Should We Expect Another Bitcoin Bull Run in 2023?

That end of 2021 saw a Bitcoin bull run like few assets have ever had — and then for most of 2022 that bull run came to a crashing halt for Bitcoin and for countless other cryptocurrencies.

To the extent that Bitcoin is the oldest and largest cryptocurrency, it can be something of a market leader — or it has been lately, with many other cryptos also succumbing to the long “crypto winter” of 2022.

The price of Bitcoin (BTC) started 2021 at around $30,000, only to more than double and hit north of $60,000 by mid-April. After falling again, it then spiked back up to nearly $68,000 in November 2021, marking two dramatic bull runs within a calendar year.

All that said, 2022 has been quite a different story, with BTC prices falling below $20,000 — and cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH) and Dogecoin (DOGE), showing similar dramatic drop-offs in value. Now the big question for crypto traders is whether they can expect another crypto bull run in 2023.

Let’s take a look at some of the key indicators, crypto predictions, and possibilities for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies during the next few months.

Crypto Trends

While it’s hard to accurately make Bitcoin projections — or crypto predictions in general — a look back at Bitcoin’s recent history may be helpful in determining if another bull run is ahead for BTC, and potentially other crypto.

Bitcoin investors likely remember the bull run of 2017, during which the cryptocurrency reached a valuation of nearly $20,000. Much of that rally was fueled by hype over several initial coin offerings (ICOs) — including Brave and Kik — and people who hoped to benefit from rising prices in the short term.

ICOs are when companies raise funds by issuing new tokens to investors who become backers of the blockchain project. But after the ICO bubble popped in early 2018, Bitcoin’s price subsequently crashed. While many of today’s top cryptocurrencies didn’t yet exist, a few also stumbled at this time, including ETH, DOGE, and ADA.

This wasn’t surprising to many experts, who often say that the cryptocurrencies markets are likely to be turbulent, as they fight for credibility.

In 2019, Facebook announced its Libra cryptocurrency, which contributed to another Bitcoin rally, with values topping out at around $11,000. However, when some supporters of the Libra project backed out and Congress questioned CEO Mark Zuckerberg about regulatory concerns, Bitcoin’s price declined to $6,000 and $7,500 during the second half of 2019, along with many other cryptocurrencies. The Libra project, renamed Diem, has since shuttered.

Bitcoin climbed to a new record in 2020, as stimulus packages, meant to prop up economies during the Covid-19 pandemic, led to money finding its way into fringe markets like cryptocurrencies.

How the Crypto Competition Grew

However, there were also signs that different types of cryptocurrencies were gaining wider mainstream acceptance. Prominent investors announced they were buying Bitcoin as a hedge, and payment providers like PayPal announced they would allow customers to use cryptocurrencies.

Accordingly, the crypto markets gained steam. That was led by Bitcoin, which saw its value break its previous high-mark of $20,000 in December 2020. Then, during the first several months of 2021, the bull run continued until Bitcoin hit more than $61,000. Its value did fall to less than $30,000 in the subsequent months, but that drop was a precursor to another bull run.

Between July and October 2021, Bitcoin again saw its value soar, hitting almost $67,000. But after that, its value fell. The economic climate, including high inflation and drops in the stock market, have coincided with a bear run for Bitcoin, and as of November 4, 2022, Bitcoin was trading at around $20,000.

Bitcoin Prediction: What Determines a Crypto’s Price?

Numerous factors affect the price of any crypto, including Bitcoin, and since it is a global currency, Bitcoin’s value can be affected by events around the world. No central actor or authority determines the price of most crypto; it’s set by the market, and by supply and demand from traders and investors. The price can also vary from one exchange to another.

Market Demand

The main factor that determines any crypto’s price is whether investors want to buy or not, or what we typically refer to as “demand.” If good news comes out about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, or bad news comes out about another type of investment, that can cause people to buy Bitcoins (increase demand) and hike the price up.

Conversely, bad news about cryptocurrencies can cause people to sell. News doesn’t necessarily have to be overtly negative to spook the market, either.

Similarly, the rules of supply and demand affect the Bitcoin market. Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever be created, and if investors see a strong long-term market for Bitcoin, they may want to own a piece of the pie.

💡 Recommended: Why Is Bitcoin So Volatile?


Although Bitcoin is the biggest and likely most well-known cryptocurrency, there are thousands of other altcoins available on the market. When good news comes out about other projects, may investors sell off some of their Bitcoin to purchase altcoins.

Also, new projects offer ICOs which can sometimes have a high return in a short amount of time. If a promising ICO comes to market, it might draw attention away from Bitcoin.

Market Manipulation

Both large financial institutions and individual investors can have an effect on the market. Some crypto holders, known as “whales,” own a significant enough amount of a particular crypto that they can move its price if they make a large purchase or sale.

Cost of Production

The main costs associated with producing Bitcoin are electricity and mining equipment. Although Bitcoin is a digital currency, it must still be mined. The way Bitcoin is designed, only about one block on Bitcoin’s blockchain network can be mined every ten minutes.

If more miners join the network, the more competitive mining becomes, which makes the cost of producing each Bitcoin more expensive. Miners have to invest in new, faster equipment and are less likely to receive a pay out. These costs can have an effect on Bitcoin’s price.

💡 Recommended: How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?


Each country has different definitions and regulations for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, or none at all. When news comes out about regulatory decisions, it can cause investors to buy or sell. It is important to note that cryptocurrency is currently unregulated in the United States, though that’s likely to change in the coming years.

