How to Build a Credit Card Payoff Plan

Got credit card debt? You’re certainly not the only one. Americans owe a total of $905 billion n in credit card debt alone. Finding your way out of credit card debt can be pretty stressful. But maybe the energy you’re expending watching your balance creep up could be better spent devising a payoff plan.

Paying off credit card debt is a crucial step toward saving for the future. Credit card debt, unfortunately, might slow you down if you’re saving for a house, or trying to open your own business. That’s why knocking out credit card debt now may help your finances in the long run.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your monthly credit card payments, creating a debt payoff plan is an excellent way to reclaim control over your debt and your financial life. Even if you’re making multiple debt payments every month, having a plan to get through it all may put you at ease. This guide will help you make a step-by-step plan to getting debt-free.

Organize Your Budget

Before you clean up your debt, you first have to organize it. Start by figuring out your monthly income after taxes, your non-negotiable expenses, and the debt payments you have to make each month.

And when you’re writing this all down, make sure you include every debt, from your student loan payments to that $500 medical bill you you’re paying off over the next few months. When you’re writing out your expenses, don’t forget about utilities, groceries, gas, and your designated take-out budget.

This is a good time to check if there are expenses in your budget that you could easily cut out. Maybe just in going through your bank statements, you’ve noticed you’re spending too much on eating out. To help you easily track your spending, sign up for SoFi Relay. You can keep tabs on your cash flow and spending habits so you know where you stand.

Or perhaps you could save some cash by shopping at a less expensive grocery store, or using public transportation more. The more excess spending you can shave from your budget, the easier it can be to put more money toward your credit card debt.

Based on your monthly expenses, figure out how much money you are able to contribute to your credit card debt each month. If you are just paying the minimum on your credit card each month, determine how much additional cash you could contribute to your debt each month.

Then factor it right into your budget. If you plan to pay $400 toward your credit card debt each month, for example, and you get paid twice a month, maybe you get into the habit of always paying $200 to your credit card debt the day after you get paid.

Choose a Debt Payoff Method

For some of us, our credit card debt isn’t on one card, but is instead spread out over multiple cards. You can either order your credit card debts from smallest to largest (i.e., “The Snowball Method”) or from highest to lowest interest rate.

If you want to use the Snowball Method, you’re going to pay your smallest credit card debt off first, and then turn your attention toward the next smallest, and so on. By ordering your debts from smallest to largest, you build momentum, because you’re potentially knocking out debts more often.

When you are working on paying off your smallest credit card debt, you may want to put any extra resources you have toward getting rid of that debt. In the meantime, don’t forget to pay the minimum balance due to the rest of your credit cards.

On the flip side, the advantage of paying off your credit card debt starting with the highest interest rate card is pretty straight forward: It saves you the most money. Why? Because the cards with the highest interest rates are, naturally, costing you more.

If you want to pay your debt off in the most cost-effective way, start with the highest interest rate credit card, while paying the minimum balance on all the other cards. Once you’re done with the highest interest rate card, turn your debt payoff attention to the next highest interest rate card. Continue until you’re credit card debt free.

And don’t forget to put extra cash toward your debt when you can. Paying additional money toward your debt is called “The Snowflake Method”—there’s a lot of snow analogies when it comes to debt payoff). Holiday bonuses? Put it toward your debt. Birthday cash? Right to your credit card payment. Tax return? Instead of springing for a vacation, re-route that cash to your credit card.

Consolidating Your Credit Card Debt

If you’re not a number cruncher, complicated debt repayment methods might create more stress than they’re worth. Instead of these methods, you could consider replacing your multiple credit cards with a single credit card consolidation loan. That would mean making one monthly payment, instead of trying to keep up with paying off multiple credit cards.

By taking out a personal loan, it’s finally possible to focus on paying off one bill with one fixed interest rate and a set loan term. Depending on your financial history, you could qualify for a much lower interest rate on a personal loan than you’re paying on your credit cards. And paying your credit card debt off with a low-rate personal loan could help simplify and expedite your credit card debt payoff plan.

Got credit card debt? Learn more about how SoFi personal loans can help you get out from under your credit card debt.

