Student Loan Help Center

Looking for student loan help?

We’ve put together a page completely dedicated to helping you understand, navigate, and manage your student loans. From scholarship search tools to calculators, our tools and resources will help answer all of your burning student loan questions.

Student loan Terminology

If you’re a student loan borrower, you’ve probably noticed that your loans have a language all their own. Getting a grasp on student loan terms like interest rate vs. APR, subsidized vs. unsubsidized loans, and fixed vs. variable interest rates can help you make more informed, confident decisions.

Use these articles and resources to gain a better understanding of what some common student loan terminology means.

What you need to know about student loans, grants, and scholarships.

Depending on where your school is, you have different options when it comes to getting the money you need to pay for school. Here are some resources to help.

Select your state to get started:

Tools to help navigate student debt.

Try these different tools to calculate your savings, estimate your payoff date, and more.

Student Loan Payoff Calculator

Use this calculator to get an idea of when your student loan payoff date will be—and how to make that date come even sooner.

Go to Calculator

Student Loan Debt Navigator

Understanding how to manage your student debt can be complicated. Use this tool to learn about repayment options that work for you.

Go to Navigator

Student Loan Savings Calculator

Add in your current student loan information, and we'll calculate your estimated savings—both monthly and over the lifetime of your loan.

Go to Calculator

Graduate School Debt Help

Looking for degree-specific articles and resources? This section is for you.


Refinancing is a great solution for working graduates who have high-interest, unsubsidized Direct Loans, Graduate PLUS loans, and/or private loans. Federal loans do carry some special benefits, for example, public service forgiveness and economic hardship programs, that may not be accessible to you after you refinance. Check out this blog post that provides more information: When to Consolidate Federal and Private Loans by Refinancing. Or, call us for a free consultation about your particular situation.
Fixed rate loans are loans that have an interest rate that does not change over the life of a loan, which means you pay the same amount each month. Variable rate loans are loans that have an interest rate that will fluctuate over time in line with prevailing interest rates. Learn more here

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