Cryptocurrencies faced regulatory hurdles in the U.S. in 2021. The Securities and Exchange Commission rejected several applications for a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund, damping hopes that an ETF version of the cryptocurrency will be trading on U.S. stock exchanges anytime soon. In September 2022, the Biden administration released a first look at potential crypto regulations framework.

In addition, cryptocurrencies experienced volatility after China clamped down on the market, issuing warnings about trading and mining.

💡 Recommended: Are There Bitcoin ETFs?

Fiat Currency Crises

Crypto has become the preferred currency for many people around the world who may not have access to banking, or who are living in a country going through a fiat currency crisis.

In Venezuela, for example, Bitcoin’s popularity has grown as inflation and sanctions have resulted in the devaluation of the Venezuelan Bolivar. El Salvador, too, even went so far as to make Bitcoin its official legal tender in 2021.

💡 Recommended: Take a closer look at what fiat currency is.

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*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.

What Determines the Price of Crypto as a Whole?

The same market forces that determine the value of Bitcoin can and do drive value for the crypto market as a whole. Supply and demand is obviously the key driver, but there are a few other key things at play as well.


As mentioned, investor demand is perhaps the primary driving force propelling values in the crypto market overall. This will likely become more apparent as the crypto space grows over time; more coins or tokens will likely be created, but they won’t all be in demand. As such, their values will likely remain low.

Expected Growth

Demand can be spurred by the expected growth, in value or in market cap, of the crypto space. If investors expect the crypto market, as a whole, to grow, they might be inspired to buy cryptocurrencies in anticipation of that growth, with the idea being that they’re “getting in early” on an investment. That, in turn, increases demand.

Public Sentiment

The markets owe a lot to sentiment. If people are pessimistic about the future, they may be less willing to spend or invest money. Conversely, if they’re optimistic, they may be looking to invest or prepare for what’s ahead. For example, if they expect the crypto market to grow, as mentioned, they’re feeling optimistic about the space, and increase demand for tokens, driving the market higher.

Returns From Conventional Investments

A final factor that may play a role in determining the crypto market’s performance is how well conventional markets are performing. If investors are not getting their desired returns from the stock market, they may be looking at alternatives to generate those higher returns. Over the past few years, the high returns and growth in the crypto space has been an obvious candidate. As more investors pile into the crypto market, the higher the demand, and thus, the higher valuations can go.

However, as we’ve seen, the crypto market is very volatile, and presents big risks for investors chasing high returns.

What’s Holding Bitcoin Back?

While there are big economic factors at play that have led to Bitcoin’s decline during 2022, a few other factors have been holding it back from seeing bigger, significant growth in recent years.

Adoption and Use

Since Bitcoin is a relatively new technology, it takes time for companies to build up tools and use cases for it. At this point, the infrastructure is getting stronger and it’s easy for novice investors to buy and sell Bitcoin at the touch of a button.

However, many people holding Bitcoin don’t own it because they plan to use it for everyday purchases, but rather, because they view it as a long-term, safe-haven investment with a lot of potential upside. It should be noted, again, that investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is inherently very risky.

Traditionally, there haven’t been many retailers that would accept Bitcoin. Now, you can use bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies at Starbucks, Amazon, Nordstrom, and many other retailers. Retailers may change their policies, however, which is something to keep in mind.

Lack of Clear Regulation

Experienced investors tend to be very careful about what they invest in. If an asset doesn’t have clear legal regulations and guidelines, they may not choose to take the risk of investing in it. As mentioned, the Biden administration has outlined some frameworks for regulating the crypto space, and it’s likely that formal rules will be introduced in the next few years.

Waiting on Institutions

If large corporations start holding some of their wealth in Bitcoin, or financial institutions otherwise demonstrate support of cryptocurrencies, that could add legitimacy, which could drive new investors to the market.

A survey released in 2021 by Fidelity Digital Assets found that 52% of institutional investors — which could include pension funds, family offices, investment advisers and hedge funds — owned digital assets like Bitcoin.

However, a separate survey by JPMorgan released in 2021 found that 78% of institutional investors are not planning on investing in crypto. However, the survey also found that a majority also think crypto is “here to stay.”

What Happened in the First Half of 2022?

A combination of economic headwinds, mostly related to the Covid-19 pandemic, seemingly crashed together in early 2022, slowing the economy, driving up inflation rates, and dragging down the value of stocks, precious metals, and even the crypto markets.

Crypto Market Crash

Between May and June 2022, the crypto markets lost roughly $1 trillion in value. It’s hard to say what, exactly, caused it. But as mentioned, asset classes of all types saw similar drawdowns. In what is now being called the “crypto winter,” the down market has persisted into the second half of 2022.

Effects on Bitcoin

Bitcoin was not spared from the ongoing crypto winter. You need look no further than the massive drop in Bitcoin’s value to see the effects: Bitcoin started the year trading at nearly $48,000, but by the middle of June, was trading at less than $19,000.

Effects on the Crypto Market as a Whole

Bitcoin’s value was just one victim of the market’s crash; the crypto market as a whole went down with it. Again, the crypto market crash, and subsequent flattening between the beginning of 2022 and the end, as trillions of dollars in value were wiped out in a manner of months. All of the major coins were affected, too, including Ethereum. Some stablecoins were destabilized, too.

A few crypto firms and related financial firms even went belly-up as well.

NFT Values Wiped Out

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, also saw their value effectively wiped out during the first part of 2022. After NFTs saw a huge bull run in 2020 and 2021, as investors bought into the hype, the average price of NFTs nosedived in 2022. In fact, the average price of NFTs fell from nearly $4,000 to less than $300 in just a couple of months, a similar downward trajectory to what was seen among many cryptocurrencies.

