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Using the 30 Day Rule to Control Spending

Shopping can be necessary (how else are you going to get what you need?), and a lot of the time, it can be fun. But it also leads to impulse purchases, which can mean overspending and winding up with high-interest credit card debt.

That’s where the 30 day rule can help. It’s a technique that can help you slow down shopping and save money. It gives you a way to pump the brakes on a purchase and wait before buying.

This, in turn, can help you determine if you really need or want an item vs. getting caught up in the moment. If you’re able to take time and decide not to make a purchase, it can help your overall financial outlook (that credit card bill, for instance, may be more manageable).

Here, you’ll learn more about the 30 day rule and how it can help you save money.

What Is the 30 Day Rule?

The 30 day rule is a simple strategy that has the power to help you control your spending and make solid financial choices. Here’s how it works:

•   If you feel the urge to make a significant purchase of something that’s non-essential, whether it’s in a store or online, the rule says: Stop. Leave the store, or click away from the site.

•   Write down what you wanted to buy, along with where it can be found, and its price. Date the document and then mark on your calendar when 30 days will have passed.

•   Some people find this additional step helpful: Rather than just write down the amount of the discretionary purchase, you could put that amount of money into your savings account. Seeing your pumped-up savings account balance can potentially help you decide not to purchase something that’s an impulse buy.

•   During the 30 days, you can think about whether you really need the item or, if it’s a “want” rather than a “need,” whether you want to spend discretionary funds on it.

•   After 30 days have passed, if you still wish to purchase the item, then you can potentially do so, knowing that it’s no longer an impulse buy. Rather, it’s likely to be a well thought-out and planned financial choice. It can also help your budget to compare prices with different vendors after you’ve made your decision to buy.

Pros and Cons of the 30 Day Savings Rule

Now that you understand the principle behind the 30 days savings rule, consider the upside:

•   It helps you avoid impulse buys.

•   It gives you time to assess a major purchase, comparison-shop, and budget.

•   It helps you avoid shopping due to boredom.

However, the 30 day savings rule can also have downsides:

•   It can lead to feelings of frustration or deprivation not to be able to buy in the moment.

•   If you wait 30 days and then decide to buy, the item you want could be more expensive or sold out.

Needs vs Wants

The 30 day rule can be an excellent way to manage the causes of overspending and help you differentiate needs from wants.

Examples of Needs

Needs are your basic living expenses; the items that are vital for daily life. For example, if you’re out of toilet paper, that clearly goes into the needs category, and doesn’t fit the rule. You could shop for a better price, sure, but it’s a pretty necessary purchase.

If your car is almost out of gas and you’ve got to drive to work in the morning, the same concept applies. Yes, if you need to eat dinner and the cupboards are bare and the fridge is empty, you’ll need food (but not necessarily steak and lobster).

Examples of Wants

On the other hand, wants are things that are not part of daily survival. Groceries to cook dinner are an example of needs, but a pricey sushi dinner or even that vanilla latte to go in the morning are clearly wants.

When it comes to shopping, you may find yourself giving into wants when you pick up some new shoes just because they’re on sale or decide to upgrade your phone even though your current one works fine.

There’s a middle ground, of course, where it may be tougher to decide if something is a need or want, and whether the rule applies. For example, you may have a big work conference coming up, and there’s a really sweet suit on sale.

On the one hand, you may have an outfit that will work just fine, but on the other, this one may be more appropriate, giving you the confidence to shine at the conference. In that case, it may make sense to think about the purchase for a day or two, rather than for a full 30.

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The Role of FOMO Spending

FOMO (which stands for Fear of Missing Out) spending is the kind in which you feel that if you don’t buy a particular item, you might miss out on something important. This could happen if you see social media posts where friends (and perhaps even people you don’t know!) are buying something you don’t have.

This anxiety can significantly influence how people spend their money, serving as motivation to spend funds that they can’t really afford. Some points to consider:

•   The reality is that not everyone’s financial situation is the same. Your friends may earn a higher income, have a different debt situation, and manage lesser expenses than you do.

•   If you find yourself feeling peer pressure to spend in ways that aren’t healthy for your budget, it may make sense to come up with alternative, less expensive activities to do together.

   For instance, instead of going out to an expensive new restaurant with a friend, you could cook together. And just because everyone else may seem to be spending their summer vacation at a far-flung destination doesn’t mean you can’t have a great getaway at a nearby cabin on a lake or travel somewhere exotic during the off-season.

