Why Do Business Owners Reinvest Their Profits?

Once your small business starts earning a profit, you have to decide if you should distribute those profits to yourself (and any other owners) or reinvest them back into the business.

While it can be tempting to pocket your company’s profits, funneling at least some of that money back into the business is worth considering.

For one, reinvesting can help improve the company or expand operations, leading to even higher profits down the line. For another, reinvested money is generally considered a business expense, which means you likely won’t have to pay income taxes on it.

Read on for a closer look at why you may want to reinvest a percentage of your profits back into your business, how this can impact your business taxes, and ways you might use profits to help expedite business growth.

What Constitutes a Business Profit?

Profit is the money a business pulls in after accounting for all expenses. Any profits earned funnel back to business owners, who can choose to either keep it as earnings, distribute it to shareholders as dividends, or reinvest it back into the business.

Whether you own a small dog grooming business or a multinational corporation, the main goal of any business is to earn money. Thus, a business’s performance is based on profitability. For accounting purposes, companies will often report gross profit, operating profit, and net profit (the “bottom line”).

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What Are Businesses Taxed On?

Any profits that aren’t reinvested in a business are typically taxed as income. How that tax is paid depends on the structure of the business.

Most small businesses are pass-through entities, which means that the gains or losses are passed through to the owners on their personal income tax returns. Corporations, on the other hand, pay a flat tax on business profits.

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Types of Business Taxes

When we refer to “taxes” for a business, we’re actually using an umbrella term for many different types of taxes a business may have to pay. Let’s take a closer look.

Income Taxes

Income taxes are based on the net income of your business for the tax year. Net income is the same thing as profit (income minus expenses). If you share a business with others, the net income is divided among the owners based on your business agreement. Most small businesses pay both federal and state income taxes.

Estimated Taxes

Employees have taxes withheld from their paychecks, but as the owner of your business, no one is withholding taxes from the money you take out of the business.

Instead, you need to file estimated taxes throughout the year based on the income you have earned up to that point in the year. Typically, federal and state estimated tax payments are due on April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15 for the previous tax year.

Self-Employment Tax

Employees generally have Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks. If you are a self-employed business owner, however, you must calculate and pay your own Medicare and Social Security tax through self-employment taxes.

Excise and Sales Taxes

Depending on which state you operate in and what type of goods or service you sell, you may need to set up a system to collect sales tax from your customers and report and pay that tax to your state.

You may also need to pay federal and local excise taxes. An excise tax is a legislated tax on specific goods or services, such as fuel, tobacco, and alcohol.

Payroll Taxes

If you have employees, you must withhold payroll taxes from their paychecks and pay applicable federal, state, and local taxes. The taxes usually withheld from employee paychecks include FICA (Medicare and Social Security taxes) and federal, state, and local income taxes. Employers and employees each pay half of the FICA tax.

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How to Reduce Taxable Income

As a business owner, there are many strategies you can use to reduce the portion of your business income (or profits) that can be taxed. Here are some you may want to consider.

Reinvesting Business Profits Into the Business

Reinvesting means retaining net profits (the income left over after all operating costs and overhead are paid) and investing them in activities or expenses that can help increase the value of the business. As a business expense, reinvested income generally isn’t taxable.

You may, however, want to reinvest only a portion of your profits and look for other ways to infuse capital into the business, such as applying for a small business loan. Interest paid on business loans is typically tax deductible as a business expense.

Finding Deductions

There are numerous business tax deductions you may qualify for and, when you add them all up, they can amount to a significant reduction in your taxable business income. Here are some of the most common small business deductions:

•  Inventory

•  Business property rent

•  Startup costs

•  Utilities

•  Company vehicle expenses

•  Insurance

•  Rent and depreciation on equipment and machinery

•  Office supplies

•  Furniture

•  Advertising and marketing

•  Business entertainment

•  Travel expenses

•  Interest paid on all types of small business loans

Tax Audits

As a small business owner, it makes financial sense to explore all your options for reducing your tax bill. However, when it comes to deductions, you need to be careful. It’s particularly important, for example, to keep your business and personal expenses separate. If your deductions look suspicious to the IRS, the agency could potentially audit your business.

Investing in Employees

One great way to reduce your company’s taxable income is to invest in your employees. Generally speaking, any wages, bonuses, or other compensation you pay your workers in a given year are tax deductible as a business expense. That includes any fringe benefits you offer — such as gifts, health plans, and employee discounts — as well.

Rewarding your workforce can do more than lower your tax liability, however. It can also help boost their morale, increase productivity, attract the top talent, and grow your business.

Choosing Purchases and Investments Wisely

While it’s clearly important to invest in your business, the question remains: Where should you focus your funds? Here are a few purchases and investments you may want to consider.