What Will Happen in 2023?

It’s easy to look at most of 2022 and walk away convinced never to invest in the crypto space after such a monumental drop in value. But it’s important to remember that this year has seen a rare combination of both global events and economic headwinds leading to an overall downturn.

That said, there are some things to keep an eye on to try and get a read on what might happen in the crypto space during the remainder of 2022, heading into 2023.

The US Economy

The U.S. continues to face a number of major economic and sociopolitical unknowns. There are midterm election results to deal with, rising interest rates, high inflation, and the prospect of a recession, for instance. And in many respects, the economy is still recovering from the pandemic.

It’s hard to say how that might affect Bitcoin, but some economists believe that a U.S. recession could be rocket fuel for a Bitcoin bull run. If investors lose faith in the U.S. dollar and the stock market, they may turn to the cryptocurrency market once again as a safe haven. Although, to be fair, it hasn’t proven to be much safer than the stock market this year.

Key Technical Indicators

Some technical indicators could signal that Bitcoin is heading towards a bull run, but technicals are not always trustworthy predictions. Depending on how you combine charts and analysis, which likely will involve some advanced knowledge and skill, the market can also look like it’s heading towards a downward spiral.

New Regulations

As mentioned, China has been cracking down on the cryptocurrency market, causing volatility in prices. Meanwhile, the U.S. government is already discussing future rules and regulations for the crypto space. The Biden administration has made it clear that regulation is coming, but it’s also worth noting that changes to the composition of Congress after the midterm elections may disrupt things.

Stablecoins Around the World

Numerous countries are considering developing or already working on their own digital currencies and stable coins. The U.S., Russia, India, and France and other nations have announced plans to enter the digital currency market. In addition to several Caribbean nations, China is probably the farthest along out of the major economies, having launched a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

As these projects progress, they could add legitimacy to the market and challenge some fiat currencies. Bitcoin’s price may go up in the short term as these announcements come out, but whether its value will hold in the long run as the world transitions towards digital currency has yet to be seen.

Market Competition

Of course, Bitcoin is not the only game in town, and other crypto projects are giving it a run for its money.

Another top-tier cryptocurrency is Ethereum. Ethereum has had a boom given the interest in NFTs, which often take the form of digital versions of art or collectibles that are linked to a blockchain , which is one of the many potential uses of blockchain.

Dogecoin had a meteoric rise in 2021, mostly fueled by social platforms that have also been behind the rallies of meme stocks like GameStop and AMC. Elon Musk was a proponent before an appearance on the TV show Saturday Night Live, when he called Dogecoin a “hustle.” Since such developments, the price of Dogecoin has suffered, losing much of its value.

Downside Risks

As is the case with any investment, it’s crucial for investors to do their own research and take expert predictions with a grain of salt. The cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy relative to other markets, so there isn’t much data to go on when making predictions, and unpredictable circumstances can have significant effects on the market.

Bitcoin is a risky investment. Investors should consider making their own decisions about their level of risk based on a proper analysis of all the various factors that come into play.

Finally, remember that the past is not a prediction of the future, and just because trend lines indicate a bull run is coming doesn’t mean they’re correct. In such a complex, fast-changing market, it’s important to stay informed and do due diligence.

The Takeaway

2022 has been an eventful year for cryptocurrencies, although not in a way that most investors would have liked. The crypto market has lost a lot of value, but that doesn’t mean a bull run couldn’t be around the corner — especially when you consider the rise and fall of crypto values across the board, over the last decade or so.

For keeping track of the market, buying crypto, or buying and selling more traditional assets, using a streamlined secure app might be the way to go.


How long do crypto bull runs typically last for?

It’s difficult, if not impossible to say, given that the crypto markets have only been in operation for a little more than a decade. The market has experienced bull and bear markets during that time, but it’s likely too early to determine what a “typical” bull run’s duration could be.

What do people think Bitcoin will be worth in 2025?

Expert opinions are all over the place, with some people predicting another massive bull run for Bitcoin, while others thinking that it’ll continue to dwindle. Nobody knows for sure. Prospective investors should be prepared to stomach big losses, though, if they’re willing to chase big potential gains.

How high is Bitcoin’s price likely to go?

There’s no limit to how high Bitcoin’s price could go, with some people thinking that it could top six-figures at some point in the future. Again, nobody knows what will happen, so just as Bitcoin’s price could soar, it could also drop further.

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
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Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Crypto: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies aren’t endorsed or guaranteed by any government, are volatile, and involve a high degree of risk. Consumer protection and securities laws don’t regulate cryptocurrencies to the same degree as traditional brokerage and investment products. Research and knowledge are essential prerequisites before engaging with any cryptocurrency. US regulators, including FINRA , the SEC , and the CFPB , have issued public advisories concerning digital asset risk. Cryptocurrency purchases should not be made with funds drawn from financial products including student loans, personal loans, mortgage refinancing, savings, retirement funds or traditional investments. Limitations apply to trading certain crypto assets and may not be available to residents of all states.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

2Terms and conditions apply. Earn a bonus (as described below) when you open a new SoFi Digital Assets LLC account and buy at least $50 worth of any cryptocurrency within 7 days. The offer only applies to new crypto accounts, is limited to one per person, and expires on December 31, 2023. Once conditions are met and the account is opened, you will receive your bonus within 7 days. SoFi reserves the right to change or terminate the offer at any time without notice.
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Bitcoin Liquidity: How Liquid is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Liquidity: How Liquid Is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a relatively liquid asset, though there are factors that can alter its liquidity at any given time. Bitcoin’s liquidity is usually high as there are a number of established, trusted exchanges on which traders can buy or sell Bitcoin. And given a high number of exchanges trading it, along with the volume of those trades, Bitcoin is generally a fairly liquid asset. Read on to learn more about what makes Bitcoin liquid and more.