•   If you’re more tempted to buy when you use your credit or debit card, it may be wise to bring a set amount of cash instead when going to spending-trigger locations. If you love to shop, shop, “window-shop” online to your heart’s content, and then maybe consider visiting a brick-and-mortar store when it’s time to make a purchase. This can help ensure that the item lives up to your expectations.

Each of these strategies is a way of practicing delayed gratification — and there are plenty of benefits to engaging in this healthy behavior (besides from possibly fattening your wallet).

Recommended: Why Do We Feel Guilty Spending Money?

Benefits of Delayed Gratification

Delayed gratification, according to studies, is often a trait found in successful people. When someone can delay satisfaction until the appropriate time, they are more likely to thrive financially, as well as in their relationships, careers, and health than those who haven’t yet mastered the skill.

It isn’t always easy to wait when doing something might make you feel good right now, but waiting can lead to bigger rewards in the future. As this becomes a practice, it can help to boost your overall self-control and achieve long-term goals.

One of the more well-known studies on delayed gratification involves, of all things, marshmallows. This study was conducted at Stanford University in the 1960s, and went like this:

•   Participating children were taken into a room where they each found one marshmallow on their plates.

•   The children could choose to eat their marshmallow now, or wait 15 minutes and then get a second one.

The children who chose to wait, the researchers discovered, had higher standardized test scores. They also were found to have fewer behavioral issues and health problems.

You might use this study to think about your own ability to wait for greater rewards. Focusing on finances, you might consider times when a quick impulse purchase didn’t turn out to be the best move, as well as times when saving for something better was ultimately more rewarding. These moves can help you cut back on spending.

Recommended: How to Achieve Financial Discipline

Tracking Your Spending and Saving

The above strategies all have one thing in common. They involve tracking your spending and saving so that you can make choices that fit your budget, lifestyle, goals, and dreams.

As part of that process, it may make sense to identify where you’re overspending. The reality is that it’s gotten super easy to spend — and, therefore, overspend — in today’s frictionless financial world.

You may find that you’re spending literally hundreds of dollars a month in ways you didn’t realize, whether that’s by picking up a quick coffee at the drive-thru window, a subscription you rarely use, or something else entirely.

When you know where your money is going, down to the last penny, it can help you adjust your budget in a way that prioritizes your financial needs and money goals. That could involve paying down debt, saving up for a vacation next summer, or banking some cash for the down payment on a house in the future.

4 Other Tips and Strategies to Save Money

Here are some additional savings strategies to consider:

Pay Yourself First

Want to pay yourself first? You can do this by having money automatically deducted from your paycheck and transferred into your savings account. By automating your savings, you can make sure that you don’t spend money that can be helping to fund your future dreams.

Try Out Different Budget Methods

It can take a little trial and error to find a budget that works for you and your unique situation. Some people like the 50/30/20 rule, others use the envelope system, and there are many other options. Do a little online searching and experimenting to find one that works for you.

Use an App

Technology can help you track your spending and save more. Your financial institution may have tools that make this a snap. Or you might decide to take advantage of a roundup app that puts a little money into savings with every purchase you make. Again, an online search can reveal alternatives, or see what your bank offers.

Start a Side Hustle

Another way to save more is to earn more. Starting a low-cost side hustle can be one way to do just that. Whether that means walking dogs, selling your nature photos, or providing social media services for local businesses, there could be a simple and satisfying way to tap your talents and bring in more cash.

Opening a Savings Account with SoFi

With a SoFi Checking and Savings Account, you can spend and save in one convenient place while earning a competitive annual percentage yield (APY) and paying no account fees. You can track your weekly spending within the dashboard in the SoFi app. Tracking your spending can help you stay on target with your financial goals. If you’ve got multiple goals, then you can use our Vaults feature to save towards each of them.

Check out SoFi Checking and Savings to track your spending and saving.


What is the 30 day rule for saving money?

With the 30 day rule, you wait 30 days before making a major purchase to be sure you really want or need it. This technique of waiting can help you delay gratification, feel more in control of your finances, and potentially avoid overspending on impulse buys.

Does the 30 days rule work?

The 30 day rule can work if you stick with it. By waiting 30 days before making a major purchase, you have time to consider whether you really need it, shop around for the best price, or decide that it was an impulse buy and you don’t really want it anymore.

What is the golden rule of saving money?

The golden rule of saving money is to save money before you spend. Some people refer to this as “paying yourself first.” By prioritizing saving, you can potentially minimize debt and reach your financial goals.