•  Equipment: It can be smart to reinvest profits into new machinery and equipment as your current assets age and become expensive to maintain. Upgrading equipment can increase efficiency and help you stay on the cutting edge of your industry.

•  Software: Investing in software, such as payroll and accounting software, can help streamline tedious tasks and free you up to focus on more important matters, such as growing your business.

•  Inventory: In some cases, using business profits to buy more inventory can be a smart business move. If you often sell out of popular products, for example, beefing up inventory can help you capture sales you’ve been missing out on.

•  More marketing: You might consider hiring a marketing professional or agency to help create buzz about your business, improve search rankings, and expand your customer base.

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Tax Planning Strategies

One of the best ways to make your business tax efficient is to pay attention to tax credits and not just deductions.

Tax credits are particularly valuable because, unlike deductions, which reduce your taxable income, credits reduce your tax bill on a dollar-for-dollar basis. For example, if your small business owes $25,000 in taxes, a $5,000 tax credit means you can subtract $5,000 from your tax bill and only owe $20,000.

There are a number of tax credits your business might qualify for, including:

•  Credit for Small-Business Health Insurance Premiums

•  Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave

•  Work Opportunity Credit

•  Credit for Increasing Research Activities

•  Disabled Access Credit

•  Credit for Employer-Provided Childcare Facilities and Services

•  New markets credit

The Takeaway

It takes hard work to establish and grow your business. Once you’re able to cover all your expenses, pay yourself a salary, and still have money left on the table, it may be time to consider putting that extra money into your business.

Reinvestment means pouring a percentage of your company’s profits back into your business. It can be a great way to increase the value of your company and to help your company grow. What’s more, reinvesting can reduce your business tax liability at the end of the year, for the ultimate win-win.

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How much is a small business able to make before paying taxes?

A small business generally must pay taxes on any profit it earns, but the specific amount before paying taxes depends on deductions, credits, and the business structure. For self-employed individuals, income over $400 is subject to self-employment tax, while other tax obligations vary by income and state laws.

What does the 20% business tax deduction do?

The 20% business tax deduction, part of the Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction, allows eligible small businesses to deduct up to 20% of their qualified business income from their taxable income. This reduces their overall tax liability, promoting business growth and investment.

What is a business write-off?

A business write-off is a tax deduction that allows businesses to subtract certain eligible expenses from their taxable income. Common write-offs include operating costs, rent, supplies, meals, startup expenses, employee salaries, and more. These deductions reduce the overall tax liability by lowering the business’s reported income.

Can you invest business profits to avoid taxes?

Yes, you can reinvest business profits into the company to reduce taxable income, but you cannot avoid taxes as a small business owner. While reinvesting can lower taxes, it doesn’t fully eliminate tax obligations, as profits are still subject to applicable tax laws and limits.

Photo credit: iStock/Andrii Yalanskyi

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How Much Does Your Credit Score Increase After Paying Off a Debt

Does Paying Off a Debt Increase Your Credit Score?

Whether you’re thinking about paying off a debt or mulling over how to increase your credit score — or both — it’s reasonable to ask if paying off debt helps your credit rating. The answer, though, is more complex than a simple yes or no.

Let’s unpack how paying off a debt can either raise or reduce your credit score, depending on the circumstance; how credit scores are calculated; and how managing your credit utilization can give you some control over your credit score.

How Paying Off a Debt Is Connected to Your Credit Score

What affects your credit score is on a lot of people’s mind. Your credit score is determined by five factors, some of which are weighted more than others. Paying off a debt can affect each of these factors in different ways, causing your score to rise or dip. Sometimes changes in two factors can even cancel each other out, leaving your score unchanged. This is why it’s hard to predict how paying off a debt will affect your credit.

A good first step is to find out your credit score. You may be able to get it for free through your bank, credit card issuer, or lender; through Experian; or by signing up for a free money tracker app.

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Credit Score Calculation Factors

According to FICO®, a credit rating company, these are the five factors commonly used to calculate your FICO Score:

•   Payment history (timely payments): 35%

•   Amounts owed (credit utilization): 30%

•   Length of credit history: 15%

•   New credit requests: 10%

•   Credit mix (installment versus revolving): 10%

Once FICO’s algorithm calculates your score, a credit score rating scale assigns it a category ranging from Poor to Exceptional. A higher number indicates to lenders that a person is a lower risk for default:

•   Exceptional: 800 to 850

•   Very Good: 740 to 799

•   Good: 670 to 739

•   Fair: 580 to 669

•   Poor: 300 to 579

As you can see, a Fair credit score falls between 580 and 669. A Poor or bad credit score falls between 300 and 579. The minimum credit score required to qualify for a loan is around 610 to 640, depending on the lender — meaning not everyone with a Fair score would qualify.