SoFi doesn’t provide tax or legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique. Consult with a qualified tax advisor or attorney.
The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.
Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website on credit.
The information provided is not meant to provide investment, tax or financial advice. Investment decisions should be based on an individual’s specific financial needs, goals and risk profile. Advisory and automated services offered through SoFi Wealth LLC. An SEC registered investment advisor. SoFi Securities LLC, member FINRA / SIPC .

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Understanding Current Personal Loan Interest Rates

Most consumers are aware of major types of loans, like mortgages, auto loans, and student loans. But there’s another type of loan that’s becoming increasingly popular as consumers seek out attractive rates and terms: personal loans. Though this kind of loan may enjoy less brand recognition, personal loan rates have become more competitive, and more popular as a result.

Average personal loan balances are expected to rise to nearly $8,000 by the end of this year, even as delinquency rates remain low.

Rising balances mean more money is available to customers who qualify for a personal loan and could use a cash infusion—or want to take advantage of competitive personal loan rates by using them to pay off existing loans at a lower interest rate. But what does it mean for the economy?

Take a superficial glance at household debt in the U.S., and you’ll notice that our current debt has exceeded 2008 levels. A closer look, however, makes it clear that the borrower profile in 2017 is much healthier than it was a decade ago. There is less housing debt now, and more loans are going to borrowers with good credit.

At the same time, bankruptcy has reached record lows, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of New York report released in May 2017.

And those personal loans? In order to figure out if they’re right for you, you need a comprehensive understanding of personal loan rates, including how they’re calculated, and whether they’re compatible with your financial timeline. Here’s some more info on personal loan rates.

How Personal Loan Rates Are Determined

Lenders use several factors to determine the interest rate on a personal loan, including details about your financial background and about the loan itself. What kind of financial questions can you expect?

Well, when lenders talk about a borrower’s creditworthiness, they’re usually referring to elements of your financial background such as your credit history, your income and employment, how much debt you already have, and whether you have a cosigner.

The loan terms can also affect the rate; for example, the size of the loan or how long you want to take the loan out for often affects personal loan rates. (Loan term is something borrowers should be thinking about as well. A longer loan term might sound appealing because it makes each monthly payment lower, but it’s important to understand that a longer-term loan may cost you significantly more over time due to interest charges.)

While borrower qualifications and loan type are the main factors lenders use to determine personal loan rates, borrowers also need to consider another essential question: Which lender is the best fit when they all offer different personal loan rates?

Average Personal Loan Interest Rates

The average interest rate for two-year personal loans from commercial banks was 10%, as of May 2017. Though there are several factors that determine personal loan rates (see more on this above), one of the big ones is credit history. A lower credit score generally means you can expect a higher interest rate on your personal loan.

If the interest rate is higher, the terms of your loan are likely to be less favorable, because taking out a personal loan with a higher rate means you’ll ultimately have more money to pay back than someone who takes out the same loan with a lower rate.

Borrowers with poor credit may face a loan rate as high as 36% APR, which in many cases is the highest rate that can legally be applied to personal loans.

How to Calculate Personal Loan Rates

There are many personal loan calculators available online, but you need some basic information about the kind of loan you’re looking for before you can use any of them. Loan calculators typically ask for your desired loan amount and loan term, and they may ask you to put in other details, such as your ideal interest rate and loan start date, your location, or your estimated credit rating.

Once you put in the requested information, the calculator can tell you your estimated monthly payment and possibly the total payment due, the payoff date, and the personal loan rate you’d be likely to get.

To find out how a SoFi personal loan can save you money by helping you pay off high-interest debt, the SoFi personal loan calculator can help. No matter which loan calculator you use, keep in mind that these are rough estimates and may not match the actual rates you receive when a lender has conducted a more complete loan review.

How Personal Loan Rates Compare to Home Equity Rates

A home equity line of credit, or HELOC, requires homeowners to put up their homes as collateral so they can access a revolving line of credit. It has traditionally been an adjustable-rate loan, meaning the interest rate changes and can rise during the repayment period.

The loan can be used for expenses such as large purchases or home renovations. HELOC borrowers can borrow up to their approved credit limit (which usually amounts to most of their home’s equity, depending on their qualifications) and pay interest on the amount they withdraw.