SoFi® Checking and Savings is offered through SoFi Bank, N.A. ©2025 SoFi Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
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SoFi members with direct deposit activity can earn 3.80% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Direct Deposit means a recurring deposit of regular income to an account holder’s SoFi Checking or Savings account, including payroll, pension, or government benefit payments (e.g., Social Security), made by the account holder’s employer, payroll or benefits provider or government agency (“Direct Deposit”) via the Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) Network during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Deposits that are not from an employer or government agency, including but not limited to check deposits, peer-to-peer transfers (e.g., transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc.), merchant transactions (e.g., transactions from PayPal, Stripe, Square, etc.), and bank ACH funds transfers and wire transfers from external accounts, or are non-recurring in nature (e.g., IRS tax refunds), do not constitute Direct Deposit activity. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate. SoFi members with direct deposit are eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits.

As an alternative to direct deposit, SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits can earn 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Qualifying Deposits means one or more deposits that, in the aggregate, are equal to or greater than $5,000 to an account holder’s SoFi Checking and Savings account (“Qualifying Deposits”) during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Qualifying Deposits only include those deposits from the following eligible sources: (i) ACH transfers, (ii) inbound wire transfers, (iii) peer-to-peer transfers (i.e., external transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc. and internal peer-to-peer transfers from a SoFi account belonging to another account holder), (iv) check deposits, (v) instant funding to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, (vi) push payments to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, and (vii) cash deposits. Qualifying Deposits do not include: (i) transfers between an account holder’s Checking account, Savings account, and/or Vaults; (ii) interest payments; (iii) bonuses issued by SoFi Bank or its affiliates; or (iv) credits, reversals, and refunds from SoFi Bank, N.A. (“SoFi Bank”) or from a merchant. SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits are not eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits.

SoFi Bank shall, in its sole discretion, assess each account holder’s Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits throughout each 30-Day Evaluation Period to determine the applicability of rates and may request additional documentation for verification of eligibility. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the “Start Date” and “End Date” set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the “30-Day Evaluation Period”). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Upon receiving a Direct Deposit or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits to your account, you will begin earning 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% on checking balances on or before the following calendar day. You will continue to earn these APYs for (i) the remainder of the current 30-Day Evaluation Period and through the end of the subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period and (ii) any following 30-day Evaluation Periods during which SoFi Bank determines you to have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits without interruption.

SoFi Bank reserves the right to grant a grace period to account holders following a change in Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits activity before adjusting rates. If SoFi Bank grants you a grace period, the dates for such grace period will be reflected on the APY Details page of your account. If SoFi Bank determines that you did not have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits during the current 30-day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, then you will begin earning the rates earned by account holders without either Direct Deposit or Qualifying Deposits until you have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits in a subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period. For the avoidance of doubt, an account holder with both Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits will earn the rates earned by account holders with Direct Deposit.

Separately, SoFi members who enroll in SoFi Plus by paying the SoFi Plus Subscription Fee every 30 days can also earn 3.80% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. For additional details, see the SoFi Plus Terms and Conditions at

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Creditworthiness Explained

Why Does Creditworthiness Matter?

When you take out a loan or line of credit, the lender extending you that credit is taking a risk. As you know if you’ve ever loaned a friend or family member a quick $5 (or $500), once money has been lent, it might not ever be seen again.

Creditworthiness is the measure a lender uses to determine how big of a risk a certain borrower might be, depending on their past behavior with credit. You’re probably familiar with your credit score, which is one part of your creditworthiness, but it’s not the whole picture.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how creditworthiness is determined and why it’s important.

What Is Creditworthiness and Why Does It Matter?

In short, a consumer’s creditworthiness is what lenders assess to hedge their bets that the borrower won’t default on—fail to repay—a loan.

You can think of creditworthiness a bit like a report card for borrowers. Like a report card, your overall creditworthiness is composed of a variety of factors, each of which is weighted differently. The factors are calculated into an overall credit score, which is a bit like a grade point average (GPA).

Like a report card, your creditworthiness gives lenders a snapshot of your historical behavior—and although your past doesn’t always predict the future, it’s the main information creditors have to go on about how much of a risk you might be.

Creditworthiness is possible to improve, but doing so takes dedicated effort.

Why Does Creditworthiness Matter?

Creditworthiness is important because these days, you simply need credit to get by. It’s not just about credit cards. Your creditworthiness will be assessed if you ever take out an auto loan or mortgage, or if you’re just signing a lease on a rental property. Your credit report might even be pulled as part of the job application process as an indication of your level of personal responsibility.

What’s more, higher creditworthiness tends to correlate with better loan terms, including higher limits and lower interest rates. Lower creditworthiness can mean you’re stuck with higher interest rates or extra fees, which, of course, make it more difficult to make on-time payments, get out of debt, and otherwise improve your creditworthiness for the future. A low enough level of creditworthiness may preclude you from qualifying for the loan (or lease, or job) altogether.