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Why a Credit Score Can Go Down After Paying Off a Debt

Paying off debt feels good and improves your financial situation. But it could also cause your credit score to drop. This negative impact can be due to changes in one or more factors, including:

•   credit utilization

•   credit mix

•   overall credit age

When you pay off a credit card and then close the account, you reduce your available credit and increase your credit utilization. Similarly, if you pay off your only car loan and close that account, you have one fewer type of account in your credit mix. Finally, paying off and closing an older account may reduce the average age of your overall credit history. (We’ll explore these scenarios in more detail below.)

While none of these things is “bad” in financial terms, it could temporarily count against you in the world of credit scores.

What Is Credit Utilization?

Now for a little more background on credit utilization. Credit utilization is a factor with revolving forms of credit, such as credit cards and lines of credit, where you can reuse the account up to your limit.

Your credit utilization rate, or ratio, is determined by dividing the sum of your credit limits by the sum of your current balances. So if someone has a $5,000 limit and is using $2,500, that’s a 50% credit utilization rate. Your rate should be kept below 30% to avoid a negative affect on your credit score.

What Is a Credit Mix?

Lenders like to see that an applicant can successfully handle different kinds of credit. This includes installment loans like mortgages, car loans, and personal loans, as well as revolving credit such as credit cards and lines of credit. If a person can manage both types of credit well, a lender will likely consider them less of a risk.

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How Credit Age Factors In

The length of your credit history demonstrates your experience in using credit. To lenders, the longer the better. When payments to an older account are on time, this combo reassures lenders that you will likely continue to make timely payments going forward.

New credit accounts can also lower your credit age. More important, opening or even applying for many new accounts in a short period of time may be a red flag to lenders that you could be in financial trouble. The application process also involves a hard credit inquiry, which can lower your credit score.

Sample Scenarios

Here are two examples of someone paying off a credit card. In one case, the credit score goes up. In another, it goes down.

Credit Utilization Goes Down / Credit Score Goes Up

Let’s say that someone has a credit utilization rate of 40%, which is negatively impacting their credit score. (Remember, below 30% is best.) When they make enough payments to bring their utilization rate down to 25%, this can boost their credit score.

Credit Mix and Age Go Down / Credit Score Goes Down

Now, let’s imagine that someone pays off the balance of their first and only credit card. This should help their utilization score! But wait: Then they close the account, and their average credit age drops. And since this is their only form of revolving credit, their credit mix has lost out, too.

Counterintuitively, paying off the card may make their credit score go down — at least in the short term.

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Paying Off a Loan Early vs Paying It on Schedule

People often wonder if it’s better to pay off a loan early, if you can. In the case of a personal loan, early payoff can lower the average age of someone’s credit history, possibly lowering their credit score.

But in reality, the impact will depend upon their overall credit situation. Paying the loan off according to the schedule will keep it open longer, which can help with their credit age. On the other hand, they’ll pay more in interest because the loan is still open.

If you’re in this situation, weigh the pros and cons before making the decision that’s best for you.

How Long Can It Take To See Your Credit Score Change?

According to the credit report agency TransUnion, credit reports are updated when lenders send them new information. In general, this happens every 30-45 days, though some lenders update more frequently.

If you’re concerned about your numbers, consider signing up for a credit score monitoring service. What qualifies as credit monitoring varies from company to company. Look for a one that sends alerts whenever your score changes for better or worse.

Recommended: What Is a Tri-Merge Credit Report?

The Takeaway

How paying off a debt affects someone’s credit score depends on the person’s overall credit profile. Paying off a credit card typically helps your credit score because the account remains open, lowering your credit utilization. Paying off a loan can hurt your score because the loan is then closed, potentially reducing your credit mix and age. Generally, though, borrowers shouldn’t let credit score concerns prevent them from taking actions that are in their financial interest.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

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How fast does your credit score increase after paying off a debt?

In fact, your credit score may dip for a short period after a debt is paid off. Lenders report new information to credit reporting agencies every 30-45 days, though some lenders update more frequently. Generally, you shouldn’t let concerns about your credit score prevent you from taking action that is in your best financial interest.

Is it best to pay off all debt before buying a house?

According to credit report agency Experian, it generally makes sense to pay off credit card debt before buying a home. Just know that in some circumstances, paying off a debt may temporarily reduce your credit score, which can affect the loan terms you qualify for. If you do pay off a credit card, consider keeping the account open until after you qualify for a loan.

How do you get an 800 credit score?

Pay bills on time, maintain a credit utilization rate under 30%, and effectively manage your credit history length, new credit requests, and credit mix. Although this won’t guarantee a score of 800, it can help you maximize yours.