For personal loans, typically borrowers don’t need to put up a home or other collateral to get the money, and they can choose a fixed or variable rate. A HELOC loan is a secured loan, which means it requires collateral, whereas a personal loan is typically an unsecured loan, which takes collateral completely out of the equation.

If you’re unable to pay back a secured loan, the bank can seize your collateral, which in the case of a HELOC loan is your house. Therefore, a personal loan can be safer because you don’t have to put valuable collateral on the line.

Apply for a SoFi personal loan today. We offer loans with zero fees and low rates.

The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

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Getting Your Home Office Setup Off the Ground

An increasing number of workers in the United States are telecommuting, ranging from those who are self-employed entrepreneurs to those employed by companies that permit, endorse, or even require telecommuting.

Telecommuting advantages are numerous. Remote workers don’t have a long commute to the office (no commute at all, actually), which allows them to get to work quickly and easily. When they arrive, they won’t get distracted by water cooler gossip, and they can work with the sniffles without infecting anyone else. Because they don’t need to drive to work, they use less gas, which helps the environment and is a money saver.

This arrangement can work well across generations. Millennials have been called the driving force behind telecommuting, but it’s an ideal arrangement for older workers who need more flexibility in their schedules but aren’t yet ready to retire.

Overall, remote workers can focus on the job at hand in a quiet space, set up in a way that allows them to be as productive as possible.

Simple Home Office Room Ideas

Here’s the beauty of telecommuting: home office organization can be arranged according to your needs and preferences. While your coworkers have to deal with the noisy plight of open-office floor plans, you have the flexibility to organize your home workspace in a way that suits you.

Start by choosing the best room in your home for your office. Options range from transforming a spare bedroom to using a section of the basement—some even construct a separate outbuilding. What about an attic remodel to create private office space that’s separate from the rest of your house? You can even add your own office bathroom.

After you’ve decided where you’ll put your office, determine the big-picture layout. You’ll want to include a desk, for sure. How about a couch? A physical board where you can post calendars and documents? Built-in cabinets? If you will regularly (or even occasionally) have clients come to your home office, where will they sit? What will make them feel comfortable?

Strategically determine how and where to place lighting. “Poor lighting,” notes an article in The Spruce , “can reduce your energy, dampen morale, produce eyestrain and headaches, and ultimately impair your ability to work effectively.” This isn’t an area where it makes sense to skimp, so ensure you’re getting enough light in a way that doesn’t produce glare. The article notes how natural light adds unique benefits. How would adding extra windows—or even a skylight—transform your home office?

Heating and cooling is crucial, because you need to be comfortable to work at your best. And again, if you will be seeing clients there, even sporadically, appropriate heating and cooling is doubly important.

Since you’re going to be spending a good portion of your day in your office, you’ll want to make it look attractive. Should you wallpaper? Or paint and add eye-catching borders? Install plush carpeting or hardwood flooring? Add hardwood cabinets that are functional and beautiful? What pictures would add just the right finishing touches?

Making Your Home Office Comfortable

Ergonomic design can help to prevent stress and strain, and this includes how and where you put your computer, printer, keyboard, mouse and any other equipment you’ll have around your office and on your desk. The Mayo Clinic offers ergonomic office room ideas, including ensuring there is clearance room for your knees beneath your desk. If the desk is too low and you can’t adjust its height, put sturdy blocks beneath the desk legs. Too high? Raise your chair. You can even pad any hard edges on your desk.

The Mayo Clinic also advises readers to keep your mouse within easy reach, on the same surface as your keyboard. Adjust mouse sensitivity so only a light touch is needed. Don’t forget to find the perfect desk chair. Make sure the chair you select offers the support you might need, feels comfortable, and comes with a decent warranty.

Cost of a New Home Office Setup

How much will your new office cost? It depends on a few factors, including the square footage of the space, whether you’ll need to add a new wall to create dedicated office space, whether your wiring is sufficient for the added lighting and equipment, whether your heating and cooling system in your home is sufficient, and so forth.