In short: Creditworthiness is really important for just about everyone, and it’s worth improving and maintaining.

How Is Creditworthiness Calculated?

So what specifically goes into the definition of creditworthiness?

That depends on whom you ask. Which factors will be most heavily weighted to determine your creditworthiness change based on what kind of credit or loan you’re applying for.

A credit card issuer, for example, may look specifically into your experience with revolving debt, while a mortgage lender may be more concerned with how you’ve handled fixed payments like installment loans.

While each lender will have its own specific criteria and look into different things, one of the most common measures of creditworthiness is a FICO® Score—the three-digit credit score based on information reported by the three main America credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

It’s important to understand that lenders will see more than just a three-digit FICO Score. The credit report they pull may also include specific information about your open and closed accounts, revolving credit balances, and repayment history, as well as red flags such as past-due amounts, defaults, bankruptcies, and collections.

Lenders may also take your income and the length of time you’ve worked at your current job into consideration, as well as assets (like investments and properties) you own.

You may already know that credit scores range from poor (579 and below) to exceptional (800 to 850). But those scores are underpinned by a specific algorithm that takes a variety of different historical credit behavior into account.

Specifically, your FICO Score is calculated using the following data points, each of which is weighted differently:

•   Payment history, 35%: The single most important factor determining your credit score is whether or not you’ve consistently paid on your loans and credit lines on time.
•   Amounts owed, 30%: This factor refers to how much of your available credit you’re currently using. Having higher balances can indicate more risk to a lender, since it may be more difficult for someone with a lot of debt to keep up with paying a new account.
•   Length of credit history, 15%: Having a longer credit history gives lenders more context for your past behavior, so this factor is given some weight in determining your credit score.
•   Credit mix: 10%: This factor refers to how many different kinds of credit you have, such as installment loans, credit cards, and mortgages. It’s not necessary to have each, but having a healthy mix can boost your score.
•   New credit, 10%: Applying for a lot of new credit recently can look like a red flag to lenders, so having too many hard inquiries can ding your score.

Recommended: What Is a FICO Score and Why Does it Matter?

Building Creditworthiness

If you have a low credit score or a number of negative factors on your report, you may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of changing your creditworthiness for the better. But the good news is, it is possible to positively impact your credit score and build your overall credit profile. It just takes time, dedication, and persistence.

Given the importance of payment history, making on-time payments is usually the most important thing you can do to improve your credit score.

Because the amount of revolving debt you have is an important metric, reducing your overall debt can help, too—and will free up more money in your budget to put toward other financial goals.

If you’re working to pay off certain credit cards, it may not be best to close them once you’ve stopped using them. Keeping them open will help increase the overall length of your credit history—though you may need to charge (and then pay off) a nominal amount each month to keep the card issuer from closing the account due to inactivity.

You may want to use that credit card for one low monthly bill, such as your Netflix subscription, and pay it off in full each statement cycle.

It’s also a good idea to check your credit report at least once a year. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that the three big credit bureaus provide you with a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months. Although other websites might have catchy jingles, the only free credit report source authorized by federal law is .

These reports don’t include your credit scores, but you’ll still get the opportunity to assess your report for fraudulent items and dispute them.

You may also be able to get your credit score for no charge as a perk for opening a certain bank account, credit card, or money-tracking app like SoFi, as well as any time a lender makes a hard inquiry into your credit.

The Takeaway

Creditworthiness is the measure by which a potential lender assesses how much of a risk it’s taking by offering you a loan or line of credit. Building your creditworthiness and maintaining it is important for ensuring you have access to loans, credit cards, and even employment opportunities.

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Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

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Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.


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credit card transaction

Breaking Down the Different Types of Credit Cards

With so many credit card options out there, it may be hard to choose a new one.

Are you loyal to a particular airline or hotel chain? Perhaps you want to redeem credit card points as statement credits. Or you’re a big grocery or gasoline spender. Savvy consumers may be interested in innovative uses like paying down loan debt or investing. Is the interest rate important, an annual fee a dealbreaker?

If you can responsibly manage more than one credit card — and if you’re like most Americans, you have more than one — you can use different cards to optimize rewards (cash back, points, or miles), annual statement credits, and 0% and low introductory APR offers.

When deciding on a new credit card that is best for you, it boils down to two basic questions: What do you want from a card? And how strong is your financial history?

Here’s a glance at the credit card options available and provisos to consider.

