“3 Types of Credit”

2580 Search Results

2580 Search Results

Is Your Student Loan Interest Rate Too High?

Is Your Student Loan Interest Rate Too High?


A lot of things keep us up at night. Finances. Dealing with family during the holidays. Finances. An awkward interaction with a coworker. Finances. An argument with a partner. Finances. You get it. Specifically, student loan interest rates could be causing your finance-related insomnia. But what is a high student loan interest rate, and how […]

Qualifying for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

Qualifying for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program


As a college graduate, getting started in your career and planning for your financial future should be top priorities. For 44 million college graduates , part of this includes repaying student loans. The average college student graduates with approximately $37,172 in student loan debt. Repaying student loans can cost a substantial amount of money when […]

Could Adoption Loans Help Grow Our Family?

Could Adoption Loans Help Grow Our Family?


Preparing for a new child is an exciting—and daunting—prospect. This can be doubly true when you are planning on growing your family through adoption. Adoptions costs can be remarkably high, but planning ahead can help minimize the stress during this life-changing process. The Cost to Adopt According to the most recent data from Adoptive Families […]

When Will My Student Loans Be Paid Off?

When Will My Student Loans Be Paid Off?


About 65% of college graduates in 2017 owed an average of $28,650, according to The Institute for College Access and Success . Owing nearly $30,000 can seem overwhelming, and you might wonder how long it will take to pay off that loan, and whether paying it off will prevent you from reaching other financial milestones, […]

How to Handle Federal Student Loan Rate Hikes

How to Handle Federal Student Loan Rate Hikes


Millions of students across the U.S. take out student loans every year as a way to finance their college education. Student loan debt in America is at an all-time high, reaching nearly $1.5 trillion in 2018. About 70% of college students graduated in 2017 with student loan debt that was expected to average $38,000 . […]

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