trades can be used to conceal information, too, which can also be a “pro” in the eyes of the involved parties. If Company A stock is moving in a block trade for a specific reason, traders outside of the block trade wouldn’t know about it.

Block trades are also not regulated by the SEC, meaning there are fewer hoops to jump through.

Cons of Block Trades

While masking a large, market-changing trade may be a good thing for those involved with the trade, it isn’t necessarily a positive thing for everyone else in the market. As such, block trades can veil market movements which may be perceived as unfair by retail investors, who are trading none the wiser.

Block trades can be hard to detect, too, as mentioned. Since they’re designed to be obscure to the greater market, it can be difficult to tell when a block trade is actually occuring.

Block trades are also not regulated by the SEC — it’s a pro, and a con. The SEC doesn’t regulate them, but rather the individual stock exchanges. That may not sit well with some investors.

Block Trade Example

An example of a block trade could be as follows: A large investment bank wants to sell one million shares of Company A stock. If they were to do so all at once, Company A’s stock would drop — if they do it somewhat slowly, the rest of the market may see what’s going on, and sell their shares in Company A, too. That would cause the value of Company A stock to fall before the investment bank is able to sell all of its shares.

To avoid that, the investment bank uses a block house, which breaks the large trade up into smaller trades, which are then traded through different brokerages. The single large trade now appears to be many smaller ones, masking its original origin.

Are Block Trades Legal?

Block trades are legal, but within stock market history they exist in something of a gray area. As mentioned, “blocks” are defined by rules from the New York Stock Exchange. But regulators like the SEC have not issued a legal definition of their own.

Further, while they can move markets, block trades are not considered market manipulation. They’re simply a method used by large investors to adjust their asset allocation with the least market disruption and stock volatility possible.

How Block Trades Impact Individual Investors

Institutional investors wouldn’t go to such lengths to conceal their block trades unless the information offered by a block trade was valuable. A block trade can offer clues about the short-term future movement and liquidity of a given security. Or it can indicate that market sentiment is shifting.

For retail (aka individual) investors, it can also be hard to know what a block trade indicates. A large trade that looks like the turning of the tide for a popular stock may just be a giant mutual fund making a minor adjustment.

But it is possible for retail investors to find information about block trades. There are a host of digital tools, some offered by mainstream online brokerages, that function like block trade indicators. This might be useful for trading stocks online.

Many of these tools use Nasdaq Quotation Dissemination Service (NQDS), Level 2 data. This subscription service offers investors access to the NASDAQ order book in real time. Its data feed includes price quotes from the market makers who are registered to trade every NASDAQ and OTC Bulletin Board security, and is popular among investors who trade using market depth and market momentum.

Even access to tools like that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy to find block trades, though. Some blockhouses design their strategies, such as the aforementioned “iceberg orders,” to make them hard to detect on Level 2. But when combined with software filters, investors have a better chance of glimpsing these major trades before they show up later on the consolidated tape, which records all trades through blockhouses and dark pools — though often well after those trades have been fully executed.

These software tools vary widely in both sophistication and cost, but may be worth considering, depending on how serious of a trader you are. At the very least, using software to scan for block trades is a way to keep track of what large institutional investors and fund managers are buying and selling. Active traders may use the information to spot new trends.

The Takeaway

It can be difficult for individual investors to detect block trades — which, again, are giant position shifts by institutional investors — on their own. But these trades have some benefits for individual investors. The mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that most investors have in their brokerage accounts, IRAs, 401(k)s and 529 plans may take advantage of the lower trading costs and volatility-dampening benefits of block trades, and pass along those savings to their shareholders.

An easy way to start building a portfolio of ETFs and other investments like stocks is to set up an Active Invest account on the SoFi Invest® brokerage platform. You can trade stocks, ETFs, IPO shares, and more.

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.

Photo credit: iStock/marchmeena29

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Investors should carefully consider the information contained in the prospectus, which contains the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other relevant information. You may obtain a prospectus from the Fund company’s website or by email customer service at Please read the prospectus carefully prior to investing.
Shares of ETFs must be bought and sold at market price, which can vary significantly from the Fund’s net asset value (NAV). Investment returns are subject to market volatility and shares may be worth more or less their original value when redeemed. The diversification of an ETF will not protect against loss. An ETF may not achieve its stated investment objective. Rebalancing and other activities within the fund may be subject to tax consequences.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.


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Guide to New Money vs. Old Money

Maybe you’ve heard people mention new money vs. old money in conversation, perhaps in a whisper. Old money and new money both refer to wealthy groups of people. The key difference between old money and new money is how a person obtained their wealth.