Recommended: What Is the Average Credit Card Limit?

Rewards Credit Cards

If you are good about paying off your card every month and never incur interest, you might consider a rewards card. These cards may offer sign-up bonuses and give consumers rewards in the form of miles, cash back, or loyalty points.

There are variations on a theme, such as:

•  Bonus offer + 0% period for purchases

•  A set dollar amount in travel or bonus miles if you meet the initial spending requirements

•  Flat-rate cash back

•  Customizable rewards

A few cards offer an eye-opening 5% cash back in rotating categories, up to a limit (such as 5% back on $1,500 spent quarterly, after which all other purchases earn 1% cash back), and you’ll usually have to manually activate the offer each quarter.

But you can often lessen the work involved and earn more in total cashback rewards with a flat-rate cashback credit card, when all purchases earn the same amount.

Frequent travelers lured by premium travel rewards cards will want to weigh the perks against an annual fee of $450 to $550.

New reward offerings have bubbled up, such as allowing cardholders to put cash back toward loan payments, and are brewing, like increasing card acceptance for rent payments and offering cryptocurrency-related rewards.

When choosing a rewards card, think about your spending habits and redemption preferences, be aware of your credit score (these cards usually require a good score), and pay off your balance each month — rewards cards typically have higher APRs than balance transfer cards.

If you fall behind on payments or carry over balances, all the perks and rewards are unlikely to be worth it.

Recommended: What Is a Charge Card?

Cards for Those With Limited or Damaged Credit

For college students with little or no credit history, there are student credit cards.

If you don’t have great credit, there are also secured credit cards. Generally, they require a deposit from the user. A secured credit card functions like a normal credit card except that it has a backstop: The user puts up an amount of money that the issuer will then use if the cardholder defaults.

The lender offers a certain amount of credit based on the promise that the user will pay off the balance in full every month.

If your account is upgraded to an unsecured account, thanks to good habits, or is closed in good standing, your deposit is returned.

Both of these options can help someone build credit and could lead to a card with more perks if the holder is diligent about paying off the balance every month.

Then there’s at least one brand of card that considers an applicant’s banking history in lieu of their credit score, has no annual fee, and comes with rewards.

Recommended: Tips for Using a Credit Card Responsibly

Prepaid Debit Cards

A secured credit card is primarily intended for building credit, whereas a prepaid debit card is good for budgeting and convenience but does not affect your credit.

A prepaid debit card is preloaded with your own money, typically through direct deposit, cash or check deposits, or online transfers from a checking account.

The card is used for transactions until the money runs out. Since there is no line of credit, you cannot run up debt on the card.

This is a great option for a young person who needs to learn how money works or for adults with a bad credit history, though it will not improve their credit scores.

Credit Cards That Save You Money on Interest

If you’re prone to carry a balance month to month, you might want to consider a low-interest card. While these types of credit cards don’t come with bells and whistles like airport lounge access, it is the financially prudent option if you have an irregular income or you carry a balance each month.

It might be best to look for a card that offers an initial APR of 0% and then an ongoing low interest rate.

Keep in mind that low-interest credit cards usually require a good credit score to qualify. Generally, the better your credit score, the lower your interest rate. The lowest advertised APR isn’t always what an applicant gets.

Recommended: Does Applying for a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?

Balance Transfer Credit Cards

If you are in credit card debt, a balance transfer credit card could help you pay off your debt at a lower interest rate.

Interest rates and terms vary widely with balance transfer credit cards. A balance transfer card will often come with a 0% APR introductory period, but once that ends, the interest rate shoots up.

It’s important to pay attention to the fine print if this is an option you’re considering.

The Takeaway

Choosing the most rewarding and suitable new credit card can become a research project. It’s best to think about your spending habits, needs, credit history, APR, any annual fee, and perks.

Whether you're looking to build credit, apply for a new credit card, or save money with the cards you have, it's important to understand the options that are best for you. Learn more about credit cards by exploring this credit card guide.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Everything You Need to Know About Insider Trading

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Insider Trading

Insider trading is illegal trading in financial markets using confidential (or “insider”) information to the investor’s own advantage—and it can be a criminal offense in the investments market.

Trading specialists have outlined the term “confidential information” as material information about an investment vehicle (like a stock) that is not available to other investors. That insider knowledge can tilt the playing field in favor of the recipient, leading to an imbalanced trading landscape that investment industry regulators rigorously attempt to keep fair and balanced.