Recommended: What Is Bitcoin and How Does It Work?

What Is Liquidity in Cryptocurrency?

Liquidity, as it relates to investing, refers to how easily an asset can be converted to cash — or liquidated — without having an effect on its market price. The easier it is to liquidate something, and the less likely a market participant is to move the price by doing so, the more liquid an asset can be said to be.

Liquidity is often used in reference to investments like stocks. If you were to sell a small number of stocks in exchange for cash, it’d likely be pretty easy, and the markets may not notice at all. But if a “whale” were to sell a huge number of stocks, market makers may notice, and adjust their own behavior, potentially affecting the stock’s value.

Cash is usually considered the most liquid asset of all, while real estate is generally regarded as the least liquid asset class. That’s because selling real estate can take months and involves lots of paperwork, fees, and commissions. Precious metals like gold and silver are also rather illiquid.

💡 Recommended: What Are Considered Liquid Assets?

Is Bitcoin Liquid or Illiquid?

How liquid is Bitcoin? Compared to many other asset classes, Bitcoin could be considered very liquid, at least most of the time.

“Most of the time” is an important qualifier because market conditions are always changing. On an average day, for instance, it can be said that Bitcoin has a high level of liquidity. But during times of crisis and panic selling, or times of euphoria and panic buying, this may be less so — it all depends on market conditions.

The exchange an investor is trading Bitcoin on also matters when trying to gauge liquidity. The more traders and higher volume of an exchange, the greater Bitcoin’s relative liquidity.

Factors That Impact Bitcoin Liquidity

These are a few of the most important variables that can affect Bitcoin liquidity.

1. Volume

Volume, in the financial markets, refers to how much of an asset is being traded within a given timeframe (e.g., daily volume). Greater volume tends to increase liquidity and dampen the effects of volatility. Conversely, lower volume can lower liquidity.

2. Exchanges

Liquidity is integral to how crypto exchanges work. The more trusted exchanges that exist, the more markets there are for people to buy and sell Bitcoin. This translates to greater total volume of Bitcoin being traded, which makes for more liquidity. In the early days of crypto, this was a major obstacle to the liquidity of Bitcoin. But as the crypto space has grown, so has its capacity for trading.

3. Storage

One interesting factor affecting Bitcoin liquidity is how people store their digital assets. This is a factor that is unique to cryptocurrency and doesn’t have much relevance to other assets, like stocks. But because Bitcoin is a scarce digital commodity, the way it is stored matters in relation to liquidity.

People who hold large amounts of Bitcoin tend to be fans of something called cold storage, which involves holding the private keys to a crypto wallet offline. This method is thought to make coins less vulnerable, as they typically cannot be accessed by hackers or thieves of any kind. But if coins are held offline, they are effectively off the market, and therefore reduce liquidity.

Roughly three-quarters of the total Bitcoin supply was illiquid as of the beginning of 2022.

4. Volatility

Liquidity and volatility can be closely related. A lack of liquidity can lead to an increase in volatility if one or more large traders are buying or selling large quantities of assets. Those moves can cause prices to move up or down rapidly if there is a limited supply of an asset on the order books.

When there is a large supply of an asset and many large orders, it takes a greater amount of capital to move the market. At the same time, a spike in volatility can also lead to a drop in liquidity, as panic selling ensues and bid/ask spreads widen.

In general, higher liquidity tends to make for lower overall volatility. This is part of the reason why Bitcoin used to fall or rise by significant percentages, often within a single day. Such moves are less common now, though cryptos remain highly volatile assets.

Determining Bitcoin Volatility

Volatility, to take it back to basics, refers to the price swing for a given asset within a given time frame. In other words, Bitcoin’s volatility would measure how much its value fluctuates on a specific day. The higher the volatility, the more wild or extreme the price swings.

Determining Bitcoin’s volatility involves some rather complex math. In the end, you’re basically calculating Bitcoin’s standard deviation, which measures how far its price moved from the median during a certain time period. If Bitcoin’s price has slowly but steadily gone up over time, you could chart that ascent as a line on a graph — it would deviate on a day-to-day basis from that line, however, as prices rise and fall.

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Can You Liquify Bitcoin?

Yes. There’s enough Bitcoin liquidity for holders to liquify their holdings when needed. Cryptocurrency markets trading hours never stop — traders can buy or sell 24 hours per day, 7 days a week year-round.

In this respect, large market cap cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are generally very liquid, in that traders can enter or exit positions at any time. The same cannot be said of all the thousands of altcoins, which are less popular and may have little to no liquidity on many exchanges.

In traditional financial markets, like stock markets in the U.S., trades can normally only be executed during the hours of 9:30 am to 4 pm EST Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Some derivatives, like futures contracts, may have additional trading hours. But for the most part, stock trading only occurs during regular business hours of the time zone in which a stock exchange is located (like the New York Stock Exchange, for example).

As long as entities are buying Bitcoin an investor’s chosen exchange, they should be able to liquify Bitcoin holdings immediately. Some exchanges may simplify this process from the user’s perspective and simply allow users to enter a sell order for a specific amount, while the exchange handles the details on the backend.

💡 Recommended: Bitcoin vs. Ethereum: Major Differences to Know

What Is the Most Liquid Cryptocurrency?

