Making payments on your student loans can seem endless. And with high interest rates, the day you finally pay off your debt might be farther away than you think. Use this calculator to get an idea of when your loan payoff date will be—and ways to make that date not so far away afterall.
A shorter term can help you get out of debt and on with your life even sooner than you thought.
SoFi’s fixed rates start at 3.99% APR, and variable rates start at 5.99% APR when you enroll in AutoPay.1
Get pre-qualified online in just two minutes. Then, select your rate and term, verify your info, and sign.
No application or origination fees. No pre-payment penalties.
With shorter loan terms, you might be able to refinance at a lower interest rate—and pay back your student debt a lot faster.
SoFi, along with many other student loan servicers, will give you a lower rate on your loan when you set up autopay. This is also a great way to make sure you never miss a payment.
There's a new ally in student debt repayment: your employer. Companies today may offer employee benefits that include matching student loan contributions and refinancing options, to help you can get out of debt-faster.
By paying more than the minimum payment towards your principal each month, you can get ahead on your payment schedule and lower the total amount of interest accrued on your loan.