In short, old money represents generational wealth — money that has been passed on from generation to generation in the form of cash, investments, and property. New money refers to self-made millionaires and billionaires, those who earned their money (or lucked into it, like in the lottery).

Pop culture and literary references to new vs. old money abound. For instance, James Cameron’s Titanic (1997) includes a depiction of the “Unsinkable Molly Brown” as new money, shunned by some snooty old money types. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby puts new money (Jay Gatsby in West Egg) and old money (Tom and Daisy Buchanan in East Egg) at odds throughout the course of the novel.

Key Points

•   Old money refers to generational wealth passed down through families, while new money refers to self-made wealth.

•   Old money is often associated with traditional investments and long-standing traditions, while new money may spend more lavishly and take riskier investment decisions.

•   Lessons from old and new money include the importance of protecting wealth, analyzing spending, and avoiding stereotypes.

•   The distinction between old and new money may be relevant to the wealthy class but does not affect the daily lives of most people.

What Is Old Money?

Old money refers to people who have inherited significant generational wealth; their families have been wealthy for several generations.

In the past, old money would have referred to an elite class: the aristocracy or landed gentry. In the U.S., families like the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers represented early examples of old money. Today, old money families include the Waltons (Walmart), the Disneys (The Walt Disney Company), and the Kochs (Koch Industries). Should families like the Kardashians continue to generate and pass down wealth, they could one day be considered old money as well.

Recommended: How to Build Wealth at Any Age

What Is New Money?

New money then refers to people who have recently come into wealth, typically by their own labor or ingenuity.
Common examples of new money include tech moguls and self-made billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates. Someone who wins millions of dollars in the lottery or becomes famous from a reality TV series (like the cast of Jersey Shore) would also qualify as new money.

You may sometimes hear the French term “nouveau riche,” which means “newly rich.” This tends to describe people who recently became wealthy and spend their money in a flashy, ostentatious manner.

Recommended: Building Wealth in Your 30s

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Differences Between Old and New Money

So what is the difference between old money and new money? There are quite a few distinctions, but remember that these are all generalizations. Each person who obtains wealth is unique.

Source of Wealth

The most obvious difference between new money and old money is the source of wealth. Old money has been passed down from generation to generation. Each member of old money typically feels a fierce responsibility to protect — and increase — that wealth.

Members of new money have earned that money in their lifetime, whether for building a tech empire, becoming a famous actor, making it to the big leagues as a sports player, or even making money on social media as an influencer. Some new money members might come into money through a financial windfall like winning the lottery or a major lawsuit.

Long-Standing Traditions

Inheriting generational wealth comes with a responsibility: Old money recipients usually must protect the family’s wealth to pass on to future generations. For that reason, those who come from old money may stick to their traditional investments and ways of life. Many inherit their parents’ business and then pass it on to their own children.

Those who are self-made or come into money quickly do not have long-standing traditions to fall back on. They are often the first in their community to make multimillion dollar spending decisions. This can mean a steep learning curve and the need for guidance, which could make them vulnerable to poor advice and unscrupulous hangers-on.

Spending and Investing

How old and new money generally approach wealth management is one of their starkest contrasts.

Though they do live lavishly, members of old money can be more frugal (or calculated) with purchases than you might expect. For members of old money, spending is often more about investing than shopping for pleasure.

People who are a part of new money may feel more entitled to and excited by their funds. They may spend it more lavishly (and publicly). Some might feel that they worked hard to earn their money — and they’d like to enjoy it.
They might want to show off their newly achieved status with designer watches or mega mansions.

That’s not to say that members of new money don’t invest. Famous celebrities, athletes, and businesspeople often invest in real estate or buy companies to increase their wealth. Generally speaking, new money might make riskier investment decisions for faster yields. They’re not thinking about generational wealth to protect with tried and true investment methods.

Taken to its extreme, this can have disastrous results. It’s not uncommon to hear stories of people who make a lot of money for the first time and spend it all, leading to bankruptcy and even mental health issues.

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The stereotypes might be a little tired, but in general, people associate old money with traditional activities like golf, skiing, horseback riding, and polo. On the flip side, members of new money might buy courtside seats to a basketball game, a garage full of shiny new luxury cars, or even a rocketship for a joyride into outer space.

Recommended: Knowing the Difference Between ‘Rich’ and ‘Wealthy’

Social Perception

Interestingly, some of the richest people in the world come from new money. They’re today’s self-made tech giants. Yet some members of old money may consider themselves to be a higher class than the likes of Gates and Bezos.

We’re speaking in generalizations here, but old money often perceive themselves — and are perceived by outsiders — to be more educated and refined.