Photo credit: iStock/Patcharapong Sriwichai

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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How To Remove a Closed Account from Your Credit Report

How to Remove a Closed Account from Your Credit Report

Just because you’ve closed an account, that doesn’t mean the information will automatically disappear from your credit report. That account can continue to impact your credit score for years — in good ways and not-so-good ways.

There are a few different things you can try if you want the account removed from your credit reports, but it may take some time. And since a closed account can sometimes have a beneficial effect on your credit score, you might decide it’s best to simply leave it alone.

Read on to learn more about how an account can continue to impact your credit even after it’s closed and how to get a closed account off your credit report.

What Happens When You Close an Account?

When you close an account, your credit reports will reflect the account’s new status. But information about the closed account — including how much you borrowed and your payment history — may still be used to calculate your credit score and inform lenders about your overall creditworthiness.

Even if you’ve paid every penny you owe, the account still may be included in your reports. And if you have an outstanding balance, you can expect payments and other activity to show up on your reports every month.

The Fair Credit Report Act — the federal law that regulates how consumer credit agencies handle and report information — allows the credit bureaus to include positive and negative information about closed accounts on a credit report for several years.

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How Can Closed Accounts Affect Your Credit?

Closing an account can affect your credit in ways both good and bad. Here’s a look at what can happen in the months and years after you close an account.

An Unexpected Credit Score Dip

Something that surprises a lot of people is that closing an account can actually have a negative impact on credit scores — even if the account was in good standing. That’s because closing an account can affect certain factors that go into calculating your FICO Score. The dip may be temporary (as long as you stay on track with managing your debt), but here’s what’s behind it:

Credit Utilization Ratio

Your credit utilization ratio represents the amount of your available credit that you’re currently using. It’s part of the “amounts owed” category, which determines 30% of your FICO Score.

If you close an account and the amount of credit available to you is reduced, that can affect your ratio. And a higher credit utilization ratio can mean a lower credit score.

Length of Credit History

Closing a long-held credit card account can also affect the “length of credit history” category, which accounts for 15% of your FICO Score. FICO looks at the age of your oldest account, the age of your newest account, and the average age of all your accounts. So closing an older account after you pay it off can lower your score.

Credit Mix

FICO also looks at your “credit mix” when it’s calculating your overall score, so it can help if you have both revolving debt (with a credit card or line of credit) and some type of installment debt (such as a student loan, personal loan, car loan, or mortgage). Your credit mix is 10% of your FICO Score.

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But There May Be Good News, Too

Should you still decide to close your account, there is some happy news: If you did a good job managing that particular credit card or loan, the information can stay on your credit reports for up to a decade, continuing to boost your credit score. However, the bump from a closed account may not be as significant as from an open one.

When Should You Remove a Closed Account from Your Credit Report?

Since information about a closed account in good standing can be a positive thing for both your credit reports and credit scores, you may decide it makes sense to bask in those benefits for as long as possible.

But if your closed account is littered with negative information that could make you look like a risk to lenders and potentially lower your credit scores, you may want to attempt having it removed from your credit reports. Any negative information — if you made late payments, defaulted, or the account went to collections — will stick around, and can lower your score for up to seven years.

There are a few different strategies you can try. If, for example, the closed account contains inaccurate or fraudulent information, or if the information is dated, you have a right to pursue having it removed. If you suspect that you’re a victim of identity theft, you may want to learn the differences between a credit lock vs. a credit freeze.

But if the negative information is accurate, you may have to appeal to that creditor to help you clean up your record. Or you can decide to wait it out, and the closed account will eventually come off your report.

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Steps for Removing a Closed Account from Your Credit Report

There are four basic strategies for removing a closed account from your credit report.

Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report

If you believe your credit report includes inaccurate, incomplete, or fraudulent information on an open or closed account:

Contact the Credit Bureaus

First, review the data on file with all three credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. (Or request a tri-merge credit report that combines the data from all three.)

Then contact the credit bureaus and explain why you’re disputing the information and include supporting documents. All three bureaus have a page just for this purpose on their website. Or you can download a dispute form, fill it out, and mail it in. Either way, following the recommended format will help ensure you include all necessary data.

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Contact the Company That Furnished the Information

Contact the bank, credit card company, or business that provided the disputed information to the credit bureaus. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) offers instructions and a sample letter to assist with this process. If you suspect the inaccurate information could be the result of identity theft, you can find help through the Federal Trade Commission at IdentityTheft.gov.

Wait for a Fix

The credit bureaus typically have 30 calendar days (45 in some situations) to look into your dispute. Once the investigation is complete, they have five business days to let you know, and you should receive a copy of your updated credit report.

If they don’t agree the information should be removed, you can send a letter and ask that they note the dispute on future reports. You also can send a complaint to the CFPB or contact an attorney.