It’s difficult to determine which cryptocurrency, at a given time, is the most liquid. But highly popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are likely near the top of the list.

Bitcoin has the largest market cap of any cryptocurrency with a market cap of about $370 billion (October 2022) which represents more than 41% of the entire cryptocurrency market (a measure called Bitcoin dominance). But as noted earlier, much of this market cap is likely held in cold storage and is therefore illiquid. So, Bitcoin liquidity is not as high as it potentially could be.

The Takeaway

Bitcoin is a fairly liquid asset, which can’t be said about all cryptocurrencies. There are some factors that determine Bitcoin’s liquidity — including trading volume and storage methods — but overall, it’s fairly easy for investors to liquidate their Bitcoin holdings at any time. As such, in terms of what to know before investing in crypto, Bitcoin liquidity certainly ranks high on the list.


What is the total liquidity of Bitcoin?

Roughly three-fourths of the Bitcoin supply was illiquid at the beginning of 2022. That’s largely due to Bitcoin being held in cold storage or offline wallets, and therefore not available to be traded on the markets to willing buyers.

Is Bitcoin easy to liquidate?

Yes, Bitcoin is easy to liquidate, and may be the most liquid of all cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is easy to liquidate because the crypto markets never close, and because it is a very popular digital asset that always has buyers and sellers looking to trade.

How do you calculate cryptocurrency liquidity?

While there may not be an exact formula or science to calculating liquidity, gauging liquidity involves factors such as a token’s total market capitalization, its trading volume, and its price. Other factors, like exchange availability, are also important.

Photo credit: iStock/Olemedia

SoFi Invest®


SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below: Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
2) Active Investing and brokerage services are provided by SoFi Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( Clearing and custody of all securities are provided by APEX Clearing Corporation.
For additional disclosures related to the SoFi Invest platforms described above please visit
Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.

Crypto: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies aren’t endorsed or guaranteed by any government, are volatile, and involve a high degree of risk. Consumer protection and securities laws don’t regulate cryptocurrencies to the same degree as traditional brokerage and investment products. Research and knowledge are essential prerequisites before engaging with any cryptocurrency. US regulators, including FINRA , the SEC , and the CFPB , have issued public advisories concerning digital asset risk. Cryptocurrency purchases should not be made with funds drawn from financial products including student loans, personal loans, mortgage refinancing, savings, retirement funds or traditional investments. Limitations apply to trading certain crypto assets and may not be available to residents of all states.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

2Terms and conditions apply. Earn a bonus (as described below) when you open a new SoFi Digital Assets LLC account and buy at least $50 worth of any cryptocurrency within 7 days. The offer only applies to new crypto accounts, is limited to one per person, and expires on December 31, 2023. Once conditions are met and the account is opened, you will receive your bonus within 7 days. SoFi reserves the right to change or terminate the offer at any time without notice.
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$50 $99.99 $10
$100 $499.99 $15
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How Do Interest Rates Impact Stocks?

How Do Interest Rates Impact Stocks?

The impact of interest rates and their fluctuations are a fact of life for investors. And there are several ways interest rates can affect the stock market, like how higher interest rates raise the cost of borrowing for consumers and corporations, which can ultimately affect public companies’ earnings. The reality for stock market investors is that even minor adjustments to interest rates can significantly impact their portfolios.

Below is a deeper dive into the effects interest rates may have on stock prices. For context, interest rates are rising to levels the economy hasn’t experienced in decades, thanks in part to the Federal Reserve’s attempts to fight rising prices. Here’s how that could affect stocks.

Interest Rates 101

Who controls interest rates? While many market factors come into play to determine interest rates, the short answer is that the Federal Reserve, or the U.S. central bank, influences rates.

The Fed has a “dual mandate”:

•  Create the best environment for maximum employment.

•  Stabilize prices, or keep inflation in check

One of the tools the Fed has in its toolkit to try to achieve these twin goals is controlling short-term interest rates. This is done by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)–made up of 12 Fed officials–which meets eight times a year to set the federal funds rate, or the target interest rate.

The federal funds rate is the rate banks charge each other to lend funds overnight.

Other factors influence general interest rates, like consumers’ demand for Treasuries, mortgages, and other loans. But when the Fed adjusts the federal funds rate, it has sweeping ripple effects on the economy by broadly changing the cost of borrowing.

💡 Recommended: What Is the Federal Funds Rate?

How the Fed Reacts to Slow Economy

When economic activity in the U.S. is slow or contracting, the Fed may cut the federal funds rate to boost growth. This move, known as loose monetary policy, is one way the Fed attempts to hit the mandate of creating the best environment for maximum employment.

Lower interest rates make it easier for consumers, businesses, and other economic participants to borrow money and get easier access to credit. When credit flows, Americans are more likely to spend money, create more jobs, and more money enters the financial markets.

Recent history bears this strategy out. In 2008, when the global economy cratered, and both employment and spending were in free fall, the Fed slashed rates to near zero percent to make credit easier to get and restore confidence among consumers and businesses that the economy would stabilize. The Fed again cut interest rates in March 2020 to near zero percent to stimulate the economy during the initial waves of shutdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic.

How the Fed Reacts to Hot Economy

Alternatively, if the U.S. economy is growing too fast, the Fed might hike interest rates to get a grip on rising inflation, which makes goods and services more expensive. This is to make borrowing and getting credit more expensive, which curbs consumer and business spending, reduces widespread prices, and hopefully gets the economy back on an even keel.

For instance, in the early 1980s, Fed Chair Paul Volcker jacked up interest rates to above 20% in order to tame runaway inflation; prices were rising by more than 10% annually during the period. Volcker’s interest rate moves were a big reason why the average 30-year mortgage rate was above 18% in 1981.