An article on offers some general guidance on what you might expect to pay. Here are a few of their 2018 pricing estimates:

•  New wall and accompanying insulation: $1,500
•  Single room rewiring cost: $1,400
•  Flooring:
      •  $2 to $5 per square foot for carpeting
      •  $3 to $18 per square foot for hardwood flooring
•  Skylight: $2,500
•  New fireplace: $,3000 points out how the “success of modern home offices, especially in high-tech industries, depends on your electronic devices.” And, really, how many jobs today don’t rely to some degree on electronic devices? Very few.

In fact, one of the technologies that makes telecommuting possible is videoconferencing. So a fast and effective computer network is typically at the heart of today’s home offices. shares that the national average for installing this network in a home office is $370.

Installing new phone jacks and associated wiring costs, on average: $164. This site also points out the value of having built-in bookshelves to give your home office a touch of sophistication. For that, figure a potential cost of about $2,293 .

Understanding the Home Office Tax Write Off

First and foremost, you’ll want to talk to your accountant before taking advantage of any home office deductions. In advance of meeting with your accountant, you can find some information about home office write offs at , including possible ways you might be eligible to deduct a portion of your mortgage payment or rent for some renovations, along with other home-related expenses.

MileIQ explains that your home office needs to be a dedicated workspace—separate from your bedroom and living space—and used exclusively for business purposes to potentially qualify for a home office tax write off.

If you’re interested in deducting home office expenses, it’s important that you keep detailed records, including how much mortgage (or rent) you pay for your home office. (If you do rent, you may want to have a copy of your lease handy when you go see your accountant.)

Also, it’s probably a good idea to keep proof of any property tax amounts you’ve paid, along with your utility payment costs, relevant insurance payments, and any other expenses that may play a role in your home office deductions.

And you can always go to the source and see what the IRS has to say about home office deductions for the current tax year.

Funding Your Home Office Setup

If you don’t have savings to invest in a setup right away, a personal loan can be a great way to fund home renovations for an office space. If one qualifies, personal loans can be used to renovate and create a new office in your home.

If you qualify for a low interest personal loan, it could be a much more attractive option than using high-interest credit cards to fund your home office setup (or continuing to pay bills and manage your finances from your couch).

Plus, when you take out a personal loan, your home is not used as collateral—unlike a home equity line of credit. Because a personal loan is not a lien on your home, you also can get the funds in a lump sum and pay your contractors as various aspects of your home renovation are completed.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be enjoying the comforts of your home office. A personal loan from can help fund many home renovations—and it takes two minutes to find your rate!

The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.
SoFi does not render tax or legal advice. Individual circumstances are unique and we recommend that you consult with a qualified tax advisor for your specific needs.

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What to Know About the Parent PLUS Loan Program

Parent PLUS loans can be an important tool when it comes to funding your child’s college degree. When your child has gotten back his or her financial aid offer and counted their Stafford loans and Pell Grants, you might find you fall a little short. After all, the Department of Education’s budget doesn’t always account for skyrocketing college fees. That’s why the Parent PLUS loan program has gained popularity over the last 30 years. In 2017, there were around 3.5 million Parent PLUS borrowers ; the average Parent PLUS package is around $15,880 a year. Stafford loans may not cover the total cost of college; Parent PLUS loans can help fill in the gaps.

So what exactly are Parent PLUS loans? They are simply loans issued by the federal government for graduate students or parents of undergraduates. What makes them different from any other type of federal student loans? Unless you’re applying for them as a grad student, these loans are issued in the parent’s name, not the student’s. Financial responsibility, therefore, lies solely with the parent and any cosigners, not the child.

The nitty-gritty details can be a lot to handle. That’s why we made you this Parent PLUS loans guide—we’ll take you through how to apply, how much you could receive, and how much you could pay in interest.

What are Parent PLUS loans?

Parent PLUS loans (also known as Direct PLUS loans) are federal loans offered to parents of undergraduate students. Graduate students are also eligible for Direct PLUS loans, although in the case of grad students, the students themselves who apply for the loan. The interest rate for Parent PLUS loans is set once a year, and because these are fixed-rate loans, the interest rate doesn’t change throughout the life of the loan.

