“3 Types of Credit”

2580 Search Results

2580 Search Results

A Guide To Student Loan Amortization

A Guide To Student Loan Amortization


Ever have a friend complain about how the payments they’re making towards their loans aren’t actually going to pay off…well, the freakin’ loans? Your friend is onto something. At the beginning stages of a loan, a big proportion of the loan payments that a borrower makes are applied towards the loan’s interest as opposed to […]

Applying to Scholarships in Grad School

Applying to Scholarships in Grad School


Back to school, and back into student loan debt? Not so fast. Pursuing a graduate degree can have an excellent return on investment and enrich your educational experience, but it doesn’t necessarily have to send you into a student loan debt spiral. Getting money for graduate school doesn’t have to be as challenging as getting […]

Which Student Loan Should You Pay Off First?

Which Student Loan Should You Pay Off First?


As a nation Americans are facing more student loan debt than ever before; the total debt is now around $1.5 trillion . According to the Pew Research Center , about four in 10 American adults hold student loans. While the amount each individual holds varies greatly, on average those graduating from a four-year college have […]

Can You Serve in the Peace Corps With Student Loans?

Can You Serve in the Peace Corps With Student Loans?


Joining the Peace Corps after college or grad school is a noble way to start your career. Volunteers in the government program deploy to more than 60 countries around the world for two-year stints of public service. That can mean anything from teaching secondary school, to working with farmers, to promoting health awareness. If you’re […]

Finding Grants to Help Pay Off Student Loans

Finding Grants to Help Pay Off Student Loans


College students are graduating with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt, which can make it difficult to make monthly student loan payments, let alone get by financially each month. For those looking to get some help, the federal government offers some potential options, including income-driven repayment plans and the Public Service Loan […]

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