Write a Goodwill Letter or Pay-for-Delete Letter

Although a creditor isn’t required to remove negative information from your credit reports, you can try writing a goodwill or pay-for-delete letter asking for their help.

Not much of a writer? You can try calling instead. Either way, be prepared to plead your case clearly and respectfully.

Goodwill Letter

A goodwill letter can give you an opportunity to explain to a creditor why you fell behind on your payments and why you’re hoping to get the negative information removed from future credit reports.

If you’ve been a long-standing customer (or can manage to write a heartstring-tugging letter), you may be able to convince the financial institution or business to help you turn over a new leaf.

Pay-for-Delete Letter

If the closed account still has a balance, you may be able to use a pay-for-delete letter as an incentive to get it removed from your credit reports. This strategy involves offering to pay the outstanding balance in exchange for getting the account off your reports.

Wait for the Account to Come Off on Its Own

It may feel like a lifetime, but negative information can be listed for only seven years. So you may decide just to wait it out.

If the information is still on your reports after the seven-year mark, you can use the dispute process to have it removed.

Establishing Healthy Credit Habits for the Future

Watching your credit score take a dip after you close an account can be frustrating. But practicing good financial habits going forward can go a long way toward bolstering your credit scores. Here are a few steps to consider:

Make Timely Payments

Payment history makes up 35% of your FICO Score, so if you want to boost your score, it’s critical to pay your bills on time.

Keep Your Credit Utilization Low

Because credit utilization is another important factor that goes into calculating your credit score, it’s a good idea to keep credit card balances low. Don’t let a high limit on a card or line of credit tempt you into spending more than you can manage.

Let Your Credit Accounts Age Gracefully

It may be tempting to cancel a credit card you’ve finally managed to pay off. But since your credit score is partially based on the age of your accounts, it may make more sense to keep open an account that’s in good standing.

Track Your Spending

If you like the convenience of using credit and debit cards to pay for purchases, but you tend to lose sight of your spending, a money tracker app like SoFi can help you see exactly where your money is going, so you aren’t just winging it month to month.

Monitor Your Credit

If you aren’t monitoring your credit, you may not have any idea what your credit score is. By using an app like SoFi, which has free credit monitoring, you can check your score regularly. You also can request a free copy of your credit report once a year from each of the three credit bureaus via AnnualCreditReport.com.

Be Vigilant Regarding Credit Report Errors and Fraud

In order to dispute problems on your credit report, you have to know what to look for. Learning how to read your credit report can help save you from more serious financial trouble.

Familiarizing yourself with the various sections might help you spot common credit report errors and potential fraud.

The Takeaway

Closed accounts aren’t automatically removed from credit reports. The credit bureaus may keep information from a closed account on your reports for years: seven years for negative information and ten years for positive info. However, you can request to have the account removed if you file a dispute and can show the information is inaccurate. Other strategies include writing a “goodwill” letter, a “pay-to-delete” letter, and contacting the creditor directly. It’ll take time, but persistence often pays off.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

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Can you remove a closed account from your credit report?

Unless information about a closed account is inaccurate, it may appear on your credit report for years. But there are strategies that can help you with getting the information removed or updated.

How long does it take for a closed account to be removed from a credit report?

It can take up to seven years for negative information from a closed account to come off a credit report. And it can take up to 10 years before positive information goes away.

Will paying off a closed account help a credit score?

Your credit reports will continue to include negative information about a closed account for up to seven years. But if you follow through and pay off the debt, the change in the account’s status can be noted on your reports. And if you’ve lowered the amount of debt you’re carrying by paying off the account, it can help improve your credit score.

Photo credit: iStock/fizkes

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Non affiliation: SoFi isn’t affiliated with any of the companies highlighted in this article.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Does a Background Check Include a Credit Check from a Potential Employer

Does a Background Check for Employment Include a Credit Check?

Employers can approach background checks in different ways. In some cases, credit reports are included. A job background check may include a credit check in certain industries, such as banking and security. The size of the company can be a factor, too: Large corporations are more likely to conduct a credit check than a small family business.

We’ll walk through the specifics of when an employment background check may include a credit check, why potential employers want this information, and what financial data they have access to.

What Are Credit Checks?

A credit check is a request to see your financial data as collected by one of the three major credit reporting bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Credit reports contain information about past and existing credit accounts, payment patterns, and how much debt you’re carrying.

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), only certain individuals and organizations have the right to check credit histories, such as lenders, insurance agents, and landlords. Potential employers can also conduct a credit check for employment purposes, with your permission.

Sometimes credit checks are conducted to confirm a consumer’s identity — and head off identity fraud — rather than to investigate your financial history. For instance, banks may run a limited credit check on customers looking to open a checking account.

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Credit Check vs Background Check

A background check contains identification verification information along with data from criminal records, educational and employment backgrounds, civil records, driving history, and more. In some instances, a background check may also contain a credit check.

