“What Is Annual Income Mean”

1082 Search Results

1082 Search Results

Should I Spend My Year End Bonus?

Should I Spend My Year End Bonus?


Do you receive a year-end bonus? Lucky you! While you may be tempted to go on a shopping spree or take your gang out to a great dinner, hold on a second. Yes, you can use some for fun, but you might also want to put some of a year-end bonus toward your financial goals.Smart […]

Getting Through Financial Hardship

Getting Through Financial Hardship


Many people hit a period of financial hardship at some point in their lives. Maybe there’s a medical emergency and big bills, a job layoff, or a family member in serious need: These and other scenarios can put your money management in a precarious position. Approximately 70% of Americans report feeling stressed about money, according […]

How to Find the Best Investment Advisor for You

How to Find the Best Investment Advisor for You


Investment advisors help investors figure out their goals, create financial plans, and put those plans into action. There are a lot of them out there, too, meaning that finding the right professional for you or your family may seem daunting. But finding the best investment advisor for you can be a fairly painless process. You’ll […]

Is Employer Life Insurance Enough?

Is Employer Life Insurance Enough?


Many jobs come with a benefits package on top of paid wages or salary — things like, health insurance, dental insurance, and 401(k) retirement accounts. Employer life insurance may also be included in a benefits package to give an employee’s beneficiaries some added financial security in the event of their death. According to the U.S. […]

How Long Should I Hold On to Financial Documents?

How Long Should I Hold On to Financial Documents?


Often, there are two camps of people when it comes to wrangling financial documents: Some keep everything, every ATM receipt, every bank statement, sometimes in a drawer or box with little to no organizing principle. Others throw away (hopefully after shredding) just about everything that arrives in the mail.The best approach is likely somewhere in […]

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