At the moment, the interest rate for Parent PLUS loans is about 7.6% . There is also a loan fee on all Direct PLUS Loans; as of October 1, 2018 that fee will be nearly 4.25% of the loan amount (which is deducted from each loan disbursement proportionately).

How much can I borrow?

The maximum amount you can borrow for a Parent PLUS loan is simply the cost of attendance (as determined by your child’s school), minus any grants or scholarships (or any other financial aid) your child may have received.

How do I get a PLUS loan?

Before applying for a PLUS loan, you will need to fill out and submit a FAFSA® to see what additional aid your child may qualify for. After that, the financial aid process really depends on the school in question. You may want to call the financial aid office of your child’s school before you apply for a PLUS loan, since different schools require different information. Many colleges will require you to fill out the application online. Note: This application takes about 20 minutes to fill out, and it will include a credit check.

What happens if I get rejected?

If your PLUS loan application is rejected based on what they call “adverse credit history,” you may still have options. You can seek out an endorser—which is someone who qualifies and who will agree to pay the loan back in the event that you are unable to. In addition, if you don’t qualify for a PLUS loan on your own, you will be required to go through PLUS credit counseling .

If there are extenuating circumstances impacting your credit history, you can submit documentation to support your appeal to the Department of Education (they provide a list of extenuating circumstances they will recognize if you’re having trouble getting approved for a Parent PLUS loan.)

If you continue to get rejected, your child may be eligible for other unsubsidized federal loans as a result. Consult with a qualified financial aid advisor for details.

When do I have to start repaying?

As a Parent PLUS loan borrower, you will have to start paying back the loan as soon as the entire amount is disbursed. You can, however, request to defer payment while your child is in school—as long as they are enrolled at least part-time. You can even request a six-month grace period once your child finishes school or drops below part-time enrollment. But remember, interest accrues even while payment is deferred.

What happens if I lose my job?

In the event of unemployment, borrowers can contact the Department of Education to request forbearance on the loan. If you are permitted to enter forbearance, you won’t have to make monthly payments for up to three years. However, interest still accrue during forbearance, so your debt will likely increase by pausing payments.

Pros and Cons of Parent PLUS

Pros of a PLUS loan

Parent PLUS loans are federal loans, which means they enjoy most benefits that come with federal loans. For one thing, interest rates are fixed for the life of the loan, so your interest rate will not change or go up from the time your loan is first disbursed. Under certain circumstances, federal loans may be forgiven, cancelled, or discharged.

Cons of a PLUS loan

If federal loans are taken out in the parents’ name(s), the parents assume total financial responsibility for the loan—they cannot transfer responsibility for paying off the Parent PLUS loan back to their child. As parents near retirement and their child becomes capable of paying back his or her loans, it might make more sense to refinance their Parent PLUS loan and transfer the debt into the child’s name.

Are Parent PLUS loans holding you back? Check out SoFi’s Parent PLUS loan refinancing!

Notice: SoFi refinance loans are private loans and do not have the same repayment options that the federal loan program offers such as Income Based Repayment or Income Contingent Repayment or PAYE. SoFi always recommends that you consult a qualified financial advisor to discuss what is best for your unique situation.
Disclaimer: Many factors affect your credit scores and the interest rates you may receive. SoFi is not a Credit Repair Organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. SoFi does not provide “credit repair” services or advice or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. For details, see the FTC’s website on credit .
The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

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Transitioning from the Public Sector to Private Practice

If you’re an attorney and considering or planning on moving from the public to private sector, you’ve surely got a head full of questions about what the transition means for your career, your personal life, and your financial life.

There are plenty of good reasons for moving from nonprofit to private sector. One of the most common is to earn more money and progress a career in a way that is not possible at a public sector job. Even with better salary prospects and upward mobility, such a move can feel incredibly daunting. Any lawyer who used to work in the public sector may face challenges during this transition.

If you’re making the switch, it can be helpful to understand some key differences between the two work environments to make a successful transition. This can include such factors as the nature of the work and workplaces and what’s expected of employees. Here, we’ll discuss a few new ways to view the roles so that you’re able to maximize your success both before and after your transition, along with tips on how to find success in your new role.