The Importance of Good Credit

A good credit history primarily makes it easier to get approved for a loan and to qualify for better interest rates and loan terms. The higher the score, the less someone will pay in interest over their lifetime, potentially saving them money in the long run.

Good credit can also help renters qualify for an apartment. In some cities, renters routinely provide a credit reference with their rental application. While there’s no minimum credit score needed to rent an apartment, a strong credit history shows landlords that you’re someone who pays their bills on time.

Employers may also check your credit if you’ve applied for a job. Having good credit without any red flags can make the hiring process go more smoothly. However, some cities and many states have banned this protocol or put limits on it.

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Why Employers Look at Your Credit Score

An employer may run a credit check on a job applicant whom they’re seriously considering hiring. Employer credit checks are more common in industries where employees handle money or have access to customers’ financial data.

By conducting credit checks, businesses hope to confirm that an applicant demonstrates financial responsibility and doesn’t pose a security risk to the company, other employees, or customers.


A credit report shows how responsibly an applicant has handled their own money. If there are any red flags, the employer may not want to hire that person to handle company funds or take on other important responsibilities.


A credit report can be used to verify your identity along with other pieces of background information. If there are discrepancies that can’t be easily cleared up, that’s a red flag.

What a Credit Report May Tell an Employer

The information in a credit report can include employment history as well as red flags such as late payments, debts sent to collections, foreclosures, liens, lawsuits, and judgments.

Employment History

Your complete employment history is not included in a credit report. Past and current employers may appear on your credit report, but only if you listed them on a loan or credit card application. Typically, if a lender wants your employment history, they will ask you for it directly.

Late Payments

Credit reports contain information about current and historical credit accounts, including installment loans (mortgages, car loans, personal loans) and revolving credit (credit cards and lines of credit). The reports typically contain information from the past seven to ten years, including a person’s payment history and whether credit accounts are paid up to date or are past due.

Debt Collection

Once someone is behind on payments — at least 120 days — the lender may send the account to a collections agency. These agencies attempt to collect on the bill. This can have a significant impact on your credit score, since making payments on time is the biggest factor in the algorithm that determines your credit score.

Debt Charge-Off

If a company you owe money decides they can’t collect the funds, they can “charge off” the amount as uncollectible. This may stay on your credit report for seven years, starting with the delinquency date that ultimately led to the charge-off. A debt charge-off typically lowers the person’s credit score even more than going to collections.


When a homeowner misses multiple mortgage payments, the lender may take possession of the home, or “foreclose” upon it. This remains on a credit report for seven years, starting with the first missed payment that ultimately led to the foreclosure. This can significantly reduce someone’s credit score — although the impact may diminish over time — and can be a red flag for employers.

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A tax lien is a claim that you owe money for taxes, usually federal, state, or property tax. Tax liens no longer appear on credit reports by the three major credit bureaus, and they can’t affect your credit. They are, however, available on public records. If an employer conducts a full background check, they can still receive this information.

Lawsuits and Judgments

Just like tax liens, judgments from lawsuits are not included in credit reports or factored into a credit score. An employer that conducts a background check, though, will likely receive this information because it’s part of public records.

How to Prepare for an Employer Credit Check

Every consumer should be aware of what information is available on their credit report. You can request your credit report and find out your credit score for free at AnnualCreditReport.com.

Review your report for errors. Even small typos — like misspelling your name — could present problems down the line. Report inaccuracies to the relevant credit bureaus via their online dispute process to have them corrected or removed.

You may also consider signing up for a credit monitoring service. What qualifies as credit monitoring varies from company to company. Look for a service or a money tracker app that sends customers alerts whenever their credit score changes, accounts are opened or closed, and red flags appear on their credit history.

If you’ve had financial problems in the past but have turned things around, be prepared to explain to your potential employer how you’ve accomplished that.

Recommended: What Is a Tri-Merge Credit Report?

Credit Check Limitations

Credit reports contain a lot of private financial information. However, you can feel secure knowing that there are strict limits to what can be included. The following information cannot appear on your credit report:

•   Account balances for checking, savings, and investments

•   Records of purchases made

•   Income information

•   Judgments and tax liens

•   Medical information (physical and mental), although money owed to a doctor or hospital can appear

•   Marital status

•   Disabilities

•   Race and ethnicity

•   Religious affiliations

•   Political affiliations

Does an Employer Credit Check Hurt Your Credit Score?

No. Employers conduct what is known as a “soft credit inquiry” or soft pull. Because the credit check isn’t the result of applying for a new loan or credit card, the request probably won’t appear on your credit report and it won’t affect your score.

What Are Your Legal Rights as a Job Applicant?

