“Rental Cars No Credit Card Needed”

11 Search Results

11 Search Results

How to Save on Spring Break Travel

How to Save on Spring Break Travel


Your mind and body may be ready for a sunny beachside spring break in Cancun, but if you’re living that broke college kid life, you may imagine your spring break looking more like a week at home, scrolling through Instagram and binging Netflix. However, it is possible to plan a spring break trip on a […]

Extended Car Warranties: Are They Worth It?

Extended Car Warranties: Are They Worth It?


If you’re buying a new car or a used one, you will likely face the decision of whether or not to purchase an extended warranty.An extended warranty typically covers the cost of certain repairs after the manufacturer’s standard warranty (which usually lasts three years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first) expires. These policies can help […]

Calculating If It’s Cheaper To Drive Or Fly Somewhere

Calculating If It’s Cheaper To Drive Or Fly Somewhere


Maybe you are heading up the California coast to visit Yosemite, or perhaps there’s a wedding coming up at a small town in the Midwest that you definitely can’t miss. You may be stymied about whether it makes more sense to drive to your destination or fly and which is kinder on your wallet. There […]

Budgeting on a Fellowship Doctor Salary

Budgeting on a Fellowship Doctor Salary


A medical fellowship after residency can provide the training you need for a successful career in your preferred specialty. But it also probably means you’ll make far less for a period of one to three years. Do you get paid during a fellowship? Yes, you do. Medical fellows earn an average salary of $89,175 per […]

When Is the Best Time to Book Fall Travel?

When Is the Best Time to Book Fall Travel?


While you might think that summer is the most popular time to travel, fall travel is also primetime for many people to hop a flight, get behind the wheel, or otherwise head off on an adventure. After all, not everyone is tied to school schedules that dictate spring break and summer vacations. People looking for […]

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