History of U.S. Insider Trading Laws

Insider trading rules and regulations in the U.S. date back to the early 1900s, when the U.S Supreme Court ruled against a corporate executive who bought company stock based on insider information. The ruling, based on common law statutes long used by the United Kingdom, laid the path for Congress to pass a law prohibiting sales security fraud (the 1933 Securities Act of 1933) that was further solidified by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Those laws not only prohibited the profit of securities invested tied to insider information, they also largely blocked quick turnaround trading profits by an investor who owned more than 10 percent of a company stock.

Fast forward to 1984, when Congress passed the Trading Sanctions Act, and 1988, and the passage of the Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988, which set financial penalties of three times the amount of income accumulated from insider trading, further clarifying the definition and rules surrounding insider trading.

Examples of Insider Trading

Despite the blanket term of “insider trading”, the practice can manifest itself in myriad ways. Broadly, anyone at all who steals, misappropriates, or otherwise gathers confidential data or information, and uses it to profit on changes in a company’s stock price, might be investigated for insider trading.

Here are some common examples:

•  A company executive, employee, or board member who trades a corporation’s stock after being made aware of a particular business development could be engaging in insider trading. “Insider” developments like the sale of the firm, positive or negative earnings numbers, a company scandal or significant data breach, or other piece of information that would likely sway the company’s stock price could be construed by regulators as insider trading.
•  Any associates—like friends, family, or co-workers—of the above execs employees, or board members, who also trade on private information not available to the investing public, may be targeted for insider trading.
•  Executives and staffers of any company that provided products or services to a company that obtains information about a significant corporate move that would likely sway the firm’s stock price could be trading on “inside” news. Think of a bank, brokerage firm, or printing company that might have knowledge of company news before it is released to the investing public, and who uses that knowledge to profit from the information.
•  Local, city, state, or federal government managers and employees who may come across sensitive and private information on a company that’s not available publicly, and use that knowledge to profit from a change in the company’s stock price, could be involved with insider trading.

The above examples are among the most egregious insider trading scenarios, and are also more likely to become an enforcement priority for government regulators.

Is Insider Trading Ever Legal?

There are scenarios where what is technically considered “insider trading” is in fact legal under federal regulatory statutes.

For instance, anyone employed by a company falls under the definition of an insider trader. But as long as all stock transactions involving the company are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in advance, any employee stock transaction is perfectly legal.

That’s the case whether a rank-and-file employee buys 100 shares of company stock or if the chief executive officer buys back shares of the firm’s stock—even if that more high-profile trading activity significantly swings the company’s share price.

Who Enforces Insider Trading Rules?

Insider trading enforcement measures operate under the larger umbrella of the U.S. government.

Like any criminal case, the sequence of enforcement events may begin with an investigation, a review of the investigation’s results by government regulators, an arrest and arraignment, a court case in front of a judge, and incarceration in the penal system (or regular review by a probation officer if the charge results in a more lenient sentence).

How Insider Trading is Investigated

Insider trading investigations usually start on the firm level before the SEC gets involved. Self-regulating industry organizations like the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or the National Association of Financial Planners (NAPF), for example, may also come across illegal trading practices and pass the lead on to federal authorities.

It’s also not uncommon for insider trading practices to be revealed by government agencies other than the SEC. For example, the FBI may run into insider trading activity while pursuing a completely separate investigation, and pass on the tip to the SEC.

When the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigates potential insider trading cases, they do so using multiple investigatory methods:

Surveillance. The SEC has multiple surveillance tools to root out insider trading violations. Tracking big variations in a company’s trading history (especially around key dates like earnings calls, changes in executive leadership, and when a company buys another firm or is bought out itself) is a common way for federal regulators to uncover insider trading.

Tipsters. Investors aware of insider information, especially those who lose money on insider trades, often provide valuable leads and tips on insider trading occurrences. This often occurs in the equity options market, where trade values increase significantly with each transaction, and where stock prices can especially be vulnerable to big price swings after suspicious trading activity in the stock options marketplace.

If, for example, a trader with inside information uses it to buy company stock or to buy an option call for profit, the party on the other side of the trade, who may stand to lose significant cash on the trade, may alert the SEC that profiteering via inside information may be taking place. In that scenario, the SEC will likely appoint an investigator to follow up on the tip and see if insider trading did occur.

Company whistleblowers. Another common alert that insider trading is occurring comes from company whistleblowers who speak up when company employees or managers with unique access to company trading patterns seem to be benefitting from those price swings.

What Happens in an Insider Trading Investigation

When federal regulators are made aware of securities fraud from insider trading, they may launch an investigation run by the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. In that investigation . . .