On the other hand, the public may view members of new money as harder workers and more innovative — clear examples of the American dream.

Old and New Money Lessons

What lessons can we learn from old and new money? Even if you are not wealthy, you can learn some valuable life and financial lessons from considering the difference.

•   It’s hard to protect generational wealth. Old money is very privileged; there’s no denying it. But most families lose their wealth in just a few generations. Old money families do work hard to maintain and grow their wealth for their future generations. They are able to avoid seeing their fortune dwindle.

•   It’s important to analyze your spending. Many people who come into wealth quickly don’t take adequate steps to protect their funds and invest it wisely. Horror stories of lottery winners losing everything should be enough to remind us that — if we come into a large amount of money suddenly — we should take the time with a finance professional to build out our money management goals. Doing so may ensure your wealth grows, rather than runs out.

•   Stereotypes aren’t everything. Reflecting on the differences between old and new money, it’s important to note that these are merely stereotypes, and not everyone fits the bill. Just as one hopes that others don’t judge us before they know us, the discussion of old vs. new money is a reminder not to form assumptions about someone until you get to know them.

Recommended: How to Achieve Financial Discipline

The Takeaway

Old money refers to families who have maintained wealth across several generations. New money, on the other hand, refers to someone who earned their wealth in their lifetime. Key traits typically differentiate old vs. new money, but at the end of the day, both refer to members of a wealthy class that most people will not ever be a part of.

No matter how much wealth you have — and whether you inherited or earned it — it’s a good idea to protect it in an FDIC-insured bank account that actively earns interest. Check out SoFi’s online bank account, which earns a competitive APY and has no monthly fees, which can help your money grow faster.

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Is it preferable to be from new or old money?

It depends on whom you ask. Old money members often regard themselves as a higher class, but they also have less agency to spend their money on “fun” things, as they have to guard their wealth for future generations. While members of new money might feel freer to spend on things they want, they can be more likely to run out of money if they don’t follow good financial planning.

Does new vs. old money matter?

If you are a member of the wealthy class, the distinction might matter to you. Those with old money might feel it’s superior to new, but those with newly minted wealth may well be proud of their success in building their fortune. However, most people are not considered to be new or old money, and so this shouldn’t affect their daily lives.

How has old vs. new money changed since the terms were first coined?

Old money once referred to the landed gentry in Europe, but in today’s world, it might refer to a few families who struck it big a century or more ago in the U.S. New money is more common nowadays, with the advent of television, sports, and social media as the source of riches.

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Interest rates are variable and subject to change at any time. These rates are current as of 8/27/2024. There is no minimum balance requirement. Additional information can be found at


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What Is a Flexible Spending Account?

Whether you’re purchasing a new pair of eyeglasses, stocking up on over-the-counter medications, or paying for your child’s daycare, there may be certain expenses your health insurance plan doesn’t cover.

In those cases, having a flexible spending account, or FSA, could help you save money. This special savings account lets you set aside pretax dollars to pay for eligible out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, which in turn can lower your taxable income.

Let’s take a look at how these accounts work.

What Is an FSA?

An FSA is an employer-sponsored savings account you can use to pay for certain health care and dependent costs. It’s commonly included as part of a benefits package, so if you purchased a plan on the Health Insurance Marketplace, or have Medicaid or Medicare, you may no longer qualify for a FSA.
There are three types of FSA accounts:

•   Health care FSAs, which can be used to pay for eligible medical and dental expenses.

•   Dependent care FSAs, which can be used to pay for eligible child and adult care expenses, such as preschool, summer camp, and home health care.

•   Limited expense health care FSA, which can be used to pay for dental and vision expenses. This type of account is available to those who have a high-deductible health plan with a health savings account.

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How Do You Fund an FSA?

If you opt into an FSA, you’ll need to decide on how much to regularly contribute throughout the year. Those contribution amounts will be automatically deducted from your paychecks and placed into the account. Whatever money you put into an FSA isn’t taxed, which means you can keep more of what you earn.

Your employer may also throw some money into your FSA account, but they are under no legal obligation to do so.

You can use your FSA throughout the year to either reimburse yourself or to help pay for eligible expenses for you, your spouse, and your dependents (more on that in a minute). Typically, you’ll be required to submit a claim through your employer and include proof of the expense (usually a receipt), along with a statement that says that your regular health insurance does not cover that cost.

Some employers offer an FSA debit card or checkbook, which you can use to pay for qualifying medical purchases without having to file a reimbursement claim through your employer.

💡 Quick Tip: When you have questions about what you can and can’t afford, a spending tracker app can show you the answer. With no guilt trip or hourly fee.

What Items Qualify for FSA Reimbursement?

