“Holiday Credit Card”

148 Search Results

148 Search Results

Electronic Check (E-Check): What It Is and How It Works

Electronic Check (E-Check): What It Is and How It Works


An electronic check, or eCheck, is an electronic version of a paper check. Instead of writing out a check and handing (or mailing) it to the recipient, you enter your banking information and the payment amount online and authorize a transfer of funds from your bank account to the payee’s bank account. Electronic checks are […]

Understanding Sinking Funds

Understanding Sinking Funds


It may sound like a negative thing, but a sinking fund is money that’s saved toward a specific goal. Governments and businesses can use sinking funds to hold reserve cash to fund future expenses, but this kind of account also has a place in personal finance as you build wealth and achieve goals. What sinking […]

Guide to Christmas Club Accounts

Guide to Christmas Club Accounts


Are you toying with the idea of opening a Christmas Club account? It may sound like a retro idea, but a Christmas Club (or Holiday Club account) is simply a short-term savings fund that can help you plan for and manage the annual spending blizzard. The strategy can be smart, since during the most recent […]

The Most Important Components of a Successful Budget

The Most Important Components of a Successful Budget


Financial gurus, your money-savvy friend, and personal finance books and articles all say the same thing: You need a budget. Why? Because without any guardrails to guide your spending decisions, you can end up overspending (and, in turn, running up debt). You may also find it difficult to reach important financial goals, such as building […]

33 Ways to Save Money

How to Save Money: 33 Easy Ways


You likely agree that saving money is a good idea. Putting extra cash aside every month can help you reach your financial goals, whether that’s building an emergency fund, going on vacation, or putting a down payment on a car or home. But wanting to save money and actually doing it are two very different […]

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