•  Witnesses are contacted and interviewed.
•  Trading records are reviewed, with a close eye on trading patterns around the time of potential insider trading activity.
•  Phone and computer records are subpoenaed, and if needed, wiretaps are used to gain information from potential insider trading targets.
•  Once the investigation is complete, the investigation team presents its findings to an SEC review board, which can decide on a fine and other penalties (like suspension of trading privileges and cease-and-desist orders) or opt to take its case to federal court.
•  After the court hears the case and decides on the merits, any party accused of insider trading is expected to abide by the court ruling and the case is ended.

Penalties for Insider Trading

An individual convicted of insider trading can face both a prison sentence and civil and criminal fines—up to 20 years and as much as $5 million. Additionally, civil penalties may include fines of up to three times the profit gained or loss avoided as a result of the insider trading violation.

Companies that commit insider trading can face civil and criminal fines. The maximum fine for an entity whose securities are publicly traded that has been found guilty of insider trading is $25 million.

The Takeaway

Insider trading—executing a trade based on knowledge that has not been made public—is a serious offense and can lead to severe punishment, including jail time and heavy fines.

That’s all for good reason, as restrictions on insider trading help ensure a balanced financial trading market environment—one that accommodates fair trading opportunities for all market participants.

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Crypto: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies aren’t endorsed or guaranteed by any government, are volatile, and involve a high degree of risk. Consumer protection and securities laws don’t regulate cryptocurrencies to the same degree as traditional brokerage and investment products. Research and knowledge are essential prerequisites before engaging with any cryptocurrency. US regulators, including FINRA , the SEC , and the CFPB , have issued public advisories concerning digital asset risk. Cryptocurrency purchases should not be made with funds drawn from financial products including student loans, personal loans, mortgage refinancing, savings, retirement funds or traditional investments. Limitations apply to trading certain crypto assets and may not be available to residents of all states.

Options involve risks, including substantial risk of loss and the possibility an investor may lose the entire amount invested in a short period of time. Before an investor begins trading options they should familiarize themselves with the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options . Tax considerations with options transactions are unique, investors should consult with their tax advisor to understand the impact to their taxes.

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5 Tips to Hedge Against Inflation

To achieve financial freedom and grow wealth over long periods of time, it’s vital to understand the concept of inflation.

Inflation refers to the ever-increasing price of goods and services as measured against a particular currency. The purchasing power of a currency depreciates as a result of rising prices. Put differently, a rising rate of inflation equates to a decreasing value of a currency.

Inflation is most commonly measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which averages the national cost of many consumer items such as food, housing, healthcare, and more.

The opposite of inflation is deflation, which happens when prices fall. During deflation, cash becomes the most valuable asset because it can buy more. During inflation, other assets become more valuable than cash because it takes more currency to purchase them.

The key question to examine is: What assets perform the best during inflationary times?

This is a much-debated topic among investment analysts and economists, with many differing opinions. And while there may be no single answer to that question, there are still some generally agreed upon concepts that can help to inform investors on the subject.

Is Inflation Good or Bad for Investors?

Depending on an individual’s perspective, inflation might be seen as either good or bad.

For the average person who tries to save money without investing much, inflation could generally be seen as negative. A decline in the purchasing power of the saver’s currency leads to them being less able to afford things, ultimately resulting in a lower standard of living.

For wealthier investors who hold a lot of financial assets, however, inflation might be perceived in a more positive light. As the prices of goods and services rise, so do financial assets. This leads to increasing wealth for some investors. And because currencies always depreciate over the long-term, those who hold a diversified basket of financial assets for long periods of time tend to realize significant returns.

It’s generally thought that there is a certain level of inflation that contributes to a healthier economy by encouraging spending without damaging the purchasing power of the consumer. The idea is that when there is just enough inflation, people will be more likely to spend some of their money sooner, before it depreciates, leading to an increase in economic growth.

When there is too much inflation, however, people can wind up spending most of their income on necessities like food and rent, and there won’t be much discretionary income to spend on other things, which could restrict economic growth.

Central banks like the Federal Reserve try to control inflation through monetary policy. Sometimes their policies can create inflation in financial assets, like quantitative easing has been said to do.

5 Tips for Hedging Against Inflation

The concept of inflation seems simple enough. But what might be some of the best ways investors can protect themselves?

There are a number of different strategies investors use to hedge against inflation. The common denominators tend to be hard assets with a limited supply and financial assets that tend to see large capital inflows during times of currency devaluation and rising prices.

Here are five tips that may help investors hedge against inflation.

1. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a company that deals in real estate, either through owning, financing, or operating a group of properties. Through buying shares of a REIT, investors can gain exposure to the assets that the company owns or manages.