More recently, the Fed started to raise interest rates rapidly through 2022 to combat rising prices, with inflation rates hitting the highest levels since the early 1980s.

Interest Rates and Markets

Most analysts note that interest rate changes, or the expectation of rate changes, can significantly affect the stock market beyond how rates may impact business and household finances.

Generally, higher interest rates tend to be a headwind for stocks, partly because investors will prefer to invest in lower-risk assets like bonds that may offer an attractive yield in a high-interest rate environment.

But lower rates may make the stock market more attractive to investors looking to maximize growth. Because investors cannot get an attractive yield from lower-risk bonds in a low rate environment, they will put money into higher-risk assets like growth stocks to get an ideal return.

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When it comes to stock market sectors or industries, the most obvious beneficiary of higher interest rates would be financial services companies. That’s because higher interest rates would mean banks and other loan providers would earn more for the money that they lend out.

Protecting Your Investments From Higher Rates

Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to protect your portfolio – and possibly – add value to it, when interest rates change.

•  Monitor the Federal Reserve and its rates policy. The FOMC meets eight times a year to discuss economic policy strategy. Even if they don’t result in an interest rate change, announcements from the meetings can significantly impact the stock market.

•  Diversify your portfolio. Investors can aim to protect their assets by diversifying their portfolio up front. A portfolio with a mix of investments like stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and cash, for example, may be less sensitive to interest rate moves, thus minimizing the impact of any volatile interest rate fluctuations.

•  Look into TIPS. Investing in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) can fortify a portfolio against interest rate swings. TIPS are a form of Treasury bonds that are indexed to inflation. As inflation rises, TIPS tend to rise. When deflation is in play, TIPS are more likely to decrease.

How Interest Rates Affect Consumers

In a period of high interest rates, publicly-traded companies face a potential indirect threat to revenues, which could hurt stock prices.

That’s due to the reduced levels of disposable income in a high-rate environment. Higher rates make it more expensive for consumers to borrow money with credit cards, mortgages, or personal or small-business loans.

Consumers’ tighter grip on their pocketbooks may negatively affect companies, who find it more challenging to sell their products and services. With lower revenues, companies can’t reinvest in the company and may experience reduced earnings.

How Interest Rates Impact Companies

Businesses that are publicly traded can experience significant volatility depending on interest rate fluctuations. For instance, changes in interest rates can impact companies through bank loan availability.

When rates rise, companies may find it more difficult to borrow money, as higher interest rates make bank loans more expensive. As companies require capital to keep the lights on and products rolling, higher rates may slow capital borrowing, which can negatively impact productivity, cut revenues, and curb stock growth.

Correspondingly, companies can borrow money more freely in a lower interest rate environment, which puts them in a better position to raise capital, improve company profitability, and attract investors to buy their stock.

The Takeaway

Changes in interest rates can have far-reaching effects on the stock market. In general, higher interest rates tend to have a dampening impact on stocks, while lower interest rates tend to boost market prices. Higher interest rates effectively mean higher borrowing costs that can slow down the economy and companies’ balance sheets and drag down stock prices. Additionally, higher interest rates can boost the appeal of bonds relative to equities, which also acts as a drag on stocks.

But changes in interest rates don’t have to be daunting. If you want to create a well-diversified portfolio, SoFi can help. With a SoFi Invest® investment account, you can trade stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and fractional shares with no commissions for as little as $5.

Take a step toward reaching your financial goals with SoFi Invest.

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Can You Use Your Spouse’s Income for a Personal Loan?

If you want to borrow a large amount of cash but need to prove additional household income, your spouse may be able to help. You cannot simply list a spouse’s income with, or instead of, your own if you apply in your name alone. However, you can list their income if your spouse agrees to become a “co-borrower” on the loan.

It’s possible to use your spouse’s income on a loan application, but only under strict circumstances. We’ll review the steps you should take to help you get approved.

What Is a Personal Loan?

A personal loan is a type of installment loan that is paid back with interest in equal monthly payments over a term of up to seven years. Personal loan interest rates tend to be lower than for credit cards, making them a popular option for consumers who need to borrow a large amount. Common uses for personal loans include major home or car repairs, medical bills, and debt consolidation.

There are different types of personal loans. Unsecured personal loans are the most common. These are not backed by collateral, such as your car or home.

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Checking Your Credit

Before you decide whether to include your spouse’s income, gather this information to assess your own financial standing.

Credit Report

Lenders will look at your full credit history to evaluate your creditworthiness, so it’s smart to review your credit report before applying for a loan. You can request a free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — once a year through

When you receive your report, review it closely and make a note of any incorrect information. If you see any mistakes or outdated information (more than seven years old), you can file a dispute with the credit bureau(s) reporting the error.

If you have a limited or no credit history, consider taking some time to improve your credit before applying for a loan.

Recommended: Can You Get a Personal Loan With No Credit History?

Credit Score

Next, take a look at your credit score. You can find your credit score for free from Experian, or you can ask your bank or credit card company. The minimum credit score requirement for a personal loan varies from lender to lender. Broadly speaking, many lenders consider a score of 670 or above to indicate solid creditworthiness.

While there are personal loan products on the market designed for applicants with bad credit, they typically come with higher interest rates. If you are less than thrilled with your credit score, you can take steps to improve it.

Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI)

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is the amount of debt you have in relation to your income, expressed as a percentage. Ideally, your DTI should be no more than 36%. Lenders prefer that no more than 28% of your debt be housing related (rent or mortgage). If your DTI is too high, you have two options: pay down your debt, or increase your income.