According to federal law, job applicants have the right to:

•   know what is in their file

•   ask for a credit score

•   dispute incorrect or incomplete information

•   be told if information in the file is used against them

An employer or potential employer must get written consent before they can request credit report information (the trucking industry is an exception). Some cities and many states have banned or put limits on an employer’s ability to check your credit report.

The Takeaway

Employers may run credit checks on applicants as part of the hiring process. By conducting credit checks, businesses hope to confirm that an applicant demonstrates financial responsibility and doesn’t pose a security risk to the company, other employees, and customers. Credit checks are more common at large corporations and in industries where employees handle money or have access to customers’ financial data. You can prepare for an employer credit check by requesting your report and correcting any errors. You may also want to use a credit score monitoring service to keep tabs on any changes.

Take control of your finances with SoFi. With our financial insights and credit score monitoring tools, you can view all of your accounts in one convenient dashboard. From there, you can see your various balances, spending breakdowns, and credit score. Plus you can easily set up budgets and discover valuable financial insights — all at no cost.

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Why do background checks include credit reports?

Information found in a credit report can give the employer a sense of the job applicant’s financial stability. This may be especially important if the job involves handling money, financial data, or pharmaceuticals. Some industries that routinely pull credit checks on applicants include banking, retail, insurance, public safety, and security.

Does a background check include a hard credit check?

No. A background check with a credit check involves a soft inquiry, so it won’t affect your credit score.

What causes a red flag on a background check?

Criminal records, suspicious credit histories, inconsistencies in information provided, and gaps in employment history can be considered red flags in a background check.

Photo credit: iStock/serggn

SoFi Relay offers users the ability to connect both SoFi accounts and external accounts using Plaid, Inc.’s service. When you use the service to connect an account, you authorize SoFi to obtain account information from any external accounts as set forth in SoFi’s Terms of Use. Based on your consent SoFi will also automatically provide some financial data received from the credit bureau for your visibility, without the need of you connecting additional accounts. SoFi assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, deletion, non-delivery or failure to store any user data, loss of user data, communications, or personalization settings. You shall confirm the accuracy of Plaid data through sources independent of SoFi. The credit score is a VantageScore® based on TransUnion® (the “Processing Agent”) data.

Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website .

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.


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Many Small Business Owners Reporting Sleepless Nights

For the 33.2 million small business owners in America, a good night’s rest may be hard to come by.

Many entrepreneurs struggle with cash flow, but today’s higher prices and interest rates can make keeping the business on track, not to mention securing a business loan, pretty challenging. Those worries hit hard at night, with 85% of small business owners saying they are losing sleep over financing, according to a recent survey of owners conducted for SoFi.

“Almost every day there is a constant worry about funding,” said Amy Wampler, CEO at Spartan Mechanical in Bedford, Indiana. “I find it hard to sleep at night because of the issue of managing cash flow. It is so stressful that, during off-seasons, I might not have enough money to cover all our bills.”

Small Business Quote

America says it loves small business. When asked about their views on U.S. institutions, an overwhelming portion of Americans (86%) have positive views of small businesses, according to the findings of a 2024 PEW Research Center study.

But what the admirers may fail to realize is this is not always an easy path for the owners, especially in recent years. In our survey, 25% of the entrepreneurs say they are dissatisfied with the current financial situation of their small business.

When Small Business Owners Are Searching for Loans: An Interesting Trend

“To put it frankly, small businesses have to do the same things corporations do to stay afloat, but with a fraction of the budget and team,” said Brooke Webber, head of marketing and executive team member at Ninja Patches. “This dilemma is part of what keeps me up at night.”

Brooke Webber Quote

Our analysis of small-business-owners’ nocturnal stress began with data spotted on Google Trends. We looked at searches for “small business loans” and were struck with the fact that it peaked in the middle of the night. Not only did we see that middle-of-the-night anxiety hits hard, we discovered precisely when it hits hardest.

Based on data gathered from Google Trends for more than 120 days between October 2023 and April 2024, the average peak search interest for “small business loan” was at 4:50 AM Central Time.

This surprising revelation led us to dig deeper into the question: Why are small business owners searching for small business loan information in the wee hours of the morning?

Small Business Owner Concerns

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy, a small business is an independent business having fewer than 500 employees. Over the last ten years, those small businesses have employed an average of 46% of the country’s workforce.

But the stakes are high. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that approximately 20% of new businesses fail within the first two years of operation.

For our research on small business challenges, we heard from 1,000 adults (18+) in the U.S. who were owners or partners of a business employing 50 people or less.

What Keeps Owners Up at Night

In the survey, the respondents said these issues keep them up at night (more than one response was possible):

•   41%: Cash flow management

•   40%: Competition in the market

•   38%: Marketing and customer acquisition

•   21%: Employee-related concerns

•   17%: Regulatory compliance*

But more than anything else, it seems that financing questions make people turn on their computers or smartphones at night. Half of small business owners said they search online for information about small business loans at least monthly, according to our survey. And 30% said they search online for this info at least weekly.