REITs are income-producing assets, like dividend-yielding stocks. They pay a dividend to investors who hold shares. In fact, REITs are required by law to distribute 90% of their income to investors.

Holding REITs in a portfolio might make sense for some investors as a potential inflation hedge because they are tied to a hard asset—real estate. During times of high inflation, hard assets tend to rise in value against their local currencies because their supply is limited. There will be an ever-increasing number of dollars (or euros, or yen, etc.) chasing a fixed number of hard assets, so the price of those things will tend to go up.

Owning physical real estate—like a home, commercial complex, or rental property—also works as an inflation hedge. But most investors can’t afford to purchase or don’t care to manage such properties. Holding shares of a REIT provides a much easier way to get exposure to real estate.

2. Bonds and Equities

The recurring theme regarding inflation hedges is that the price of everything goes up. What investors are generally concerned with is choosing the assets that go up in price the fastest, with the greatest possible return.

In some cases, it might be that stocks and bonds very quickly rise very high in price. But in an economy that sees hyperinflation, those holding cash won’t see their investment, i.e., cash, have the purchasing power it may have once had.

In such a scenario, the specific securities aren’t as important as making sure that capital gets allocated to stocks or bonds in some amount, instead of holding all capital in cash.

3. Exchange-Traded Funds

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks a particular stock index or group of investment types is another way to get exposure to assets that are likely to increase in value during times of inflation and can also be a strategy to maximize diversification in an investor’s portfolio. ETFs are generally passive investments, which may make them a good fit for those who are new to investing or want to take a more hands-off approach to investing. Since they are considered a diversified investment, they may be a good hedge against inflation.

4. Gold and Gold Mining Stocks

For thousands of years, humans have used gold as a store of value. Although the price of gold or other precious metals can be somewhat volatile in the short term, few assets have maintained their purchasing power as well as gold in the long term. Like real estate, gold is a hard asset with limited supply.

Still, the question of “is gold a hedge against inflation?” has different answers depending on whom you ask. Some critics claim that because there are other variables involved and the price of gold doesn’t always track inflation exactly, that it is not a good inflation hedge. And there might be some circumstances under which this holds true.

During short periods of rapid inflation, however, there’s no question that the price of gold rises sharply. Consider the following:

•  During the time between 1970 and 1974, for example, the price of gold against the US dollar surged from $240 to more than $900 for a gain of 73%.
•  During and after the recession of 2007 to 2009, the price of gold doubled from less than $1,000 in November 2008, to $2,000 in August 2011.
•  In 2019 and 2020, gold has hit all-time record highs against many different fiat currencies.

Investors seeking to add gold to their portfolio have a variety of options. Physical gold coins and bars might be the most obvious example, although these are difficult to obtain and store safely.

5. Better Understanding Inflation in the Market

Ultimately, no assets are 100% protected from inflation, but some investments might be better than others for some investors. Understanding how inflation affects investments is the beginning of growing wealth over time and achieving financial goals. Still have questions about hedging investments against inflation? SoFi Financial Planners are available to answer questions about investments during a complimentary 30-min session.

Downloading and using the stock trading app can be a helpful tool for investors who want to stay up to date with how their investments are doing or keeping an eye on the market in general.

Learn more about how the SoFi app can be a useful tool to reach your investment goals.

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The information provided is not meant to provide investment or financial advice. Investment decisions should be based on an individual’s specific financial needs, goals and risk profile. SoFi can’t guarantee future financial performance. Advisory services offered through SoFi Wealth, LLC. SoFi Securities, LLC, member FINRA / SIPC . The umbrella term “SoFi Invest” refers to the three investment and trading platforms operated by Social Finance, LLC and its affiliates (described below). Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of the platforms below.

Investment Risk: Diversification can help reduce some investment risk. It cannot guarantee profit, or fully protect in a down market.

Third Party Trademarks: Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, CFP® (with plaque design), and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements.

Crypto: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies aren’t endorsed or guaranteed by any government, are volatile, and involve a high degree of risk. Consumer protection and securities laws don’t regulate cryptocurrencies to the same degree as traditional brokerage and investment products. Research and knowledge are essential prerequisites before engaging with any cryptocurrency. US regulators, including FINRA , the SEC , and the CFPB , have issued public advisories concerning digital asset risk. Cryptocurrency purchases should not be made with funds drawn from financial products including student loans, personal loans, mortgage refinancing, savings, retirement funds or traditional investments. Limitations apply to trading certain crypto assets and may not be available to residents of all states.


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