Shop Around Online

Shop around with online lenders to compare the interest rates and monthly payments you’re offered with your income alone. When you’re comparing lenders, keep an eye out for any hidden fees, such as origination fees, prepayment penalties, and late fees. A personal loan calculator shows exactly how much interest you can save by paying off your existing loan or credit card with a new personal loan.

Now that you have a firm grasp of your financial standing, you can assess whether you need to include your partner’s income as part of your application.

Using Your Spouse’s Income

First, the bad news. You cannot simply use your spouse’s income or your combined household income, even with their permission, when applying for a personal loan in your own name.

Now for the good news. If your partner has a strong credit history and income, they can become a secondary “co-borrower” on the loan. A co-borrower can help improve your chances of approval, along with the interest rates and terms you’re offered.

What Is a Co-borrower?

A co-borrower applies for the loan alongside you. Both of your financial information is taken into consideration, and both of you are responsible for paying back the loan and its interest.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of this arrangement.

Pros of Using a Co-borrower

Because co-borrowers have equal rights, the arrangement is well-suited for people who already have joint finances or own assets together. Using a co-borrower allows you to present a higher total income than you can alone. A higher income signals to lenders that it’s more likely you’ll be able to make the monthly loan payments.

Plus, if you manage your loan well, both your credit histories will get a boost over time.

Cons of Using a Co-borrower

Each borrower is equally responsible for repayment over the entire life of the loan. If the primary borrower cannot make the payments, that could negatively impact the credit score of both parties. It’s important to have confidence in a co-borrower’s ability to repay the loan.

The loan will appear on both of your credit reports as a debt, which can affect the ability of one or both of you to get approved for another loan down the line.

Co-borrowers also have equal ownership rights to the loan funds or what the loan funds purchased, so trust is a big factor in choosing a co-borrower.

Applying for a Personal Loan with a Co-borrower

The basic process of applying for a loan is the same no matter the number of applicants. The lender will likely ask both of you to provide certain information up front:

•   Personal info: Photo IDs, Social Security numbers, dates of birth

•   Proof of employment, and your employment histories

•   Proof of income

The lender will then run a hard inquiry of your credit report, which might ding your credit score by a few points. Depending on the complexity of your application, you can expect to get your personal loan approved in one to ten days.

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The Takeaway

You cannot simply list your partner’s income along with, or instead of, your own when applying for a personal loan in your own name. However, if your spouse agrees to become a co-borrower on the loan, both your incomes and credit histories will be considered. This can increase your chances of getting approved, qualify you for a larger loan, or give you access to lower interest rates and loan terms. The catch is that both parties have equal responsibility for paying back the loan, and any late or missed payments can negatively affect both your credit scores.

If you’ve explored your options and decided that a personal loan is right for you, it’s wise to shop around to find the right loan. Consider personal loans from SoFi, which offers loans of up to $100,000 with no fees required. Borrowers may receive funding as quickly as the same day it is approved.

Looking to finance your next big move as a couple? Learn more about SoFi personal loan options today.


Can my wife use my income for a personal loan?

Your wife can use your income for a personal loan only if you agree to become a co-borrower on the loan application. That gives you equal ownership of the funds, but also equal responsibility for paying back the loan. How your wife manages her loan payments can affect both your credit scores — for better or worse.

Can you use someone else’s income for a loan?

You can use someone else’s income for a loan only if they agree to become a co-borrower on the loan. That gives them equal ownership of the funds, and also equal responsibility for paying back the loan. This is a common arrangement between spouses, and between a parent and child.

Can a stay-at-home parent get a personal loan?

A stay-at-home parent with a strong credit history may get a personal loan if they can provide proof of income to show they can make the payments. Without income or strong credit history, they may need to find a co-borrower. A co-borrowers credit and income can be used to help the primary borrower qualify for a loan, or access better interest rates and loan terms. However, a co-borrower will have equal ownership of the funds, and equal responsibility for repaying the loan. Using a spouse or parent as a co-borrower is a common arrangement when a stay-at-home parent cannot qualify on their own.

SoFi Loan Products
SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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9 Common Signs of Millionaires That Indicate You Are On Track to Becoming Wealthy

9 Common Signs of Millionaires That Indicate You Are On Track to Becoming Wealthy

If you are like many people, you may have asked yourself at some point in life, “Will I be rich one day?” No one knows for sure what the future holds, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire.

One of the best ways to amass wealth is to invest in assets that will appreciate over time. But while that sounds good, finding a starting point can be challenging for some. For example, you can start your own business or work hard to climb the corporate ladder, but which is the better option? And you’ll want to invest the money you earn. But where?

Whatever you do, it’s smart to remember that it’s okay to take risks and make mistakes; learning from your experiences is a critical component of success. Above all, remember that wealth accumulation is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes patience, commitment, and perseverance to achieve financial security.

Key Points

•   Early financial success, such as earning money from a young age, can set the stage for future wealth.

•   Taking decisive action and managing finances proactively are common traits among those accumulating wealth.

•   Outspokenness and a unique personal style often distinguish wealthy individuals in social settings.

•   A strong sense of urgency and goal-oriented behavior are typical among successful wealth builders.

•   Distinguishing between needs and wants is crucial for effective financial management and wealth accumulation.

What Is a Sign of Wealth?

Often, specific aspects of one’s physical appearance such as luxury cars and designer clothes are taken as a sign of wealth. Unfortunately, these signs aren’t always reliable. For example, some people may live in an extravagant home, giving off the appearance of wealth, but it may simply mean that they can access money — perhaps through credit, savings or even family.