What Small Business Owners Search For
* We rounded percentages to the nearest whole number, so some data sets may not add up exactly to 100%.

Concerns for Funding and Capital

Small Business Owners Primary Concerns About Funding

New small business owners often need to borrow money to buy equipment and supplies, pay employees, and otherwise finance their operations. In our survey, about three out of four small business owners said they have some level of concern about securing funding for their business, and 18% said they are “very concerned.”

When we asked which was the primary worry about small business funding they dealt with, the answers broke down this way:

•   38%: Insufficient capital for growth

•   30%: High interest rates

•   15%: Fear of rejection

•   11%: Complex loan application process

“As a bootstrapped business, I frequently worry about funding, especially during critical phases of development,” said Axel Lavergne, Founder of Review Flowz. “The most troubling aspect is ensuring we have sufficient cash flow to cover operational expenses, development costs, and marketing efforts without external financial backing.”

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Sourcing and Applying for Loans

In our survey, 40% of small business owners said they’ve applied for a small business loan.

For some of them, getting a loan was a game changer.

“It was quite the journey—wading through the sea of paperwork and convincing the powers-that-be of our growth potential,” said Eugene Klimaszewski, Founder of Mammoth Security Inc.“ “But in the end, it paid off. We were able to funnel those funds into state-of-the-art security systems, giving our services a serious upgrade.”

Amanda Dimova Quote

For those who said they had difficulty seeking financing, the obstacles ranged from the entrepreneurs saying the lenders didn’t understand their business to the complexity of the loan process. One respondent said, “I applied for an SBA loan, and the process was so cumbersome that I again opted to personally fund.”

Challenges Faced by Small Business Loan Applicants

Here’s how the challenges break down when we asked respondents what problems they faced during the loan application process (responses given by the 40% who’ve applied for a loan and more than one choice was possible):

•   47%: revenue or asset amount requirements

•   40%: Credit score issues

•   40%: Lengthy approval times

•   39%: Documentation requirements

•   33%: Business maturity (length of time business has been in operation)

•   31%: Lack of transparency in terms and conditions

Recommended: 15 Types of Small Business Loans

Alternative Funding Options

Owners often find alternatives to small business loans to boost their company, whether it’s microloans, family help, or investors.

Alternative Funding Options

In our survey, one-third of small business owners (33%) said they have explored alternative funding options like crowdfunding or peer-to-peer lending. Of those, less than half (41%) have found a suitable option. And another one-third (33%) haven’t explored alternative options, but said that they plan to.

When Businesses Suffer

A lack of funding has caused some business owners to cancel or delay certain business initiatives, according to our survey.

Cancelled or Delayed Business Initiatives

When asked which initiatives they had to put a stop to or push back because of lack of funding, the owners said:

•   39%: Business expansion

•   39% Purchasing assets

•   36% Marketing

•   28% Hiring employees

•   18% Research and development

•   13% Acquisitions or partnerships

•   13% Meeting compliance standards

“The real crunch is making sure we’ve got the funds to stay ahead and make waves in the
fast-paced gaming world, said Marin Christian-Ovidiu, CEO of Online Games. “The price tag for creating and releasing a new game is hefty, and any hiccup in financing can throw off our schedules and put us behind in the race.”

Recommended: Unemployment Rates by City

The Takeaway

After seeing that on Google Trends the average peak search interest for “small business loan” was at 4:50 AM Central Time, we surveyed 1,000 small business owners and found that 85% say they are losing sleep over worries about financing.

In the survey on small business challenges, when asked which was the primary worry about small business funding they dealt with, the answers broke down this way: Insufficient capital for growth (38%), high interest rates: (30%), fear of rejection (15%), and complex loan application process (11%).

If you’re seeking financing for your small business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

If you’re seeking financing for your business, SoFi can help. On SoFi’s marketplace, you can shop top providers today to access the capital you need. Find a personalized business financing option today in minutes.

With SoFi’s marketplace, it’s fast and easy to search for your small business financing options.

SoFi's marketplace is owned and operated by SoFi Lending Corp. See SoFi Lending Corp. licensing information below. Advertising Disclosures: SoFi receives compensation in the event you obtain a loan through SoFi’s marketplace. This affects whether a product or service is featured on this site and could affect the order of presentation. SoFi does not include all products and services in the market. All rates, terms, and conditions vary by provider.

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.

Third-Party Brand Mentions: No brands, products, or companies mentioned are affiliated with SoFi, nor do they endorse or sponsor this article. Third-party trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

External Websites: The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third-party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.


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