Differences in Working Public Sector vs. Private Practice

Understanding how private practices operate in comparison to a job in the public sector will help you know how to be successful within each system. Navigating a job in both sectors requires understanding the underlying organization and motivation.

A lawyer in the public sector, for example, working as a public defender or for a public interest organization, is generally tasked with their own cases very early on in their career. Working in the public sector can give lawyers some incredible experience when they’re in the beginning stages of their career.

That said, you’d likely only want to move to a private practice with a role as counsel or even partner (at a boutique firm, for example); otherwise, you may be given work that can feel more administrative.

The difference between for-profit and nonprofit work lies greatly in the motivation of the two. At a private practice, the primary goal is to generate profits via clients, who are at the nexus of any private business. For a person working at a private practice, that could mean spending significantly more time doing such tasks as networking and the acquisition of new business.

Bringing in new money is often a core responsibility for younger lawyers without established clientele at a private practice. This is generally not the case in the public sector, where there is no shortage of work—and, as it often goes, a lack of resources to match.

In moving from nonprofit to private sector, it would behoove you to brush up on your networking skills and beef up your LinkedIn profile. You may be asked to wine and dine potential new clients, and your long-term success will at least somewhat depend on your ability to leverage the networks you’ve created over the course of your life and career.

Networking isn’t just important externally, though, it’s also important internally. Whether you’ll be given desirable work, be passed along clients from other (retiring) lawyers or be considered for promotions will be dependent not only on the quality of your work, but also your involvement in the firm on both a professional and personal level.

Be sure to join your local bar association and an internal group or two, such as leadership panel, a women’s group, or take a side (read: non-billable) role as an unofficial event planner. At a private practice, the extra effort will be noted and rewarded.

Benefits of Private Practice Over Public Sector

It’s not exactly a secret that many people will move from the public sector to the private sector to pursue an opportunity to earn more money. Oftentimes, career growth can feel stagnated in a public sector job as there aren’t always defined ladders to climb like there are within a private practice. Career progression means gaining tenure, as opposed to making big jumps up through job titles and pay scales.

Within the profession of law, there is a significant difference between the salaries of those working in the public and private sectors. According to the National Association of Legal Professionals, the starting salary for public defenders is $58,300 and is $48,000 for those working in civil legal services.

Comparatively, some private law firms in big cities such as New York and Los Angeles are paying their entry-level attorneys $180,000, which as the NAPL observes “is beyond what even the most experienced attorneys can reasonably expect at a public interest organization.”

Handling Student Loans in the Public Sector vs. Private Practice

There are other financial considerations when switching from the public to the private sector, especially for those in the process of paying back federal student loans.

Many people take jobs in the public sector because they’ll qualify for student loan forgiveness after 120 qualifying on-time payments (usually about 10 years) through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. A switch to the private sector before making 120 qualifying payments could mean a delay in progress on payments you’ve made towards the program.

Conversely, because moving to a private sector job usually means a higher salary, especially in the legal field, having a higher consistent salary provides its own unique benefits aside from the obvious—more money to spend and enjoy. For one, making student loan payments and paying out of pocket for benefits like health care take a smaller representative proportion of take-home pay, making the bills feel less burdensome overall.

Additionally, a higher salary means that you may qualify to refinance your student loans to a lower rate of interest, saving you money over the life of your student loans. (Of course, a higher salary is just one qualifying factor of refinancing—it will also help if you have a good credit score and credit history.)

Refinancing student loans is the process of swapping out any old loans—private or federal—for a new loan, ideally with a better rate of interest. You can refinance through a bank or other financial services provider.

It could be the perfect time to refinance if you’re making a switch to a position with a higher salary in the private sector, as salary is one important factor when being considered for student loan refinancing.

Ready to see if refinancing your student loans could save you money on your monthly payments? Learn more today!

Notice: SoFi refinance loans are private loans and do not have the same repayment options that the federal loan program offers such as Income Based Repayment or Income Contingent Repayment or PAYE. SoFi always recommends that you consult a qualified financial advisor to discuss what is best for your unique situation.
The information and analysis provided through hyperlinks to third party websites, while believed to be accurate, cannot be guaranteed by SoFi. Links are provided for informational purposes and should not be viewed as an endorsement.

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