Real signs of wealth are often more attitudinal, and many can be cultivated through patience and practice. Here are a few people who were early millionaires due, in large part, to their drive and focus.

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Examples of Millionaires Under 30

With the advent of the tech industry, smart investments, business ventures, or inheritances, i.e., the great wealth transfer , millionaires under 30 are becoming increasingly common. Here are three examples of millionaires who earned their fortunes before turning 30.

Mark Zuckerberg: Zuckerberg created Facebook at age 19 while attending Harvard University. The idea was to match photos with the names of other students. And in just a few short years, Zuckerberg became a self-made millionaire at age 22.

Sergey Brin: Brin is a Russian American computer scientist who, at the age of 25, co-founded Google, Inc., and became a millionaire. Google is one of the world’s most valuable companies, and today, Brin’s net worth is estimated to be $88 billion.

Alexander Wang: Wang founded Scale AI in 2016 as a way to analyze data far faster than any human could. Today, Scale AI’s technology is used by the U.S. Airforce and U.S. Army, as well as 300+ companies. Today, Wang’s net worth is estimated to be over $1 billion, and at age 25, he’s currently the youngest billionaire.

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9 Signs of Wealth to Look Out For

In a world where the top 1% of earners take home nearly 20% of the country’s income, it’s essential to know what signs to look for when trying to identify if someone is wealthy. While there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of wealth, some cues can give you a good idea of whether you or someone you know is doing well financially.

Here are six signs of wealth to look out for that indicate you’re on track to becoming wealthy:

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1. You’re an Overachiever

It’s hard to be modest when you’re an overachiever. You know you’re good at your work and are not afraid to let everyone know. Overachievers work hard and try harder. While this may make some people uncomfortable, it comes naturally to you.

2. You Started Making Money At a Young Age

It is not uncommon to see young adults with successful careers in today’s society. While some people played with toys as a child, others learned how to make money. For example, it could mean that you started a side hustle such as delivering a paper route or babysitting.

Regardless, making money at a young age, or any age for that matter, is not always easy. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and people work hard for their money. An early start can put you on the fast track to becoming a millionaire.

3. You Take Action

There will be times when things happen that are out of your control. You may feel stuck and as if you have no way to change your circumstances. However, these are the times when you must take action to create the life you want to live. For example, it might mean organizing your finances to get what you want. And, sometimes you’ll have to take some risks and go for it. It can be scary, but it’s worth it to achieve your goals.

When faced with a difficult situation, it’s essential to remember that you always have a choice. You can choose to give up, or you can choose to fight for what you want. Only by taking action can you make progress and take a step towards achieving financial wellness. So don’t be afraid to step up and take on whatever life throws your way — you can do it!

4. You Are Outspoken

In a society where people get judged by how much money they have, it is no surprise that many go out of their way to keep up appearances. And while some may try to blend in with the wealthy crowd, a wealthy person will often stand out with his unique style or outgoing sense of humor. Wealthy people tend to feel less inhibited and are more likely to speak their minds. They may also be less concerned with the rules and more likely to take risks.

5. You Possess a Sense of Urgency

When it comes to the wealthy, there are a few telltale signs that set them apart. One of these is their sense of urgency — they don’t like wasting time and are always moving forward. This urgency allows them to achieve their goals and maintain their wealth. It’s also one of the reasons why they may seem constantly stressed out — they’re always trying to do more.

6. You’re Focused More on Saving Than Earning

It doesn’t matter if you earn $50,000 or $250,000 a year. Unless you consistently spend less than you make, you’ll never get ahead financially. People who focus on their budget and saving their disposable income understand how to live within their means and focus on what’s most important: saving money for the future.

7. You Know The Difference Between Needs & Wants

In our materialistic society, getting caught up in the “must-have” mentality is easy. Advertisements are everywhere, and social media posts tell us we need the next latest and greatest products. It can be challenging to discern between the things we need and want.

A sign of a wealthy person is their ability to distinguish between the two. They know which items are essential for their well-being and those which would be nice to have. Advertising or peer pressure doesn’t work on rich people, and their possessions don’t rule them.

Spiritual Signs You Will Be Rich

Are there spiritual signs that you can be a wealthy person? Some people believe steadfastly in spiritual and other signs of wealth and luck. Here are a couple of examples:

Gravitating to the Lucky Number, 8

In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered a lucky number. Individuals who gravitate towards this number may believe it will bring them good fortune. Some people might even go as far as to change their phone number or social media handle to include the digit 8.

A Psychic Confirms Wealth is Coming

Some people consult psychics to get guidance on anything from love to health and even money. While many psychics will say they can tune into your energy and give you specific information about your future, and many people believe their predictions, you may be better off putting the money you’d pay the psychic into savings.

Pros and Cons of Having Signs of Wealth

There are very few times when it can be helpful to show off your wealth to others. Indeed, showing off can make others feel intimidated. Additionally, it can attract unwanted attention from criminals or others who want to take what you have. And, having too many signs of wealth can make you a target for scams or other fraudulent schemes.

The Takeaway

If you identify with any of these habits you’re likely well on your way to building a significant amount of wealth. However, it is essential to remember that wealth accumulation is not a one-time event; it’s a way of life. It’s something you’ll need to make a habit of, if you want to succeed. For many people who work hard, stay focused, and are disciplined, it is possible.

And as you’re building your wealth, tracking your income and expenses is one of the primary ways to manage your money. SoFi’s money tracker app can help you keep track of your funds so you can make the best spending decisions and start building your very own fortune today.

Photo credit: iStock/miniseries

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