The IRS decides which expenses qualify for FSA reimbursement, and the list is extensive. Here’s a look at some of what’s included — you can see the full list on the IRS’ website.

•   Health plan co-payments and deductibles (but not insurance premiums)

•   Prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses

•   Dental and vision expenses

•   Prescription medications

•   Over-the-counter medicines

•   First aid supplies

•   Menstrual care items

•   Birth control

•   Sunscreen

•   Home health care items, like thermometers, crutches, and medical alert devices

•   Medical diagnostic products, like cholesterol monitors, home EKG devices, and home blood pressure monitors

•   Home health care

•   Day care

•   Summer camp

Are There Any FSA Limits?

For 2023, health care FSA and limited health care FSA contributions are limited to $3,050 per year, per employer. Your spouse can also contribute $3,050 to their FSA account as well.

Meanwhile, dependent care FSA contributions are limited to $5,000 per household, or $2,500 if you’re married and filing separately.

Does an FSA Roll Over Each Year?

In general, you’ll need to use the money in an FSA within a plan year. Any unspent money will be lost. However, the IRS has changed the use-it-or-lose-it rule to allow a little more flexibility.

Now, your employer may be able to offer you a couple of options to use up any unspent money in an FSA:

•   A “grace period” of no more than 2½ extra months to spend whatever is left in your account

•   Rolling over up to $610 to use in the following plan year. (In 2024, that amount increases to $640.)

Note that your employer may be able to offer one of these options, but not both.

One way to avoid scrambling to spend down your FSA before the end of the year or the grace period is to plan ahead. Calculate all deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, prescription drugs, and other possible costs for the coming year, and only contribute what you think you’ll actually need.

Recommended: Flexible Spending Accounts: Rules, Regulations, and Uses

How Can You Use Up Your FSA?

You can consider some of these strategies to get the most out of your FSA:

•   Buy non-prescription items. Certain items are FSA-eligible without needing a prescription (but save your receipt for the paperwork!). These items may include first-aid kits, bandages, thermometers, blood pressure monitors, ice packs, and heating pads. Check out the FSA Store to find out which items may be covered.

•   Get your glasses (or contacts). You may be able to use your FSA to cover the cost of prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, and sunglasses as well as reading glasses. Contact lens solution and eye drops may also be covered.

•   Keep family planning in mind. FSA-eligible items can include condoms, pregnancy tests, baby monitors, fertility kits. If you have a prescription for them, female contraceptives may also be covered.

•   Don’t forget your dentist. Unfortunately, toothpaste and cosmetic procedures are not covered by your FSA, but dental checkups and associated costs might be. These could include copays, deductibles, cleanings, fillings, X-rays, and even braces. Mouthguards and cleaning solutions for your retainers and dentures may be FSA-eligible as well.

💡 Quick Tip: Income, expenses, and life circumstances can change. Consider reviewing your budget a few times a year and making any adjustments if needed.

Flexible Savings Account (FSA) vs. Health Savings Account (HSA)

You may have heard of a health savings account (HSA). It’s easy to confuse it with an FSA, as they share some similarities.

Both types of accounts:

•   Offer some tax advantages

•   Can be used to pay for co-payments, deductibles, and eligible medical expenses

•   Can be funded through employee-payroll deductions, employer contributions, or individual deductions

•   Have a maximum contribution amount. In 2023, people with individual coverage can contribute up to $3,850 per year, while those with family coverage can cset aside up to $7,750 per year.

That said, there are some key differences between HSAs and FSAs:

•   You must be enrolled in a high deductible health plan in order to qualify for an HSA.

•   HSAs do not have a use-it-or-lose-it rule. Once you put money in the account, it’s yours.

•   If you quit or are fired from your job, your HSA can go with you. This happens even if your employer contributed money to the account.

•   If you’re 55 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 to your HSA as a catch-up contribution — similar to the catch-up contributions allowed with an IRA.

•   If you withdraw money from your HSA for a non-qualified expense before the age of 65, you’ll pay taxes on it plus a 20% penalty.

•   If you withdraw money from your HSA for any type of expense after age 65, you don’t pay a penalty. However, the withdrawal will be taxed like regular income.

Recommended: Benefits of Health Savings Accounts

The Takeaway

Flexible spending accounts are offered by employers and can be a useful tool for paying for health care- or dependent-related expenses. Notably, you fund the account with pretax dollars taken from your paycheck, which can lower your taxable income and help you save money.

You typically need to spend your FSA money within a plan year, though your employer may give you the option to either roll over a portion of the balance into the next year or use it during a grace period. There are also guidelines around what you can spend the FSA funds on and how much you can contribute to your account.

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